PAGE FOURTEEN .. ..Ja‘£i^...tuf..■■-x~.’. ■•o ***“• •'■ - /w.u, vim TWINS SHvRE IN CGIiNER STONE SWING CEREMONIES -—Gwendolyn and Dorothy Har ris of Beun* ft College pictured frcm left to right. Little did the** airK r dixe that they would someday take pars in the irornerslotie i.• vug ceremonies of ; a new Nursery School which l> feeing built now at Bennett Coi leg-f, Greensboro. S'. C. Owen- ] FUQUA Y SPRINGS By Roy C. Street FUQUA" SPRINGS —M- -u ,>t •re quit. famihu- with the vwd progress, atul tt one time or mo ther it is- a pa; i of most every one's cot v • i n H ll ■ • I tear, tail to p , mm: ike true n. I '»<>- IjICSS 5= i*' ■t; sty S. Jhi So V, .a'-al advanc*;n. jm. ■- ( ■ >m ■ . M;-.-. conditio!’ • tamed ■ ’an rt.. •: two otiv ! v or:.• ■ i ■‘unity.’’ .Recent; ■ k:: . ! iiie pro. . . !_>.■■• ■ a.k m this vicinity <’:;rir. ( to - I few years by .;■- p. . us can recall th<- first .-*-hos>i ;>■ < id jug in F ;qu;o . ' \V, aao " . recall mat !;•<> ii;.. >:. ■ . u school n o .carl-- it: u ,’iai ve>. from 'Fi|. . To- - -n :.-n tod. ■; is .‘fi! k;io -i a i .o:.‘ pit- pi. 1 .0.1 ! gross ir "•!>!■ ■ while makim-. ::r" : t-c 4 projeris, !>:.w ; i< <’ r , ro . forwat -i witn . ...o.i ,1 jij'u i.. W< h plant : :tu . fi; ot . .■ ■ . .1 ha'. * f-.h i : ' 1 ■ : O i' ! ‘ . ways, whciv mV ;r a o. •!,, When ,i c i"o pi, i • of a lion for !.-oi ciiikl’•.'!. ■ V. < arc the at it let • ’.:c:h. a ■ a school - : Tnt-i, folks ].• ; si." remember when to ■, s <- m pit; SpS.V i'.J! ■ o.O'Hr-- .’ - hut new buiidno. hr»v>- o. i space. Nov. is- we |o ‘ ■ Ui.illv!".; Without an .ithiutic field i'-.n »'h children? Ym- ku -- it i ■ 1 eCTttentn-.-r.l ; a :o- •, u of Janes.'. l io o ‘■ M -1 o: people! in' iht uum: \ . . i u that category. i hat .■■ ■ l.» ; Vcti by deeds of the ; i i 'Ye c-.n do anvft;'t!“ ~ a-r con aoinu . can do So let u.:- si toy-oiuu ;->ui start, planning far pro.: re. Our foreparentr did it and vvt-r*. uc cesjiflil Were they smarter than wef By the lav- of tradition, they weren't, lets prove it. Progiv;s is like a fall, if hurts «hen we stop, rherefore, today let us :v --tolve that we . ill again take up gross. the banner and mala- plans fur The P.T.A. of lie. Fuquay Con solidated High School will con verw for the regular monthly meeting on Monday evening, No vember 18. at 8 o’clock. All parents items that must be clarified. Tnerc ate still some very easentud arae asked to be present ns I* is also a very special trero in a tore for the attending parents. ■ U,J T— -'»-* rrrr-r-r- CALVERT EXECUTIVES MEET IN 18 CITIES " j,, lie » You**, Calvert representative of Ingianapclic, shows other Calvert executives the actual else the’Calvert bottle on the billboard advertisement juet released eehrduled ta appear In r bis (immunity <'Ui i*~ reives no pay. Please treat him with courtesy and give as li beral as possible. The goal this yi.i' i m-i very large. »ut the • au. e is great. The. ..ire mnny (Tnv< ; r.t anal j 1 v fee !'• usds u■ . i|>) ;. -.;innn ' f;! ■ ‘(IP(f;.. i ons, ".u .'w'e v . f) :thy i Y..0v.". vi . Uii.-, :ie drivt if i-otire- j f |\>r .. own te-nplv CX-.n't for-j ■•:.! i •’!