Record lark Set By fiirl m c'”" X X '?■ -S *' . : IS& ~: ! c I £ ;He |#%§f - i .lie l'"H % I-," i | It rUf- ' \ ■■':■..? S- ic- ■■■ . slot- :-<■..a i I*;m*S i\ .' *' ' *.?:»;;■ ■ ilif s ?iV r . •'*?’: I !■;»<•! I!s r - , I•! r 'K '. V.Tilrj fi‘l WJt!! i I r 17 ' ••;'« I < • ! . : ~.!; ; i f t'M •(!•■ <y n ,- : < tin? ;\,y i;.\ i»; •i.j t - • ; i;i ;;;i: •fr■ ai! i'i ir r f ii - • I j; ; V- U r Ml*' l \ = . *‘<>f •. » 1:J , j< : }■»■ /• iml M ; rpr <;•*» •! J j? :i { ,» r -. ■•„■. ;; ; ■■/• J, , K(/i» ir- '• *!(.-. .. *•>» , t ifS ; ' r;- »>«, thv- ■s : !'; vr.n:^; ; a. • a it* tan- Sl'W-HUIF ' r*‘t; I;> %» v /j'; i h . .:?■■ nr‘ • inr , h i : ••}*•'< A» - >\v 'C : • /* • v\i? # • < e r t*ic >.!?>;>• r{ i r>. { :ir, •••1 « f}7 ;■ : . v ’ - , ... . *• i n ; ,. \r*:Z rtff*•! {.(» f •:,.•■ ,r ( ;n ! ; •i- . . f ; . . - f ’WI < |> ■,• « . : ~ . ~ ■ jii } } ; ' ■ ■i . ; * : ; ,; ■t , • . , •• ; ; U• r\ i?\ i -s xr, r ; r. ?; ! if; -i. Presentation Os Portrait Made At Library Mr i: nr: it rrum* ru* Spur for-.l Warmt Library at v. recently rereiv - <‘il an autographed photograph of Cm. oi the Ainj Donirliu MacArthui a<= a sift from Rem ington Hand, a firm es «'hich |Ur tallowing Mass interracial Session In Sex if. ME ARRESTED ON MORALS CHARGE THE CAROLINIAN \ ; Vi \ ( i'a,l (>£'Si'r ’ “ tL f GRTI.T CAFiOT.J V KNf ( \TI’RDAY, MARCH 21, 195 • NO. 17 •'Mr***? *W '-ry ■«?* " I^""*’'^® i" u l r'! avtixn ted In ri re S.\.- if rr & w w » y rrxt W • kv Ciai l hree Lives Foul play tig- Jl^ iff 111 Ts i iip § rsflrony nlii i 5 1 L • * : St ’ ?*' ''<‘ 'R*: irr, p-. i; Oi.':? : s.:»,»■ 111 .... *# >■> ■ 1,. , ;j», ? r«T* s ' <>( *'.» i«{ ’Ji in - , S’’. »' ? * ' ;; ■' •' 1•* : • t! i • i!IM' or; <••'•• * ‘-' f -',‘J i- hr-*:- i i I'H * h i ;*!«• ?»•• «» ’ 1 Ma*- a. is < 41# ;*fill Uvtt < 5U' Hs vi (m -..-is \ v > s rl?»» ;<hf> l (hr home. 1" *.S ' f t; r 't» f‘T v ‘>J! S f’ U‘t v (?! \!S , | ’i i , i f i) i > ir ' V.’;;<-y i b•/ -fja.-: px , , . j. i. 1 • 5 'i;-! l a -: V,; j t \: id " •' •• ' : ijvti-i ... ,-\'no--o. la' ij. i 1 - * ■ \Tt : V i i is «'h. inn.ui of the iurirti. ">7:i jj*r t i Turpin, manager < w •, it! nu.rh.ete oi> Rcra- Ington Karri, presented the pie- Hire to the local Jack and Jill Club •*. hlch in turn presented it ii< the li ►rary. Show u 1 rora Carolina to Korea ■•'tSSjfc ' T> " ■ ”*'• »->u C, mmcMSMw ; --v ■ \p IS: ' ■ . ;' '* ~. i 1 / ai v t:: fc‘ I ssft s-■ S w ’ ; <- " v • S; 8 . .»S '■ ■- , •:' A-*; ■■■. ' ‘X > fcx i "d ... ■■ i , ■; V . 'X; & •'.«'• '.V "M r'.-YXf'.-- ; j PiCjlj? ’ ■’¥-v : ; si f Jl C ax 1 • • : C f ?b“ ” 4>* MS; ff,v •n< - ? n* ia* > # * iC: ,’H » Sr ir- .m ?s <C. i ?' ;j in - • .!•; ; iih i ’.