PAGE FOUR o*r ■»**»— J"a «i *'SIH # fJ r “‘J #% f I'l ; " J A ; -f:: J f ; TiRIM CM 144th tUB ftf SERVICE rv .i p uAnr; . TARBORO Lie i ; .-i ■ S'- liit Chure-h . ; ■ Its 44th '■;:>' A,'-. ' hi"' v/nb a ■ !■■' '’.'vi. -■ .. ' mon bv f- ' , ‘: .C ; A. D. MuM.’iv ' W;t: who vs also rasne of Si. 5-' a .I‘. .. list Church in :<*••.% Eei n NC Hie occasion nimkcd «u : re annivei surv of the puts ore ■ ;•> Rev. Mr, Mostly at H;;k- ; V oii.-i : where be : < ioci the R. j H. Patterson •. ho • .■■ ■ '-•• •• many year,''- Ih" ehrux a nas - cent’s*re,one an c ■ ■ . . >.• urogram tfirough which wow '-''in- i closes and a new iI or ru * been ; ectded. Oihw vkutoei- a Mr offing, ft !. •pw itc> . .. " ! •- t:; T has i» deve loping t ucatioivai iiit of Tar boro. Many of tln: "met t o ,:ii, the coma'.unity '.-.e •■•*.- , t •; ; , original "found-;-., father:' 01 tic church, sovv;.. of v.i. v, v; live; Is jvat lire Insurance adequate on your home? Was it bought to cover you r home Sea > r-iff. aso or five years ago when th:: vji’ne was half what it is now? Xht value of your home is worth protecting let Cavenesw Insurance Agency give you full j protection on jour heme amM furnishing. „ CAM. T. 9553 ■BEFORE YOU SUFFER UN NECESSARY FIRE LOSS CAVENESS INSURANCE AGENCY Academy Building DIAL 3-3563 ____ j Roy Cavemc s» y Sr. } Roy Caveneaa, Jr. | | Better Buys Here! '--3Y' m U£ * l /tro STATE 1 I | J . [ k L§pjl I 4 Isa M»ew 'I ! 1 ' T di .— .OCM A)// TI L SIR WALTER CHEVROLET McDowell & Lenoir Sts. RALEIGH POi's i Vi! I'.MvTOtl t. product of Shaw University and >, nepuinr with his parialuon tcr in swu-rai yeau>* .Mr " Mosel v e )th ’:wve::’Tr ■ :mb-rs of bis Men ■ ■ci'.-: AS on to '.V. Mid : "it. ’ ..o I a - and Herbert Williams They A. Smith ~nc A--iv.-Hui, otfi \i i A <t' -: *\, j Hi S'NIK ;-S a Hoi:w, .... Union I -vi:. i: var::UO:r_ - gainer 10 meet friende -md vela! u. vs A- Ki*.)oLj c.s'So visiting vig injs um |! •.vert: mo following: Mr. ana Mrs. • rt Kill-sv. M'.yy Cl "••••viol vp :ding Robert Ruffins; Mi.- 1.--ii<*ra Patronize Carolinian Advertisers Sales-Repairs iftuvn Mowers .Sharpened Shotguns Hil’ies Bscycl"s and TnoycU* Rot!-: and Fishing Ta«B» Carriage Wheels Retired HILL’S 105 S. Wilmington St. Shat 8112 NO DOWN PWMI'NT Pay As You Ride Terms As low As $ l .25 down, $1.25 per week. DAVIS Crown Service MORGAN ANO Rt.OVNT STS. t M' ih cri Wil it. !r<s. Alls. LOS.S/C Gortlon. vjsit* n . :\ii s viji-a Aluoi e; ' : I ? • K;.< ..,Cil Jolui.ull of K.riSl N. J.. Me. R«ah Quicle^ ; }\-A A lv. vis-UM- Airs. i •A [« Vestel', a:mo Ivl .. S. T . :• : Mv.v ' Y •: A. iU'V i'.l ' tv lives with ‘Ais ■'V]iC ' ~ /1 ■i i ‘ *ll • rst W V( ’ Olid i , pn.iijii'. i.i t.v Cvii Libci tiefe ! Departnioui ol l.c of VV •7 } -J E St. J&nu's Street, ax e the proud rents of a bouncins: ten- : • pound boy who arrived AU4t*st b’.th * Qinclose Clinic. Tiu c»ulsl- ; ; ’ , father appeared to be the j . * -vf'i'.o. off" \vhoii 4 v *bis jcoortci Wf; % 'er: V .'SjJrv'C ■ ■•'V'" " ' ' - ■ ' " S: ; , ».-*• i V Min jj i m <\n . a 3 ’i UiKOt.o -- i in* Ki-vcrcud V. 1> Mosely <>i Waybingtuw, Nf. ■ ‘ion •> a ituyf-j a served lb,* ’Hi ;HUiii'f*r saia 1 of bis pastorate at Union Baptist t'hnrch. Tar boro, SU 'u i K‘. t l‘!th .<! *■ hicli ti;nc a .-•p»*“«. , «l Ifi'inccomiog service and dinner u j.-, brill. U niarl;'' i liio 5 i!Si mi r i ersa* ’ of the church. li:tH- Itl ?v PHOTO. COLLINS RATED BEST CADET | HAMPTON, Va. Harold E. | j C.'oil ins. who was elected president j i o'* the Hampton Jnstiniu* student ; j body last spring, \ V :i recently uc- i j eorntod as one of the top ten ca- i i del.-, participating in the ROTO ;• . tin inter epjrip at Fort Fiii-.;:, Texas.' Major- General. Alickilson, coui i K.'aii'iinr; genera! of 'Ft. Bliss, a- i j v, aided Mr Collins 3 cigarette j lis-.itc:- .