STiIKE NOW ON AT ELIAZBETH CITY COLLEGE N.. C Soldier See “Big Blow” |r /***% Cj,l. Jtoiicrl !) Burton of Mur Huston N ( . holds liis M ! ill ir at l!i.‘ jiort .1 rms position i i l Mull D*-*l (I Rlilk, NcV.illa Win (. In- Is (Kii tii -ipulitn; in .. i,;,ii). jfjaiii iiv Cl . V im'ii I 1 O! 11: < ,ild Vi mill* .11 .ll\ .llrv 111 ;i Uieitt stationed •>( ( -1 .*ij» l'i< k. tt \j Itm Inn iu l In Vi it mi til' •nr ii til -lllllllii l\pll>-un 111 (' (*!■:.; iiiii.'-. tiiiiu .i trench mi tlm Nevada lii 'i it .mil thi n ini*v * fut l t j i --iiotihited attack 111-ill Hie iitlpn t ihe 'fil l i-‘l 11 .1 HI !!i|- if;i illitl'ii 111 I \tl.*l!MV 1- iruim ii tfi.tiidii in atomic v. .utiiri lOf put at Burton. nil lit .li .. l-.ti/.-i Hurtiiu mi Fulton Si.. Burlington, is u llihi graduate oi J mill an S.-Hits High school Ml entered tin Vrnij l ist January. Tiny Tot Succumbs To Poison a: il;• ,H \ 5 1 -.HHith-i'ld Lit* bv 1\ . ' }»|-.JI'i.'IIIK'( 'i l.ii till lull'll ill* ,-1 ■ a! ,( .V .. :i- • i In- ;-it..! IV I;>:. i:i;”i! .-if . having eaten •« <)u:.!,iitv ■;! oti j c'liiiim t - .1!.. A! VV 1’• lit I!! !•: port• « JlT)' -li. Ijlfi baby son m 3 Mr. Mud Mrs r. ■ »t Thohip* n.n.'iiil' !•: li. S;.M! Faun in i-aiiUi' -. L ... i -i Ip Utility at* ■ i-.ii ‘h of tin* poisOrt Ii: .I--.,'!, W.i i .. ’. cc’i u.u i'fi i > .ii y A . .it Ct;t !■ '-..iby ...*.- iilav ; f4 with in.-, 'i !i.-|a.-id 1.1 oi irii- ... heri u:K- us Mi.- children CjiilU-llv tin huUii of 01. 'lll oil „ i . I.olt 111. roia'i't », -p, pia ■ ’ ilh tile bottle tur *.. ... hi.- th. :i ,'jjiHi-it M'lni- of I tin .;. . .if ~ . J powdet . hi; prove* .ted to iior it hi ll V. : -v« ilii i-l tut tin Tiiump s-.1. In.;, "- . r.-i ui;> moved . . 11--- .:- 1-■:- im.ii Mill! I’> bonk- |iniM*n, b‘-aruu; 0 label li (iU-' itiii i. ' danpi.r had been in !.. .- ii.,.ii.-:i- tia sbm.iy moved /.n-an.jt-tv.f it.-; lull 'sad. not w ,-i. i-i•;i.|j.|( ' d at CAROLINIAN t" nil!. Will Governor Name Race Man To Paroles Board? V..\ 1.1.1GH Nostii Carolinian* J L.litil i i 11" 1 *'■ ii 1 V V.l. lit C i-l VV 11 1 > eye to ’.ii ti t'.i' Stat>- Capitol here i:i ■ .out the Executive Man* nun in ; articular tins, week a* the u:ne draws nigh lor Governor Wiiham tit Uiubteah to hand out rf. l: "jn;iitieal phinoi in the foim , i apt uiiitmems to vai ions state t,, ni'il.a nil! oup? t -pvt i il!> being; tied is the pension tin- Governor wIU 4u.ike lelativr to tin- i tnan I*»- tale* Hoard which will come Into existence tor the first tune this year. It is expected that Governor wi‘l take und'.-i (-.itiiideiatioii the tact V!iut Ni full constitute nearly a iliiid of tnc state'- prisoner popu late..n .uid that u! view of this im\ jn l will name at least one Grand Jury Returns True Bill Against Watchman Who Shot Man 4 Times } -a.K-GH ■ \ Wake County Su pe tor C.«u.t i r\ will decide what to s*•:> its the case o' 1 Vace Col l,i. ■ •C,h> !,!!.:• ad Nicflit Watch man ... ti;c r\ . nit of a ruling made !.■. a Wake Or^ntl Jury this week Tin War.* Grand Jury in ses sion here Tuesday returned a true b'tt of '.jidictment -vainst aging white ni 'it watchman S. F Wood ed of th,- local girl,' school, mak ing it Meceri;?at'y lor hen to stand trial on charges of inflicting s«ri c..z injury vrita a deadly veapoa BABY EATS POISON, DIES 3 WIN VOTE POSTS THE CAROLINIAN IOC -r-toyOA. CivtoJH***!! ./’euMuf 7 |Qg XII LK.IQH, NOKTtt, CAR< I \ W - yG SATt HP AY MAY 9, NO. 24 Churchmen Accept “JC” \ in Order To “Keep Peace ” N. CAROLINiANS AMONG GROUP ACCEPTING BIAS Croup S Ii u n > Hrttrr |{<*s< I l)r>j)ih* Morido United ion Promise ■'.!!.sMl liFACn. Fa.' iSt'*‘- S.