PAGE EIGHT Paper Recalls Speech By Beniamin Franklin Huntington, Ind (NC) A SPEECH by Benjamin Frank lin in 1787 when the 13 Colon ies were trying to frame the Constitution has been recalled here and its application to present conditions emphasized. Our Sunday Visitor a na tions! weekly, reprinted the Franklin .speech in a recent is iite. The papier observes that after World War 1, as the so-called Big Four sat at tire Versailles j/eaee table, Georges Clemen ceau of France, a professed atheist, took the lead and vir tually dictated the terms of peace. ‘•BUT THERE HAS been nr> peace in the world since th<rt time—3s years ago,” the paper comments. In art apparent reference to Josef Stalin, it adds: "There is still a professed atheist prac tically running the United Na tions. By catering to him you can be sure that we shall win no just peace even after we finish fighting in Korea.” The Franklin Address was entitled, “When Will Peace Come To The World?” It was delivered on June ?fl. 1787, at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. MR. FRANKLIN commented on the small progress being made at the convention, as it searched for a proper govern ment. He then said: #‘Tn this situation of this As sembly, groping as it were in the dark to find political truth, and scarcely able to distinguish it when presented to us. how has it happened that wt have not hitherto once thought of humbly applying to the Father of Lights to ilium in ate our un dersLtiuiiJUgi ' 1 i mM ", Youk^it 1 NEW YORK <GiobaJ) Till* patient \\j • d> iu L a quick tiam- Wiib Tit ttU’d. So tUv IJiiifst * r injecting iil* it»io vj .shoe. ii/f boys '.v-iu « h D'iiiOiij arid »•>. jcit ?;iiovvn*aiiship k• *q,. iitosn m UOiuaiiCl v, tek iii .-net wi-tk out JTitr Dor:* !**<-:• ui ;» caiJ*-U iii lu tvh ?hr ;f i&t; Ray Hobiu‘ Jii Kouu- Ai'/ii-' ti ong package at uu Detroit V’ox Theatre vvhr*iv :h< t r.ovv had milt'd in aUemiance th* first three days hi 10/ to callum; 11. I it Uommet' to save it.. iiu y. reports had been trukHrig in from each location played by the tdsuib.v, had been disappoiufinp Robinson Anii-stro.ns duo that hCid that a hypO A- a iil urtiei And did the colorful tic the trick l Tr.ey ht-ralh. turned tne house upr id* si >■ll at <>. -.. > tiiOvv. .At out p<-noimarut \ne itrong was nulled tti t- -■ ,viiig.\ tor five minute' while i.v frantically replaced Billy Warn'* prano till stave sc me greup cou:c r» turn tor a til'tii encor«-. X!.* au dience put un such a stormy dem- . cm n ation tnat owner David Lid ten Pad to go on st and plead with them to alio.*, the s:.-.-. to. continue Teddy Williams. iit\t MtiM Records artist in its Rhythm and Blues Department, seems «« his nay to stardom as a re cording artist. Teddy's waving of “Bar ami Grill Blues" hacked with "Whs i>«» l'ou Do Things To Cause Me Sorrow” Is a solid sender artd will click. He’s a young man with a smooth*- voice, who's equally at home with blues or a bal lad. Stump and. Stumps are two of MG.M Records new It A B artists .us a team. Their re leaoe of “Two-Thiißs Dead” and “Loud Woman" hikes the comedy end well. Charlie Fuqua and hi- "New s' were a smash hit at De troit's Fox Theatre along wii-V H-:. i-maj'v Clooney last week. Ft’ -; qv.a’s 'inkspots" are travelling t/e.-:t un their way to California,' fhfc “Grassfinder” , . . A Hound for Hunting Grass s' ''"X -aJ. , +* \ "’’n v-X;H r^ fern, 1 : ..ri&JLw;k ji'i rE? 'I'ESf ',?..-■ X/sT^'l’ 7 life %.