WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11. 1953 IgD . * 'J M -UP.., ' ;■ ' , , r | 3< # \ v > %mm U.a'eS'AT ; A. : t mde'M ■■ v-s -% DEPOSED rnir.rß MLVI.--TBR fotno British Gnteu. IMrnr Minister OhcMi masted from),,. po>.' «'t, M t.w British «.-.v, on the eharce that the country vJ bl- n C ovrrnn - v.s.l t . fso t.l r.oiHhm and present his CISC Sections of f.oioohd V'ei-'Ey oL.r I X'Zu [ "T'"' ° V ' r »’*' M R S'. Ft I/.ABE n I HR OW N ' t c Ul 1: \ I!\ c ' ■ • ■ t Oi'HS Min' ■ (i 11... . t' ■< school. B< : r; Ittc h.'O nf '; c<-!-Uu li lt lit'";, ;iCtl\!’U draws ir. t!\. : ! , . nreotsi every , .• interested ;•! ;u 1 • " ■ to* con'.nrvnjt. Usually sc: r i j *i ;: p.v '•"•nr i>*fi i.f i! oi;.- • 'he <>'.;• r to viru tin' ■■- i ■■■ • Si i I. ;. O { one v.-l-: j > nr- :s ■:. ; yeur .neve.- avail the -i>;- -v nf thu opoortui’it\ •.: *.. And i-.u -■ >t\ ■ ■ I i.O • • the n schools .1 ■. ..- teach'is iiac Tiii - her 8-14 ’■ ! : annual An ■ • . ; i;ui. i,<■: i\y-.'k. Ask your.- - I i 1 "e-. • qm.-ism Arc the !i‘ics of y ;r ..'.hod acicqu.'it. V Do you person nil..- i.now your | childT- t- ;• i.< Do y«u , ;he :.••=.) .1 pr,n- I iipai l *•<• :on •• :m * ur • " " u 1' ! A or iin Aii■ ti ,Ci Have yuj evt r inquired as to wheiiuu or out there is anythin.::, you can do 1o hi ite. ih< coodiiion at your ! ■■! - •• j; u vidvtai or a. a citizen of in- e - : A Hum! school in > our w conin.ui ,i\ j. yoiii it -i bilitj 1):> % oil: part this work amt rverj vert; (ii.riiip !!'.<• S'iiool year. The snow came as a conn etc t urprip* to • ! of us. Ainu, t cvcrni-'li! Jr:;.-! Man Winter (-til ed into "U nuit.-i pi on'it u civ and 11 •, T-vlj* The -cea.i'i •/ I liliiy -a beautiful, till' Slav.' eil ! t lid -. aid ;:i-i a: ; ;; ... ; ■ a wondii.u; se ip to ’■ ..a,, 1 |. [’ip, going illniu I sir q: '(:!■: ly ; t r;,:u INVENTIONS that - serve f| ' JjljL i you Jm j § E * ./ Robert Pulton t 1766-18155 was born \ Jf In Lancaster Count*, Pa., with an ex- >■% ’ * traordinary creative faculty. His tal- J **&*£&# '/ cut first led him into the held of art M / where lie gained distinction for his • '/ oil portraits. Shortly alter the incen- I /■ lives of our Patent System were es- f / tablisheci in 1790, Fulton dropped $ painting and took up engineering. / *l-:, His creative thinking led to a number * of machines (for spinning flax, saw ing marble, twisting hemp into ropes - , prepared t>. i e tc.) which were patented. Hi.-, iame nations patmt counch became world-wide with his mven- •,»> indtuiia , tion of the first practical steamboat. ' * Steam power then was about where J , atomic power is today. Steamboats v^. had been built but they cost too much ' to be practical. Fultoirs Clermont, was the first steamboat designed and dem- /,i\ v*7 « pnstrateci that worked at a profit. ,/$ » , vcS h r 1 k /1 Xj L P "patents \ make jobs" 1 f-* r ' ——-————— .