PAGE SIX Continued From Page 1 SCRIBDLINGS | *♦ * * Now that THE CAROLINIAN i :ici Iha. :■ dons with scattering i loec-buri* at my feet, perhaps we t c. .1 get in another story involving j i cowers. Actor Monty Woolley once spent j a weekend in a New Yotk hotelj ■ hare the service was deplorable. 1 V hen he was ready to leave, he; walked into the manager’s office J carry a huge bouquet. "There arc for the switchboard i Operators,” he said. The manager eyed the flowers j end winked slyly. "I understand,"! re murmured. "You can be sure 1 1 will be discreet —” Woolley stiffened angrily. “Don’t j ft- an idiot”, he growled. "1 thought! they were dead." *** * i GITTrNo PERSONAL Some time ago I read an item; about a cook who had a pleasant., amiable husband with but one! fault. He just wouldn t work. | One day the woman for whom j the cook worked began making j uncalled for comments on the bus- ■ band's laziness and concluded her j tirade with “T really don't see' why you put up with a man like that. After all, you are the one: who earns the living.” "Yes”, the cook replied calmly, i "I earn {tie living but he makes! tne living worthwhile” That, story could cause a lot of serious thinking on the part of both husbands and wives. Do you! enjoy being together or must you; have other people around in order; t have a good time Do you take . an inteiest in each other's hobby,' or do you have a hobby? Do you read aloud from time to time? Dr i you say “I love you” to each; other at least once a day? Do; you frequently do things you don't; feel like doing just to please the,; family? Are you as polite, to each! other as you are to strangers? Do ! you make tin: • to play with the children? Do you ever give some, thing just to be giving and not because it is a special occasion? Do von l-wep complahiinc and vi.-,sing at the minimum and sin cere praise at the maximum? Marriage, and living, would be more worthwhile if couples set! out to enjoy and appreciate earn j < ther instead of sitting in the state! of matrimony like an unshelled! egg in the cake tatter. * 4 * m GAPIN' OF THE WEEK The nomination for 'one who. looks, but does not see" goes this week to the college professor ; \v o refuses to speak, much less. t. ik to 'indents outside of the • classroom. Students supply the rea- • si-n for his having a job that on-, aides him to put on airs. Such 1 a proses-or might well be com-, pared to a jackass carrying a load •■•f i .-ok* she knowledge is there ' it dues him no good. On the o' ner hand, he could be hiding , A intellectual nakedness behind the Vad curtain of his degrees.! V her.ever a person has to “pre-1 -i rve ’ hi- or her dignity by refus-. u',g to apeak to certain other peo-j pie, you may depend on it that j eh di.;.;.t, is more than half; rotten, ft * » * IlEfllA A’l IONS AGAIN Sine* tins coluiftt seems to show ! a proclivity for hebdomadal heck-! ling .it is in order to examine the j meaning of the word "heckle.” In medieval times flax was (he: chief vegetable f-.bre used in cloth! making- Though the fibres are both . long and strong, their preparation j presented many problems to the! prescicnlific aee. Stalks were first • permitted to rot; then they were split and combed by hand. A brush with iron teeth was used for the j combing; and this brush was known j as a heckle—from the Anglo-Sax-1 on term "hecel” (to split). Scottish candidates for public, office were customarily subjected to public questioning; and voters were merciless in looking for weak points in those whom they oppos ed. So heckie was borrowed from the processing of flax and applied H; : NATIONAL m BOHEMIAN Wm BEER Is fcra*«IE TOO? Reader's Digest comes up with ; a young minister’s report of his 1 first pastorate; j "The sermon was a masterpiece The comments of the const oga j tion at the conclusion of the ser-; • vice merely reaffirmed what 1 al-; . ready knew —1 ws, terrific!; 'The last parishioner to leave war' a lady of great age ' 'Did anyone ever tell you how ! wonderful you are?’” she asked. 