WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1953 PICTURE THREE g. r. at -snow iTOHM Three rnemhers o* rhe H<>th I t .insportation Truck romparty repair the. eiigine of .1 vehicle for use duritu;' "Snow Storm," tile Hroy's wilitr train ing even-*-*- .it {’amp Drum, Y a. YVatilfiriß bio buddies is PTC Mint Hunter, son of Mrs, S:irii = - Hunter of K-ll Washington let'- 1 pee, Raleigh, .V. C Kneeling on pominoes To Pliy Raleigh paster Monday Nite; N. C. poy Featured With Group ■ RALf IGII Promot* .1 pit i ■inters -it; auuiff'd tin v, <th-H ■ has Manor! D 11,v, Ward and ie,* ■olid I'anion.- a! ia'r, tn tiOmni fces and Ordte tra to -dav l-.j- Rater Monday dance date llio R. ■ Rah Memorial Auditoi -im April; ■Mr Winn • ~-rj p,i it ■ter in ;■ ■ a l ■kiir.: • ■ Jf■• <> t t|,;j» p,. ~n> ■ t Bill* .10-l ,r, ft-. ■ ie, Billy, a -s.-ii j.-,■ tai ■omoter Winir- i,, -i . fa t-.i-.TjBR '■'■■"a i‘ *:- .•>, fn SjBT *1 f’o. I'r i.ii.;- «’<>'• ’ll G *. i f a r ft :i I: 11 O , l||B§VDn*.' !•* pl*G |M-r key in *h‘ yn:l!' i uumv. }l:v • 1 • • t it; sis 1 vV .; f• ! ■ i •;: • v ■*";•'! ! mWthv V/' !-r M.gi’Ti; f3B| I -s H; j Old Fiddle KENTUCKY STRAIGHT -BOURBON WHISKEY fin? mru s2*° $^ 95 ?AR n jtOWtl DIS 11 us p v y CAPDSTOWM, Kf.NJ U C K Y S WWWHIIIiPPiMWIWWWWIBWWWWBWBWMMWWaBMMr A - - V Easter Monday Night jv*L *g f 1# .ML*. v u /Raleigh Mem. i MON. NITE APRIL O j .Advance Admission $1.50 I (he fender and fixing tile motor are PTC ThadtOus Honker, left whose mothers, Mrs. Susie Smith, lives ,*t 5121 street, St, I unis, and whose wife, Sarah, lives at 7 ( M> Aberdeen Road, H.nnpton, Va,; and PTC Charles II Griffin, whose parents' are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gibbs ot «»•!> m. Nicholas Avc.. New York fits. ti. S \KMT PHOTO;) hnn. Winters .-as full ••( ..mil*-*-,. Ut bad vnade the headline- a am. The rise of Billy Ward's nominees from obscurity to their present pre rn inenf posi tion among vocal groups in less than two years is almost Uiipreorilrpted in show !»asi nrss .i re tills. Til- Doirsinse. fn < i'i-' break, i a lit) ~> fiiafiv e-thy-iT. ' .tair m *' Ait hi if Godfrr- Talent fs'ciut 'iu ;ri lase i 950 On (he : --n-.!! nf then- tn*mi>-U on ini* ji liir s ■ <’re ianeri in ,m *y , inure fO IV. T-uR r.-.f .Re" • ••!••! • !a- >n ti>n. jvmit on H,;. • | tune.-; tin Donunors fool, a :-'iarp tni'ii upward:-. One idt re- • cording followed another until, at 1 ■ etiri ”t IDS! they were ac . j HAVi.-rj :ys! i,v a,,, lade •(! :><’ the leaders in the Rhythm ;md Blues field Their nvAniin:. 0 f "Sixty Ma Man." written. by Billy Wan' old mini than a. million cuph "•■I lid 11, e Pill board Magazine; : i,n 1" wade for 29 ronseeutiv In 19 >! too, the D'oriinoe,; re m'a-ii the Independent )' Sei’- viee' anmtal Award of A.ehieve• us ni fm liisUiujifished rervicc" in' the field of must:' at i,|..eei-i! -remony at the Apollo Theatre! ,n New York. Just recently, they '■ere tin ■■ recipients of the biggest | in mo,- <d all. lie-'i .