PAGE TWO THE CAROLINIAN (PnbLvhed by th# Caruliaian Publishing Company, 118 East Hargett Street* Ka» *«Hi North Ca«*.)lire. Telephon e: 9474) .Kuici«d as '* v i.mU Class M.«tv - .gl! j», i<*4u at the Post Office at Raleigh North Carolina, under the A.-< of Alai/h, IS; - 1 SUBSCRIPTION KATES: Six Months $2/75 One Year $4.5« PA'i-'ABi.r IN 11 VA N 1 K APDUKfc’S ALL COMMUNICATIONS AND .MAKE ALL CHECKS AND MONEY OTHERS PAYABLE TO THE CAROL IN i AN. lute, I «./«• •• a fn< ~ , r ,4.; fifth AVrnue ft i\ 11, .V > national Adi erlining ftepyr.xenta* tire. Tina u‘- a :<(•. tla tmi ~,..u <'• r n the return of unsolicited news, pictures or advertising copy ua iesa, ner.occi'y po-uag.- au-oni The copy. Opinion) e.rprt;i-tti p, •,;< iwwi <•••»(«.<.,« puliMntd i, th<3 news papn are not necessarily those oj the pubtnnti'Oi PAIJI R JEHVAY, Publisher LIN HOLLOWAY, Managing Editor €siromr%c, vItWPOINT Time To Call A Halt T’h*- ( AROI INi AN U certainly glad In note that hi em b ere n! < ongre.-.a rot u. ri■■ f,- hu v i finally calk'd a halt on the inves tigating mama which ha-, been raging V, iridli Con gress for for too long now yyv refer. <*! courxi*, to the uiitommoux volt: by which The iiouso l -o-A uieru-yu Activ/it-ii Cummitiee pul. the brakes on < ongress lii&n 11.11. V ehle, its chair man, when he brought forth in egregious an nouncemnt that he pian ned to investigate minis ters, especially one whose inteie.sts and aetis do ; in pinged ori “politics.” Congressman Velde desire to look into the pm pits wa a inspired, no doubt, by cettain sharp criticism: made by some mini Tec.. including: Met.i> odist Bishop Odiafli, about Happy Choice Os Name We believe tliat the naming of the new high school for the Rev, John Wilson f Jeon was a happy thought. A leader in the affairs of his group, an ed ucator who made a real contribution to the devel opment of Negro public schools in Raleigh at a •time when they sorely First Step Taken Tin? CAROLINIAN can not say how much A Hor ne y - General Brownell', heart was in im presenta tion to the Supreme Court, of the ease against segre gation in tin' Di-'inet of Tarheels Dominated Tournament North Carolina ma y well be proud of the fact that four of the eight teams participating in the recent basketball tourna meat, fittingly held in North Carolina, were Tar •heel teams. Exactly half. Added to this, of course is the admirable fact that both the winner and the runner-up, Winston - Sa lem Teachers and St Au gustine’s were Tarheel teams The winner came through in grand style, and the local team. Saint Augustine’s, the "dark horse" of the tournament, certainly did itself proud. Squeezing into the tourna ment as the eighth qwaii fying team, and qualify ing then by defeating the other Raleigh candidate. Shaw Cniversity, it lost ••(tie championship by prac tically the harrow test pos sible margin, after an a mazing performance and a brilliant showing, in its first appearance in CIA A tournament play. Nothing said above is meant to detract from the honor of Winston-Saleni’s victory. It was their first championship, and they earned it the hard way, certainly. Their victory ov er St. Augustine’s adds to rather than detracts from the glory of their final suc cess. In parsing it is w. rth noting tha three nf the four teams reaching the semi - finals were North Carolina teams. Tarheels dominated from beginning to end, placing four teams ■the arrogant and ruisehie vine, conduct of investiga tions into this and to at committees head d t>\ those immensely oppress ive self-appointed guar dians of Americanism, Senators .Tenner and Mr- Carthy, and of course. Representative Velde, Es pecially pertinent to Mr. Velde's snooping vv re. * minion!.