Tragedy Strikes Severe Blow In Wayne County Jg vPt .•; **■ V i a\i ?sfy'£_x /jfffi)••;■ ft ■*'• %J&* V if; fraHfflßEßflHny^isSiJ&iitfME?B9P^Psf .., ‘v ®lra ’V'fluL •flaE 'IsIbBB* MISS VC C HOMECOMING QUEEN CHOSEN Miss Gail Uit'k, extreme left, senior Span ish major ai tiic North taio iuta t oil*.-at Durham, was e treted. .viiss NCC Homecoming !i»r tS.k; in campus-w ute baliot ing last week. He lured with Miss Mask are her attendants, Miss Belts e Redding, .enter, Oxioid, N. t . sophomore; and Miss Helen Wall, right. Wag n o, ami her attendants will reign N. t .. junior. Miss Homecoming during gala testh ities on M i s O'Kell) Held October 31, when the Eagles, meet the Tennessee Mate t'liix crstly Tigers in a i o’clock tuutball raii’ie. Mis- U is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. 1„ Mack of 8U South 11th Street, Wilmington, N. C. Miss Redding is Uu d.uighter of Mr. and .Mrs. K, Redding, of Kotm ‘l, Bos 455-11, Oxiord: and Miss iVaii is the tiati-f liter of Mr. and Mrs. James I*. Wall c.t nolle 1, Box 14, Wagram, X. V. Fired Fire Water Fires W-S Woman W.NcJTON SAI.h’M Mi-, Lilly I Ross, according to police r ; » ts, ' if a lad) who likes ;i ,‘l i .\ atej or ’ Hit.’ Miss Roii.j, aiHM* dnnk heavily ui lil’tr v.'uU.:r. n'pui'l' aniiutUiU setting fp.v to the ijOiii*- of oiu- Jii. k Rcnick slttjr vir. Ht' nick . i.. i.ivt hui a drink us whiskey. Khiaged when i ; ie lire depart-'vu*nt was called, tl• c heavily charged Mi.s Hos threat m;hU Mias May !j t . iVlcases, irum Whose v'ioihc . at gut La can ui M. v ne, and tried to tjjiicc Miss Moser with a However. xh( vx capun gjancs. ij olt a fm'iitan*! leather jacket and Mi. - Ro.-c was taken to jail to await further eldest! iiiiig vv hen i*u lire a atci ii i evi do\\ ii . COURT DUSKS CONSTITUTIONAL ISSUES RULING RICHMOND - The U S Court of Appeals affirmed ;i lowe-i court decision awarding $251 r tnpi-n --salory damages to John Douglas Williams last week Williams complained he had been Wiongfully removed from a :v : a! Kooky Mount for refusing to change his seat. Alt-hough the court upheld the findings of the lower court, the court did not elect to puss any opinion on the constitutional issue of segregation of passengers b> race m interstate commerce. Wiiiimi lawyers. Martin A. (Continued on Page Si Protesting S. C. Whites | Routed By Policemen Over New Navy Policy CHARLESTON. S C. (Special)— Ship.yard police at the Charleston Navy Yard here dispersed a crowd , os ’-picketing" whites who protest- ; ed the Navy's new non-segregated I policies at the base dining hall, here early this week. Acting under special directives I from the Secretary of Defense, ‘ Captain T. F. Damzlox i.v under stood to have issued orders re-! s< hiding tie former practice o'. ! segregating Negro workers from! whites in the dining room. Although orderly, the scene of j the “protest" which one observer i described as “akin to picket”, re-1 r.uited m only 4()o persons eating i at a place that ordinarily accom- j a^aESMMwMßgKffiSfeßrsf >3ssf lHfilra J 9tflS9P6«mn l \> ? SEP .*».• ..^be? - - ,|jM | •-.: j jgfr •. ~J^ Rocky Mount Mayor Orders Brotherhood Day ROOKY MOUNT - For the fits! I time in. Kie history of NAACP in : North Ceuj’ina, a mayor of a fit)’ I has seen fit to recognize the i efforts of the NAACP on behalf | o' v, .!d brothiu hood and true de- I rme racy and !ios issued a Proela- I mat ion setting aside Sunday, Qc lobci 25th ns h day of brother* ; hoed" u»d 2,«s asked "all our cui j -"Jtis, otu enurcoes, oUr civic duos ■; oift other organizations to ob serve: the day with o: ityei ■ ‘for : the . aufc of human dignify and : freedom '. The full text of I flu, i ‘loelamu t; ci, - clay or ,?wk ! Murchison of Rocky Mount ; 'chcro the tenth ano util St e | NAACP coni--'rence meets Oct- >bcr , 23-25th is as follows. WHEREAS, oi | nati"!i v,v --; founded upon tin: pricipks .;! free i a® ar.d cep tlitj and WHEREAS, the weltaiv i.f our j nation and of the world depend.