WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 1953 News Os Wilmington FACES IN THE NEWS I t i r, Yl. Butler ha* h*** a chairniAn of tfw» Ne§!o div^i-vo f?f thf COfCOmiitg <-• nrfr *•«m N>vt tvrrU. h»" i.M a.l»- p.fuiTKf Sii* \ Dr, (\ jiiiam i ,( neelcy is no\i fl captain in the Air Torce, Z' T * m*mU> . he «n enrolled in S-t • I’SAE School of Avialion Mcdt < In?, Randolph ,I'irlfl. Ts ■;J% - —."Me FAISON IS ON CRITICAI, LIST . Juntos H. Faison, 55. I3f>s North i Eighth street,. who was injured; Monday night when he was i knocked from his bicycle at the j corner .of sth and Tied Cross Sts ; Wednesday was still on the eriti ••«) list a* Community hopsital, : though 'he Is .-omi'Wiiat unproved Faison's .-alp was nearly torn j rtf. He was knocked from his i bicycle and thrown 80 fee} Tit# tie two of the bicycle was broken U! tWO ts If A oai driven by Robert Batts J 25, Negro, -truck the auto of John ; { W. Cribb, 46, white. The nceider. j occurred in the intersection. Wii nesses said the Cribb ear was bo- j nig driven nt a high rale of speed s * iff jeer? reported i*hat. Cribb so id ! he saw tile Balls’ cor approach I »n„; but thought he could get a-. iTtisf. Die intersection. Cribb vas arrested and rh'irgec j * v itfi reckless operation. No chars- ; w*r»r»* preferred agaitisd Bat-. Affei the Cribb r»r struck. . lif turned completely around ant the rear end struck Faison. The i ear landed in the yard t r :■ uyv i --Cceirn AME church. j;i n cross pRivF. ■ REPORTS ST'I.MHI j Tuesday night, the Negro div» I non of the American Red Crc i annua! campaign report d $792.7* j rS.sed Idate. ft is believed tip i effort will bring at ksv £350 ht - j sere the final report is made . ’Vie ; cpoi I war render.-d by th* : If iv. F. B Kir toil, chairman !l ' i [ the Negro division FvoAcnt were 1* It ii n yu r .Jr ! | genera! chairman, who expreseco [ ’ tanks, and Joe Feed hind. of the I steormß -'omm titer Tile Rev. B. }t. BaskerviHc, vice- | cbjiurinfui also spoke. The full r - nit follows: M» Ls laud New.- omc. ('hah-man * Pi Busin's Sl 10 75 ?'t.b H R Raymond. Chairman ; of Professional (sroup $7.? j Principals, Howie. McDonald, ; f kim§% > 4/5 QUART f s 2— I I ,*afcAi 1 STRAIGHT j cXigi APPLE BRANDY . m B.AIRD AND : 1 COMPANY J- V tarajUßPsw «»rffc Swtea. Va. , i v, C^M| Tftjgnfiilffi- < JgjSmm jjPPaMBBHh. "If »*• ..Jgp ■ jßm^¥ *' r^ifcnHi iit w®mtm * mlßSmzm 7a •W 5 ■ a *4l: #' Y ’ Sj' *]p§P|^K lAr'.. M :sfe„. .y. T«&‘ • -.fo-i, , *bX v s :t jr.jv, ' wfu - : -. W^ v .r... .. - ■ ' '''• ’T'sS - SfeiT ' jfy CEs e : W^M p M lip' I . L*.^ I ' 5- i ’ ■ :f u.- . y N AWAISD US MADE At torney Robert H, fiond is shown presentine award, to J>r. Hubert A ? iton, left, -ind Hr. Daniel f l{o;uio. rigid, Sunday afiei noon it Omicron Alpha Chapter STATE COLLEGE ANSWERS TIMELY FARM QUESTIONS WINNERS IN CONTEST AT JAMES it. HI DLEV SCHOOL— Iheturcfl above arc Edna Pollock "Owen of 1953;" Ronald Brown. "Kina' oi" is:.:::’’ and Runner-lip N’athalcne Gad die and George Goodaon. The <|uccn. who rt nresents class 7A2 of which Mrs. S. W. Flail i.s teacher, reported SaO.IO The King who represent' class 5 Alt of which Mrs. Mil TALENT ISUNi TtINN'ERS -- ; Nhc e are winners in the reernt 1 'lent Stunt, sponsored by the ; •oca) Omegas. Left i.s Miss |{t>. I r( i Sfooper, city winer, and David Hands, Burgaw. winner u- c*uii.ty division. Miss MMWr '* ■< student at Killidofl high * bool ie<s Jfijidr, j-. enroll'd in f iN'if hish school. -Van d-rbllt Photo, I ; j '■ iinoif- UMtJpt ihe k: iderfillip c( j Tonne, M’Vftjn. MilTt and 7i i j nute'i 533350 Mrs. Rrbeech Hall, CoI) rM v .