-vi-ra) Nmtl- ai■ = S-with v'art Hn.> tnureiiiiKM! wer»r vvlio bn! ini Ui* sail.- ut % utlrtinv i-i. tvif.-t. us tlifir dmr< h ivn.* i-i- .:--1. in i ri-fi'scd to .■■l hi ..I a., ore all hunt hulttf hi i i ties pit. piotortlhu fi-t> HI :. ; I of Vioii nee. Th.- vie t-eiimi’ii n-i i ■l* i • m 1 1 ' *. ’it n i cl! t--’ (ioif in ! hili-t. 1A -I --u-.tuiuai i.iiii tis-:-- wive ' ; i (114 Mi ! • HI " l i' • d ‘ ' - 111 ...hi Km li'-'.v.v Hu." Hohl -j- » t. ! la.fed to op Mi'-i: ! fsri v .it.. n.- t-vt-n ip, hi. y had boon informed ay iu.-ai hiliu-o and ttu- > .i! tin ’ >1 , . _,i. U‘ b* priil. ih (i at til*’ a-..-i i if any ..f tin * its of v 101 l ll nee mat't lalized •j i-.i Cl.-.., •. ut tii-h in Christ. ... •■'.■asimi her.- in. U;d> r m its ten. ts a pi’oviiion oalimr ftu the '• voidanoi-' of 'any risk of vio i*i .i> chin eh (illieiais e.ifv :., ; . -\.:! an. ■ in If" U.-tsy it t>N !IM M) ON I’ 'Ct 8. r» . o to hie Paroles group. The practice of rospneting the itsc -m rates! Net-n'o's " rights a> e.;, ii was begun by vx-Governor K n Scott, who named the then- W;:nstoii-S>dem alderman and eul «i-j>e professor Kenneth Williams to tit,- Parole Commission Advis ory Board. Other appointments made to -.(ate boards by Scott and his sue co.sor.-s include those of NC Mu lual Life Insurance Company pre -laent W. .1. Kennedy, Jr. to the Recreation Commission and St Au.', inure’- College president Ha rold Tricg to the Education Board Those two are expected to re tain their post.- following the gov ernors appointments, and it has been rt-liabi} reported mat the A OVUM I !) ON PAGE EIGHT) '.vilh intent to kill as result >f the IfvatchmanA unwarranted attack on Odell Cooke, Negro restaurant i worker some three months ago. Woodell admltti'dl> shot Cooke four times because he “thought" Cooke v as trespassing on the coi« . lege campus arid was threatening him wit-h a weapon. Investigation ; revealed that the victim neither j entered the »college campus nor ! posses'.»d a weapon of any sort. Dare for the Superior Court trial was not set during the Grand Jury ] tearing. Filth District Elks Stride Along ttiSb and l ‘.lusltter-. Eiks i-oiii thi-ousfhout the North < ur-- nlina t ilth District, i B. O E ml World '■Mins* along KaH-igiVs Last Davie Street enronte tn ( ni'l-v -t.arin-ld School Hi attend Candidates In At Durham, Chapel Hill, Greensboro; Others Fail At The Polls f.liapel Hill Victor Ted I n!in* Ticket: Is Another “First” CHAPEL 1111,!. - Chapel Hill's victorious candidate in i*h«? race j for the aldermanic- beard led the' entire ticket in Tuesday’s voting. I When counts were made Tues- I day nip. IU. Hubert Robinson, Sr..; had polled 571 votes in his quest A. r a seat on the six-man board i The next highest aldermanic can didate polled 560 votes. Mr. Robinson, who is employed as a janitor at the University of ! North Carolina -lias long been the outstandirn- tigur>* in civic affairs. is concern Negroes her. . Through' his insist,nee, a group was formed, to represent the N. -ro populace ' and it was through his leadership 1 that this group was successful in < |. S i | A. i 1 Hftk aMHpagpfe, WBMmk : | I*R. W, V DEVAVE » ... Misses Third Try the Disti ii t s < ontest which was a Icaiurt of last S»ni riiy's sesvinns held in the <'ups tal City Victor in tile oratorical contest was Kalciah's .Miss tier ildiiic Oallow av, who defeated * 1 V'.vv*>*.': A A-- ■•••.'ftp-».-■• ••• /->•.- % V- ■' -f‘ ATTORNEY TAYLOR , l oses At Raleigh gaining certain concessions for No- ; -ro Nr,vy musicians who wen -.fa- j tinned fw-re during World War II | At ore time the successful can-! rlidate worked for former Univear- • bty ertwident, Frank R. Graham. He was the third Negro to seek p«KMc office here. R. N.Hat tin First Negro F leeted To Couneii At Durham THJRHAM-- Businessman ft. N.; Harris b«‘ca/r.