—.——— -* 1 by Haetu.iy ? i i r ' 1 1 very utlic* if ■*n *•* ;'■■■: ll.s'Gh r'-y \ VOliny • j .a! no to it amt ’he firs> j r-ii- : i. i *i:t'i L f j I * 7 f. rlMli's, -Is'-j V 1" Di m r>D V l.i .};■>. '>;• ill i x:jr F'i.iAhU-;. ui ;<>who v.as uvi* j :• atm . ! -'r niiijl bi -! S I (-1 nuel.uv.• . i • ,d,i e • , . Pii OT' Mi's li :n ’ ea a- y Ja i: ,t« . .! D : I ' •>!. aa: L>Pu- lii. fijZvl \ iv( mil! , tuiu? and punch we; : i . ved to two cut Ms. ha n, 111, o :ebrat.< Uds fc- j ii\ 'll *. t' . Fi ia, 011 "i . J. 'Pi ' till i I!' ' ■a i I are ,! ,ai;.a )). , ml ■ In" il-1■ * i i !•! • llis Hill, . S. nil!. Beecher Henderson, 1 ■ Ah' D. Vis, Hazel Johnson C . ■Me ; i.ci a: ri ,h a. in Fit a , a. id" !..'• ()(• Addit: a-i : 'll.:; ■ ..a t vI-' in ; Dame ' Hap- ! !■ v li : ‘ul. : v. • i't- Mi Annie A! > 1 >n. M t i a 11< a till is and Mi i.uy . i'l'in M’lK .N < U 8 MEB'I s 'i’lte Town ';i Country C.irch i i i '*;:{lni-Btlay, Aovcmbi. T. • i . | ", I 111. u itu airs. l..e\ U •ioncs '.'iosU.'ss. I 'lii:. . for the Clu i.ilni:;;- doCOrt- ! a ■' a a., . ( had dud I'• T DoCt 'I - bar llhh '.ver< so: m plated Mrs: S iUye it !.: ;. vhMii ru.m of ; ,i, '.'aa-m'lti ■ ip chariy; of ar-! .■•j nr, enter, ts. Members present were Mesdamc i 1 ii Broi u If. K. Ifansom. I. Ia j AM :■ "d i r.. r ids, A. ' i AM tor. . ! in hostcs.i and your writer. ( lit liClt NEWS Tiit annual confi rcnc ;•> meribois of th. h. Ml Ah a. ("ham : , l !'p O'MCfr p-p Phi titilcn.it'. imp av. a; • war ■tn, Fi”'.nk:in, Vance and CTriiid rilie to.ip;us pres ivfit Hie Cot ! Ip A' p... ; A i hi<’\cri:'. iu We. k. liOSl i V CIh'ISON 41. M:. am Mrs. O. E Eiti.i am Mr and Mrs .John Flli- and son Michael motored to ('.i:u ho tie, N last Sunday lc visit Dr. and Mi>-. R. S. Wynn. .Mr. James Mortis T»- nr sperd as! weekend with Mr- H. P '.Vil hams. Mr- Forel!-. Wridlt altcr.ded thi Viniit Stilt- t< echoi 4- e-ti..- ion 1' Union. 1 hih m ity l: Riciin . 1 1 ,i. \ ... it .n iitis li i soil \ed lv Wri.c-'i, is Hieloky instruc •.•ii at Danville Hii-.h Svhpoi, Dan viilc. Virginia .u d form: rly teug-' i! lla" : kins Until School. Mi. Wn a* 'lso visited hw- uncle Iriii'H IC-aii!': in Ridunond Mi Cearney forme 1> lived m War onion. Mrs Annie It. James ot Nee York City veiled ! t i-'.p Mr: Willie Vcnlanchni’iiain p ■ mi.'. Mr.. :.nd Mo Bovri Sieith. Ji aw Mi. and Mrs. Emanuel Rear u -nded the lee Capades it lali i last Saturday nip'd. Mich l Fe, son of the Jr' l Ellis' .U< ! ' ! me 1" Op hid ha ci i'd. a altertiuon. Wh.l- in it., ciah. M.p'hael was the guest e Thomas Crump m-i Ah - Anna M Cooke, former Warren County Su pe#visor. Mr. and Mrs. Ops H iwkira ai tended the Muri'a . inii i; G-.Ulie i Ireenshoeo last Saturday. M’ . fewkins was quite sad over th act ihe;', vae A. amt T. Codec, Aggies lori the garni' to Floricr \. and M. Universit;. 