m COL EBE BURSAR FIRED AFTER 30 YEARS H Y. Singer p, pvjea TiUT.R’ ci'r :■«■<•' vir; \OISK I IIV (O' tr « N’C'C M* sK 1-. i ... l.v. , hfdasfii avera i- s-_ '?v[\ Snrfir ?ii j Oanil Vrs>i«< *•■< i of !h< <. it i - the I'M lit; 11l ipt | 1,1 /.* , l!tj fill-* iolO I(♦ . ! |!, r -e J lej-r. m l tt,i; Hanoi * 0 Ir- i din nr, :Ia |; -■,! in fli, 11 ifi |ng li al| Vk i d:n , y | In- «b arrvunrr u.e, in r«ii»'rtlo*i «Uli annual i ini i Woman howl Wfrl: PVi lit and nu t: ;rs of (Ilf rollpfip's ’/a t i chapter and Si' n. m.i frat, chapter ufti ;i monir guests ;it the cermonv irregularities Found in Office; Webster Out '«P» HU (,' i t\ftl;? l M \ N ( • *! : ri,' > < v-,.: [PI has ! r. ■ i: «.i:io-! ' '< /.'•"li! lie. ! It \ .• jJ T. r,ili. .■ ... .. .Hi.. ,- h i- n‘ ltd . ' t"I j i,: t i t ht'lil. I, Ctll, \».l t}> ' I ' , „•) . Veitin;: *■ • i < solly f*.. t rn< "t I . • 1 : .1 f; -... . th,- i. -• •! .• ‘i: f | of fiC» i ■ /.f ■ifr> i 1. fail-, r. ,■ ■: w. ■ . t,, • * tiv ■' < I 1 , ' . , . th‘ o'l. ■' . ; tol>! • !■..!, . , i»V Oi VC < OTTI lol'.'t:’ n; *! V Pop; .. !r • 1 pt, f.i v ass • ■ no I'i'hr ,r-, y,:\ fi:ul rli - ■,i- . C -V* !' ■•<', i o sat' a ‘ fISO f .’l l ;*’■ T!i< ;i<• 1 1 ? n '.<■v lat .'II < :■ nov r '-Uio . t:>*» ar.n •.1 audit of 1 ri) !#■ - ’ " >1- 'l,l ! il; " •'! ilf [tie iwsath-if o' 1 .'■ '•'i.nmH.'co which ; bad iti ;i" tii-i . • h.-rh’s Him ( h ''.'n :in',ro, N. C, chair man of Iho '•'>!!o;.re'*Uv '■ < »• Y< :|i replace u 'in . ■■■• if.-'- i t)i (O' ti V'v ■ ; nl >• ’•'■>. :l i < ■: • f . ; l it, ' . ... I week Say White Farmer Tried To Rape Tenant’s Wife M 1 :(/r :t o! I f /, ;,o t i V :-<••• j;*■ ir>:, r - t r Jhv\ . iVo’it: J:. fin, r i, ir:-: o: }, fi':r;j Ent the ! » f '’or?* r *M.i» G •> § ip ? i * > Is 4 , \\jf a i; ril S\ \!i IJDS I! si !t WI-; I. •iv; r, :r f ':• h. :,j •31 tsi-l I w.id-i.l mi! i,; ; .i |t ; i«;■* : 'V i ; »'j: .hi •' Hi* «' ‘ tjj] | r jt.Jlh.-. ' : v • ' f m N j ' julr ?;* <*:• r-I;t'f i • ‘ ■ ’ '.'H : 1 l.io ' ir-.0, if * o'ii ~?•<•, ti,,- ?r ,|V)i of ~, -iinbi i-.mt p 'f “’al «ln rl "it! D'-fiiit;. i .i i Hondi'n: aUrtitiutfd Iho ;hiic* . !., the f.iet that Shnw had a :-ti iho i| •i k . ! whieh vvc.i!;on- 'i ins ro<:11a 1 ’m rl it.;- ... a tt* *v nf s finder the *i* v s Kor «*f TT. I. Wrtrii • I l ' n* »*, < .MiilJfo? If j the ‘ t f J U *!! ' M ;I Ur < »»M fOf Ho J) 1,1 I'Vff r. V/' \ ,> 1:■ 11 r.• of 1 I>< . K^'i i ■»< v. ’V-;*. r iipioyf'd i iif o,i Junr r'-. \:vz;i y* i *■'/ h - I.; r-.r, . . ihr pf>SJ tVO 11 Ilf’ ! f nntinurd On U 0 ix&ir Hmgf. . 'S ; N. V. W£HSTKR h 0,..! • it?: rails f.illim ~f pimii y.('(‘ r vhii •i if ) I !,;• s;i, yr ■ m 1 ~ . > i. \wv i. ;■ ; CIVIL RitiHTS CONGRESS NIXED SmTORNET | I.svJor W;u!is No Vh| I roui (#roii|> S;>ml i o In- Pro-( oiismsmisl Kv rl\ UOJ IOWAY • * l’-li 1. Taylor,; . 