PAGE EIGHT Alamance € ? nty Roundup ; r'Y MISS ALMA ROSS KECK j graham, n. c. m»s k-vu? Seemingly. the topic of every! ; on. versa (I .-in ft the past three 1 • *eeks has been ‘Should or] fhc-uidn’t I vote for ABC stores j in Alamance County," Some are aying yes, others no, but do you; know why yi-a are voting yes ori a" Let's look at it from iris' •iewpoiot. If we do get ABC r tores in the county will it lead to more broken homes, neglected | children, crime and a certain a-j : niunt of physical degradation? ! And if we don’t will the money ■ hat could be used by our county "or much needed purposes go into i . tie “bootleggers" pocket or other' counties? Here are a few questions would consider important before voting: 5, Will the whiskey cause more broken homes and neglected chi.l- j cren? 2. Will more money much need- ; ed at home be spent unwisely for whiskey? 8 Will more teen-agers start 'it'ink'in"' nw*(> H.-- -r- fr|p.- h n ' , c ; ,-ccess to mote v Urikcy? 4. Will there be an incrca- e '■:>' crime? j These c .■■•‘h !i: rv.tiv not scoot 1 - be irr- to you but think ; .f the ,vo!'.y path -o many of: jur y.vng people ire taking to-' ay {<; ,• i; cc there arc high school oniidren s« lling whiskey J rw irt cevbvn l:-;rii schools in. he county. Look around you and; .see how many “bootleggers there; in existence v.v.o will sell :rn-• sure wb'ck; v to anyone who has, ,'jjc price to pay, whether it he j ■•'cU’h or ■ Whereas ir. the j .i.oivs von will have to be 21 i •t-ars n£ a..- or odder to purchase riqoor Stand vour ground when you •ote and' don’t be persuaded_ in he least for ov against the drive, 'ivory Iran and woman should have ■ns cr her opinion, about the 1-rive. HJRCH HAPPENINGS The regular Wednesday evening; irover service irt. held at the AME; Ghurch each W. :l.e. - day evening at j ’ p m. Everyone is invited to at-j lend -siev, C. R Trotter gave a very' a, pressivt message on Sunday •naming at the worship service j w the Baptist Chinch, Rev .7. P ■hickersnn from North IJ^ntpton, bounty and u student at Shaw Hoi- ■ jersity. visited the Church, IOC KEN WINNER A chicken dinner will be served; the High School Cafeteria on I January 20. from 5 o clock until iverycr.e desiring a dinner has: >een sieved. Dinners are one dol ar each This is being sponsored jv ths Gleaner's Club. 'iliEß NEWS Mrs. Charlie Rogers was hostess A members of the Gleaners club • ; Tuesday evening at her home m Providence Street. Mrs. Vilens. ■Tilth erie presided The topic for| discussion was “Jesus Shows Hisi Authority”. The le.son was read I • J;> - Mrs. Margaret Porter. Discus-; ■ •,:! was by ii T members. Plans were completed for the ■.firmer to be held on the 20th of i jouavy in the High School Case- j foria- The next will be i Did January 20 at the horns of j ;vl;s. Thomas Rogers on Hill Si; r ’ HUES t If R Mrs. Robert Lcsuour vvr.s hostess . o the Pioneer Club at her Imme ,in Hor ruvaid Street, la * fueyi-O • night at c-L-ht ei'ciock. T1 a business session was pre -i over by Mr, R. L. CaimiM! The chairman of the program; ...voiruhec outlined the -hit,- for; '.he year. It was accepted o.v the -roup. • Next, the president presented Mrs. Kellie S- tt ’-bo gat ■ a most interesting and informative report on the dogwoods SO stressed. rhe point that Jane try and 1 1 1 .'- 1 - sry arc month.- for planting dog woods At the close of the ' usir.ev • si oil a delicious rcpuM was served j by the hones- Members present were Mes-! dimes R. L. Cavmical. Jolly Site- j ghens, M. S Drowning. Areltaj Sarrisui), Helen Thompson, Jennie Haynes, ’ Bertha Harvey. Evelyn, jitr'd 1.,0ne Cir.--.haro. Sailte W. Kellie Scot.;, Robert Lcrueur icrcelle Seli.u s, Helen Barnes.; Jcl’fcrica. Thomas Long,; Key Boone and William Thowp-: JC’il. The f'-.-hr-meeting will be: . H ( .f the homo Mrs Thomas .Lo-Vg, 513 Shepherd St. The Jolly Nine Badge Club; .ad s c»H hmlrif»-. meeting al IHe I K-rne ol Mrs. J W Sharpe on 1 •feasl Drive last Wednesday eve ning at nine ..'eha-k. Cmb mem- FO& YOmftilfL f| jfl k your HAIR parched and brittle ? ■ «® Hew you fc‘ en PUNI'iHtNC your haii ft' 18 with excessive «ss of ho! :.cni> * ;, ■ !! ’ j-n’V y:i / /.: to t.i-o your /« tt jL §g| •> clance to regain i i, I t,tie j,,J St ' natural tlattUrSy ? iHflAlEpiAllpl H h >he help your hair will need ■ isgr 7 il contains . JjJ Pure Oi.vo Oil. and rat it f " l ** 1 foie.' No*you (til o» wbat ft?