(nation as the,, nidion's outst."riding vocal group ink (fie itifraal poll held by the Pitt w ; •Hiruh C.'ourjer. Tliey receiver!', their aw -rd at a special concert • at Came >,ie Hall’. WII.SON BOY rEATCREI) D odd Mi Neil, base siivu r with j ■ •he Dnn-.inoes i:- a proud am of; Wnson North Carolina. He i - rii; 11 i.<-.i ra. ail in,-lorn Caroiit i. Me-! N-"i i 'in oub-ianditr.: perfurrner j iul if a* -! ] renfetribf"' ed 'ir hie: :o - -oi l. throughout the rtatc! i.-jCii in-s'il groups l>> fore joinint , y up v i h Hilly Ward and his Dom- j -a,. - o..vjd ::.v.'s that lie plans to | ■■in,on - ith the Domines He tie-! 11«- \, that they have greater) j:. In . to i 1 avli Hi ; hobby i ;f-!(;i!) . 11 rl lie i- an avid reader ; v wr homecoming is in the mak-i for McNeil by many of his c tcia!.-,- throughout ca.-tern North I < oi olina. J-hnmritm- Winter.; Kited a! press! in. i- that, there would be No in-! v- in admission prices for this : COMMUNITY CHEST AGENCIES REPORT T( IT HA V !•!N NURNF.RY To! H n Nut • • .one of the i/iembt r .ageurii a of the RahuyvC i 'ojiimumt \ i* is now bc,;in ■ it".: .!-■ fifth yejir o| vu-vire to :i.e N> m population of Rah'igb. Tot. Hfiv-n iiav he :in enroll-. i ; ’ of 38 p ■ ! ii age boys cud girl -, nH ri •rjo.; FePetl-try it i n:-d an avn ag* ,itl« tidatuv of 30. the Nm -cry, which recently ■i>va a to the n- v Rci i'eatjon' auJldinr: in Ch.aV' Heights is , . 'p.tipped witii all nn-'i"rn ronven- • ; ivty.’V; : ert coin 1 a i It is irmiji yaineti a- a coninnmity pi eject Hi .a tier that ehildren may be pro-' :m rly aned for dm!":.; the day . nip lb-or moth* r ■ are ■.vorkinc o u port the family. Activities a! the em-.*-,-* inehjdr: ■da; -a "d- b" . rii i • in,. ,nd cof* .*• u;-, rutting and Us ••! UU: pii'tU # ■ ppei-vi *.-! ganiOs uud d.aneing,' o-.nom-d*-*.*>!. irins, n.a ai ioae,- n p-tiyrv, an*) < .mf-clo*.*r play. Thv i:l li'iren ds'O .-'njoy th-'-ir .story i iidlit*:.: " i leading period;*, and sio are sork.uM on pl-tst.- '*.*r to n .annual prinr*. imuueal,' nicii will be riven in May. i-ic fiiii-yi ; ha.- fieen a Ho* a tea •:l c(M) from tin last Community Vher-t ('.ainpatgu to tmlp it 1; needs rlufing !;! !> hi addition, 'is- Junior Wirunn * Club of I.C -' , . don,’it* - '-! * , a.*‘h nwiitli, aan UieuiiHT nl the dub volunloer u» *. *rk wiih T<-f Haw u « program. -, a>. <n! i a. > ivui by (is- '<- ■ .in War Mothers in id 1 the; ;• i" ip". pu ' >omvt )RTH YMCA Om in;; Ker-i't ary, a total of 8.271 voting Negro hoys !*rid men oar-! licipat'-it in the activities at tlie; Bloodwm-th Street YMCA. The Bh'odworth Stroe! YM is - ne of thi 13 rigi-ncte- of the Ka t*,-i.;h Comu'Kinity Chest. A. cord in. in ;h» n'.i-ntlii* report Tied - fill !.!-)!• Community C-'est Pr-.-ita Monday Night Dsincc even • Uiou :(•', ir ; .i,kl - 'lie to additional cn.se to gel Hilly W,.rd on the ri'il ted hue. Doors ill open r.t 0:15 vvith dancing yet tin.-: under i V. ay fit !) I’M si. U‘p PICTURE HORIZONS jam - ■<t •'awS^^' .Mridl LOVE ME LOVE WY dog— AN OPULENT EYEFUL Patricia EHinwood and her Mary Stutterin relaxes faithful dog, an English ' <»r our camera’s view. setter. im -•ft.