« the first Negro j elected to public office here Tu*B-.; day as he soared to a smashing, virtory at the polls ever Marshall j T Mangom a white merchant. Favored by the povverfu) Negro- ! contestants from tiirouiihou* the district in ttu- talk li st Miss Gal loway wMI represent the district in tiie state ora tine event.—Photo Bv SIIIKLKI ! .-(bor coalition in the Bull City, j Man i. 5 received 4203 voted to Man rum's 370: in take the city council; seal from the prldominately-Nfc- j ro-l.»>i>;.:!at<;U Third Ward. 'fin actual strength of the No-: Rro-Labm coalition was demon strated a.s its entire state went into i offitv \vitii two of the veteran in-j cum bent? on the city council ros- * ter being lost along the wayside, Harris, who had the support of j the Durham Committee on Negro ‘ .■il fairs, based his campaign on ; training, service to community, j while his opponent, based his can- I iidacy solely on the fact that was! "a white merchant" Harris is a graduate of the Vir- i ginia Union University and North-! western University. In addition, he Is: Member. Board of Trustee, Uin- j coin Hospital, iUOVTINi Fl> ON PACK EIGHT) ; G. T. GRIGSBY , . . Defeated At Holly Springs |l Victors At The Polls pff?'#*'* : ‘ Vr; 1 / Ik p Jkrnagmfrm* .W- - ■ *• ■ . SLair m tft 1 K. N. BARKIS Durham’s f irst JUST BEFORE EXECUTION Miller Says Bad Company, “Strong Head” Led To His Downfall And Death GOLDSBORO Lafayette MU ■ !tr 21-year-old Beaufort County! youth who died in •'«- gas Cham ber at Centra! Prison. Raleigh last, tridav —■ in an eleventh hour ‘(-duration - admitted that ids own headstrongness and •••keeping ■ ad • •oropany" led him into troit the result of which was his oc-.vne nt <-t the supreme penalty. : Miller din hired that during his! * .v on Death Ho.-, at the Eialt.-r ;h : ! ison he often w ished ttiat in*: had been '-panked hardei ’ when • > "v. a> a kid” Th< youth. who spent most nf ids life in prison and spent the. last !9 mouths on Death Row. made the admissions to ins foster; uot'hei Mrs: Hattie Ward who lives her**. He made the declara tions in a letter written shortly before 10 run. last Friday morn ing. the time he w.a> to be led to death hi tile lethal chamber In tiis letter wliich w v-ittcn >n- what might be termed a mob ' hand and which illustrated t-w visible signs of the illiteracy us ually associated with Miller, the ' v outh further noted that he had. ‘made peace with God” and that J Hi lias washed away all mv ; in." ; The complete u-x of Millers tetter follows: ‘•Dearest Mother. "I will tie (four when yon get this letter, hut 8 want you to know that l am dying with Jesus *n > y hear*. 1 have made peace with God here on Death How atid He has washed away all mv sins. So now i can face that itfe beyond with a smile on mv face and know that I shall live forever. "Mother, I am telling you this because ! want your mind to be at re-.t about my last (tours here on earth and to let you know that my last thought was of you. Pieaae don't grieve after l am gone, because I am going to a better world where I am anxious that 1 shall meet you some day. PRINCIPAL FOR RALEIGH SCHOOL IS SELECTEO j RALEIGH-- Raleigh's new in ll lion-dollar Negro junior-senior high school will have as its prin cipal the man who "holds the dis tinction of -having been first prin cipal of the world s largest second ary school. As repealed by Raleigh Schools • Superintendent Jesse Sanderson Tuesday, the new J. W. Ligon School on East Lenoir Str-.