>v 0 - i CHICAGO— Now you can .cad yom newspaper while you arc* rut ting the lawn! Taking nil the back ache out of summer chores is the i&tityve itHichiliHt the only power mower m the world that cuts grass ami wCeds by its own direct ion unaided by human hands, ropes, wires or electronic remote controls! , „ „ „ . , The Fairbanks Morse new “Grass- h inder ’ follows the grass line like a hound follows the trail. Once you've cut a horde! around the lawn and switched over to automatic control a sensitive mechanical “nose” guides the rear wheels to turn the mower in towards the uncut k.jss. Built for heavy continuous duty the Glass Kinder cuts square corners, around tree®, and irregularly shaped bordtrs. It cuts as it climbs far jilftesdui on r*su»»«My waeven ground, u . Franklin recalled that in the war with Great Britain “we were sensible of danger, we had daily prayer in this room for Divine protection. Our 1 prayers were heard, and they were graciously answered.” Emphasizing the need for a return to God, Franklin con tinued: “And have we now for gotten that Powerful Friend? Or do we imagine that we no longer need His assistance” “I have lived a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs, 1 see of this truth . . that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow can not fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can i Lse without His aid?’’ FRANKLIN REMINDED his listeners of the Scriptural as surance that "except the Lord build the house they labor in vain that build it,” and said he fir roly believed it. He said he also believed that without Cod's aid "we shall succeed in this political building no better than : the builder- of Babel.” *.v h tit* 1! ie v wi i i pi ay J;»> Uy v,- outT.s iA «.Kuni• 1f iu- yit.'Uji ib by bi<* powu-rt iq }>.•>- Hu, and hit A vsocial ( ' UidVft-:,*il At' : j.-if Ons Ruihor.- a;« up-:« aa.-i.u t .at i ,-uj Retoru-. want- in u. e ol Bill ■•• mi; ■ in; • t ~ , t: it-rii wit!; r’n.eriit- Fucfu..'; ‘InK ': ; 'i.t- ' , ht’Xs -!’■'.! p ", il::;,, .li tixl, Jo : Aim Toiiey Hi,< pretty bioridel , will lu.tke (lie pc,Ur 'l'iii- eohunn iii-iytf' i-.iKl Jt; Ann ran <irig U'.Ti vV lb; tfl ]»,).- ifiijjV t. v-11 it? ifidt tny own a:, ud.ti wrs at Club Ril'd land w iii aitt. t. Ann;stt?cn ! Allen s Kmy Hf roi Uiny t i ”Babv ini I Joint-; li htiii clinibinid to ; nUiiibor Diu -jn t it already is ;*• : iiUiiig tiie natiuii ?. top i*- # 5 u> the H & M motion bGiidlcadthi Buddy Juiin.vOi.. Ic< . iiU> iiih teUth .Aiujivt ; b.ii', as ..ui ork ; U-ads! at. tht- jvimcd Hai h-ro Suvov Bail fount Jo'iii.bun : <.• v l‘e v vjfdh for Mciuury | Ch! My go'.h! Tin King It--cords tier of ’T.aup.h 1 fho' You Peel Y u Want to (by) r*-cord*'d by ; ' The Swallows.” after only ciyht 'days of release, is already one of j King Records bust sellers and that I company says it will hit the best j selling charts in no time The ini- I pact was such that Decca has j '-.'liXi-ti The tulii\ ' P;>;) ' whic-h will ■tj" released AM, rhis writer .-■ay:- thank,- to H ; nry Glover for ■ivin;> ”1 a.i«h” the break that it ! Meedi-d , Henry Glove)' s vocal ' v r\i. ;; ;n the King label rec ord of “Sott is another pace !.-, :!<•; for that label. MGM Recording' artist Billy Fiksline’s smiUiern tour will take him next to Greenville, >. <'.. and from there to .lack M>milie fi„. New Orleans, I .it ; Memphis, Tenn.: Houston, (•alveston, Beaumont. Austin. Dallas, San Antonio, Tort Worth and Amarillo. IA x.ts: Oklahoma City and Tulsa, Ok lahoma: K.itisa < tty, Vlo.; and Wii hita, Kansas A great F.ustm i■ “Cimvln Fastei Bunny Yun kick lies will I'-'-syTfyki's >' P . . . AyeX; /J Me-tdiupe j U/.q<h &A&e*t Great Problem 01 The Hour: What Is Man? CIVILIZATION will