/ uuam SB ffljPVff UP IN A GLASS JAR. AND 11 f| PACKED IN A RED AND H YELLOW CARTON ''M *jS| .’.if jor J otinca '{] i |j| At jour naghtorlxxkt tin ,j smrt £g || KONGO CHEMICAL CO., INC 11 NEW YORK 27. N. Y. Iffl* ’i’4 Yao Eemmift ic refer; You Buy The l bers are as follows: Mesdames Fortina E. Keck, Lcora E. Trol iinver, Lillie E. Harvey, Mabel H. Poole. Lessie Sharpe, Grace M. Whittcd, Daoldtm S. McKetban aud Shirley T, Leuseuer. IN SERVICE Pic. James JS- Stanfield, »c« of, Mr .and Mrs. Lonaie Miles, 914 Apple Street Burlington, Is serv ing wilt the 24th Infantry Division in Korea. The 24th Infantry originally landed in Korea during July, 1950 I a;iu spent 19 month in combat be ! fore going to Japan for security duty, it returned to Korea shortly before the cease fire. , Stanfield, a member of the 19th I ; Regiments Company I, entered the: Army December, 1950 and arrived overseas last September- Pic. Handy Senior, Jr. son of Mr. and Mrs. Handy Senior, Sr of 325 South Melville St., Graham, is serving with the army in Ko : rea- He entered the service in Goldsboro News Notes liV HENRY MITCHELL 601 PARKER STREET GOLDSBORO Mr. and Mrs.’ Burk L> ’uvL announce the marri ., c of t-ieir daughter, Miss Mary • ' Daniels to Mr Artis, on De cember 27th at the home cf the Or id. 4 $ parents Rev F, S Daniels conducted the ceremony. Mrs. Mattie Topping Speight has returned home from Wayne Memo • flit' after ran:, -a patient i ’ jl-.cre following a traffic injury re-j ; eentiy Mrs Daisy Pearsall of Washing ; ton. D- C . and formerly of Golds- j hero H i»: the city to be with her daughter, Mrs. Nellie Koraegay, who is in Wayne Memorial Hos pital. Mr .and Mrs. W. Ray Fennell of 700 Parker Street, announce the birth of a daughter, Patricia Ann, born January 3rd. The Fennell? have two other children, they are | boys. W- Ray. Jr., age 7 and i Raphael age 4. | The Greenleaf School Parent and i Teachers Assoc-ntion held its regu i lar monthly meeting Sunday as-i ‘ ti-rnoon in the Greenleaf School; auditorium. •■What Can Parents and Teachers, ! Do To Pi event Delinquency", was) ! the topii ol discussion. Tire discus sion was lead by Mrs. Madessa ’ Barnes and Mrs. Anderson. An outstanding feature of the meeting was the selection of Mrs- N J Frederick as Greenleaf Schools P. T A.’s nominee for the “Woman of the Year". The Business and Professional Woman's League is conducting a poll to de termine the Woman of the Year, ti. be announced later- Mrs E. M. Fields sixth grade | Class won the attendance banner with 10 parents present. First Baby winner of the local I newspaper sponsored first baby : contest was Little Danny Ray Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Moore of South John Street : Ex.'onsion bene iu Goldsboro. Den ny Pay was Waynes first arrival in J 954, the time being 12:01 A. M, as reported by Dr. W. H Bryant ! the attending physician. Gifts from 17 leading merchants land businessmen were received by j | Little Danny Ray. l.c- Triezemroe Femmes met with j M. 5... Annie Mae Overby Thursday j • nii iit, January 14th. Mrs Annie j i C Grant presided over the busi ness session, afterwards members participated in games with Mrs. Norma Barnes Coley, Mrs. Amelia Sampson Best and Mrs. Gwendolyn Edwards Lewis winning prizes in j that order Mrs Gloria L.. Siler enterla ns tm; club at its next meeting. F.mrri;.' services for Patrick Shad ding Os 727 I.sler Str-.M.-i wen held Mon C-w. Jamuiry 4th at Mt. Calva rv Baptist Church with the Rev. - G W. Todd officiating. Burial was | : ;n Fdrr.wood cemetery Mr. Sh.’tddicg. an employee of ai erai-iruetinn company, suffered ai heart attack while working at. ; Fairview Homes and died shortly | a tier reaching Wayne Memorial! Hospital. Surviving are his wife, Mrs.; , cherrie Shaddmg, six daughters.) Mrs Emma Fennell, Mrs. Geona. ; Simmons, and Mrs. Alberta Barnes j jail of Goldsboro. Mrs- Mary Cook, ; end Mr? Annie Bryant of Phils-1 : dijfjhia and Mr - Lila B. Newsoina j ■of Fremont; five sons, Frederick j irid Franklyn of the home; V' ■ Patrick of the Air Force; Leonard j .