33-13. Mrs. Annie G Walker and dauph ter a.' Henderson were the recer ■;ucsts of Mrs Roselle \V:i ;ht an fanhly. Mi. and Mis. M'Cavi'O.lJ, Alsto : 'TioiciiT.i ip Keahridye, Ya. lecent ■y. Ace*, a ui.inyin.; t wr:’ v/« re Mw .allie FasiV. re id Mrs. Haiti, Wild mis of 1 lei • ei -Ul!. \\ \\ : ■ tin u.s Mr. aid .up. JiH-kson Hr.evn <• Litljtion arc 'he prov.l pc rents < a baby boy 010 rfucntly m’ ■ V/arrcn Gr e . i H■ • a ■ p T 'rowtis are also the pa on tv. of : lain.id el. Mrs. Brown is i'ue form or Mips Margaret Te, lc, Warm .lounty '< achei Mr. and Mrs. C. C Alston sue ri orond parent*' nt a i airy *-: *■ i !',.'v in Parkview Hospital in Rock Mount recently. Mr. Alston, no in business iu Lottisburg, w-«s form erly with Brown's Fu p.era; Home. WITH THE SU 5t Lit' lc !.a verne Sir it h vas hos pits’" ized recently jd Warren Gene ;al Hospital for ;■ tonsilectoiny. Slid v, as cnuvali’scinss lied week at tlr ..v„. !.:■:• .in nrevir.U:'. Mr. Mrs. Boyd Smith. Sr, Master Jimniv Pie.sons was also out of school on account of i’hiC'.sY recently By this ripe, i hope he; In the best of h« dth. George Mushaw is improving at the Warren General Hospital. Howard Nicholson, of Areola, in- I HOMETOWN NEWS h;.L mi Abroad i i;-.- j ii.e } «- .U . E•.. . . lA. V . .... A* . , vD ■ ! , Kut.l . « • ... liG I...'.act* •- !•;{;> ' ** j SSBGte w X!*V*-A * J “-V *«*«.> ( j ..lrList cr.i: V I mm ." L \ >-t K . F\, C. w.! ! li c*..: . ... lt> vC p; - *.’.t-. * )>id : 'p,s divided fe* a vote. D.v j i . i„ '- i.o.u (,*n ")u • d j ml*.." ’ / »r) J•.»;*! ; ; r: FUi-C rsATTi- j • - hi * T:’ U ; ’;i v ( • ; ;t O'.H t 't' • > ■. lobjivldU’ us a c •s' - C';i.vrt ' ; : Dll*") it V* N. l •-'CEi.F-1 lU r i 1 • i. th-. :..o i a>*C ;; ; : : Mir. 1/ t ii> i> P; Ui • • ? ■ :•( uuc.up ff>* t:u rUa.Y j o* V-v ;'l rusmO'i ot lit ::l V t ; HtNIIOtE JN NOTES r.y ’U. ll 1;» s- i .'iO‘ SYG nf () V ISsl> iOU i >,he ii ■■jiicv Oii.r iniv’Oivtri tO j ver. to ■ ir.e p itiiic e<: J ori of the t '..e.r 'i from in.i; ct-. ! \ .".tion ot M ' !'"V"P The: two vim." tinned livid.- o«.e: ,i>t>. More so i '-an evt e that the h";r.c • 1 :• i rnivo concern i-v.-i: v.'.iih -n i ciio(i 1. Hut only Jo ’,m this: * e i Jurinv Ed ■■ ni*'*n vVc< k .Pi - - i C. : , ~! Vt .-i bp 1’ 8 j ill *H i y.VuiiPT i-i. hei l ln j uvr.t' - ii/',:i:* visit the -‘ichools J)Oft I i i',l iUi ln-> -th; !,.* ."* : Ti'o ' - *.'•'. "iinm - i,i crSui ai.u’i itre ('h n :< /'U CHRISTMAS ROBE This ioxui ious tayon robe will speii glad tidings to any man. The smooth and lightweight fabric of Avisco rayon is interwoven with silver threads to form a smart diamond pattern. Definitely “Re tia special” looking, rayon robes like this on* *r* surprisingly budget-priced. .wed in on accident rct'uiUh, is ,o improving, .I s Annii Hoi ry. local lieauti •tn, way ho;-pitulircd for t> tonft ,:io-*ny in Jubilee llbi jiitni ill vnden on : ocept h . Mips iVl'I. 1 .’,4. Alston was hos i itatizod also for a tew dtivs fust ; cek. Mi.