-'ii.imriMi, $i 10 ~fi i "Vfi 1 f ~l Wh’- i n . ('Iia111n«11 ■• f ; .’Uiuiut.liuly H.U'j itjl st;-Jit H.msiiv Bri'-ti'i * ■'.(fu.-e- «:•;; aiHlf !■ S: t b’. 'villi th'.: fo!i(U’ jog;. •*t~oi> << •■■ ■ y a ■■•:•!i--.•’••..•, M, Sivri.i ( to i\J-. Ib'iii'. Jenoinc jV!'. Anriee,.'.-?., ivl■"*- B‘'u)u' | Joik Mr' Pa! Goivpe. Mr.;. liv ; :Uclj«r.l""ti. Mrs S i) ilanjrav:. < : 'ii'.. Mar' 1 573.67 | Cbujrhc..-' under tiv IU • . I.h \t ■ ; _ Moui'c 3.26,7!) shiited Tran-idii Seivve Fat i|t>; <:r i al 71. f'f^> ill' A gift of Mi which is includcc I n lhr tclui'its ot i’io B'jsiucs, 1 G.> ou: * ' The fit and Tidal is s7i)2.?n The Choinn.-m. the Rev. Edw.i !F. Kiii.it>) i: deeply grateful t< j >i ; vico-ciiaii'inau. Ilto Rev. B l! | B-ukervillc. The Pufclicitv Chau ; rum. Mr. 'Thomas Jo'vny and ai he per.-'oi.'s listed for their iovu- I liable belt) and cuopfo ation Wita -1o n them, this increvr. m jiivn ■ |to the Red Cross thi: year would • have boon ittsposiblc. Additional 1 funds which we expect to come in will be reported tit a late- • iiat.'. In dosing tills drive official - j 'v, Mr. C. D. Hogue Jr„ Genetaf • Cbaivman, and all the Workers of, '.he Negro Division, express them ! sir cere thanks to t'hi» general pub-i lie for its financial support. j> vi Omega I’si Phi Fraternity * Annual Jalertf Hunt. The men were < Itnsen t ifi/.en of the Year .<int Omega Man of 'he Year r<- spcrtivclj for harung spearln ad e.i i artous eivle and roinrauflttj inocemenjv.—Howard Photo. mcif H. Johnson is teacher, r» ! ported SlO.t'fl. The runners-up. ’ Vathal.ue (laddie and George > Goodson reported $46.20 amt r'SS.iH respectively. Both rut; ners-up art- members of class 7AI of which Mrs Luettle T r.ess is a teacher. The total s - mount raised was $285.51, E. A- Swain is principal of James I! Dudley School. Ministers Slate Anti- Daily Meet Spoor hi-tided by Dr. .). H. Moore.. thin president, member* of the Inter '•kmimunational 'Ministerial | AUmnct of Wiii'suvton and VI-. ; cinity waxed worm oven -wvtßt ] I site.. termed the 'dxsc'ourte&ouc Ut-atment” hteted out to the mby i ; Co-Publi-sbei Rye Page, Jr, of the i j Wilmington '-To*'d.ng yt->.■ an.n \vit-; ! scene was Ftr'-r Baptist rhurrn,- im 7l ,.n Rev :. white daitir , The ! and tb ■ r;at.r was fc'.aitei Monday I i .noruin?. U<> r 'W> k : The mdii. t'-rs ueard the Rev. tv.’ ii, Welch report on the appoint- • | u•• ’•>t which he and th eßev. J. M. | ] MalletJo had with Raise in his of- j i fice. They approached him. th* ■ • Usu. Mr. Welch aid. with the re-J I ijnc- 1. ti> it Jo- cor. idct tiie use o!; ■ < out s osv t.J!*- fn hi; new paper fin • is'g.iu wo-: on. I’iigt i rj : J'’t‘'f! a- 1 vie: it* ut it i )i«.i,v -f lln ir : ; o",'-’l l)i’* iM-i'iy niin .'(.*■>■.- arc reported tc lart (mik'i Red Ih'.ii ill.'.- iption ... ‘ i the • cciccnd no j-.«vc sub- j . .."I’ipcfi t. ( *!-,«- ttnlciah N> v auo . ;<.>bse.v*?t fm dußv news. Thi i C>t JFt Ai M. learned tts.il gopm msn ,-fris r<'f">cd to go along ud'h the! i.*r*l*'H her.-iii: «- 'if ".-hat they R'.rP'i. an ill d-.’i 'd and ur-ocgant/eri. if- i > |)i iVlom l keynoted !h r mcctnis in a IcngKiy statement which in cca'i .in- it.