Efforts Were Successful In. thii> week's issue of THE CAROLINIAN there appears a complete story oi: the Chatham County all- Negro fair. This fair was made possible by the com • bined efforts of all of the people in Chatham Comity. D, W. Headen, CARO Li .Nl AN correspondent in Chat, ham County gives a very colorful description of this event which attracted 10.000. VOLUME Xli RALEIGH, N. C. ENDING SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1953 NCh 11 lift Ajjlmt ’ W&fa-, BUSINESS M ' «.s j: HOLDS PLANNING MEETING Mem bers of the North Carolina Ne gro Business League held a meeting here at the YMCA on September 30. IV purpose of Woman Charges Man Raped Own Daughter WILSON lndignant cues of; "aharaefuT and "shocking' rover- | berated throne lout the erstwhile! quit : Negro community of Wilson | ar news came u. light last Sun- I day of t.'ie aliened criminal at-,- tack of a 34-year old lather on a j 13 year old girl, aid to b< ilia i daughter. The fatht <. Claude Man- j ring, was ,»e ported to have -ue- j tiued ami rap- u hi daughter, su- ' sic i.la., aft* i oVt rtakih ' be- a: j she fte-J from *n>rr«* in a vain el-j fort io summon her mother who J era- work ill - m jhc cotton field. ’ Manning was arrested Svmoa.v | alter a warrant char siiif: him j with the attack on his own daugh- | ter was signed by the child's j mother, Mr- Ella Banies, Man- j niruj, denies t attack. •Laordin- to Deputy Sheriff \V ] F., T’rid.ren who investigated the j incident, Manning came front tin field to the Barne home where he l-aind iiis d.i'-'giitel i-'thing eaic of • •'•>•••• |,.«i »tia : y»,ur. el' ciidti: n. He ga»v !••<• yolioyer children money and :< nt them to the store, afterwhieh he attempted to rap, th» thirteen yt.u aid g:r!. Susie ,‘dat to'.c.itl oil her fa ‘ hoi and managed to t~oap“ from him Bit as -he ran down the path toward the field in which her met he, was working. Manning overtook her arid, according to the top-i t. dragged her bad: u> tire house where -lie assaulted her. Manning was given a hearing ■Monday before a justice ui the peace in Wilson County, The of ficial bound the case over u> Wilson County C‘ou v t and set bond for Manning; at S2OO. 0. N. HOWARD WINS EAGLE SCOUT AWARD * ;-.• 118 l AW UtllK.n SCO UT l NO'S HIGHEST KAN'K Pictured here is Daniel N r . Howard, Jr,, who was awarded the Eagle badge to ceremonies last Sun day morning at the f irst Baptist Baptist Church In Raleigh. His mother, Mrs, !). N. Howard, Sr., pinned the badge on him. Young 110 tea id is a member of troop 52 sponsored by the First Bap ilst Church. Included In the sol emn ceremony were S. P. Gas kin, Scout Executive, M. D. Wil liams, Chairman Wake Division, Ally. F, J. Carnage, Chairman Advancement Committee and William Bryant, Scoutmaster. Howard Is the son of Rev. and Mrs I). V. Howard of Oak wood Avenue. His father is the Boy Scout executive for Raleigh and Wake county. j iuL wm&km lilt- meeting was t« make plans j for increasing memHership in i the league and to complete ten- ; tative plans for the State Con vention to be held in Raleigh in April of next year. Standing Life Terms Ordered In i Knife Slaying Case CHARLOTTE Karev Harr;: it! j id, and William McQututry, 15 ! -nd SV- : 1)wyC la were i ] entenced to life imprisonment in • Yk-ckUaiburg County .Superior , { o lit otter pleading guilty to the j -.laying of Mis>- Helen Sv.ink, a j white middle-aged practical nurse | in than fifteen minutes the, | court session th. posed -,>i the cum*, j Both boys pleaded guilty to : ,tab- I oing the woman on a Charlotte StlVCt Hi J ■ opijc; s attempt All • ,luti(j, i'.yloti VH-Sw uln mi i;l ih.ii it (he delend.intg had NEWf DURHAM DIVORCES YOU TWO COUPLES ' .1. K MiLINDON DURHAM • - Two well-known former Durham couples were di .'oice items in Judge Leo Carr's Civil Court boA* last Monday Granted decrees on the basis of wo years separatioii were Mrs -Mice E. McLendon vs. John B. ’/feLrndon and Mrs. Gloria G. laynes vs. William H, Haynes. McLendon basketball coach at Hampton Institute, is the well mown "Mr. Basketball" of Cl A A ame. He made om.