WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, APRIL t. 1953 K.vfDY i!.v OH TO ATf AVTA Above basketball te-.ri■> from (onmuin H y )«** :, rUi i, ,\'luiington, and John A v i‘i \ du , i n. ham. have m sot Jißa*,:i2rir'trfA'a.;ij! i aswasaar ROCKYMOUNT NEWS and VIEWS ROCK'• '.ftT ' ' T! ■ : '' ■'■•'il I-lSgKi, ii■ ■!, : • .■ .(!: ( Ij.iu ; <••.••';; djrCi ;*-d i..,. Q* ..:, -. .la i. i.. ■i- P-nciK* !• .-;■; - • ur.ii ie iif . act* Ut Ua lif ■, ..i • Scv.'t-U it.iXi.h . i.;'h ■!:•«.! i-'.i field. .4 (. ;ji. ’'i-' il l it ill delightful i- ~ tt.i « aiitaLi <?ntiUfe»l •"i Os Eil,: I I !. , .... ■ii 2kl! I ii Tli. ihuii.li "u Goldie-f ’.! 'i'r.i Ur::. . in' :. i V .... ! i ,' i • U 'll htXl* .<j til* . ..!. lit . ..hunt.-:' W. iJr.r: it ilt .-. . .-! <. I illu . 1 ii !'*..-. . 1 1 lit 11 * 11■ . slid will uh-i •v. ; . i.! ■. ..... vti: ary u. 1 -.*,.' .... : :■• a special ): : I L,. ‘i. ■ i' '’ ’l*' '- *■ 1- --* It . ;•,*'! ii. . ... i A hi: ii ' i til ■■; i -iii* : . I.i ■•'*! . choir JOl.l V not u <>t f. ah i J li. Jfi) It' I''! tis mai l uai co jj.li ‘-i t 1 * Lit: • i'jk-lih. i.Ji'iln. 1 lilt 1 ta.r •ti ; * t ! . ■ I'.jiii" -c :• , Shim- ■ •Vi At V -N.r ". Struct. Mi . Sil : :c . |<•! ' < club and ’*ii :'• i■. ;• Myi d"'.> t m i.f>:!ai y i'vi; A. i Ta.. 1. .' l Ca' uI e V t I A K-\ '.V M.,) .i -,t .5 I: a til til l tit l tlr.mi I * 111 i ’ .t m .at f iil.i Wai it 'till t'. I Tl)iiadti|;tiit iti i ,j>i*i..it j. " jc I atu it till Ii I'D • !u 111 .trill tui iuiu Stiml.i'. 10. 'i flu .i.ltiLl aj. jt* i I'm* . tit i’u ta- 'iili, 1 , i tiftr- .* flit- A mOlfll mi to a Gi-ißishoi inti....j . tmr til at night. ! ( TORS Milt MTV AIM I : II: \K S AAI l‘ 'At I it >• ailiiitit a ti.- It ... i: . . I :!- M I. ’ it a; * A. M-'ioiiiui <»'•* v *i; whfj* I:;--. luai;N ; nil.* i J -li'-n;-. ’vivii i) hi.- in -iJ oh. How* I C.i ti IJj.JVCi :.U U: w St I■-■ ! « ; ~Tl* .1 W\ ' ( ! •; 5 . • Ithi!: * liTipgrtinJt it i-.'S- • '» a'fabnt ''XUiIU'M 11* in? 'M up lli.t !.* »• Jilt 1) illiU *• 'll **ti and i-h C'.NiiUd for E'cvdon. i-rui dCJTjoei i:C\ if) E.iVc I in-. aiiCUil rl <if ; to :.p --out) in NAAt/'l' i f.it :u. forward' mai'uh toward inU*.; rat ion. 'A hiH«. fit: said. i i WlH'tJO 1 >UJ <;o\!\ii:m;i: \m MOMIMi ') i ROM t<: Me I ti’Ki.. lIIC.I l. tatUi-tui. , .avitic Alston, J l. .1 • Haiti: via v (Ail ■ pedse. D.i .itMy f; ova .Sturt,y. AI-; Start, 1 .all. R . 5 J' a tit !i> AlstO'i. Daisy JcflAa m.ij, Edith Ta fun, I>Ua Laura Hossrr Sheaf- , er Willtum::. Mr*. D. B. Handy,; Alary Piiij.tj..'. EstcSl Rciystc'!. I'ris cilia .Scott tifui Jarrii s Puwrl’ Ju- • itiii Youtu Cid Alston. Harold Brown Robert John tort KASTMAN HIGH Ktiii. Id: Hilda Solomon Ethel 1, Alston, Maxine! Wilkins, Lula Lowe, Claudette Co-: .Held, Ciena nlthe Ba!c< f Patsy Harper Carlind'i Carroll. K;un»j etie Solomon. I.emiant WiiHati- j Chat 1<- Wintaker. HENDERSON INSTITUTE Hen-! detson: Kannie T* : \. Alt*- Owens,! Anna Srfeed. C’t'Heriuo Henfterson,; Mary ILiitr.-n, Mary Hargrove,: Rocile,:. Hami. Willi..::. Oliver, O'jvrr t'antiady Mi- • E. M. Green, i HALIFAX COUNTY TRAINING; SCHOOL Weldon: Robert John-j ton. v DUBOIS HIGH, Wake F-n-st. Mattie Mar-.h Jj.ifihy Marsit. <. ir‘o Evans, Thelma Gt ty. Ruby Wood.- Ellen IVbiuim, Willa Hiinlti. !