■. ip " T he on in*, vtii:m'iit I i . i!;• ■ :i ■ ■ oi yo.>* ;u ;'mi.lily. | T. ift , ~Sf . :.v f; ua ,li wi): 1 11 Mi, Muii bu.»t so you | ’<■ ’(O-. ViJi'l’ i! 1. •l. y '.'.ill b- ; ..i':f Do your :-'harc for your tom- [ -"i.-w;-. . l-i !5S < agers To Play Shawlovmj Here 'l!.,' Var-’ly and Jn.y Vr«•.-•• of the j ■ ';’ ; ( < n.'p.'id.' *C ; ; 12;' Sc 'iOOli will b“ ran.king i.iieir -.llllsa’ vie-i o • t’) c .‘v'lif-f'T : :i . iu v Oil i a scrappy Shawtocrn High i»«re | a; the , -;.(T :: gvnUoi i ’ The \ fi.trhi '.t ’.ad.-, yvill bo play iiv. their -•.■'•ond , of the young season.] (.'oac;’u.:;' oi (he Bhrons pressed i ■ nntvrn thi,v week as it was learn-! fi Ui;.! Co-captain Joseph Grit-] tin. senior forward and Arn«Mi| ;..• y. anotnor yenior flash may not! bo able to play due to injuries, j It will be a hard job to replace; these two starters by game time,! Cm tier this season it was announ- j cert v the coaching staff that! T r iii Wilkins will be out indifine-i lv with n foot injury. Wilkins, -had j bgcn ..'ounted on to til! the shoe .if the now departed Jarvis Betts, or John Payne nov. attending A ■ nr* T. College. The Bison lamp was quiet to night as the coaches and playears •grimly v.i -parert to average the two defeats of last season at the hands , f (he ’Hr.rnett County five. Though .oe ham has improved, the coa . , . u.-.-.ed dissatisfaction with lln* • ff'.’nsive manuevers to date. Tb- piobable starting line up Jeffrey’s School Nows J,'j cii-i.V,-'. .. v-,'i Tit I -•-'•‘hitMili >i \i fr OvvaStOll the o£ the- qUt s cu, ■to was K:".- saw txdjio a . ’i 'w : t .• po ting Ray Ch*siVf:a n and co ■•.vork.ns at the .. enr.A i’ovlh.i were foil'-'W*.: Fo--'- 'LVMmi Mjs H -«n.Ue r a ' Cat tin'-', L. larrivv-s: Mr. Het " v;-. Mt; P M- SrnPh. !n v\* o.y : i bj ! hi ih ‘ tzifc^htnsn i stands; ) •M. : . V. I. B nii;i-• • V. G. Gill a. ■ d M.. : y. B. Sr:a,-per... la k. ! * W ;v sold 2Ukd ISk .1 UO y Mrs. J. D. SAorman. !>•- poos or: h- ' ! du. the lucky tic • ; ;ct receivin the uv :nty j ouiid t(.i ike v tv as M isn Br>Vt Povv • 1 Kgi Ihe v ,11.* .‘i?." aa b.tvj' viic* ; C and v. enjoyed of ail who j i L i,t' noccy. The siuti: grade is \ "ik:n, ;u»rd r " cm. practice teacher Miss Mars a s-'nii.r from St. Ausurtim-’r’ 1 : allege Fir Os GRADE Mrs. Sharper’s fifth grade is orking on different typ “s of pic ares for Thanks .iving. They are GREENVILLE ITEMS By Mrs L. R. Taylor GREENVILLE -■ When life is r. arte evident, then aad mere one -Juc&tioti begins, and those who .. r.. 1; 1 - ior tin iraiuing of is new am should aim to help it* 1 .ink .ati.ei tna . to disc ip in a He idiouid r, taught what to ■ ink and how to think for him eil rather than to corrow thoughts .nd ideas from others. O. I n, 1 .. 1 '...’ 1... ed '.eaud St it it . illy ,i.-’ well as literally, that he . ay be able to m et the needs of ,c. as weil as to live daily with | .is fellowman. Edceati. n tends to transform a mmile of iav/ materia:- into the! j -auiy of love, truth and honesty i l-.iis being true and more, we | . iioin God has entrusted children o our care should ..ce to it that ney get the best education pos .oie. Help to rnakt- our homes com .unities and country better b\ matin:; r-is becaus tfle cn-.uur.v ’ .