N. C. AII-Negro Town Said “Hot- bed of Interrace Sex Activity”\ Prmceville Again Site Os Bi-race Morals Arrests B> .1. II I! MtKl-.N TAB BO Hi' Hcport.. from tin; i f In;,- nl C nut of Police Otl#y Leary her*.* picti'n-- tr.o l\ .-‘Hi O IBV. h i«! To..■' '■ ! k‘i. ?li*• * CiW'SS utr Ti.il ftlvt-v u Of* a«-iOl i •*' i Vil v . ::iin ti'r- arje-t *4 two white ififii* iii'ifi <i colored won.an hi r* i'll Is char * m, recently. A‘!*-s n.iiirfi T Whitehead to o»-n tly was convicted of "main tnuunr, a no,i:c oi pi-ustitutntn" i-ii'i rolt'A-s.-ii del Sal'll is! pending sentencing April 28th. Two 48-,year-old while men, El- 1 ini-'c f: Jeftersoo and Joe T Muse or i.Tn,v»>*'imty snici Ww.innntb .. Raleigh Girl To NHA Board —,-.„ r '•'" . : y£«*sS~ rj!^. ■ ;'■ »&\ir '•*- |W " - . M^ffllflißfillffiwMHßi ■ wSWffitSr** }^ r */•■ Sl^B^^ffßßSflWlsStwWs^uS^®®P^towW^w-^RIJCSC■ JwtKwwnnwK^w^. vSKlffiP^ OLA IKM AN tit NH » I.XITI TIVJ BOARD Miss Miirlr.v Ellis tlefti retiring president of Hit- Nt"« Hoimiiiiikt'in ul Atric rlra u hit li held their seventh Primary Voting Ends With Negroes Still In Running | I*, v *.u iUni .ii News Network HAl.Eil.lfi A.s primary \ » continued -Saturday and thru Tuesday of this Week tilt- com plexion: of si veral political pic tures in t iiies and towns tu rough - out the slide took on « positive charge. 1;i most rase,- Negro candidates vi tJt, were novices in tile game oi politic s made no outstanding showing-- in then ipu'-sls for nom ination to punltc ofieos. A brit f resume of Hie picture 1! will look on J’u. sday, -U;.’ sth wiii'it general elect toil bulk'd in;- is to Le the main issue thru Hit .- late folio vs: In The Race S'- £<*■ -0^ '■ IH'V (i. T. (ItiiisD) i* a r-sniiidate so ■ tlv ’n;-t ol city rtmunia inn er in Holly Spring's. A Hampton griduatt* bristling contractor and v ti-j’.i 3 instructor of veterans’ vocational oourw.s, Mr. Gri.gvn is in irrsc i and the father of • in- child. A n©vl<s* m politics, , Grig'shj is president of the I'jfjncry and Veterans Credit t mint, eh airman of a J*TA «ro«fi. a Si.mlay school teacher and trustee of the Baptist Chun li, He h also chairman of tils too !i !, division of the Swift C'ft cj- ('©nununity Chest and was fit-t Nt *u» in the -State to oh tain s master plumbers license isy ukifif tbs state esamina tiSE. N o. i>. .-.pi cuv v ivt re chargee , "i ntoriny u hop**: Hi* our pose assignation and prostitution . <no t; *>:i conviction w>’tv A nod a < A'i'l.n *■ i • s' f u;i: s, Sav Fatmvillc liijfli Sciiool Criris "AVeirl Out” Willi V hites FAKMVILLE •••- Colored real- 1 . dents are becoming indiunont her*' "«ause oi what the.' 1 nr* the 'cpiicineco" v.'hicii surrounds the alii *i <i <■>> )irunionc\ of local hi eh ((OVTfNI.T.I) ON FACT 8) jiisiual (<sniei ence jn Durham at North Carolina i olh-ge last week is shoun here with Miss Cii the fine I'. Dennis, state super visor of home economies, and nvum onto !?\I.KI(;i! ituxot h/iLKIGiI In Hak'ibh.’s Su tprda.v primary voting. Attorney , Herman L. Taylor polled 1333 votes [ to remain in the race for nomina tion to the City Council. Tenth! ; man si; a field of 14 eligible lot p!:te«‘tiieni on the May sth ha.lot A Uortiey Taylor showed greatm-t paved in the predom inutely-Ne • '.'in precincts, yet indicated that ntf has vela - gcttinr put;-: til t'UU; iiuu 1 the r. tv. in Saturday's Halthgii voting ho Lie Kev C. I’. Jn'lea was; litninaU-d from the general Uee •' -Hot, pollin'! uniy 633 votes 1 SI.TPOR'IS WHITE CANDIDATE Ma ty this week. Rev “vii. Jones indicated, that, he would not tun. ns so. pert to* Attorney Taylor's 0 cst li). ivic city p.iist, iii -t. ad Uie Baptist minis;, r - rehooi pm? a,at announced his intention of -Uipportjnp. the candidacy of a ■ bile aspirant who placed just nightly .".rove Taylor in tin.- pri mal y balloting. HAMPTON TOP A! AN in (,'p.oro \ on; M Hampton, incumbent, led the ...tiro -lale oi 19 aspirants jor ! :iU p."! I:as a comparatively tght vote was east in Tuesday's ;p; inia: y Dr. Hampton collected over 2400 of the total oi 5440 votes :.- t in- Tuesday's primary v.