-t' North Carolina College Dur-; I-- urn; imd t I :nf P ; ,'nHsinhis ; ' Also surviving arc two sisters, Misses Diana and F.ula Shadding both of Goldsboro. Mrs Cassie W. Ford, formerly of this area, died in the Harlem ! Hospital in New York City, Jan -1 uarv 6. Funeral services were con ,duf!<cd from Hamilton Funeral Chapel with the Rev. E. S. Has sell officiating. She is' survived by her husband, Mr. Roosevelt Ford; one daughter, two brothers, and five sisters- Internment was j ■MM /N H£D Aa'jO mU¥POMAI>S MEN Wg/; ’ 'ET"’ Eio/e iriKJxhttt ™or ivrr/v «hrterf"k . PtCRLBS PHOOWCTS CO. s#» ftwfc&s* Rye- ktrgey City 4, ?S. J. » June 3953, and went overseas in December after undergoing train ing at Camp Gordon, Georgia and San Diego. California. He is an electrical linesman with the 3th Division, Prior to entering service, he graduated from Graham High School ai.d Hams Barber College in Raleigh. PERSONALS Sgt. Charlie Hurdle is home from ’ Germany visiting with his parents. • Mr. and Mrs- Walter Hurdle oil Burlington. APPOINTMENT MADE Prof. W. I. Morris, f )rmer prin-1 cipal of the Pleasant Grove High! School, nas been appointed us i field representative of National | Education Association Hr is a graduate of A. and T. Co!lore, Greensboro and holds degrees from New York University and Har vard. He will be associated until .Tune 1. He may be runtarud his home address. Route 5, Bur lington. in Lendell cemetery in Wayne I ! county. The following students complet ; ed their training at Barnes Bnsi-! j ress School at the end of th*. 'I quarter on December 9th. Mir-e: Lois Massey, Gloria Woodard, Ate. Best, Marion Bryant and Pauline Johnson. The honor roll for the first quarter at Barnes Business School | was announced this week by Mrs. !D. A. Barnes, Director of r. h e I school- Those making the in.t were Misses Emma Johnson l : | sey, Delois Newkirk Ruth Walk er. Gloria Woodard and Willie Jones, Three Barnes Business School graduates have accented employ ment as secretaries. Those accept-: ing positions wore Miss LrJs Mas- j sey as secretary to Chaplain it.; Coley at the State Hospital; Miss; Gloria Woodard has accepted work; in the Farm Office in Williamston, N. C.; and Miss Pauline Johnson has been temporarily employed as office assistant at Barnes Business | School. | The Panthers of Central High; j have started the T>3-'54 sen -ton I with a bang- Both the boys’ and 1 girls’ teams axe undefeated this I year. With the lost of six regulars from the boys’ team last yeai ; Coaches Harris and Jackson had to , work extra hard to get the team ip shape. Johnson, Parks, Thomp son, Body and Best worked hard for the starting assignment. Centrals’ boys’ team has won ; their first games by hurling a 44- 26 victory over Frink High of LaGrange in the first game. Next j they won over Carver of Aft. ’ Olive with a 50-40 score with' Juniors Aarron Thompson a n ti, Alton Body scoring 26 and SI; points respectively. On December; 15th in a return game with Carver.! the Panthrers won 33-21 with Aaron Thompson leading the way with; 15 points- On December 16th Frink High j s came back determined to wm * ’ t j were slopped 39-24 with R .- Bo •si j scoring 12 points 'lbey have n;.d j firm cooperation in bark board, control by Aaron Johnson, j The girls’ team at Central b<- :■ ■ | practice around the middle of N • i vt-mber with nineteen guis 'report-, i ing for practice. Only four members of last year..- -rai.-.i team. The season has boon very: successful this year. They b ive piayed four games totaling sonu- one hundred and tw> (102) POINTS | against fifty-six (36) point; Shirley Smith and Oretha Dor-1 ham are filling in nicely for Km ma Durham and Mary Ann Bos! who were graduated lari >var Hattie Durham is sldl tr... bes; defensive player, Centrals remaining schedule: i Home Games January 19 I.illuv, : son; January 25. Ocen; .In’- cry ?’••• : PikcviUe (H. C.;. Februa.-r 2 Trenion: February 16. So.itl.'.-o*.d;; Games Away-- January 2! Liiih.g --• ton; January 28. Kinston Febrnai-y I i 4. Pikesville: February 1). Open;; i Febru: v 18, Jacksonville; FoDrU-, j ary 25, Smithfield. ; Funeral services for Robert Her-; ring of Rt. 1 Fremont who died fd | his home January 9th was held 1 January 13th from St. Luke Dtp -1 j ciple Church in Goldsboro with j ■ the Rev A B Rove of Kinston! I officiating. ; Surviving 1 are his wife, Mru I Martha Herring and seven ciui- I drcA Four sons, three daughto: . I and four sisters. Internment was in Old Mill cemetery. Method Mews BY Mibb DORA I) STROUD METHOD-- a. Si- Jamer AME Church were very good It-rt ■ Sunday. Rev Nathaniel Gay lore delivered a wonderful tn<?s*<y<. to : hi;, audience. Visitors P- nt v.