>p 4. ■?■ •.0 i-^flfcf.-r. <,.\& ; ■ gygHr . • gj|jj^|jjS| -WOMKN WOkh TOO .. . Thai's opinion of 1.-. J. Sorensen, i ..,* ehief executive of Deepfreeze, na- tionaiiy known manufacturers of home freezer', refrigerators and >, <*',:, k electric ranges. He says that light- NETTING A CATCH—Vaca ening homemaker’s burden is iion plans are in the offing. A continuing challenge tu appliance man’s idea of perfect days of r industry. uclaxiuion and play, rE locuiv. E. I. it-iffpvri. * a*o! - \ . t.a led Hi; U .! 04 < |*e i - -ns r I ten* led tr- vil iotev V 'lons ounnir the nv.nth, I'l-.r-a* locltttlt i.ira-5 , Hi-Y, ./unK>r Citizens, -ouivg Men's Athletic Club, Wi iIH if Hug o-d Hod;* Builders ' tub. An'.Hui' 1.707 n*-: on?'- aI. T‘tided * h*'ri ll l*-*( aetivitb'. nph as the 1 *!o;,“ S*i*',i Troop. Ha k*ui>yl! prat. ! Vice, 'he "hnr.'l club, and gr'.VP ■ lev a; ■ Tin- 'V" also nonali/"s m spe y.i.il ml* res; nelivilie*:, -*.mong . tii- .Me *.- mtoJ'-aphy. music, 1 me:-, a nil reading, ibiriog Feb r* ary . 3,521 if ol} and 1.i0.v attCXjd en He.- <- •v.peial iniei - t ■*’;- .lons, Umford .fr.o-rl that the p.lood r - rth V -S -d -a* u.'•’*■; for 18 f ’:.!ie niei-tir.y, dorm.: the month. The Hi,-.. ■ , Str* *-; V MCA . - 1..-.-II HI-.,- f *■*! a ! .i of $7.63! ! iVfmt *h*' Crairvnemi' *'!.‘bes| *;o .*t v. *!* |t.s rh .ra- *<" -building rC . i ■' |-< -. • *-a !)■*i * a I o* t i vitifS ! ■turn!.; Mi*- -e ar nn ti f. t knith hi Id -•! !t|<- C., e.,1 .oil- Cen <'in.am/e*i in T.a ! Raleigh *.* pi * - vide iae n ational activities im- I il. Negro youth in lluit part ■ i i**v o, A! 1.1 1 ;1 time the Center , priv Hely financed, but in no:»- re."Hi! years it has heconie ,i comuv.-nity project, deriving itc •>:,:* ni -uppoi! from the Raleigh i ■ Chest. Sms, Tcttle" ! ,u'!y beginning.",; l! . ervii --a ii ,ve H-wi e;-. pauft'-d il. ■' or N .: o. of all age Iron Hie ill/, mi \>>*.» a i tuer*- for hi.- fir t inneula , (or ej: iJd - md *l* - ■ - < ( ft) the .ntin is Ch which provide •■I tie id!- act iv it ie: for the ag ,i ;■ i :s <■ month, of Tel'ruary, .m avrage of 100 people In Hr '.■nl • each da;, to participate In os activities. Among the recreational and .i>!)\ classes .o' Girl ■H*'- ul Troon. . . *:,■-: i .il. art; and * rafts, and in* oor e.tines. Girl SemH Troop N nrrnrr -. lijc'i hold*' v.vekl.v meetings M Center, cr-uvf d 10 tu w nvuti ! Iv’r.. during the p:-- ; ! month. The THE CAROLINIAN ' Nat, Sarah, Billy And Record Show to Raleigh On Tuesday, April 14 RALEIGH- —'‘Tii* Record Show" i ' hich will play 1 one u-;:;h! date ~t Bir Raleigh lYffiqoria! Auditoi u-tm on Tuesday, April M is « r’-'votd collector'. dream come sue. The first edition of "The Record ■how," which i;* a follow-up of The Biggest Show. co-*tais the Great Nat King Cole; Billy May *nd ids Orchestra; Sarah Vaughan, •nd the very funny Gill '‘the" I on-ib. There is a strong top flight ..ul of supporting entertainers. The entire ca r of "The Record Show" has one time or another filayed the top houses throughout ''■he nation. Cole, May and Sarah. . Vaughan have appeared in one or , wore of The Biggest Shows. Xa* King" Cole has thrilled; ill ions w ith iiis hit records. When] .he decs his stint on the .