return to peace and Older when ;t ’•enters into itself;” i. e., re- ; fleets upon the end and pur- | jkjsc of being a man. We cannot talk of building a ; social or economic order for | man, unless we know the pur- j pose of a man, any more than | an architect can build a house : unless he knows Die nature of ; tiie one to dwell in it. If a dog 1 is to live in it it wiil be it dog j house; if a criminal is to live 1 iii it, it will be a penitentiary. ! IN LIKE MANNER, the kind of ! r-osial order we will build wiil depend upon the nature of the man for whom it is made, li he is only an economic animal, then we will let Communism give him a bed in a factory; but if he is a rational creature, made to the image and likeness of God, then we will have to build something else besides a factory for him; e. g , a house which will be a home, a school which will be the arsenal of j truth for his children, and a ' church where his soul can es- \ cape the servitude of the earth- i !y and mount to eternal union ; with God • THE PROBLEM of the hour i; the problem of man. What is man? Is he an economic ani mal, o> is he a rational crea tuie composed of body and | b 0.,), and callable of entering Uric communion with the triplt l j t- ii v h omut-j l l wliicb s ur i oun< is i him. namely, luttu it, fcliovv- j iu ui, CiCid ,** lift* W&y Wt* | Campus Roundup Dll LAUD ! M\ l RSJ'I \ Dili a i if umvt.-i site's wfirksiiop 1 Lie lugli ;;chw:,! priti-ipak, cio.-eet; m 19i»-‘i iiic tin with more Hum , ati i-diie-atoi.-. u. attriidance it v.hc. D:<- li'i.l ,1 •,f !;v. : j ' <ti!e ' m jit-id ~;ii t-',. iiulVi ,iy , u. Toe ciuyeiit problem ot ■ -tudy ;■ t: o'.i: ci in ;i wiio the lii.iu li,. )/UW* i o! :ft uiniji v i.:hotti: i Mis-assippi. Lomsiaiiit. Arkan as. ■ It. Ala .11’T, a .U'd {;!: I ,i h Oi'h,. ... , I',- i « J„; j ‘ ..euU'U at tin Confab Aicotij! thust : ' i wi>o parlicip:in-t.t in tin- workshop j Dr. YV i< Bunk, •.peciah- 1 In! ' :> edtit'.i!ion N’orthwc. I-' ■ :i. university; Coi ('anipbcii Cd * J. .hijMiti, assistant it.i tiit director| ' of selective cci.iet VV a. . i in.m on; i i ! < It li I'll-, dean ,'■! 1 tiie Graduate schout, tiwivard uni j ' . ■ ::.,. ■ and Id. l-.ii v, , !li i > .l.a ■ U S otlice of education It .ul( IDA AW.VI •Ri. DiMing.aHrd M'.i U.ta ry j . iva; awarded ?o cignt sen-1 KOTi Cadet: at F'lO’tdi* ABc VI ■ ! roiie.a.- her.' ceremouies on i ' tne uiili lfeid. The b.idge is pro-j 1 • .-criicd b: touvth year cadets who I ! 1 fiave ,'xcelled in scholarship and j 1 : leadership over a two-year period, j .viaj Claude (' Clark protessori •' : of, mihtarv science and tactics, i 1 .supervised Ihe awarding ot the | medals to the fullowiny, cadels: Col Jan e: WAattv. Norfolk. Lt,; ; ; Cols. Baxter R. .Stretcher West j I .ini Beat i, anti JaiksOii Sim 1 .!!., PeiiKitola; Alajor,' Almond Ed vard.- Miami; Herbert Alexander j Hawthorne Fin., and Robert lav-; .■ rett, Jacksonville: C.'tjitain> : Mircll j I Triplett, Wakul.i Fla . and Ronald i i iamiiiond, St. Air r.e-tine WEST VIRGINIA SI AIT Four si 000 scholarships hav< ; ; ueen made avail, bb- to Wt St. Vii .-.inia State college to aid sthdenls j who are unable m finance their 1 j q;,y tl,run .;h lie iiruitution. The j I fehoiarships Were awarded b.v * 1 ' i 'Claude Worthington Rimedum ! Fonndatioii o! 1 itt..Dui r. i \xi cmi iGi 1 i Tier 37 (Ilf 1 frlbe) traveling unit ! I 1( f li,, A ann T COlSe;'.!:' chili! ! j open; it eastern tom with an j | initial engagement at the Metro -1 politart 1;, ' • church. Washmit- ! ' ton. Match 20. Other cities includ- ; ;ed on the elmir ■ itinei ary are: Bordentown Manual Training j Si •'.tool. Bordentown, N. J . March | Tt: Mb Calvary Baidist church. | j Newark. N J.. March 22; Calvary j ’Vioi i-t cl, i eh. White Plains. N ! March 23; Carver Community; Center, Farrell, Pa,. March ! ,v r/fetuodist church Cleveland j March 2a A Leo Weill Schom PiUskurgh. -Mar. 2C, and Vnvinia ’ RieOlOKlcal ,-emitial'J Lyiirlibur V.I. March 27 The group i., under tie direction id Howard T. I > arsah it include .