WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13. 1954 1 \£g& wm pm 1 \ (MT4HHMM -vv~ **&*/* e#em BIG. I ■:G- SAVINGS during this Sale at MOTHER & DAUGHTER . . . 3 days of unparailed value-giving in Brand New Spring Apparel and Accessories. BRAND NEW • Spring Dresses 40 Reg, 14.95 ~ 36.95 • Jacket Dresses • Rayon Linens • Cottons » Master Sheer Crepe Jr., Misses, Half Sizes 100% WOOL * Spring Suits »38 Reg. $45 - SSO Flannels - Gabardine - Verdona Navy and Pastels Jr., Misses, Half Sizes ALL WOOL NEW 'Spring Toppers *25 Reg. $25 - S3O Beautiful Pastels and White 7 to 15, 8 to 16 * IRREGULARS—Reg. -$1.25 * Seamless Nylons 2 p rs - *1 16 HIB * Umbrellas * 1 ■«> Reg, $2.98 Solids Plaids Limit 1 to A Cusiomer NYLON & BEMBERG * Briefs 2«»*1 Reg. SI.OO NYLON TRICOT | * Ojj~» Beg. $3.98 . $4.98 _ Q iJlliiO White,Colors. 32 to 40 * • & COTTON PLISSE 6, BATISTE * Slips - Gowns *■<• *2 Petticoats Reg. $2.98 - $3.98 Slips - 32 to 52. Gowns - 34 io 48 PETTICOATS, S-M-L GIRLS' RAYON FAILLE * Oustars *7 .95 S- 95 10 95 5 to 6x 7 to 14 Sub-Teens Navy Only GIRLS' Spring Suits 6" 12- 90 14" 3 io 8x 7 to 14 Sub-Teens IN RALEIGH IT'S i FASHIONS i INSURANCE BUILDING i— , v “ jJPjf v A V tA* jgb s $ m 'H me l.ui.i)S A ~.1! A L —The Beaver Social Ciub of Ra leigh, held its annual banquet at Haywood’s Soda Shop on Jan- j nary 23. This club is comprised , of men members oniy. 'Their ! f- swr 4 l.Oi-DS A_.r»liAL v.,ves were honored guests. Johnny Bridges, Weslev Willi —The Beaver Social Ciub of Ra- Members present at the ifiair ««*• Joseph Merritt, Otis Jeffries, , st B bl !2 U, L* t i included: Messrs. Fred Williaim feesident; Thomas Jones, score- Haywood s Noli a t>m>p on Jan- | tar y-treasurer; N. J. Penny re nary 23. This club is comprised . Albert Bridges. J. C. Rutland. cording secretary; Willie Hinton of men members oniy. Their j Henry Freeman, Fred Yeung. and l.estun Sorrell. Notes About Your Local YWCA The Public Relations Committee will hold their regular February meeting on Monday, February 15. j a; 7.30 p. m. All members are ask ed to be present. Tickets m 1 be ready for tfie Baby Contest at that time. Mrs. Mildred James, Chair man. The second meting of the B. and' i. Ciub will be held at die “Y" on Tuesday February id at 7:30 p. m Era eh member is urged io be present. Miss Evelyn Youm: Chairman. The Public Affairs Committee is sponsoring a Silver Tea at the "Y" on Sunday, February 21. from 5 U> (j p. r»>. Ail members a 1 4 liiends are urged to come and en joy tile special plot,'am dim will be rendered. The public is lied to attend Mr-. G. E Jones Ch re man. The Committee on Administra tion held their regular monthiy meeting at the ’Y" on Monday night, February i with Mi.-. E Evelvrs Young presiding. The No minating Committee preceded a' slate of prospective officers for 1954. They were as follows. Chair man, Miss E. Young, vice chair man, Mrs. Mildred lames; trea.-ur- j Mrs. Laura E. Wimberlcy; Sec- j • . ;ary. Mrs. Martha Dav nl.-o:i, vor- • esponding secretary, Mi s. Cue • ; a D. Debnam; Board Alter- j ate. Miss Vivian Burt; "Y ’ Re- i csentadvc. on Citizens Commit- 1 co, Mrs. Bessie Chavis Other immittve chairmen are now being selected. Officers were in- 1 tailed by Mrs. Vivian H. Brown Thanks to retiring members and I welcome to new members were ui- ■ ven by Miss Evelyn Young. Cof fee and. doughnuts were served The Religious Emphasis Commit tee met on February 4 at the "Y with the chairman. Mrs. H. S Jones presiding. Devotions were led by Mrs. Connie Young, A pro gram was presented by Mrs, Cle- : Stay Beautifully -...by avoiding S™*' Monthly Loose? Ho lei! tala signs on her faca cramps, jitters, both©? her no more Why look older, worn out, jittery for 2 ! or '6 days each month? Why let everybody know your “time" is here? Thousand.