WEEK E\ T DirC- SATURDAY, APP.H 15 19S> Food Service Association Sets Raleigh Meet April 18 RALEIGH A.'innal nivethu; <>{ the North Carolina Nci;:'o Pood Services Association is to l.i held at I. k Hie Hunter School here on W< etnesday. April IS, ii w :>• au nwr -vH )<■ -> i'ik ■•< ■l: Giltsi-nidjoi; -h. i. ■• : . arc scheduled to tnki port in sp.'.- sinus rJurtna Pic dH.v-)on»; meclina rnd Mi s Mum 1 f\ n r Pr.na! Hiltritiot 1 (<•• fisc Wl:- a| V’! ’ill' 1 iv: itutc. i ■ l-.e.n 1,, j-,i , v.-II! a demons!-- r>lion ooiutnu; out Ul•< and tochniLiues in yo.i\i or Quick 1.-read preparation Memb-r« of thr ar-ociation from throughou'. tin rfotc a; scheduled to regb-ter a' the school early Wed nesday mon-ins and to attend o genera! session whir;! will feature addresses b- Orvill-r BMck. m in ager of Car vt r Consolidated .School Win ton-Solei.;; Mrs. Ruth Lawrence Woodson, Jay P. Da\ ! s and Mrs \nne Male, ns m-11 as I*lo denmn trai ion by Miss Pi 'on ' Six dep'r'vtnvuits >vi|l doom H" itlenti M: -f thi.iP in .-ittPiidsncC m the non-00l iner tjtu' ri r mi ;n r H to provide "iTfes'io.'d growth and inspiration for sdiool lunch p'T-, sonnel. persons c v |m'mi :nr (n atlon-t the sessions may receive < \ <-r t i-'ht nccormnod.atirr . at the Home ' er; hoto! lira, by add IT Mr Pnuline H. I .atto so-- reservations Mrs. Ib.ith liimiroi't .should he contacted at 122 K ll.irn !i Street jfor reservations at a v«ciai lun cheon which will feature the e ve >t ■ i There •> ~ !or. on per; ons Injured in U i ni 0(0, vehicle ac- Cid* sit, i■; i ,t; hi oi oi 1951. Tile t r : Ml : | S',l PS l‘l,Yi \ *' :fo ocreage ow he .da -,tt *i p t cent, larger than in 1052 AMERICA’S FIRST EDUCATIONAL CHEST GIVE TO THE 1953 CAMPAIGN c m «'V-fhir.jrn • *i Vr ulwn\ s I- P* 09 r Attrr.t for Vahnoc an* Brawn FrodMrtß Fiwt £fltant- I'lwdn, Hm-,, .*—ww. Jtww r*ref«>ng, W-rf-tmes, tiarhi-*’. ! ’r*v.cl<*r» »r.tj titratt** MMPr.vt Foil f>r Spur** Tmi* *>»•?■ »:«-•« op to *?o in A day WRITE AYUV f.tr Hi(l . MONKY MAKING SAMPLE CAS* OFfV.R : VAIMOR PRODUCTS CO »«pt. a 12® S*»* Si*, ntirhl*** Av*mi«, Ghlcmm* 1* - WHOLESOME (TN I'nrru t Smith A McDowell St* ■ torn DRINKS NOTIONS. ct< SOUTH ST. BUHARD PARLOR Portrait«(lomniCTcial ; PHOTOGRAPHY ! jT\ ' COPY AMD ! \yj RESTORATION fOF YOUR OLD PORTRAITS AND GEMS IOR HOME OR STUDIO APPOINTMENT I MAI, 3-3800 OR 6770 125 E. Hargett St. Raleigh SHERARD STUDIO i LuifMAwiNE MADE SN CALIFORNIA lfi|pEt FOR ENJOYMENT ti.Ss „ THROUGHOUT THE WORLD ' L -——l i'T„ ! I 1 'AIM i *°** A *«« on. ®*■ r "«*« l «0. Mwr. DFDFDF H> SPEAK AT KAI.EH.fI MEET ML* Mattel Evans, «•»- gtnnat nutritionist of the Wheat Flour Institute, thirago, will »» one of the guest speakers at Hi* t'oirit Service Association. H»- teleh April 18. Miss Evans veai formerly head of Foods and No s rtf ion at Tuskegee lnstilut. and Food Editor of OUR WORLD niai:a/.im‘. She is extending the milling industry program of na trition, nutrition edueation, and home economies In areas of higls Negro population. She represent* the milling industry in calls orr . ditors. school authorities, diefr- Jcalous I!ul>h\ I fils AT if<* Wii h A\c WINSTON-SALE AT A Thy oar old iv;itr -'in told pnlice M'-ndav . eight IP a 11-• t- h'is!