-ne 70 voices when not traveling. TALLADEGA COLIEGE Six study gi cups tit 1 dl'iii, fc ; college last week left for northern ,me where they will do in Id ' low it. Bill F.n'i ell «•! MGM »Rwni'tl- clnkiuy at the lo cve c*iiib Montreal, Camtd.i Eddie ; ! lt->'»A'Oo«l : tlio ctjci. liig id Hilt - ; ien: Apollo Theatre .Al tilth 1 let* I'm') into Bill and Lot, - in | Philadelphia this rombia we.-u . | li'ir ■■■ Relafon-'e at Chieiu’o'n' Black ! Orchid Room ’Fiirush landa i Haves acted l ■ ttu v Sltsv. ofTice Bette M'd 'tiii lit opens ,*t tAc jmy a I Theatre. Baltimore . s.i ; rah V-aughtm a smash hit in F.a --j repe , . Marj Lott William:- I signed with the Jack Payne oftlce for Variety tour around Engl anti |Hi road show eo-fctarring with (British disk-ioclcev, Jack Jackson. i SrC I answet the problem of man is the way we will solve oui so , cial problem. Our problem today is the 1 problem of the Forgotten Man j —forgotten man in the sense lof forgotten human dignity; I forgotten human worth, forgot j ten divine destiny, forgotten | power to commune with the , Life and Truth and Love which is God. THIS IS the real Forgotten ! Man of our day—the man who ; curt enter into himself and find dowti in the depths of his soul that he was made for God START with the true dignity of man, namely, by recognizing that he is a personality living his complete life in society with obligations to his neigh bor and to God, and that this world is only a prelude to the next—then we have the basis of true social reconstruction. Then the world instead ui being the storehouse of our : mounded dust bectmes the , ! scene of our greatest victory, j THE UNIVERSE bi ■comes i lone great scaffolding up which ! souh climb to the Kingdom of (God --and when the last soul shall have climbed up through that scaffolding then it shall be torn down and burnt with j fervent fire, not because it m ban.-, but because it has done j its work - ii has brought us j hack to where we t,u ted the j very heart ot God. , » i K*L4{ -W »,«;« -jjw. ;Vct>rk in Oil'll' I'.'Vjj;tUVp fu M-;. ’I ii GU? G 5 ; !:? ;■ . otks thf'ii* Ui St: 3;fit i 1.1 f). : Miw AlartGit J:»; ■ CibsuiK t)lU : n of ir i, -tv Ntad«-nih; r vvi.i{ iilxti'.d ifi» ii > stud Unih j i in ' St-\: Y <»i , islui \ j it liidst i.U;io and. • ’ i ’ .<• j‘ j*.-. ii. \ t i .tint Wsrii ! tiqjfoiir I i ll Il.ivhi : ps ciG s, ..; i.! m i (Ol y. ft lid ».-qv;hl •f•ivf *m* I: Wi I} t:\ j piorr» nnrT- or tnr uat ion on pile.: 1 (,'ktudo (7la, iiSßiroctur in ft)t, , . j ft/.d tU'O .*i; hi filth will visit ff-U-j. ‘ I't.nis Git nciiph!?, and hlihiii-h in ' V-' -1 ;i! K.i n l ' i P:. .sG ipli.. f LYcw York. IVI. 1 •I; ;i Williams, Uu-tmctur : iii » d*n:- n.tftj-y oducatimt, g.ih> ' ■ •i yh\ yiiudt*nt\ v, iil ub iTVt- in ilo : :act- Mann Elomontary Si.iuui, in>- ; !uth';i!,ti y diVikp.ih o! Hiulti-G • 'J ' l.itfjt u* hi *'U U -ilid i ■ hi fijcftl (.‘aitiU'tr S. JiGOl lii Ht‘\\ • i York. i.f iUii NUr-SOftinlf f']'»>!< . -ijf. , i .vj;:UM*matic>-, ami four st-niors ‘Aoli j 1 j con It ■; with out sift iid in.;; mutheii:a-, lies pi olessor.h and ituihors 01 : icxtbooks used in thnir studios at; iq 1 ladeKt* coJ itrge citir inp t w iweok s in Washington, }shiK.