THE “HOMEY TOUCH THE PERSON BEST SUITED to write the news of any town or city is a resident of that town or city.. People who know the people who make the news in cities and towns throughout the state write weekly columns for this newspaper. Whether it’s Clarkton or Charlotte— Fayetteville or Fuquay, if it happened, you can read about it in The Carolinian. VOL, XII BOD? IS CREMATED IN ROOMING-HOUSE FIRE _ _ ! /d J >- NATIONAL GROUPS RULE Durham Man 1 Os US’s Most a Distinguished Citizens” J. H. Wheeler Is Accorded Recognition AAKGNSBURC. Pa. «,Special) - Joan Harvey Wheeier, president ix) ff\e t'Vleehanics and Farmer* Bank, Durham. N. C. was selected by the Aaronsbuig Assembly Com xr.ittee and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as one of America's most distinguished citizens. The Committee which was responsible for naming Wheeler was com posed of the following individuals. Ralph J. Bunche, Felix Frankfur ter, William J. Genevan. Tames H Duff. Charming H Tobias, Daniel A. Poling, Phillip S. Bernstein In accepting the honor. Wheele* attended the Aavonsbarar Assembly held in the village of Aaroiwburg. Pennsylvania and on the campus of Pennsylvania State College, The sponsors of the Assembly were the A*rcns.burg Committee end the k Conunonweajtii of Pennsylvania | The purpose of the Assembly was F twofold: it *s A Fad - - Shaw U. Will Have Football Team In ’53 RALEIGH - It's a fact. Shaw University will indeed field a football team during the 1953 playing season, and the ath letic department of the local Bap tist institution has not only lined up a tough regular season schedule hut has also inked a pact to play in a post-season classic that tends to be in the "rough-tough" cate gory also. Despite tears unit me once form iriibie Bears of Shaw U. would never again take to the gridiron, following the "benching' of the entire team last season because of lack of funds, men and other re quisites, Shaw Athletic Director James Lytle went right, ahead with plans to put the Bruin group back afield. Since late lust spring when an nouncement was issued that Shaw •would forego football competition for ’52, Mr. Lytle, along with Head Coach' Brutus Wilson, comb ed the field to find the funds and the fellows to guarantee Shaw a team for '53. Even though Shaw will neces sarily enter into competition with an untried team this coming sea son, the mentors at the local school have nonetheless lined up a sched ule that even some of the most iormidible competitors of the past year would not* have tackled. Shaw's gridders have selected t-aeir traditional “cross-town ri vals”, The Falcons of Saint Augus tine’s College here, to be their initial foes. .Raleigh's Chavis Heights iFeld will be the site of that clash of Capital City greats on October 3. Virginia State College, A. and. T. College, Allen University. Mary* (Continued on Page 5) 'lllis'- Miff’’"T jMhflii' ,I’, Vft; .. ... \f -V tlwSPf- da.-"* ».-«»■ • - *** rJ ” u* K ffe;J»hSlit Hi y fillllilif i BLESS THIS HOUSE Bap tist and laymen front throughout ?Jtje state gathered last Friday at SIXTEEN PAGES llflL -w" L I it UiIPELi R - • d i,\ till fill isiHU (1) to bring together one-hun dred of America's most distin guished citi/rie; to consider means of achieving national serenity and world peace through brotherhood and understanding; and (Continued on l‘ag«- si Miracle Surgery Proves Fatal j WINSTON-SAI.EM Douglas, Mock, local man, who attempted! : suicide on July 2 and accidentally l performed a needed brain surgery lon himself, died at 7 am. Satur ; -ay in a local hospital, seventeen! j lays “late'. Mock was believed to be re-! | covering despite the fact that j : several bullet fragments remained ! i 'ii brain. An autopsy may be ordered to j determine the exact cause of death, j , The man; reportedly worried! jhv a family problem, shot himself) lin the head with a .22 calibre i Lay That Pistol Down , Bab! WENDELL Charged with car | tying a concealed weapon, Charles I L. Watkins of Raleigh was given ! s sixty-day sentence, suspended j ''pon payment of a -SSO fine and j costs. The gun was ordered con i I iscated. Highway Patrol Cpl. R. E. Shar riii ui Raleigh testified that he found a .32 caliber automatic pis ton on the defendant. The offi Baptist Women End Sessions RAI.EIGH The Interracial In stitute, which is sponsored by the North Carolina Baptist Women’s Missionary Union and the Wo then's Baptist Home and ForiMgn ! Missionary Convention, came to a 1 ft. tn, tor the historic oere i monies which, marked the form j sti beginning of iiie new State Baptist Headquarters in Balriflt THE CAROLINIAN |jj c -&££“££, |« RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA 71-Year-Old Woman Wins I EOTC Degree I i ELIZABETH CITY - Among the Ii 2b undergraduate students and in- II Vice teaU.eis completing re- I j iiuirements for a degree, was Mrs. I j Maria Newsome. 