MH? f.> kOLINTAN SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1958, . ' #% , THK DOMINO MS FASTER MONDAY ARTISTS —Piriiiri'i! arc Billy Ward and hit*, hf.r.h-fly incr Dflminofw who will he •presented as featured attractions in the mammoth Tas ter Monday night dance as i’.t -telif h ’ s Memorial Auditorium. Even though the Dominoes had Jeffreys School PTA Holds Pair Os Meetings RAf.KIGH The ■ y C • sotidated srh tv! hold r PT A hV-ef j|. ■ 1j) :• ; f.i l-'.a, my id vith ' ; t Jus Williams ;v ■ in tin i•• t' • in* - I. I: t: t M k fn, ■: n;t. , a Pounder' Bay ir igt am if. ('■ i er| In tin (’a •Cl t .. I, j T< ai ■ * i'-. y.'itii M;. A O. H.ti'dit itt ■ Mis \ use i • i ■ , >, na ....; 'V.e .rjinetl facuH v ■ lift Mrs V''*l a * Pat . t-. -it ~ ~. I1 te ( I Iff of All . t till M "li !: ( •< !.1 | ha;, f I ugr ,f thr <•' ml !> !•' Til'. • - t tm.;..! ' . 1••• rjairtr. (>■''; J . ''! i. iti Mat t hit, f.roft ,At; Ir . ! . I 11 .: •*i i, i l.eaffiet . 1 i f i. , it. Dotin', f; I■■ I - it l * 111 r 11, '";• tin* AV-1. 'd;-, V• /, JI. I 1 * ■ . i! Iti : . •onit , Dent ■;!; ; I Atn.ti ‘i Vi)!nio Jet..;. ... 7 Win fi ■ e r . , i . , :.|a j . Otr-., Ft, n •. ;;M If-I- aln ill faniiin;; as llm y O',D ili School ft MeiliOi.i, .1 |IS .v. ill II ga-.a a few reii.arks. The men of tln* ri.mnniiut, and of tin' PTA i a red shiU!l> , ,t i \ planting day e: rcT-runr The campus i* \at> pr.-iiy lit,, inni the !i(-i|l ; ;■. a I g. •; t,. . ;•• ill Pl't (if petti fI: nit T' ■ si ll u 1 1 lit r;• 'Vi .1 given by ntemhers of the or- ’ Look What Cropped Up in Dixie Last Yearl More than 69,000 Rural Teiephonm « Last year we added more than 69,CK)0 rural tote* phones- There are now over a half million tele phones in rural Dixie served by Southern Bell. Th» - j year approximately 73,000 more will be added. \ These new telephones are bringing increased L efficiency of operation for Southern fanners, and ( A closer contacts and better living for farm families. \ aS* Expanding and improving rural service is a big 4 ffl and costly job But we're working hard at it bo* ( ■ cause we know how important the telephone nto ’ the South’s overall prosperity* , W sottTNcaN mi thwmon* amo coukmiY pt!Aimed a southern trek late in this t .ill, they were persuaded tu areert the Ktstef date at the , insistence of |:vniioter Jojeph Winters. There is no ad' a nee tin popular prices for the holiday dimee. i.iKC— .anizat ion i PTA ). Shepard High News H.A1, !0! f ‘t i A ■u'i 1. Cho If! Sil ■. ~; : , ..(( t er] ■a! at ;u< p.a (I I ■ i, Sell. Ap.'ll 26 i tt" "if •.■ •!. I-..■ .; < ilifen.iiy • I . (Ml It , If!' . < ' (til • f li' . < .1" II tJ.IJ , 111 : : !’> ; » n r V m ’Oj* I <"» ,l| * tjfl fi l- -<*•F( :>t •; it , Alj a Jif (’tiiii ; Mur'l'i'f.. of the D: ami Pics Chit* ' , ■ ■■ ; t i . ) : 'j • .1 a t 'n!3 lOt t’o-.f o.i: -t pi..(l;> * ;n(! : tie tile < let ' trie : ‘1- .■ ■,, I OJ ] V*. • <■ ■ e ' n" • Goo.) up.-i;. 'i t . • • 1 .tec i IJllh* 1 the ■ •I■■ t> 111 'lt. ft Heenng .■• f. ■ -. ) 1 1. tti ■ J •*.< pel pi u • . re 1 1 Mr/ ttillll It,ed 'IS i •- • i II !'t>! (■■-> ■' -e.-r ' .... li,. >../ a it: M !• ■; It (fall. 1.1 ! ... l- . '• 'i 'l i • M ■ . H ■■ A 7 l p 1 I ■ 'o .1 r I ".eke r i. Hal < ' I ••In. And niUSt'- ' t: t ■ i ! the :h I en>em : ill . Mill I ■ .tile* ....t. 'I -; r Gnnlchn* j i ••• Jlv !',,ineroorn •■a in :e of tin' a.e.iemhly and i . ■ let- chni'i’c. thiaili h poetry i. is ."i op nf preparing i; ■ to lira's* in Pi-. * t . n..a,- ji- i ■:e and 1 h in■ .I rinke fuc this .Ate ". 11 ie>: - iii;, vft ■■ i Jet's ldiiw .tgJTI’T.- ■' " . . . ;. % | Saving Your Tires Is Our Business L Most Complete Tire Service VIV 1;..... -if Vf;'f, "• ' ! - .■> -~.f.:; vn l -" t*ivt '■' 1 ar.fnjn!- • f o'sW'l'i ifvj e _ v y-.r-wr■;■£'>s& sti and warrhotKX' r»lock« tn give thn passenger f-tr. Iru."k ov/n-rrr and c-'>ntr«<"- t? Y • ' c tors thft finest and most complete tire service in Wake, Franklin and John _ SOO t:!T |. cil r.: ;i r;n:: are litl’v :: ,1 Toital «/ 77 Years 'S'ire Esc peri ester #«# Serve Yen! iit.s Ih I lieir nushuss r- BM. a* m r kii) ' .. tr ; 3. . r KRAFT S RECAPPING ] Terms On All Merchandise We carefully inspect every tire both inside and out tn check f-u injuner. -tnd bidden bruises to bo sure the carcass is sound for recapping. Only : tire , , ■ ''M V that passes this inspection is accepted for Kraft System Recapping / -kSte %■ * ''' S^l Our factory-trained Kroftsmen use precision buffing to accurately buff the ' m«l ■ a* 1 tire to the proper contour. Every tire is scientifically balanced Our Tn.v.>. ~/■ ti: »? ’ ' .ia. -c 0,11 J&h-jjm Temperature and Pro'-sure Curing is constantly accurate. Tim final . -vit.ill ti;- .i»‘ *" • ' ojirratinf. costg is a tire, recapped with General Tire rubber, that vriU give you thousand»• 0 ’ of safe, extra miles at lowest cost per mile . . , because saving your ti; • • ' v , r • 1 o mM l Tbmd... Jk&MA a % top-quality GENERAL TIRE 1 / *»r- I ■£% Y?* / tormancc Dual" Traction make the General df G- -nt from ail others . . high traction that held* \ your “iron the road and keeps you going straight ahead -.topping traction that gives you faster, \V|F at smoother, safer t<.ps. Sell us your oi l tires, let us put you on SAFE, n, ,v Genera! tires -fv * - ... V " .". j HUNT GENERAL TIRE CO. 428 Soalh McOowell SI. - Phone 2-9571 * . wSSS>/. It*. >. V ’