«-H Cm t A ,?‘*f ( G CaS-* Vv'fiH!- •;;!.} •. ia : S*, h* a.N --?;f f. t r :?r a-''• , in i :t>- N. C. CoJ!-3ge Prexy’s Wife ((J?* , )> /"I /-< * list un Guncer Ciroup • f.n'l.r:;*.* s'. f>iriu;»n, i?,!■, ; '•c 4 'fi fV ?: n , ' ,/ ? ril’i >• 1? y ■,r ( ?nJ• tf:d * r r?J j.l m- M).b' ; ; -J j • 5, Ob*- .. •• \ *- ilC!■: ■ 1 ivy t’l ■’ ' ■ ' d ■ S ‘ \r «' ' ;{] .Vp CL>>«''«<}. ’ • * *>o i t «-d *f • : L . y n her vk-«* to 1 * ‘‘ d'■ ' • • V, ay ; -i m • ,v ’ r • Vv ' ,,: V'*ty V •*:■*■* ill* ;n:i '» r ;!*:•- \i<- :>iui C0 r >tfifcSi* O? VO • ':! Oi j•; •• f t 1 : { ft* ■ Mrs. M .i.Md; 'r od, Vy •• - *■ •; ocr- l•!*'i;. v. ;: i dip Un bvoa <i--r .\»-ri - -•f'F'i. O-i,- Os! *: i ; if, ;Jj Os (I .vK ~ Eld<-,, i i: .t.v. of A!' i tiv ri ore: Turpin, Joseph VV. Cocdioe secretary, North Caro lina Mutual life insurance Com pany . Mrs. Ray Moore, librarian, 'Stamford L Warren library-; Mrs. Marion ,d Spa <? Idle:, Mrs. Olga vice president,. Jack ” C '-C; U- U* fort *il|f !‘!ii C-tt. . •■■:> .* irtfu \\ WtM t-t 1: *■ h - ; ra • >.<l fhr ai >;\\ flji '* •' ■ • i :i n<? pf.'ajS ?y jn{y> K<» ! • : M s iiii‘ - s(v.) *lho ..r to ‘■; ' t l «' i. s■; i liJii t in < tbn, UT.'}?, • 1 . ■ . i <••• 'U l , i yyci . .-hie ■•• i i ci Oi K:.i -i- in isni. iit the ■ 1 '• ,<• •• i t *x; ''Aid sima ‘ ■ • • ■■■. '-Ion? I'.onv rA 11 ' 1 ■ ; ;i s' :ii i ii y ■ -A- -di Alt, .i, l ;i • i; ~<y : M'l ell id i • • .ot .'it Hi. l ' i.JO •’> >■ I.. 1 ii liiui, for : ! ini! -• ii ''in-M? .A At .' ' ; 'in, ■ ' ■■ (nr t!i in, .■ x „ ■:loirin ■ f >■ ,<■ i.i- ■ !;i To * , (inji by ) ■ ■ [it'll;; (Sill ,l{>lo;nt Cm ..I t 1 !•> Jlt'i-S.V '1 i 0 1 “i'fii lor itir ojiportunHy 4 <i ■ !•'. • u ibis .saying '!!■■■ ini-In !<iii nf Negroes ori -o'. ‘ii'li is that of the A roc:'r-;tn (am I’r Soen-ts nMI no in more persona! interest no tVir ji >r t of Negroes' fiiroiighnut the stale r ,, lr ) jit enni.i-ilrite too ard strengthen ing "! Hu 1 jirof.ntm both fd<i <-:• tiiiiiatli and fiiuini • illy. ' uif. Jin J'lnli of America; Dr. Ruth 1 lowers, recording' sec re- Mr: Jack and liii cfnh, anil Mrs. * ! ei t y Ooodloe, corresponding secretary. Jack and Jill club. Not in the picture was Mrs. Mollis is i-ce, president of the Jack and Jills (ANT". SEARCH STARTED FOR SCHOOLGIRL; GONE SINGE FRI, ! KTM i:;<! Hi.-. ro- Hit Department is a-.king <» i'Wi'siii in its (.‘Torts |o jo. :> ! (’ll- o!(l local hii>'i M'honi ;.ir! who lias Ip (ii mi-, via-) ! I'mv her ho’Ttr (to (aip.. »«»•'«» •*!•< • * MIST la f : I :■! ,y null llitl {; -A P > ' r ■ V Irl > It i.i.rm it t| s br.