-s K' ma Y/dUmis i in Jubi "■ Hoiiiiii'' Mrs. Willie V 'nlaii lin ihoiii is id on th.- . ick li ! 1 Oi M. DEATHS Funeral for Robert Rod i'll, local i ::it( r. '.vorc held f t ('k:-:; la. I -iuncUiy. FJ.. I .dtn i 1 the ii ul Ik rof (I i'-.- ; (. !■’.( II i Graveside s.* ■h . wire .held h> tth’ X •. ■!' •. i Alien ut Cole; i ii, mg Bi.oti* i f "siii’ii lee,"ill;. . ( ONHR \ ! Cf A t IONS Mr:;. '.Villi*. B. J ..clcr. oii r.olvcd ur little: j.fcbiem correctly for \ ist week. It seems Iu have puz- I led some of you Rem'nnbF i- lb" | ' oblom IjTO - ?.S2 q'Kii 07*1. Us • ;« the same numbers - 705 - 29,1 j quai 407, i It was rftully *.•."■ to subtract, j nice the numbers were unscraro- I bled. Mrs. Arm ivcm received a i '"roc CAIIOLIMIAN ihk: c ••* k. I >.T . ),r . - ’ U• r - - < • . ' i ’ >' ‘ 1 t • •- ‘ v/ ' ' ’ men coin : quarter.- and <’lm‘ * :1 mount to S?.':s. How many of eafrt? I Call me a! 404-1 :i nd get a free : itsper next v. et k. i Until, then, don't forget to visit | the school in your community and I lend it your support It needs you [ —you need it. THE CAROLINIAN ~"ii] Vv: .t,, lav calupatgi, j ■ ' - :iiig u: t.,i NLUicniLil i oui'u,.- 1 '■•'<}> uu ji.nintde Fataiy*is. 'ia. ! r * 4 *■-’-**i is o» Oi* :it"id c\vjvcn’bv 1 "•‘J "t r,.sk, *..>... lusutuie, t\i. i .piui. Davis first ulia.,* U| arup fa; lily thuVe.ilu.. i wn, u. l-j iiia .iu ii but.da,, j v . p-. be.Vii'-,: w.Uvii Will .-<■ iu I* A u t»y ii L* 1 -vlg'C* ci«j Ii»l> *1 I f/iit I‘L J i .'tie- P.; LtdOTva . j Os ..wt'.li K). ui CvK.l: U>utv* S' | *-*•' 'tSS'"' B**‘ l ui*. Kj j \ i '.iioi • • 1: . ' .’•!i. . A.diu'.i r ot* A’ • | si i •. \ iw;itiljl. it w in- ui ! , . V. LvUl iV> *« --t bm.l .v . j • ••'• .ti.c it'G.K l", ..t 'l".| * 4 • . : Ot \¥lu O!.. S. ;:p : j»• V.'O \ lul s*‘.i li I j: , lii:. Lit si. ter . Lit.h'iv. Mai.vlar.d. Kcsidvi.t • .1 ' .i. By . a ' • of V Rout" cicd Tacsday mortuu • j . .'t vVci k. i l.u i«l set vie. ■ v. v. ! .. Iu . ' i . I-Ba i: ; ii,rt i. •t n Lad by tiie jn.:,tor. Kt-v.! i" A Witi'.-.imi Bii'-jai wis ii. S ■!' V: i: i. M ** ! iilUv-1(11, ru-ittlL’ • ' ..1 ■ :i- i r.p Mr -f:: ' ,111 v.V.r.uv.r. Wilson: Mi LHa At. V," ;J. a.,, ci Wil'i'i.i, Ron to 3, .in All it nre Bynum ot S''.:;:; .. a ui.: >: otiicr, Willie Bynum o. • , . v ... : » ■■■- along with clunvin. invthu.ls. ; ( ‘.ills isu.Lionai PC', '.'liv.-iu VAak : 1 ' 1 ,41: .4 ! ic I ' ta. Or iC'.P ' !> ; Ul. i’,',- ■ ’lily, in. .Vi :n* : VV :i; :r.p.ai, *pl i. .'KiCilt ci -dlUr. 1 1' p-hv {.'"lit;;.' •".'