(;i by Allen Marjorie Mills, Arthur N Boone, M. E Skinner BOOKER T WASHINGTON. Rocky Mount: Clayton Gray Jr., Minnie P Barlowe. Mildred ' Kale. Jante* Belh'ene, G. R. Atkinson. RFC “■ * * 1 ■ I 11. . —. . Everett Cooper, Exalted Ruler of the Columbia Lodge of the IBPOE, and his District Deputy, Chiton S. Lloyd, are shown m their busy otficet in the nation’s Capital In th# new Negro Achievement, film de-uinitiv tery, 3«K,ial Life/' _ j picture made before teat' ng or Atlanta, Ga.. \vh« re they pa Hie I t .lied m the Si etlcnal Basket fall tournunieiit • punsored U.» "■mmi'ttu I: 11.- •!' mu-.: l. Htiuy 1. Ii , . jj! in- I . i I-Ilti 1-0 'n.any pi.: I ~p.> et„ . to Pi-at i- . to Li.j.itetition. t a tLi.i >.<;• to -1 u M.its / .1 ■. lUik.o.i to i I I* ' i I.iii • to ■ fjo -•* ;.l \. about 'in- ....i.i it Coi j it appeared t„ him t.’i.it :teai i \ ei; fit thtiiisatid Ii ..et.e, .peOpl ■ 1 in;-.! /n. : ti: 11 i. . i ■ ! U .On o) . . •!■ to. tin. I! ft-: low .iii . i ,v 1m .. mid ii.i.i/ to dn A oil tin- .1 Heine UK.i'Ji ; 1.0 11 ij, j; , oi Will: It ill 1 ■ ,( ’! i.tt, i *.: I'.. i te *■. i■ -. 11 a; *it ... n fa-.iifni- t alliWO .. I! i: 11 :'. ! '' a. .... ini;' ' t> ; , ,h Lire ,*; >:)- ;. , '; Oi, aiXKtt t!. -ut Friday i ,:t jiet: i i. : |)i;u ;'e to I *v i.' ( 1..,r foe oit .. .:.iu, •; m•. 11l r., dot, eOUttl, y ; i d I, t. ; ~T , i.i. mute than! ■ .. . , t . i .: ■ i. n/idei , r,c, : riiitip.it '..j i n- now'-, ati-wr. dh.ai.e t.ch rtidol »nt ■ in. ;u; . :uf.t I •• • n ■>. . . . • t I • II- " ■ ... .. ■ in led li ".'-*1 . . .ii , I .it (1i:.:lv • ,* ■ j ,:i 1e; ' ! th .o. : ..lilt i. H St-': I*/ j• ' 1 ■ ii.. Veil the- ViCtOflOi o i t -TI CfO’.V - •o . 1.1. t •••(,-. -.1 Jug "i tto C -jr* V |,N \\( I AND SCHOOL PLANNING Nabrit, si bo b e served as 1 esjierl ' line:-- etui teseareb iavn-.-r to i ‘i.i * e.~ Siptiel . an.. I ■ > /juall liistorie NAA< f tN< ' ■ e tv hb h v.pt ; iicf,i t> it S' Ov. »: ! U i liver hi) . M tic?, iiic ivixa's' ♦ i • • houUl start l*> siut ti - tuti,c finance and bulioul .. i ii;. into asMJt'iaiion pfu pi o;’:fu:i that they would le i-,„ .pji. <t to meet, competi tively. tbi type <il fdueatmii.il r re* ram best designee* to help Uieir rail: and to meet the in evitable advent ol imegr Itiilfl in tli.- sehouts. Ol < HU S "SAT ISFAC I Oil Y it! 1. VI IONS ' (?l Nabrit dev iu r d vivii.-itients,j ‘I; ■ all; l-tetii! > l einUOlls’ ii. Pa.-' O, ‘on a 00-nmi.iCiit.v v'Olllu’. a s.ChOOj ‘ iLn (id is .-.ii amt u.-i.'i.' tiu prim-! - D ili p.iil of iii" mule than a nul- • ■1; oil *to bit lid a m white school ! i while liio colored only .*■ an o/d ; o..nlUii4', reftiod'-li'd and tiu- pur-; : e) ~t ....! ;.( pi,-if oi land with a picture to Link! a .-vhooi som> -. ! vui.e in idle future." till*.. iu‘i 1 wuuici have noiii ol it t-kt* . Boiin fialtiijii and Rocky Mount havej i );ad .similar experience.- along tins j j one.) Nabrit added ''That is just i a fiLrtenudi/.lic carry-owr tyoin I , tin- KJaVe el J Os i elate"l atid Was ino i:. -1 ek-.i ii.iti. at .in Hr* ..i* ' j chided tin 1> You ilia<in: :. > | have ilie i-haUenge to .*■ oad. J f lu/jne ,o:d lead yoin brothers—! vtiiti- anti i.iack- - out <)t tin* .-h*i-* dews and show then wiiat demo-. eraev is CatMNVU.LL HONORS I l k LEA Us It i {; i i i-,,vi 1 ie, N. ( . Golden Rod I Liiii ■■ (.j I ja liaiitei Elk threw a. !n, i-.-a.i recently at time they; •’iot:uri<i u;. Tc-iup ie Saunders of; Whitaker.