-n sotnulpfl for %*. ,s !. >lll,l Hcdo *, tl, s raorb lidd of ’tji. Williams who lit rs at . -1 ( (; I ( to;: (> Street "be oif I. (lescrihi it as being fret til! • tor !t il> Infill (jin. ( olorrfi" a (ill wearing ,i r- 1! (In i hired jar Let when ias( irni t .art iy, She is believed to it ( > sotrp v. fieri io !!>;)■;. .tolif.sfon fountt . and rrs.l.-nts of that !•»•<-(or at - asked to report H> a;i;!i<>l it ics in tin ir vicinities with iftjiifsi-, to rout art the Xfalrijtli roller Department if thr :;i|l is seen. He Confuses Poison With Setts, Dies Y<*lrran Ifolriman Oh,- faking Poisoned Ra ; p:ti h r.-. 10 ... iy,, < 1 j >'i*r . t.v'sc ho! ! fl Til Raleigh p'nri f! so' CI)-< >t ) O'clock 4 l.'. 'i’te .iiiv afternoon for Wiiw C. ..tie... Vs .. .oj i lf>. ) VC., an i : 'i] 1 'i -V] >:. ia y 1 1 ! ‘ ff t 'I- > ll ; ’ pr,j .nned in 'si > ‘' I V.'l > in the . eibi tdiii. he , 'vs tak.ip;: medicine 1 > e I' V n : 1 f’tlliock, pastor K" >( H.-phst Church ronriuc ’ Die funeral advices and burial : dt ■ .'ff in Mount Hope Comelei v. trrnrding to Coroner >j \y. J'a-ftni u, < otton. who had been employed as a bellman at Ca rolina Hotel hero tor more lhao 20 years, drank a deadly poison insert powder in wa ter aft'T having gone onto the hark porch of the home he shared with hi.s sister at ;Ht! U. liavie Street tat take t dose of Salta. The poison obviously - as pi-need on f> die if in 11 a.’ bock-pur. h ikith ioom into which the victim had gone to lake hi:-; medicine, it .vus learned and in the dm i.r'it of (OMiMt!* O'-: P'f.i t,n;ih 1 Medic Seeks Goldsboro Board Post GOLDSBORO - Dr M F. Du- ’ 1 ! Ff:. etlo, Goldsboro physician, an-! ! nnrod this • eek haat he will; | > . ’ a Candida‘. a for the Goldsboro j g ’’ ard of Aldeim n. He was drafted Sunday by some ; j CC citizens at a meeting of United | | -rgani '.'itions. local Keg <> body. The 63-year-old physician is be-; *> ■ li'-ved' to be the first Negro to, | ;iun tor alderman here since soon! j alter the Civil War. A native of the British YYfcst Indies, he has been a resident <rf Goldsboro since 1911. He is a graduate of Howard Univer . sity in Washington, and is a j member of the Wayne Memo rial staff. He has x son who is a practicing physician in l 'oncorrt, ( Tornado Hits Wilson School FACES IN THE NEWS IF : Si: W® #•» ;' /f --||S -• ■=- ' ■ ii PF | ' V ' .? S. S} *t. snrrr!<!r\ if 1 irs rr <-i Utc >3<M t• } i-'i.i Viiljfh ;TM? I <M|i A••• oi l *lion, ’ r. ! mi, U dm! cu *?lh : . of the '>m«‘ t • ',i iff? cfiiily H» '• (M'ji HtO'.t* ;;o »<•. (;» wliicli I’M ir iilh’n '».i it VS •! i> |i r i n*' 1 1»;: 1 spi ; Jlk «r i*f (h» (Mjnr.iS ! VI *mf>r ?a! lk\y * !>t •*•(? hv Itilh Uh ht:? < hfipV’v ii Hiiirich’s SI. 'm ' rrji last ’y. Mr i O. f*att»'r'On, president f*l Tir>V.