-tag* of ‘lie Raleigh Memorial Auditorium! a!! the robins' breasts will turn! green v ith envy. The nightingale's' trilling will have nothing on tbe i **veel swinging voice of Sarah Vaughan. And when Billy May ; ,nd Ins wonderful orchestra strike! ill Hie -wallows will surely return ' to Capistrano. Gil Lamb comedy routines were i -featured in such motion picture:-] H rl. II) llli:- Iroop range *J\ age from 1(> to 13. and arc presently •rklng on Iheir tenderfoot ro. quirenient;. w ith plans for their investiture ceremony in April, sc ; curdUiv, to Mr- , Merlie H Beatty, liittle Diieetor. Twenty - four girls meet a? ruu.i* uni'p a week after school * . practice basketball. The craft:; la has J7 member.and the in door g-unes group i attended by .girls. Tuttle Community (‘enter also! maintains s nurse ry icho'd. with : -ii enroljuicnt of 52 MENTAL HYGIENE During February, the Mental | Hygiene Clinic, one of the 15 ageii -1 ■ lies of the Raleigh Community 1 Chest, treated a total of 83 pa tients, helping them )*> work out th'-ir mental and emotU nnl prob 1, ferns. According to Le ter Mann, p.-y --i-hologist in charge of the Clinic, the majority of the cases handled vfre children, many of them xuf -1 fling from maladj'.J'rtment which :n *urn resulted in poor grades ;md inability to fwf-Mong at •••iiool , At the clinic, the psychologist ..pd f.ychiaH'w -pen*' ■ orker seek 1 diagnose the row •• of the dis- - •urbance and auv;. 1, mctiiod of : vratment. Referrals to tbe Clinic often rum*; from the schools, other so * rial agencies, private physicians, out most often parent*, them-! ■!v< . realizing there is a prob lem, go to the clinic for help In addition I" children’s proh i terns, the Clinic also handles adult : pent;*l and emotional disturban s cs. w^SSk W£m Jilil TO ENROLL IN THE CONTEST FOR SOQAAOOinCASH PRIZES NINE PRIMS FOR INDIVIDUAL FARMERS IN THREE ACREAGE CLASSIFICATIONS! April Ist is the deadline, so sign up NOW for the Finer Farms con. |MNHHMnHRii| test in the 1953 Finer Carolina Program l All Farm Owners and Ten- Mir | ft ft If r ant Farmers, operating in those counties served by the C. P ** T vVtLUUMt Comoany, can enter. Here's your chance to win a cash prize and - • build a more profitable farm lor your future. All Finer Farms projects should be based on accepted Soil A Water * *-nvIIMIV Conservation practices. Three individual prizes will go to the win mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmM n ers in each of these 3 classifications: SO Acres or less; 50 to 100 Acres; and, 100 Acres or more. Whether your farm is small or large, <feveiy one of you has a chance at the top prize! Additional prizes will go to the