■fi ch-orav.i'i (. I • M ! io:. ,1 A:" |"\ ,;: r- .1 *%". I’. 41]. .a ’ guns I rpt'akxT lit txlC oo.hf, v. i f: ."i, rervices cv.rtdi.t ; tbr r • ten an C'-mrcli : . i ,:*-. ' .••< c.-: . ■■: r,il< i,ci b | ■ I on I '!',!' :> < ; tr:' " 1.. An . ip. Pi. o! 1.: t Oil' ' i i■ r . .. ri.;: v. i. :rh incllid'.'.'' II -i d( i ; on W-: • "i'.u.R and Oxford. Tin i "Opport::.!::: ir • «,nc | !i. '■{•orisi'-dltii's' of An ;• U-a ;tV ■ CiliA'u :!.•>.” it was wailaiy ;*•-: vr.i '*. ill, uyiiciii'r am Osi,cya ; n. :i ! i • Diiisy Gat ih.t; f.'i Jl> of Hi • J a -,i.: held .. .s and Flo.\s. , ' show h'.-rr with the purpose 01 ! -ii ,; ; lilt' *v!.. in.!i . ’.d - iiv,. ~i *.■•. ... 'Tic flow rr. (•(•!••• Mum' TOivn Arr:u:i''';n(*nt' on (J;. : .. •,,■ ••*' b' r'rtll" ! M;■ *■! she ch''.; members br<»U'iht ar, ar- ; IIP a.u.Those OUendlt!:; Wet'.' j : ,r a u'; m-'.-r-bci's fiom Oxford . aid SV.'.rrcnton. The was held, i !h Nurse. H*: e on V.’U.ier- i iiuon Strut t. The vt i'.ors vver*- j , e.diy t.iilighted .it let feari.iiiej ■ I MI, •• I'UtS t<> ll>v Oil C<’f :■>, 1; b*c.~. s'p.* !; corirTr and din- ! i tables. Arru. •emcui.- lor ui! j purpose: were to seen. Sports ib. i o! .port lovers journey- : | art to More head Cdy on anotiier t ■ :'ishtri'4 trill lust week aiiti worae i ! very surce. t"!. Those in t!'< crone were: Dr. P..ri,v Jones oi Wjutiui- ; , ui: Thorna- Him!. Re’* O B. 1 '•"ll ! sort, B. Bing, 5,.. Robert Smiier- | ■ viHe aii,■ Dr. Andrew ll.'iris. al". • u* Henderson. Two largo j’une j and 2.1 King Mackernls wm i aiiplit by tiie group. Tic men ■ •tr..-:ie'ls- : i .’W. d the large fish to | their families and friends Marriage Announced i Mr. and Mrs. Willie Jones ot ; i Hondo! .on announce the marriage j j ot th-'u daughter, Mattie Luo. to* | Samuel Watkins. Jr. on Monday, I November 2. Rev J U. Burson per- : j lormc.l tee ceremony. Mr. Walkin': is Hie son of Mr. and Mrs. Sum m! j Watkins. Sr. of Henderson. Th ounlc* sie residing at ilv '.Kune cl [ I the groom. 41-1 Pettier'w Street.) Ne\e Arrivals ! Mr. and Mrs. James Allen, a ' : I lud half pound baby girl born on j ■ October 31. | Mr. and Mrs. Perry Lee Wil i Rams, 7 pound baby boy born on j . November 3. Mi. and Mi s'. F-'accidie Manning. * 3 anu n half baby boy born on I . November j. With The Sick Mrs. Me.,Mire Iltcks is doing | nicelv ; ftcr Ivinu confined to * ( ’U-] bijce Ho.pi ml. We Wish for her; and ~i! i:-■!(!