PAGE SIXTEEN M "■ w ' W 3 ; : " f %y , * U % V-; . •■'•-V-A; >v ■ • .-.» A' : Wil VfNO’i ON v ttSi i uRS v i o< l \ n s n r i Ilf .. Vi. i. -.> at *i»t \. .V j V !. O" mifStf ?u f; ■« y.u U <m"- \ ; ; i<‘ nai'Ofk at 0< »‘.\n t ’>!.;• as !:•. . *• c s «a" {H*P*»<»>! •’: ' h*} Ju ■ ‘rd !•*{ ttif *■* ««# -JbL iSS ' i|| t v /-t V I fn ’: ■**%£>. 1 &256 Wir.MINGTON Nli\V i:*l* • H: ! - Hr. .4olm I'. StliiSDii, li-A'i. k*tv i»}>- om-J A ■ lit-es at Ni'i \or’ ! i -if-' :.»•*** §lt i> u U-?.!-. v «*• rkaa.-i'-ss. .-■£*. Sti.Pi';.' |{ ;■•: .: *? m- * !i • ;..; ?v-ii. ; r of l t ; •.‘i'h ’ i *\ lMi\ t->r Ojf r . ;vi\ Ui fl’-UV a I'd '1 i l st M atiu-i --l lit v. of s••*v v . \ V iLmutcloti : i? ••.;... *;?.» AT i ! N !»v !. • . mil : -.!ti Albeit 1. luinci (J f !'u- Norlll Carolina { i.tlege I Scllilui Sttemtcd tile iiiccti ■; ol tiic A<ut-fiijji Itai • •><•!.iUoii iu Hot lttn l. - t h i ;-K - ‘i : jap mk ,<■ $ j urn* is :4. SC< WEN'S ADVISOR - .Min 1.. Stewart, Dean of Men at North Carolina College at Dur ham. will xpeak to entering freshmen at a special eri e mat ion program scheduled for iiuJki- Auditori;ini on Thmsiia> September 17 at Siii a. ui. Stew, are, who holds haehelor and masters degrees frotr the I'ttl voViv iif |rirl ; -tni. last year s.u- 1 oervised student aeCvities for men involving total espendi tures in t xiies.s of .s 1 (1,000. ’ | PROG? UQVW* SOUTHERN COMFORT (ORP. 11 ST. IOUIS MISSOURI II Occur t it> Motor ( o rt E it to i i«.r.: Sivjitien Pogcrs. i a.yetteviPe untfert - 1 r ' 1 s Cordon M iiklns Charlotte; Doit ;’!as James. P,ri#i k’yn, < a V<»r?i. i mi - si an ilia. Lon Rogers. : * ! '*r?z\rrcnjN dation officials m ' “A' ''.et ' lIKO IHI KlinOD .H'l ll'J KS An of the ueiviv lonned National t oumlation lor Hiotherhowtl, Inc., a philauUiropic nation, u ili lie litinilted lt\ Edward K. Ouiiley < I.> as pi es.uN.-ot and Ernest E Johnson (r.i as executive director. Mr. Dudley iteetnly i esigfied his post as Airier ti'aii Ainb'as .ador to the ttcpitblic of t.ihertu iii Johnram s1 .. pusitiuii was a. a wilier im tin Von • tji Aiueins ol tlic t N Dtr ua i Inicni ut Ntal< rhousands See (Continue ! from Pagi ft’ : I do-'-pite the nruciphrandeej public*, i ly sivon !>) hhs ji/otnist.- to "rid | <d ti-.f- vtcad of the pamdc with j lim Ci.. :•! Too .hks of !, :n! re : *■'v.Vi t<■ to the why the Governcy | did net appear as ; ro f i.;sed. as weil ; .is why the popular Mayor Harts \ ‘oid fuhod Uj ofiiL'ialiy w»*icurnt tts “Bills' and Da M.yiitr * tv. if' htu tr soine tiS‘,U(Jd at luh-i 'Grand' Giver/ iContinued from Page ')) U VV.: cm..!.lm-a! aiv j...-. f.h: am V Giegm;,,! : ; -/T• 5 11:.;;iii; Janie '„! •,!i-aa;t. Caiil j I \V ..: t c I> | I* 1 mr.'.mi South < ‘inm•no. !... Ai , ! ITa/ne', .iiijpes Dipkei sOti, i ' .'■ in\| mi i la: li W hunter. Chile:! j.h-e I. Van York' N K 'lhlinan, (, > -.: t. la nest J. iV'iiiiit • ; ,lafj;.ii,u- El'fnif. Ivli lr.t.s :'|. VV.'iSh-' i .e'lijn: ;■-! >. iiim'iut! TV < -••• !•' li i h'tith, Eentia i., r> Adolphus I ; 0 % ' : ' 1 %h W'i M -. . * see I’liOl l NNOI,• WJNS I.D.D, DEGREE Dr. Ray rhompson, Cmmselor-Tranier at North Car olina College, Durham, received the Doctor of 1 ducatioip degree 1 at Michigan State College, East Lansing, Michigan during recent coflmienc«*n»t*nl exerviws, '.AT.... ' ■ ■ ! A A i I -cjl -fo^ y ' mlfk ! PLAN'S ORIENT‘VITON —Rog. | ee •' . Rus ell, gtiidan.e eouruseinr j at North Carolina College, is the I key figure behind North Caro • -'a (N 'lei e’s orientation acUv). ties, seiieritiled September lo A's. j itur&ed. a native iiflnla and an j alumnus at Virginia State College received the M \ degree at t'o iu'nbia Cniversity. He will gibe introductory remarks to NCC fcc .hjiuri on Wednesday and I Thuisday, September 18 and 17 The SCC full quarter rlasoep i i vv tli begin September -:i i'.tvtfe; iile. in front “is .tiarom Wilkins At lilt i. petite .UCs P,; i ; ,ii a Nc i 1 '. I,VI I- ;->r> No iPiii, a student at Meliaicy .vlcdieai i •>{• i.