•-pendii:. much for education. . such little co:.I to us. When; ..iicv is .p .t or id cation, no j •ne can .. an 1 tt:e receiver ; nenefitt. d ..irougii lift- it; uses it propc- UIIURCH Next Sunciay will tie Youth Day S. anv i\. lliil Baiitist Cburch.! Find time to worship there if ■ ou will and hear the Junto: Choirs sing. The directors nr. i lit. M. Y. Ninmto and Miss Chris- ; ne Clark Tin re will he a music fesitval , ; t Sycarnohe I lilt Baptist Church ! invM'iy, NQvyniber H at 7 o’clock in honoi of Mrs. Lillian Vi'note , Hardy fer the service she render. j out of town church choirs. These , •moils and the choirs of Green : ille Churohcr will parttcipat • in • a* tiMiyram. Attend this festiva ; .nd enjoy the variety of spicy spi- | or the Bisons will be Co-captain J. Bailey and R. Smith at thi j uvards, O Moore, center and C i Crudup and R. Burt or C. Grit ( fin at the forward slots. The .lav V starters will pro bably inch.(fie H. Rogers and W. I Jones as guards, R. Thomas, Cen- j ;. (•, and R. Payne and E. Bookeu . at the, forwards. We wish io extend a cordial in- ; citation to the many students, par- | tins and friends of the communitj ] to conic out and cheer your team on to victory Friends will be elated to learn that Mrs. Ruby Rogers Stubbs ha been released from the hospital. and b rapidly recovering from her ! recent illness j S’unday is Pastorial Day at the, First Baptist Church of Fuquay. { The folks there will greatly ap- j predate n our iirescni’e. THE CAROT.TXT AN icaciun... ‘-r.d r M. Sn-v . uiv III.*; .RY *. i t B Nf.V>< ■M: . 1 ibrary C v. Member ’ ’ ic - president; Beuir/.i :; . w ; ft: • . wary: t - ances uen in, . :t S'cretary and Jen • -.iwtttj E» uis treasurer. : '• i •. . ' : T t g u c has. : w:::..: i j - ih .- • rchool year. 1h • of • : s olioiv.-: Annie J. . -• •- are rs-'V* ? -’'‘as--’ due*;, and • L!i., ti.-- C-'vROLIN.AN. . The following .--i’ : a■; V Be:•;:iI:: Mb CLiM A: > TM ‘ster. Scn-cl, i AH dim and 1.-iia At P...1 l M y. s Ihe fi'.H'OV.'ini; Student.-: are racm ' . :s of e SclKX'l Fafety Potiv! Mae Chavis. Do- is SoclUngs and Fu'bert Dun:- The stud s r - classes urter their new ? Mr. Grant Beatty. •u ■■■■■’■! sinking. Rev. J. a. Nimnio and choir anc I x number or members o i dy .arnore * .:d; Ba; tr-t Church were at Da i : . tiapc-1 :n B a .Tort Countv near ..* mat S'.uiCiay aftc: -- - ... He pr auhea toe r.rdn.atioi. ■' new tb-..: • v Jam..s .Y. Gray. R. \ (Lay ;is a Tr.-uiuriral r.turte; ! at .draw 1 i U--.vM.-r, it.-. u x home ir in Simp- j j .-.on. N. (.'. Ihe Old Ea.-iern Missionary Bap-: i U:b, vs Union met fast Sunday • | at the Tiiuniph Baptist C'hunch of vhich Rev. E. N. Staton is Pastor : The president of the- Union i. i Mack Wm-eo and his good ieadtr j mp coupled with the good coopo- ; •’ at -.on of t u- officers and jnombers ■ : is making rapid pro- : .ir;-' doing a v.iy fim- work in, i ..dom ouilding. SCIIOOI NEWS ill contest for (gis fall of clem ..- Str i t School will close on N<- .;! i>r, 11, Every class Slopes to b. : i . winner schools are in o’os ivanc« ; An.e; it an Education week thi. ■week, and t-nuer the vVisc an ; ix'icient leadership and Muidant. j •>t Prof. \V. II Davenport who i u|.