-et will have as its principal Dr. William Henry Watson, Jr... who comes to | the local school front# Winston-Sa jlam's famed Carver School, repot-, kitty the largest school of its kind in the world. Dr, Watson is scheduled to come j to Raleigh iate this summer fol-, lowing a month’s study abroad. He j holds a BS degree from Hampton Institute and a doctorate in edura*; t;on from New York University. ’tapyPWLii WSr* 'ls* v ' ' •- JSmhL M I WWiggimti UK. WHJ IVM HAMPTON . . Second Term Clinched 1 • ‘lt**? * jm .f jj f^W |.i % 'V _i«r. -.-x-jT ■ •'And Mother, I want to teli you again that 1 am not sultty «d the crime for which ! trim die, regardless of how many Juries said ! was. Please be lter e this in y»*r heart, be cause that's all that means anything to me now, and 1 want > tin to believe it with all your heart. Give m> love and last good wishes to all the family and tell them that I hope to meet them in heaven some day. Mother, I have thought of you often here on Death Row Men Beat Kidnap Rap But Must Face Trial For Beating Student > ' RALEIGH —Two local white men, "beat ' :> kidnap "rap" grow* i.r.g out ci their alleged abduction-j j assault nt a Negro youth, but must; face trial on charges of assault, ,and battery as result of Grand Jury; ; action Lore th:? week. W. E Howell ano Rudolph Lan-. i curler will be charged in City; j Court here on the above-noted I charge for having forced a 17-yeas : old Negro youth. Tommy Wyche, jof Gil! Street into a car with; I them os March. 22 and tereatenia*! STUDENTS SEEK REPRESENTAT’N ON TO OROUPS “Peace fur* Strike Ha; Students Out Os Regular (.lasses ELIZABETH CITY - Efforts ti end a student "strike" on the cam ;,us ot Elizabeth City Teacher College were proving success*, this week just some few hour •ifti-r the institution's Student! Grievanct Committee announce is -t. if. in force. Pm ident 8 D. Williams of th co lie*; • was releasing) no emt i. --nt i .-ncerruing the state of as : ion -• at itn- college as of Tuesday but it is fieri rally conceded tha i lie- ,nsttuition will give heed t ; f.uine of the grievances voiced b itu student group. The •■strike", which started a ; ihe local state - controlled eoUeg •umpm early Monday morning Hi |mu at CAROLINIAN press t:me - become litite more tna i mass absence from classes. Ther had .wen no mass demonstration ; any other visible signs of dis i-iitioii on the campus The str.k mv i* i-.tined \u tueir roo/ns- Oh crunpos with only indication of th ■ trike being given in the ernpti# classrouiTis. A .spokesman feu the Student Grievance- Group told reporter ilict the strike was definitely it; j called as a protest against the ft rent suspension from school c UONTLNCED ON PAGE EIGHT LAKAYETTE MILLEH and wishes :« Sot of times that you had spooked me harder when I was a kid You did your be?t. hut 1 was headstrong and keeping bad company, which finally has made me pay with my life "But I have one happy thought, that I have got Jesus ind am ready to go. So don’t shed any tears over me and come to heaven where I con lay my head in your arms a gain. God bless you, I love yon with all my heart. From your son, 1-afayette Miller." ,the youth with bodily harm ffe cause they “thought” he wag tl i persons who had allegedly smn ! Howell's sms 11 daughter. The men were originally chaff i j after a hearing «u City Court wtl kidnap and assault and batter : Wilke Assistant Solicitor LestJ .-Chalmers, Jr., ordered a rial charge at assault and batte* j drawn Tuesday after the Orssj 'Jury returned a “no true bill' vtfl ’ diet csx the kido*g charge. J