PAGE EIGHT Happy Khmer New Year. ' ,i ') 0 p (os, N- c~i':< k ' -y fall you want) automatically) K. ■ - 52, 64 SO <3oilon »* ‘id: di'ctll-pu •*. <'i - J I* .< (pis • l r .1 ‘.vat or* . ...«i» . !j ■ i it v < oiij ;ii AJthuii: k Id \ .V <-• *•.!<*• . 0,1 f o me ]>u- :t: i, : h Up till j . *-!»>. i.omrr.tlc* ,«* it ru. -ut ),l ‘ ! juutJiyy. t\» Uy v\ >ti a ccAir.ei} •ii ,-.>}■ iV f vi bUlf v ti m tk . !:i..u> •(; .•/,?.** Hit ..V f. tkCtt Lit O'. •/? i«j* ,T - iii.uU . . t TO: t,i.!, to i'l.Ui L {< pL Vi kik , i o cnlli st-iit to L;y •lie- , VM .O’ Ot t’ . • V iVkxi.t* il i :v.:i r k:i< .- It t'dlo'i k -■ :. .« Hal*-, yft N C L.K sii rVi' iuk*: !:, uplv k; >.iii inrnt k it* r asking that I too-y{< i nuixiii;! th*’ rpce foi Ilf Ci". Of-a ail' i v.k.i fast to say that i aai ueopl.v orate ■ (ul U your tine 01 e,ani/.ation fo>- considering me a:- you* • hos-.v and , i voTiiniutiu:. > vjid'sr-iv t • k* whole hem It'd ski Vs hic*. \\ .* » . :. i ■ si l I- •■% ■ i 1 ' :: ‘ i.roi y uJ v.'h*-. k L ’ kfiil al\voLo :nsh. I do* ply ro i <•! that ! can not .(•cept s«l U*IN tin'll* A;. know ’ .oil ya*i> siL'livt- m k.t prariii**.- *A :my p!‘ot»'S.'.;on also that Um*i< iy : p;\ •.• ill a : - oi -/kv .•..•Mans rho poolic demand for ser •jet* {daces me in a position of ■ u.'i ■>)»#:.?■kb: !k > in ko “1 FEEL LIKE A MILLIONAIRE!” ! ■ ;■! .i h ■; a .1 •:! • • • i>-t - Hr I'.'l '-'I ko' < . I. iodsonv•! {k •<; C’<. • sod .. It pros;d! ft v. .tv *.!p oodt 1 Lew imlec’o-e Ck>Od j'ok e: Suk.i'l ;xp H- k n.. '\ ; where u» dt> hi*, i argair; \ ui- L- YOU’ Belter cm *. :<> Mi.i li:\. > t,.,.. t. in!: \d..nV Er.Vv k- t ol ; Ciiil'Sl . f‘ j \ t>Ui conv j.oyict 50 {Jievrolet Styleliiip f>elux<* St-dan. Eullv equipped .. t |n and Powers tide ' - * * If* Pontiac tluli Coupe, fully quiped and |«|- ■ Ly draroa*r:. Drive y I I 41 Ford ( It.’b Coupe, Kiadio Dealer, Seat t overv L**?4l i xira clean M AND MANY MOKE . . , Al l, V Al.i Iv'S (; A l.< )i‘h ' lieconditioned J’ustu ur < iuud'.i ill (si ll ( :11V' t o\N-(,owi:i{ i‘OMi\r co. CC l •)' • tte\ ilk 3 IKUR hfii Promise Is \ our llisi .li lion . • , . last •• k. , .• Wolf ”, IC<. ii,.!, 1 tCn Kui.d re ;)i i-K.-nl.a --ti* i. hit deirmiKtraled ts i» '. cuiit! from h it: Annie Cvans, 'Jliclm:i Hicks utnl Tohn ( anifi’oii ul Slia v. Imrn 1 School. y. i-.'i av.nlahle 1 v,-.u t-> ■OV. i .1 ci tills lii.'iUi-i cl 'll -j.jciv.U,; 't-noi.'.- ti'ucjht i.iit be ■a ... 1 . ,,■ I;.i.i>. i i f i,i v i'i tjies . j,.j, lelt i i • ilti lint '.icccvit ... i' ~ j I,. li, i: t i II il lit Otiiei S Ul c. »} 1 ii'ld'H tl v< pit ,1.1 !. • Ii . C It, l il oil ..!. ; . I 1 ‘ It , fill,.- Idt II .1 i;i-.i..i. i. l I> l? ‘.t-.m id: iid j.,- v Vi.i A* >e l. ’’l,.. Will lit .3 ii br.DiihMoa endorse and sup* ,i,i i tkr t rtu - i m 10. pi . iineiit RaU :; Ii at i. 1.,-;, no 11• m•• lintnlion ... i. Mini ti.t |.u.-,uon . r ,t,ni i:■ Ls..t v»> niorn \j. i ,v:. * ~ .... fu; •.■iidid.:'... I'm a founci] pu.siiloti in 'dl,')] .