*-. <■? ' smart Kiris and women take a little Cardin' | each day to help build new energy and resistance. They look, act, sleep better, feel | less and less misery each month. Sonic even, j Ko through periods without pain after a while. Stay lovely all month usk your 1 dealer for CarduL (Say; “cnTd-you-t-ye” ). MONTHLY CRAMPS •K!ZaJLuIA!AI Bfr *•*« \7a\ _C l'l/ ' ' **. p: lev .-y --r Come to the - J \ 1 Ribbon Cutting FEB. 18-20 First showing of 1954 General Electric Major Appliances: REFRIGERATORS RANGES WATER HEATERS FOOD FREEZERS ROOM AIR CONDITIONERS DRYER IRONERS WRINGER WASHERS AUTOMATIC WASHERS DISHWASHERS DISPOSALLS KITCHEN CABINETS Visit Your Loco! Dealer APEX: A T. Seymour & Sons CARY; Hobby Supply Store FUQUAY SPRINGS: Proctor-Barbour Co. RALEIGH: Tire Sales & Service WAKE FOREST: Jones Hardware Co, WENDELL: Todd Electric Company i Authorized Dealers ELECTRIC j APPLIANCES j Wives were honored sjursts. Members present at. the affair included: Messrs, f red Williams Albert Bridges, S, C KtnLnd. Henry Freeman. Fred Young. ■me tine Plummer. Another group. ;of pictures and lrtudes v. e, e ■ saowtt of her travels i-j Africa by Mrs. Ellen Alston. Me: Air for, was assisted by students from the. Visual Aid.- Depart merit of Shaw University. A largo number of members enjoyed the pro .dam. The Parent Education Cvnuruttee; ' ri.el at the Y' on Monda\ p.gh* February 8, at 3 P. I',:. Two sesiions ; were combined in one meeting. JOB MORE LOt’M NT. US RIi.TD iHE < \ ..hUMJV Mr. I.e’.vyn Hay - and t • your.;.; men from the Rale:eh Yon’h Cen ter and. members discussed Coir.- • tnunity ResporsibiiiN to c-,..rbue.' and Youth. Dr W.i! ams from Shaw dfjnvcrsuy ahcvv.d <• film The meeting was tv oil at’ended. Mrs. Ada Jarnagia, CUainviar.. The 1954 MejniH-rsiiip itrive was started last wmtiiv, Janu ary 31, at the Oheriin Baptist ('hurch with lir. Nell Hirseh berg as rursf speaker. Ren:urV.s were giver iy Mrs Gurtie;, I’. Hood, pre-i.-h tit of the H. S igh “Y”, Miss Knlh Wilson, ciiiir maii of I inane? ( oniniitlce. Miss Hatel King, ! seetitive of Raleigh "Y” and tir. Gradv Davis, r.istor of the Obcrlin Baptist Chui •!■ Musi; lot the o«easi f '.n " :cs furnished lu the rhurch choir. The membership appeal was made hy Mrs. .Ve! sen Harns, ('lmirman of t!r Membership Drive, All mem bers are, urged to renew their membership for 1954. Every one is- invited to JOIN THE Y - W. C. A. and participate in it's program. \ worker will call on you or it w i!l be appreci ated if you will send your check to the Y. W. A. The Y-Teens participated iit the; Annual Mewling of the Y W. C, A. j [at Oberlin Bap’irl Church with; a Candlelight Service recently ; The theme of the service was an i interpretation of “Y” membership.; | Pauline Wynn of the Ligon School ; served as Leader The oliu.r par-. ! tieipants were Lucy Bunch, Ver-j nice Harris, Mary aivt Pulley. Rosa j Scarbrough and Martha Dunn.] ; Candlebearers were Junn i t. a i Blount. Otcl’.a Jeffries, Goraldim j Joyner and Ldaine Altord. A commit!-’C of Y-Tee ns from I the Ligon School planned and txe ! cuted Open House at the "Y” on j Thursday night, Fcbnrary 4 The BERRY C KELLY STOOEfiT WINS OMEBA AWARD METHOD ln n recent a:--.