-, i upon the preservation for all men ' "| till: light to nic. liberty and the i pursuit of happiness ana W Ilk RE AN, c.tiioiu, tel i■ ■ ' ■ . s doctrines me all united in teach- , ! Jt)g us ’-htu aij mankind, regardlcr iof on e. color or rrc u, i; one j ui tin- eye.-; of oui Lord; j NOW, THEREFORE, t.y virtue 1 I of Uni ;.;n ! ;ni ity vested in mo as ; Mayor us the City ol Hock'. | Mount, and upon the occasion oi l | ha State e''.invention nt tic (Muju-i. |nl Association for ilic Advance. i ! mont ol Colored People to be lu-id j c >. city, 1 fio hereby pyoc: | | Sunday, Gvlobt, 25, 111, ,3 a da; ; ' | of brotherhood, and do urge upon i j mi oui citizen*, our churches our j I ivie cine: and Oi.eei o: garni...;ion i t-ie nij:Vance of this day by i ol’li.Vl 1 fur in. Ca.iL; of illllUull ! u.iefijty arid 11. .-dOUI and b> ilia | ■ xoi >ru,P ut a true spirit of good ; j citizenship, to tiie end that our | I community shall continue it:, p.o- j ! cress in the realm of human n-la* • ; tions. tSiamri) Jack i Murcilk-on Mayor j Mayor Murchison himself an nt- i i torney, is familiar with the aims I | and accomplishment* of NAACP ! ; is trie issuance of this pioda ua- i ' | lion on behalf of NAACP liar : signified bis belief in a truly demonatic principle of govern- i ' merit equality to all mm. j Charlie Jones, Rocky Mount! NAACP pi i-sident. Mrs Hattie Glo ver, Louis Pippeu and J. B. Har- i . ren, conference public relations J man, composed the con:unite' i ■vcich visited the Mayor in «h»- I interest of the proctaination. V.';:i [ ter White is to deliver the clos- j . mg address nt the conference Sun- ! day afternoon rnndatps t oc,o The immediate: cause of the neat i disturbance was the seating of i .•onie 15 Negroes at tables formerly j occupied by all-white ■ diners. Ap-j pt oxunately 300 persons are be- j tieved to -have taken part m the picket. Base police acted quickly to j dispel any possible outbreak and order -was quickly restored after j an estteiaetd 300 “picketors" I blocked the only entrance to the I eatery. It was: thought Captain Dantzlcr I would take some, action to pre-> vent a recurrence of the attempts j to defy the federal anti-segrega- i txon directive. f 0 'L» i i 4*4 lii ii \s '** O AI i E£ 4 fill pc HTTFMPT Hill i i t - *_ if Si i ~ Grech run. I ecu „,e Oh thi ; iOC.-OUI ini- ,i .S itu tisld -iy h | - me wu'ran fu have nnt-rc-d lief \ home in -1 Saturday nunribufi and I .iUen.pfed to force her into sex j The bir'icb-nt o;vtt ced in the 100 j ’’ ’ck of Tate Strep; an area which ' si so : m mined tv. o I- eak-in at- ! - I: du.-iuy He same n r.lit Po- j -■ c. ‘f.l ■ ■ t!i. re v, . ■ c,:-:,m ction i between the alle.a \Vade Ave., , is iV-.-iami by the County Coro i oCi to i nr be-' n justified m his ; T ■ 'on kiiSni; oi Hubert Deb -3? us 1205 Obt'i'ilii Road. ; ; Dunn's “justific.nion" was short : lived however, because before the • a. rk was over, he had been ar-: iestd oy tiie Raleigh police and j looped m jail with :■> lirst degree i Tiurder charge hanging over his i Head. l.a'.n v.-aivi'.l p-. lirnenary bear- ' ting before police Court Judge Al : Don ; tiie, week ai d was lod | a d in the County jail to aw ail : Superior Cent trial of the rnur | ocr charge, The «dfair is shrouded in mys- . try’, gossip, lies, half-imt-hs. char- i ” 1 HONORED ON NtNETV KIOHTU BIRTHDAY Mrs. Re becca Andrews, second from left j celebrated her ninety-eighth birthday on Thursday evenincr, Otober 15, at tier home ISIS j Oberiiu goad. Many friends and I relatives attended a party that I was given in her honor. Shown SUES RALROAO FOR 100,000 The Carolinian 10c VOLI ME XII 1 | ; lk ‘"-.s SI'P?ORT NAACP BRINES RAP BAi.'n.VIGR.E, ftjd - The Fall- | -e el '.ft-’i-p Ceia e >.. ath 10 Join j Oe.