-, on tin probing into the educational set-up a Her Rids among teach ers. This newspaper is unal terably opposed to Corn m uniats in schools and col leges. What it objects to. along with preachers re ferred to above, and a growing number of Amer icans in all walks of life, is the arrogant, self-right eous and irresponsible bul lying, innuendo, and cast ing of suspicion on persons m eded it, a minister of the gospel trained for his cak ing in a day when training foj it was not very highly valued —in short, a pion eer the Rev Mr. Ligon is properly honored in hav ing' iiia name go rn to the hc) < o this country th a n the Me. rrs. Velde, Jenner and McCarthy, and whose re spect for the freedoms of people is a sight better de veloped than that of the gentlemen just mentioned, 'i’hings have come to a pretty pa- ; s when the most honored and reliable A* rnericans seem to be, in tit - eyes of some merit), rs of Congress, those win., are f-onlV-sed ex-member.- of The Communist party, and praetially all other Amer icans are under suspicion, except the inquisitors themselves. We believe the people i of this country are grad- | imliy waking up to the ab surdity of this situation, and that soon McCarthy ism and Velde-ism will ge into a! least a partial e blip C. own. We belie Vo that with one or two exceptions the Negro schools of this com munity honor in their names persons who have given their lives, or a good proportion of their lives, to service in the school sys tem itself. The habit ex tends to other community m.-t hit ions also. promise to use the powers of his office to abolish .vg it -gation in !>. (’. is. being carried out. There is a good chance that Air Brownell’s argument will bear fruit. able player award ami the coach of the year honor. The last three mentioned all came to Raleigh by way of St. Augustine's. known, the situation is grave, and calls for the most delicate handling. I’he western leaders at practically groping in the dark in dealing with a po tentially explosive situa tion in which nonetheless they must be firm, posi tive, and tough and must avoid the appearance of weakness. These are jittery days for the old planet. They are days which demand courage and firmness, but equally necessary are cool ness and calm judgment. It is hard to be cool and calm when things are hap- P nening to which the first reaction is bound to be indignation if not rage. Our leaders are under the severest test of their wis dom in times l'ike these. -j! j- - •*—.*<• 1- O. / tullt lii t ton ‘ SECOND THOUGHTS it is not often that i the vencraUk- and ..cii-knu-vn Dorothy Dix column. wikcn consist: largely of adviev in -- .ve; to i.-tt.-,-s -'ettiliri Jortil Uo VTectic or luinanti. .)n,bk-ii):: Hut Uic other din the head:up ct t-ic- column ca'iigiu rny t.-ye, -.oil i remi the pi-oukn; i>• ai 'Vi: j jj ,v ; i k*r. college this lail, Out ;..n n. arlbroJitii u v.■, n,. .xothef l-e-k ol intere-i in :t ; ; nt:; r< - Uien- i know it i-s-enliai to one .-, social io* U; b. K.: . to cordrity to belont to > o n, Lty but inotii.-r savs colic,-.* w costine enough and :.he can t afford U'u- iicidii.inr-rd (.vp, - sorority ' Tw lidvu <- niit n i., : , CtrtJdWL-tOl 0} (!,. COiilj'U! tfi thr vvonj.ili Hir, So the .lb ,-i -‘ k* had C: '.l!, u - «-,,: O! value; To tba: ■ *' - n ' '■ .-■ tht t u,-,i/iiu: i iJnfortii:: jiei v. s i , c-oman n tne ca-:. ,■ u,,- U'.fhi imujuc. Ht-: cti oi i n '■he non-essential Si-i.-nn.j : :i .. socialed vvitn hu;hej 1 ird ~ ;; Secouda: y) ediicutJOl: y. ,-y . i.n.iJ.l..u and tht akirf . - ; ,; Strough i A head in sm oi ( N( f i: jovi O' !\ I. A. ADA Si s NEW YOI?:C fGLOBAi.i Words uii'e beili. i:> defense of a lmit-h-niaijr.fed character. Ho lias become git symbol oi appeasement Ho, name has become an epithet tossed at almost iu< v who leiuser to clash head vviih -itaatioji involving [V t -f■. ■ * _ ” * ( •- relation: hips "Uncle I'iU) is looked down isp<,*i :.y tin- so-railed jiioiiern M ♦ •:: i"■ .• win/ considers himseit more lightened. and !. ei. H'm-vu in self .esteem a , the have gone by He wi: lies to disassociate himself trot , the 'old Negro" lit a Jleinra tio.-i or so ago. Uni. 