< yet- Irjstitolp h ity M*n fh r ' >■)' hjv from that po- i In ity rpi ttftirtj} ;i.s njm ( '<»r ft t flu i'hr-tp*, Sfohes fvrfi V P I, M.<"T y-j . il # 'V 1 & 4« Dr. William Stuart Nelson, j dean of Howard University, and former president of Shaw Uni- j v'rsity and Oil Said University, j wi?i !>»• principal speaker at the j .•kill annual observance of The©- ! logical Alumni Day Wednesday ‘ April 8 at Shaw University, Ra- ! Seigh. (STfjUV Ting ISSUE! j A (nmado wliich and hnuncod its way throui,h fia-.t. j ir n Xorllt r.irofiM i last . unday I 'tJ-rtl dainaur «l v'.iido.a (.. tin >• >•>' A'ich Fit inutita c v <chool at Wilsoji. Mane jthatu luffls how The STATE In BRIEF Non-Violence Urged cniurxsuono. Th< ..>.•>>) M-..1b l> .. ■ ■■ n, :.. |> .....I hr;- escape the lln'cn; of '.car b- ;.-t: i. <> .. c • f ii.:i:,:i as liOO-violence. <N f-(■■!■■<. ;!.,i f. 1 , <• -' I !■■.•! 11 1 ; ! ■ I ii- flf re! :■’( 'Tr! ari ■' ii ■■ i!i> ■- :;; : of • i > ... ■ ~ rb !••»!•.-tbalion ->f N>">. a ■ lie added <}>-,! if; /,.■ •■’>>- r‘>'ri at lleniii'ft Cui c >• recently •■i-'ni. r a: cinti.-rii .ir.H Inc Point “Wi are not ~c<-in r_> ppeple program cann-vt actiievo today." he declared We ar> a ;>■ n... Deltas Aid Library nk!?:,i •; The i*. ub a t tororhy’s 'Jnbbcu work’ h- Dibr.v. . >■,..■ n r- iv ike- G. T. Hawley lb u .. SchcM .it Creed':: >->> The -oior '!. nV " , fund-, f ■ comn;unity 'U ■' 1 -C"' ! "t f: 'o I'd. I |. ; . •■.c'io'i.t,-. :rs The i;> v.r lit , it ...e. ammuH" di n 1 ; Tr >) students -eld an! to idea;."” i tht IV r, Ui .■ ’ 1 ! , unwd In .Mum'! -![,■ In T;." C.I -U.I fi!I! I V. Ml,lib > 'lift -> M ».! ■< t ■ f 'U" Scout Heads To Meet ORKF.NVJIJ.f !.• ..;•■> f-icr, t;• nca! Diw-icn Chairman > C. Fa a i nbt ~ f unn"! of y . U.i.> <•{ S-cotJand feck ar. !c v a>. cd . ~ ;h it Gene Atlanta, Ga„ C-cuot.:; ot o;rica a:u cc i't at . ■if-.ccu'il r< .if ;i ! M niuy scout < xe- H'T!'. -I. .'•! !>■■'. • .'Hi ,7, : t ... sdVJGOr to March "l Mhe utoup in :hc cxtilorcr -rction. Tiny •• ili bold , >.■ . of t T b. -cd d f{.. : Mount, seoulintt" trail.)).,: .r • .. t,■-- -■> t ‘ drTaon commisrioncr, has 3.30 .hi t.h•: Rfloi'-ioon tod I-.' -nviifft all ;a-;:. tered Nr to cout* rc.;ir--tratlon atu* a fclinv, :,hlo i>ct t : :•> itfeed the meeting (' ••!»- i ■ ■.'! Tlio .'Viai. n ' f ci/i . fit *... t't F r>;. fer-a, ' '■ > difcts! a. a■) tttnlt?, . ' 7 II |f ;a' ,0-1 .. I n Os if ■ ..! bli ! i! arcinsit'cCiP.iafl ing lifc il, in i;.c : t 'id by a local .aid division by men are ekpectally te ci : invited. Prep Finalists Picked R i.EIOIi - Hillside >f Dm-- barn Mild Hender I'b a; . ■ o the finals in the Stain. be: a a 1 ■■•.