£ in Korea, for , sovci al .onth'- He is visilins* at j is.u V' ill 1 ' Street. Cpl. Macon ■'« ■) ali-o visited his sister, Miss Ma" Aiiro Brown of Newport News, Va. Cot Me on vas accompanied by • a*ml Alii. Minnie Bri'M'-i. L.iv. A. Brown, son of Mr. and j : Ali'-p Ge: ffio Bpivvij. is * : >('k in the : States fi uiii Korea. f* fS . Madge M. Avcnt, instructor ■ ; 'at Hcnd'uion Institute, vas: a re-, . :nt dinner cuesi of Mr. ut»ci Mis , ! Ilcnry Crows oi rinkrton Street. • Funeral Services Rev. V/. li- Young va* foucra-1 , lized on Tuesday. November 3 ai ; 2 p. m. The service vas held at ■ the First Baptist Church of Kitrrell j with the Rev. Winner conductinfi i rly,- service. He is survived by ink. ■ wife and a riaughter. Burial foi-! lowed '.l t'i« church cemetery. Mrs. Rosa Faulkner"? funct-al j I . cn , li , e*c'Ly. TJoepm-i 1 p,;;- 4 at St. John’s Baptist. Church ; i m Middle-burg. Rev. C. L Faison ; i was in eh ante. Mrs. Fnulknet and j I he* late husband, were teacher:.: I jiiO'.uia 1906, Mrs Faultenex was a j ■ member ot St. John's Church for i ! GO years and a missionary worker I ‘ for years. She left to mourr SCOTTISH CLAN SLACKS f ; ljjL A S»f H i: -#• mrf Mi tm n s mm soh ■■ JpJY' If# Warm-as-toast clan plaid slacks in a wonderful Avroset rayon fabric which gc*rs. right into the washing machine Even a Scots cm would be pleased about the thrifty upkeep ot Avcos-i't rjjycnr. they’re permanently washable; shrinkage controlled tor the ilte vt (he fabric, Rhamkatte t;v VHAUNT a, m RT AMO SiARBARA ; 111.1, T■ ' re-' ! ~ ..y, , i'l'h • '■'•'!?.s held at ihc i•. ;nu ~j .'!*• Mt: Toxic Ash, Novcmbc! •.I V. Thu; ru. .• iost 1 nnved into t-'-cir tu’’.v horn ■. 't’lic ~',r - l ..cu u. .lii, ki Iu d<_ .* ■ • their nc . t'iime to God. HUtI ANU Till KI 1 Miss Lmma Mims. D. • ■ ot A-:>-s. IVlnblc ivlirri is i* nulo i'.vf odolyn Matthew, ot this coso : . Mi?.' l>r-butat'ite ot 1953 i I.itdi' Missus ilrfbida Hill ynd ’.unity' uic on thu b* nor roil foi ■ he first sax vvekr. Tibs is ■ c-:: r ~l the B n v ('. Ivu':;. • -ci’ool I . .... ... CLINTON NEWS t:. vie-.. 5 is.:..eft; j. ipqur Fhs. Aiuhuc ii. Sir.ions wr.s i>t,s u* on i*. ~,.;y iug.it, O-ituui i 3i> | a nii. coiuiii! ous siiovvcr at her • j iOli'iO 1:0 ill: il'u oil . Ml.: D.i - I -us J. Snnvi.ons. Jr Guest ■. j ;reeled !>.;• Mrs. U . !U. Davis, Gilts i ! -vert : vi\i.d by :*.trs Mab-'l Bow- • ! i "ii Jiihn :un of f’-'.i'-i T'!..* coiiiu : ifc'Cciv: .I tnanv be.-- uiiui and ■ ■>- j .ul gii'B. Church GtHiSji-s ' The Senior Choir of the (•': t> ; , Liptu-t ( inueh iiecoiiipnnitdi r-. |ib 1 J iVI. llolm in.'itori d to i El.hi City on Suridin. |. where they were guesls id the | Johiiuon's C' I:. " ! C' .null Wi.i'.b j holding instaliatiui. services! j under 100 uirecltoi: of Airs Fli , iui l.uY. u li Joir.is.u.':, Th. c!u:-1 . - i übvtn Butter, rendeieri music sot uu: oceusiun The ii-sialiatiui'i m< s- ■ -\ ... delivered ::y lu '.. J - I Hu bn i Tie ;:'n.*n ... ornp-i • • lied by Mr and M.. Jei > v Faison.; ■ ir. a.I Mrs. lUnlh.'-v, Mat iris, Mr, 1 : and Mi . Jesse Hayes, ,ir. and I Mrs. D. 73 : this and Frank fai- J son. \ delightful picnic iunc.i j j „as served. The Gnsp'-'l Chorus of the First , .!a list Chure l, * ider (ire'ction iof Mrs. FiO’a Grantham renderen I J mus/cnl })!