1 I ‘■ i« (, ;vil n i'i* nMorncv j - '■ ' ‘Ci t';• •<;?.i ‘•CTff.Tv'd i unmum: l-front «»i ..vnizn-j 1 in .. n 1 *>f-'.i ; . ftilrd f: lit tn ;v - 1 <■>* (. -i;: nif’H doomed ’ 1 ' ■ : n Irf rai e»T,m»o t a off ( } vs ! < fmUiturd ( n J• i<• •• l ij>h«) —i -min in mwm WE XT WEEKI Read j Haw Heidt Fights Bias j /V f..rlr}>rify vs, Jimcrow Resuß: Wake Bond Vote , What Negroes Gained, Lost i ‘ IN THE CAROLINIAN TA YLOR NIXES BID Ell QM ALLEGED “RED FRONT” GROUP Lawyer for 4 Doomed Men Refuses Aid From “Reds’' THE CAROLINIAN ]H CiVi-qUCl*^ VOL. XI f RALEIGH, NORTH. CAROLINA Wi- hi, i-NiM'.C . MtdUlA'V, EKBIU'ARY 28, IP 53 NO. 14 N. C. Preacher Hangs Self In South Carolina Jail Cell GETS ROLE IN CODING iOVIE ,r;i i \ c.;ol(d*i!ro . , \V .. n,ur<.'t I’! J i M '• ..is .... Take the High ! ( • -hirh Richard V, idioask *>ifl of .in! oldlerr llc •!. r;." hi. assignment j ■’ate- MM I liITT.S HFI.lt FOR WRECK VICTIM I RAf.Ftr ;r f i** vor'vu*> ' |‘ 1 I u..t »• />. I'crr.v of War.hinr- i ton T-acf who died Thiinaiay, ! u, an a .itomobiip accident were; ynr! "t :: At. ism rnr.fy \ vVa :! n '1: a", r a I I baleio Teachers f ollr gc. has beet' '••clecked ( o play hi - violin on the : ! Horace t(e;dt show, Tt;e A rc rj■■ ■nn ,Vav." 1? 10 p.m Tlutr: day j over 1 CHS in ■ oa.' ore'.inating ■ ; from Raleigh Wairoft, ui-.0..e hometown j'.-' ; Boston. on a fit t priro of I iast Sii Pil'd i v night in 'he Horace' j Hrirlt t .ih ei ('o.npetit.on at At ; lan H'rh . ."bool The Mcldt .ho *■ "a •"■ :f„c. a ‘ p' .1 > * school 1 •**** 'PI -' ! •d a fin on N< .0 1 attendance at, ; Reynold'' Auditorhiin where t-hej j h'"v war-, playing. Vi Icott definitely will appeal i • itb the iieidt troupe when it j p,a;s -if Ralej ’h'.; Reynold’s Coli- i i ,enm Thursday, however. Mi: - G'vendol'-n Smith, roprano, ; •iamfhtcr of Mr and Mrs. I-eon i Tniith, 7'U Maple Street, won the j other SSO first, prize. She is a pm- ; • ior Atkin.- Hi ah School. The second pri/.e of SBS went lo Mis Lillie Jones, soprano, of. L:;r! 'irn, 1 Indent at Winston-: iniern Teachers College Heidi called Walcott back-stage j ;fl "i the show and offered him ‘he chance to appear on the na- I donwide network. Jlc referred to 1 the :ti.ident as “a great artist,” mmmmnmmmmmmmmmmnmmrd General’s Wife Visits ” A eOl 'n. *... .*• i. AvtunfL, :-.rn|th. x - a;. !»>’ Mrv Muk CCaiK * ifr. r r 'I}Wn itificr of A i:H v ri» ;* n jorc t'-i in the V’»r I :tst h« st «v 21 tL»' \rm.v llin 'lVikjo, Jrip.Mi, Pvt, 8?dU!l a formal f.tr*p!<>; r>- «»f « W‘?ls*od Noted Liberal To Speak At Y Membership Meet RAI EJfiH. '1 C Or Edwin ; VTefy. ill I ••.'"at. : atioiuill.v known minister and pastor of Pullen Me i umnal Pant;;' CJlurch tin:, city will deliver the addr* ~ aj the j Blood wordi Stie- t, YMCA An.nt'ia Membership dinnet meeting ~ ‘ he "n 11 id ..', Mai ■ h r at j 1:00 i m He ''ill be pt c,cited hv [ President W R Stras-.-nei of Shaw ; ITriivenity C A Haywood chap..; j man of the YMCA Board of Man-! j age-men! "ill pr .;.