'Much Tom' oi- the old Negro' wasn’t as stupid as, he may have appeared ,> u ni Tei of fact, lie was a prt- \ shtewd operator and vve v m do Wei l i f \ye a/. as ch Vrr as lie: for he seemed to havt- Viewed his situation and acted a< o>iilii i> What was hi: "-ta Hr- quo? In Uie lirst place, lie w;i, witliout erouotntc built firound. He dui wi! to niirke a living, and nnurv times he had to tlepcml on while people to help him make it. He had no politi i ll weight to throw around, lor even though he may have hud the vote, in» was political! > inex perienced and Was little more than a tool of while people with ulterior mo tive. He had little education, '*pt perhaps a Hade he .had had to i n- while in bondsr or one :e had picked up as! he became tree. So he was most often a menial whose .via* la.- was actually Mule better than it was when he was a slave. Os course there were preachers and teachers who be came the ’'educators" of the day but roost of their activity was on an elementary level, and t-iie higher education was in the hands of white people, wit proceeded to teach cheek mythology and the- dead langu ages Now. this wasn’t very much to start with, and nobody with any sense tries to win an ati mit war with a beebee gun. So “Tom’' played it cool. He THE CAROLINIAN •' :t>;• ;.i ( do^n}jU - tu « Reef, .-.ned an altitude. In;.i-i \:Yi Ci / i 1,5 the 'i v ? • i i - arci.-. and Draelic* / o i t-!uLc. ::u --'-.•r-.milii/atioH:-. f Wee :id - i• • » f {• ; J V cuds Os caio/.ciion- do Ik; They do. and the coa;-- rr.unitv and rialio- ;ai aeti Vi t h.-.- oi fh \ t:«:;11a 1 f1 a U -• nitkc: a nei o - roriUt-c have inert act d , uc-i ■ - eat T ■ , k'ocj.aS an (| civic ennseiouesu/:'’ Sad a •iahhg *hna v vih. ' '- -..alecl \mrVy ;\ f, deabi. er. it i/ v ery jiv a j< m- • - v/iH/Uter or i jot tneij becon-- 1 i!! rt>t -tits children to do th same -- but only because he bad U, survive Whet! g!r. Churhc wasn't looking. -.te senl his kids itff to school to - " bettc! education than he 1 ./.‘tit* mother !:/■: k ::. 1 wash to help pay b, - tuition, a del to. in.; action He pJaeaifed white folks ’.vinle he stored up aiytnntniti.iii for the bag is !,t. While .-ni’.Han! nerine that p.-riod, lie haO. i- 'h Hi kneu glut he needed num ber arid he did all tie could to keep the "army" intact -vhiie the irii.litc.rit ones drew Ml the fire As a matter of fact jt, jll-u could be he wit in on the -,-t ralegy me,-fire- that designated some- Ns u.. kick up a fhss. But wht-n the show vas on. he ti'-uouiK ,!-spectivc. 6. 1 le:- c , on \ i!"tut‘s -that mohey camiut buy. but are t>- tv:)e of ever increasing security for men like you and t 7. Yes such men who used good judgment, like Lararus, Joseph a/.d* Paul, couhi not portion to their total potential- Jticii he harm ii; eVC-dWtc/e. tkt- Tbpact us Hi' 1 ! raf ci oil;- <■ • • ururi i > 0 11 ..i nth-in.- wr r*-air/.e that ike p uple pnrna* ily cona- ne eacliuu ' ; the problems u! l h;;' i7i to ahd Ki'ifpili;-. .up with too active me of these (>i raUiza hoi;;, a;*.,- not faced with a ;-W o; .idiot attitudes; and values It • injjt bo added thru the atti a.-ho and behavior of many art - called aduiis do r^o t h* la at ail t/i bringing about a sane ap proach Oil Ulr pa It of the V < -1; *ig per s< *n s ; t tvo] vw*rf It is a cad ts n non hi :'y on oor education that makw, or not making a fraternity or sorority s.s l.)e chilorence betvve*?n sue-- ces.s or .luilurr in then - * *>li♦ -• • iih'io, as they or j!, while ■ of o• : eo ti sin, • i aliens ai •-■ oI vej’y j minw importance. by contrast | What I have raid as a riHun ber jo, more than thirty years o' a t;.i lionai college lVatofr aand I bclu-vc to;:!, img c thousands with- the same es on pa rank- tscp-i-iuiCr vhio ‘•'ii ugi ee wnA on* ''• i o! ! ■ Ji' : laSV I ill <)pi, " hi unlimited terror on 1 *••• pmt of tiio majority It in.-, wys a strategic action ■■o'inT t.uiu n philosophical one l eric t om" has be (iiifiuhtil to the •modern'' Negro Until strength of numbers ami skill, and if is it'ituir to besmirch (hr re putation of this (in,, r hat'- itrl.