-".ram at the La Gran-1 j ,*' Baptist Ghuich, Sunday, No-! j vember 1. Rev. J. Leveis, pastor ol tin I Baptist Star Holiiie-:: C'hure.y ano , ; his choir, directed by Mr-. Clarici j Sampson, were in . li.'u.c of the! ! ■ venin:.' set vices at Bt own's Chap-' . :'l Church r< rnt lv. ' The Cedar Creek Baptist As-i j .-odatioii convened at the Olive! 1 Baptist Churen on October 31 and No von J"i 1. The; . moderator in c-.iai'ge of Friday .-'j i esnion wa.; Rev. Charles E. Pc-Ty. 1 Dis. n.'.sions were led by Rev ! ! Floyd D- Be-rncv. and R. v. J. B. | ! Evans of Fayetteville, i The (veiling service was opened i i with devotiouM M-rvieet led by. thi S>...one) i >t(‘n *i i.h . ; | five dale. -Tiers and five ■ -n.- s’. ri- i | ;.d iuiioVv iv.i at .: e eh'Uie.i coin:-, i ery. .vas held on ’.’i- 'a'rda; . No "nU'-.-j ; Tire fiinrrai * . Buck. Is. Siicn ! C at 2 p. r. - ' Nutb .: I FJapti ■! j . rtfil'ye. B«. t;d i-.Ji') ~ '., ! .l rt H" • Cii'ii ili • i'll it* v. J. i'. Cobb in : ; l a-' suborn! of- tr.:. Belse.y Wii- i | ""rcii c-i.v lc :y. . barns v.-as >K'j(i oil F>•'(.■";• v. Kovem- : her 0. 3 p. ,n. at Jorrien (.-uipel j j * tap!: Cruircty in Fr.inkUr. Conn- j liy T{,' C.. A. Gih ii ! v* ; s n- I char Hi.'. Mr. WiH'i'.'rt Ma.i'C-v- was timer- ; aliz.Q un .Sunday November o' 1:750 !'. n>. at v'l4 « i.;, F BirpiLt t.’innc li. |{< .1, C Cobb in cF r .rgO. He died in Nt.-. Volk City. liuriai 1 followed »> ti• • - ehurch cemetery. Mr. Perev Alai row’s f-jr.eial was j held on Sunday al 2:20 p. m at *■ . run • - !• " !* followed at th" cbm eh cemetery. A Thou;:lit To K l member "Be what nature intended >(.u for, am! you will succeed; be atijTiding ' ise and jou "ili be (fcri thousand limes worse than noihiog.'' r Sydnej Smitli > ‘' v 1» i. ■ V \V\■ !>: U ' • ..li.r* 14. W.‘!t (. .tie jsitija-t i; \.i. :t. i.vo linn- nice for i. s :> ( i. J. rtl.s »<-'.*» i.\\ air ne ; ’ I •ra i U) i. ■ - 'ti • r u..i •’ Mr.( it.-p'r>. Lh. i o £.:*♦. :i AL u:■ <\l i!ocK• t v vvr] bi:c ; So.itsa Not f mi', tv- '5, •! J 2 i ,«'•! ‘ .-■ld Ch.I.W bvi'.MM V •! t-lr ; : ; ,i Pme : ■ .... 0.. ‘•-it'd to fit.'hnaJe at v>u 1:e ’ - .1 vi! t *’ l. ' ... • • 1 V O ■ I S . V.Mil -,-ui in..- C .!> in i. ■ f , M:as ]-. 11 ! r ‘■ l /’ la. t: . --- * !.1 it j;.. v 1 i ; eettf •" -a. M' -'m cried io enr 'a, va --• i';.•.f Sv. A. A'lo;i;:rcl was a: ’ ' ot -a ■ ; ck to si • -ht i-t'-f >rn‘Ori ■ Miii hold * arty at the Puv p.nfc Stare io, ! hi- p;r tv is to' ! v and v. in ia, a Mild t ri/a in tb napaUndy v->;- >.>! to I.*- held soon. Mips Shepard is % an list* if'< iorient and a ll'wihf" oi i s ;»* .*• Aha >oi CiHUi’h S a- sa'n- in tan ; Jansnr C iv.'ip of !'■.