-, District Deputy of L l i<‘ ' lady 1.i:.. Mayor Lottie Belcher I presided at the affair and Kiev, i Erie, along with Ex-Ruler Leroy; Barnes and Mrs. Nora Bailey ol Rocky Mount gave the talks. Lai- ; * r in the evening the executives • attended another banquet-program ! iby the Antlered Guard Staff con-; ■§£3¥BP , ,V : wt U "iM./ v 1 ” ' WJmmm- B %*• te M - 3% lie.*, s’ clubs ut America The lo cal >;!ub p!a, e«l s,*eiin,t. —f*hoti> hi Vanderbilt Studio. }JSC — —• vv i LMIN CTi J N .i -it 9' l\t,\ ulcia(»l . a u’ M ? * * hui* 1 <‘»arr >:><» 1 1 1 i aa f vLull, *v ti o t li<* i . Mr fame >iai ih,iU t*tiv -a it k -i/»‘ iiGiim r Kir i jitu : i iiigc l«» Alt . W .»u* t Moiiir .ujv, .j i of tiirck.y | idiil Hie n» r!ti)ii-. look <> ! t eiu :iai v S.*» v Huid< : uux a tti< first tii\t in VV iimmji - t<m. She also drove cab thrfe years in Ijotroit. she* j s umiS«>yc<l as an operator i*t I t'zora Jb-iUty Shop. Vunder hilt Siifdio rtiotn. United College Fund To Seek $1,500,000 "F\d y<>RK A eoal of SL -500.000 will •'•< ongiit by in'* .. ted a i " College Fund in I:;in the tenth annual dppcul . ~*,■!,m ; in York im Monday, . ,fCtl I':, v. itii ii.. eiin.-, t" Li it, j,*i tiic ii/i!!i *,inii ‘J th** Hotel y. i j).;:.. Announcement ■ vet's ' macit. l.y Frank M. Totton, oi'f-idiin o!' the Ch.’.-u -Ta tiunal Bunk, and Ciiairmaii <*! th*’ ~ .. ,i E?:ei'id*ve Corn -11,. <(•-!• >t'i ) * r*/ <■ *'>it c ten :- ,-,i,it . i t; ■ i nilibnivd i-iinea ;. n ideets .J 51 private, accre ,*!,.() i-j1 i • i ;.nd universities participating in the Fund's »y«- ,* T),, ie I it«.- l iojis jnanage to pro’Vid..- t'it iitl'fi Idnttv pet cent •u. . .*|vc: tlu'i.unh irareful eco nomies- Tht- Fund will conduct organ ,,, d c iiuiiiiutii. in 65 major cities 'tinoip-h.mt tin- country a- well as !:i Lie cotnifiunitii's where the : IVil-'.H iCI-e COileS’-'S -lit* lOCutfll ! Mr. Tniton also anniutneed that ;• , -su.;!. l Dwight D. Eisenhower endoi’ieit the 19:A f-uiipaign in i stat-n.i-nt pi aisine the wor I: of i the Fund's rm irber I'Oilegei. lit' t,,< idiH I’n sident Ei-'i'nnower isc’d: , „ " W/iei i 1 v. a Dissident 01 Co-I Hampton Is Site Ot Rec Association Meet HAMPTON. Va. The fourth itinua! conference of the National Intramural and Recreational As sociation wa> to be held on the ■ ampus of Han ..ton Institute April ; • and 4. This n the first year that tne | conference lu.- invit.d represent* - ] tives of .secondary schools to nieft | with them, announced Mr. H. N. ! Ncilson, cluiinnan of the Hampton [Physical Education Department S who is planning the program, i Two keynote addresses will be | centered in tin theme of the sea son: "Bette! Administrative Rela i uonships." Mr. Paul Cieurzo of the University of Rhode Island wil* speak. Friday morning and Mr . ‘J.aides H Williams, retried PUy |'Seal Education Director of H tnip •in Institute, in the aft< moon The Flirty .tide..an will meet in six sections: Relationships with Ms William Wasson, preside nt of ♦iie group, as chairman and Mr. ■tod urambeau c.l the University if Michigan us consultant; 'Financing with Mr. Alvin Brown as chairman, and Mr C H Wil liams as consultant Facilities and Eouipriienl with Mr W. A Parris as chairman and Me Edwin B Henderson, Director- at W.a'hmg ton. I.) i , Public School.