•n:r>- j iy program at the Berry O'Kelly j Training School, Ernest. La :-.ier! i was awit'cl";! an inscribed aold i metal a fu.-t place w,riper in an. essay contest sponsored by the V tu | i lota Chapter of the Omega P.si Phi: : Fraternity of Raleigh. ! The subject of the err-oy was! i ••OpporfuriUies And Re^tstn.-ibih-! j ties Ot Inter ra:eel Citirem inp inj i Ot.r Democracy' . The award was made ivy ,?vli R. I- WiJhcms. a member of the, iiatcrnity and instructor at Berry j ; O'Kelly. Ernest Lassiter is a senior at; i Berry O'Keliy and the son of Mr j j and Mrs. N. H, I.assifer of ChaUian. ; j County. ST. PAUL HOLDS QUARTERLY I CONFERENCE BY MRS. LILLIE TVT. HODGE Dr G S. Gant, Presiding elder j of the Raleigh District for four j years, held the quarterly confer-1 once at Saint Paul AME Church j on January 12, 3 954. Dr, Grant de livered a very interesting sermon at the Sunday Morning Service. Tfie entire day was highly spirit ual and filled with new determi nation to accomplish greater things under the leadership of our new pastor, Dr. L S. Penn. Dr. Penn stands out in Raleigh as | a broad minded clear ethinking clergyman affiliating well with his family in the programs of the church. Saint Paul expressed ns I appreciation for the speridid o operation of the pastor and resid/j ing elder. i Dr. Gant was resented twenty- ] j from the boards and auxiliaries of j ] five dollars as a Christmas gift] | me cnurch. With all cf the orga- : | nizations of the church reporting i it;, full, the total sum reported war [ ! $3,278.31. ’* THE CAROLINIAN . committee was composed of Mar-; iha Dunn, Chairman; Betty Stokes. Margaret Pulley. Ror-a Scarbrough, I Juanita Haywood and Majo ► Dublin. Tht i • \ ... I-a ‘ '. ver the idea of having Y-Teen Club metises held regularly a; the "Y" cm Friday night and tin Potato Chip Sale. Ann Hunt is heading up a com observancs of Brothe; h;,od Mor.'.h..' Titey pi ui to invito tti;. 1 participa tion os the Centra! girls in the program which will be hold oss! February 21 at the “Y.” The Junior H ch Y-Tnen Inter-; club Council officers J.ipv i Bunch president: Addeisa Brown : , secretary: Marilyn Piidgeon, pr.w] . gram chcjjipjxiari; and Barbara Ivey, I j social chairman. The Y-Tcen In-j j ten-tab Council servo ns a e-i •-, j serves to unite the various cnii.u. j ! Jig house for Y-Teen proarums and! ; th» rvivh t.U r> + ' " .“.. e -SHAW SLATES EXHIBITION j iJv.mniux t euruary Bth through | the 20th, at Shatv Universuy, j ■ there will bo an exhibition of the I i works of Negro Art Teachers who i ! boring coileges arid public school! systems. The exhibition is sponsored ’ •by the Shaw Univensiiy Gadery A .forma’, open'fig will be held on , February 8, in the We-t tcispir. j A.idjiorn’m from 7:30 >... 9.00 p rn. | This show iy being held in con junction with N* tro History We. 3; Running concurrtrdly with this' Si I\:U !;• J C;f u Pi i in;a:r. W.i run iron ; Artist. The title of the group of; j prints is “Expresaioriism in the] l Graphic Arts » | The public is invited. Mr. Norman Adams of 523 K. ] ; Eden ton Street Is spending several weeks in Fori Myers, Florida. ] Mrs. Sylvia Williams has ivtum "c-d home after an operation in St. Agnes Hospital. I Hcv, FORD lUCKSforMoffe j *ss!? W J?i M? MJm if &Is' ilpmrfw lijfi " M v *g :. W ■SkrmM&W Jw J®# ‘if * - 0m Mi y i Jr If %# If list|§ps Hr %## & 4 -.f Only Ford gives you these three essentials in lower-ccsi trucking ? Jlr g.'