1 softly? i "My answer of 'no' lacked con viction. ! ‘"Well, then* she said. ‘Where j ! did you ever set the idea?' ” RESOLUTION OF THE WEEK I will pay somebody a s>rcerc j compliment every day and try. i to do sombody a good turn. KALFiCH CITIZEN ; The bequest posed a problem! ! for the city fathers. There was • some doubt as to whether the j body could act as the disbursing ! agency for the fund. The body de- 1 eded to injuer of the State Com-i mission tor the Blind as to whether ; it. would have any objections to! i it serving m this capacity. Mr. • Smith told the CAROLINIAN that 1 : the document was sent to him to determine some legal tecnnicaU j ties. The paper set out that the , City Clerk had been designated! . to handle the fund. The City Attorney further : stated that he looked over the papers and saw no reason why j it should not be duly executed, but would like to know if there, would be any objection to another trustee being ap pointed, one more familiar with the needs of the blind Last reports were that there had beer, no further word from New York. City Clerk Edwards office confirmed this decision with the CAROLINIAN Wednesday, It is the concer.-us that as soon j as Abraham I. Kirschenbaum, New ! York attorney, hag ironed out the ! legal tangles, attendant to the be guest, that a decision, as to the handling, will be made. Another legal tangle was the fact that the bank, in which the money was i placed ,is no longer in existence and that. Corn Exchange Bank : would be made the trustee oi trfc ; entire fund. The late attorney, who died in 1944, at the age of 80, made an enviable record as a Raleigh cut. zon He was known to have bee-, civic minded and very frugal During his stay here he is rc : ported to have amassed a large holding and was listed as the largest individual land owner o : his rare. He not only was a successful real estate dealer, but served us the Dean of Shaw's Law Sen- Upon leaving Raleigh, he went :o New York and engaged in an t:x --! tensive law practice. Ho lost hi \ eye sight and this is believed to : be the cause for his generous in , tores! in members of his race who were blind. He also took a fling at writing: and made many contributions in; ■ that field. He served as a member j 'of the New York legislature in; the Republican era 1817-18. His, ; talent and ingenuity caught the at-j tention of President Theodore 800- ■ ! seveli and he was a brigadier gen-1 i oral in the "Rough Rider s ’ inau ! gural parade. UN ITTEJ) CHURCH" church, corner Hillsboro and Daw son Streets, every Monday night Dr. Mays Is considered one of the foremost speakers of the world and is an authority problem!” And among these suf ferers were a very wide variety j of hemorrhoid conditions, some of j 10 to 20 years’ standing. All this, without the use of narcotics, anesthetics or astrin gents of any kind. The secret is a new healing substance (Bio- Dyne®)—the discovery of a world famous research institution. Al ready, Bio-Dyne is in wide use for healing injured tissue or, ail parts of the body. Now this new healing substance is offered in ointment form for hemorrhoids under trie name Preparation H.* The price is only : '“-'y *• * j..viudn.fe -'rj.***- i J cator. The name to ask for is | Preparation H—at ai’i drug stores. ! And remember—if not entirely j satisfied—your money will be re- J funded promptly. errad* I *>n churt.t affairs. t:-. . \ ; in tuts f.„ * i . , to li> . ! .. . I;., ... • • ■ u - \ go; . I*. .’. a : j,.. « ... i.;- Has I Religion. Gov ,-i l ■>. , tor a >.:UiiV.u - .r of • .••• . his judicial r.runinihtrv.. ioa placed the School in tti? front ranks of religious tratouq. 1 H;i tenure die Georgia ir.iti j iution caught the vision of tilt. i rating association of divinity I schoois and now this insu : ui on enjoys an enviable ralng amon?, schools of its nature. I The leciuie is the second oi the ; six week., series that is. for the • first 'time, featuring southerners. : Hi.- subject. Freedom in ; Relations, is expected to evoke 1 much enthusiasm and will be t'ul . ly explored bj th- churchman a! B p. m., Monday Others who will appear on s>,.