■ i iiii ji i, |i |: “'"Wj jHI p:ii»»™»t!i;jji||i;;:;?! i'i;i pni ppp |; |> nil « j iii; i > |i|Si§i a Ij i! |f ! ;i|" ■ll IIi" I 1 -:l! |Pll!||Jpl I lil 111 lll'lll ' ill li 1 :;;;|: ■*« |, 11 ii!nil!,,,' !m "I I % %, iu^\ . iH | i.!!! i iiii iih Lm ini, ;m! i .hi i lii * ju.Miii iimi.uii.nii Mae Freed In Sex Case %'-:m*r *m iScribblings * | BY DWH.HT » HILIJfS WILSON . I I iw*feSi-s«6i.. :mmzL- «•» -.«#* ~--r T| - ,„ ,i ',-.i T -in,m„.-Trr rrrrMii i-i ririrnirra in The other day, while waiting in | one of the many lines that form j in giftbuying seasons, I discovered j an ultracrepidarian standing in { front of me- He was holding forth j at large on the state of the world, I toe people in it, and hi. solutions for all world problems, large and sundry, it. was a great relief when! he departed. What s that? No, an ultracrepida rian is not something left over from the Mesozoic age. Simply put, j an ultracrepidarian is a person! who says a lot about things of which he knows little or nothing.; You know all gossips, some! college presidents, newspaper edi- j tors, ministers, lots of teachers ami I professors ,and of course, colum-1 nists. Hmrnm! This item isn’t going to j win me any friends, bin. it’ll give everybody a new word to throw at everybody rise, ** * * BAH, LJNOTVPER! The Scribbler extends special; greetings to the linotyper who j struggles manfully and well J C ontinued on Page 8 Mp**?®*" ••• ttSf ff f •*»•*•: OPENING THE CHRISTMAS SEASON ON SHAW U. CAM- Ptrs —The Home Economies Club ®I Shaw University presented a program tilled “The Hoi) Shoppe” December Ix, jn Leonard liuild ing. Students participating, dress ed as dolls of various nationali ties and descriptions are seated left to right: Annie Branch, freshman of Beaufort; Lee It a- j ehel Jones, freshman of Spartan- j burg, t». Helene Williams, | \ CHARLOTTE A mistrial in I the case of Willie James .Massey, i 33, probably saved the v-rr’s lift* f and perhaps gave him iris freedom i for Christmas. I Massey Vda charged with raping ! a Greenville, S. C. white women. . the wife of a dentist, j Tan white men, one white wo i man, and mo colored man, c>-’r. j prised the jury that ri “liited in j the mistrial after a 10 hour .«»>:. ion. Judge Francis O. Ciat ksmt spent i 1 I*2 hours giving the jury its j charge I Massey, a native of Union Cour.- | t.v. was charged with th. ; ! woman near Maithows. According to tile woman's story, Massey offered her a i ride as she was walking along I the road. She claim she re fused and alleged tnat Mas».'c> dragged, her across a field and into u wooded area, where, she claimed, the man raffed her, j Continued on Page S Final Rites Held For ! 106 Yr. Old Resident RALEIGH - The funeral of Mrs Bet tie Harris, who .lived to reach the ripe old age of 106 was held Tuesday evening, December j 22 in the chapel of Lightnc-r Fu | nersi Home. | Up until about three months a ’ go. Mrs. Harris was an active rnd freshman of Kinston; Elsie Wal ton, sophomore of Raleigh; Pa tricia Batts, junior of Roseiiiil, Arlene Hail, freshman of Coun cil. Standing, left to right, Mrs. Josephine Edgerton, (guest of Ra leigh); Ada Green .freshman of Swan Quarter; Ellen Stewart, freshman of Raleigh; Helen Wil liams, freshman of Kinston; Jean Darden, sop home re os New York City; Lula Johnson, freshman of Rocky Mount; Lizzie Hurson, J Church Body; Looks Boars! GOLDSBORO A nine year j oka chir.'cij squabble involving a j 1 '. ns <• timated at less than' ".• ;i! continue in Wayne j C-ur.ty S-.iperior Court in Janu-j j arv The Church involved is the New ' j H.