f ~., jf :j ' T j I'KOrn BKMtRI! The world premiere of Mfl M’s “TtHcht Rond" in Nnv York |nst week drow- the '"!’ H*wr»s >n (tie soeliil, rivir am) busine*- H.ivlil-.. Formerly titlrd: "Sop How They Run." the m «v<« " fi "O Mnry Kiir.yhetii \ romaoN story. tins horn baited us * .Jnrrro I'miminr Kt»r Hnrr* P„ tafnnf.* proudly Ili-'|>!nvs Hie Christopher awrud won by »h. irtovir, to Hnzc| Scott Rowell and produce* H‘>i Bjm'i ( Nru prrns I holo,) — • ■ ■ ■■ ■ i Writer Feels City Marked 100 Years Os ignorance V.s .I.VMI. •; • il> ,H!i TL’ J.KK, i • ■ • ,: ' . •! • the n-. n City • • !• ;-.))•«i, n <, O'H' i 1 !.; *■• •. i Ii lovfH ire. i>; ri< \vai Airway-; W ■ o l iio.yr- (iii " :o • ' i' ■ ■ ■v" 0- '■ 4 v Ir i| .' ■ hi V 4 w Ites*. %i§. I’/ 1 If f/ J S’OT "FOR KF.AIP Mr. "Say Hoy" W lllie Mays," one, of the. most popular players in Now York Giants’ history, pares a visit to his bun o'ph drninc the recent Giant-Dodger "brawl." Willi**'* fans, watching him weigh a but. wished it was thr- real thins; Nit th’e fO-year-old outfielder. whose* mother cited recently, reports to 1 nob- *SOOI only. (New-spread Photo) 1 1 i :,1 i the voiebrcirion now in pr*i .-'nt a century of prop.)-.**.*- • rr’.hi. h the .•*■• *, i, Du, ■ iinr; was < ,-tag.-ishtf'd H-0 v’• •rs h ::-i was j-.'t a hue.let. <■ >oi i trading |V>. ‘ r *»r i :,f- :bg-p-’ ( \ mru pi.mtaf i- r ax n«.»);; liviftp j ; : I'rU. • f. \»n in ITT?, , . f . m\\ •-■ ■ * ••* •-**<• -rt.tin!4,l ; ; V ' . : *•• i t 1‘• ~ ir.;, .it 1 »• v. 1 tn«t c-s b'iinir;.: i i;«M'TiC’r. 1 •<! m nrn\ v. i_- non '• * bi’eak ! .) ! »}.,< r. hostbc» M >-en the i Tins • . j •• . •*•'}• intenoed to .*' r >. « w *f 1: </ W .*l j’ of Rr-. I f-c f O). --s r;n-rf# io .fiivt i of b.-o cire’.rhrj•■*«- c:rr> om to?v ».» hen Do; horn wii* founded. ..od |< ,; ;< • 'l'lrv • )*i 1 j.v »voi) ;l r,» t ? t; m tlio fi" 1 fol !* V. 1 1 ■ ‘ I *' V: < i ■;•) • * /Oonrd :• • >r.* j• ir nr > .< . a » ..-.hr» z f/n* ‘ j- . . I - ,-MP '>v of tnf first 1 o ft- 31 O' o<v ,! Mi - .., ** ,* ft rs. foci l'l eheaP 'i,. 0 . 51.. {: 1. *,• rte-J i*; •••)*. 11 vp n( . m'.; n . ..*■ T .<l, *i. ■ f y.c-.,1':c1 ,*. . •'!, rr. -v.m i x 11 )« tvji 11 •■•. <•«;\ i i.s; i n tt\ t'.tfii: Xi 30 Mississippi Teachers In NCC Summer Workshop p! •: rip "u Th|i t•• i PC; ..- ■ i* .■ '* • au'l ■ l 'i ■ -n n>v. ”,u'" ill be eerirc tit* pat • t ctpauf hi -- If,. 3 lf n 1 nue,* tu : V.Yiia, : a '-■ "• r ; roR U ',n-. di, riyr pa June ", : I r ; ■ f l " IS I <■' ■ t" 1 . ‘ . vis • •v N"C ■ . ':■*■■■!'•■ ho has I ii' t I f : -Till a :.■•.! t "I! i! of M ihe ■ I. !v he. 'll, par . i -i j! rut at on lo omo of the p. ablems is iog Kn tnarh-w. in tlicit aw iocaliU's Als.o the gen- i •-»a! ; * i['i rn ! 