-hica sen at le d five of the local in* i ’ c-f-its for the council assured nomination in the general vlec : tion nt'Xi Tuesday. Greensboro Attorney Kenneth ; I,t e retained a place on the e.en : eral election ballot, riinmnst at ; Kith mart in the 14 who will be | listed. - 1 " •DEVANE POWER FPL i AT FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE _ Incumbent 1 cOy councilman Dr. W. J. Devane j showed power at the polls Tues ; day as he polled 1269 votes to keep ; hte name on the ballot for the i general election. i Jb previous election?, Dr. De- SAY MAN KILLED HIS 18IHER, 70. NIECEi 3 IVADESBORo A inan is befog hr hi under guard in tl»e hus pit.ll her- Uii - HT-i'ltk pend- Jvsjj- the Old;; run ft! of invrsttga • imi oi charges that in- mur dered his ;i)M'3i-iiii! uinttier «nd thru slew ins tj-year -old i resitient Alfonso f itter of NC<\ ! Miss Ellis, senior at Italcig'-i’s I Washington High School is now J chairmaii 0} the NIIA executive* j noa id. : m- m. t ... hr second term a.- j 1 cuui.ciliiu.n. pulled either tOji ' '■ second n'i.m in the pnmary , balloting Ht. placed fifth am an( !ii< ten whose names will remain •<a the ballot for the Tuesday vole ; :ins tune. 1»U. I’LRKY REMAINS Another Negro aspirant to Fay tteville’s city enurn'i!, Dr. M, L. ; Perry assured listing on the gen : ra! election ballot by polling ST v tiles, in what local observer; bum a poor .show ol power i>t RI.INt.TON SEES PAIR DEFEATED . BURLINGTON Making hi.- . sr. stab 1 the poia.t' arena, lo | ■T Lustnt ssman John {Johnny 1 Jahadtir raw his hopes for e)e(j» 'mu go up in smoke as h, failt:ci *0 place on the genera) election . vat lot as the result oi Tuesday's! . unary vote Bahadur polled 3TS votes to be | iCONTINUED ON PAGE 8) The High Man Or. William H- Hampton -led , ; the entire field of Jl> candidates u in his auest for renomlnatton to j the Greensboro Cltv Council In j primary voting Tuesday. Dr.'i: ilainptoa was first Negro elected p to the Gteens!,or© municipal :: t oi~ii X jftiii ( %i i*ii jj niece. Sheriff Ben Klvcrs anil Ru ral Policeman Norwood firle, along with Anson (utility Cor oner 11, 11. Leavitt a-ve U>v«s. tijjuilnx tile brutal pistol-shot slaying ot .Mrs. Florence Liles and her granddaughter. little Barbara Ann Bennett, Clar ence Liles, son of the woman victim, is being held under !; u«rd on charges of suspicion of murder since tin- dual inur- Exploitation Os Hi-School Athletes In NC Protested If \ LEIGH A well-known North (iirol i ii a secondary school sports figure, J Worth Inrton t umpbell, ids "sounded oil against what lie feels is exploitation oi >onus' (school; athlete* by "unscrupulous in dividuals", Mr. Campbell's protest u xainsi tilts "exploitation" is I a.M'd on a situation which a rose shortly alter a group, with the blessing oi the state formu 1 ated vviiat it felt an ae centahle urogram for admin istration of hi-*i school ath letics. One ot tile fallacies in the state group's program is noted in Mr. L'ainnhell’s urotest which was received in Setter form by tiie sports editor of THE CAROLINIAN 10c j 7 jfjg VOL. XU RALEIGH, NORTH CAROUNA WEEK ENDING~BATt!RI)7{, MAY ;“o. College Students May Revolt WEXTRA'A MILLER MUST DIE!! ILALEIGII Because he saw no reason to further review the records in the trials and hearings, NC’s Governor NiiS iiam B. Umstead Wednesday afternoon removed the lasi ray of hope for a 22-year-old con vicied Negro kilter, making U mandatory for him to pay the supreme penalty in tiie gas chambf r at Central Prison here I'Viday morning. The state's chief executive failed to intervene in the case of Lafayette Miller, young Beaufort County man accused of killing a white farmer early last year. Miller had been sen tenced to death in the electric chair, but efforts of his attor The STATE In BRIEF 1 Fire Victims In Need I■" ' * RALEIGH Last Saturday, the tal loss. home of John Henry and Mrs. Elia j Ellis, on the- Louisburgh Highway : burned to the ground. The fire,; j )t unknown origin, started about i three o'clock in the afternoon. El-1 its who was at home at the time! Daring foi < iylit grandchildren,! ; managed to get them all to safety j ! n time. However, all clothing ana | | nous.