*h-i --; phi:-. PruK-oton, New York and ; Boston ; Miss Flori-etta Du-W's instructor j \in mio-w, and four music tiudents all concontratf' on ’OUmc schnoi. : .ioir groups, and ballot in Priud- - imn and Now York. VlttUlMA STAIE (01.IJ.Gl: Th« First Annual I'arent-T« acn- ■ • i Work v h: ip, sponcot od by th< v irginin C'onyroN.s of Cohor-d Pu : ! } c-nts and Teachers, v.ul! moot at; i VT ginU suite Ci-’llege. March 10- ( 1 u • iiiu)imi.vd this week. Mrs. M. .1 Hitch chairtnan of j : l'( 1111 ill i UCC Os till' ! \;.ti,;na( Ctiegiiuf Colored Pa : • i-fit: and T*-.ichor.' will give tin • Keynote .util ■y- entitled, “To . ~f FT A Al*-,m'-•> 'iii •:■. Vn - inn, Slate c»>! i lege otiM rved the 71 1 anniver-.u’.v • ’ ~,1 its lonr'Kiiiit' W 1 til exert 1 n, t,t io i!‘e h.i[,e! ut the evil : t:< i !■ Grithi: !• “ ; Calvary Bupii: t » : n 'h. No: b'lk j Tdivi-ied tli,- ■- , "Oii foi’ tin■ <«•- ' t cc*sion AflC! the chape! ,■! Vice. I>l j ,11 [> i Janie!. i>»' iib'iit <<f i !t >' . »i- 1 it ut i< »n, ;h cornn.uii'. <i by r\o Griffin, foe Rev Samite! L. Gandy 'college inini-'l’) and M. T Bailey , | the class of I!»Cfi led a proces- Is on of faculty members. .-iue,ent- I;,'id git'-sis til the M> moriai Bench lon the front campus where the ! Men,..rial Tribut" wav' liekl j 1 ate: a teal.rircade left lor ; :!i.,ndfe: ;i ••i-pietcry in Petei'shtifi ii. ii- v.i'eaths wi re placed on the ■x .• of tm ii.te A W 1 lal'fis •l , : ~1, r;! !' • II Pe'el’.T'iJi' ~ t | t.-onsor <>l tin- ' ill which created ,I!,I !VI t'olson, !>r John is! G aels and (Jr l.utla-i' II Fo: iter, late aU.'.iiui'.trativc head.- oi jihe it. -1 i A feature of the Founder's Day i s', vie- v.'iis the unveilin'.', of a 'portrait o( Dr. Daniel lihh P • i ; et.-rit 1 of Vireinia State colU-iy.' ATI \NTA U. ! The iile mil tune: of Janie: 1 f ortei Vseiv bl'Otil lit Inane to ‘ !l Which hu.ovl Dr t. D I rsid.l k ».t Atlulda 1 fills 1-1 '-ii • j Mver the annua! Julius Fciedlaen dt-i' lei’tor, in ('"olumbus, Ga Jlr. Reddick l.eniieu Dr. Vo § . | “out- c-f. it not the finest man 1 lee state ol Geoi i'iu lias vn pi ■' , ctuircd.’ He rated him above all ,■! | tl:,e . tate'-i ton line ol governor' | niditary Icroes, ritliietes and vveli -1 known write!: I Buns to fia e parent:, in Cl:ark’s j tci S. G. in ltillt). Dr. Portei , came to Savannah. Ga in JBf>6 and | began a care, r a-, a musician,: ; educator. religious leader and I j dtotescian. JTtjfF r.\t!o! INTI VN> galksfhu In the days whi n nir-.t th -:nr.- i".;i ! their daily rounds ill a hen- ss-.i,’-'. ;r- > et' a:: itiß young physician ju.-a mui-i sun k..~ p.»i< tie. it. Flint, Mk'h., purchased a “her. -: . • " It was !iu hint car i'ii scid by a m • maker iluick Motor Our I'd. Hu id. now the fourth larp •••i manui’ ■ -•■■ i*.: . i of ih:!i. •■ in tlu world, observing it; t; fieri Wit Lie ill tin- state V-,, .un he fathered a mil : la •.. .eh.; ii remained -■" ti■ ■■ -i, i 1 !• ' uoks li ■a: io7h-8;i ii" iso ;ii tl'MhlCi It! .aid • M l.- ti J-. dd.;. ! HIM ■ eX t . iUh-d U;f ,; ■ , ~! J1 'd i ■ I-: i t,c: I;. ~.. !„ ni ( -t: !: He f j(, -1 V, .. .tiOKti N s ill, ei i Education A• -■ n Mionai Oi £v«*n iEM U>' J iur ]-i < it; . ” mu) Ltd Uhl ** wid i, ire .-l del its ipi n- l:' ■■‘ii .‘iHTiciarni/;*i; ty: l!i-.; u* wi* - f»> p-.ii-j ci bv Uu* U BEA u\ moa/urc pc t vpir**' skin i>-nr hi-: ‘kk-to •. IV T (Uy ;;.no j iurij vj] •. lii < )»;«■ r \w.V :il tmaUi st-ii { > wm iho ; 0p liotu . : {.. ? i.i .. I y at'-. ejtJ:: <m ‘ ’ . " A '.lit* • rt/Oi <ti it? ;o. • ! u; . j tl.