County with the greatest number of acres participat ing, and, the County with the greatest percentage of total acres en tered. Either way. it's cash money in someone's pocket, and it could be yourpl NO PAPER WORK REQUIRED ON YOUR PARTI It’s easy to enter the Finer Farms Contest! You can get full informa tion and your entry blank from your County Soil Conservation Su pervisor, or, your nearest C P & L. Co. Office. Just be sure to fill it in and return it to your Conservation Supervisor BEFORE APRIL Ist! That's all the paper work you have to do. So, sign up NOW, for a finer future for your children TOMORROW! ,^'77'x KttMNtt TO RVSLO V (CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT i 'op 'Toe Fler! I• ” v.• r Syan g)"d lUiythin ItiUrng High." Ralnbo'-’ l i,l n *l, " "fhectically , Yt»urs" and 'Hit Parade" Lamb is Ulidolibledly th<- /uiiiih 1 m;ip on ti 1 *.*■ -Rage. Harrison A Patriu.i M .Rrr and ■ "Stuffy" Biyant., dance routine.-; arc rat' d bj choi eoyr-iphers ] throuenoui the country as tops. TICKET SAIT! Mail orders and ticket sale for The Record -Show will b<* hannled by Thi err Record Sviop in Raleigh. ; Hamlin IJcu; Comriam will fill ■j orders: for colored patrons. The ! entire house is reserved scats ar i retirement -. ILLUSTRATION GAt.A RALEIGH SOCIAL F,- \I!\T The Swan Arts Social { tub format was in full swine at the Woodworth Street YMCA last CrWt> night when lensmiln KILT { Lit TAINS CLEAN IPs wi.-c lo form the l.Htvit of ihokm:; tip on the cleatilinci'-! of. ;your -beer curtain . Gat-aer up .-•••veral fold:, m your two t»and j you'll be able !<> sec any dust and; , :*i 1 when the .-tic-u fabric 1 * ' * ,-;tI (ay- i . thi "I* Th- a -1 y (l eni ■■ f opr-e, if u**ee --'u - K* ,-y 'fug fabric;; oud * at*-.- .-I*■ -n :j - *1 important to tiirp- uf*- -md! ; beauty, i! 1 :: poor econojnv to ktp ,1 hnmderini '-hen It'.. >'*•;> 11, du-- RFC { !Ry all means, make use of ajo.l! nifety devices at bathti’Pi AI in lay ; doves the vast space;; and fr*•*!<'*-ni; inf the big tub. and bis flouting toys h ive mon room to lh*a‘ So don't cheat him out of tin jd*n: dure just because you’re afraid. * *—‘- I — "- I —-* * — MM —•- ' c s ~' m ■■■ln" i ill . ■•, |- • ‘‘i * * SARAH VAUILIN VAT VOLE f red Sherrard caught this bit of action, With the V.M gaily deco rated in the club's pink and green with palm settings and the Three Deuces making with the melodies, one of the season's most rnjft\ able social events was One^^^OneStop MJ'S AMI SKiiVK.’K 0\ 'UAXHKS. UEF - ICFFATOH 5, j I. a fill is. 111 ATFRe, A,VI) EVER VTI {INC EWKCTRIC AJ, CONTRACTORS nm;sn< hso\ [,ij;<nut \i, service 131 F, Hargett S>- Phone 3-5031 voch u'KSTivcnnt'F! pkai.'-'r fit'O li ffousr Vre»;/n' \\ c't l (<*•. PAGE SEVEN in (he offing. Mrs, Tannic Min kin is president of the rich; Mrs Indian Hinton, vice-presi, deni and chairman of ball and decoration' committee; Mrs, La fayette Partin. secretary, and Mrs Pattii- Ifaywood, treasurer.

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