> .I’.-hwg principal link, d to- ' i Vi- with the of Miss S !. Saultcr, Mrr. A. B. Brown, anM I h teaimei's, a fine job is being Niue. Won’t you please help i: : ' nt P. T. A. or anyplace needed? CLUBS j The Pasloi's Aid Club of Sy rnore Baulict Church met: a.-'t Monday night at tne home : Miss tv Vie Mac Little. I -i »mk !i of Benedict Cl'ih : ct lait Sunday at the home of] rank Wilson. | Th Ro bud Ushers of Syca aptist Church met last • n a P M. with Mrs. Maiy Taft, i | -'Trs. Dorothy L. Barnes t.v presi ! lent. The Ladies Auxiliary of the a- ; .Vi limned chu ch met with Mrs. | tie Hat per recently. Mrs. Gather-j Got ham Smith is President, j The Junior Ladies Auxiliary j -t at the home of Mrs. Hannah j ! hi own on last Sunday. All hosts \ ■ id hostesses served delicious re-; • jasses at the close of the meeting, j SICK j Continuing on the sick list are! 1 Mrs Louise Hopkins, Mr. and Mr: . : tssie Barsihen, and J. B. Taft. 1 hey are doing nicely but still need j ■he prayers of those woo pray. ] ’in" will appreciate prayer, Encourage the CAROLINIAN by j >iving us your news and getting! j o t paper. Begin expressing your thanks for ! ! i ’ one race item by buying your I CAROLINIAN every week i dee Mrs. L. R. Taylor or Hamp ! iMn Lilly for your CAROLINIAN; | oday. ! .- s v/e move along the Highways ? our dear old North State, our i minds some times go back, think- j ng of roads and vehicles of the] :ast, or they may envision pic- j ores of the future. While having! ‘here mental pictures let us keep j j our thoughts tuned in the right j .1 ruction of travel so as not to! eve any kind of accident. Drive carefully at all times. FUQUAY SCHOOL NEWS Many vogue writers of both wo | .nenfs and men's apparel have j written many columns and articles n the various u new looks '. Now ; take our turn to write about I Our New Txiok School'' ; Hats off to our new principal, i .Vlr. W M. McLean, for steering i ur school to the following ‘New i Look” features: A graveled park | ing area and driveways; a new play j ‘round has been equipped with aeilities for swinging, .sliding, and circling, attractive bulletin boards; the installation of beau tiful Venetian blinds in the health center, office and home economics d €'*■"■ artrrcnt* four*- f ; tains liiat satisfy the State Health ' I Law, which' was quite inadequate { ! up to this point. You v. ould be amazed to know, | | that there improvements have all I I been done in less than two months i We are showing our gratitude by i ■- taking cair o£ tires* facilities and! Grads Hold Comma 1 ' 1 n CltU.-vh VVa,.,-! r't. vi' L'-'oll • ■HI . V. t f . iV. i. ti r J;. ; iii.ijy Q>v t . a £ fif.v r»it*ht d>>i -0• * .or the benefit .o' the Wtlion Be Kiel asking [ Cary Notes | M - G VI • \ JONES ( AEV Or. 4-j.I \ Uib '.vkiri a i ■ ...a the 'A'ir.uCf'b ci ‘at 1 Wa a a’-. ; .... . i -i a Youth's Achicv rftt'ia ! i lho thrift loving cup to. ; iViir; -o pen cent of its members itti savings accounts. The Me aanics and Farmers Bank was the or of the occasion, Shu. Lucy Jones and friends c j .. . r ’ art,, spent the day with j its. Jones' brother and sister) . i ' Mr ar:d "vlrs. Sidney Jones ::evv. e on taeir way to Florida j 1 : c d ,-orr.e time with rndativ • ,0.1 Fiends. Mis.v-t I ucinda and Beatrice'! . eh i of Portsmouth. Va. spent: | fit- *%et >eiui with their parents i 1 5 M, tth vv Beckwith, j _ . K. J.