< • ail; Pliny ii -a..1 t'M t; • n\l I « <i- ?i f . Jy kmitvi! io;,.i!oi s iti'l: jn,i all • tit 'l! - hi ii ?;i.O i ;! j ■ c.j ttemo-i ■ ia;11 .• .* : ■ ;ni ‘t in! iv l. ii«vi< •. * (• * n.’ -v: ..j ; . j.. . ... 11 ..' . ,/i<j .; - i.i *,U*t u\ {;. . U«\ le "lit- Wi ii:' /; Ui."l! i ‘ ’ 'l.d, j»ilti-i'»«li y : •>:,= •; . td.tti: vi i!;t- r:M; Ain A -rOiiia?R Ni'Vv,- IA -v ■ <Z M.ullr-V,.- {if'o; t- 'dldlfji- 'O Thf in>t i- vie !< ilu- i'-y -. Zi i l * d i- ALHAW STATE fAi I Tst !<AT, FiPiijy. ]Vi:i:..h 13. ir, The •<-v u a* •* d >vi mt o n ;-r \ n ;n Curobrui H.jII A niitorinni ;; K. It. (nils >t ICO! Dr. H Winning, n n-. i or ii; the fcioiiity o .t. ; H T Cvk. ; .n Sei*u»-‘!. ■' t‘! ly ,in :; ner E'l - >.u AAdf st vn rau.Tv'iK M; • :i; - ;n; I’ r. .?. i -vn v; m*;d Hi*: irn- - Kai (Ai'.M : ■ <;v whicii will make it:: M'. aHi .:*, s. ht, ii: mat. U‘;u'!i U mt-r : u .jrct:- If) Ik. . *,;;•< j v< o- ii-viii a \u nUi'i'd i'hipi!:. will b * nivon ti-rE- am i ; r.>HUHctt iona e(/vv r: n ■ lv in u-i. V : * hithand. peMOvai bte*inos.y ■nid Jo ; okkn« pjr o. yTT% hd 1 Vn 'liH: V 7- Alt V WTU SVMOU', 2 ; K^Jr^ah-V-'iJ/YU^, ! /. . X M «fc '4 *"'» I *►'''• 9 t *a# *,* /)V .4' ' 1 ,v, Efc 1 ■ I '■'V'■■ ■■" '• Jk- 11 ---;-;- ‘r~- L ~ • ?fXCCX.)f It. 0( rOXf '.14 i tywwr, - r - . .-. i if* '■ :v '-filr /7|i^i j ~ J 7 V( 7'\j jp ', 'fe + -:7 f /’■ L- J ,w -*Jnr \ t I remap* Hi <v*?i /'vf'ft ' isl IV ta»:S7-:';K7 *fl }) 7./ ¥ p^p<^\ip i §B / ( <if t>> uiiJ-tl-U-U (''.' ‘i /'tn; i•> /iii ' .A:l> Hi. HIM P wLT>£*UOY \ L H ru7r I* J?rirp I WW JtttßtUi 1 *, ..)N ill*;., IH> C.Y/U Tax, Hi r«u'ilil .) fIT MW. H in K! Hf u*Ji M | • HAI IJNII-r 1 ~- 'i>• A! I i},;•. i ani 'N ■■’ ) (U.l !( UNpf C fFfBiRTAMMENT J M jV\f:Ok. AL ~\ l /* jjfl J; --/,' •- v r BfpgNSW// » ... ,: . 8 exfENSI IfJ VPQ JS > , ~7'v^' . f MiVK/ W > Wf-CANi'i ArfAPf ! I YEAH ftD'l ' V A )/ 1 lIK r H-l.Nl.r''l L x tA* S«CK • -< “XiM N 7 > i \ D^Xf fill '' \'.. 7 & f-vv^ IjP L ; ; Annive! :,:•••• tins your arid 'hen the city of Flint ’ iireil a "Sa'ute to iUink." Dr. ? I ills, who li’-ts in i*n n■: ’.’har. Mi<’h. jn-esont He is shown at the v !e ! c.| an «;.rlv m-•.!*•! tr.dck with Ivan L Wile;- ; r nei ai a ifi.i./e| iiuick and vice president o! 1 (li.iietn! Mnli-r,. BOOTLEGGING IS STILL EVERYONE'S BUSINESS! h' s j v ; T t U :Jl K OiStl i< it -M*t ini. «•.}.;.* :tu»i '•< . i llv-* • t u* 1 Ihkl in an v{ c. t tionk think ! n io, , tjvn- to I • ! * ' v • 1 V U. ’ > * i uiiV, *.O f.t -j j ?Ki \<* ' ,<• •»* il j‘ v Vi, ,i ik j 4 j ( . t , or !t.o. »* fl'.'MivVS IHVsvvl v j _t t otn?,v‘ '.l, .j i t J*-t.ii<ii (j'iWij f-t lb . orUJVJ 511:»; !,}((• !:u d nr..:,. iiii / o ! t M'M' knit ' nii.'lmn.s o»i tk* t- I v, . r.«-\ t »tl oU ' ' 151 r..tkoij' 1 l;M* MO.lth' L• ran t ? iV o - ns. d. I'm- r:t».::•«• ta; ■ in.Ui:, -1 k'.v hrok? c.m heVo “i ;4Vc m J*4' miSSkOILS. iC t in barn kin!’ which , IV, v.'i- ar lit till I- lalal > . ' ' i;. 11l : 1,, .1 I . lie.;! Lu-i- C{ : r-i-tit'U. .'Mapa.'MM' ill In: L- -i“ D':l -ti :... it; accident in Alt.ill ,G • ie'ri -i headless. ;o,dy mer-.-hant ,>i death mixed! i j : 1 1 ■ ■ I Hi* railed 'i i jor.” The l i): proved to be ; ;uiiy i'n oi, )i" Midi his i'i'U.:- ■ r All..‘;!;i and he porkrted a p:!e -1 '....i. a;: a uead v.i'nng, N-. ertiiii s '.hoy i.-.iid a to T.iiy p-'V'e’ J-.-n: Oth ".a: - L'inded. paralyzed and (m.s : aiia This api.