-dav bv Dr. Chm.r;i:,j Tb-aias, ' J -r.srH c,f y,..- Xalmli; - NAACP’S j The to v:ner Uruted State alter- ! i sate delegate l -a.- tJX spoke ,c. ! o as,«*-n.iily pt-efeairi at Morgan; i State CoiieSc,’ ciudt 4 ck it off: I he institution’;:; attnual NAACP | | nientbi.:..-hip drive, j > t.uditv.; the m itievc-nents of! the NiAACP in a ■!a;e > for ': ’,•- ' j sum end rights for nil citizens, j jDr Too'as dee hired ;t shameful i ! that -support .should be given j } to it so niggardly ” J He pointed out ft :-t toe Univcrsi- : of Texa i lai '■ vACP j i a ici a ace. dp p tde.n any Negro col-, | lege in the country. T illustrate thi impbrantanee | ! 'it thi- ’Hauizui;on, the lOriiier < ; !metp’ -Stoki i’ ui.d director cited ! ; tmv m.’-f aecr in v. high n.’p.'e- ' | a mall vis of the NAACP -lave j | piiudi.u re; e' . I]y vritti throe efii - , i ie; urn pre.-idenis, of the United! One instance cited was the meet i iie.; of NAACP delegutes- \v it h ; ; Pi g-ident Franklin D. Roosevelt to ‘ i rot-.xt. segregation of Negro sold ei .; reim i ing to the U. S. after World War H for redistribiitioii Anotbcf was the io-eiing of X. \CP i opt t-: I'tmives with f'resi i dent Teaman, who later enunciated : a pointy of civil right., ’The third instance was a recent meeting of; t tie organization's executive scci’e- j iary Walter White, and other rep-! re..<. idatives with President Eisen- j hov.'fci (Coniinofd on i'a.gc Xi an amt counter ebark.v but the I riiini.) trail of uii'.'i love weaves : •< sinister trail iia.m beviniug to ctid. Jpcoiiiiiii was killed hy Dunn. vut i; iiccoi.i.i in Dunn. Dob- | ; uam wu ■ lur-i!; : his way into the ! . Dunn iioxnc by v.-ay iif a window, :E is ificvru however, that the window through vvhic-.'i tne shot i i kiln blast was fired shows no j sign of damage other than the j ’’ null's in the glass made by the | shots iron’ Dunn's: gun Dunn's story is that Dcbnart; | tan:,' in us home on the night ol the killing and was refused ad mittance. According to Dunn, Dob i.aiii (hen atempted to break in Iby way of the front door, knock (Continued on Page k) with Mrs. Andrews arc her chil dren. Front left to right they are Fred Andrews, 70, of New York; the honoree; Mrs. Bessie Wright, 75, New York; and D*- 'id VV- Andrews, 73, of Raleigh. VViiliani E. Andrews, 77, another fcon was not present when pic ture was taken. |[a|||||||| M ||- -111 -- -in I nr ■ rim - ' .i.m.*«iwwrawpiw, RALEIGH, N. C. WEEK EXDIXC SATERLAY, OCTOBER 21, 19.>:i % jr. p \ ! | * >t» •»!«», , I u*»M J»W» » * I %N D.MAJRK BLAST The outlived usefulness of this ol i landmark, known as the Old Market House, locata<*d in the Heari of Fayetteville almost i came tn an end Sunday morn newt I DKF.Iv FLEE PRISON! HA LEIGH -■ Three limn made a successful try for freedom from a Duplin County Road camp last .veek. They were identified as Jolm A si; in, 22, Wilmington; Heb ei t Williams, 24, Fayettevilie; and Henry Roberts, 20, Dunn. UTOFFY HIGH HONOR; !» G1 {IIIiINBBOUO • Dramatic stu dents at Dudley High School here won second best photo honors for their interpretation of "Legend of the Lake" m a contest sponsored by the Bow. Peter- on Publishing Company, recently. The pri'.w was S4O. . ! IN'TKiHATED NITtSiES* MEET CHARLOTTE - Several Negro nurses are among the more than 1,000 professional and student nurs es attending the 51st annual eon ! vention of the North Carolina dtate Nurses’ Convention here this week The sessions are being held tn | connect ton with i.he uiurih a/uuiai | convention of the Student Nurse i