-union Street. ct e Mt Zion Baptist j nday :-po:"or"rl b' M" j Mae Coed was a hug* sue- 1 VV !• the! tve tiding bells arc 1 ' Or Mi ■ G -I’ Va F■a a: Ct j Holly Springs BY < OK A LASSITER i.t town of Holly Springs has; now tome? and a now scneoi. Tan ■ .. rtvei to mow pro-,;ess w i’h it: . ,n- done for the benefit and of th.- aiuldren m lao oniii'.unity and others. M■ ■■ Wonihfe, M»s. >1 - aid i : . f... -her. members of the Hoi ' p na. K 1. A tl t.'n j ■ .. i. tou til Anniuil P. T. A. Con- • . ii m, Nov mb..-: 7, at Z hulon. . (.:. r.-u re. u.av P. T. A merlin;, i.e hi:id November 1 i at 7:0: ; o'clock at the Heliy Spring Si hoof, i ... will u looking lor ail parent;.; li'.d fi:l i ' ■■■ tO <■ pi > ’..i. lit. H.ith Womble is visiting ei aunt in K- \v York <.'itv. Mi i•. i! Cone d was ..;inover the ! j ei'k e.-.i from college. • C'hure'i services wore held Sun- ; • ,v M lire AYiF, IVI-theciiot Church.! j iv, 11-f -.i 1! is the paylpr He j : p■• .ii h'-d a very jn-.-pirh.;; rneviMSc. ; Vhitiny at church Sunday was Pi. ! -or Ji :n Hart iron of C rn I i, 5: , M C. Re.;u|ar pr-aebin); | ivi" 'll be held next bo nday i jat the Cii isti.ui C iiurcli at il’.OO. ' o'ekii'i: i’i;eityrher lioaru :• paw, 1 :', i i nun-tan: at night Sunday. At ! r a ilie ■ Church of ' id? iCo J next Vunday. 1-il Jennie H.'ll Ada';:-. -.1. - pi ovine t epidly. Suj ;n:' the i net i Mr. G. T. Gi'isby is chairman of ROCKYMaUpAI “ j. .1 I VETERAN NURSE RETIRES ROCKV MOUNT High tribute was paid by various civic groups and lending individulas and offici als of Rocky Mount to the pioneer colored public health nurse of this cSy who retired alter serving j twenty-one years us guardian of j : the health of the city's ten to , twelve thousand race citizens. The ' honoree was Mrs. Daisy Oir Sell-. ms, a native of South Carolina, who joined the City Health De partment as a Public Health Reg istered Nurse tn 1932, and retired . November Ist, after 21 y< ars con tinous service, during which she , was the recipient of much praise mixed with abuse from ’hose : whom :be - ought valiantly to set - , i ve in the interest of better health | enjoying them. Many extra curricular activities | have been added to our school to . | make oui mark more enjoyable.! ! T vie activities are education*! and onjoyah l '- These Clubs ore: Thej Science Club, The Social Science j Club, The French Club, The N. H. i A. k The N. F. A , The Choral Club, , The Teen Age Club, The Me moir Staff In every walk of life, there is j usually some degree of compel! 