1 the workshop will i , * iptc'l *" •ae .;*• cif i ■- ja'^ds of other rt id>n f ; enrolled. Tba- ■v.u-i a. being Spoil ) •f.-pd through f' aids pro »ded h.v : tfa- Southern K'shieation 7‘otuiria-i VC4.-- '>U m-’.r.h y . ••UJ iiv-iudf i;i ' ic....* ? Mr-- Gads • *■■ . following. T I V. ! r. ' in health Hit- a. r-’Mic Health; Hc-rvice. V. 01* ’ ' 1.1 Maude J ! '.a a T yv .;**,. fi,. id ..''life. H f Tuber-: .•••t0... a aat ion. R.-if«j«h. and I") ■ Taut r lb* veil, ichooi i.f Bubli' Ifc ith. Uni vcr. il y of North Ga nt;, ra. Chapel Hill. ; till "!!mw who have All (■;:•; ;a :,.luced p!;ui* rn parU cip lour roduat.p stu : Men-Woman Relationship Confab At Livingstone SALISBURY —a conference on 1 | ".'i'-n and Women Relationships ■ •a Hh held on the campus at J.,iv in;.'stonc College May 1. sponsored i jointly by the Youn,: Women’s ! Christina Association and the C-’ol ; lose Henltv Service Department, j The- 'chief consultant ana speaker i ; Dr Satnu-i 1.. Gandy, Chap-! i Uin at Virginia State College, El - ‘ trick. Va., who gave two addresser before groups of faculty mem -j bt-.s and students. One one the; ; surjft-v:t. What Make* For Whole-1 saint Men - Wo.-ncr. Relationships! v, :• Christian Campus?"; arid the. FINALS SLATED THE CAROLINIAN KALFJOH,'’NORTH CAROLINA WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, MAY 9,19 • HONOR DAY MARKED Dr. Shaw & Dr. Waggoner Finalists For Livingstone SALISBURY. N, C - The dales <nrl thr speakers for t.ir "l it an nual Commencerr'-nt service.; it Livinpstone College were an nomiced here this week p.■ iiv-pt u , I. Trent. The ft >• - . 1 ; f«',t the Con'irnetxcement to be rV! fi-orn nay .’ll.d through June .n V include Pi-hop Hri bci" Pel! 'h,rc, n.l)„ who will preach t ; '*e ;'oip.. l >crmon on Sun ,’av, Vlav :;! .1. aid T • I 'hi. M Wa iiioncr. President i-.f Phiffer | .1 aiinr College, Misenheimer, N. C pHhon Shaw of Wilmington, is, 11 ! i *i,,nbishop of tire Ninth f.pis- j .■ pal bi'-trict of the AME Zton j ( huv 1 rsefiwe his elevation to t, ■ offi< * of Bishop, nr. Shaw was ■ t Pres-uling Pldcr in the Cape! pVoi Conference and late Score- j tare-Tree -.nrcr of the Home Mis* j , i ( .p Department of the '• WE ! i hure’ He ; an ardent fu* na Vi;* :pportiT (if 1.1 it):;- 1 Shaw University Students Observe ’53 Honors Day HAITI! HI Shave University tiipcnU and fae’dt v member' ■ Dr. oph H. ’f ay lor. Chair :,an cif the Dopartn'er.t of Tlii'ory, Dli eetor of Summc-i School. X.nth Carolina College at Dur ham. in an addre*s *’ the Honor.- Oey o'* 4 ervancc ■ h the Alpha Otni ernn t ' "f the A'*pf»-'* K'lpr-.a Mo ’ io<v; S - ■ t lic'irl m G "* u leaf Auditorium Wedn' day April T) p: 1,1-w toH toe ivvnr v* mprivn V. >. >tave met th« rigid i i et by this .dilution, and ■>y having excelled, you are ke*"p --,,w tai'h with th*- pioneer; in .