■.lthc’. .;i. receiving v.tlli idit .1. till |. nil; :i ;. In .11. a ,;,ce tt: lie ra-il.uti. till* tililii (,;iit fouiid him ii few hundred ecled • ,in .i iat it i- coUiet'l’.ud .e'WfVi'i ihat 11u!t.-' this year, ■ mdii pi ■■ .c-ci i.d Uit :vtr ; 'L' v ; v lOi*. 'is,,., ! .1 i.i-i-m ci'ii-'idCfutd© : r . . ,Ofi !:i f, . , t•/it 1- eunC'-n t;,, • s.ibi.ilv .•! Hi Catft • i;,. MiiMh-liui. loenl nitnuic pus, j. j.... 11. elite! in.’ the council S. •• AI l.uu.-;. , li. M.udii tun nas 1. I'.adi .1 c.;.:;.''.. i iiiniiidtiiieril l, SCI - 111- i t 111. ;i> that '| P i ...!•• n! i > the e in a : ecoptiv** d , ,i: a. ■.. d cut i.-’t *< tall , flii* race, i-r v! idrlkilon is ’lit only Nr: 'O v.'Otrt an physician m this a;i.a. SU.- ts ~ rneinber of the staff at St Ag l! spita l here mm eiijoy:' » , a-re end sntci I;.! citj-ndde It is known t’ a peat dent I, diffli-irll.v 1 • Sea.; ‘ XU'S not 'd o'. ;,■ a,l.■: of doth races in trying i-ndiic-- resi't entativi citizer.v , j-,i f r ip,, j ace to. i it;- cuimm seats. Tills could prove vest ie i irim. litui to Mil be:' int'Yest- or S the city. Citizens possessing the qualties nit ini tin. -1 position.--, ftt • t is,siit:; h fu. lit in to give the . ; it. that positions on the council Co nril montbers ale paid: i i, ; i;i i< ( of S2OO a ;,ca! 11'U’ ... !.,, vt. e orunensate the .... lor tile lili iII • fli .d ll* J,.:.:.::! dii'i- the Job e'! Tbs .••■at. sev ii a i prison! rOni.oilmen i V. doelined to nfft : for reoleo ; ;pin i,eia. '• they le-d they van out eonliiii.t' to make the sarrifiee . j order foi ti.irn to re el.;n on the council ;i : ,i iiie’ ,e ■ pt’ d ii'tCT that he jest e: l plan of council odcra :, mis i*. £i- ii'll ii. t* i i iah eh nieut ,n the ci’y ....•hi control the coitncib By mak ; iris nn-nibei >!i: i' >•' an “at larSe ii. i lly-wid< basic, it war felt that Hi, , :c, \vi u!thy i». te 'pendent those who had Inc Oeckin f.'f ow'eriul inteiosts coo 14 win council seals Because ol i t's I. i. pis t . mass' -: in T's ciilh iiais leaver been • ♦-. llv ot.*d ; met the it.■•«•;.ii at j j,i t , t.l tin- council tol m of ,i . jin * i ruin 01. i !., ■ -h■: ■ h of I'u' infamous i• a ; >•' 111 IP. Hint then.selves ■np .i tise ,ii I hen es forth obi;, ill the, : liteded timbe v to ie'Cp their m lit i i iuh"i>, Anything can or tsi I. m i;. to happen before a U* ,v ’ | ,• ntiill ii elected here BKC \ \I( A StM i t tarv Was Ailvoralft Di liislils So Is Shsimssnl I meetiiie of tlie CoilU'liittefe at tC« lii .nu ll biiiUiiiu Mi Johnson i i pi it.: took L-fluCt -i* of the I uJ-ip hi .-il.'lJ' :\| funding to tin- former exe cutive set irt u .t. ll> reason •*>«' Ms iti' is Rive n by A M Kvynotds, < li.ul nan of Hn : i uiu Ii ( on.milt' e id Manatee mint, ivtho reportedly relused to put the dismissal notice hi vti'itiiig} was “ d • is'snlt t-e was forced to flee him or have th*. doors of tin- Market | i Steel lleamh VMOA tlosed oth groups v.lnch are very active ■;i trying to break down racial •»i Xicg, -iticn c.i;ci d,scriivp.natiun the — il I LjJL — r | ' j i | ' I ; f--, j ,7 i( / .