1 lion. The classes Rom grades one j F.irouah twelve are in friendly l competition for the crown of Mis-: i b uquav Elementary and Miss Fu- , f ;t')V ’T' ! i rM- Pill Tmm y,.i.n'iw are U> hr named later, but luck io all of us. The Ht •• vest Festival, which shall ! b • me program to entertain the ■ I Fuquay Misses, has beer, set for , i November 19. i We shall follow this program in j j our next report. * ' 'TcA' el- . <•. .. r a \ ■ a r siC H.Ai'dhO Via Alherfh.i 1 Latin.?v, renter, port fierce. lU, ; ivigistd as "Miss \. i i ! i ' at tti • annual horn com ' -is eeicbratioii attraction hist Rambing In Chatham C’nty GOLDSTON PITTSBORO SILER CITY By D. W. Headen P. O. Box 55 Goldstoa, iNorth Carolina viUL. Slv.Y Hello you. now at anoth. r \vt cfc has passed and ua .November bavin- arrived, as .. many of us ran v. el! see, by | c rummer days ,;one and rains | ailing, winds blowing, sendee sta- S- ’ n in °h *)■'« kept busy, winterte- I .n s cars, fa l suppliers are on j -'•••' fie, and if yeu are asking me -is are j ■» r.o - starting. 1 found s out Friday nig’nt .«s I was j making m> rounds ' Rambling T:» ' Ci-.-uly", as I parked i v v. . vue to [ic i-. * that snow • • Lain It'd .SO ItiSl Gild i diS* | v. red 1 had to Gay • e.iu-1 tire j ! rcu bn ! n ir.ii it •;> . f it had no: been on a rainy- I spowy night to ston end change ■ v. r.u ir mush aid. Welt sc | .h fm Us: fmd 1 will not at ; n mat t v t■ i. i li.ruiioui v: the ’.virhold b.iib- because they ore i many. ■UAKJNT. iil: rOFNiJS Just ;*•? 1 proiei.-.r-d you, 1 shall • to htinii you the lot -. . v.s ever un> countv as 1 fine I r : i !•' - I, t everybody i am tu i ; ofa ' with ov t kend ha;! their minds on the oniecouun. . Foi.r.di’r's LGy at A :.i T. i ■>d. '.e and q' -to a numb-: f hronghi'..t fie o-•.any atu-abi! Ii w •>. , end to icavn that. Hem-' : I du '.‘v. -i victim of a heart adaik , vin Ctb ton. lie a j.-utient : -!) purf. e.f-1' ;r; !.:]•■" ! !' StroiVlCiil: and to help Ctl Use'. ■ ari.-uig in the eoipi:umily. ror all citizens. Nurse Selins drove j ter 1930 model Ford thousands o. j tidies many years over the city it J her daily visitations with patience j and forbearence. LOYAL PRESBVT CRT AN Somewnat of a stickler fo| dog ! i re.a, Nurse Sellers, in private lift was a lcyal and diligent membei j nf the Mt. Pisgah Presbyteriat | Church here where she support* 1 * j to itie ninth degree all church pro- j ' grams. Mrs. Sellers shares hei home at j 314 liigiand Avenue with h«r si ster, Mrs John M. Miller, Sr., wi dow of the late Dr. John M. Mill er, Sr., of Walterboro S. C. I>K. WILLIAMS AIH> fIfcSSLS PRESBYTERIANS In the absence of the Reverend James W. Barnette pastor of Mt Pisgah Presbyterian Chumi lane i . Di:. MaUjplm D. Williams of Til- \ i son and Raleigh, spoke to the con- j gregntion November Bth on “Tht i 'Confusion' cl Faith". Pinch-hit- * ting’ for Dr. C. El woo i Bouiwarc ;Of N. C (.oile;.’.*.'. Durham, orir.t 1 nally scheduled to fill the engage j nnr.l, created by trie attendance ;of Pastor Barnette at a ' ionic ■ coming event ai his homo church | m Pineviiie, N €.; Dr, Williams , sought to impress his audience j ! with the fact that we frequently j ; place wo much emphaats on Uit • ; doctrines of the- various laiY.ia «»<• ; ' not enough to the application o. i | Christian principles brother- ' I hood and service to humanity. Williams is a professor at Sbaw 1 University and oresident. of 'mb . .