Shaw University Gets Quarter Os Million sss - ' • ...JP> Jjgafefo. -g% *m&r •£ JHSwj ■ * .>iJa»v. <*. rSPL»T saßftSk' •• > «>,, '*S®\ .i*' : rS.'-; ,- -aSssPSK? •!■'' - ati; iMßret- .Aftag» J : L '-iLsfesi&d «mi&Sßl.«f AaapHagKffip- .;JfflHfc'.„>•«■• SB; $/' . ..,j r l n?’-If RED CROSS OFFICIALS RE- j CEIVE AWARDS— Three Rocky : Mount Volunteer Workers, who bs%e given unstinting! y of time and energy for fifteen years, a massing together, a total of more then 7.500 hours service are tScribblings * | BY DWIGHT I | - . | E DISCLAIMER I was quite surprised to find i an expose of my life in THE CAROLINIAN. They certainly j must have some good research peo-1 pie, for nobody asked me anything j about my past. The picture X did' know about- The publisher wrote; asking for one, so T promptly went, down to the postoffice and swiped | a picture of one ci the FBl's ten' most wanted men. Pious looking cuss, wasn’t he. •* « » ADDENDA While the article read better than a good obituary, now I fee! hurt that the nosv report er who dug the material Up didn't add that I also belong to some top-heavy organizations. Namely: International Council on Archives; .American Ilistori cal Association; Society of A merican Archivists; American j Association for State and Local History; Manuscript Society; Bibliographical Society; Acade my of Political Science: Ameri can Association of University Professors; and Omega Psi Pbi. I sm also a member of the Na- i tional Association of Cut-Throat j Pinochle Players; and the oniyj reason for my not belonging to, Truman's Poker Club or that other! Dwight's Golf Club is that I don't j feel at ease with Secret Service j men hanging around. It must be admitted that I was expelled from the Southern Division of the Clam Chowder and Marching Club be cause of my preference for oyster rte-w and sitting. CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 Fayetteville Worker Dies In Earning House FAYETTEVILLE The charred] body of 58 year old, A. J (Monk) Jernigan was taken from the ; smoldering ashes of a one room' house here last week, after the; flames had subsided enough fori would-be-rescuers to examine the] house. Jernigan Is said to have lived j In the house alorte- Hie fire was I discovered by Thoipas Harlee, who; lives across the street. He told! officers that flamcV were leaping j from the house when he discover- 1 ed the fire and that he feared for Jernigan's life, due) to the late-' ness of the h.eur. Firemen were unable to deter-j mine the cause of the, but: said that a two-burner oil stove i With a bursted tank on it is be-; Jirved to have been the cause. The! failure of the firemen to stop the blaze accounted for the fact lhatj it was hard to determine the cause, | The Coroner said that the body would be examined to determine! whether Jernigan had fallen or suffered any injury, either trying to escape, or due to foul play 'J’ne idea of foul play was almost ruled out, but the investigation was thought to be necessary in order to clear tip any doubt. Local Resident Missing Mrs. Dorothy Clemonts, 23. has been reported missing from he*l home since last Tuesday the City Police's Detective Divi sion reports. The woman's disap pearance was reported by her mo ther, Mrs. Mary B. Brown, 32-f Cannon Street, who said she left home at 9 a. m. Tuesday enroute to her job. The woman failed to appear at the residence and has not been seen since, officers said. Mrs. Clemonts is described as being five feet, five inches tali ana weighs one hundred and six- U -five pounds ; Die Stsns.cfei.rJ Printing C onpnacy bPrwhf’ (' «?pi jf-r- Cxissc .jCUi.r.' --j-- '<> * » ; shown as they received Red Cross 1 pins in recognition of their meri- I torious work in the community. Giving the awards is Tom Win- j ters. chairman of the Nash- j Rocky Mount Red Cross Chapter, ; under which the colored auxili- j Raleigh Citizen Leaves Money For Worthy Help I The news that Attorney Edwardt : A, Johnson, native of Raleigh, and | New York practitioner, had re-. I raembured two local projects in! ; his will was received with much, : joy this week. j The benefactor is known to have I left two-thirds of his $76,000 estate to the blind members of Wake i County and to the First Congrega -1 tional Church, Manley and South j Streets- United Church To Hear Benjamin Mays Monday B. F- Carter, general cha:rman.; 15th Annual Institute of Religion j sponsored by the United Church ; | said here Wednesday that church ; ; leaders throughout the state had | expressed a desire to hear Dr ' Husband Loses Life In ! Triangle