><*. c'l'inn- an t with thou-.ands of na n and " ciirttn ho !«'r >*•.» 1.-ad th': ritviier-. hut Vane r<v,- trib"ted their per-nie; in * :i a*-■ lad You ine Keeping fadh v’th . y * . in: ■ ■ Hov-c•.tv.’ he ... iituv ••■*.!. hc.lar utp is more : * ■ l p'-'i- •tv '•*! oil’ici lb; tf-aaiphts, «>r tii.” .vltir.fyer of UcUalifteattens. The 'rue scholar is , r?r>rl is p r 'n .. ■ m Inc! froiii ■ rerth Carolina. N r '■<':•! V: ipaad »tua?nt Health :c ’ i ■ Building -dll be the hcadoe.;ir«:t.- for the vmtishop Thr. Mi. is-ipp; afuricr,'. "ho ;>■ ill Mb d i. Me-domes I'hwi H l’l •lap, fa- noth; Burnette Booth. Natchez. College: 'Ahllir G. Clvm-:, May !••••;lie; f u 1 Cook. LiV' i’ty; L iliy ,W Bryant, Meadvjtle; Ruby B Davt . W>.aa s . if:: Annie S. LViVis, Charleston; Q. R Dillon. Tylerto-v n • F.Joise Ellis, Phdndcl phia: Wily M Foard. Unora; E-a K. Harris. Broakhaven, tienevi‘"-'« O Harrison. Bay St Louis: Annie Belle Harper, Mendenhall; Mv aret H'.oks Mendian, Hattie fL Holmes, Rolling Fork, Annie L, Howard, Yazoo City; Lillian R. Johnson. Cl : *rk.sdaie; Lola M. Moore. Anni* n M M. a vlor. Pontotoc: Mary H Penn, Okolona; I’rances E Pippios. Brandon; Sherrod. Macon; D vid K. Thomas. B o v • n. a , Yin,"rah Thompson. Br noi,haven; .Tosie XV. Turner, Burt (iib.'uiii; Oe ir- W Vs aIDe *■ San - .atb’bia; Fannie J. WTito, rt" Kalb; i.Teraldin* B White Sardis; Mil deed Williams, Starkville; Beulah v’niiiafris. Mont.icello; Willie Mae Woodward. Calhoun Cif. — RFC other on the theme, "Christian headers, Ministers, Teachers; Your Responsibility for a Christian Marriage." Ruthn Dixson, a senior from Gainesville. Fla., and president of the Student YWCA, presided a! one of the sessions, as did Tina Jones, senior from Pickens, S C„ emei Anita Jenkins, junior from Brooklyn, N. Y. Mrs. Lois Reeves is adviser to the croup and direc tor of the College Health Service, Remark* arid words of welcome wer»- given at the opening session by President W. J. Trent : ! stone, . j Dr V/ag.’-.iner. to retir*- from (be 'presidency of Phiffer College on July Pt. is an out ;t.*net;i * _ hb 1 i.Hodist laymutt •nd Christian 1 | cater lin h i :* •*• i* my if 1 -u to M~?fijjnFs3 in ‘'. v hf 11 oh wjth \ youn.2 p r ;o; T. Under F'i'» adndTn ; nation tbc fi?'er 1 typ n ;t id--»• j! ha ,T r developed bct'\ 1 *'n ■ I Livingstone College pod hi - i<* ‘ 1 ! i ation, f a entv mil".• -i*voy | Monday, Jim*' Ist, will bo de voted to Alumni artivil.ro .:u'd ; meeting 3of the FU■ •' d of | toes of the Cv^)leR r Fho follo-v --mg classes will hold »• win ion.* dm ! the Commeneernont the elm iof *2B. th.eir twenty-fntt-h. th*- •■..