71. of Ahoskie. I | For 3k years Mrs. Newsome has I i taught in the public schools of 1 j Hertford and Bertie Counties. She 't >e mother of tour sons and | daughters, and th< grandmother j ... eight children. All of the New- | i w/ne cinch eii are Cvdlege gradu- j ate.. Tni'fre hold the master's tie-; wee, ana one if; now studying at I * I Meharry Medical College. Mrs. Newsome's (laughter is the; •: *a ile of H. D. Cooper, principal of < it L Vann High School, Ahoskie. The hcv Moses Newsome is pas i« until.tied on Page 8i ; rifle shortly before midnight, July 2. For several days he was un- f conscious, then he began to re lurn io consciousness, gradually According to the attending sur i .'eon, Mock showed post-operative jsyintums of a pre-frontal lobotom j natient This is a type patient | who has undergone certain type I'd brain surgery. ; Last week, the surgeon believed [that Mock's physical recovery was assured. But later, from causes wel unknown, Mock died the way he had tried several days before. l'-’er did not mention a broken rib ion his left side received during la scuffle with Watkins. It was I necessary for the officer to hand jcuff Watkins in order to put him jin the patrol car Watkins pleaded guilty to the i charge of carrying a concealed j weapon, but did not mention re* Isistmg arrest either. ("lose at the University Church on j -haws West Campus Friday after* | more I "We've A Story To Tell" was ] -he theme of the program. Mrs, (Continued on Page 8) , As this photo was taken, prayer i | was being delivered. STAFFbTO ; BY CIIAF E. JONES, 1 COURT RULES WOMAN j NOT GUILTY; MAN TO | FACE MURDER TRIAL i ! 1 l mmmmmrnrnimmmmmwmmmmwmm 1 ipfc t I 1 m gBBB jBhW | 9 9 1 H m P ! ■ lfl§|g MRS. CORA Mr P KAIL - not guilty Wake County Wife Freed In Fiery Death Os Hubby; Deranged Man Fingered As The Murderer RALEIGH A Wake County Su-i perior ( ourt Judge last Thursday | ; found a young Wake woman “riot j guilty '' on charges of murdering i her husband by use of fire and | an axe. The court indicated, however, that a man. who was found men- j tally incapable to stand trial when Bihe axe-fire mur-: Uer first came to i 'ight, should ha\y ! his day in court, j Mrs. Cora Lee j McPhaii of near) Fuquay Springs! was cleared of j all blame in the; death of her bus-! band, To rn my, last February 5, at iFuqauy Hu-j I. l >t Dean, also; c* near Fuquay, uon fitted to the i> ta t e H ospital (or the Insane at ; Goldsboro, and has been charged • In the death. testimony heard b> the Wake court last Wednesday and Thurs day arid investigation by this news* I paper when the ease first broke ! noted that Mrs, MePhatl had gone j dong witn Dean to the house oc- ! Man’s Body Reduced To i Ashes As House Burns DURHAM i Special) A 49 year-old man was cremated when a Sunday night fire destroyed the j rooming house uere in which be | I nad made residence for the past Live months, The remains, mostly iiuhstma j uishafole ashes, were sent to; j Clarkton, the man’s native home. I j tor burial early tins week ! 'The victim of the Sunday fire j j was identified a? James Stephen -1 son. He died when fire completely | |destroyed the nine room Fayette-j j ville Road dwelling he made his! i home. ! MAY HAVE CAUSED EIRE Preliminary investigation of the j l tragedy by Durham County n'ner- . jiffs deputies and the Fire Depart-: [meat tended t; reveal that the J WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, JULY 25, 1953 SIXTEEN PAGES 1 oipied by Manual Barber on the j i K M. Johnson farm on the fatal j lay to “have a few drinks of I wine”. i The “wine-drinking” was going] along at a merry pace, when sud- j : lenly Tommy McPhail. Mrs Me*; Phail's Juiaband put in an uriex* | ! pected appearance. A few words, reportedly were I ! passed between MePhaii and Bean !md the two decided to fight it j out. McPhail had a knife. During the ensuing fight, Mrs ; McPhail told the court. Dean pick- S cel up an axe and struck McPhail j about the head. While McPhail lay : dazed as result of the axe blow, ' ‘somebody”, not identified by the j witness, poured kerosene on the ( i stricken man and set him afire, i His head crushed and cut by | the axe blow, and his clothes blaz ;mg from the kerosene-aided fire, . McPhail stumbled into the yard ]of Barber's house, staying there until an ambulance was summoned ito take him to Si. Agnes Hot ! pital here Enroute to the hospital, McPhail. i testimony given by E. M. Johnson, declared that “Hubert" ‘.Dean) h?d j ■dapped him down with the ax* • and that ‘‘Cora'' (Mrs. McPhail) | (Continued on Page 8i : fire mi Alt have been started by j i the victim j The investigators found that the j fire bad its origin on the second j tioor of the two-floor structure ’ and damage was centered mostly j •in the area of Stephenson's room, j The victim shared a room with j ].l brother-in-law. who was in ar* j ; other part of the house when the j alarm was given. A passing mo torist saw flame.’ leaping from the ] hc/.tse and Vp {1 persons seated jon the porch that the structure i was afire. j All occupants of the house, in ] eluding W. A. Jeffries, owner, and j j family and sevral other roomers, j escaped injury. They shared the ! brother- in - taw 1 s opinion that Ste- . • Continued oa Fzge 8) TWON7CTWHITE MEN Must Face Trial For Rape Attempt On Negro Woman Meeting To Start NAACP Drive Sunday! RALEIGH Sunday, July 26th \ is a banner day in the history of ihe National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in Raleigh, Sunday is the day vm n a huge rally !•> to L> staged at Manley Street Christian Church marking the kicic-ofi of a mammrth drive jin which the Raleigh NAACi-j j branch hopes to gain lOOh mem- j hers {Continued on Page 8) Twin City Golfers Seek Use Os City - Owned Links WINSTON SALEM ~ ‘Special* Local Negro golfers have pe titioned the city for permission to use city-owned Reynolds Park Golf Course. Some 50 or sixty persons signed a petition handed the local recre ational governing body by Richard Moss last week. This petition noted the fact that Greensboro, Charlotte and Thomas ville have given Negroes the right to utilize public-owned golf facili ties. Action oti the petition will necessarily be made by the Rey nolds Park Commission which di • reels the park Winston-Salem Negroes will soon have a $75,000 public park whim is 10 include' a 9-hole golf course, city officials pointed out, yet the actual date of the realization of this park is questionable since no actual work has begun on the project. I The Rev. W. R. Crawford, local alderman and member of the rec reation commission told the com mission that local Negro citizens are interested in learning the game of golf before tneir course is com pleted, His stand on the Issue was upheld by Clark Brown, also a member of the commission. Rockingham Man Is NC’s Top Farmer REIDSVILLK Because his en tire family worked with him, Hu - gene King of Rockingham County was named North Carolina's •Farmer of the Year." This marked the second time in three years that a Rockingham County fanner received this na tional recognition. Located in the Pcteat Communi ty near Oregon Hill, King's farm is an outstanding example of good profitable soil conservation farm ing an of what careful planning and hard work can accomplish T. D. Williamson, farm agent, j points out t-nat Kings entire 214 acres are sowed into some growing or cover crop. Presently, 11 head of beef cattle, eight dairy cows and 13 baby calves roam the farm and add to trie income. Listed among the projects King carried out to win the Farmer erf the Year award are: terracing at entire farm, wild life border, 22 acres of | permanent pasture, eight acres of meadow strips, 9.3 acres of tobacco, one acre of cucum bers, ten acres of wheat, four and half acres of oats and bar- j ley and three acres of rye and an acre seeded to pines. Mechanization had a lot to do ; with King's receiving the covet ed award. He has a euo tractor for row cropping and cultivation purposes: and a "Super C" tractor for all the heavy work. A bailer is one vital piece of rolling stock | missing find Use famer-of-the- j year says that it will be added if j iCoaUmted on Page Ei [ SOME OF THE BEST THE NATION’S TOP COLUMNISTS are included among whose weekly offerings are published m The Carolinian. Among columnists featured weekly are C. D. Halliburton, Dean Gordon Hancock, 1-ou Lu- Tour, James. Shepard, Rosalie Williams, Olive Adams, and many others. Follow the nation’s top writers in 1 The Carolinian! REV. SISTER GARY - - - drive co-chairman i Carolinian Photo - Story ! Gets Immediate Results RALEIGH Advertisers' have known for years that advertis- - ments placed in The Carolinian get results, and this past week leaders of the paper'.- news col umns had opportunity to learn that Carolinian news stories also “bring home the bacon" I .' vV'y^’• ■ ->^« <•'■&&!''-' ■'? ~S~ -’•- * •''/ ■-' -' : .'~- ' I ; )'" ■-' j FARMER OF THE YEAR Eugene Kuuf, prominent Rock ingham County fanner, was canned "Farmer of the Year” for North Carolina recently for out standing achievement in soil I conservation. King has done a I complete job on bis 21.4 >er»«s [ tfwitig the past year which will NUMBER 33 Mari , Wife Picked Up \ By 7 Men j I MOCKS VILLE - Two 23->eai • : old h-edr-ij County whin m«i will ! hi:vc to foot: trial for Un- tod iijjo ot ,i 36-yeo, --oid colored wo ! man here Specifically the pair is | charged with assault on the wo { man with intent to commit rape. Til addition, the two men, one j of whom is an Army pr ivate, must j luce drunk and disorderly charges In all, Weil white men in volved in the tape attempt One is ito be fed ioj opeivtlmg ii .lutn .. mi-.- uito. ;.'at*-.-d and ti .u- au ce-;or- before the fact m the :pe aitdtnpt othe: were U.ontir.ueu mi PS-;. St It wasn't exactly “the bacon” that a Carolinian news .Tory brought home last week, it was a missing girl, i .ns is the way it happende: A Raleigh woman, a UhgTime subscriber to * The Carolinian, (Continued on Page HI assure continuance of good soli j on his farm for years and years ! to come. The lower photo shows i an example of terracing with ! curving rows to prevent valuable i top soil rum washing away. i just one example of severs! 1 methods he uses on the farm.