-ei'lCd 1. ■■ those tieopli did , l ■' rj ■ - ' tie lad that Use !a>v i ■ i; I.:'-I ak'OhOj iv a mi tun: iiw . {iron otioril Naturally. Ole idea! solution 10 the ; a-.'ia.ihil]- alcniuil Jll'i'i i< -i> n n? 1 il !:e in end its man lilac*, re. Itet ihetA a led easier -a id, done. V. long ..s i',i‘. on :t olxil urn so !i. 1 Oud in mi.sic coniniuiii tc. the i . erage m:>s» <ant as a-'! to \i v it, r.t re wifi ai -,i ,i vs bv some t.c otleg*'*-r a - ‘t ’-pl.-iog the le ijlfe i A:li ivnison. oi i , o’: ibilion ;:i:r a man can’t i i-jitiir.atoiv biiv a hid tie of Je'.'t : ,-j ’: i> I ill hi:'-' :. tM'.M I M. Oi' .Olitlly WEEK ENDING MAECU 1 ‘ ill -Ii -M.y j ■ in', tl.e il ai.ilt l !!. -■■ . 1 •i'l.-io Hie ti. i.i r .■ :, ’.'.'i'ii ::re tor nicioii.-..huiris ■ il > I - I’S lilijl, sin. e i lies ■ ' -ibi' ’ Dipsido tin law U ' iti ", it it it itk-Um- little 'lit b ■■‘life to li'u-m it Un y add t, '■ ' MV'., I rlli L . 'in:; a', otiul '•'•at s a’i.i-iis and poisons It s >MlO\vn f.itl that Ohibit ■ hi'- i- oi A...-I ion and aide of ■ 1 ■!' • 1 ■” iy 1.",-, does run ;ii’Ut;d:% :s- : -on iiqtiOj' v. i!i ik : In- ii - ..hi W;1 a: ii'.Mji, 0 M c •• hi)' "J, li.adt; mule' -a,vein- 1 , ;:pei\ ; ion Autiiorjiii : a i e 'J'.m every llii'* prohibltioil ;.i: !iet:t; ■i !.! III.' a! : Miliiil - ! l-ooi ir. li , -'I I '-led I’., tea, Vi t a,. -: I li Hi n eater :i,.-:i, i - ; U-- oi ! U{r m , | u> lot ixi.t vci, group:.: like 1 1 » I io lui ce pt lili ibli e -11 )' i 1 mly m ~M istng how tln : ,■- ■ t.luiit t '.H'tr,.selves 111 rea!; ',v A- ; s-i.i... 'hi Uiurt tisat ptuhi ••:tn>n -ot-- !.«iot!o.« f :in..:.. they iie -< ■’ : li. tiioik id tile tens' 'I -• a Ini;- "I of hone.-:- ' p-‘ o'liisi! ii'ii won id put -: : ■! "-a h To N yr-atvi, this as •MM* J M-, I , lili ’ j.oipt.i tout fill ii-Mi-.-i laTrfi , t■ /, i ploy a iliosi ... Hr- \V- :1 ! : lilOi'i , Ul 1 tk- de.'illtci -piriis uidlPtry, .Me have I’eia-.,'. .-.i tjetter .-JIC 1 I'm; e;i: j Movmcil! Opportunities •Am.!. - 0,1- - - one Ml the T that h. s Ntrioe: iii a wide M. own firm, Seagram-Dis li!h’i s ( orptir s lmsi. \e ft roes woriilns anitmp H- mi liaria! evecoli in ,\>W Vmk, in rr .‘!■'u,() ojliccs, state tdlic.fs ant! city uifici's I'ilc y are employed as national and r* K'iitHai c-veeutives, sail’s rep- I I'M n! ilivt’s, sintrrvisors. tits play men, and in other ini i’rs.'tant positiofts. Olie. i sum.; in tke llqi-m: in isl’iisb . o’ N-. l iter i- t la tier lob.- Ail "I a ■i r -ai (■••li/-. n must . ini- mV. m ,-j to see that no one .ivi.r iri<.: to destroy for ward- Ue; K or iistry We insist not i ir. 1..1 i-'H tisat I■' dime A ill’ll :. -. *1 a’:! a i -fit’ yivc’M. a eilitllCt im Oi.-, i ! tlu- tliOlisai'ds ot ir ph-. I,;M i| ’,,'et-i u and Wilde, hlk • tipp i tm-ir i emit ir: i y jaw kifij: in the liqucsr business. We nii;s! remember vlie families : ■! \\ i:/k e: s :t: tb” eoupef; V'lt lli | I. wl.n I: mahrs the kai’i'eis ;i | ■• !.i |:i-< is aveii in; tin- pn;)er j jndiMi’v. v, I’.K-h malm.-, tile Ir, rtt'ias .vhiski y packed in: the •I) !,;•.-•• I’uitiuity. v/hich makes the bolides wo:: key IS ' soid HI: the I tie : lation industry. -V hlc. h shins the* whiskey; farming. 45 OANOIOATES , CBMPEIE FOB BASEBALL POSTS x ’( AULiA l iASSiaTi— Some 4-1 can idol ■- art o eking berths on the I 1%3 Florida A and M. College ori.seb; li ieam which ia aiated to •yeti the .-oa.Min o.’yiinst Xavirr Univer. Ltv of New Orleans on (March V.T Throe positions first base, shoil s'op, and st.-t and t :..... -have ■•:■)) i-•••tiled wide open i.y C'dium | Oscar Minin'. Tie.' olhi.r six .slots !