-A i\) | \mn i hS'-J^wJA 'j Now I Ie is Risen ' A•. di, i meaty It iioui'. i, iOl ally die Comriutti c oi „v|.uia:;. , o -. id. v.., pl odded lid o I’m til in "1 All . .loll! • :-'lo L .1 pOl.o I fid lit: Pi of tPCcI i white Cl O' ■ v.i ■ u.'-'.iVd ! i }ii public .it.;m. .ust iin ill dii'i: ur.inabuu j,!.; *,.i-u o_> ■' ioial in)- ,uta! iii th employment practice anil it Hi • i Vi; i VJ t■ .... p:di--!it;: Ap. ..i: oi!.' O'd ooW* .-:ld) W fill- : 'll . Ill: l i.' bo.-.liital board mid are iti.-.e ol'iCia:- unct "b y. donors to the United Jt'ucO crganizm mo of which toe ..da kci St ret l !';i •', YSiU.’A is a temefiv iii :'. flietTici r The .-.III'!I, I ' finn;.? Ol hi; .loatl- . .ion came m the midtUe oi '. f ' , ~il ' is-.t mi‘l; ;.!iip CHI: : pal,:;! i cf f'.iit in :1k- i'u tury of Cu- lovM branch, iVii Johnson came to the Ashe ville brunch V 'in .b.iiuar;. is ;952 as KxecutiVe Stnolap' aftc aavitig served for n>. ari.v linvt as I'd .:i u ,'iti Pr<'vira;i. vecretery of me Cm-tnut Stnait Branch VMC\ »t Uim-'dlk-. Ky The As In vide I, V ha i been /, dduLK an cxi Ciitive secretary tor . inane t':i'V >'■»::■ i. m' to Mr J. ul,. Oil's . I .....: Au it i •• of to future nlafv- Mr. Johnson said that. he had mine ai this time. A rrachmte of l.iiu-.dn Uuiver ,p v i !hi i Jo: :. on ;r :. notiv- >t bawrimi t", Kans,'o. lh io: to oi'itev- Y.MCA i\o-k ie- taught svliooi for tl'-'ii l > it'.-, JO Wa:u i; C .'tody. N C i.-. i ..: di'.i'! 'll! ' or: ins d "> ;! . Mi Johtron mi el. sn put l decent Y.MCA program tor id you!.'i and men; and 1 am 'of the i pinion, that this iotc;’- ar gon of tin committee ul Mat,:; mi nt completely d.-si’eyards _ thm ni i'd and desire un the i,' ot the citizen! of the. community. -Hut m. 11..- other I am’ tRI,. rvinmutiiiv does tml need :i i run b.v gt - .up of (Jeoule fn tua i!' A-;: 1 n- ■ .'..l :‘' - ire r' 1 ' :> .(- 1,. ■ am: yiC'ii men tt'l'i' their rightful ulai'i • in thi.- eoninumity .... fi,.t '.. i t;, ; citizens, blit wN> •IV or,!'.' M ali', lilt- ’PSted n* their own presli-’e and M-e.irity v.iti. tn« — ~ ' Stunning Selections For BLASTER and AFTER Women, s £* + TOPPERS t-Qr I DRESSES j§gj|| + Blouses, etc HiijS^lfifc i + Sport Coats | +Hats, Shirts , #j| J# Clothing Co. mll Si i I.! L Martin Street j ;| H Raleigh, Y !l THF CAROLTNTAN hilt.. i i!; j i i 1 ! 1 • «>h. . t PmS -: i It j ' bniU -Uit. t.;iV c ;ha; t;.- ~r : :«J:: t ’• • {>-t uiiW '-■■aU - * uli; - "(;j jv* t. i ,A, • it .• f: t .i ; i.hj(l :t i i.-n : V ~U \A h a Co-n • 'nitic■« o1 iVknia ; : miw:g v. Ah ‘“ ark- . bot:c'\ wi’i]]»!-* ' - -4 uni unmeet 1 •or what r r lit i: 1 Uu U< : * in t/ieSl u! mudie «Ldi i: i;u \. (it iv d ■ -l 1 ! • ■ i.. -t.: la-h ■ n<3 til;/ pla ’ -iiifiji-U, ric'ht r..u d hi’.;!' : m.U'.-r white i;:i'ii:bs.r td 11 ir pFfsiODI iji'u.V.v --h tit hi.!!. ;r , i fi; : ■ hi ] ..'1 w iia;,' r \Vjhior has surrounded 1 .