-’ highlight of Hi- j ■ Mi re's: i jir tunc bar conic ..ncJ is ?,v pem fn- th.. Neurons of Wilrnint i | on to n < up in » colid grouo anr trike a blow at the hissing sej , -..a.ii of v3cipl ;>i ejudice and ft l > : crimination in our city, and wlik. the v. itte press-'' "N< grp n .nhood is rated by hi* I ii-- God, for himself a nr’ | for v.-nti.airttiod .rogartUese of j .vhat he krows. what ho posses ; or where he lives.” "The time has come for thr j ■ women oi Wilmington not only tc i merit. Mis honor but to support ! •he effort and stand side by Kick'- . . dth nouratt'ofljis men in the baltli so, htiriMU rights. We arc going; | i.o but for noble womanhood and |we want v.omsnhood to back " s ; uj) i:i this erits.ide." "Any public Institution or agent! whose chief object should be the -veifare of all the people, but dia- j regard : a group of people who i pour titousands of dollars annually I into its hands, failing to k tv# I Christian courtesy to its own auy-j rrm nAROtIMAN - * . ’ Jir ' mm 1 I m " I W sBUHISK |g7.wmßk Jo|k ■njßfc-. iJFgTOjSr i^Eßwß#jalWlA r ■ m 4 ' 31BHSE?*. *W m~*' -*»WBI - w jjj ■flßL’ pfsi $» II » tUtSk I, m PI wfa v 1 ■# W '7Mm mw X fe* &J S iHR m l '-f • W : StMW& j™easaw« > 'Mi- v w\ m ™ 4 > • >, §f *.v-” * ‘ x ’WBbPBSb HOLD ANNUAL LENTEN TEA Above arc members «»f Semper Firtrlis duh a* they stoi. J(> h.j*r tin ir photo iilvilr >'. tin Ir annual f.rnlrn tea, brlf| in the (r• \\ le\ re-.irteuer. <m Su. *lh Street. Tea potirere.., are left to right Miss Mary EliTa» rierce am! .Mrs. J,n fil I e Simon Williams. StandiiiE. I'fl 'o ri"h: V City Balks On Hospital Rules Month 0 ' -of C.’ity ('fiijncil Wed nesfia;-' r* fus* I to :.> o'emg with iction taken c.r|i--'c h; mrnibers I tin Ne*.< ii'!"" ' ' : .lit . .30rl’d Ilf Co"'l!l)l r-io' 1 1 T'.'-e fi,. hud !, i do ill-. (. niM/i.iiiHly ni-pj! -II Mayoe i‘ i, Wt:ii° -nut other 'i;:n,C 11’*|e *1 *> jrreH tha' she hoJ >i»a! b'';i , 't ii "! th' cuht lo niake ■ides and r -rniotiori- for the insti ; linn ind tha' t* -' rules were 11 * t" ( lin'd .ii- !■; io i.'. ii.mlv i.mirii i •>>•' - tor thou kno.'-l --fi-i But, 1 nrj) . I-.-in- 'lnn i. aw tlli. . lance in th<- i r lU.I 'iinn as i • , .lull- r ill-ini. patien* and pri " iii mui Ini :.. 111■ - lat'!* d M\c mil s• i t it'".. dISCU St • >T'i .Vit'u the , '■• Hill, iiiui-i s j Fi'i'mii!- -:'»•.'('ir- had Die right : I -1 elm, . - ; -it i . palu;ni i;p K ! cvt l'iin point, ! lit i’ 1 piopof 'C I -v nmi’ibit d fh-'-ii chargin':; 'OH-prr. pal tent;; unli* the liotn;a .ypi, paid oiii teriii'i! 'Oldily' vd I'veiv nig another doilav li'im that :n oui < jiii ;!. '.vhoi'J I* ii <• I-ini! 11;it• ••- ■ Roi' more th'U no. yi ,n . th* luenr'o ,:, i':' of ‘he liit.ruh'nornu'-a t tonal Ministejfi'i! Alliance iia'," os'.n chafing under sack Iriait-! , icut Toil yitr.! ngo. (hoy ou '•'■•olcrt to the editoi and ownei of the Wilmington shii'-Ncj . io ;iv u our women i«n ctosy titles TjK -I'jqUest was iof used flatly, with a i ■ |)t. that he was aticufiin .; to me own ;■ urines''- and \vc had no thing to do with it." "The purpose of til is inerting, a* ; I c i.iir.Ti v' a .is :o formulate pitus. ind i.traU'c.' for the boycotting oi 'lH> while daily par.i r of tilP '’it" ••vljosc infloncc muj policy arc an i-Negro in C’tifi'-'-ia ncourtosy and lumrm justice.” "Th'il ■-; deadline date be T on which we ".ill urge all of our people to cancel their suoscriu* Rons lo the Wilmington Star- Nc’.vs. Since the editor has d 0. .: dared that vve Imve MOthing l.u : o with it." "1 ,et a!