-r bv giving his n init io tin- present das Negro w ho, for is is own petty amt setfkh gains, setts out the very people “Tom" worked ■ o hard to preserve, rtieir approarh is selfish and diorfsightejf ami they mere tv negate the work of sin ••ere conservatives who at tempt sane action I- must have a name for hose Jons, vail them Quislings. 1-11 them any Hun:-' but let's I" 1 ' i d.c in van, th. tail- name 'U< i'.b Tom •ruk among men of wealth, but ! re richer than them all. S The world today still must recognize the une who was horn in a manager: but whose dynamic strength and power will on this earth make Him bo rtranger. 9 Nineteen hundred and lif!- three year.-; ago He eanv. here huintile, meek and lowly: bul all who tour; Tu- man of His ia'lTielit Will ktu-w H, is He:, everlastingly jovfui and eter nally Holy HI. He taught that, to be eter u. rich, one on earth might In recognized us poor; but v. liHe’d with His holy spirit - odd enjoy Lontidloss wei.Mi btvond earthly kingdoms that would fail to endure. 11. Til is is • the vvi-rnKi no thief can steal . . it needs no earthly protection: the keeper ul these possessions is Cod Hnnseir who is the author of perfect love and affection 12 in the end of rave Laza rus was. rich, and Dives poor on earth it didn't seem quite that , ay . but when a man •bus God, tie if child of the King with heaven his home forever and aye. WEEK ENDING SATCRDA Y, MAKs'H 21, PAc James A, Shepard's 4\‘.i article appearing in the Aii O i 1. t« U-; t hem K\ i gone ki ; o w intjt wo a. reason for these iteftats and it seeni reasonable to a- "nit That f »ad the W! king all lhe whiter not repp : eided and ad i nice tin man. .nation of ;h<- i b : ; j;nl j y pt- oi goV'vi ini ien t Kuh-igl* ~?.»•!. ; ,: i« : o, * . 1 oi Wit ...Us son ..lif t ? h;e be*-ii eh.'cU.'d 10 iim i. try COL.iiCil. idi- dir:pile the that many ,* ,g.d - uhd p-j-vU in ah;. all ot Heuugh.r ibs.bhu i »eg s CitJ/Oit. hve rOUth U'Jd ion r,liet?S j v ouid mte; ■ r and iiighly .ufoiioati vit wane ii.d , to haw Uv ia g u ii nation i.t-re rurvr-yed ny one oi those* political analysis Vo rani;, m In at fi.auhcr we sou id h-arn .jttsi v. ny t.ia- rsegro V-il* err liens-, refused to nyijo! the N•. : i > '-a ii■ liua : •. • •. fit ■ a..•• • n i\ ;an io; . 1 >i Council IfOiVi Vec el len t ui all iikeiy ihhl . V-W a survey anil be made ,ud h. isn’t a! all hkoiy • hat a pity ro vvbll be elected to the cum a i! lie re uhiti I one *a ' ;als b V-/: ,eu; • , N' ;;; oes want. 'IC sea: licit pre v jse, C- j i la.-iCt• d 1.0 riscoiint«'d tin: as c l l ■ m»-nt that the NVyro eu mb dates bel t 1 were det’eatiai soieiy be ot ins indjtf* iaura- ai d •"OrrijeUMaUiv V Ot the Neg rue,; r 1 *:; t-jv • 1 - I! •• as. ponded ted whom are th, di! ; i>u s-ht no hei - j *•* ... y-rr*.:- fanaa “f p T** j —..—...... ....—...» EXIT si IbNTI K MtI.KNKOV SL-.Hu IS dead T-.le . • n.i: of an ideological «fiij(!ri- has gn-m --on tu appear before that God existent;,. denied Sta Jin icndei-od unto th< cause of C" u" m u it i s n.i «n outstanding service, and f.', every where will ace:aint him us ,mc of lie- great:- of ail time it is not nrce.-.'ury to di.-.par : age a • i e.-t character !.,<•: ~i , --1 a diflVrencf of opinion:- A man does no! have to agree mb t* * at all limc.s in ordei l<> f-‘e .great • for Russians the world over may look upon for mer President Truman as a po litical failure, but v.e who know the man his method, know him to be a straight - shooter and hard - hitter and a fearless champion i f democracy Even so mu: !. we evaluate Stalin. Aside from mu radical dis ference with him on the qm-s --!Liit o' human personality, Sta lin believed in Communism m s u.,y jew of us believe in de i r, ocracy It so often happem tiuoi those who art loudest in their jji otesintiuii j\ the N can - dicint, .. A> u jia v * staled 'ye do tint i h n. deny or aflinii th.- i-0.-iiu, ) taru-;: by the writer us tha" a )'ti eh In all hkeii'hood vyt* wih »i■ a iat r date. prestTu fl,li v•'e coin < ruing the point ra;.