■P'SU'if with of the top base* hall brain of tht vicinity. Bn' i Yam c. »!. 11.. • tii' Snhth ar:o Ci; •/.. VV..':’- .it mm,Hina tht: iitiui;m.i riiiciLinu: chore;. Amon;’ t:-- coj-’.-C'd via yets wXo :t!v" be t. TVm" \V* : .:ic;. coed-: i .-,11 artist ’ and i nikt.-hand lairlcr; i Itlji-f K;::{,>■ >nv, I/ e( tht i'.'.'/oi) Brav'-s v.'bfi |>!:,veri tht ’ ’ C rune .Tobin:'.' Ad aa. -m.-eeß pn-m «" k>od ouh- I • M'Uin! .■•• in l.nj't; .fnliriOV Wll { ■■)•■:■:■ I ■ Inn- Hazel Claris. ■ icd has.- R. Wdm in. former , nf tile Ctiii a ;•> Ano Vma ' Ciiii!! ai.ii stcui-si: " f Ui V’Uiter. ■ I; libit: Floyd first. am: t.:■.»>" K: !• (ataliei . 'FO —~ v•\' i - i*i i i \ ! <.s.l 'ti’ /.<>! ! I 1 *AJ. Til • \ glorious, tn v s liad In a am}' ■ nur 1• <" t dinner is th’es !’iin i:>idc and \ ttfctal.h- >i. s ‘ isalad J»i Hired ai m. Made liiiiii a I'SMv mis lure 111 || iriini-l!a vnri it H*.!ai.n ai'd real ma • tin mold ell salad is reads in half Hie - In a in-«. v'l'i'ila r method.lANl** vmm f . . * >l£jf '■%s A * %r 'wm i ! : 11 i ■ i FIRST IN New.; PHOTOS ! !orae °* 4 * SAFETY-TESTED -\&s/ Used Cars / O *‘t; 2” < mpe ’V>\ M••A an y 2-i>.. / I \ 1 '>w uni- - 2O ne >52 OliJs’ Convertible; / \ -.V. (Hi!-’ Super *’.H” iM>, 5 *“'» Lt,W “ U,^ ( / \ j-'uliy I ejuipiiml Font id i (".bieitmu *‘b' / Y I !>i Fully ttjuippefl / \ ! i! ( iuvii.lti He! 4ii - / V ;.| ( itr v’rolet llrlu • c * lb • f Y ».iin i'uwf i ailide. 'sl l old “B ’l ti .lorn 2 l)« >l7 i>.-S,olo ( Idiom 4»Uf. I 77| e Carolinian II ’4ll Mercury 4-Dr. 4J l ord 4-l>r. : r .. a-... . . ’49 Pi.vmouth Deluxe I -F>i*. $895 WILSON-UZZLE CO j • WHO! I'diMß MX CAL) I 1.l AC ■ ULD.S’ * I ( orner south A VhhO'Vfll Slas. < (ipo ok inks USU) CAK CENTI-IK I>IAI. :t eottJ j NI'TIONS, I'te. 1 I SOUTH ST. BILLtAKD Dawron at Cabarrus Slfett. | 1 PARLOR j • K • Southern Shores ® I Magnificent New Resort Developement a FFe only re? aiT u( its hiiul ff>r cclored i. Suulli! • ..’S' © Dancing Pavilion * ' 'cl 1 ° P! LrHIVK OCT Tills \V FF.K ■t „ d -Vl. limit of 4 Pn-..' u-t.iiinii M Ik ad KND select yum; location ... , ... ~ and ii'-ruve vourselt ol yea*s non cmiti-atu.-m end beat si , ~ Cajapmt/s/, will, a cotta.:< i ;.)! ii ■ , n , ■-■Hod did '"I ’• 1 <-);<•!, d will '• “till' fei at Southern Shore- .ou . .1 ~.,d- in - tN/'lit ' .o' i to -,}i< .'Uii dcuoUld fe ; owe il to vour-,1! ami mi.... 1.1.,,' .dim y HMAnr..;. to ii.vohU; ate pt| iOS-.'lbilltiC'L Os til! li. V. IV' jpprc mmwmvr&\ • PROPERTY OFFICE OPEN 10: A. M. Until DARK • - ■ OIRF.i 'ITUNS TO - Southern Shores Southern Shores is located 4*,4 miles south of Hertford, North Caro line, between Hertford and Harvey Point, from Hertibrd follow Southern Shores Arrow Signs to development. East Coast Development Corporation P O. Box 408. Raleigh, N. C. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION YOU MAY CONTACT • NEIL ROLLINS, Phone 7350 or RICHARD M. BARNES, Phone 3-5139 1 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 1 .