BEX ENDING SATURDAY JANUARY 23, 1954 f ' ■ • -V r F>. "EES AND TWINS ON J, *H * 1.7. CAMFVS -Vr, mi students »t Shaw University are ’-, might «*(» of sist'-vrf V. ':«. h in tiiilifrj t\» i* si IS 01 !•’> 1 -S| I <’ : 1 Me, standing left to r%ht: .(•<>•«•« s '£, Lassiter, .-,. ir a;m. an -of Vs i»*i • * sor; Libby V. Ls*.v,Uer, a junior HMrMMW«wataM smx# - ROCKY ViOCNT K. ! < Oc s YOES. fiET AWA: :i ROCKY iv . .i. - Three cl oi nitv; n j a- ; . ; t.' the total iidiv mi vs 7<570 hours theta. jnnUSMWBW :'•* .-«** »WS»«»«KIS*««IIS* * w i i; -. $5 I j S | i I Dunn’s Service j r ■■ pHlvdg Luxe C-E WASHER-w,! ■ ' Z*~/ F •tjammeszs. SET. _. I SVE IX) our OWN FINANCING Tire Sales & Service Co. the GOOS&jfifEAft PLACE I ; 401 Hillsboro Street Dial 7577 1 of Windsor; Margaret J Monk, a. junior and Marion V. Monk, a !>-"sh®an of Magnolia; Mary tVidhnvs. a freshman of Raleigh, j j Dorothy Williams, a sophomore •‘ s.nie W. Holland: Kii 0.-ntary School, and Dr. J W.j BPok, popular dentist, each of! whom have rendered approximate- j ■ ■ - \ !m eer service to the community with the Red Cross.' aevo. : so Mr Winters. Aocruml is crodded with 15500 hours ser-.{ vice and Edwards with 3370 hours * .w-le ■ Black served more than j 500 ho'r.s, each in various capaei-j lies; such as auxiliary chairman; mTV jcC con'll It 166“ Tf r, .d j ■ teaching of first aid and other j iP 1 Cross courses, beginning with! | 1939. : r JAMES BVPTIST GIVES 538 TO BAIT IST BUILDING The St. James Baptist Church.! j Rev. W L. Mason, pastor, is jiving j ! ty College, Durham. i tenth of his increase C'in from | the fruits of the soil, and Abel i from the firstlings of his flock, i And down through the ages people 1 have observed the tithe as a j standard means of giving. So deep | ly has this method been impress | ed upon the minds of humanity that while sin has driven God from the heart It has not driven the law from the memory of man There is no scripture basis for | anyone to say that the tithe has j been done away with by the tea- ; | ehing's of Jesus. The New Testa - i ment deviates from + he tenth as a | standard of giving in only one { way— upward- A Christian fail-: i ing to tithe is sinning. Malachi; | says in robbery. I There are two very essential • | reasons for tithing The first and | main reason is to recognize Cod ' as the owner of all things. The 1 | second purpose cf tithing is the. j upkeep of God’s house. The support of the ministry and charity. Any Christian who tails to do these things Is not living up to the precepts of Christianity, j Tithing is not limited to the lay | men of the Church it includes the, i ministers too. lit, other words every- j | one should tithe If we fail to I tithe we will bo punished by God j The man today who robs God | grow* haM aid stingy, he puls • little into his religion and get.-. | little out of it. Faith slowly dies within him and he loses die joys j of service. The principle of life j is give and live, deny and die. I God gvea, He wants us to be like j Him in giving. Sunday morning worship service j of the First Baptist Church was conducted by the pastor, Rev R B Sykes. The theme of the ser- j vice was, “Prayer Changes Things”, j { The sermon was very timely, and j the speak.r used various scriptures ; ! to prove that, our lives would be j ! much sweeter, if we would re- ort j more to prayer V/a wera happy 1 to have a large representation o f i the faculty, of the Fuquay Con-j solidftted High School for morning; worship Also present was Mrs. j Adelia Brooks of Baltimore, Mrt. i One of the highlights of the I morning service, w»a the ceremony , in which the ’’Brownies” of this j area recited the scout pledge and j received their pins, os they form- j ally became a pari of the scout ing program in this community The Brownie troop is under the supervision of Mrs. W. M. McLean, j and is sponsored by the Missionary j Auxiliary of the First Baptist j Church of Fuquay. Music for the service was ren- ; dered by the senior choir, under | the direction of Mr- E Haywood. | Mrs. W. Jones was pianist. Bszzell Cre-ek Baptist Church is, happy to report that their Sunday School has greatly improved in attendance under the administra tion cf their new pastor. Rev. Lynch and Superintendent, Mr. Randsorn Green. The attendance last Sunday wm. very encouraging, and hope is shared by everyone | that this number will continue ; to increase every Sunday. Among | the new members who became a ; part of the Sunday School this i year were: Mr. and M..