-hold furnishiugs were a to- 1 | NCG Preps Finals j DURHAM lh'climinary an-, | nouncem; n'. of the commencement j ] week program tor North Carolina j j College's 42nd finals exercises j j made in Durham this week. I The graduation week program | starts on Wednesday night, May 27 i jat 8:15 in Duke Auditorium when I i the seniors present their annual j 1 ! play. Class Day Exercises are slat- j i*<i for Saturday night. May 30, at!- | 8 p.m. in the auditorium. Eacalaure&te is Sunday, May 31. j <ler was discovered early Mon day morning-. Mrs, Idles and the small child were found sprawled *- cross their bed by " Henry Liles, another son of the aged vic tim. early Monday. Clarence Idles was also found in the house located in the Bethel community near here. He was found to be In a coma with a Rim, apparently Use death iliis newspaper tills week The complete letter follows; i" me Sport- Editor T:'i Carolinian Kab'issti North Carolina Soar Sir: S«'vt ral inonth.'- ago the Board oi Education t,f the State of North • ; Carolina -el out to r- aul&ie the’ 'athletic program of the public What Have W<* Here il'Mituiial ( oiiiiiientl Much speculation was generated nereabouts when the Rev. Mr. C. C. Jones anoimced as a candidate I ; for trii Raleigh City Council. Although he has been a resi- j ; di-in of this city for a rood many! ICONTINLKI) ON PAGE 8; j neys kept him eu Death Row . for a year. A final effort by rouresi t for Miller Wednesday proved fruit less when the governor an- j nouneed his decision not io hi- ; tervene. Counsel for the youth, | who was captured by highway j patrolmen as be drove his a ! - j j leged victim’s car with itie vie- i tint's wife in the trunk., con ferred with the governor same i few hours before the decision was rendered. ThroUfrhont his stay on fVath Row, Miller contended that the | j wife of the victim was the mur derer and that the two of them —he and the wtfe-~wer« “gofnst away together" when captured. The Ellis family is temporarily | residing with a married daughter, ; Mrs. Bernice Hunt<-r, Route 5, Ra- Heigh, on the Louisburg Highway. | Some ciuthing is being furnishec j the needy family by the Red ; Cross, however, they are badly in ] reed of food and would be graft | ful for whatever help might be ! given them. Or. ArchilnU C arey, Jr., j pastor of Quinn Chapel church, and alderman of the Third JVa.rd, Chicago, Illinois, will preach the annual seruion to the graduating- classes this, year, at 3:30 p m The college's First Annual Al umni Day observance will be held j this year at 3 p.m. on Monday, | June 1. Dr. J. Curtis Dixon, vice | president and executive director | (CONTINUED ON PAGE %) weapon, lying nearby. Preliminary investigation re vealed that the deaths both of which were result of wounds Inflicted by a .22 calibre pistol, had occurred, sumo time before the discovery of the victims. Members of the Idles and Bennett families and acquain tances could give no reason that Clarence Liles could have bud to shoot and kill tho (CONTINUED ON PAGE 8) schools of the State There are | those who IV.-1 that the P.oarci • v.ct.t too far in it..- regulatnAs i i'us.-ibl.v. time alone will provy of ; Tii-pi ove lii.it comentioii. But 11 is i ; incTs-asinglv obviiuus that some; 'power oi hc./tid interest should su pi'T'vise tin- program of athletics' that oppoi'tunity ..i exploitation i • f voutli may be minimized. This, is an attempt to cite one •.‘xaiuole to support tiie idea Mat | oung athletes are often exploited , ■by unscrt-pulous individuals | The luler-County Athletic As- ' : oi'i-ißon sponsored a basketball j t >urnaptent lor both boys and girls ! j'U March. Tit*- preliminaries were ; j held in Wadesboro, Saturday, Mar. |V The semi-finals wen* held in j Landis. Wednesday evening, Mar. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 81 Ready Elks’ Sessions 1 spj|ij|G,: _ V •. ,L R. HAYWOOD Deputy, sth District .1 It, Haywood and L. S. Wil cox. of Fidelity lodge, 2T?, SBPOE of Vi will pla> key rotes iluring the Filth District pru _ j». _ Autos Wreak Havoc On Roads In Two Carolinas RALEIGH Automobiles con "inued to wreak havoc on the highways of the two Carolines this ; past week as at least four persons lost their lives in mad mishaps Following briefly arc resumes of. i the role played by autos in deaths j in North and South Carolina: GATE CITY WOMAN KILLED IN s>. CAROLINA WRECK A woman identified as Mrs. An- ! nie Galloway Jackson, 47. of j Greensboro, N. C. was killed vviv.ii>: ‘he automobile in which she was! riding near Fort Mill, South Ca- j rolina. crashed into another vv- i hide, According to police reports, Mrs ' Jackson's husband, Willii*, was al-j so injured in the crash in which j Uiree others sustained hurts. BFC MAN AND SOLDIER SC CRASH VICTIMS A white Shaw Field airman and j ja Negro identified as Austin Me 1 ! Call of Sellers,. Route 1, were j | killed instantly when their care; I collided near Marion Monday j morning. i The Queen Os May 1 ■'.