| mini. i• urge lb *'r pc i-; i'Je to caned an .'uv.wcriptions to ; •he Star-News." 1 Rcy i * - 1 1,1 T | • of tin Ninth <nd Observer '.vere present ■ ;u,d ot-- -, n.-ii) . i i.i :'ipij::nyj , *P' )( '| ]!) i.l 01'3S||li/-3l<.C'!.» !n- n ip ji i" Ti'cJ jpfj ursod t;' (ji: eontmoe the Star sjjd Me.\». Tint thousands, of hand-bills bej i printed and ' irculafed ni ging ye n | ;,ie to .-apeyl vai'l papfry." That t>)i ;>c*io>i publis’-ieti i ! m !hn N-gi'o papery of An." '. ?| i -n(l rijr >' ' . al'.'i Ol''- r l ‘'ev" No person is truly eivuiiefl I lv) fail- to lime i f .'pert and rr : • erenee for God. Re; peel for Self.' Mnd tie ueci for Wouianhoijtl" ! The ministers .'.et Tuesday night, i April H. a" tile date for a mast,. ! neei.ing for the public at St. Lukr ! ; \ ME7, f'hur'h. rorne r7tli ant,! i Church Street '. ' ’■ gg§ •• cxrwrg^l^^^pSßl^BK -1 ; jHHB iHj| JHg t?' 'wjj!'" wt" ”’'■'' ,|a '•'"^^ffl^M' ’JBfe* I •"• ' J\ ♦ 3>> : &;**?’ ' 4< <$ .M" *MflHßfflfc. jß^Kb-'.;•>-.• •&3foto&%ra> r: - •' ( S&'- -X 4 3vn»sSMKSßpStLßalM«ftrafiHßHEßßMlia«ißffi&Mi[%titfßlcit]^EiK^Hfi^^^^B^MßßsSlj^^^^^B^BßMMß^^wy'. ■ ■.•• ■ - .■/ .'vy'.V,' l ’ - j.-X’ <nKa>Maii3Rayy - ■■.■', # ; T&tfrpji&t&lC >W?tCß&'■&*&{&<\ MfiTM^^j^^BrMxwHw^SttitftiirarCTß^AC^^^^^W^fßtimllilfc l HE GIS BOICOTT Above *ra til<*m)>»;*:* of tbe lulrntcuttut' Uuitiouai VUiiUtrrlai, Alliance of are Mr;. ( h.irles Evans .Mrs. J;»- iiip Shaw. Mrs .la oh .luhnson '*lrs. James Holmes - Sr.. Mr* Beulah hri'fn, Vitss \|ar' ( raw ii'i. Mi i. < atherin 0 < raw ter, Mies F fierlrade terra; Alts* 'ith-f ({ini--; {{(■ s \lire f’rawb*y, mil Mr*. Koheeta Vlitfhell. Yanri'-r 1 |tt Photo -s - , - b roy. ».~~e.~** " h i is mui'u:-. :■> Dr. i. T. *ioo »*. d es.dent i)i' tiie Ministers '.l'iance. who i- prriirhng t.h- ' adrrs’lifl for ie horcotl a;a p ( the Wii ntinglon riailie In part. Dr lOrre siad: "IV red adlon. oniled action and determined a< Uon. zeaious action, in*t not foolish action. Our beloved r.t' , in ra"e relations, stanrfs at !ln hottinvi of all the cities in the state and Southland. And we (irmly l> iieyc that we have ‘oi’nd the chief .source and Die cause for such rani' discriminition. The white pres*, which moulds public sentiment fives policies and shapes IV' > political t'fe of V t Imiru'ton. has proven itself unworthy <>f she confidence and support of the Negro eiti/enship of tin' city.'' f'onvjilete story, else where M F, L r EADER DIES m MM YORK Word, was received hen' this ..t-ek of Hie death of Mrs. Mjp( uin i Mnoi •• vjt ♦< - president o f •no Women Hume .and Forctpr is..mi.ji■• Soeiet. of t’u AMES'. ■Niiii'h, at h.rr linme in Rreoklj n ','<). u mi VTonda" Kiiii'v i! .services ••veil iield Wed iK-sdnv night m jTc' l ' V">rk (hi,iat a, to he mads tViday as ii'i. " y*- 1 . :j! i;sr I sue in ’V'l 'ioP' Jom N C A si-U' ind other '.} .1 vnyide there The address i-‘ til., fair,ll; i'. Mi • fieri 1 err, . :. .illh FJm stvfeh Xli - Moore ''as ’ ,de!y known <i Wiimii ::f-'ii She played a ma • >:■ r mle m publie'i -s the daily c ( which the . isaionory So ciety issued during the national , lajiive ution held !iei> in 1947. AHeiiding rite? in New York and •n Willinmston is Mrs. Carrie Jon .s of this city I \Vthuln;ia«t and Vicinity WittJ 1 iuu •; urg’itnM a boycott againxi ■ Bus WilminfbMi Menuing • SUr Tips on Touring mmmmmmmm iy Carol lon# - Womm'i Travtl Authority Motorist, name your wish or whim. and there’ll be a gadget to grant it! No time for morning