Love Affair BY CHARLES K. JONES i RALEIGH A local Joe Louis Park resident blamed whiskey and another woman in the fatal stab bing of her husband here last Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Rosa Ragland, 45, faces a ' charge of first degree murder in the death of Ernest Ragland. The j Tlie victim was an employee of | Thompson Plywood Company and I was a native of South Carolina. Raleigh Host To Older | Coys Confab Jan. 31 | The annual meeting of the Ex-j I ecutive committee of the N. C, : YMCA Older Boys Conference will be held at the Bloodworth Street ] j YMCA, Raleigh, Sunday, January; j3l at 11:00 A. M, it has been an ; nounced by E. L. Raiford,director, i The purpose of the session is to ' plan the 11)54 conference to con ' vene at the West Charlotte High ] School, Char lotte. April 23, 24, 25. | Attended annually by around 300 j J. H. WHEELER i ... President ary functions. Left t« right are; Prof. Boyd L. Ancrum, A. W- Holland school principal; Dr, J, | I W Black, dentist and civic lead er; Winters, and Prof. Charles j T- Edwards, principal, Lincoln school. Kcilibrew Photo, cour tesy Rocky Mount Telegram. ! The announcement was made b City Attorney Paul F. Smith to : the Raleigh City Council at a meet • iR S held by the body. Smith told i the Council that he had received a document from New York which told of the bequests and that all income from a trust fund of 542.000 dollars had been made available! to the city of Raleigh for the two! agencies. CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 ’< Benjamin Mays, world enurch : leader and president of Morehouse College, Atlanta, when he appears i :n the second of its current series, j j which is now being held at the' CONTINUED ON PAGE S tragedy occurred at the home! :nf Ragland's alleged "girlfriend", | | Ttlle Green of Best Street here, i ! According to information ©b» j ,| tained from Lieutenant R. A- Liles i iof the Raioigh Detective Bureau, 1 ! this reporter learned that Ragland j and his wife had been on a drink ing spree throughout the day. I Late in the afternoon, Ragland | went to the home of the Green woman and was in the act of drinking a cup of coffee when his wife entered the house. An argu ment reportedly ensued and Rag land is said to have reached into his pocket as if searching for a weapon. At this point, Mrs. Rag land stabbed him with a small pairing knife which entered in the ; area of the heart. Ragland, who did not realize I CONTINUED ON PAGE fi i boy delegates and adult advisors She N. C. YMCA Older Boys Con ference is the oldest and best! known conference for boys in the I stale. Boy officers of the organization CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 r'' v *<£; & ~$X.- sX'i 'V^w^TOSfaai^'Kj&.'&*!s $98,000 BRANCH BANK BUILD- | ING Shown above Is the new ] Fayetteville Street Branch of the | Mechanics and Farmers Bank, j Durham, which was recently j constructed at the cost of S9B,- I \ Dying Mo th e r Exclaims PLEASE GOD, SAVE ME! THE CAROLINIAN I VOLUME THIRTEEN _ RALEIGH " north"CAROLINA" WEEK ENDING 'SATURDAY, JANUARY 11^954 DUMBER 6 | News Shows Wave Os CRIME M N.C. l Youth Usss ilanuner To | .Murder Man i GREENSBORO The receru ! North Carolina crime wave struck here Saturday night and left John; Cecil, 78 year old. Monroe Town-! ship carpenter in its wake, as the' result of a confessed hammer; murder, by John. Anderson, 19, of i Brown Summitt. The confession shocked ♦;». and threatened Anderson's life Anderson further aiie.,cd, in tint i j confession, that he started out of ! the house and Cecil i\ .low.-u. j After he got outside, Cec:i still j pursing hm, he picked up i ham - • j mer and chased Cecil around tin j house, finally catching up wo.. I aim and striking him ov .r tru [head, with the hammer, two i.-r.- ... j to defend himself against the at i tack. The confession relate . He i He did not relate what Cecil did then picked up the gun and carried it back in the house- Anderson is quoted ns • r-o. .- that he took $2.00 off oi the man and then went into the boo ~ nmi got $lB 00 out of a <: av.«i ■.: , i; ... really happened and to : .: .•■■ ambulance, aboui 4 p. n I ■ i then that he !<>»::<; •: . re killed tne 78 ytu.t old .»• li was driven to the home t / f. whom he told to wait a dir from the house. Cecil's brothel tuld of going tm the house and finding a .."in w ■■ n he took home with him The body i was found Sunday morning, near! the side of the house, about 20; or SO feet from the front door. 1 Anderson was held without bond.; I in the county jail. He will, in alt; probability face a charge of der and robbery at the the next! term of court. 