Association of North Carolina. ! rsVCHJATRIC HOSPITAL iOPENS SALISBURY A new Vote nns Hospital that will eventually ac commodate 1,000 neuro-psychiatric patients was opened iim last I week. Seventy-five patients were brought here from Augusta, Ga„ j to become the first inmates. The (Continued an Page si | CAR RUNS THROUGH \ HOUSEt ROY, MAN DIE GOLDSBORO Two cars, one ’ tractor, and one .shot gun figured ; in the death of two persons and j the near death of four ether in! j Wayne County last week, i Robert Swinson, 60 vFC CHAM FS AFFORD C HARI.FS AFFORD, 22, of Wit- ! mington, N. was recently pro moted to private first class while : 1 serving as a driver with the Ist | ( Infantry Divi ion’s Headquarters 1 Company in Germany Private first Class Alford, son of .Mr. | : and Mrs. Ferny Alford 70a Bla den Street, entered the Army in j ! October .1952. and arrived over seas last February. He completed basic trailing at Fort Jackson, S. t. overturned and rolled into Little i River near Pearson Bridge, Jairves Isaac Beil, 9 year old son ! of Mrs. Polly Ann Bell, was in- | stantly killed and thrown nearly! 42 feet into a field near Thomp- 1 i.oa's Chapel in Sauls ton Township i (C’ouUnitcd on Page 8) NEMBER -13 KEY TO INCOME SURVEY SHOWS V/.-rit A-fAuranct of a respectable ! 1 iceomc? liu- ts-v t uc- R'.uice, accordingj U» a Miiv- .1 iiidde rvceutly by tne I D ■■ : ■ of li,!.■ C ei, - us. is through a.ouu'iiig ,j v,>ih :i,• education. Tut i study that the man with: til. higher educu;mil is usually the! man witn the higher income. figure; show that among men over 23. these with four years or j ; more of college work averaged si.ion a year in 1950. Those with : a tiign school education averaged ; ■ s.’.PP--- while those with only four : 1 ve;* : ■ s in elemeufarv schoo.’ aver-- ; d than SI.SOO. The break-! | doiv.i is shewn below: iContinucd on Page X) ill* * iMifl ori ifsiwLiuHu oILU ACTION IN NC RALEIGH A responsible | source- on. Capitol Hill here this | week admitted $25 millions au : lhori.-, d in the recent $72 million •cltooi smd issue had been ear , mavked Tur use to ’-.lelp biing He - . gro schools; up to standard pend ing a riding of tiie li. S. Supernc : Court on segregation in public I elementary schools. (Continued on I’uge 8i Startling Disclosure Due in Fort Bragg Rape Case FORT BRAGG—An air of mys tery and the proniisi of sensation al disclosures surrounded the case inv- ivoi.: 1.1.. John R. Gnffus of Nashville, Terme.-.;, ■•.;?, .accused of. i aping a white woman at Fort l Bf a:;g recently The iron-clad curtain of secrecy j 'vhici defended srnutly after Lt.; Griffin s arrest remained solid de- : -piit- numerous attempts by re-j porters to as-. cruiin facts in the l case. Nevertheless, Negro soldiers j from Ft. Bragg and civilian per sonnel report an uneasy tension I mounting at the military instal lation ever since the 25-year-old wife of a white enlisted man ac- ; cased the Negro officer * Griffin was reported by local papers to have denied all com ment on the grounds that "this cine is vary involved and all tie- . facts riave not been made clear' as yet." He has already been given 1 Greensboro College May Admit Negro Girl; Students Favor Change RALEIGH Century-old Gull-j ford College of Greensboro is pres- ; ently considering opening it doors! to Negroes, and if student reaction ; to a debate on the subject is any ! indication, the decision will end! d'tcriminal)on at the church re lated school. News ot the application of a Negro girl to enter Guilford came ; !o iigiit lasi Week iii .. debate by nine prospective delegates to the annual Student Legislature which will meet in Raleigh next month. The announcement was made by j Jim Lomax of the Guilford Col* I lege' community the part of