-neraved: "Best Cadet., H ! 1.-.itierv, KOTC Camp I The summer eatnp was compos- i •ed oj UiCO niep from do scht>oh' ; : Tin? ten ton cadets vvere rated | II y the cediv officer-.? t:t Ft. Bliss, j, Mr. Collins whose home is in j - Sniithfie.i l, N. C, will begin his j j.njor year at Hampton institute I ! this Septem'.x-r, A graduatt of the I oktdn Elt s„ d iool, he j | plans to go to dental school upon j ; his graduatioa next June, lie is | : 1 m n r c i the Of«ga Psl Phi j : fraternity. .; ■ t i v..-I’• ,c! ,r.v family ,j Rev. J. A. iuebam: left la t ‘reel- \ I I If* Si: ' Cl'llVcn tlOl I II! : i.if m tv. 1 ‘eDrti', from v. herr.'i- )*>. i 1 jo 1; r.f,, to Atlanta for tin August 2H-2Sth.' A.:.:. ; ; ld ,!:••- ;.i :•. Farritv Nl., ' . . :;i;ar. w ;• oxesuct* d to nu'ike i :inv,‘ trip F Wharton re . ■ . iif.' f’ ''in n v:‘=it to his HOW FARMERS vm j f fieri v if -v? iA I vyyi L it M REPORTED ! The Lory of h- -.-. a few colored l !, -’ t. r :; : a t- "*’! u-r red It i * tit a i ii’LS.COO effopt r.itive cotton gin H | :.: .- mi':. t.- a, m A-:’ by \ H | ; i- in the August >.-.-•.••<• of ' News i ('-■■■ a p.:i •! i - : - !•:: .11 : ' t AciHUli- ; rtratiou. j 1 Air Fuhr t an fiilrnim-'traiivc of- j i'i <:r of EVA, -luys it took two j .•ears o; cxpinimiiy and pleading j : .J Gammon, farmer and pro- ] .. ;ni i'i lue County Negtto Busi- 1 !.:..: Leav.uv. and other farm lead- j to ' th project tartod. Add ; • n ti i! s*. 'ii' of the farmers v.x.ritod to back nut because they i wore all aid of the reaction of the j uthet three gintie.'s in Marion. IV:! b.. ! ■■■: s of thi co-op | thou 1 hat the colmed fanners j . light to have their own pin Fi- | rally In die sp n, .if )[HS, they : had succ-'i'd. d in raising $30,000 ; -. .noli they plunked down on a S7O- i (00 modern gm. In September of! the su.i.c year, the first bale of j cotton rolled on to the platform, j ;rd the co-op was in business. | Not a single one of the other i ginner:: has said a word against j ti . 1 n-op Mr. Gammon reports. 1 And the Nes a.i gin has made mon- 1 e\ 1 very year, eniiugh to ;>ay di- ! vidends to the 45 preferred stock- j holders, and allow a rebate of $3.- 2>k% SAVINGS 21/2% WE ARE NOW PAYING 2 4% INTEREST 1 A YEAR rOMPOUNDED QUARTERLY THE HOOD SYSTEM INDUSTRIAL BANK 122 S. Salisbury Street /|§|N Raleigh, North Carolina ‘ ' ■. . ■ I '■• '■ '. 1 . *.' '.. . . ..' ■ ' w;\ . f: .. ..; . ■'■■■■ : THE CAROLINIAN 50 a bale on ail cotton gunned by both common and preterred stock-| holders. There a.e 75 of the for mer. On an average, the gin has been , processing about 2.0C0 bales o! vitton a year. At picsent it takes I i. 500 beies :o in- tt a;: .jL>li; ~1 ij <:ij:-. The rate for ginning is about sl2 >,er bale. Fewer 7’ersor.s at Work On l ainis in July Than in UU2 Thiity-six thonsani.. fewer per sons '.vor, at work on farms in boo South during the survey week. .; illy 19-25. than during the sarr.i jioi ido n year a,g\ repori.- the U S. Department of Agriculture For the Nation as x •.'•fide, oot plojanorl v.ire- d<>wn 200,!ift0 f-mi a year ago. Total number at work !0.772.000 Os the-. 4 .149.001 ‘ were employed in the South cithi. r on tin ii 0 '•••.•« farms of a hi'ed v. orkers. Wuh most of the cultivation e r cotton in the South completed, far mers in that region v. tc eitn 1 ci'sting tfioir crop with in.-eoti cides, or nirt about ready to boiiio '•ieki«rwiK| wse k 15•«.;.».»j<iiiillrfiMfr» was already underway ECHO SPRING KENTUCKY £ ~1 BOURBON I m<Tj§ 1£4V30 $3-65 Mp'NT 4-5 Q T . ■ sii FROG! • mm SPSINS OHIIiLiNO COMPANY *. OUISVI! It, lU NTIIEKK MORE ABOUT WARRENTON Mrs. Selma I’horeas and sons. Keene:.! and Erskine of Newport A Virginia are the guests of j All. and Mr*. Geurae Jenkins^'. Mrs Fannie tvei had as her iiouse guests recenty Mr. and Mrs. 1 T. V Williams of Newport News, i Virginia. :Ui . Ivey and Mrs. Wil-! lia r ai e ;(iters. * Mi's. Carlie Po'vell sons are | .