-.*re I cousin: ~f Mrs. AhCt lii s l Hair;: from New Bern, N. C- The next service for the Method circuit will be held at Piney Grove i Church . Sunday, January 21, at j 12, o'clock. Members of both • churches are urged to bo pm-:, n; ; Rev. and Mrs. Gaylord are the proud parents of a baby boy Born, December 28, 1953. raothc I and baby arc getting along fir:. Congratulations to both parent;-:. The newly organized M.'s.-ii.nary j Society of the Tabernacle Chris tian Church mt! at the home of j Mrs. Cora Haywood. Sunday, Jan- ; uary 17th. The following officers j were elected: Mrs. O',he Williams, | President; Mrs- Willie Burrell,) Vice President Mrs. Floyd, Secre tary; Mrs. Cera Haywood, Trea surer; Mrs. Beulah Atwater, Chap lain; Mrs. Bet tie Mitchell, Chair man of tne Sick Committee. Mrs- Mary I. Harris is reporter ■for tooth. St.. James and The Method Christian Churches Quite an IntelOotilig so;.: ion war enjoyed by an appreciative group. Mr. Joe Louis Harris, who is a student at North Carolina College at Durham. N. C- spent the week end at home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Am on Harris, AROUND WARRENTON WITH MRS. ELIZABETH BROWN A TRIBUTE iO -V GREAT WOMAN WARRBNTCN La. t Saturday I t Attended the fun..icl of one of, m> forme: school teachers Mrs-' Mary 1. Hart Stamper • i:i Hen derson A- I iiiite-v. d to the many: j fine things that were said about! ; her. I rt f v zed mo-e than ever) before that the deeds v.e do,; whether they be .ryod or arid.; are lung rememberer: by others, i As Si'.skcspcai o ." id, ".Mi me I ; world’s a »• rge. and all the men; and w. men merely players" It’s up; to us t> play our part | whether it be a major or a minor role wholeheartedly I thoroughly and purposefully. Mrs. Stamper .with more than* | forty years of .n boys i sod girts and the general public to her credit, always did n "jam-' up" job- She b'ou.tht. to these; who came under h r influence I the wealth of ways and means of; growing ud to be upright men and j I v.wmt-0 Before she passed, proud ! ly she saw many of her '•boy--- and; I girls' develop into teachers, iiuraes, i ; doctors. 0.-s o:.d rv.ur.stcrs. I As Cornelia s:::d of her boys. | ; • Thera arc my /'v;T, I’m sur« ; I Mrs. Stamper feli that the part • I she phyr-d in the dcvolopment of; I ihc-'t- b-:-y.i and ;'irL; t .e fruits! j of her labor and the jmvc-Ir cf her j | love snd patient dev hi. u that she | : always showed to each of us. •Ti’s splendid to lie-, so grrndiy ! That ior.n niter wr are gone. J Tl-.e tilings we did are remem- - bevtd And recounted uri'-ar ti;e sun." j Truly the grand lue that Mrs. 1 Stamp'd lived will to reflected 1 in the lives of the hundreds of I i boys and girls, most of whom are, ; now men and women, who came ; I under her influence -1 am premd that o'-r paths cross- i i ed and that T .mem many happy: and beneficial hours is:, her ties-; NON-fiICHFDULFD SC HOOL YACA7 JON A surprirn char > in the ’veather! last week and approximately three! ! inches, of aiiow ip-.v an uncx-j pected and non-scheduicd vacation! to the hundreds of boys aml girls; who attended, our C-r;n!y schools, j | Snow-bailing, making saow men I ! and ice skating cc-mpri-cd the; i day’s schedule rather than tne I usual “reading, writ mg and ariih-) metic.” The vacation was short! Jived .however, as on Wednesday) morning most school busses were; running as usual, and the “sur-; : prise holiday’’ became a memory, j : PERSONAL MENTION i Mr:. Fannie W Givo;:*- rr'wd the I i weekciid recently in Washin;.:tor. I D C. and Batumore. Aid- visiting 1 friends. - TiT -s Georgia M. Jones went to i ) rortsmomii, Va. recently to take j j Master "Toby’ Junta, who had i 1 spent several weeks visiting his I ! CLINTON NEWS ! ; BY MRS- El SZ.-UG ill L . BUTLER r. i). BOX 3CI CLINTON- Tiw Sampson Train-! ! :ng School Band gave a concert! ■ at the F;:’::oa High School, re-1 j cently The group under the cii- j ! recti on of Mr. O. .-t Dupre:. FARM ..GENT Hi COR I’ A- • < -t i • • county ; wide schools and meetings are; j boin : held to he.,. Sampson Conn-j ly Farmer:- better utilize their! ; farm land, uVi.iU.wk. r,amices and; ; labor P.i! 1051. : On !