-«he! Freewill Baptist Church at I ■ F ■ i-iTiont. I Judi;e Clawson L. Williams is | sued a temporary injunction this j Vf’ek maintaining the status quo 1 tiwt permit; each of the two argu j ing factions to use the church on Continued on Page 8 spry old lady who moved around without the aid of cane or stick and was able to knit and sew without, the use of glasses. At the time of the Civil W.tr, Mrs- Harris was 14 years of ase and she recalled many Conlirticd on Page 8 freshman of Shelby; Mr# Alice Joyner, a senior of Raleigh; Myr tle Harris, freshman of Camden, S. C.; Liaise Jones .freshman of Raleigh; Carrie Vyaikins, junior of Rockingham; and Lucille OfII, a sophomore of Raleigh. Tire pro gram was directed by Mrs. B. Yancey Jervay, assisted by Mrs. HarvrieigJi R. White and Mrs. Vtur.l:' p. Tutsle, Instructors In i the Hume Economics Department j of Shaw University, ON EARTH PEACE CHURCH CASE !N COURT THE CAROLINIAN VOLUME THIRTEEN K A LEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA WEEK ENDING SATURDAY," DECEMBER 26, 3 953 " NUMBER TWO* S!1 Hll CTAR B If ■ 1 Mil ★ ★★★★★ ★ ★★★★★ ★★★★★★ % ik it it & ★ A ★ ★ ★ Local Businessman Portrays | The True Os Christmas Caroline Feled By j Native City COLUMBIA, S. C ('Special) -- Governor James Byrne.!' South Ca rplina capita], sept_ |y gjgvy propa* { ganda wave of ’interracial good- 1 will cut here last Saturday ns J. : C. Caroline, the sepia aII-America i , football star, was given a rousing j I welcome home for the holidays. 1 The idea for the celebration j j seems to have started at Caroline's j j high school alma mater, R. T. i Washington, where H. B. Ruther- j j ford is principal. The idea Caught fire, however. ; and city officials, the merchants | association and other prominent lo- I cal citizens formally organized a j "Committee for Caroline". In addition to regular airline ! Continued on Page 8 Frozen Body Is Found j CHAPEL HILL - - Death, ap parently from freezing, came to : Miss Eula Norwood, 41, here last j week. Miss Norwood, who returned to i Chape! Hill about three months I ago from Danville, Va, where she | had been working, was seen alive I last on Friday about 3 o'clock. She was found near the local j elementary school. A brother, Marvin Norwood, was j Continued on Page 8 38 N. C. Negro Schools Rated By So. Association The Southern Association of Secondary Schools and Colleges accredited the Merrick-Moore Con solidated School of Durham last! week, bringing to 38 the number i of accredited Negro schools in ; North Carolina. This announcement was made by Superintendent Charles H. Chew ing of the Durham County Schools recently. Mr. Chewing pointed out that 35 public schools for Negroes State News In Brief —,—. .——————— —■— —————— j j NO APPOINTMENT RALEIGH lt appeared an old story here last, week when the State Textbook Commission's 11 members were appointed without any apaprent Negro represents-j tion. Associate Justice E. B. Denny | swore the group in while Gov. j W. B. Umstead looked on, i U STITCHES REQUIRED j DURHAM Willie Wilson, 114! Verbena. St., is being held in jail j here on charges of inflicting knife wounds on Ceplius Allen, 114! Pea-- htra Street, requiring 2' stitches it Lincoln Hospital. -7-'- / j ’1 J ! \ VAI | ' .y j' I * J* : S W . H 101.4 !. .mitC ft/VN i' i L. - * -i SANTA CLAUS Mir- James P. Furpless, left, manager of the Carolina Rim and Wheel Com pany, Raleigh, recently donated a wheelchair to Miss Nancy An j drews, invalid Oberlin resident, i Miss Andrews, who has been ; j paralyzed for all of her 18 years, ■ Is shown on the right as she re i taxes in her wheelchair. Until j the chair was given to the young [ I lady, she was forced to use j regular chairs, which were very uncomfortable. Upon further in vestigation, it was found that Mr, Furplesa has donated many other gift* to lens fortunate per j sons in this city. See. story else j w here this issue. BTAKFOTO ' ICY CHAS. R. JONES. in North Carolina and three private institutions are accredited. The association took its action in a meeting held in Memphis, j Tennessee earlier