-, a*, con sultant: ducted by Lt Colonc-l Queen F- Her Batten mat ■ t... > f in Rod; v Mount NAAt’K Kit K o*l APRII7 IJTII The local NAACP membership drive yets off to an official start on April 141-1* with a pep meeting lor worker- at tin Little Rah \fl < Community House that might. Lo cal churches are being asked to especially encourage the campaign on April 12th. EFC . a THE CAIIOLTNTAN HOMETOWN NEV/S Vocational Opportuniliss Are m Keynoted In Annual A& I Event h* .* 1 ' • ■ i : ' # %; 11 j i xi'yi TFJt Above is ( pi. John H. Waters, son us Mrs .mine Kluie Ballard, who i- | s< j vinjf mi the front line in Ku- | i * u ith the 4i>ih Division ! Serving since April I9&i, <-pi Waters is t*\pi fled huiiit* abort , it. ! PC HOSPITAL ! RULES SET U H *v! INi I I . ! ('in.rn.y pa i rp. . ■ it): pi' vatr .V Y: jf'iai'./': :ii tiki'l ■ d frOH! C n.-inu i."-.;* ll .ii ind doctor; ,uv; *jt tiuld • in •':< Pute iit» at ihe I, ! J of lb- , I * 111... ■ It., i! ' <■ ■■'" i•, i ,■ ; ,••)!.>,. , ; ruled Mondkv - ! haii *.;, i: L.dph Honon hr* aght ' ip r*f a ,!!,-> ami rl,- ruiiii,,: r* ,: , : ■ ■ t:* ( ,i. ;.t* d I>■ i I 1 hat io’ ■ : i• *it) had hetii ield !!, !;. pit,! t*. tor • si: .•• d.iy ' :■ non pavir.eut. ■: he; doctOT’-: b ; b I ti ~t -. ...d b< I-eld c> j , '. ip* Yif fc ph; Avian who *.-. I: *{. ■ '-lit til !.,iV. ~*'!( t*** * in k *, ,• i . s-.i.-h i.. ■■ • nun-pay •;.... e ij. itit- I'h'/siciaris jut a 1 inn .v- • i‘ mned: OV Ti'D' 1 ' ’’lll* L;tU- i. iuf r) ;*r H v y;itiun? * "■■■ ! Htmbta Univerdtv T wrob a l-tter * * Matin;-: mV conviction that tiirough, , carnation . broad, ouman ob-1 rvtiio education •we can a-j *• : iit: v.* I'ne mutual undci'kiandinp j ail nations and races f.Mti till* ni-c* ssary fouiidatiou lor an ; : enduring ;n Lfuit is why I; s.upnort of lh.> United Negro j . College Fund. ' Tin mi oil th.* Fund, many young | Americans are given iht* cViance i the l c,Fifi wp.e might never have, it, continue !lieu 1 duration i u, teco.m doetoi... t*. acht f s ntit - j j se. .iiiii ' .il'iul VvO'"!'so lie.- el'i j ;;;j 11 • 1 v in filed today. • I'he Fund f-nable.s thirty • one; : private colleges and umvei-itie.-, - , v ll* - * if ;*, ;'C - cliolm ship aid . tu deserving students, buy books, i tin no. a lies, p.iy teaching salaries.; Wc tan help th* •■* young Anieri-j ;-y iviiigenerously to the United Negro College Fund in our -1 city > . , I -T if-M* are still my views with ! sj/ect to this excellent organiza . tion.’ i /*,]! (nit i..ne of the Funds' mem ber colleges, Lincoln University in i-V;,: e-v ivansa. are located in the Southern states where 73 per cent ei the Nepro population resides | BFC | I- Awards and Point Systems with , Mrs. K. Bennett of Hampton Insti i tute and Miss C. Perry of Howard University a- co-chairman,' and Mr. Paul Cieurzo as consultant; Activities and Conduct with Mr. ;.1 Morrow as. chairman and ,Vr ti K. Jaeh, Supervisor .Virginia ; Department of Education, and Mr j Marshall Brown. Assistant. Virgj ' tiia Department of Education, as : consultants; ' suiuent Leadership with Mr. j Gideon E. Smith oi Hampton ln ftitute as chairman and Dr. Ray i ciottd Hopson of Nortit Carolina College, as consultant. A pre-conference session will he I held Thursday night at Katherine ! House whiclj will feature a round | Sa' r - g -1 1 - w&:- f ■■■• icvk> s •'V vVgjSJ -'ef IgjigfeiPPyfß- H*4j. -i §y«laliii®k { Paul William*, an architect of li»- j i ternational fame who hat-de nigned many homes for Holly l wood movie star*. I* featured in | the new documentary him, "On- j fcsv’jl Ptrt9U* , 'tj*lh , V' - ■ I GREL-i,-iBORO The annual < Vocational Opportumie Week pro-; aam being observed A. and 'li ' Collge began on Mot-day, Marcn JO. featured many lea*!' in b smess, industry and a,- icuHur troxn Vhroughout the ‘-•tut To* iieroe of ihe current cell bration 'Occupational info-maxion A Door Cpener to Vocatioiuil 1 ■ ■ porluniti*;..'’ \V. J, Keiuirdy, piesideot at (he North ( arolnu .Menial t ile In* iii jin < t oju patty, t.:.. lar;;est aitigle Netvo hlti'.nesj in ti.e world, ke vr/ob-it tit * tour - ti a v »;cet which will wind up with a television «re s,“illation, a MUiutiari of the week s lu tiiities ut 5:00 p.m, on TKtursday over the local WK.VtY-TA'' Station. Be ap peared at the lirst general as semtilv on Tttetday luoming a! 10:IN) o’clock in the eollee.e's Harrison Auditorium and a rain in !lu tltcrniion hi a iii ii.il panel di'st uvdun on 'O* eu]» a 11 *.* na I Oppoi tuiiilv it. North ( aroliitJ ’ Th- Wednei-Ctay |..rc t rant ton ' ; JRr MEW YORK iGlobal) Tonuay in. Jive Small: liai. come into Uk own ,i-. orw oi the notion’:; top disc jockey . The congenial and populat Toiittiiy of Ncv. York's . WW'KI . n..uif Itia remote control debut la.st Monday night from Haj •.i • famous Ba *> Grat.d With I h. "Dr Jive Show " Ine the, i Gixrtd v.at n ■ re fban j.-u .i-ed and i-.Keo on in.* tiifi, 1 ne t-.t aie-in O ' ~I 111 lie,. Yoi .- pi'eS: cHHie S -•■••: ■ t.ili lot* - i-. elcoiue Dr. live b.u.atl uii.idid trie -:p.-,t left ar,i in Willie Bryant who s ' • . .nh hi-. 1...i im i Ray Carrcli : '*■•'* I - then poweri,d hit making ! ’ o" Bro?ide tv* Rirdlano, rtlil over station WHOM. Willie Bryant i <? ’ n to*-* way open for a young ;er dee* jay to climb to the top i w ilne is mat sort ot a spy. Ruddy Johnson and ht.s baud clicked last week at Harlem's tamed Apollo Theatre . . .Att nisteen Allen's King platter o! "Baity I'm Doing It" is still climbing among the top ten, Rumor is that lucky Millh.der will take over the radio dee ja> - pot at Harlem's popular I'aint Case , . Errol! Garner and LiD/.y Gillespie at Broad way’s Blrdland . . . MG.VI re cording artist, Billy Eekstlne tipeits April :! at Broadway’s Bitndbov . , The Lop Lti'four Show on WHOM is rated as tops . , . < om.ii Tinntiy Rogers is holding his otra . . . John ny Hodges and his ork are still going great on their heavy road schedule .... Dusty Fletcher is still a main-steiii nser . . Lulu Reid Is that sing ing sexation with Sonny (Long Gone) Thompson. Success is like this: MGM re cording artist, Joni Janie.-, just signed for a fc-LOOO-a-week deal w/tli a Pittsburgh nite spot! tie tore a disc-click "Why Don't. You j Believe Me?” the singer was working one-niters for $25. Join has so many hits on her hands tie doesn’t know which one to plug! Her million - seller, "Why Don’t You Believe Me?" still is, in the top ten, and “Have You Heard?" and "Cheatin' Heart” arc not too far behind. Henry Glover, vice - president (???) QUFSTION: "What are the beet •'■tops to take In controlling ter- ANSWER: The species of termite that causes the most damage tn North Carolina is the subterran ean termite. This "nesting type" used i-irives on wood. But it can not live without moisture, Being a subterranean insect, it lives in the soil, according to George D. Jones, m charge of