|e 1 r j ‘of ■■ »(. is i 1 an otitstanding liberal thinker and j ipoakei and an overflow "'inwyj ; expected to hear him Other features of the program: '•ill include the Annu.ii Report jby K. I, liaiford, e\'"cutive of the Association; the invocation by! Rev. 1.. \T. Thompson, president of : the Ministerial Alliance and the In Huge Exercise Taking part in the highly-' technical Exercise Snow Storm at Camp Drum. N. y. as mem bers of the 83nd Airborne Di vision fr cm Fort Brag?, NC are Pvt. Willie Wertz and Ffo. Mur ry McNeill. Pro. McNeill is a native of Fayetteville, while lift '1 , ~1 t lit 1 .: . flT.fl ' 1 rived in (lie 1 ir i,e t ill Janu ary of Mil. year. 1 tie hospital nr m hieh lie 1 cooi’ined is tll& In’ s‘ • and beat ei|uipi»ed in the tai Last fnt Army Force'. 1 : . nediction by Dr. O S Bullock, , p. tor of too First Baptist. Church eud one of the founder, of the V" Special iiiusie for the occa f Continued On CM y t !■ f ight) wi ithiMi , i:\ps n BI.OOIIV FIGHT I.tT'RHAM V/iiiie Roberts Jr. jof ltd Heii, yt '’eeided to cele- Ft'.at his !dir.•; .Saturday after noon v]''n a drinking party Satur -1 nay night. Trouble arose when his drinking partner "was drinking more than 1 was,” and Willi" went to the hospital to have five at it cl ess taken Tie didn't, want to ,srosei use, hnwev»i, for the drink ing partner v his wife of a few 1 hours. v ' • 4%. ! Pvt. Wertz hails I'.om Winston- i | Salem. McNeill, son of M.. C. I McNeill of Fayetteville, has been j in the Army since 1949, Wertz, ' whose parents live at 500 Cleve | land Avenue, Winston-Salem. en tered the Armed Forces In IDSL. MINISTER HANGS SELF IN JAIU wr Pi rarliri Jailed In Connection With Forgery; Is Vic Jim SPARTA NBSJBG, R C i iho local jari fco been identified •• •: i residen! of Hi-.ih Point, N. C. ; Arrorditur tn lot'll poll to of ficials. the flfo * r. Sanders, whose home address is listed as High Point is dead as the result of "acts of his own hand" whirl* took place Mon : day night. Polii’f report that :> man who ; shared a cell with Rev. Mr. San-: i dei found the latter si i tin it no ' !nr •riri-. of a bun>< mob Tuesda> • adjoining bunk, tied it around his neeh and liven i*>fked himself ! downward upon a lower hunk. f?ev. Mr. Sanders had hern arrested brrr for investigation of forger y charges. police say. The body had not been claimed Lit r.VROJ.K-MAN pi i '.no-- and i effort v: to locate tin of the •■ ■ •.:.. to in H'.. Pint had not pm-yen I successful •» that time. CREDIT ONION OFFICIAL SEEKS ELECTIVE POST ft ASTON IA The local city election took on added interest ■ ! this week with the announcement | from Nathaniel Barber, prominent ; Negro leader, that h<* Is uerun* Into the race Mr. Barber will be a candidate, ■: tn the April 27 primary and tlv May 5 election, for a seat, on tho ' | city board. 