-ge A. i aic i. on, Si., PmiKSyP. oia; p. H I ’i •' ■ Mis; i.sippi- C: . ins S',:;. X P Bcict : a. North Caro iina; Jair.cs L. LVirUk. 'J.-nnosseo; Vv n r ‘. K’.r.v Jcf:;cy. Al-j I'.cri f’e 11 e ; rie; ,• ionda: Dr Carter 1 , 1... Mar.-. iai! Connecticut, Junitis i, Giicert, West Vic.aiiia: J. b , Si: Y - tins. 1 .nwrence A Y. wip. F o'.asi iitii. Dr Scrnartt Hii: );.'-. fSr . Moi ■;■•■!iu>• i a::.t C f. . V. :: linoli. Al'Kar.: I his and That 'Continued from Page lui .street.' ■ I . ill :, food? Every school day in possibly every -.ciiooi tiiere tii<_ chilclri'ii. h! rt‘* rv cfiiidri-n i: v■. v; to LittleKnownfacts about your navy ,c .“.y Y/lk ..liv: , r j •/i! .' « U'.W" Aa r AW . fpftp ;: w /ft sriE" >\ . the term scjttleßu r r.i N / OH GOSSIP, ORIGINATED IN THE j j ' \ > ’DAV.B WHfN iAigf.P 'j HAC> :i “' V.' ’/ \» • istACHitw S. r THE r , C*vlf"i.. ittulf _ i,>.y ji'Oß TiiLlß CVV iOn Os WA i f R.. , | i f-scuiM-L Five NAvy ships i i 1 Wl ' '-'D - • .. . . _ : „< n -. >A ~. , . T Ht : ! 1 - ' - r •' v.‘ i f nAi i KLIN . M •, , ■ , - SOM . oA. . D".IP ;■ /• t • ‘A.y,.', \t ' / * \Or IHt Pr. V -,‘J T iON r H’i } •♦’»., TO iI.ECK MOijePN ’ ' 'IM, Wvfl : ,/ i/lk ' -/Ac.. ’ si THE 6ATTLE Os '..APE x- .W-C-M . li 'Vpi. UAN t IN 10‘IV. . MA.VY GUNS ON'i JAPANESE ht AW ! , TWO OF.STPOVERS AND I j aux,uao.v os IZ MINUTES. Lj Sr * I --------- —I ■ DONALD DUCK by Waft DisnEy ■ l ■'.'?//!/11- can help socx\.;j : W///' f POLIO BV 6IVINO TO \i //// il V THE 515TER. K.ENNY /,] 7/7 /l 7 < roue FUND / 1 I [ h teifJ U \ rrag —""" - | b v ’ ,T" L|, Sn^rr^ / /, W fifty )■ • 7 ■ !'vM i ;"^; L - w fx I ( Wc LL.. }/{ i.X. sl\ ; i gko " V \H|| 1 “ "Mb % . © Wi.* tH*W: »*rv4«* ■*►, jg^T^;.^^ars^s^gni^aas».3Km^.:rt3T3a^gm3Mgrrii:“---^.—rrrr? 7’~~rr---^.----‘-:.■■'-*'-*--0 --- *| ' THK UMBRELLA Win* 1 Mt. r LI.M,K ON TOP -iti ~ t.Ji u, London recently tuou wh^n t\‘,' \ l ' Nai,,a 10 m*»d. U.e African powntUte went « f oUin« at, ...... If— .... »r . uioUcellu hrlll by Xi.» ,m|| icarr; to n: /e. ci Mis /freest co •>•>;.•• Many leach."r.-- daily v>!;, i, tiien ... Ives • f , 1 i r !y l..n t. i\ iblo td not <>'Ay ,< tu il that U:-.-a rhii rhen j’cf’eivi iur. hes bat aDo bi' a,id dinner X ald it HOI ft) UfN's; tn ft« ; t v.. ii.iLUits l;u:. Co. v i.- loi v-icbv.- di ; .‘U t«.i at.' jj: ijpt-viy it’d ctfiii al vi 110 Ls yL d yi :da Li * v ad }tt • a., t • . isuai . cjit ‘ ; tatus Lji i:. t a laia .. u u'iuy v.-.-U be tha l th pcopu of Nona Ci:; ../Una an.: «j f i\it“ ei ah a r </• tut u, va re «i f Ha- ■. iUwk in a. s■• »; <i ;• tions t ti n. dre Btu ;da exists \■» the THE CAROLIX7AN Ui-. c ami c:.-; race ol all of U.s. As d:jr : tabi" ir.uii.m irin 1 - ,wo bnV; a j i.;iit to bo concern ed about lnm.vor in East G •" , in Korvii. India and otb , er land.- W<- are, -.lawever, only by;)o.:iitcs whoa wo blind our sciie.s to lilt tiuds and =uf : ,in. at !. •while attempt ins' to to the bc-'ota til! at tijr j-;.. •. . Mu roifc of fiiort si,ofj.ed \\ Oi'id. ike' Sencij (( iinti/itied from Page J) !a pi.i'jiio v. h< liolio’.o that cOn .atsiiii.