Dr. Louis T. Wright Receives Honor JOHNSON a SMITH IN ANNIVERSARY Johnson C. Smith (I. Marks 86th Anniversary CUMU/.'nK The cot I! foun tiers* i)«' of Johnson C. Sin (til • iuivi lsi tv was iii„h lighted by a ti.euionla . '•»•••■ Dr cons* d worktns Friday jTmriiift't end art afternoon audr, :.. by Ur i d •! L,. !!. Elsini. iln , (nr of ; o dent ti: enhower. i. ii-• cii.tin t’.uii-.ied {la.dor of the Notional Tit ,;.vtvi'niii C"uuj"k of Wo Du:;- ton, U C (<• d !i• u’.t" audiewf i «••*. T •ni.!;iy ii'.ut uif t(s of tin: ...;• If ’ tyty victory n: no fury and i l> iai'ih ou...todian.; of- o| dostir Wc arc mighty but cautious at com: iut hesitant., good hut mi sire we're good enoii..;h for tie solemn re.vi)onKibi!if of our age." Continuing hr ■'•aid, "Tin- i -t --vnr jr.ora! breakdown and dial .eiijic of ••>;ftet ulislic and atheis tic (.’( irnuim 1 m can only i or.-t by I'Ouu i s • : linn faith and life To land to tie. day in which -,«.t ;vc m* *i til taiUi rnu l r> ; »>». sDadfs t in Christ •■an disciplines ;,f land sei us. .of ii sr* D i o j oi order'd n .ry**i When Cbs'i.;- 11. n Kot- p ttinr >n i soui t}>*• {.a \ ' ill* :1 i 1 O'; ...I h 111 nkm l i i!' dn in'rids of the days." . (!•". , IS of I ,'ii 5pi;:,..., pit- many An.* a i ■'" os. to ;i |’i!' pent is ‘ rihu.. *. r's rim" re ,ud Omegas Will Honor SO Newsman, it C. Lawyer COLUMB! V, 8 C A fighi m Soutii ( a.; lii r.* now>-pap.: r editor *'•(1 an r , uncut Louth . Cineiina •'flwm v v. iM be city-d a • ;■>!.■!- StiUKtlli;’ Oil n df the ■ 0.'.'0 when dS efi., per* Ilf i. ,P l pro . p j. > >,.; frcuu-nitv in North and .South Ca rolina hole 'hen 10.;; Di:-!ri.'.t Con John ii lUcCr ; 'editin' of fra Lighthouse and Informer hoi'. and who i'r-i ''s"s'lniTM' veo* to the Newberry county ohuing-gn u* as the climax to a three yeas run-, nmts light with South Carolina j.m htial lend 1 > for 37 days, will r -3iv«.*n an a>.nrci foi hi civic ■> n trihutiiin-.; anci ,1. AD'on Alo'ns, *'l Winston -Salem, N. 1 ill he i in. Hired f' o' his deer joarfieni oi to * rs. t Hunt, a national pro ji ct of she fraii- 'tif' r kirh i : the final i"vert on fh ;j **e r• day fan' 1 P'e k> 1 pr >p am hes -e .'■ '.me r*> Oust ya s * of*", cxpecld hen:. Cancer Medal Awarded To Late Dr. Wright NEW V. Rl£ - The late !> I.oms T Wright was; awarded the; American Cancer Society usl j-ostuumously, for his test-arch m cancer which he conducted T*»r; St years ■: t Harlem Hospital tv !<■: -hi:- death hi October. 1 <>s2 H I- tiie furl Negro to hr given the n edal. Mrs. l.oui?, I Wright, widow of the physician. accepted the award a* a luncheon held at the Hot* i A&tor Sunday after noon to ! iinrh the li.MV3 Can < f rus-idc. A\n participat ing m she re rmoiiio? were the two daughters of * e late ptiyi-ian Tir. .face O. WViijht • n.-i : r. Barbara Penn Wight, ho Hi enr:u:>d in cancer re- • fSbA-A-; ssssfe- W i'bkiV'fe - tnift & i :; P| fell! I : liflSk “ "i i-M !l : * » rrr o e e the t iNH atpy FAE’S'T Before he was taken M-cjoumy ill in New York, farc in'/ the cancel i, of tb" city, Dr. F, I're.iflont <>f u:,. General '■■uni/.i A-'Tictation and J;i f Ivi. t tun. >< ci etar.v - treasurer of ' ■ Per. d of -f ri.-!,ur . Rev .1, R Jtfncs, pi' .u'erit of tiie Minister- 1 ■ii AUi.iiir off,. ;-rj (1,0 invoru i • H' |. *‘ ■ ■'■din. u,« fiirmal afternoon " ''!■ the record memorial ser 'u r in a M rie wm held at 10:30 r .t >iesrin\ UjorninL: to. d> ci’asi‘d .vorlte!". who hud r.'