extension en omology. The number one step to take in combating termites is to make sure no wooden parts of buildings reach the ground un less they are thoroughly treat* j erf. This ti eans that no wood en sera (is should be used to fill in areas around (he foun dation. Stumps and wood scraps should not be left un der the building. Wooden sup porta and foundation walls should rest upon a concrete footing ami not be permitted to extend through the concrete the grave below. Openings to the foundation Wall will help remove the moisture under the building, without which the termite will move on to a more desirable location. The use of a foundation shield pi cover foundation walls and piers is good, but be sure to seal table discussion by the various i consultants listed above. ! tt-il of a pa.tel discussion on "Stu ; dent Preparation tor Pres, nl anu '■ LxpamJing Gcportunities in *.h< , Ayiiculturr,! Field; Anion.; those 5 -vho partiCii..'!.:led in Die discussioi. ; -.V* c, Dev.,. Barbee, instrucior i.*. j Agronomy ::* the college and pc*-- 'dur B j*--. Hall, tana a» m. Lord Cuiirity; W. ‘l. Johii-ei ; ts.'istai:l tut. .'upt-. vi *.r ~t Vo ’* a (tonal Agrirulture iii .-. ■ ; '4ihiei.it*-; A, W Solei'isu ! *-1,1 m o 1 Itv putative-, N (’ Fa I Dm i-ju ■’.nit H. K Jotn* . st. t e.\l*e' ■ mi. i a k nt. j Speak er-- heard- at the ger-ral n.U/y on T*i, i aduy tnorniiig 0,. : ll*e subject. "Student Prep:.! at ion ; tor Expanding Opportunitm u • cleitou: i. ii Lamp.., dean ui i* ' School ot Engineering a, r ! .*** f .>i!> . e l.alei.f.; ■*. **,. | ii. ildiiK, contt-j t*-r s t |* --ti VV i !YSt*.*ti. N t Fa.lJ.'uv I iK:* S. ;-, .*"• , G-reei): .hi’ .j; .. 'iiaaie) While h* ;,tl of E.'i'e'ii'.* , r'.' itallll v. Goinpati* , Du.'l.,'ilti :.m --. Mu; ; -i: It ram Airerii u I* ru ml i vt. - (’*■!.,.trutt . ili t. ->>)• t., ~ ». * *tt r In tin- atlrriioOu in. ’ .o charge oi teccrding ai King 1 Ri .oid , I,a: a "f;ii numtoci ail ; ! his own It ,-. "Soft” w ill) vocal i written and done by Glover > Ella Fitz.K/ralu is the top artist m I ' .not*.- ot* No; *t.an ( . an/’ Ja.-z nt the I’hiKiat monic Stiovv jsa i tab i aup.'ian is still, m >,,, opin ion, the top If Until VuCalist, an*l I .vlihvi reiOidlUe U'tut Biliy Fell i litu is suit it,, tt, i.ate vijcal*. t. L.’U i loti/ales *. ll, ciicl in - ynu tu-i . rtevv iftr.g piattet u i 111 lit ’*...*• _■. 11,. pi i- ii i>-.‘.-,.iti -. Kin vy.Ji collie it t(; .il-J own .: a -.teilu* att. action .**. u... r t,.* * Sti'L. - I Sonny Tiioriip-ajii. Bn! d > /att. : B.ihYio/.. Jackson, Lit In Reid, Tin * • Swallows are top heavy recording artists . . . ’I n* Swallows, who clicked two week*: ago at the Apollo Theatre in Ilaricm, arc cur rently riding high with then* new King Records release of "Laugh" ' *'llo’ You ’Feel You Want to Cry) In the first three weeks of re )ea e, it ha.- sold over 150.(tiX) r*<- ties And. doe.- this writer like that’ Louis Armstrong 'is 1 slip •'OWL*.!* hi . trumpet Sugar Rav He-u.