delegates in prepara-! The debate was a warn-up on j tion for the cons erence before j the student body. The routine ses- j sion developed into a heated de- ■ bate, however, as students defend- j ing pro and con positions outlined j their arguments. Debate was punc- J tuated repeatedly by applause j from the audience, and one un-; official spokesman from an upper-j clast- at Guilford stated the. raa- < PORTER CLAIM GREENSBORO—A veteran Ne-' aro pm ter who wns beaten by n Southern Railway Company station aster last March, estimates the damage received at SIOO.OCu and is demanding this amount of the company and his assailant The porter, Shrank Sg-ucer, vvnd has work.-u at Southern tor 10 >••■;!!•> filed ant in Greensboro last week for SIOO,OOO. He u ask* ini $75,000 actual damage; and ■ ‘;3,CH'n> punitive. T; e ineid'-itt v. i;.e!. iweiirred last March 13 attracted nation",tde Spencer said the str-tinn master, W. ?.! Ke-'.’hif', inf Pete-a ;r iri j cries upon him wisiout cause as be was v.nout to board a north bound train at the Salisbury -.ra tion on March 13. Kctehte •'tilled pirn into the station and. upbraid ed him about his work Spencer on Page m Man Held WINSTON-SALEM iSm-nab Mi - 'lp a Parker. 2:i. died here iast Meek from injuries resulting lroni ah! shot cun blast tired by the same man who killed her hus' and. Odell Parker, 23, on May 2!. 1949. Charged with the murder is 'Vulit Farkei Etc.iel’Dur.v-i', 44, who is accused of emptying the shotgun In the back or Ivlrs. Park si'.. head. T-.te record shows Flichelhuryer was charged with Parker s mcarder, but later release after he pled seli-defense. An aignioem was scheduled far !ht accused layer early in the week. He reportedly shot Mrs. Parker on the street around 11.14 : Friday niyht. it was believed Mrs. Parker provoked Eioholburi.i-t againet whom she had tn-d! :n, a grudge since lie was convicted of : killing tier husband. JSieheiburger was held »n i'ity ! Jail without bond penUiip, ins ai ■ reiynment. 10c a pre-trial hearing, and a trial date wifi be set after findings area studied by the- commanding eno a! ut Ft. Brace. sover.'i! known facts caused con siderable speculation among ob tci vers close to the scene. The wo man was said to have been riding in the car with Lt, Griffin and a v.hite officei Her husband was on guard duty at the time. She tbarged that the white officer,. Lt. John C. Sloan, who was with Lt. Griffin at the time of the alleged i rape, passed out on the back nut. The white officer has denied the clcu and no action has been taken against him. Also, according to reports, the attractive white woman was said to have received a severe beating prior to the alleged rape. But con siderable uncertainty has arisen :e- to whether this occured before or after the incident jority of students favor “flinging wide the gates.” According to reports, Ed Brown f f Murfreesboro received the heartiest round of applause when hi declared the only solution is . that Negro students bo admitted to Guilford “very soon". Brown had «iui earlier that a church related college would be the logj . cal place for an interracial educa tion plan i'J begin m tec South. Jim Lomax, a Quaker, argued that a!) men are the same in the eyes of God and that “it j* ira | possible for man to draw a line." S Another student, Joyce Hunter of ! Pleasantville N. Y., reminded the I students that ’ nothing ■happened” | last year when the A. and T choir I and a YWCA group visited and | were feted at Guilford College. The lone panel member taking j tKe negative approach argued that | the admission of Negroes would j mean a reduction in enrollment | and a. pay decrease to professors ! with the result that some may j leave and hurt the college’s aca-« domic standing.