INSIDE THIS WEEK Shorts columnist, former football great Fritz Pol lard is of the opinion that Hovvaia Uiiiversir> should not nave given an honorary /roe to Branch Rickey for the i'oic he played in intcgYutih*: Negrtn-e. m Major League bus bail. Poilard's popular ’H.'iostmp Spurts'* column, page 15, gives the reason.'.. A! -o inside: N nvs from hometowns throughout the stut.- VOL XII State Colleges Eyed As Site For Nursing School &ILKIGH ~ Gov. William It. Uinslr.ia's three c ember raui- JiJitlee re. . nti> appointed "lo study estutiii.shnii.iO ul a nurse training program at one or-more RESIDENT OF RALEIGH IS DEAD AT 105 •. LfflgggfgsE gfflggfc. L >: - .Jsß*;"W*, ? y +&&*. Z ;u:a.s. tempi*: pitts Okies! Resident Os liitv Nmeuinbs i't.-u ETGH Itfi"’ claimed Mrs. 1 Tempi© rat reputedly tin- oldest ! : 1 esideiit ui i-tuHieL iu t IVIOI uiu , i.iOilliiii -l It :lt; ‘j .1 li»s.i ; Street iioair a tthe time of her death. Mi i its- >... tub yea; ! of age-. Porn into iiuvei y rr. Halifax; COuUty in IJ!3. Alt' Pill:, sel Veil tin- Wiggins lamily ol Uni :uea until coming to Xlulcigh iu year She it in ;\ and Worked for ; six generation: i f the family .-iii a Ole churchwoman untii j wme lew months u;.;o, Mr.:. Puts held membership at the lu.ui Fir.'.t (. Li; ,V -a! id!..;! i’ Mll'Ctl atKl took part in many phase.*, ol the ifiitre.l s .uii.'iin . Only last kali on tiic occasion of liei uxiut birth day, tvir*. P»Ds tnaicuted no sign.* 01 let-; lene.-;:. and joined in with person .n .nm. per a happy hi; in day in sin;,in,-.’, •.•vend byltlns Mrs. Fitts 1 immediately .sui vivitd by two tlaii; ’item. Mis; Al lene Pit! with whom she has liven a. Hah iuli '!:> year: ami Mrs. Ma mie White of B.duniti!e, Md Thert i* a sister, Mrs Nannie Johnson of Halifax County and titroj grandchildren. Impressive funeral rites vvert scheduled at tin- Fu st Congrega- j tional Church htue lor ! oclocl j Thursday alternoon with the pas- j tor, the Hev. Howard Cunnhufhacn, | (Continued on Page Hi YOUNG BABY ABANDONED | RALEIGH. A .colored mah ! baby, four or five" months oh I was found on the doorsteps at £2u 5. Wilmington Street by Mrs iltmeli of Id E. l.enoii £U'tet on Uie morning of July 4 Police wen- informed that pos sibly a miiiwile delivered the baby, because the navel cord had been tied with ••surgical cord,” but it it bad not been tied by a Doctor This information came from, St Agiit.*: iiii.p.bal, where the chile wa* idken lor treatment. Tim baby was wrapped in a Ipt blue blanket, officers said, and wore a white decs* and other baby clothing. No note or feeding instructions were found near the child About an hour before she decided to investigate, Mrs. Bunch said shat she heard the baby cry ing, She said that she saw by the lights from passing car:-, mat a “White bundle’ wax on the dark ened doorsteps. p took her about thirty minutes j to awaken Mrs. Charles Warner j living at the house according to Mrs. Bunch and Mrs. Walker was at b loss as to what should be done wit" the child. It was at this poirp that Mr*. Bunch c&LcCI the Polite. ‘ institutions’' had completed a tour of three oi the .state's ,\'e. gro colleges here oeer the past, w i ek end. State Senate; Warren P VV£J ' Nurse , Formerly Working At NC Hospital JAILED ON DOPE RAP Race Councilman at Odds With G’Boro Mayor; Says Mayor Would Be Dictator GREENSBORO IV William M. Hampton, Greensboro's papu lar lirst and only .■: : o city couti e.lman, is none too popular iu the eye.-, ot local Ma><>r Robert it k' -'<• r this reck alter havoia taken .-- iaip with the mayor s : UeStßli;-; i\iulHld\ and cUVUSiiIV Tlif citv it; iu ot I 'htK:i: ; to be a d:vt3t*H' tu oxtC'ui.i hrL jtU- i il’Oi ity!“ liuueatiii;.; that he Ugd drown I iltt* riKivu.' * ti*v by not ‘woing | alunr ' v.-iut turn on a previous ; nuittvj id rnunivi! ai idlina^rUi^nt, ipi Haniptwn told 'snitrii nd- ; JoVy iii{; v< li**cited Ottj' i:oUfn.-»l >tr' • ion Monday that t-u-f lu&yor j odtm rt-tributjoii against me“ a?>; tvr ult. of the disagreement j iu Monday council session liere f>i iiampton adamnantlv * « fused ; lo back the mayor's proposal that : t:if a'id.vor 1. 