-on walking into MarlenA I';-hn Gab last week Dinah V/ashingtcn lias bioiuiV liutr Gee! Trial’- bad Kuth Mroku lias done it a gain. ’I he lutskv son*;, stylist is riding high with her waxing of .Vlaiua He Treats luar Daughter Mean” . , Billy llidi j day' Is still one of America’s greatest attractions . . . Last Saturday, this writer gave a surprise "expectant lather" stag party for Henry Glover J (A & R Man for King Records. Glover's pretty wife, Doris, is expeetlng the stork any time now. Those who attended were I Sid Nathan ol King Records, ■ | Lucky Millinder: Nelson Glov er (Henry’s brother) Earl and. > ; Warren Davis (Glover's bro il liters-in-law); Melvin (. lark of . Cincinnati; Ja k Pearl, Harold * Orenstein, Big John Greer, Ray Barron, Freddy Weisman *! tie of King Records; Nat Tan ner, Arthur Wl ilium, Sam "Spodee" Theard and press i photographer Chick Sciimnon. ; BFC I ia eh joint of the shield. | Chemicals should be used when ;■ termites begin attacking founda tion timbers or flooring. Removal I I of “soil tracks" (small tunnels ■'constructed by trinities as pas l HhK : Earl “Father’' Mine*, the famed king o( the piano, headlines an all-star cast that include* Nat "King’’ Cole arid hi* famous trio, the great comedy team c? Patter son and Jackson, opera atara Camilla William* and Lawrence Winters, talented 12-year-old Le*' !i* Uggams, and the sensational pianist, Lillette, in tha new short feature film, E nt*M*jnfn«nl ZZ. ~ r; i'hur.vclu'y paiu*i iil&€U.vslott<* on “.viakiiJK the lit sr. «.»i V our t oi li'gt* i iiu cation io-r Futaro K??i piiiy m<• 11 1 in I'.ufciiurmig,' "Training Needs ana Job op portuiiiu. s in tin- ftkiih ti Ik* i'UjwUiiiOft , &uti "Ju.i Op. or tUiJ.lUt'S ill JfciUwlJlt'S.S uiut ni»»jdJ o« cupatiorib. will oe irti «.,> tin pi.Ukt'l,l. '*>** \v tvK i pi wiiii cu ' :».*ially '}icnfU on .ndiCJiiy » viMim wiUi ' , ' i hUUmII- V uui O CU } \lU.u:.' lilUiii-i tlic Ivi iU . :i'h. .. Hi . vll jr / Knowledge is Power Jk ,Af?e THI UCfAt /]' V TOTHS KMtfUN* |* / | r'lp-^pi Hi 115 HCW B<? AVlSticl,- !is FrtiiVfk gKjSi |j C? ki’J’Pf ■J BB (1) Not by a long shot. During the Ihv.t Vv . .rid War nearly h million Russians donned Gfenutii: unilonns in tin.- desperate j hope ut ridding themselves of then bolshevik dictatorship, i Unfortunately, reports Eugene Lyons in The Catholic Digest, America and Britain, after the war, handed over to Stalin, » tor torture and slaughter, those r '• Soviet nationals who had fought i against, him. j In the first months of the Ger- j 1 man invasion of Russia, entire j Red divisions, and even armies. ■ surrendered with only token re ; alliance The Germans took more j . than Jhree rruliion prisoxieir. dur ixig the rust live months of theii campaign. Hitler was utraid Unit, these Russian volunteers would j turn against him later, so he 1 treated them brutally. Thus he unwittingly played into Sturm's j hands. (2) Operation kid-lift got un der way when Marine Air Group 12 stationed near the 38th par- j aliel in Korea heard about 200 j orphans who were living in no man’s land in North Korea. They lived like animals, foray- j ing in the snow for bark and scraps of frozen garbage. They were so j weak from cold and hunger that; ! some could not survive the* 12 ! hour truck lide to the 11. N. sec-; tor. The marines received per .| PTA Leadership School Set At A & T April 11 GREENSBORO - The third an nual Parent - Teachers As.-.ocia tion Leadership School will be | .'it'd at A. and T. College in a' jona day session on Saturdav, A ipm n. According to C E. Dean, tepcb ! er-uairier at the college, notices i laud invitations have been sent out; |to ail PTA grroups in the Sixth j j and Seventh District’s of the state- ! ! wide organizations of the North] j Ccrolina Congress of Colored Pa-1 1 1 on!.