^. r ( > lj . .■■'»**** SV.V .■ <|i> ||p|piw || Hp -■' -*^ jig 88HB|lfflftfak •^ t * <gg|g[jgggr -likiffMßfei aafe^A * BSjom| R r^Ja ,.- mp v * w*smMm MlMralfik.. SSB^aKi^^SßWfflHrai ; ~ i j IS PRETTY MAY QUEL:*-’—Miss Jacqueline Townsend, attractive senior -eicncc major of NorP; ( arolina ( oilege, Durltani, is typical oi May queens in Imli Oiv totes tiirutigbout the United States this week. Shown ben? in her regal attire. Miss Townsend was photographed in the Senior fe. _ ' ' v'. j Ijß ? I. S. WILCOX Program Chairman gram scheduled Sunday, May 3 at Raleigh. \ full scale pro gram is set to mark the district event. TWO TEAR OLD BOY IS VICTIM AT DUNN A two yvar-olri toy was killed instantly when he was struck by i car in front of his home near i here Sunday. The child. Anthony Williams | sun of Mr and Mrs. Oscar VJfiJ j bam:, of Route 5 was reported ’ hit l viien lie nut out of a car parked j across the street horn his home | and attempted to run across to l the homejjlace. j He was sti-uck by a passing ear | The child is the fifth pre-school | age- child to die in an autumn I live acident in Sampson County | within the past seven weeks. | Only the cars driven by the two ' victims were involved in the fatal crash, it was learned. BFC TRUCK OVERTURNS TO KILL DRIVER | A true!; overturned near San jford Sunday night and claimed the | life of its driver. Said victim of the accident in ; which Che truck skidded oft a j curb and overturned into a ditch ] (CONTINUED ON PAGE $) liinvl of -the NO College by Charles It. Stan! ack. NCC News IS it r•■ i n photographer. Miss Tow ;i'j'i!<l, the (laughter of Mrs. A. K. Townsend, 1201 Merrick Street, Durham, is one of the most popular coeds on the NCC earn PUS. Welcome fifth District i ft p o p •&• w JhJl *JL • V*#*' » JL~tl * ST, AUGUSTINE’S STUDENTS FED UP WITH PLIGHT Croup To I nily Protest; Plans Fight ’til End Hy UN HOLLOWAY .j RALEIGH For the past two i tvecki j group of students at Saint Augustine's College here, an hnouucing themselve. "fed up' with , what »he\ term use "dictatorial ! manner” in which the school is (administered, have been carrying mi an "underground" movement i through which they yek to gain 1 full vtodent-body support for what j they plan to be a revolt to shock j'he school's admliustration out of apathy os concerns the desires I'd the -tudent body. j Under the cover of night, the • student leaders of the proposed unity plan, have plastered the aunpus of the local Episcopalian school with hand-printed handbills nt-cryiiiK tactics employed In the administration of Hie institution. For fuuy two weeks .tftSsc ' multi - colored handbills asking WHERE IS OUR PRIEST?" and pleading with tire, administration to "LET THE STUDENT COUN CIL ACT have appeared myster . jiously on buildings, plants and au •j mob lies (including that of Pre- Uident Harold TYfgg) and as my«- j e'piously, they have disappeared |in the approach of the next day.* Efforts by this newspaper to j secure some of the bills bore fruit : this week when some few of the • j oills were acquired by usually ae- Icepted and highly-ethical methods. The handbills which came into the hands of this publics* | tion and the writer a* well as information received here la i dicate that: : J—The student body feels that administration's rules are ] too many and too strict, Thill I the handl'd! reading ‘‘WHY ALL THE RULES” \ j 2—The student council is be* ! ing inactivated. Thus the hand -1 bill: "LET THE STUDENT j COUNCIL ACT’ 3—The administration of the i school is dictatorial. Thr*j» the : bill "WE WANT DEMOCRA* (CONTINUED ON PAGE Bj,

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