I Tbit WILLIAMu NAMtU UI i£tli Ur It All ~ Case Sorry It Snubbed Her i . - ' '■ 'v i V • AT t l f ■..■■’:■■ * v & ')&};< : ■ , w v $»a v •• v. - '-Is. i jflliSfe,-,.. '' 'A| i , , ..... ; • * - I * v - . ? ■ 4 ' ' f " r " V ” ,#. ' C: s ¥V*f :■■ ' .: ■ :-v ,- FlSillE 4 '‘V REV. CHARLES JONES SA VS b Exists In The tetvi M. MI S ‘ SU! S AIU> n a i r,u rii I.)o jif * t‘ . .!' > • ir l* ! ‘i hifhly nvj.tf ' A ■ •*•••:• «• '-'■ • ‘-• * *‘• of rf*!i *»c> - ft<•’• !• i m liv» •■ ' i; try fA: ?• • ■ a ri - •»- :• f • \ l ij' rnrii' ; *. C-; c- A Ch^Hr.. .!, ne ,n i • 4 ■ H Ho *f thr Pi n !'\ * Un P. !■■ »• >f i - Hill Ultimatum Presented in rn'in in .'i« vi.:.! i • • r msidnred !• ■ ■ ( and* d !. t . .. ! -i H.* ; phot ! .ysl''m bv tin - '*' ,1 *■ '■! n* ;n. !■ . ■ > ' !•' r.fr- r.f * , . ilp • n» ! : Widowed Mother Finds SI 001); j' ■■i wpllrt root Jtt'iO m bill.* V Vi*''' ■ d< f.t •* ‘ • ftr. Lr'li. ■■ ' 1M fjr. rvtvfild r.'i' r- 1 Sir: 1-} 'f t I i> i'll 1< • 1 onlr 1 ! 1 of th;=. r- '■ ; . : ' they win ty vr, • 1 1•' ;•■■ *■' kn .»• ) ua! if ■ 1 . Ml- i-.rf . ; T: .i -i ■ endowed • : 11» -i t ■;.! ;i... Jr.Vf* f • • * ; i * * t’crl; 'n ■ i tpr ! -id Monri.-- ■ i". F %. ns V 1 l; Hi !■ ' ’ VO k • f • :> for •' {■;.■,■'!y vith : i. :.-t j. lO" e r; f 1 ; i'." i-> f"• . - -irs Shr. v ;j i Iht mount of i)*!•"': f difr'ish’-'d !>. so ma:ij i ■■ !<• ’>• i-n h■ y hr. t UH - T's • 1 ■ f ’ ■ :i r Idcf;' ■ 1 .•* ! o ; tetfri ' ’’O il oy (ho tfVirrl.-, 'TO • 'JwiW *O-1 F-< i • 'Vr '•• f: ic- . was ron‘: ’ 1‘" .Cl i lisi ta> i 1 ft-" 1 o'! hpws;i r>r-r to let Mo ](■ 1- "f iirnrirrwn know j ihst b>> lion -i :■ 1 wn of whotn cii■ 'H f - a' i i i IVis J l l h'lsband d. d six month,- aiio She has cne dint;, liter ; te»ohi r *d f"donl and one 17-year- j old son soon to graduate high school. She . ccived SIOO for her honesty. “Wo paid her her reward but perhaps money doesn't mean ev (fsntinwd on Page Eight! < ntdir: <>! an pn r : •,?,• ; V t r.ivt? ;» ( Hi - • - i f-» • -i nhjrh ref t!:;r#l /v S ' f- ! • :• H f'» ' . r Hi: •. s.i n ,» me; *, • , ■- , v ! i)n i, * *\> .*? 10 i ' •■ • : ■■ •!'•■•■;? .!,)]’!•■ T i • >*'jrM** ■! on jn y f onri 2 FIRES CLAIM 5 THE CAROLINIAN | jjj> X /4tee4Zf l - |r, VOL. XII IJALKJGH, NORTH CAKOUXA V\ I- /IK !■: ‘■. 1)1 :•;■ • ; NLI iM>\V, AT A liL i! V, ! :r* '■ !• • NOC, ST, AUG’S, SMUH ANDWSIC (’I \ \ Cage Tourney Cels f nderuai On Tfuirsdav Al Nf.T. Dlir'AM l-'our of th*' • • ;!•! '!