.TVrfi Um iuu y• ■ ity •i e. a * Tied i % yi Those mcmiu'iaii/.eti u ;n - . idenl of the -.ctiool, 1 » : i)7; V ilha;u Edwin Ifni. Si , manage) if f. Pic, rsity ;..-■ ■ ■ IS ■': - i t>: " C. I t; P n s.• i.-.i ant p: ; ics:;or • f Ki yjisli s.u! .principal of 1 he: ■i h ■ i.. ■!, IRy:-1 M Yorkc .loner of* - u i f secl o h iHf r itii • : Ul l : n dailies D I’lOi ?.f.'iri 111, ‘ efr* si. ..I C,,r i,. U5i)!J 1 : arrl ; •r !••).' 1 •! Aud'-i -op, pi of. ,«r of :de , ;9!T i-V.7. .■ i * i 11 i ■ patiii m the *; oi li n' i '.-I ■*' v.r D • ii Li t. 'ii ir 1. if v,v-i Dr H OfTy; >')n r serious piragi am auned at l poiritiiU' Up I'ivii rii'e-ds. Df Met es x V) ;;. head, head of tip' hi* ■ ; ■ irnont oi !• dia as ii'u at Mmut! T' arii,.ir < •.•■!I . n’Tiiunotoi), >) r. vi d i a tin- roll'.'' nt :or i'V ni.rht nf April 2,. Openju? 1 r.iulit- -April ?! --One .a men then j s .'s and . vs,efheni Is. frolic in ex ariiep! distrie.l :_at! do in iielsi • To '■ ns up Audilnritim, A num i of social event: docltimeni flu ineeiii ig. h’endir, ; the District i: W O Yarb<*rough of Ne-th Candinn. ■ sist.'d by Dr W. H. Yount of Ay •a-rson H. Monro of Denmark is *'■! Rri' ii'ds and Kpoin. ,f r ' : - : - v- t o . M i si- -.'lie ciiaelain. John V." Martin of €*> | Ir i " -, !> id. "■ ns p: ■ • e-ntccl to Ml - ."'0 by IN .John C. A. Gorstor, 1 '• o' fnunOcrs of the N.v> "oi k t"i!y Oncer Committee. who: ■;o lavish m hie piaiw of the .we Hurl', in physician. hi pvcK'-nting Use award Dr.. : 'niter sain thM I’he New York >t 'ancei- Cfl'iiintticr tin . year ••■aniffously voted the invar.-: to '■ ■' greatH ! >'.’ed. la!° r. in we. ii ~n T \v , at," *n citing -nnu' of v, -• activities • ‘ (i. ouncer oc.ciabst, Dr. Cor el s distinction . "he had Continued on P.w X; King" Cole was phnturd resting at Miami's swank Hotel Calvert j with his wife, llie famed plan- i j ist-vocalist is now romp .-‘rati tv; THE CAROLINIAN SECOND SECTION WEEK ENDING SAT! EDAY, APRIL 18, 1953 j|i' ;• spit A « TEST! s IP CM MM GIFT OF UNION The Red '■«*! hospital of Loris' Hie. Ky.. recently rceci rd a i\v iron 'line ;■ a ;Uft from fa- \- inaicair i' :i .'VlcatcrUrrs and Personnel Deans Hold Meet j At Virginia State College j I’KP ns; UH.C, Jm r Ufm jio ■ ; i‘ i i?.O i D.U’. I \ ‘ dU* ‘.i.a! wiectmg of Tyd* c:o*:i?D\*:»n of Deiinr oi W'.*u-.< u and A-i'-s- • ; t ) Qivls iff N f -gio School-, and. • 'v- Ynti'-nat As <■ • ,ut.-•!' C; ; >:irmel - , S'; : / ,-iv •:■'•■>;, Men i . i-;; Fd; r;- ( l !’ tltunn,,. ) <•'ld ,i! Virgil , ! Sl.e ' ; -.b 2C f’< ;,. i h-.ii s'; cm. April ' * ’} he first , ‘'ii- ill ■ * ' <>h Verted at 0.00 -i.sn on April 2 Dr. Sadie Yanccv ol How „: d Uutv-. r sty p; < -u> : V 1 -•* ' ,: - tior.s, cou!. (.•■'..•! by Dr. Sa’; ..-'' i, Gandy, Director of R< iini :i * Activities ct Virmssia St;-, t p. 'llV.i- d rr-'.-rrai Ir’.lgi'Sd in-. bv Vj ’ pii.t 's'.-11 < - ;■> -i --d.v/it.’ Mairn .H*;. . ■' ,* i,it/.s-Ij n < . ' ; --r!am; . . • \u'A Arnold Hedseinaii of tec <•-.(.• S'-.'-i.iri I ’. Agency ck 'ivei'ifi 1 hrt mam adcir.-;--, it;.; i-.-s !-• 'nr.cn of the rfs f--r-r thone, "Now lion/'.-ri.s in ’ Eft’.c tit.ivin.;s.” The conf-rcnec offered \.-o; kshops its four areas: Mi ra! and ft lisious. Cult if C.rouj- Saving. Yoeationi'l. C> vie. Anver those who partici pated in the wed.shops were Mrs I bomasina No. fob) of the r-rpartaWßl of “ a’ - •an - Mar garet .'