1: Miowed to pci's-orisu i> appoint a pi aiming and zOinng ccm m L-' '• iO(i, l u ei*t t»a t jpr ov a I at the coiincdh | News of the Garoiinas -In Brief GAMBLERS (.IVLIN TERMS IN PRISON GBifIENSBUHO Fum men were otVvielfd in jvluniOipiU ('iiuniy .'oiiit last week oi buttei unu egS Ottsr i‘ y eOLi cll a* ■ > A find tmm, wins giveo u non Ui sttispended a tenet.- lie \* es al II fined SIOO and tusts on the •onsplracy count Two of the ciinvietcd conspira tor: Charlie Warren, 4S ot ms M Clinton Street, and Felix May* nard -Ti of 113 N Olintmi t.Va-ei, ijniealiai active .-a tiH-ma s and .vert-, b.nmd over Iu Glliliurd Su perior Court for trial MAN SAYS WOMAN “RAPED” HIM COLUMBIA. S. C A suldh r Where First Holiday Death Occured •Wsgm *-•;. FF ■ w m} I Wm Pltfured here is the remain* of a late made! sedan which plowed a truck near Ra leigh last Friday morning, kill &ig one pc-r-oi! and Hijuring three hilled hi the wreck was THE CAROLINIAN inn X ||c sTxtfvn "Fact s —~uT.nrßNmsr ir 'sTturda^ y 4 jul ot 1953 it at EimiTxoTmrcAßui jka liauis hi SaiifiKil, chairman, with Miss Ruth ( oujicil. State tin.irti hi Hnltk, Raleigh, wd Held ilultues, WllHLiin-Siill-iii, 'admin ' i'trator of Bowman-tiray Hospt Vo‘t r X < I IMA N IIA Mn o N Dr. Hampton, the only council imember to vote against the pro posal said "I am not interested in (Continued on Page 8) : tatiOi'icd at Fort. Jackstci, H ( t'.uncd the table* in t ity Police Court on July 3 v.'heu lie charged woman with rape The soidie-i raid tnat t', woman , ! “iurca iij, to hei uparmieut, 1 I then pulled a ruror and forced me ! to have intt i. o•■. ith h( r At tins point the conrtiootn :;pcc- V I .. • tators howled with haightei. The i soldier added She held Pit: : azor ..'at tiiy throat f liioughl she was a *> : nice (Ur'l hi. .said. -j Although he -am the woman ■ : Iso bad about |'lhi m ca .: ■*; from his pocket hook, he did not ' ienter a grand larceny charge. Tin- woman steadfastly denu.-u the morals charge. She udinitted, 'however taking the soldier to her room. The charge was reduced to lir 'ordeily conduct by Acting Record r :er John W. Scholenbei gcr. I Tee Johnson, 7t). His d-iutifhter, | Kate McKenzie. 40, hi,* nephew, j TroH Benson, 7 anal his irwii* ! f Aifhui' Tee STy«rs«f, 0 | ‘Mart injured. All were colored i »ud were icside-nts of i'emdaie, taf, last week visited the. Agrl- j cultural and Technical i ellege : (A and 8), Greensboro, tV Ins ton- Salem teachers' t oilette. Will- I ston-Salem, and the North ( a to- N C NEGRO ORDAINED PRIEST First Os Race From N. C, Ordained Catholic Father GREENSBORO The first Ne- ; a,;.. H-Hiienl ot the state ot North; fati-Um. ’.v::*; ordained a priest in j 11... Hoiiiau Cm-.u.:lie Church last i W' F'k Tijf* M.Litt* • first fitOc i>*, lU' \ .--it. Z*. ; iiorne, wltO-Sc ilsi' ; dc 1 11: e i s ( Vive tin boj: «* i :»n ci vv t\ o wa i | orctu*.t Fdthtfi* dui'iiU’, iiapres-1 Daring Duo Robs Raleigh Nightspot ancf Customer RALEIGH Katrina's ITacff. a might club, *»u North State Street u wav the scene oi a danuv -holdup " last Friday night Two unidentt n tied men walked into the place * ho; tty ;.fc N midnight Friday MAN, 70 IS IST ; HOLIDAY FATALITY RALEiGfI - ,r..0,c County j ,lu ;l accident for the July 4tn ftoli , oav ~ tk. iiu occt.t rtfi E'riviay Imorniug tifui On sham s Lake on ; U S. Highway One. between Wahe iForest and Raleigh. A late model sedan bearing Michigan license i plate: crashed into a truck owned by the 7-UP Bottling Company ol haieit'i. • Killed in the accident was Lee ! Andrew Johnson, 70 of Oak Ridge iFerndale, Michigan. He was killed I inslardl.v. suffering u factured iskidl and a crushed chest. Johnson , was thrown out of t ie car. Those | injured iu the wreck were Mrs j Katie McKenzie, 33; Otha Lee i Friuson, ti: and Trois Benson, 7: jail passengers irt the Johnson au tContinuetl on Page f> , M»ehi*an, This was Wake Coun i ty’s first accident for the July 1 \ holiday weekend. STAFT’OTO ; HY CHARLES R, JONES. ■ 4 is (did ay weekend, and possibly : the first iit North Carolina. Una College at Ourham. ; Senator WHUitma said in Due- j hani on Thursday his eonuriltiee : l was charged with "judiciously j .pending the f200,0«0 approprl- sive ceremonies held at St Au-ru i stine's Seminary at Bay Saint ; Louis, Mississippi The seminary ;is conducted