>a'td hit hei I HI tin- |w-»d with or ax as o'.ie lay , ' '. rof.s the *> •! in their bom* Mi Kij - - \V;m'i->n of 325 Glenn • Avenue vva., admitted tn Kate Bit • ; i:’a Reynold* Memorial Hofipital 1 Vo receive treatment for a pOi-sibU ki.ll fr.u '-I and fi'.'* ini'h hw e; ation O' till* i Ip Hi eondi! ail Wiu- not i,*di( *d , •»* hi critical The. 'omhn told investigating, . •••tf.ei ■ - t *ii her it . . amt Clar '.'icc '.V.iitcn. struck tier with the ax a!).'-.- yer of footing i.rrumi v. 1 1 1 ■ aeo;hei man | Os fie i . signed a warrant, charg- i mg W. hcm v ith a.-, a-, it ;rh a : deadly ovapni). W WINNER OI St.llOD SUHO- I.VRNSIIP _ Miss Emma J. Sw inney, graduate M Central high school in Louisville, Kj., j is winner of a y!.000 four-year j scholarship from the lota Phi i Lambda sorority, the national ; business women’s sorority. A j major in business education, ! Miss Sivinney now attends Ken- j tuck> Stale eotleg,- in Frankfort, | Ky lota Phi Lambda ts giving a nationwide examination for j more seholai ships on May 16. Mrs, Mahal in S. Evans of Uhl- I ciiso is national director of edu eation and in charge of scholar, ships, and Mrs. Jeanne S. Scott j < of Pittsburgh. Pa. is national president. eVNPi ti. •», nutritionists, home econo- j mists, public health workers, e*- i tension leaders aim’ other pro fessienal people. Miss Evans cot*- ! finrted a nutrition uorltshop a* ! Howard University and lias par- | tieipated on numerous prognLua. panels and symposiums over the* iountrv. She lias done under graduate work at Indiana State * Teachers' College and lias a t Master's degree from the Univer sity of Wisconsin. She lias taught a( Tennessee V and l State Teachers College and Taylor High School in Indiana (See S(ory this Issue.) Chavis Heights News R.v MAY I- BROAOIE 1 K..1 ElGii Mr md Mr:- C as- j R'’be At! nt.-i. Ga :•;>* nt East) i iiiiday- m tlx utj j • v it; j i .'i v * f. ~ i.d.s. They - : >■ Hi- li ■»• _ :*->! • -*: Mr arid J ■■! i Ri il, Wall. . A! n-jbevi J l imes «nd * ; ifHigiit* i-.-i Gninell unJ b!ditl) oi ’•-itv.uVn. N J .pent tiro week cue •-'titt t'd >i ' ) M* .• L’ury Thom ! as of i! Franklin Teraree. Ella Middleton of Wirt»- i - *'*oni s ( 1,.-is ixtturued boro*; nier \'t‘ ’tie.. > n and da ugh i ■r Mi ,*i:d Mrs Rutir Da of t.f'i ,S- Hiirrington St •Vie and M: l .oar. • n Smith ano j i -.taukhtor. Miss M Smith ano j i .ii- l.ipseonrii -i Cov. City, N. C ; * .vrre* the- weekend rfuesUs of Mr ; | -nd Mrs .la nr us CurUy of 6 K j Swain St. Marti i Janus Coli *f No 6 No swair- Street lias been ill and con fined to his nnrne for ;evoral day* Mrs Si) i- i R:-y.0',1 * f 2il Bieo r-e \vent - »!-.* T. ‘- * iioU •Ti'- •’-'ttl'i tin ,j:-tei in Nurlolls. ' v ; i Mr Paul Hayvvofid if Ha in p ton t Va. was hc-nre •- • -i*irr(g hi. parents. I Mr and Mrs. Hay wood of Bleu ! ;oe Av- f<-t the holidays. Mr C F Ohatnhrrs of Mon rot : N C. - the ri eer.t ttuest of MU j Mrs. Marion C Droke. Mrs js» { arid Mrs. Janies Ci-il-y. eplt C Willi ams and daughtei L i - .:: of \\ushington, D. C.. iui ner : e-Ki-.