-.dams ol Sh r; i'siiv r from i nervous breakdown at ’ a New York hospital His sthcri ! ulert April ii date at Raleigh m -is etr.’ vilc,'; ftccauM- «f hiy ill -1 news, IP.it,liters Work rs oi North A ivu rp ’. When it was presented to the medical center, union ami ho- dal officials tried ft out. «: rs Lc*.i3ii,! r. Smith, prar tical j .VI r. Wiley \ Hat!. Cv ,. i, tj v c ><-i ri' try, Bicbmond l rl-an i '-as »«- ard Mrs Mary rpr y i.i > !rth C«i.>;ir,:> \. .did T 1 o’rr t iM ’. '- ■ iisponded; and Mi ■ i oi-is- Dm ham. : orcs'Kie-rit f ti>e Associatinri "f IVar.s of Women, delivered to" ' ir oi .'ebb;. i*-. no'" " nv'*' '!,., | . f-iHo'-ved by a eoein! h"'*- m K< • i ■■ ■•■'■n iU.o . •.. , i c-i i.v the Cb "f k U’ttfi or m.'.-.'io! :• of YiriU’-.i.'i Bt.«tv < o!- - i 300 Cities Launch Drive For NAACP Memberships - i NKW YORK- - Campaigi-r. to in ere:i <’ ii;-. rnbei ship "Jmv- been ,;iu! r h fi it.- .. aru h> of tltc "...A for V Ad .a ti. oi of Colored Pi-op'e. r l! se ent. ID. i "Uu cd n.' .iHfif , ai.-Mimaced this week T;e i .:■!,( i,." , A' at; : in I.'llx .; in ~s' si ium -if ' com try. have p ■ I is - t' " , Of -i c r : 'i.o.Ln :. an n 1 i.l lor ncv/vpapei and iad'<» publi- 10 Engagements Scheduled For North Carolina Choir ’b K' • M j ;a:! W. lid!, th“ re-: oiift trim {hr workshop and; ■ 1 1. •11 Ru '■! which pre- j H. ~t iy IIV. I ■' M'pCtlVely i ;«■ . . on • s'l'id« ."! K d?hnns ! ~,t Atri. 1:i Effective 1.1V1H,:.’ Torec: . one sophomore par-1 .. dt'ti: :vii ~ V>. >an Veidell. \ ~ ’, ’• ■ 1 1 < in Loundcrrnon, Mr 1 r-oii and Mr. Samueli i .onin • 1 1 ;. ii* of Virginia Suite j TPc final conference session was | ~, Ail American Banquet at 1 •.vtn.-li Dean Vaileta H Bell pro - ,„ ,j ;\i Samuel A Madden was; i ; .i (■ Th< main ifldros- at h. in r; i; ..| -.v;r delis by Dr. j )• Daniel j.i e.ident of Vir- i iis . .State College. city, and initiated ho tsc-to-house j canvassing as a part of the nation-! v.ocV drive for UtO.OOO new NAACP: trn-mb'-rs. The MAACP field Staff and; ether naliuna! officers are assist-' in;; in organizing the campaigns j ■ j-.n'd addressing rallies in all parts if the country. Quo!:.-; have been.; «-t for the various cities. Many of! •. she branches expect to exceed the j j 'signed quota STI RENT ELECTION I CAMPAIGN STARTS i AT N. C. COLLEGE ! i DURHAM. N C ■- James L | 5 A twater, pi evident of the Student j Cejvernnn fit Asocial ion at North j ■ Cmolrnu College, mi id ‘recently he J ; had been advised by Winifred ; rillery. SC vice president, that s orient elections will be held at NCC on Wednevday. May 13. Deadline for candidates to file ‘ r office ha: passed, and regis ,t' at ion date* v. ill be announced j ; ‘Con, Atwater said, i A concerted effort to register] j a.ai vote the 1.600 NCC students j jis toidcr way, according to stu-j : dent off leers, j Tiii? editorship of the Echo, stu-j dent monthly newspaper, will bei settled in the election route this year for the first time. Otiier posts j at stake include the presidency | and vice presidency of the' SG i and numerous other cabinet posi tion#, j Teachers In Klan-Ridden Horry C’nty Join NAACP 1 CCSLUMIiI'A- -The South Da v ■ lina Slat* (Joniercsioe of of the Nati >n.ai A.- ■;> . f, :■ t i i v.dvancernviit of (',•!.•.• ,-l D, .iplc J announced this we k :hnt tiurty j threo Negro 'chu»S tenehers of | Horry County. S. (.’