■■ t mvoT Sii A-a -• rivo : a M. a.; M 1 ■ ■ r - ; l‘‘\py n-v ninny moved just ac • - i vviitiiit- now *'.«<.• •; ■ ir> n> -Uv\ ■ I The' p.-juk is one hundred i-t :■ ■ to. tv !'. ' 1 hark ;. . . i ■ ! . ,d. and ia d ;i O '.••A i t-nc's ami road fro.it ' ‘ white rcd«r ami f!ov.*e». SM-'Trir !ELl> 'Vi:-. Jenny R‘ V ant has just retmneri tioa; How : aod. ;■«?. (1 . V'hi . ; ■: -a :!• d hvM is ii! ; - V Wavson Vim CVn, wat- ThvJn.a Vnann an.; iUr and dh liUJ cUeVtiK- .3EtC‘! Wmed an I'J tile cor.,!., i",ai loe. Hi.ehiii.-tH;> ot ti> a vv.'i' -.as foliar,\V> i( > . . by (). A. Dupree. music by the jr'aiupsoi! Comfy Training Sue u Gif', C bib : ' It.-' V . ij : ; it ist ». inh .bp ior Ctioir The piiuvipai rpeakcu for Sin i'as re.- ini! .ivlis Ur. Untiier .Ship man, pastoi of Fi ii'iid.tbip Kapust j Church.' FayeU- vilif. I tie pruu.a j.‘a 1 ot i;;-a Sana,sou County Training School, 0. A. IH ptee, it mailing If tiers of ppn • a fifth to iili: persons who tii >I:: ted money m .t i:Oiim 10 bis ptea im iUIIvIS 10 fOVT lilt I‘Xtia cost ot band uni norms lor band nnaoLi'.: : He said the response has be. n very generous. The band paraded in their new uniforms in ih h-imt - ’ ruining rtiii parade last week. T ; u. 'T" aim.' were ho.- yss a* a masquerade bail on Moii'in > night at too American Legion Club. 'lie ciI!•;i“ was epioyed by all. Tile luippy G » ’ Club me! at j tin home of Mr Zudin Sampson. Friday, November !■ i i T;u e. bum Novcmbei »Irs. Peri v i.s tin: former Bernice St('wii'*.ion, STRAIGHTEN YOUR HAIR - in 10 MINUTES . . . |s®|| rvod get a waterproof job aml fjrL your hair will stay straight foi / / ■ 20 days or more. l BKONGOLENE I Is the origmai hair straightener II , use ONLY ‘ I /Mpe.aviD | tor sfraurh'.cmnr II f\ imm I STILL LEADSNG AFTEft f &0 contocutiv* year* I \ Ask for iCongoSene at ? i-. W*>s* y> drugstore. ~ \\v L»se only as label directs. I l' . **'’,**“** **' )) ft/ ?9*t drhggiil ettr-not supply yen yttii* I ! p ~^ k ONGO CHEMKAId).,MC.j i nyfeij***! iiitA l M» »«e -aiigiiimumm ««wn » < m« i * '' < - PAGE THIRTEEN f .. :t i !M • ■*. V«‘ >U .. tit.;’* ’ I’c-i v. >«>*! <»- » •* a)d ?*?: .. » t r'r I'.'tw *;■. • , i: < V - ’. , .1 -i* ? v * tHV SU i k* C ii r» Ci‘. : ‘-r ■/ - ; " Mid ihv. !*•■' X . % r ' |fifx-f---- wip uinr/or r ;>>'.»! ti«?- ■ ’ 1 f>j tis y.cvv i iv v- iIT,. ( ; ' X fa .. i /• \ \ ' t i. ' ll.' " D ,‘ ir . vr b iMMrv.rd ;d. i:MO Tht*. ; •.'<{ Ba ? >hst ('hurrb K loir rrirl sk;k >ar.T : 'j,- rd. Ml s Mliv IS* Wat.- ! Hinder i •' .')* ,1.- =.' a;o i ifaViCh bellei' isOW, ii:;' iV'n-.: •’• *• ••• • •• i • - '< jn» >\i v- .is ;d Lon Bi aneh rerrt..-- JVI •,*••• i .*(*; ■ ■ i;» ( ’.! ( ;•■<■ of VVi!rot! • j died ?vlonday’ November 9 ; 0 f 0 ,v"~ » ‘ - -j- *-~3 Jjf" • i \ Sf F!FIH ! ' WS RSH || V Au. tfyJU.4 y'Ar PINT ItHtf vj2o (T) 100 fROOf iIQUSU* ® < - xo r p/