• ■■' t’i p.irtictpau- in • > 1 !" t{! ■■-;■:?e ■* ir.door ;r><>r! , ,>nt in •i : : i ip U><-\ <•'••••• ( !,; *ji in M'.rHi < irolin '. tin r ‘iff, H>:/ ■! ‘ } A '•. \a: -‘n‘on! ! . ..ft i!!ifi< -rn , f \, •: ,• TtL . ouiMh atitiiia) ol ♦ L•) : i' .' !:;.ii! f.-,; -i|' U1 tTi'* ;..tjn {; ’; kMdpvt rn’t ')•.■{ . : iogrrit-c .-•♦h-m- tir •-'« .nfore-t»rr ».- f«v».o;* • t‘n:cH ;if frie r* ililAo* .'i.-.tii ( <. f >if e ?»#?'•• mU j Mm * ar !f,in>s syh« t'» p.t. ii; ?}. iff- in tin i>a\ friMH \n s i ( a•'♦'fimy air ♦b< fi hf> -t I h;?.- ni Nf f oM>Kf h# *r f ih; ! ib' it , of Sr. A* iig'fiMinr'. Tot I • i ifri h; fh<* ** «uv of Ui: ton : ilrm Tra> brrv Oil }■ itnl thr f *oht i> it ;c! I % *-? ,1 t y ;(h l r»n *•« ,j< \ ( Inf lotM ’lbf ** ?lif to <•« *ty? prf *•• h#=,H> ; : i !■ ,r ri: ; \ S' !• ifbarp f} ' ;.!>o /-,f ! • I i •; • i’’, • i;i} I oil i*o*l rt >L] i f \\ rre ~*' ■• i .1 » n.i rtlio; r f Ikr i ■ ,■> 11l ;;i;i 'll. N:.;rth v llli 1’ ! < il!,-.!•• MPtid.l i , i f *i > {(,. •)', f•! • v .thf‘ i >i;ll.ir■' nt ','li.ich nt tilt 1 ’ ver nymnr.ium '.’an p.m. • T bur-day •>.<•••• aon«onr»*d ar. CoU • (( fintiii’ird on pijr lour) Keren coach is ACCORDED HONOR BY MINERS P ?i. Williams I, I'on till Id f»rcn\r lou'UM \ I iociit If All fit < -trnlhiilri l<(f HVritri I'AM'.KIH fusr f‘i jrlav ' -■' if; : ato da Toiiplr |7? Ah,\o ,\obli‘- f \i, I, s„| ~s; >, end South Amcica. f.rld it fourth Annual Bannuet and Tvti 1 1 ton in I honorin.', The '>l caf School here, tirt affair w.s held In the conunocii 'us di 1 on;: room ft ;u institution! i arid wa> a.-Hoimed by one anft ■ ■-di as the most outrPoiciinA even* ; :if it.- ktnd. Noble F .1 ( .o-o.i.y , :>/• d-'sc*' <* serving a.s Mastei if Or»;mon*c« presided over the doin.-s of the evening. Illustrious Fotentute 1, . T Ik’laney. 33 d< -tree, welcomed : lilt guests on be bn If of the no 1 bility and introduced the other of , filters and committee chairmen of, Kabai 1 Temple, Noble D. H. KocU' led the nobles in ••in.cmg tlte ! Shrine Otic, • 7Vne .hr '.. .u-Jit ’’ The tnen be: of Kabul a 1 o"tt | No. 07, Laughters <>l b r-. were: special guests of Kabala Temple ■ lot this occasion. Officers ot Ka-I tala Court wore introduced to lh( | assemblage by Past Commandrcss. j Daughter. Vernel Lassiter. ; The history of the ' Citizen of the ' Vear'' award was given, by Past: ; Illustrious Potentate. H. L. Perry. | iS3 degree. Noble Perry pointed i (Continued on page Four) Noted Athletic Figure Honored SP«pf. vr ww " K ? f ' }*; , v-».