*■»•--• e.r<*.r • -y V’' '•>-D - f | tawba Sy nod as well as Cave F*‘'>'' ! Presbytery. Bo tinware is executive secretary of the council, and but I ', men have been key figures m the ! intensified efforts of the synod ! toward self-support and complete ; integration into the Presbyterian; ‘ Church, U. S. A. WEEK FXDTXO SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 14. 1953 X’s r J. :tturc l attrac tion was t '>« intes -*• i. v all auße S clue <* n Me ;gi. s and Florida A. i d M E aivci i>. 3> >mbers of her cm-A sre from left to rigid: * Bynum on the Bear Ck-Gohi j i x.) n ' 11 ;] h' va v. Mrs. Lain a .! xr of M-'.-ncure, N. lecently obsc.weci lu.:.- invui e.iy, however she faded to say y.' i i how old the was well "ttaU’d ,i:st like a woman" Mr<. Lee l"d say you re just cm* year id.u ; than last year. Miss Th. r«.-ssa Turner, a ronior • :.t Shaw University. Ralei-th, ;pr-nt the weekend visiting her pc tents, 'Hr. and Mrs. Sam Turner of O'Yu- Mr-: M.iMie L. P-ie.e r<- j■. rrc-'d to hei r sidenee iti Siler ; Vv after n brief visit to the Na- I u:>n's Capitol. Keen reactiivv the C ' ROUNIAH i :>.'}• week In Ch,U;,:u:t County, '.•YRCUKTAN'S are >ukl in J»iUs >rr» bv Richard TavYtv in I«>a o k at J. S.'.i Service' -•tation, in Gulf a! 'Shorty' Thomp on Ptacin GMdston i y ?, ■■ Headers, Jr., in Siler City am! Mu Edna Gtdd-ton and -on reli the ; C YROLINI.VN m th,- Taylor Cha»- ’-j Coinnnuuty If there ■toold any section of the county f.diu . !o receive the paper p‘< .'••w lot! . u-. know i'v dno ogling n’c :> c:ird ov ; phone 60-8 (iol«Tr-o.v hould : . i CA^CLI NIAN io v ROESTONE r | & Tubes Many Other Item's Fab .Auto, Farm nrsd Home. firestone HOME & AUTO STORE LILLINGTON, N. C, SUPPLIES li r < M'nk j'fUait.ii i vi rything you need, JJonov.i?- pfj Choir e.iul 1 Wtu*. ttevv—TuU ! >ricp, CHURCH SUPPLIES STEIN BLDG. Fa YE l TEVILLE ■nmrnn • ;ir rnrn- - - - —m ni in—irrri r>i *~ *3 iPlsfindtve II funcralScrrtcfs LJ -- efficient service .1 REGARDLESS f OF COST” > ] DAFFORD ■ FUNERAL HOME M Rhone 25J 5 “ Os INN. X. C. * seagm^ £Jm»>K£ i Hxttun zktfltz, Seagram’s I jtgSfo 1" /> im\ <7? i j&osm y £ i mm?* 1 BLINBID WHISKEY 86.1 Z PmcA Grain Neutral %»Mt§ ! * ✓ :7 "Tr*o-a Harris, Apex. N i . a .junior: Miss Oris i, ~e (surcton, Martinsville. Va,, T< ' miv. Miss Evelyn tt'i : k'.'tt. Henderson. N. C.. fresh man aml Miss Kathryn Wemolr. siler fity, N. a sophomore. :. Ciuinty t duill dv‘ my in that this b comes a re- U S. tu MM CLl’B C ..ji;:. j Wallace Jones is kiu.t : P, nie*ribers of Rie Gold i. ; Sc'::>ul Alumni Assoda ot f:.. -i ai '.uneat Robert's Chap to r-vet with him Friday night r- >\ Qetr.’.cr; The time will oe u !;t o'clock. TIIKRK SHOVIIi BE A t; A R ii EI M A N IN EVERN HOME A test lor measuring the fatness of live cattle, hogs, sheep, and •v-ats is providing a valuable new . • search ir. nutr tion and 'vendin'.; & t’tT- %% | Rv- UA.-' % Eff-m l>Ay 19 Wi&M? % BARGAIN °rir niANA 123-12., aNY STREET phone g-na / -f Q||\ ( x ... ...-i-G --VALUES W<- Lay and seli only the best In user cars Every model sold with gum ante- See us for real value* at ground level prices! Varbourgh Motor Company 115 W. Russell St Fayettevlie*