1 irirnin—rnr~i —i —n~"T”ii —— • • • vnmvtm j 000.00, The officers of the hank | held open house for patrons j and friends last week. This ! brings the total of branches ope ] rated by the institution to t wo, I The Raleigh Branch is located DR BUN CHE PRESENTS CARVER AWARD—Dr. Ralph Ruwh« is shown presenting the 195 S Gold award of the George Washington 1 Carver Memorial institute to Paul G. HoiTman sical education at North Caro : lina College. Durham, was the fucst speaker. Dr. Weathytord. | who is also field representative of ; the North Carolina Recreation So • eiet.y, lias been a leader in the 1 promotion of recreation for Ne i groes of the state for many years. '' The Community Center, a brick on East Hargett Street. The 1 i branch offers ail modern bank | ing conveniences, including drive in facilities and night deposit ing. The citizens of Hayii, Fear sontown, Mutual Terrace and i j construction, includes a .large ganv | room, library, kitchen, U c.b roon ; cloakrooms, and closets. The build ing which was begun last spring, I j was completed last week. NOTED CHOIR SINGS AT SHAW ! RALEIGH The conceit chop-' . of Bothune-Gookman College pre CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 FMm-Flammer3 Gut $560 In Old Trick BURLINGTON I-ocal citizens ! are still amazed at the -v a „» I»L=- Annie Christian turned over to three unidentified confidence men the sum of $560.00 in that age-old trick of having found a pocket book full of money and wanting to split the find with someone. The story unravels like a fairy tale- Mrs. Christian, whose hus band was killed last year and is believed to have received a siza MeDougald Terrace will be glad to note that the bank will remain open on Friday until 4 p. m, Showm at the left of the build ing is J. H. Wheeler, president | and on the right is I. O. F under i burg, cashier. i i islisijoro I Asylum To Get Buildings ° i > '’;tL i ':#Tr'c,vr:' BV HENRY C. MITCHELL GOLDSBORO (Special) North Carolina State Hospitals', general business manager. Roy M. Purser! announced recently that a tenta tive decision had been reached on location at Goldsboro of a $4.5 million dollar mental institution 1 for Negro children. It will be the! first of its kind for Negro children ,n North Carolina. Purser, v. ,;h other representa tives of the Board of Control, vi sited Southbury, Conn., just before Christmas to study a similar nat ionally famous training school lucre. It is hoped the school will •' set a pattern rather than follow one- Need for a Training School | for Negroes comparable to the ; < we. School for whites, was emobastz' '! some * • • od,ooo, known i CONTI M F.l> ON PAG!! 6 ! the new Ik,pun Head, iaiders j ouikling here. Tile mu v;. os were held in the i University Church at 11:00 a. m j !| nd at the headquarters bunding, corner of Wilmington and Lenoir Streets at 1:00 p. m. Dr. P \. Bishop, president of ! the General Baptist State Conve-n --j (ion of North Carolina called the ; : roup to worship. Following Dr. Bishop was the Rev. A. D. Logan of Reidsville, N. C. who read the j scapture. | Gieeliugs were extended by the ; following persons: Attorney F. J. ! Carnage, on behalf of the citizens ;of Raleigh; Dr. 3 T. Hairston, j Greensboro, on behalf of the I Board of Missions; Dr. W. R. Stras • sner, on behalf of Shaw University; Mrs. Ellen S. ALton. on behalf ! of the Woman's Baptist Home and | 'Foreign Missionary Convention; Dr. M. A- Huggins, on behalf of the Baptist State Convention; Dr. i Wendell C. Somerville, on behalf i of the Lott Carey Convention and i the Rev. T H, Brooks, on behalf of the Oxford Orphanage. The Reverend Thomas Kilgore, pastor of the Friendship Baptist Church, New York City, delivered the main address- He admonished the baptists of North Carolina to continue to climb and let the new headquarters building serve as a stepping-stone to greater things. Music for this occasion was fur nished by the Shaw University Choir under the direction of Har ry Gil-Srnythe. The new building was formally presented to North Carolina Bap tists by M. A. Ham, architect. Dur ham. N. C. and H, L. Thompson, contractor, Raleigh Dr. Oscar S, Bullock, pastor of the First Baptist Church hi re pre sented the deeds and documents to Dr. P. A. Bishop. Dr. J. W. Tynes, chairman of the Trustee Board, Greensboro, pre sented the keys to the new struc ture- The New Baptist Headquarters building was accepted by Dr P A. Bishop, Rich Square, on behalf CONTINUED ON PAGE 6