• |of '37. their fifteenth; md tV-.e j class of ' Ki. their t- ntH It. is dso I expe ted that the Hass of v>2 | will come back to make plan? " I their fir. t reunion in 1037 * --BFC not subdued by book? there can j ne no scholar without 1 hf-oic mind." The scholar,’' he aid is ■me who attempts to discover men and the s<'rr**t, nf nature Man," he conch-ded has unlocked the secret door of nature, hut what about the .erret of hi- heart and rrsuid ?" The •peak'*!- u-as introduced *>y Oi’ii'. Luster P I’ayn •- IXie presentation of k;*< nr * •nembetv of th*- organization wa made by i oe Tla> ••* . pi ••id'U ?. 3:, fr.li.-uv • Flea nor Adams. ’ hui ior of '-pex; Rosetta Arfi•• a iun :>r rs W•' . ingt'.Ui Dorothy Hu--- 1 1 ett., ~ juvJer oj . L-'.-sie I {' eg a jl l ni.ur M Hoogood: lorai uhan n .ding * jof Phil?, (.p 'l.hiy. Pa. and '.V • Hho.-.-ii; I v i amor of * e -.’-t.'iri tre.-m List '.ear ■ " L a u-,r 11 ;•-. t. f Whtu- ir ■ , "ic a. , .lame- A ka Os Hickory. . nerd; tfr,v 1 iett Noun •>* Rak-tgh. j sr-i-rctai y .I-idilh f.'uvnuo us .->• ■’field, ar.-isb-iiit ;e«Tf-fai >; ».'o;.i-t j’ jre of <;,*•.n<- Park. N V. 'tea ; surer. The y-rjpt’i" arid uu'oc upon j were a; - -;;. LrithaniCl fry-, it ONTI.M I ll ON I'AHr, Rl ' ARKANSAS A M A S OB : Sl' EVES BOTH FOUNWJH’S DAY Students, faculty, Jam ; ni and friends of Arkansas Agri cultural, Mechanical and Normal i college in Pine Bluff last week f April 2C-36t observed the With i annual Fotmder’s I>i v oelebra ■ tion of this institution. With a i ' theme of "Arkansas 8«s Its ''''•'•k V"'' t ik|| T; . .-■; ■ . .a*’’ % f , aj#y |i. y J 1 pF jm ! if* Mx ,Jm | M'-rifS DOCTOR ATI ; T'u: Xct In c t'lvsirmin, DivLltiii »u‘ lU'vftrnnl iM»s>i» .V Delatnt-y. PhlltiMliillf au<l Ri-lijfinn, Shaw- Lni\rrsitj, Raleigh, ban hern admitted t n <-in(lid,try for the Hirrlnf of I‘tlllo*ii>|)b J degree at Ini vri >i( y, Madison, N*-tv Jersey, if... is llu recipient of an Ezra Sijtiin Tipple Fellow ■ hip to Hedy in tin* Theotc Seal j M i-tn }nary during the 103.1 IT’S : I nn, yn,l will pursue studies in the Held of Christian tot hire and ! the Snelal Order. A lease of ah 1 seine from Shaw University .h-t --he< n granted for this purpose is announced by Shaw's President. Dr William R. Strassner, The | Reverend VI r. I>>l,* i' • ' began work at Shaw University, School of Religion, in .P*to as flirt i for of th-* Department of Rural f burr h Since Ipyo be h* era eif in bis present position is well as ('l*airman of th** < oimuitiee on (Ha pc I and Religions Lite, and Director of Summer \r •- hemic Courses !’->r In - .-service .Ministers I'*>r In o *. •i ry prior *o eOpiing *o >!' '• ’ he il i; **l i< go n*tr*if.tr r aiid *tlrer|r*r **( *e h-io’i; ‘ tension *t tlw Very «,i Uiiil A*r yh.inj. I j and Normal ( olh’gc t in. Illiilf, He received tin- A It degree wj<H honors from Morehouse ( olh-gc, AM int i, <»eorsii. P)t<). th.