this month, Ac creditation followed an evaluation made by a committee from the as sociation last March. It will en title Merrick-Moore graduates to bo accepted for college admittance without taking entrance exarm- Uontimied on Page 8 FINOS BODY RAX 'SIGH Norse Walters, j janitor employed at an apartment building at 138 St. Mary’s Street, here, this week discovered the badly decomposed body of a white woman in the woman's bathroom. The woman was identified as Mrs. Haze). Poole, 29 Police say sue died apparently from an effort to abort herself. She and her hus band were separated, according to I officials l at State College where! the was employed as a secretary I in the Department of Forestry. Continued on Page 8 1 i'jijUi; PS l*liali“ !l 11 till ill Mil > 1 ill ! |j!;J|!|| I ' "il* I I I t III;, | i ‘Uliii I 'lij II 1 1| ,i! Il I 11 I'll mlMih \ ..ill I ii.d iliS’iiiiil *»niis liil iii iniilil'lii! Hiiiit II i I iHiii i > • ii ! hi... i»! iinniii. ill v AMONG MEN OF GOOD WILL.” I J 1 Sfijb I iHt m |WI, 111? Alleged Killer Will Get Fast Trial in S. C. Crime me ww mm *»* *■»> o 9m eak mg I COLUMBIA, S C. .Special i i j The nation-wide manhunt for Ray- I mond Carney ended last week lc.-s j than twelve miles from the point where it began, and South Caro lina police ,say the 38 year old Negro has confessed the grisly slaying of a 15 year old white! girl and her 22 year old male ! eort. Recent developments in the case | point to «ri early trail for Carney j as feeling nanin.st turn continued ! to run high in South Carolina : £jQ&M | ' P«e\- - y Y a fljßpwpp GRID ACE WELCOMED TO | SOUTH CAROLINA J. €. Ca roline, all VincHca halfback on | the. University of iiinols’ foot- : call team, is shown here at the i W ’•NUP' W jHe was whisked from a South eastern Florence County jail short ly after his arrest and placed il a "maximum security cell” at. the State Penitentiary. First reported! j to have rejected the idea of having j I a lawyer defend him, Carney told j reporters on Monday that he does j want a lawyer out doubts that •he’li be able to afford one. Hi* wife, Mrs. Margaret Car ney, had already been arrested arid charged with accessory as- Continued on Page 8 Columbia fSC) Airport last , Saturday (second from left) re- ! ceivlng greetings from his moth- ; ct\ Mi's. Bennie (>«n' people. To the little shild it is a vision of Santa bringing; ;:fts and goodies, for some grown ups. it is n time for merriment, celebration, feasting and reveling with srately a thought for the real dgnificance of the occasion Greed t.ess, selfishness and gratification of the materia] impulses have i. - most succeeded in pushing the mage of Christ, bringing blessings end comfort, from the hearts of consciousness of mankind . Despite the materialism and the commercialism that are now false ly parading as the symbols of Christmas, a .half grown cripple irl out on Qberlin Road, has ma on to give thanks that, there are til! those who remember that 'nristmas is a time for sharing the blessings of God with those less fortunate. Nancy Andrews has never known what it means to run and play, All her life she has been affected v, ith a pgralising malady that has wasted he; lover body and de prived her of the use of her fetA and legs. Her parents, both of whom are now dead, faced with the responsibilities of caring for many other children besides Nan cy, were never able to give Nancy the care and treatments which might have alleviated bar condi tion .Even the comfort of a wheel chair for Nancy was far beyond the reach of this mother and father. After her parents* passing, the cart; of Nancy was assumed by her older sister, Naomi, who, with the pitiful means available to her, has Continued on rage 8 i treme left, his grandmother, j Mrs. Minnie Pearl Yarby, and j Columbia City Count liman, Ma ! Hmi Parks.