- of the notion's outstanding cage records while .t North Carolina College durine 1950-1952. Haynes is a well known Chi cagoan who was the husband of the former Miss Gloria Garrett, well-known in the younger social ret of Durham. Slxtxeen other Negro couples il.se had their marital ties dis solved Monday, APPOINTED WINSTON-SALEM Mrs. Flor | ence S. Moore, 300 North Jackson THE CAROLINIAN I PC C*A'*4i*cAb jpg i-temv,... ’ Wwb#® m me hSs! i-Sbe '*^BSgSK3mlßeSbm r :..MiSSsteammTmMlSS&eßa!L left to right are T. K Speigdit of Durham; Kev. R. I. Bootie, Wilmington: A. J, Turner, state president, Raleigh; V. 1), Gar rett, Greenville: .1. J, Henderson, Durham, business manager; and been adult, he would Uace re fused the guilty pleas so that a ju v y could have decided vihcitier or not they were to he executed. The life sen tences were pronounced in a courtroom packed with colored and whit,- spectators. Mi 1 s Sv. ink. who was reported !U: have had a .habit of walking j home aU.tie at night after leaving her job x, a nurse, was accosted i by the two boys on Sunday night •ugust 2 and slabbed to death. The Charlotte police were baffh-it ;oc u w•:»:»«• .. in who conimitted the i rime. | Avvnue, has been appointed as a j cast worker in the Family Divi | sion of to Forsyth County Wel | fare Division. I Superintendent A W. Cline an | nounced the appointment Monday. ' Mrs. Moore, a graduate of Bene* o• f. Coil.;-.', who Studied two | years in the Atlanta University j School oi Social Work. formerly : served a- assistant director of the i Happy Hill Recreation Center of I the Winston-Salem Ri creation De i uurUn; nt. She held this position i lor two years. | She succeeds Mis. Marian Wil i .-on who resigned recently to ac j ee; t a position in the City School | System, Mrs. Moore formerly worked in | Columbia S C and New Or i leans. SEEKS ESCAPE!) | CONVICT j FRANKLINTON Police were j searching tin- week fur Jerry i Fields. 33, native of Richmond, j \m).m escaped from a Franklin jCounty Road gang. Fields, an honor grader at the time of ids escape, was a two lino loser. He wa.-> sentenced in For.-,yth County in 1947 to 10 to 20 years for second degree bur • glsry. In March, 5;»52, he was sentenc ed from Lincoln County for lar ceny. CAREENS TO STUDY RALEIGH R. Larkins, con sultant on Negro Work, State De partment of Public Welfare, has been, granted a one year’s leave of absence for graduate study at the New York School of Social j. Work. He will v uric towards a Ph.D. degree. A native of Wilmington, Larkins received his undergraduate train ing at Shaw University. He re ceived a master's degree in social work at Atlanta University. Larkins, who i.s married to the former Mi ,s Catherine La Ulmer, if the author of numerous articles and pamphlets on problems related to .social welfare. He and Mrs. (. un till tied t* ft Page g irsaislw**. „v J-fnlK Edward G. Tompson of Green- , iilie. Seated left to right are i j Mrs, J. Ife.Sha.ror of Durham; j | Mrs. It. I, Boone of Wilmington, and Mrs. Helen Starks. Raleigh. .See story elsewhere this issue, i STATE B. P, L. ! HOLDS MEET I IN RALEIGH . 1 j P.ALEIGH - The plunnwig com- j mittee of the BuMtuys-Profession ! !ai League of Raleigh, which is a [ ! division of The North Carolina j | Negro Basinet-.; League, met at tile ! i YMCA on Sunday, September 20, at 4 p. m. The call meeting was presided | over by the president. A. J. Turn - :• of Raleigh. Tii. Reverend H. 1 Boone who | i reeved O' tvnmsi- f at the .Stale ; • convention held in ■GreenvilU in j ■ June wrote ilh.- invocation. It »#.' • ! given by Mrs J. DeShaeor Jack-1 icon of Durham, .secretary of the; state league. Much praise was giv- ! icn Mrs. Jackson tor thf excellent j | job that she is doing inttie pro ; tcsSionul chain. .State president Turner is mas- , I ing plans for increasing member- j ; ship among the business-profvs- J | sioiuii group and the housewives j of Raleigh in order to create an j i outstanding local in this section j At the present time there are j | ten distinct chapters in the chain ; jvith a close rolatioiuthip. - ; Comnrvittee members present at , i this meeting wa re- Rev. and Mrs. • r. i. Boone, of Wilmington; Mr y 7. R. Speight oi Durham; Mr. J. j. Henderson of Durham; Mr. Ed ' ward G. Thompson of Greenville; Fonttnued on Base 8 Woman Lawyer Appointed !To United Nations Staff