-.g • -• : .. > g : IEW Low-Frictior engines! fhgiiCompression, Overhead-Valve, Beepßtock design! to all models! #ffj # IEW DRtKSIZEB CABS to c«{ driver fatigue, help save time, energy! IEW 6-WHEELER G9AI6TS! Low-Cost tandem-axle BfS JOBS factory-bsfsli fey Ford! I v. , , , eftDn ™** tdi true €h/i -fhAMi tnsEMsr rill Wwß xmmMy B ■Vill^vl. iff**** a**'***** m m wr a mswr m i wo I r.u. A . P . # MORE TRUCK FOR YOUR MONEY Berry O’Kelly School Notes METHOD to ihf “Wlm Be-i-ry; | O’K'rljy contest 'which closed re- Mamie Lee Canned.;. a of the t.OA class, v/iv T-*wno<j Queen of the High School. Depa> oent. Loctvtia Ligors, an! • ghti grad# student, was crown-! »d Queen of the Ehrmert.dy j dchoo.. Jfacb Queen received beau.! ■;ful and valuable gifts. The tUh trade, under the spar!-; •rsfcto of Miss J. Jack.-on. pre rite an Impressive program dur- ! ; n: c regular Chapel exercises.; The • 'gram was centered around; o :days of George Washing ion a j Abraham Lincoln. The Library Club and Advisor.',! M % B. Lytle and Miss S Fields I ■ tionsored a party recently in the j Agr. uHure Building. Mary Alice ITester is to be »' ! contestant in the Omega Talent ; Tf ■ 1 TVo-'-'vn 0 71 February M j Miss Hester is a member of the j Senior Class, i O' - basketball teams have had! ; a very successful season so far, ■ \ All itome games are played at the j ! Apex Junior High. School, Apex, | j North Carolina. j Say “ISaw It in the ! Laro liman WHILE DOING VOVTt SHOPPING EV^ SrAR £ | $2.30 $3,83 : rCy/. S3' PINT >, ;>'i Vt Jr A tk Ar It jjj^ KHU rtlllMU T' y -- - - .. sflj Hki'A-p . Pi JO/, i : . ; If . i )lt 4 jt;,i 0; Sterc o * 'A-.' -1* VtoOf. tl'/i'Jb «>#.:. iishKtl hi • jrt.n. IS:,', stri-Mt <• ,;«ey i j:>n ,h_ ~ . m *i«M Klsckif ii treats ski s;;«gM sHrS.-j t; •, d GOODSRHAM 4 WORTS ITD.., PEORIA, HUNOit jfj§^§ :i:% vXg? PATRONIZE CABOLINIAN JtSVSKIISESS PATRONIZE CABOLINIAN JOYEHTISEXS i /,;// iU/< * ... if you lot Inreh hsircei.)r jfc.- y«a young a«d beaufitMl C' ft There'# just no doubt h-'l! I v.- , • . n ymir hair shines art •■; .-himw r> XSftjgr^C^j ! ® r against his cheek. -\sk at it fw Godefroy's I . - ..Hilf*. C H.iir Coloring in lb. ? .} box Choose from 18 AV. ;|g fluttering colors. tc- A; • %’ jjjjf,. Cfoileftvi/s Larlsuse ©: / I OOCOSOY MIC. ca • #S>O OUVE ST. ♦ST ICU! ■;• . '.. Jj| (Ip to 23% more power l Up to 33% (ess friction wo> Now, you get a gas-saving L Friction engine in any Fm-d T= model you choose! You g*-i n. n delivered pov.er. ’ • d« : «-r blocks for smooth poxvr, ; • rigidity! New Ford J’ruck < v for ’54 are nmaller-diKplucemei; i en gines that normally need less g Now five great, engines. 115 to H.i\ in V-8 and Six: MEW Ntmtw-Guide Pwer Steering! NEW Power Rrok-, Fordomutic Drive! Ford’s new 3-man Driverked \ cut fatigue, help conserve c:km New, longer-wearing utm n pl.i, seat upholstery! New Mauler - Power Steering availableon most)' Big Jons, cuts steering effort up 75%! New I’owcr Brakes* avail;-.! even on Pickups! Now —Ford on Drive* available, up thro; . - 1-tonners! {*At extra coe-t.) bigger eopcssifies increa.VK yrosi wp ini 4S%|. Completely new 6-wheelers jVn expanded Ford Truck line! Rated to 40,000 lbs. GW/, to carry lo up to legal limit in aJI 48 si Fords famed mass-product ion m< - ods keep quality high, price T wo new Ford Cab Forward giants, (■> 55,000 lbs. GCW, haul 35-ft. I‘- limit trailers in every state. Now e * r 220 new Ford Truck models! PAGE THREE

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