• ~ J;:ii.;i: , 22, at 7:30; : P. M. in the court:oe:n ot the! : S.urqisnn Coariiy counltouse, there! : will be « form buildin;:’ remodel-1 : mg urn iniiunstecci ■k.-vvltjgimein; i rieetm;; hi-id Ai this m ( ii.n: any farxiie: who plans to build or re-; model or that tvomd ii'.c to beau-: ;ti I y ins home surf'. 1 .. :ings should; i attend tin above mentioned meet-1 ; ings On Tuesday .Lnoaiy 26. a! V l a. !:■ i'H'rc' will be an all dry ) school ot; cotton p.oduction, farm ! management and outlook informa : Livi t. j for each of the subjects to be j covered there will be specialists with first hand information. All; • farmers arc encouraged to take] advantage of Ucso school meet i.Vyu Ar.nn;; Ciinlomans attending the Kind- h Temple No 62's Annual Pctantaha Bail at Paycttcville, recently, were Mr. Cliffoous Brock, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Butler, Mr. end Mrs- Janies Ezzel). Jr, Mt. James Ez/.ell, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. D. .1 Sammons, Ji Mr. Charles Sam- t V;v^ V-' ' ' 'p/iv .V iy & ■''fySytapvF*£ ,i •ON MY HONOR’ Ten-year-okl Cub scout John Hulbort, right. Rives the scout oath to, left to right: Roy Canipanclla: Haw York's Mayor Robert Wagner; T. Jf. Watson. Jr., president of the Creator New V«rfc :.uui. -C-. of Boy Scouts of A.nerka, end Senator I‘« ury Cabot Lodge, IT. S. deb-rat* to the (y*r< Nations. The ceremony took piact at the recent Hawn Ratroi brcakEi'st of the Boy Scouts in New York. tNewspress Photo.) THE CAROLINIAN grandparents, Mr. and Mrs Hinton Jones. ■Vii arid Mrs. G M Brown and; 1 son visited Miss Marjorie Herndon i , who was hospitalized it: Lincoln! . Hospital, Durham, recently. Miss! ! H-.-rndon, the s»sa;r of Mrs. Brown is now recuperating at her home ml I Spring Hope, N. C. M.s. James Bullock and daugh ; rj-la-.v, Mrs. Bernice Bullock ; were guests Just Sunday of Mrs ! Bessie Junes and family. CONGRATULATIONS* i Mr. and Mrs. wuiiam Bullock of Embryo art the proud parents of a baby girl born in Warren ■ General Hospital recently. Mrs. Bullock i» Out former Miss ; Lula Williams of the Snow Hill i i Community. REV- Mi GRIER’S FATHER PASSES Funeral services for Mr. William ; McGncr of Asheville. N. C were conducted from the Welfare Bap tr't Churh in A'hev.'Ue last week Lev. E W Posey, pastor assisted by Rev. Oils K. Dunn ai-.ri Rev. D. W While, also of Asheville, officiated- Attending the funeral from War ■ ronton were Rev. and Mr;. !. E. ! McGner and dsu?hter, Deloris. ATfENOS FT NEKAL Mr, J ohn F g. uncle of Mrs ! H. P. Williams was buried recent ly rt Franklin County. Eulogistic ! rites were held at the Concord ; Baptist Church with the pastor, , ltev. Hedgepeth, it: charge, j Attending the fimc- ai other than - Mrs Williams were Mu Pence • Hunt. Mi. and Yr«. Be>-i Williams, Mr and Mrs. Beamon Hunt and Air. and Mrs Arthur Hum :•:! of Warrcnton and Mr. and Mrs. Allen - WBiiams and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hunt all of Hinder son. Funeral sv: vices were held last 1 Sunday for Mrs- Sallie Alston of ; the Snow Hill Community at the ■ Greenwood Baptist Church, j WITH THE SiX'K I Mr. O. E. Eiiis is hospitalized' at the Jubilee Hospital in Header - ) son. i Mrs. Elvira Watson, who suffer- 1 l ed a slight stroke recently, is I tmich improved ! Also hospitalized at Henderson’s! i Jubilee Hospital is Mrs, Cota Har jri,. j We wish for each of those War 's rentonians on our sick list this ! v.eek a speedy and complete re ! cor'ery. j SINGING FT'STTVAX* | TO BE HELD i The Stony Lawn Choir is spor.- ! soring a singing festival on the i first Sunday night in Fcbrua-y. with several choirs of the coutsfy. participating. The public :s cordi ally invited. : FOOD FOR THOUGHT Noble it may sound and noble i it is; happiness comes from Within. I'.ons, Mr and Mrs. Julian A Junes, Mrs Arlcilut Graham, M-- I Wilbert Moore ami Mr. and Mr; ; Perry Soiice. Rev. R. H Bobbitt and his chid: ; of Brown's, Ch-mel rt-iidei cd siv ; vices at the Bright Star Holiness I Church Sunday, January 3. j Mrs. Elizabeth Butler was hostess to thi Happy Girl,’ Club, Friday, : Januaty 14. After .he business dis cussion the members played bingo. High scorer was Mrs- Marie Mai