.. nvr becofne' jimunbers o! the NAACP. Horry County has ;.«:•• n the j scone of '.vid. rprt ad t- nor and ;Ku Klux Klars nctivity ;i rin., re cent months A!'., m! Do years ! ago, in a K’an raid on a■, • t«u- I rant in Mvrtle Beach Owned by a i Negro, a Horry County unticem m /"**, ~T ’T" — m \ < , ■' i | «' V" •>'/' fii w o f t , 5 1 REPEAT PERFORMANCE MAV lit -More than a little ,ti*, lmv ,, ( oter the news 111 at his title bout with heavyweight champ Ro-k.y Marciano has been postponed from April JO until May ir> ehaileu-’er ■■terwy’ Joe Walcott is shown packing in Chicago for his return East. plxi# rluitu U ) gerC<> * brtmcU ,10! ‘ 0 from “ sparmate's glove. (News i _ __ ff, , g'-jf'. JC' . J {& E&fl '• <*o - . s'*' . * ' V>- •*• s~ ' ‘ v sk. •• .. SPIRIT OF *B3—-Miss Rose Murray, the i@33 "Spirit of Cotton,” Ss shown presenting a mlniatarti bale of the fiber to Assistant Secretary of Agriculture J. F.arf Coke In Washington. The Texas Southern University sophomore modeled » e,soi ! i hnt has het-n grov.uitr! col, fantly m South Carolina since the inception of the wiclc-lv-puh ; i.i'O'.Of! i* vo at' u'K on. ;i olznieQ : r.ehi'ois in Clarendon County. The '■ larendori Co inly si 1 ;! is the focal! c.’i 'e in a serifs of five i pend- i is.« before tiie United Stales Su- | ,'!'« me Court. lievcn.;,d J M Hinton, president i I DANVSLLE BOYS LITTLE LEAGUE PLANNED 1)> Joseph It. Graves DANVILLE —lt has been au« iiounced by Mr. Jasper C'.ui.diau that the P. S. BrondnaK Branch V. M. C. A. has successfully or mnbvd g colored Little League ! ball ii; i> anvi !1 e, Virginia. Cl.rii NMm';S s( J’POHT One 1 of the major objectives of ihe organitnitioh is to detect and ! A'Vi-’o.) baseball quality in the j Danville youth and not a medium by which to earn money for the . -'MCA. League officers. sponsors |or for any one. They arc to play be ••b.i!) at Oaksville Com munity Center, as soon as they an make necessary arrangements, iA LI four teams have sponsor? for j 'ti;.s season but management is 1 :oncenied about the ni u.; of sih- I o:ti f’.r the purt-pti ■■ of a Park ! tor text year. The problem to find sponsors ior i hue ti '.iin: vvn, solved by the local ! ; dosed physicians another by i' un • gham and Hughes. Funeral ! Directors another by the "Blank | ...hi )" and the other • y local Y, (.'flit tI - ~f (1 • mayor are. Rev. . i ti v' ii i 1 Mans'. pian' . ..... | b ■■■!•■ Go ... Mayor, ■' ,; e i I, v and Nathaniel I'■ ■ e 'soi! r.v sained j.a rl Ml IS SIrPPORTKD 1V'?". : .■ o' ovlfff, v. r-. live rotors of the James ; ’ Sfooioi'd Memorial E'ounch.’hon, iTnuonio! too .-.nek receipt of ; ca-'h ■ eot if SI,OOO from the ' 1 ■ ■ iiidc.t io;i, Ta> ior •id the itift was made to the ■ iepard Scholarship found is • foundation gave the scho lar:, up fund on for the 1932 Announcement r.f rhe scholar, hiu f trant w . made on the <+*t • * the :■viconri annual competitive exam ii sit lot - held at NCC. on A }e;| li to determine winnei s of 16 .’rants in -ad t>> t idy at NCC next year. The James K. Shepard Me morial Foundation is an o. aul/a tion named for the late founder and first president of NCC Its purposes ate to award Molar.ships to graduate:, of North Carolina huth a u .».tv v.-ho ish to study at NCC ;of tin* South Carolina State Con ference, a : R« eri id 1 C. Reed, . i ex< cutivr set retary, have been i spearheading the slate-wide mem bership campaign