• v -•"S' -* VS' , a 1 ’ * S s - s ...' j, SV >» „ I i ’rEi-f ■ fgji v\r :<> ~ . . •■■ ' ’ ► . -. v ■■ i .; -. «v |fP < ITM< X or THE YEAR EKE | \'| Vi Hi NnM, ( \ H»- mi. '! invn F.'.iUni:- prr .i'fi Hampton Stand On T rades /) raws Blasts From Editors .HAMPTON PREXY oils mm m TRADE TRAININS j; \ '.iv TON l‘V i '■ im i ;■-. s ■• \ . 0\ TV ACM C ■IM ,• is *?r I VI! i* !\ I ! rj> K fll if i. I ! I >\:( : : «•] ‘' (k* ’> i ;‘i : i 4 i ■ l ' ■ | in y>•■ :i )*•!<» r ,-,f ,j u i- ->i w>: j. 31-Id V -.-■:«(!. ■ «viM. 0,1 S’" I t , i r. 11 ■.. .'. •■ i i, r t ', ; u " i: • - ■ , ! : • i n ;!<:<■ 'l l - ~, • c.-i I Hi.nu'?f>n Kor si--.ii t - ■•n ■:<■..< ; * Ito 50! ; <- .i :■•,■;. .- i -’i , ,-■ is c-1 jjn im ■ rial »> f ■ and . dr.ovo ir i 1947 w ri'-i. -i onr facili«.’-s; j lor Us* !:sj:iin,': of itvU.-.fn d art- > ; vi»ftch< r< ami in JOT) wo Marled on j i .11 V.ils 1 s nI ■ ■ I-; ~ -::i. . h.-o he; I took fj!r , with I. - ro.nrn , jof the graduate of these sipior.— ; j courses would return for two atl-i j ditional ycwrs »;>d l.dtt a defov-ej ; Industrial arts r ir trade teach -; !«r education. Bcginnin;; in 193 ff-j iwe discontinued admissions to the; | three-year trade courses and es ■ ( entiuned on Page Eight) tatinn ••>! Citi/pn ni in, . . pn :? -1 l». V 'U't Hi)i> > ' t‘. . IJn, . ii i.u- ’.i.iini . ■ ii;:. £ '*T< y *■’ \ ; K i! > ihe rot! Hr.tiO!) f-t < :vrfHiMi*ivi f fitter.-, in r m-s dHc-' .Innii.H' / > .»t, tf* :•» 1 *1 . n) |'i (M/ntii * \ I; :«;vitrUj i;i (Hr f»:*cj* s S f -'- »o i * ;»•”?>! rH. tß.k ? M !n* «i» ?> ? *(« t> . 1 1 ml 11 *'*• f : l . oi 15: t* \ «-£f *•> i UlV' , .n’HJi h.» . <1 t -iff.} hf.id it if '< it- 'M *»M iJf l m i><» m < ■((!-•’ Imh «» *Hil fi » i- M f«l Mr pr« * i «•? H !.(()?>. Syr >1 ortm, iff *>v rjirtf «•' !'»)'. r * Ml j f «< f ' h. Hr x ft* rt g d rot u v f fnr fb » V H £ff ti.i t if>n tiy fnlV' ,t i)i Vlw*» t* ,f friU-pr-i - .- , k * < H-rr ir ; «>i 7 <■' k'ur! r• *» r hot Boy, Wants Job Back ■ri-.vn rc ,a ■ r. wiMt" IMn JHi: *I n 'H... - ' :Sf€kS:S2 I t] j ■;f J>l i rr-.-i : see page 7 Annual T> stimonial BiUiquH last Kr*: I’HOEO i S JUKI i V l ! . ;<■»! il! !J| i ilh ' * l.ti- Ilf JliKt, :fi > v "I Hit . . .irri.sppjf tO-iti iw.i i*. by tlie Caro Ut 1-1 ...1 [it t>. ’A jU< .it ! < .t|w>! )>\ i arniiniao -.lit i . lilt Hu h.nrf.t of V r > ' i -111 tit* o? Hlt» I intl t.t i-ttnliuii; ufaiof, Stm I'l'mipl ti fill r(t- t.i'jil.t .if 111' ! t i*! l iti H>;n;ilort. -i|. « lilt I - E t * It it I-ill , 1, (1 11 \-J, fit Mtit-m, -.' i*i [ no f, it[*'s and n.ttri |»»«»> f, to ’ft i -i in c* ■ K ptiMmii'd It- r : t (I, lot , )lh ()(,. ( .11(1 1 .1.: 11 . .