- : creeling Monday nights will be ; Brooks Hayes, A 'ltausa* memaet -of the United State;; House of j Heeresrui.uives; Hoddiug Carter,, ; Pulitzer prize winning editor, . Greenville. Mgs., Maryam brakes, ! assistant eaitor Chi' si inn Sen try and Rabbi Si!' ei. Chvotar.d. O : hio, the feuidiag sjju it in the israel; : movement. ! The Institute is non-segregation-; !al and persons of ail creeds and i colors are cordial iy invited, to si- • ! tend. Another feature oS the iftcet • is that there are tv. o < in. r - con ducted at the church on Monday night from 7 to 8. One class deals, with Alcohol r.h a disease. The • ; other class deals with the vvil; : as a disease and not a habit, i • The other class taught by the; ; stormy Rev. Charles loner Chape! : Hill, is on "How Relit ion Can; Help in Today's Problem.” i The former class is taught by; Dr. Norbet Kelly. Butner Rolubi;- : tation Center. The cumiuiitee is j very anxious to hav, t:v; public i attend these classes and especially ; i the one on Alcohol. | This is believed to V the only Institute of its kind in America i Its purpose is to attack the ptob-' : lems facing the rcl mous world in i all their ramifications. There is! a special dinner served each Mon day night and per., - wishing to j : partake of the dinner are kindly ; asked to make reservati ms same ! The dinner is democratic and is ' attended by persons of all races | and from every walk of lift.-. RALEIQI TO HOST are: President. James Culver ; Charlotte; vico-iu'c.-! i-riit, We id on Falk, Will;, jpu-Salem; Rocordiu g Secretary, Jesse McMillan, Ashe , ville; corresponding secretary, Jo seph Bungs. Greensboro; Financial . Secretary, Harold Duncan, Ashe ! ville. The adult members of the Exe : culivo U,;,:l Il.oe leg,, .v'li. . I t-W YluCA'- a:.4 -n ocuvoi ox r<- C. an: a, r-muw: r •» 1*- :• n : Nr vben,: C:.a: - Boi-acn Asiio ville; uods'in Hlakc.y, As.wvuio; Meinn Brown, v\ mston-baiern. G. i. v Crews, Ztou-un; E C. Goodwin, '■Chariot.;.". Leo: ms Hay.vood. Ra ' High; S. J Ho sio «\ umington; :s: s Hoi Sjl-.1. is:is Ml n; VI Vi Johnson, Cianon: Vs. li. Lcwir. Asitevule; i no- .. - Hard;, (ioins • i tiro; IVusa b b- Leonard, Wil mington; L B .itcClennon. V.'ui : sion-Salem, D. W Lidrehcad, Greens Doro; J- W. N.chiiDou, isburs; E. L Ruifard. Raleigh; H. L. Staplel'oot, \v inalon-aaletn; B. H WuiKer. Fa .; ■ viU ; C. A. ! Whitaker, Hi. r Fomt: r L. Wiles' . Charlotte; WiSLam Wooten, Ehra ■. in-I'down, J G I’eik, Concord: I C. C. Powcil. Oxford. !STASIS lit SKA'-it ! the. seriousness of his wounds | at Inal lime, sat Uu.sit us 4 i.usiir nearby and ashed tor a (iiitik oi win k->. ilowe'v,,, betore he cuutu consuiue more liquor he was dead. Mrs- Ragland, frignteucu, ran to lue neatest teiepuone atid pro ! cceded to pnoire liar.iatidtnoUici, I who lives on East Martin i and report tnc incident to hei. The eider Mrs. Rag ip buuiiu uvu »»i-> -• u- Court without privilege- oi bond. : STATE hid ITS sented a program oi spirituals, folk songs, religious classics ana semi-classics at tnc Groonloaf Au j ditorium on Weditesuay, Jo.. ... | JO at 8 p. m. FLIM-FLAAtiERS deuce sliows that he ic’ on Saturday. llis early return made Mrs Christian more interested and she decided to journey with him to tin; Post Office. She was told to take her daughter in-law with her. When the three were ready, they made the trip in a eltauffered car, They were ushered out of the, car by the "soil styled insur ance man” and taken inside | the Post Office. ; NEW ASYLUM were in jail or at home. The tentative decision on the lo cation is a 125 acre area east of Little Elver and north of N. C. 581 which is a part of present hospital property. This site pro -1 grounds lor construction of administrative buildings, class rooms, cottages, dors.dories, kit- j chen and service buildings, and housing for personnel. re * *>rr ■ L’t •.111 0,1- ■ V Cl ■ ' ■ ■ . i I ; ;:i VIM|. 'Gb'.'ibc.'■ C.'ify. i". I';'”alf ol the ! Thy ~!< war dc ,;vcred bv iiv.- F- K O- P Gnwlw Vs'irsion-'"siem, N. C. TL? Rev :d <1 F. S.okej of ’ .!:'dla:-cx gave the prayer of d h cation Mt' m m % # 0 ‘’* w r "‘ TO I'fMO V-TR A T E SPEED HAIR CUTTING Joseph Strethvick, director of the Har ris Barber College here, will take part in the Fourth Annual Work shop of Cosmetology and Ton* .'Orial Arts, slated for Durham January 34-27. Mr. Stredwick has gained wide recognition throughout the State as an au thority on tor. -.orial arts. He a long with Mirkii Kelly, noted Chicago beautician, and Donald C. St kes, will demonstrate speed ■! 