-; a. " into U-i able its the Deep South. Slio >, ••Tell t.tuan thid • iieiv iu the Suin'!, we are not only t j | *>, h3| THURGOOD MARSHALL \'' % 'mf NEEDS YOU! . >Jj|yP '• I • 4 message of vital importance to every Negro in the United States! ■ "Dour, the dream of equality Hue in your heart? Then listen! When America was an unimportant strip of colonial coast, the struggle for independence fired the hopes of oppressed peoples in the world because human rights were being defined in inspiring words. Alt men. we said, are created equal. We shall render equal and exact justice to all, regardless of condition. Men died to uphold this pledget, yet many have also died in the interven ing generations because realization of these promises was neither inevitable nor automatic. Make no mistake about it. Equal rights can be secured, permanently. But only through the courts! There, the fight is slow, systematic, unsensational arid often discouraging. But each case won is another rung in the ladder -a rung upon which every Negro can standi t- The first rung eras nailed home years ago in the U. S. Supreme Court. It found an Oklahoma provision, which pre vented Negroes from voting because their ancestors had been ineligible, unconstitutional. Ever since, N.A.A.C.P. lawyers have been tirelessly at work in almost every court in the land. You would be bored with the envolved language in the long, long list of cases the Legal. Defense staff has argued. Some have dragged for nineteen years. Some have cost thousands t'f dollars. But, among other things, they have secured for the Negro the right to vote .. . defend his home . . have a hiir trial . . . live in ‘‘whits" neighborhood . . . get an equal i.. wt> are .•■•landing Cn our feet j . men end women!" Tu • I •Grand' li. ii. Johnson made the j ; ''n of the Luvejoy Medal | to .Mrs. Bethune declaring that, i “We are here to honor a Great j American” The retired proxy of i Bi t'ume-Cookrnan College replied, j “My heart is very full"! She added | that she had tried to “Do my j best", promising that this and ail | 1 other award- would be placed in I :* memorial room after her death! (. that '"] rose unborn may study' th«- hard road 1 traveled in being | , the first open many doors for our : j E it though the present level of , food consumption in the United State: is high, nutritionists sav inert? is room for lot: of improve-j • ot tit. 1 WEEK EyPINT, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1953 | I. • j C-JL «•/W' ' I r NC N jJctiCjfit pH % A wpfg.l „ -g&resag?* \ TiAWlSr^^lSSPuSfsi* ' ■<&*'***&’ * V vacation There's [NO VACATION j irom Sate Driving AMfI*KAM TtUCKWM AMOOATIONS, MC. TIP FROM THE PROFESSIONAL DRIVER; * Enjoy your vacation this year. Don’t knock yoiffself out trying to go too far, too fast. . Obey traffic laws and b* » welcoms guest wherever you travel. education . . . and enter professional schools They are you* benefits, end your childrens! Many more are yet to be won through the dogged determines- Hon of the N.A.A.C.P. Legal Defense and Educational Fund, headed by T bur good Marshall. There is but one barrier . .. money! This organization—which operates without profit to its members—is desperately in need of your contribution to carry on its vital work. The past ten years have seen greater progress in thy fulfill ment of American rights than any other time in history. Let’s not stop here! If the dream of equality lives in your heart, then open It and -by sending a contribution, large or email-help guarantee full citizenship for all! Sincerely, The Carolinian n l* rr «n>i MOffs Yttnr cor.iritrs.tism vow b* deducted far ineam* tea pwrpt***- Sent it to: **. -4 N.A.A.C.P. LEGAL •a* ; $• 107 W. 43rd Street , N. Y. C. t AT. f. ‘. j I

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