coffee? Well, there's a machine that plugs into the cigarette lighter which will .vUii / f ”-8 CJ P for >'»« while the wife ■jjJR ' drives you to * Jt-i VV orris d jjttt ", h ho u t ear crooks? Your 4»Pg<'c“ buggy can be as safe on the streets as fjtt% it would he in ' a hank vault with an ignition gadget that has a built-in burglar alarm. It operates on a four-digit code system which, when tampered with, automatically starts clanging to bring the cops on the double Is youi tot too big to sit quietly in a cat seat, but too little to he safe or. the back seat " There's » gimmick that clamps o* er the hack of the front scat and forms » safe, lee el platform m the rent seat area— good for crawling, wiggling or nap ping m comfort and safety Concerned about potential rain fall when you pork youi concert) ble ’ There's a “wcathei -guard" which automatically raises the car top (and windows too) »t tlu- first drop of ram. Want more compact picnic equip ment ? There's a tabic that folds into a suitcase that holds four camp stools with plenty of room to spare for plates, cutlery, sandwiches and a thermos. Some gadgets arc truly useful, other? merely amusing But they do make window shopping at youi service station or automobile seres sru \ store such fun. Rent Forum ‘ Tt• . e quP-.-ti'.ms were selected : com tiio <■ Dc n asked of tit* local rent olfiye They apply umj j .i thos- accommodations wl*ic|f ire undi rent control If yx-B iiav> a queti-vn, or if you are in .doubt ; .s to whether your j vodation is undet the rent smo ligation program, contact the A •ca Rent Office a! Room 124. Oils mu House. Wilmington, N C.r QUESTION; Can the rent offic* o' lp me find a small house cu >pui tment? ANSWER: Although many suer inquiries ;r< received the reus .llae is almost never able to help L andiords ae.- not required to no itify ih*> office when there are vs • i uicies. Your bed bet would- u# : „ good realtor o» the want aos j ,-■ oil' IV ’V -Pape' ' | QUESTION: t .vlvd my land | for ri to let me cay the rent on '■ i .tmi• monthly b' j v : each firm 1 and fifteenth li r told me r>6 I couldn't a'tow tht;- bcause of uw- P r<uit law-, tg tiiat correct' ,| BFC I Orje billion ton of manivc the 1 i annual product of li v cr-took on A • 1 uv-rjrM t? farms |{ rornplo jpi ly r-'. beovered. -‘urrfuilv preserved -uid offieienU.v used, could increase the ■ j value of crop production ’ey 36,- ■ of-n.occ.ooo. •; TAM AHASfiKK The Famcce football teuin win open the 11)53 »n** Wiiiuiii# ion N«vvj», local dailies, far failure to meet sfiolr request to h»v:<f> titles um 4 in ! '1 M jH9HhK > S iIl I F; '" Jim * Jslslgßl ® ,t' ■ H H • r jjm w 4 « -I 9HmBHhRSBsSBHHk ? COAST-TO-COAST l>r. Howard Thurman, pastor of Fellowship Chmrli in Son Fran cisco, has made one of the most noteworthy cross country switches in Iheological history. He has he<>n appointed t;n>. verslty Preacher at Boston University and a Frofessnr in the Tbeotosrw eehool. (Newapvesa Photo.) WASHINGTON AND "SMALL BUSINESS" By C.WILSON HARDER A question in Wnsbingfin. cs podally aniong bus inessmen: s- * * . 'Must ho« useful is llir Fed- I ersl Trade Cwtimfission?” * * e When the Federal Trade Com- i mission was established m.uiy years . r;T i. 1 of.