( j d. Our concern now iu di view of he- tacb that re. • ‘if.tie- f l l di.- reason. 110 Ne Hro ha b «•). able to gup •me. mb . * he.- to MTUIf .1 court ed * at; and that we do nerd reprei * utaticu on the c0i..... a); wiKis ar r - e poi)'n to do ;o gt t that rt presentation r ' u-en. to ns that the Ra leigh Ciuvens A •■socialion «‘/‘hs, ; tin n rnnants ul the efTec tiVe . .■oi.ii. that diu such mac -1 'ticeni wi.-i I of behalf of or. r-,., met'-, ’he name. "Neipu Cbj/tn- Committee" and then 1 iu-; changed if name because a o . id ii, ,:; < (.Tier, di: iUw-d Vm win: g-,u poi ha.- come up a itii a . n-; it ,:{ no! too yr.e ! * tie; ■ ids. T ; Asssoci.’Ui».«n nr :n si adopted n i rueriu of m*-;i - . Uf'.'i :’t !.l tOi NsggJ'O count'd cr;mhdan s. Tie Association say a the candid ales pul pun ew in t»-lju.'.eu'U , ;nUggsty end P' (iilOiC'. 'I . v mh-iJi,pence may ‘ na! i*. i- a- v|.!nv(l -sr i ,f t* 1' 11 u-; j l ;e ‘ : ...a IT j_V !Is«• af I lilt t I P .Pil l ue PHI c u» po t a; tic dec :vr ■ of any » .it*, nt d( i looking for per ."'on* .. la.- t cajneu: j \ u Shin)-, have. - d Vsi: a .\ 1 c !, !')c CJUd • • ‘dtp- tied- honor and (‘diuiac! h-i »* the , i an, lie : * p., o ug ; i . ond major re uni; enwnt Inc 3l! candidate.' is m’.egi ily . Becmis.** uic position of comu ilnsin c-u ric - prar tu. a! no ; alary. 1 200 per yeav. th<- candidaie: :!a>a!d b* psgrsons us relative indtgoendc-ra..'fg jVh-n and v. onnn »v ijosc business or pro fession allow: them tune t.o at tend. to the duties cud rOs puli sibihtis-; of liaoking o«ut for th* aha ns d cc v .OW-miueld. With sen bus impairment < 1 v. u?ir uv.iitlai»s The Ass-ociation has decided to trig to draft such poisons to run as candi dales, when and if they are fou:;d. You arc asked to submit ihe names «..■!' pi: rso ns you be - lieve |.-oasc-s ; the j e(|uired tpiali lications, to the Rev. Mr. Paul .lohnson. chairman of the court -.! eanckdate coirmmtee Tnerc cc? Neciwc; in Raleigh < rrdn < citly tjuaii tied f m council *mi. jet :. gel buss and lend eoiiiraderv i tigt ndi-rcd in war was >-•(»!) made dear that t-ie d-si: -racy for winch the ol- Uier> .ad die.- to make safe war "foi white; only." Riots in •piled by an anti-Negro move men i ■ roki ■ . i Noi't.h and under the sties us .- The Smith in ’.hi- South were "in il'ied" by tiioSC Os the No. lh: while a right was lost of the ugly fact (hat, these cut in ■■-alt:, were discrediting defno iiacy tiiroughoiu the world '1 in- expediency of preserving ceil ax; southern traditions oi American traditions, should we say cut the very heart out of uui vaunted democracy Democracy ceased to be con tagion and Communism took the ( fit-nsi v The heart of this nation r- not fti this war even as it was not in World .War .11. because there x an uncertainty as the major aims. A few of the more intelligent and better educated know and apprt ciate the threat that Coin in mi-ul poses; wo know at what price our great country wa founded and preserved; we know at,nut the clay fe- 1 Os Communism and its pm ten sion:,; v/c appreciate what even our limited freedom means as against the regimentation of communism; we cannot take the -ask involved in burning the barn to get th« rats. In other words we btkieve that when Communism and de mocracy nr. carried to their logics I ions, democracy has inherent advantages with which Community cannot coih piue. But a. of today the Com munism of Stalin and Lenin has bt-euine a world contagion, which at present must be re strained i-y force of arms. Yet we know that arms and force Cannot ultimately cope with an ideology such as Com munism But democracy must be protected even by arms until such time as its inner powers assert themselves. In other words, Irrespective iif Malenkov aspires to accomplish to perpetuate Com munism and faciiiate its world wide pretentions, this nation’s safety is somehow tied up tilth ; tro n g military- preparedness and a strom? program for the pryctieilitfatlon of the tenets of demoei ary tCOiVIJNTJED ON FACE 7)