* it HI degree, Colgal> iin'-li * - ter Dii inity School. Ko< I ■ New York i'll Y the M * d gree. Drew University, I;'r*o an- 7 a ( i rlificate from Pie 1 lie Srllpet **f ,V |, .*l*,■ 1 -.4,vli"S, N : Haven, Connecticut, P;.’*l BFC— ~- - AMA-X €*»ll«se,” the school held open house and a series of spr- I I Hal programs in honor of this j ; great event, Shown above are | key figures making this program j possible and scenes from the col- | ; Jege’s modern campus. The 'pic- j | tores are as follows: IIPI’ER j j LEFT: (left to rightl, Mrs. Ru- ; hve Fischer .principal "of Arkun■ i -is AM&.V college elrmrlHar 200 Expected To Attend A&T Alumni Sessions j GREFNSBORO M i" i m .nvi ii'- I e.. ,|1 ('. i|irl ni' Mil',-' ; 1 * Luc. '• i'M • -,'-i of l j,-. '. ,1 ; i T (k)l je ;f AU.,. I , j y-Of . ;,, ■■ . tod to it nd : i anneal mcotins of th- • uionat >-. : ;.* iitiun ifbe lu'i.l ut i i ; oiH-go on* ‘Saturday iHi »• ! ,Vi; i v '1 ; F P vv i'idell. Alb«i'--:nlf m f Os !K- n..1.” i t,:,l :n.,p j iUd r-y orb i ? 1:1.3 •’ Ov. [he ' |; ■ TIL of th P f" ‘ob*o r-i- ! V-- ;■« l ■•-!•■ i ; f *p|•; O■; til*•»? - o h?!t:rad ,> »r i ! -oin in vis ••• xf i'e.r irvtDOt • ; } Unco of the f. • thi? :• •.'] ;3. j > md , ; OENEBALS WBIiRMH HI - Id. Genera! Maw-W D. Taylor (left I and ‘icneral Mark Clark (right) ««• welcome wor«t» for Pf.v Robert .Stoll, of Balfimore (»n stretcher.-, the second American ROW to lv repatriated m K-in • -Stoll v*’ r.-lnrm-d (a ib<- t an I * 1 Army hospital las! VV ,-*ln.-.d. ■ V*.e .jii ,-. •. Pboto.) ■ school; Mrs. Katie T Pierre, in truetor in erlueatiori. and Oliver i f. Jackson, heart of romance i ; languages. They were honored | I gn Appreciation Dinner for 25 | ;rears of service to the cr-Hepc. ! 1» TI.R RIGHT: The late John j Brown Watson who guided Ar | kartsas AM AX into becoming a ! i degree granting institution in iy SECOND SECTION , <r l| .> ,’n f'Vi" ’V t t ; .t{ j 1 v |» j *' J* 1 < ■ ij rn,. (■ i bo one . i *|; - ; " -t u; 'n • Ira) g ta trt'.*' / *U Lie A siOciatiun ’ '!’■■• ■ u 7 a • ; 'ion m^t ii* . ..-ilj |v- .pi p. n idly if ■ ji a , .!■ - -Ii! --; ."1,11 us !. )itr«!!*» If,:l| -.ii roll- • • * > :*in, ,*",-1. ... "I »- -I . at l'.: ’0 . . f 17:.'I 7 :.' annual AJlimfif r . •*. ii.-.-,* it p n Bh.ifj.;■<•!. presi i ,u Ibe -olje;;,' *v Hi deliver !>•• L- vru te afidvo at ihlunche in . f ir.,; a ■*. fin * j -usiness .11 , neu ,u ■ .'on-alude H ".ii pi the .oU- i v'g and had d tnove-S In *♦# present site BOTTOM Lr«TT: Bird's ere vb v of the jittMOhte campus, f>rse can see the SPa rt ept Cnion. Infirmary. t.V'/mtM -inm, Agricultural ami fta s e»4® Buildings. Under comtrUK tlon arc !(>,•* modern dormitories. BOTTOM RIGHT: I>r. Lawrefttw A,. Davis, dynamic 'isrsjjppnMiPfea president of Arkansas AMFS,

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