■■-icndinp, some linn: with her run- ; tln i, Fi;:.. Cora Harris. Visitin'.: Mrs. Annie Alston any A’!,, and JV-b-' O. .1 Alston t,f Gary, i ind. and Ain Richard Smith of too, D, C. Mr Nor:’'!.in Fit? of Wa: Hnxton. i be C. was the ruvnt guests of ■ .j. i.aroijt... Mr ana Mrs. C. S, • > it/. Mr.:. cVihe! P. WtiHams and sons j (*'!•**l’oiu'e and Bernard of Bronx, |N V. me the I:nests of iiev par- ' ents, Mr. and Mrs. C Uwaicc Pten,- , S ; v v ♦ 1 --a - Vi -I;'ii i ii!*. and Airs. .James WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. AUGUST 23, 1953 Dunson are Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wells of Brooklyn, Nov York. -nr l " r ’irO ,sons ! nod godchild, Leticia Campbell of New York City are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Branch and son. Mrs. ooi vs is ivii . Branch's sister. Mr and Mrs. Samuel Taylor and daughter. Diane of Montclair, N T. are the gucits of Mrs. Ida Kearney. Mr. Taylor has returned to Montclair, bet Mrs. Taylor and Dianne will bo here through Labor Day. Verde M Si dor and coo. Rome!! and h : s little friend, Ronald My If: all of Det’.oit. Michigan ate visiting Mrs. Abscilla Newsome and Mr. and Mrs. .lames Arring ton. Mr !■' i • Williams and Mr Branch Williams. Jr. motored down tYo.n; i ■.d< li.’h):a. .Eli. and the i • ' vests .if Mr and Mr= Lffi.i ht ».nd A Irani V. ; ,Y, : r- Aj - thur Wilhanis. Mr.--. Selma Smith Mrs. Christine Clay of Mt. Vernon, N. Y. are vhitin.. Ruhr brother, Mr. Hinton Jo:,eg and family. Also t Sß*WH»«S««*»**»«*B*** sl * Bß * w *®* Know Your Carrier: ; Eighth.ln A Series «t LEARNING TODAY * m TO SERVE • TOMORROW : jj j " || • ? m m * \' l ■ \ « : MEET MR. HEADEN \ 8 * H The ten year old carrier-salesman vko serves * H CAROLINIAN readers in the Goldston area of m m North Carolina considers each of his customers ® as a personal friend. This young, ambitious yoiung m a man is ackric Headen, Jr., “Zack is the son. of *, | ■ Mr. and Mr?. Zackric Headen, Sr of Goldston, 9 N. C. His weekly CAROLINIAN sales never fall - ■ below' fifty per week and he is constantly in- n m creasing his number. Zackric likes most of all to m '“sell THE CAROLINIAN” and is interested in g a becoming a businessman. m "Carolinian Newsboy* and Girl* not only® ■ make their own money hut also enjoy B ■ many other activities provided by T h e B ■Carolinian for their enjoyment and train-* ■mg. Men and women agents also share in* "the benefits offered by The Carolinian for® *its sales force, v « BOYS -- GIRLS - MEN - WOMEN « ■ M p WANTED Throughout North Carolina g * -TO SELL- l The Carolinian : ■_ _ i JK DON’T DELAY . . .START TODAY! $ * * 8 ®To start a Carolinian route in your own Koroetowngi, ■ community, simply write to The Circulation Mana.ger,p »The Carolinian, 118 E. Hargett Street. He will tell you i*how to start your own money-making business. here as house guests of the Jones' !m e Mr Laura Campbell and Miss j Evelyn Burnett. The group, ac ' ccrnpuincd by Mr. Jones and j daughter Malissa motored to Ports- \ mouth, Va. where they visited Mr. ,-;nd» Mi’ ~ tliiltyu Joues, Jr. F.ittle Hinton 111. accompaincd them back and is spending a few 1 itn his grandparents. Mr. Charles Alexander and Mr. 1 Earl Alexander of Philadelphia, i Pa. are visitin. their parents in. the Wise Community. Also quests of the Hinton Jones' •vere Mr. Joe Branch cf Louisbvrg end Raleiah: Mrs, Mary Battle Watson and Miss Justina Kearney of Raleigh Also, Mrs. Fannie Col lins of Washington, D. C., and THERE SHOULD RE A ■- (VRQWMAN IN EVERY HOME

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