-iUs f this city, gui here visiting iclatives They aj't the house guesi..-, of Mr. and Mrs J Williams Sr. of. 1121 South Statt Street. , Mr. and Mrs Richard White ant thlldren, Misses Thelma, Fioria Robert and Richard Jr., have re turned home after visiting Mi Wnitr > fa fit-'i - 'ho was ill in Bai trnore, Md. Mrs J-amcs Edwards and chi) Yen, Mrii-i ett. Jean. Norris. J-in da I.u and James Jr. spent Ui* v'ekend in Williamston, N C visiting relatives. Congratulations to Mrs. Joht Lewis and her daughter, Mri Clarence Mills who celebrated their birthdays together Monday April 6. They spent tiie clay Ir | Zebu lon. N C. Happy birthda 1 to Patricia Hay j on West South Street, on her 6j,r I birthday : Happy birthday to Hortenso J j Copeland of East Davie Street on j her 6th birthday. I All ft •tends say happy birthday I to Mrs Harriett S. Jones of East Lenoir Street who celebrated he: j birthday .hunting Easter eggs. Sh» received many nice presents. Hap py birthday Mrs. Jones. Mrs. Eva Mae C. Coadile of East i Jones Street ceieberated her birth j day recently. She received man ! nice presents. Her many frietjdt | are sorry to hear Mrs. Coadic v l H' l and confined to St Agnes ho*- j pil'd. Please hurry and get well | : Mrs. Fff'ie Taylor and grand- I daughter Miss Jean Flemmings of South Person Street have returned home after attending the funeral of Mrs. Taylor’s sister in Green ville S C. I Uni... n_.ll. Women's Spring : nuason-seiK dress shoes ‘ ;Ay truly marvelous selection of shoes in the ... , # newest styles and fabrics. Come in and Women S Spring rhoose while there, is still a wide selection of sizes in this special group. DRESSES ONE GROUP SPECIALLY PRICED VALENTINE FASHION LANE NATURAL BRIDGE v, Fvegulariy to $ 19 . 95 JjJ 5 —— —— Kegulariy io su.iiS $5.93 j OTHER GROUPS SPECIAL GROUP Regularly to $16.90 $8 U * rk * nd l ' i ‘ rb ‘ Combination. Regularly to $19.95 $lO $4.99 j Regularly in $2!) T, sls GROUPOF „ , . r . Students’ SUITS ! Budget Shop Dresses I Handsome young men’s suits in the popular | Hegruiarl.v to -> 7.90 - $3 patch pocket, center vent styles. Wide range » - m ’" m "" ""™’ Os SIZC’S I|l ( 1 COlOl’S. ( «roup?, of Spring I LONG COATS, TOPPERS H " Kl,l;,r ' y l ’'• s,:um 515 and SUITS JACKETS i GREATLY REDUCED* Manv .y*.-.o $3.95 i S*™”*! LJoor of F««hion I j W TFwt U ,ov er Spring Woolen Children's JEWELRY FABRICS DRESSES Regularly 98c POODI ECI OTH TWFFD Lotion, everglade, taffeta I ’ SQ C CHECK. ZIBELENE j Regularly to $1.98 $1 2 Piece* for SI.OO Regularly *4.95 $2.99 pltu fed. tax . . , (P O p , , .. 09 Kegrularly tn $3.90 Regularly sn.4n # SEED BEADS • PORCELAIN | Regularly $6,96 $5-33 Regularly to $6 95 • $3 Regularly $7.95 $6.33 ..t' P Trrv r- , T o & Q Spring GLOVES 55 Dr.nbic Woven Fabric* and Nylon y < f ! -or Group of Children’s Were 98c 69e —— SUITS COATS Weres! ' 9 ' 5139 Women's and TOPPERS were $2.95 $2 00 SPORTSWEAR REDUCED Were $2.50 SLB9 GROUP OF BLOUSES Ch?W»f’r»’s sh-r>p— --Spcnncl Floor ' 7 Regularly to $7.95 $3 ~ " ” . HANDBAGS group of skirts I Y Faille, leather, straw 7 ; patents; and linens <» ***»**Jil*’l £•*» X