J - : ! ii i WASHINGTON Carmel Car ' ; ringion Marr, a prominent BrooK j lyn, N. Y., attorney has been ap i planted to the staff of Ambassador j Henrv Cabot Lodge, Jr., .it trie 1 j United States Mission to the Unit ed Nations as ansa advisor to the • • United States Delegation to the * i Bth Session of the United Nations 1 i General Assembly. , Mrs. Marr i-; a native of Brook ]\ n. Ni York. She is an honor ! graduate from Hunter College, ; having graduated cum laudt and | itcciviiHf ill. Pin Beta Kappa key | for ip neral .scholarship. Sne was I awarded the Alpha Chi Alpha key j tor excellence in the field of so- J vial science and was on the Dean's ■ j list of honor students at Hunter '' j College. She received her law de ■ , give from Columbia University 1 1 with equal honors Mrs. Man was | awarded the silver key for win* i nine ihe Moot Court Competitions ' ! ..ml served as president of Bram -1 ! well Moot Court. She has been 1 j practicing lew since 1948. | This very able lady, in addition . to her law practice is very civic . minded. She is a member of the Brooklyn Bar Association, Brook lyn Women’s Bar Association, the Brooklyn and Long Island Law yers Association and Women for Achievement, Inc. Mrs. Marr is also an active R«- . publican. She is secretary of the ; City Wide Republican Women’s i Club. I Mrs. Marr is the daughter of j Mr and Mrs. William Preston Cur j rington of Brooklyn. Site is mar | riort to Warren Quincy Marr,, 11, ; end has two sons: Charles Car- I vington and Warren Quincy, 111. | This is another FIRST for Ne ! groes in the Republican Adminis tration. SUPPORT BOND ISSUE | | VOTE ON OCTOBER 3 I k N. C. STATE COLLEGE OPENS DOORS TO RACE Two Cities Honor POW’s I FIGHTING GTS ! SPURNED REDS ! IN KOREAN WAR —— RALEIGH Returning Negro | POWs were honored, in at least I two North Carolina cities last I w eek according to this newspap j c r's reports. i ! At i-ouisburg on Saturday, Ira j I .Vision, 22 year old artillery cor- | fx.rul. v:hs honored in cere mo airs | | presided, over by State Senator | j Hamilton Hobgood. 1 On ’he same day' in Laurinburg, | ; the city turned out to welcome ] !hi ark Deßerry of the 82nd Air- J borne Division. Deßerry spent 33 j months as a captive of the Com- j j munists near the Yaluc River. | ; Alston, who was attached to the ! 553th Field Artillery of the Fifth 1 Battalion, were captured by the Red:; an last Juiy 15. He wears ; three service .-.tars on his Korean j ribbon j Among thos honoring Alston 1 welcome home were his parents f dead. ? :ai the veterans post sponsored i ; \\Gv> ha«l once bola v-U ‘.h- ii* ‘*on , v wti in’.ju isoiv-d at tne | U*o , .i-rn ■ i:c m c.r 11- . ,i a.i \.a.i *, spo. vd. ah/ -- ' jto Reds' ''brainwashing". An alert, intelligent lad. Alston | ! says iic did not believe Dt< Red ; i propaganda. He plans to enter col- j i after he i; given atlditionai | • Army medical exams and t% eeive: : liLs discharge. i A full-dress military parade ac ! eompanied thf* noLy but -inter ) y > I demonstration for Dt Berry in Ins j i hometown o£ Lreirinburg The , j young airborne -oldiei is to date ■ I Scotland County's only returned j ! POW. Deßerry’s homecoming was : ; sponsored by Negro vet< rant- and j : jvic groups v. ilia tin: Amerii ..n - | Legion, VFVV and other groups ■ helping. . j At the Louisburg welcoming ceremonies, the participants Ron- j Continued on Page 8 Interracial Slugfest | 'Staged By Irate Draftees; i SANFORD An estimated 20- 130 draftees returning home from 1 pre-induction physicals in Ra'ierigh were involved in a free-for-all .slugfest at the Sanford Bits Sta tion Tuesday. Sanfo v ,d police officers said that they hart only a hazy description |of what actually happened on the i bus which brought the inert home. Two of the officers said it was their belief that some of the white men had bought beer in Ibaleigh after receiving their physicals Alt of the men then g<«t on thp bus with ten Negroes sitting in the rear and the white men sitting in front. Police, officers were told that Die men came to the front of the bus several times and tried to take the beer from some of the white men. The bus driver report ed that he had to stop the bus j several times because of the