- and Teachers. The sixth Dis* j jnict covers the following counties: J j Rh-'imond. Lee, Chatham, Ran-: dolph, Moore and Montgomt ry | sWv'Y.‘*’iy' T.’JW‘ WL” ■ ■** ( ft The world’s portable typewriter champion arid winner of the world's professional accuracy award, Cortez Peters, who has his own school in Washington, D. C., displays his amazing “keyboard’’ ! wizardry irt the new Negro Amur ] tea documentary film, j’Umuuat i Personalities ’ jsages. from the soil to the wood) ; and ventilation will usually help’ i:i great deal. But it .’. ill also help j to treat the soil Good outside ;drainage ft 1 &tso -helpful. To apply | j chertiJcaU,* dig' a narrow trench: i next to the foundation under the: | building, use about one gallon oi j : 5 per cent DDT and oil, a 5 per j cent pantachlorophenol - oil mix j tore or a creosote-oil product to | j saturate each three or live linear I feet of the trench. i 28 Colored Priests Two more colored priests are to be ordained in St. Augustine's Seminary, Bay St. Louis, Miss., by Bishop Richard Gerow on June 24. Rev, Thaddeus Boucree. S V.D. (left), of New Orleans and Rev. Gerald Lewis, S.V.D (right), i of La Boca. Panama. Their ordl . nation brings the number of s colored priests in the Society of liic Divine Word to 2S (NO Photo*) | mission to u c transport planes j to fly the children to safety. The mailin', wrote to their | families for clothing and funds, ! and the people stateside te i sponded genei uasiy. A nriuby ox - i phaJiSge : i ebmlt and furxr ; isiied by the max iiicS anil tpe ! children axe >.,£:<.< at am leading j norniai live:, than)*: tu upexatioxi i kid lift. (3) Os the 104 million adults in the U. S, some 82 million believe in a personal God who loves them as a Kathex. An addi tional 17,600,000 regard God as | a kind of supernatural i>o\ver I which they are unable to dc i scribe. Another 3,260,000 cannot | put their picture of God into I words. Less than one million do | not believe in God. These belief; are revealed in ; the April issue of The Catholic ! Digest, and ui<- bared on a survey ; conducted amoxn; adults of all i faiths throughout the tuition. - while the Seventh District h com ] pored ol Guilford, Rockingham Caswell, Orange Surry Stoh ;a!,d Alamance. ■ The principal address will be ] delivered at tin- morning session Iby Dr. F. D Bluford, president |ol A. and T. College and the visj-» ; tors v. ill participate in a series jof featured clinics dealing with i PTA community work, council ! work ar.U general program plan ning and a special workers. The afternoon session wilt tje ;devoted almost -ntirely to the re ports ol tile various clinics and ! will also feature a film depicting j lhe> latest methods in promoting ;md conducting local Parent - i Teacher organizations BFG Your knitting or crocheting will go faster with clean nedles. Whe ther the needle,- are made of bone, suds often to wash away th< plastic, or steel, you can Use soap marks ol sticky or perspired fin gers. j $2.10 «6 Proof mm sntJtaMi wkishu w rm* waww* | Ui 4 V*A«S OH t>»Oß* OtD. i)% XTSAiOMSf m% n*ut»ai smut*. mini"-'* fltOt* (MtAIM 'J ■«s j ' aax AM » ««M tve Ijaflgdttit ttSfaah M» andlto. lli IMi III* ■. *.. '»3SS?. JSSBJHe . William . -• . _ Penn Blended Whiskey PAGE FIVE

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