2-wsr CisassiTE 1 THE QUALITY YOU WANT No matter which size Chesterfield you buy you get the same premium quality cigarette, and ail the flavor and mildness that goes with it! You get the world’s best t.o baccos, selected by Chester* ’YtliFlr field buyers with the help c* our research chemists...and ,•>■■■■ /' proven, by actual tobacco 5' tests, to be highest in fllEßn i. A quality , (%m fcfgS^ | the TASTE and V.. ®pi; ; ISlnA’i \ MILDNESS } 0 V. V 1 % , Til’d CAii’JUNTAPr t.: V ii an N;.: • iii MobiU^niim •:i .h r the United N, -v:, l i Ci,.; logos. Pu..ideal Strainer said that th«i ratnJ. funds received would be' used for rcnoviiting present comp- 1 ; u;i buildings, Through the money received from the Fund's JVlopi’i zation prf.or-i:.: Shaw has been : rah'cd to jnako improvements or. Convention, the fire tower, build-. ~ new campus inn and book store . ; rcTon'inn projects, and road work !, Strassiner explained! that Shaw University is one of flic i i3l pi iv.'ttc, accrcdifed institurions i ps'bCpat' •; hi the Uinted Negro j College Fund. America’s first ed-1 .. rational chest Since 1944. the! Fund has conducted annual na- : tion-wide campaign.' in support of TAX NOTICE LIST YOUR 1954 RALEIGH TOWNSHIP AND CITY OF RALEIGH TAXES Beginning January 4th In Basement Woke County Courthouse. AS! other town ships will be iisied. with the list taker in your respec tive township. List your real estate, all personal property including automobiles and dogs. All male persons between the ages o{ 21 and 50 years ol age are required to list poll taxes. The law requires that faxes be listed in the month o! January, A penalty ol 10 f > will be added lor isilure to list. List now and avoid this penalty, More help has been added So take care o( listing without causing you too much delay. COUNTY and CITY TAX DEPARTMENT ■; the eurr mt ' TTu bucr’i'D nf, DYING MOTHER i after She shooting. *•:■>«>oupon, nr ■ ffo boy of seven; “jumped up T i help his mother' as l-** he could,; by getting ragg anti .-tuffmg them, ; tJ the gapin,; v.ouhd in a futile; attempt to stench the flow of ■ blood. Dramstically. the boy told! Sheriff V/Y.-nble, ir is reported.: ! List his mother’s last words were: | i | "PLEASE GOD. SAVE ME!” Immediately following his moth-1 ! er's death, John Ed, Jt , sorrow-' I fully gathered up his three small |er brothers and sisters and took i them ovef to grandmothers house; : and renortod the killing. The fami- ! iy lived on route 2. Nashville. THE low HICSTIKS YOU WANT Before we buy tobaccos for Chesterfields, our laboratories take samples from all over the tobacco country and analyze them for low nico .ffWMM.- tine content. The extra care pays In recent “tobacco tests,’ 1 the six leading brands ft of cigarettes were chemically < | $ analyzed. The findings: of jg!l| them all, Chesterfield is highest in quality low in nicotine, w*\ " 'mrveßs JAIL . TO AVOID COLD Carl Dunn, an Stine rant travel-! ! et, n:ii ;..:d before Vice Recorder! J'.mmy Keel oq a charge of vn-l ■ -jini;r expressed ii 'Ctc.ii'se to uo tu jail or to "come type of tc.n porary shelter until he could make : ••latiafactory travel arirngements” io continue 'h’s journey southward. : .fudge Keel sough! to li. Duun and shelter hisu firm the r —t cold snap by giving him "thirty ■ oays" >n the Tarboro jail. Dunn 1 is said to have "smiled and thank ed the vice recorder" as he was . led out. ! Nobel prize-winning chemist Ha- ; rr,id C. U> cy voiced the opinion ! in 1852 that there must be several I ■ million planet* in our galaxy suf ficiently similar to the eartn [CHESTERFIELD \B£sr fox vou »£<. &. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY JANUARY 23, 1954 ' : Mf %■ 4, _ PudtteU, North Carolina's No, 1 of Dairy Products ! ”' ; : ‘' ''^ Coff For Home Delivery By Your Route Mon THE PROOF YOU OUGHT TO HAVE A group of Chesterfield smokers have been examined by a doctor every two months for almost two years. 45?0 of them—on the average have been smoking Chesterfield for well over 10 years. The doctor's examinations show.,, no adverse effects to the nose„ throat and sinuses Sapr 211 from smoking Chesterfield. Kfi HI nose %Jf these smokers—with millions of other i£i M smokers throughout America. Change ||||||THRpAT ijpgg | 0 Chesterfield and enjoy the. taste llPip 4 - Jllll§lll an< l m ‘ldn ess you want—highest in kisOffiiiH quality “low in nicotine—best for you! AIMiINSSTRATOK'B NOTICE I nobtu caboj.tna I W AKc county Bavin;, qiarUcci as Adminiatra* •'■ ’.he , : h o' Mary Hayes, deceased, late of V": '