• . t.l ihr ffi n —-11 -1 i * ■v-tiMlii ;o ] . *•<- *"m local Civil : CMio.l’t !<• r H (n nil job ■1! (r.< , ! . ..•fn-r>;i|Wi!t -Mass (•alt • -i> it fin-. to hoar' : himsolf in no -f.-s r for trial in ISi/pirior f/H.i’-t or; - V-ooi March 'll on ;i >; a; ,;;f •* , -.-t Uh a 1- . - i .-. .■ ith intent to kill i ><> - ' c..:-i(VGn youth | v rcritivvr. inflict - ■■ t . : !•(.<-, )■; O';;.' ! J .* ;,j off. -11,'.. at toe tjifit -jf -tV: Feb. 21 ’ -b'H'Ai'' and - ; vi fiiot he ."as en - r.:c,*ll-in. ’ , ht" •■• 'i' with ' ■ Mv*" >.>-n-a;:"d cltft-im when his ; gun went off. j i'a oiio the ohm m* lodccd a i .a-’.uist him, too pali nlinan. now j uicpandcd pending trial on the as i ynult ’-i.-i'-'V . insist* ti.at Simmons was tus friend and that, he "wouldn't have had it happen, tor anything.'’ (JsiMith Vr<* Victims As Suddrn ( old Wave Sweeps State ! 1 H Carolinian \<-ws Network HA! KiGJ* - A;; Kma Winter .' n )ie a belate.! vi-it t i North C.'a ! folnw l.x-1 .Or. it {(»•»• person:: tost . i./r. rill'!-!' ,' 0' !.. UPf ■ i itl ~ i'.;ri!'s in tire which consumed two | homes. Jour mrmh.f. of a single luiiiii sueeumbrd to injuries ••• '■» ofH>r.«n am! i 13-year-old yot ffi v. >h *!u fourth fire vi.e --(h-.i ip haj.K .ns* at Halifax in which tb»r> persons were injured it< : ■ tragedy were i;■ ; *:.\ ' h 11, and Cathe ■ !; i: .i : , ... r-j <* .lira in ' c . ;i!c.!; ‘ itb Mrs, K'iscm ; v.in**! fin i out Saturday j iiijjht 1 t !• . ,r. * by a faulty ! fjtio Jitti !:ilm: II! ipuning • ,!* adv. y. thror ■: f. edi ' ■ i! h , ; -h* ': •' • P;;«: d ff'Ts ; »’ , - * . L s : a.}, t> f idem. Tm i-j Vvif? ; 0 - -Ph ''Ural. T) * ftilhpr .-md an older son. . 4 nvr VT Ht sio'K-SON' J Tin (Trim R» n • y ! board; *'j ! > •■ ’ T Ma v il'iw* I oif i a •>*f ! f «-n• lev •• rS"' d•? y '•'. y t * r ' i i-ioon. r\ ■ noing th" T , < • tour ■ ,rt'»il .-hi l. dr on despite then moth i .. . fit';. ht; t' •rs i! J '^l l : V. o ‘he tea ■ - ■■: 1-. nod . pot. j. . ; vsm e :•!. Priscilla Anne. \ a p.j KdvVard. two ( f *ir»(J • >i> pjj **fi p' : i J‘ ? OUIT ,4wW-ju\ / m Ok%yi EOfTOR LABELS PREXYS OUTLINE *S UNSOLD’ t'AROM.NTAN tprroßS' A’u \i..y. tS of T*.*\BFiy rro* B.ut ‘\T i? vvrroN a., ff?■ hi:stf.*» tits MORON Forwarder! t<> Un> ediinrs of tin* Carolinian « r. (wo co fit-.s us ]t-Ifr*t f r-lin f‘' 1(1- ui Alon/n Aluron of Humplon ta ts fc trine to editorials appearing in Till: i tVR.OUN < t.N iv.«»s of January 2*l and Junniry 'll. Frcsiticof Moron's reasons f