ids. A delicious dinner was sowed. Rev. R. ii. Johnson and L ML' : were the dinner gue-ls of Mr. and Mrs. F B.itiei, Sunday, Jan* j nary 17. PERSONALS | Mrs. Mildred Brewington ha:, i, - ■ turned to Pbii.uiGMim ,ifU:” visit ing her mother, Mrs. Luia Br.r.v --i ington. Miss Lillis Mae Sellars and Miss ! Itoena Parker left recently so- Mount Vernon, N, Y after visitint; here Mrs, Geraldine Boone Hammond spent, the holidays in Washington, D. C. with Iter husi’and- Mr C. Bucke of Winter Perk, Florida was a recent, visitor here. j After finishing tba afmily wash, it's only wise to maek sure >mr clothesline is clean. A new brush, designed for the purpose, has an easy-to-hold enamelled wood han dle am! is grooved to suds the en tire surface of the line at one time. Lacking such scientific equipment, a soapy sponge run firmly along the line will also prevent your clean clothes from getting dirty. Rambling In Chatham C’nty COLDSTON PITTSBORO 55LER CITY By D. W. Headeo * P. O. Box. S 5 ——» GoldbUm, North Carolina Henderson j Notes i i »r MRS. BERNARD P- CREWS low PINKSTON STREET DIAL «53<X» HENDERSON “Mrs. Snowman” j "really had himself a grand time a few days ago. His pal ‘Mr. Rain' ; followed close behind. It was, as we all know, truly a white week in January. Everywhere children made snowmen ,ate snow and t;n- i joyed sliding on the ice. Sliding on the ice can prove fatal if a ; oersnn isn't careful. Vfa will prob ably have more weather of this type. .Regardless, we should aii be careful on the highways, by ways ana at home. Being careful nevqjr hurts, Let s all try >%> THE HENDERSON SOCIAL WHIRL Mrs. Hattie William* of Pink ston Street, spent the weekend in j Greensboro, N, C. visiting her si- 1 ster, Mrs. Luis 1- Hope. Master Sergeant Robert H. Hunt! of Henderson, IST. C spent a few j weeks with his family and friends! be fora going overseas. Sergeant; Hunt was formerly stationed at j Fori Bragg before he left the Pacific. Mrs. T Brown and son, Bailey, along with Mrs. L. Brown visited! several of their friends in Hen-1 derson recently. " j ! Mr. and Mrs Frank Simons | were recent guest? of relatives and 1 : friends in the county. Mr, and Mrs. Edmond Wynn of! j Brooklyn, N- Y. were the guests' | of friends here recently. Mr. and Mrs. .Nicholas Parker of! • Oxford, N C. entertained a group| | of their friends cn Saturday night, i ! January If?, 1954. Delirious refresh- j I merits were served- All seemed to i • have had a very nice time, which j i is always the case when they! | invite their friends. Those present | i ware: Dr. and Mrs Parry Jones! ■ of Warrenton. N. C.: Mr. and Mrs.! Samuel Merritt. Mr. and Mrs. Sts men Henderson, Dr and Mrs. Paul Green. Dr and Mrs. Andrew! T>. Harr*s and Mr. and M ,- s. Henry i ! W. Crews, all of Henderson, N. C1 MARK! AGES TOM) M- and Mrs. Edmond Taylor of Wililamsboro announce the mar-: ; .•••age of their daughter, Mary Alice) : io Mr. Joseph Carroll of Newark.' ■N. J. on January 3, 1954. Mr. j i Carrol! is the pen of Mr- and Mrs ; A! Carroll of Henderson. The cou-! p’e will make their home in New-j ark, N, J. Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Rainey of i Route 5. announce the marriage of their daughter, Martha to Mr VVes-j ley Jones of Stoval, Virginia on j Saturday, January 9th in Oxford.! N. C. The couple is living with the Bride’s parents at present. BIRTHDAYS Mr. William Shepard celebrated | his birthday on January 13. ! Mr- Robert Hunt celebrated his ■ I birthday on Wednesday, January: ; 3. i Master Melvin Thompson, cole- • ! bra led his birthday on Friday,! Joi.uarv 22. 1954. He was 5 years! ! old. NEW FACES I The following rapes are proud j • of the arrival of their little one? ! Mr. and Mr?. Charlie Clark, seven : jjound baby boy, born Jan .ary ?!, 1954. Mr. and Mr?. Alexander! TT;irt. six and one-half pound baby girl, born January 14, 1954. Os ft SHUT-INS Above all. we should visit ot.r i sitk and shut-ms because they are j looking for us- Mr Billy Austin is] j home from the hospital where be j has been confined since being in l j an accident a tew weeks Ago at! ; the train crossing. Buy your CAROLINIAN anti keep up with the news. Don’t he! th" lasi one to learn or read the the news. FUNERAL SERVICES Miss France? Cogart was fune ralized on Saturday, January if!, at 2:30 