■oj bas'-etlvi!l uinrhSiTirri' vheri they won Ih- AAA , net A A hor. '-■-•.pe. If>,• -j v (n Ia- |!.-;!i:i;.i.h-Dt!l hi.m Center PiuvoiV. but Saturday rc;:i War-inn ion High, School gyrtitiasiuin. Hi:!-. I" i-iat ,VI .■ petn-r High o fOxfi d. 70-tit, in in overtime battle ,-tf*er lb.- v•ulnt i'-n j.-ime tub (i. iy 0! (b u...n !nnuneU 1 R a.’j,■!:"), m the A contest. 1 Mary •■-•••.• w;,s ahead, 36-30, ill liv ivi: n: !!;<- a A test but McAithnr, witp 33 pninb;. and 1 Swim-pool Forthcoming r l.I ! !T’[ t - A cash ,-sft •~U r 1 1! f; ( •■;.- *»'lUf tQ; I (. f : I 5 ;«' J »Vj . ' ; '‘ft. pi • fm-m.- h }> y donor, * -‘<dr;Uion?d f j »n rj ;> fm .Tcof White Farmer and Wife Anri Four Negroes Face i Charges In Morals Case .ON—-A G&-.* rar-oid white 1 1*' :;;uit fattre-r who oH'-.u-dly mac!c:, I if. pea I!|R» fry.- f,j ‘>7 -year V! • ! wife to engage in a mass tow tryst with tour Negro men near;: here lest weekend is scheduled to i race sc-Xt-lest in Recorder's Court. ( | the other principles in the inter- ; j race love tryst in Recorders Court j l j an March 25. |j I Joe Mack Price, the aging hus-jf I band and his wife, Mrs. Ruby ; Price, noth residents of Zebu!on, i ' Route- i were being held in Wake ; ! County Juil. at Raleigh early tins i ek lieu of SSOO bond each, j i thy tornado tivittled rooftnc from thy t.uildiiur, Wfwoped a. flas poly t»t(l wrfikrd windows, io ruhiitmn to vrumhlinK a chjnj tics < htv.ys at tin- school fwac > n suspended indrfinilfls. nan; fean • atfa ■:.< High •-carers f.- i -:r Qxiord lean, were -'ii . ’ . 1 • - a' - With :M j . tfa A A h'.i at halftime, A’ 1-1. Tbe • Ji’.'mg ilenrii - 1 A• ■: " i ■ p.-iy.-d by (Mummer ,'>!). with p'..ntr. end W vVilaon "-i!l-. 13, :. KMirdt scored Ift ,: I I.a o 'I ; t ie- ' t f, n Roxb'n-o Hil' ad-- .-all pi - - in “ AA a ‘'ilHinjliail; i'lpe- at pock- : ■and Tl* Mfii’f: on w ill go • > Sabs bury tor the AA. lit!.- r:jur-d, bt)*b soheritiled thit; weekend the IHlOi . . ..I. TV- v- -1 »-en!d be onstmeted outioo! s ad,nt to the prrrfer.t Cc ij--munjt.- ( V riti i on Moith Rob i<-ri\TiM j o\ I VM*- ST') Pv»'"' i scheduled !o face ch.«r t*.« r, f aiding at it! abetting bis wife in prostitution. Scheduled to f;u:r i similar charge is Da! la* Horton 20. '< Negro, of Z*-. ‘.-100, Hoo(<! 2, v.ho is said to have en couraged his biotht. ? .James, 27, ; nri .1 00, 16 and another ;u.<n, Martin Nicholson, Jr. •?», to en gage in relations with Mrs Price following a “bid" from the wom - n s h • i riband Ail four were ai o being held in SSOO bail early this week. According to Wake Deputy Sh«- 1 CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT},

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