1 I He who will run as an indepen dent, and as a supporter of the i ward system, lias the unanimous I support of the Interdenomination al Ministerial Alliance Mr Barber, the secretary-ivao j nrer of Excelsior Credit Union o< I Gaston county, said: "So many of my friends bosh white. and Negro, have approached jme )n (he last 20 days to run for the city council, that. 1 have de rided to make the race despite rnv already heavy schedule, , “i have given the mat?*" j thoughtful consideration, taking; into account tho fact that the fast of a public servant ir, by r.o i j means an easy one. My decision j j ; with other allied agencies of the [ city to invite and entice other di- j versified industries to Gastonia \ (Continued On Rage Eight) NU&u muni j . T J m- 1 •• vr T! ;t|Ky. - A:' s ;m ■: ' , ?* > .70 \. V '|| 1 p|p .#*• -/s•■■■■ •.rt'jj s ; 5 I Oil CAMj A ; s s. 11 UAHiICII si SIOOI. 1 j - —— --- L,, 1 ■ rnposed of ( Ijan- . B,:ikr-! and JI siJ ;u , :> ; inglon II: .n .- : -;,0l -p<- 1 •> m : •••? ,r ruptUr.- tier; ! w ci< .-,-n ol the Shi-" .Rune. h •■.uh-r, : died folio win. a ix• Mr. Baker, for .1. j ,«n .struct«r at the Beat i. school, \v,i., bead ugvii u> ■. kr-thaU .- u.i ,i overall ni,• I |,i fij-f ii,, Forty ’ 1h",.-. ' . - -• i ih< time of !v dc..' n i•. la/, j Roach ih'ii er ■ ■ • ..nv y icput dion as •ride.*" > r,v i Ifniver riv .f • id- h h a t At tlv i■• d P " t »11. tit -If .!•« .t :- T 11 • ’ I j basket!.all and . .g : cOVi-ted I*.*tf"i;. ,»• rlt t»i. lle jowu'd Ric i" ' - - . ton Hi::h irliooj in Hill 1 ■ «« j • minjf-t'at'dy mtuio .« y..r,t» •;» % of football, i R be>'■•.>.mo <-a ’.ii ui, .' headvoach in ls» • am! ■■■< had. »: von*- 1- fently ’ :o-• rl ’ o-■<« -If , '■ 1 • I•! ng I,- '- I • , I . j Oirihi.ji Mi ticker held i. j Rip in e: • -'dural• ■- , snorts | , mi f!•)((-• nsrl grou i rmri e * i - i' c • .< 1 .* -: ■-- "C-.;a i helrl firm ' foil AJ'.lj ' hunch! , i here DS' -oO ) . f t'o r.er --ilh l !ie - -Hoi the I' ■■ 'I V nuha; t of j ficiatin,.: jf"t:< •al f -iio.'-eri uj Row ! local remote! v sContinue'! fill f‘-u;r if Rbß I' I KIM.FIL I 111 in . IN T Wl’-RN HKAWL - DUNN Thenn-,rt* Vv'dUams, 19-vear-old Harnett Count .- Tenth,, ; • I Maun Wllh "a- f 4. we s- w.-und* d j m a shootin: spree • d bravyb i - njrhf rifcd?' IBunnlc"l Wa. nit: fi. f■■ n o n « r Gr o i C 11m, f! o »i .4; rl J / i i • }yi a•; Vioston, Id year old op r -: 't/.a- of ■i juk-- joint "• ra l h-hu'i! f, is be.', ini; held in. the county ;-ol o’-valt on: a- *S.n b, *I ; r a in- • 1 c in Ma ret 5. H csaici Vision ho- admittijd. shooting which foil - ved an aigu* roent tns'de V'-o.'-kon'.-. pRu.» Ac» cording to v-Une;:.the aPgnj i 'rent *■ ■-!; pb.ie<- i'c ; ’e the piace j and the. slu oting look place but i side. | Wiiiie.;: c; toi i Coroner IT.'niter son and Dejmty iiff fCen Mate thews that the tv- - Williams t*r©* I thers walked Into the <'s(al>)fsbv ! rncnl together and shortly j wards the brawl broke out Vlnsc ten received knife wounds in thnf ; chest but they were not serious.