( violations. „ „ ' ♦ « C. W. Harner The FTC in anti trust matters | is also su investigative body, j ns the FBI is in crime matters. ; i* * * > .Some observers feci further : , comparison between FBI and i FTC would be libellous to the 1 11 FBI. * * * ‘ Bn! on disclosures pending in Washington, comparison between FBI and FTC, bearing in mind both have investigative functions, can be carried even further, p * it For example, no one accuses FBI of spending all effort inves- . j ligating who puts slugs in penny i i gum machines, while saboteurs \ i! go unnoticed. *F * * Yet the FTt spends millions of dollars on ease# such as the following: The Stewart Allen f Company of New York makes ; * smoking pipes. Recently, the majesty of the FTf was brought j in hear in a public hearing, re- I » suiting in a derision the firm i mijct disclose ps pipes are maun- ’ i factored in the r. g. ev en though > j jh* briar is imported. * * * hreither wp'ilrl FBI hire people j net believing in the !av. - « it * if Bwt FTC negleef to Investigate pending major problems raises many doubts about motives, c v»tlrr«l i-.i-ra-! •> ■.- (aipprsdei't S-i.i,' " ;:C,ison ;igainst the Texas College > leers- in Jacksonville on Svpt -.6. | «torie* dealing' with Negro wom* ! eit.—Vs-mk-ildu fheto, t PAGE SEVEN Retiring Commissioner John Carson reveals a ease In point. | Several months ago, in the Tire Case, FTC invoked for the first I lime in history the maximum 1 discount rule under authority given it by Conge s:. This rule provides ;i limit P* the preferen tial discounts that big dealers , can secure over small dealers. * * * Yet, FTC has failed to enforce H s own ruling. A Washington court decided the FTC ruling cannot be contested until the FTC enforces it. if # * Carson requested full scab' FTC investigation of lire distribution, rie * * But strangely enough, this was blocked by an economist hired j b) the FTC. This employee, Car ! son reports, takes the stand FTC ; does not have time for this job, j although every day the FTC finds time to dwell on trivia! eases ; similar to briar pipe matter. 0 if v Nu one knows vvhnt influence, 1 if any. an employee es the Com mission has on FTC. but, the ; facts are strange. •* v * TSie FTC after making »nr of the most important rulings ever made for free enterprise fails to enforce it. s * « Tins strange paradox does i not stand alone in FTC record. + * * Oilier FTC actions are just as puzriing. For example, after years of research, the FTC pre pared a long several hundred ; page report on the actions of * few major American oil eoi-rt j panics allied with British oi! I.H- I terests. in establishing an alleged worfd petroleum cartel. This re i port, was then buried by the FTC and reouired action hv U. S, STa | stars to make it public * it it Tha FTC bas great powers V sfc- t*» ; Rut many Congressmen ere becoming curious a? to ins* how, and for whom, is f- TC using this Congressional grant of pewor. ' || ■ |l||i )|fll|| ; TOPS ivmi RMT One of tlii' top men in llroadcast Inc., leading nitt-ic publishers, is I’lj'fscß Ray. lie recently watt named cdiiuriai adviser on eon lemporarj concert music to the writer and publisher relation* department of iI.MI. The newest song published by BMI is '(The Song from Moulin iTougc. 1 ' called “Where Is Your Heart." in cooperation with United Ar tist Pictures. A noted composer, Kay has won numerous honors, scbn’i hi pis and f« > lowship'*. UNP TAU-AH.sS.SEE - Althea Oih «m, stella tennis star of the Me rida A. and M. College, is cur rodtiy 'practice-teaching” .1 « lo c*ol junior high schadl. • six;——-

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