by the Fathers of the i Society of Vie Divine Word father Thorne is the son of Mrs Mary E Thorne who lives at 91 f. Logan Street, Greensboro. Mrs. (Continued on Page 8) i ynd held the proprietor, Edward i T. Winston at gun-pomt while S3O > were taken from the cash register.! Winston told investigation offi * eers that two men canse into the place around 11:55 p. m. and or dered two soft drink*. Minutes : later. Winston said, one of tv* o pulied an automatic pistol and "this is a stiekup" The other man walked behind | the counter and’ emptied the cash jdrawer of its contents. The PYan | with the gun, Winston said, stood j beside the door arid kept every ] one "covered". Troy Patterson, of 419 S. Bay wood Street who was in tie place at tile time, was robbed oi' his vallet which contained about for ty dollars by one of' the men. j The pair left in a red 1949 Mer : 1 oury after the holdup Waymortd Wright of lid Smithfield Street, was driving up to the place when ihe Mercury drove off Wright told cffiiers that he did not know what had taken place inside, but he had , to stop for the Mercury as it was on the wrong side of the street, beaded North, and almost hft him. Wright also told officers that there vvert three men in the car , and Winston said that the third man must have been in the car ; keeping the motor running, since the car roared away immediately j alter the holdup. One of the men pulled the tele phone from the wall before leav ing. Winston described the two (Lontinued ori Page 8) BISHOP J. I). DIGGS IS FUNERAUZED WINSTON-SALEM Funeral services for Bishop J. D. Diggs of 1400 Wallace Street were con ducted at 1 p. m. Tuesday at Fries Auditorium ori the Winston-Salem Teachers College campus. Bishop Henry Harrison of Co lumbus, Ohio officiated at the ser vice, followed by burial in Ever green Cemetery. The body lay in state at Union Mission Holy Church until one hour before the service hour at whir-h time it was taken to 'Fries Auditorium. Bishop Diggs, age BR. died un expectedly at his home at 7:30 a. m. on July 1. 17-Year-Old Boy Drowns HENDERSON—Jam eh Hargrove, 17 year old Henderson resident, drowned last Thursday in an arm of a lake just off the Henderson- Townsvllle Highway some six miles north of Henderson. Hargrove was reportedly paddl ing about with a tube, then swung onto a log which rolled over cius ing htrn to lose his grip. Hargrove lived in the vicinity of the site wnere he was drowned. ated Dv the legislature for this program.” Miss Council empha sized that Uie etmimUtee was anxious to see that Negro nurs es were "given every aiivuii In Effort To Prevent Spread Os Polio ,r ’-l _ • T *‘ ‘v Roscoe-Griffin Co. liudson-Belk Goodman’s firms and products Advertised on Page euuld he compieted by iaxt week-end ti itit.s hope is (Continued ou I'.tr 8| American Red Cross administer the drug to little Julius Lynn Hargrove. No respecter of rave, polio has struck down white, Negro and Indian children iu North Carolina's belabored Cas well County. GETS 3 YEAR JAIL TERM i I TAMPA, Florida (Special) A . | 21-year-old. nurse who formerly , I worked at Duke Hospital, Durham, NC, and who was reported as huv j ing had one of the most brilli ant nursing careers imaginable be ■ fore -her, was sentenced to a three year prison term here recently. ( Miss Mary Ellen Thomas was j found guilty of illegal use of nar cotics and was ordered to spend i her term of imprisonment at Rai- J lord. She was arrested earlier this year by FBI agents who found narcotics in her position when she went off duty at Tampa Negro hospital, ! Described as a "most able" nurse, | Miss Thomas finished her nurse | training locally before she reached i the age which would permit her to lake the estate board examina tion. In the interim, she worked at Duke 'Hospital, Durham, NC; the Lily White hospital, Tampa, and Mercy hospital, St. Petersburg. Sometime during her work at these three hospitals, testimony pointed out, the young nurse* be gan to use dope. At the hospitals at which she worked, it was learn ed that narcotics were being mis appropriated and Miss Thomas' service were discontinued. Shortly after she began work at the Tampa Negro hospital, oi (Cojitinucd gb iPage 6) N 032