-. Rommie j Burt, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Joe j Stuart and son, Mr. Archie Stuart, Mr. James Stuart and Mrs. Jeanette j Stewart and daughter. The Junior Missionaries are ask ; ing everyone to come out to then ! program the-first Sunday evening! in February at. 7:30, The pastor, Rev Lynch will be the principal j speaker. Rev. Lynch is a very in-j spiring speaker and a sermon lona j to be remembered is anticipated j Friends of Mr. John Beckwith j will be happy to learn that the ■ condition of his recent illness is; greatly improved, and he is now ( back home with his family. Mrs. j Patrick Harris has also returnee i from Duke Hospital, and is report- | ed to be doing fine. Mrs- Bessie j Holland if- confined to her home i with illness HISONS Mr*T CLAYTON rmiltSDA YNIGHT I’he Fuquay Cormolidated High f School’s Bison* and Bisonetieg will! I engage the boys and girls teams 1 ! i .i! the .schools Gynitorium Thurs-. i day night at seven-thirty in a j rii. üble leader. After a lay off dur- 1 ! ii'.g the recent .spell of bad weath j er, the basketc-ers wilJ take time i i off for semester examinations the ! 3. 4. and 5. of February. Games remaining to be played are: Jan. 2G. Horton High at Fu quay; Feb. 2, Merrick-Moore at Fuquay, Feb. 3, Berry O’Keliey at j Apex: Feb, 11, Harnett County • Training School at Fuquay. Feb ! 16, Merriek-Muore fit Durham; ! Feb 18, Berry O’Kelly at Fuquay; Feb. 23, Harnett County Training School at Dunn: Feb. 25. William Cooper at Fuquay and March 2, Pikesville at Fuquay. The return game with Garner will depend on , the completion of their gym tori urn. Friends if you have any news send it to 137 North West Street.. Others would like to know what, you are doing too. Be sure to get it in to me by Monday morning if you want it printed that week. Hudson - Belk Basement i Rummage Values Slashed To Pieces FROM EVERY FLOOR Brought to The Basement for this GIGANTIC SAI I? kJJt k* LjJkwt Close outs * Soiled Items * Odd - Lots * Broken Sizes * Seasonal Merchandise THREE BIG DAYS * Thursday * FRIDA, Y * Saturday 9 Til 5:30 9 ’til 9 9 'til 5:30 2 Hours Free Parking East Davie St. Parking Lot Hudson Belk. ( Sw*i»t«rs» C*?o*ilia’s- Lsargtfal Sfe»r« Frink HI School News LA GRANGE Tne Frink. High, P T- A. met in the school Case- 1 tcria Tuesday Evening, January I 12, ai. S:CG |j. uj With the jh'ealCienl, i Mi . M. F. Danrels presiding. Du»-} ing the meeting, everyone enjoyed hot coffee, chocolate and cup cakes prepared by the home-econom 1c department with Mrs. Peadetta Piunix and Miss Gloria Payne as sisting. The association is making plans to h. ve j banquet in the very near future. The regular 4H dub meeting was held in the school’s auditorium for : 4H club members, 'Wednesday. Jan i uary 12, vitli Miss Victoria Black, Lenoir County Negro Home Demon - stration Agent and Mr. W N. Pay* Sunday is Pastorial Day at St. Augusta and Rogers Chapel. Go to the Church of your choice- ton, Farm Agent The dramatic# club under the ■ dii actions of Miss Geraldine Woo ten will present d.j o— play* m tiie school audiorium very oon. The plays end ca&t aiv as follows: "For Tim Love of Mike” Nata lie Lester, Hilda Dawson; Pauline Lester, Hilda Davis; Mrs. Lester, Theima Daniels; Maggie Holmes, Patsy Hines; Geranium, Re tha Fordham; Michael O’Malley, Nor man Miles; Mr. Lester, Bryant Lof tin; Hank, Paul Wade; Fete** Wal ter Best "The House of GreecF ™» Lotitia Roberts, Velma Pathway; Carlotta Hendricks, Herowcna Aldridge; Ma mie Field, Janie Simmon*. Ge venda Lee, Bessie Hooker; Cedric Roberts, Oscar Jones; Jerry Mc- Arthur, Lonnie Dawson; Detective Brooks, David King. PAGE FIVE