fighting. Mrs. S. Nichols, maniager of i th«- Sanford bust station said she told the youths to take their fight elsewhere, police men said the fight was then moved across the street to a vacant lot. Twenty to thirty j youths were involved in the brawl, while an estimated 50 to 15 were standing on the “sidelines” egging the others on. One man from each of the two groups was arrested and charged j with disorderly conduct. Before the police officers could j a,,rest more of the men they re j wived an emergency call seating J Continued on Page S Jkfe *V ;. !f||? ILLINOIS GO\'ERXOK GREETS KOREAN Rt.TI’RNKI: ■By <■ :. , * Sst. Charles Gossans of < alra»o !»•»» three pretty »ub Wap *V,... ..aSr.u .■>.-. Nuntiul reasons for his broad, happy smile, first, his : H £. safe return to tlie stabs from the Ks-rean War 1 Zone. £!£' s;■> * Seeond. tin- «:trn», hearty vreelitt;. he received litnn ll W m . W -1 iitto is Gov. William G. strauvtt, as the first Ulnois sola V sm ... W.i ier to urLark from his ship. I ii*r»i. the i>> «> ■ «-<•£ ptioti 7jm ' ll>» w hose smite prOiluriti« >iualhtes ar rer) fflin'i. n ? 'fjp \ i ■* i- vii!e»;, r The t«u>u plare :rt > t aitie. V\ ashticitbtf, 4sff ,‘j'. \ v etremit ilii.iny the. 15th annual G f ■ not ■, conference. Si " ' 1 iAN i*, i | Parents Point Fingers At \ Each Other In Son’s Death • II A I 11/ •. V t '». / * - ■. . « . ... ; | HALIKiX C’h:'i rw< of murdur ■ j haided at each other i.y hus -1 ! band and wife at Halifax last 1 3 j•. , . , | Sunday morning, resulting m the ; j jailing of both parties on siispi- j ’ I cion of murdering their foa-j.- ' I moni-h old son The couple, Dais- English And Indian Marital Vows lor Dance Couple y, ’ sk '* ~' . ■ >,t.'»llr--fcs*WWft3fTßnilißfß'ji;lfrsjßß?gWjltOTGSMll^B^^ffwliCTOllißttßwl&^fawiS!tllCy^»LrCfM < .'HLy. ,J -ttH,- tfjlre Mstisie Rogers, Royal Variety j (Performance dancer, wanted to Tm* sure she was properly mar vied and after the ceremony j stlicwn above, she ami her j A Complete Coverage Cadi week THE CAROLINIAN carries a full three page section of HO^NiETO-WN NTIVVS AND VIEWS. Corre.sopndeuts from throutflKHit the aUtta keep u- in for met! on the latest developments in their respective areas. Keep yourself posted on all subjects in your town or eitv, whether they he social or sen sational. Read HOMETOWN NEWS AND VIEWS each week in THE CAROLINIAN. Miller, 26, and Walter Williams. Jr. 28. vet -re held :u jaii witii- I out bond as oficials searched a j ! seven loot deep creek for the j j body of the infant each accuses i : the other of killing Saturday ; | night. According to Police Chief G. j j D Wheeler, M v .-.. Milter said Wil- j Tams drowned the baby because j he t-aoughi he w.ir not the child's j . lather. The couple has beet: mar- | ri'-d for five year:-, and has one ■ other child. In her aompluiuf to the police I Sunday meaning, Mrs. Miller re- j ports that Williams, angered over j Viic thought that the child was j not his. struck the baby and then i took it in a cardboard box to a [ nearby creek, lie later came back, j took her io ih. creek and showed ; hi r th-- baby lying in the creek. ; William*' is said to have then le!t ! the scene and returned home, .-0.-rietime Inter and gone to bed. While Mi . Milter was relating j this story to him, Chief Wheeler j said, Williams cam-; in and charg- j ed his wife with the murder. Will- j Continued on Page 8 | groom, Dickie Father, went I through another ceremony com I plete with Indian costumes, j priests, and astrologers, lu Fho i R. L. CLEMONS, H, LISTON, JR, ARE ENKRS | RAI.KIGH —Nonii Carolina State I College here lifted its race ban on j Thursday. September 17, when two j Negro graduate students wore ad j rnitted to the former all-white col i it L'.s T-'hs nj oil the first time | s'nee the open. ,of State College j in 1889 that Negroes were admitted |as students. | Robert. L. Clemons. Durham, ff. ;C. city water ■ parunent cheat j ist, who sent wife to college ! fur font years before entering him j if. has been 'knitted to the | School of Elei al Engineering ;ns a cundidnif >r the musters Continued ou Page 8 to above, Mr. and Mrs. Prather are shown after their first wed ding which was performed at St. Mary’s Parish In London.