- ■ manned by vete) ana via) aren't expee'en m ■ t•> a wcomerr except when the :;itn j it im * warrant •• it Cos I.i Kiltie: captain of the 19:*>1 ’ A-.uh-i cn.e is tis?isiing Coach Mi iw with the squad Kittles v.ho was a catcher during his playing j days, joined th. A. and IV!. coach ’. - st.a-I lasi . dl j A iiricf look at Vhe club post* !11 Vi. s,\ po'ilimi di'-i’losi'S Unit Vii!lv Heed of Tampa i- v-t at th** hacksloppinr post utti J.t under .’am s n|’ Oe.d.i till as Hie runes | I't'i ri VO Aruitew .Steven.-: oi i’ooenlx ri v A.i and Ai v.n \\'| iite, ol •lack ul.ville .'I pair of rebel hut ,t i ■ : j ‘.ill 1.1 Ilka Pi V Sill': ' ’ ;M , jjiU';: elite -.-s il ll UeWl'Ptii- Michat ! Frank*'. W'-si Paha I'b .tell Bobby Thomas. Oca hi: Ai u-h ivTillci. da d:-ioi'-vine, ami Hn ivn Mosley of Mobile Ala. Andi t\v Brown , Sarasota. Ha.; (Tiarhe \S !k- : Phoenix 't’i'v. Ala.. Sitin'-’, tie-'' Mulberry, . rut. end Su n lev A i-stm. Jockson ■ -u. ;i: a'; bat-.ii:...- it *--ut for the i'ii si sari.i-rs post b ii opi n iiy tile j.j.:l' fil r - 111 i'.oiuiid '.l wis It nin '5’J .-ion .brill Matlia '■ ’ Wm. '-n -Saleiil, , (y arm A a-.. -, Hioem u! Fort .mV ~y, , ei’.lji-'. ihe M-r.t -. m Ai iVl.Mei ,- v.'i.-- acta.-b at Tin:- pO .- t -. ,e . '.- :m; to t;''it- I. h'iieid V/iPia ! -- - I uviiie a rut . til, J- 1. . • -. -nl a! ' .-nto Pan .l i , .1,1 n.bjp i. '.bjulst-t" Au ! i . Ibi.i- Strii.l?’ 1- .. i iit'CV !I;11 t ■ 1 u.p V. ,r niskifted Hits’ tile Al'lVlcd 1,. I !-. Pit: ’lu- Cie: I- '.-t ‘ r,,M first -i ruosUu G":'dim Hr: lim'd. Potui , : i u h > Played tlerd b. -e -3'. r>2 e- ' W .. .; n, iny competition front new rti’.a'.e Bo' oi S’ Peters. IP,;: .b;!::i :\vi : - o' Sliftolk. V:'i.. ... , p | : p M ; M.i ■ lettf ield . ;i,-im v. an .Milie., a battu.y, and fi m -.'... i.i : ear in center ■ ..ip 'ip..- lb i M.:: ' i v-vui •■, :: i N Y i V bole-, 1 WllOi'. oi bokyun till,- who -i - ' ot i-;< anna! duty i.eitiiui liit* plate in Vs, is » ( ineli til In the star tiur. right lieUiyi ill tint’, be assisted, It u, i-i -sari by 1,1-usJ.r Fv.Ul*, s, j b,: til tl Hat: lo llow.u'd Kelly. IPy.fji,- IV 1 1 Ha oe*. l S.eiaent Hall, ah ol Jaek'-tiny (tie, atitl Will ft- Siiiub-tun "I M«-u Or If’lSJlN. Pun-ell “Nick" Sluusttm «t T-miva. is au-tii) *rr vinii ux u -natt--.’ amt statistician tor Hi,, learn flits is ItoHsluos tliird year In this apaelt'. BFf wiueil |p >-u - be- i i.-n b'-iin v.-llicit wlo i.i- r- made' lea- I i vviiok-s-ib r.- veil-.I bi’itlK I'be will: .- ■ : • ili<* loe o’ peri.go stores, .p d ,aitiU-.-.-..■ oliier- Ai! -■-! tb' ‘’* : business* which an 1 connected wi iii the liquor industry would nave i-i discharge t rml.-a teas of K- pH ;m,i White employce:'- if ibe liquor business were made i!- , cal. y.p probably know so*n<* eo];ie ... fill are employt'd ill these :idsistrii-s nr you may even work in one of tl. m yourself T«» day more Negroes own Their own htimes. their own autoniohiles; more go to eol le;c. more have better jobs than ever before in the hi - lory of our country. It's beer* an' uphill fight, but progress has been made, today, NA grow are able to do what the - * wished lo do for generations Thev are 11 El. PINO THEM FEI.VFS. They must continue v to help themselves and, to do this. Ute% should support those strong friends who hate eon- IrHrm ted lo their advance ment. -BFC-- Y- ' me w-J! be : lish while i... your liuiiM- work and sudsy ■ tasks. We a r a in;tiogi'anuneil b. i i y;.'!"lh uprtoi with a handy ■ M-.-p-un phis' ie iHiin-i that pro i teets yout doth' from lint Mid ■ moisturi-. Ki-isi.:y coin dots in gay ■ t Kin-s t,iii the apron into . pretty * -et-sar. Rueiliv pb- k( H lo hold i y.,u:''c'Hiake! cb'tlis, and uten . Pis make it practieal.

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