p. m. at, the Tallyho Church. • Rev. Gooch conducted the service ! Burial followed at the Church Ce metery. Shepard’s Funeral Home wr.s in charge- Mr. Eugene Brown was iunera li'4cd on Wednesday. January 13, 1954 at New Bethel Baptist Church at 3-30 p. m. Rev. Olandi- Hicks conducted the services. Burial fol lowed at Blacknell Cemetery. WEEK. ENDING SATirRMY. JANUARY 23, 1554 I GOIJDSTGN Hello -here- This » ! “Rambling In Chatham County', reporter is convinced that there] are quite a number of friends i who have trie CAROLINIAN react | ing habit. You too will enjoy! i reading the CAROLINIAN weekly,; | as so many others re. The paper. | gives them first band information i | on top stories throughout th ) State each week. Every member of j j the CAROLINIAN family finds the j i paper to be interesting. Selections • for the entire family may be' found in the CAROLINIAN. “Billy” wants the sport page, “Otto” want? j the headline news page, • Mae wants the women's page, “Joe''! wants it for the pictures it car-! ries, “Lynn” likes to read the ad-j vertisements, “Romona” likes the*! hometown news, while “Jean” like.- the Editorial page, but -Zachric* likes it for ail he can get out of it CLUBS The Ccidstoa Home Demonstra tion Club of which Mrs. Levonia Wicker is president will meet a* • the home of Mrs. Inez R. Tysor. Monday evening, Jar.uaiv 25, at I 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Wicker‘told the! CAROLINLAN that her club mem bars are anticipating the design-' ing of a quilt for display The Goldston High School Alum - i i ni Club which was suppose to meet : :at the home of Mr. George H. ; Reaves was canceled until a later j j date. Mr. Royal N. Robe*is is] : president and Mr J. Wallace Jones: ;is floor representative. All ex - ] ; seniors of this school are invited i I to attend these meetings SICK LIST We are very sorry to learn that! Mr. Oscar Edwards has boon sick, ! however we do trust that he will j soon recover Mr. Edwards is a j Goldston resident. Mrs Minus Header! ,f Si lot City is on the sick; • list. Mrs, Martha Hood Reaves of ! Goldstar is ill. Wo hope they tool I will soon be out again. DEATHS | Airs. Mary Lambert Heart from | Taylors Chapel died at her home-. ; recently. Funeral services we re i hold from the Union Grove AMR i Zion Church near Goldston, Sun j day afternoon. Mr? Heart was • about 35 years old arid had ffirwy: relatives. She hat; been in dr-enn i ing health for more than a year, j i PERSON AI • ITI 'ln Mr. A. D- Clark of Chapel Hill.! IN. C. was a recent visitor during , the mom ing serviced at Robert.-, i Chapel Baptiff Church of whe-h I j the Rev. Mr. Roc* acted as pos‘>; , for Dr. J T. Harriston who is on. ; the sick list. Mr, Clark la president of th : Chatham County Intcr«st:u«»mi;v>- ; tionol Usher-: Unirii. He spoke ! briefly to the church ’ushers a! ] Goldston on “Ushers and their : ; Responribilily”. lie was enjoyed; by all who heard I inn, i Mr and Mrs, John M Header: j f of Bear Creek had as their : scent : guests, Mr. Pan! Cotton and family j of New York. J. A. TURNER j Due to the delay In reports the: - complete coverage of the lUe slmv, of Mr. J. A. Turner Chatham! County farm agent will have to be published in (he next issue of this paper Mr. Turner is mark- : ing his eighth year as Ch fnann i j County agent. We wore waiting! ! for a photo of him from Radio i : .Station WNCA where he m.ri hi? : daily broadcast? on Chatham Conn- , ! tv Farmers Roundup. He has done ; much for the promotion of F.du j cat ion progress for the rui r»l pen-; ; ale of trie entire County He re ceived his education at the Chat- j The funeral of Little Elbe! Da y:evas held Wednesday, lar: ; 13 at one o’clock Rev. W ilbani;., conducted the service. Burial fol lowed at St. James Cemetery. Mrs. Mary Ida Hart Stamper, ] well-known citizen of Henderson was funeralizcd on Selurere', Jun u'try 16, at one p- in. at the Shiloh : Bcptist Church. Rev. O. B. Bursou ! conducted the sdevice as.riHed by; i Rev J. R- Dungee. Burial followed j at Blacknell cemetery. Mr. Issac Garner was funetabK-d on Monday, January 18. at 3:30. Rev. Parker conducted Ihe service at Kutroll Church- Bm ial follow-; ed at the family cemetery, ROME THINGS TO THINK ABOUT The elect are the whomever-. will? and the non-elect are the whosoever won’ts. —Beecher A saint is a men of conviction, who is canonized now but who was canonaded while living. --Way land i ;! ~Si mm***-- ... | j* -»~^»»» s?cfpxtims 1 1 iieNufcgJ WMISKIT^I 156.8 Proof. 65% Grain Neutral Spirit* \« S*ngnan'T)Lotih'r>; Corporation, C.hryslor Building, N# sit Tferfc i j hum County Training School of \ Siler City end A. and T. College, | Greensboro. Turner is a veteran of World War 11, Before he was appointed to his present job, be worked m Government service at ; Washington, D. C., where he aw , has two sisters, Mrs. Mabel Me i Donald and Mrs, Nevoda Turnet. ] He has a brother, Rev. E. B. Turn er who is a graduate of Shaw Uni versity, Raleigh, N. C. and pastor ' of the First Baptist Church. Lum ! bertor.,- N. C. His sister. Miss The* j res a Turner is a senior at Shaw I University, Another sister, Mrs. Inez Obi# ; Wicker teaches at Goldston Hlga : School and also rJfcidts in Gold* j s'on, His two brothers, Hubert and Jasper are both married and re i side in Golcist.oa, Some of the good work which Mr. Turner has done, along with his picture, will appear in the next issua of the CAROLINIAN (if you fail to sea it in this issue.) He is the son ; of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Turner of Goldston. Turner is married to the fomqr : Miss Thelma Grove of Sanford, N, ! C. She is an instructor at Hor tors High Schooi, pittsboro, N. G. iNEXT WEEK By the time this article i* feeing i read there will bo more news about the out come of basketball games played at Horton High. Pitta* : boro and C. C. T. S, Siler City. ! See tno next issue for “SFORTING j VIEWS”. BON IJ3E Mr, and Mr*. Lo»- i cion Worr ble of Boa Lae, N, C, i were at home to many of their | friends on Monday evening, Decern* bur 24 in honor of their 3iHA wedding anniversary. Guests were greeted at the door by Miss Lacgr D. Marsh, a local school teacher. The receiving line was composed of the henorees, Mr, and Mrs. London Womblcs, Mr. and Mrs. i Gaston Wcmble, Rev. and Mrs M. ip. Marsh, Mr. and Mrs. Ho. lee . irsh. Mrs Archie Hfiusley and ■ Mr. Henry Marsh, Thu guests were shown to the dining room by Miss A. J. Tiion.p --• iof Norfolk, Va. There th# table was la;d in a white lace table ; .Mb, appointed with a three tie; rd cake topped with a mini; tuns | silver dipper (representing ihe ?il ! ver-v. cddineL Mrs. Maxine Mc : Cleave of Greensobro, N. C. and Mrs. Barba!-,-; Ann Womble were at the punch bowl; Miss Knthe -m Womble of A&T College, U;-:> .. ! boro, was in the gift room. Lime : iced bridal squares, nuts : and mints were served. The house was beautifully c-.- o with aladiolas and p:>:u ucr,.; J finked with silver foliage. A full blossomed pcinsetta u» the gift room carried out the « Cl'.ris'ntas motif. Mr. and r.ics. : gifts were many and va ; tied Mrs. Melvin Siler of bißr | city, N. C said the “good byes '. Eugene Murdock, son of Mrs. I Ouclia Muraoek has returned hom*: i v.’itb an honorable discharge from the U S. Navy after serving ovei- I seas for some time. Slide HOPE —Little Alton Hay ! wood .Rodgers, son of Mr. and R'iva. Charles FT Rogers of Silk IP :>c. ( celebrated his eighth bit :t.- I day, December 23. jointly with his uncie, Haywood Strickland "ho observed his 32nd birthday on the ■ same date. Mr. and Mrs Leroy Dinkcns, al- W Me. and‘Mrs- Roy Mclntush and ~in:;’.* ail of Wa-hington, D. C. visited 'vtatives here recently. XIIOUGHTS TO REMEMBER Here is to you—a goed fellow * ..... l. h, pi you will bve and , : r.m la 'lie. .deal, drink, and swear. To Lie-But. when you lie, h# : next to your faithful wife; -To Steal—But when you steai, steal a wav from bad company; To Drink- -And when you drink, drink to the health of jour friends: To Swear—And when you swear, swear by the red, white and blue! And if you c.r.Hiot say a good ' word for your wife, sweet’ eart» mother or friend—keep your mouth chui and by so doing you wtu no them no harm-copied. MOST PUBLICIZED WORD The century-old word “Chl(>r<*» iiyll,” sided by advertising me* joke.-m:ths, took honors as ihe most publicized “new word” i.f J 952, it is reported in the A* j i .erican Peoples Encycloped a’s r.i'w Yearbook New terras like poodle cut”, “whistlestop”, i irypolitan” and ‘‘ teleprompter” i so ranked high.

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