Local Clerk Survives PEX GOP BA TING , Hired Scott In Hospital Following Apex Attack KV < UAKI-Ea R. JONES i leaned oc: to the front seat and begged Mr. Bag**'®:; to please take me home and not to arrest me and the next thing ! remember was seerng a b.st crashing into my face and I blacked out," COLLEGE PREXY SEEKS NUMBER TWO POSITION President S D Williams r, f E iizabeth City Stale Teachers Cel- i lege has been selected by the Nom inating Committee of the North Carolina Teach* •> A-.-i. c:atyyi to be a candidate for the vice-prm-1 dent of the association, subject to j tic will of lncmbc: Friend MKtySjjtyatV? &}?!% . r ■•■A'&H&xjK&SSt (uiijffy- gESe-gl . - * rffggsraSg: i lit. WiJJUAMS if JVvv.<:- m V.'.iliams: feel that he j is cmine.itly qualified for the po- j sltion which he now seeks. lie lias been engaged In the' training of elementary teachers fori nearly s quarter century at the I Elizabeth Citv Stale Teachers Col (CONTTNI'ED ON PAGE 8: Two Dead, 2 Injured | In Harnett Crash LIIXINGTON The old pi;' ,-i- 1 ea! law which attempted to findj out what happens when an irresi tible force meets an immovable! body, if applied to the head-on j era ); which happened here last! week could be partially answered [ by sayin.c; it ends in death. Death 'as the result of a head-1 on crasn between a 1950 Buick. believed to have been driven by! Raymond M'cKoy, and a 1949 Ford, j alleged to have been driven by j Herman Harris When (be crasn j <f ll^B HISTORY-MAKING EVENT Shown above is the picture of Della Mae Barnes. Rowan Coun ty record breaking mother who gave birth to the 5 12 pound baby boy, at the Rowan Meino This was the jgist of a statement i made to i CAROLINIAN reporter by Alfred Scott, 32. of near Apex. I m relate the incidents leading up to an alleged brutal beating at ■he hands of Apex's Chief of Po ire, Sam L. Bagwell last Saturday j r lenv-on Scott Is new under, ■ atinent at Si Agnes Hospital j here. >BI ENTERS 1 ASE One to the gravity of the charges now mounting against Sam L. Bagwell, Apex Police Chief, for the alleged heating of Alfred Sooti, in As-it Satur day. Paul Shelton. State Bu reau of Investigation visited St Agnes Hospital to ascertain the facts in the ease, on Wed nesday. The question of the violation of Scott’s civil rights are believed to be involved. Much interest is being shown in the case. The Hudson-Belli Company, by whom Scot' is t roploycil is .-.aiu to hat e re tained the services of Wright Dixon, local attorney to probe the entire incident. The firm of Taylor and .Mitchell has been employed to represent Scott at the trial. The firm will be aid ed by S.<m Morris. The time of trial has not been set. due to the fact that it lias not been definitely known when Scott will be released from the h«s- j Pital* The fatal shooting of two Ne groes by Bagwell, coupled with other alleged checkered inci dents in his record as an offi cer of the law are believed to he the basis of much of the concern being displayed in the case. At inis time Bagwell is said to have told Scott that he was a ’ smart s-o-b”, While leaning against the front seat cry ing and pleading with the chief to take hint home, the man claims that he was brutally beaten. He said that he must have lost tiling that he recalled was being {CONTINUED ON PAGE 8i .. i ; was over KcKoy and A, Blair were j dead, while Harris and Robert 1. McGirt were seriously injured. Patrolman It. B. Leonard in describing the incident as tr ialed to him by an eye v I ness. Robert Hobson, Vickery, toid of McKoy having trailed a Mack tractor, driven by Vic- ! kery, for a number of miles. 11 is said that when the tractor reached the crest of a bill, on highway 210, five and one half (CONTINUED ON PAGE 8) • j rial Hospital, Salisbury, last I • ' week. The attending physician reported that even though she was only tj years old, that she 1 and the baby showed no ill- I ; affect from the ordeal. The baby is believed to have been the THE CAROLINIAN Ca*'*££**a4 10c VOLUME THIRTEEN— Raleigh, N. C WEEKENDING SATURDAY. MARCH . b 1954 Executive Sec ’y Examining Board Says Plumbing FIAMQ P ■«¥ ¥ RiAQ iwl %3 fe !' is *-J 1 lal 1n V ★ i i k ★ ★ it ik'-k’klk ir'k'k'k'kik~k “We Must Not Lose Our j Freedom ”, Dr. Jones Says " z t ~ _.z _ ~ ~ ~ j JK’ »v.-.mj me' hi WKKtS* aHRk ' ’I i * - ■- - VICTIM IN APEX BEATING j Alfred Scott, 32, above, claims he was savagely whipped b> A pev Police Chief, Sam 1.. >ag welJ, last Saturday afternoon Invitation Extended To Witness Plumbing Exams W. F Morrison, Executive Secretary, Stale Board oi Ex- j arainers, Plumbing & Heating Contractors, as the result of an investigation by the Curoiinitm, invited any person, who had reason to believe that the examinations and records pertain ing to the issuing of licenses by his board, were not fair ia result of a rape committed upon the young girl last year. The al leged victim is now awaiting trial for the crime at the next term of Superior Court, ile is now iree under a $300.00 bond. I j as he was returning home from | an Apex cleaning establishment, j Scott is now under treatment j at Saint Agnes Hospital where ' the extent of his injuries has race applicants, to examine the • records. Mr. Morrison attempted to oi,l-! hne the procedure of the ex.Tiin- j ing board. He told his interviewm that any person who applies for an examination and submit.- Dm required fee is accepted '.dhole-! heartedly. The CAROLINIAN made tin m vest) gat ion when it was hi ought j out that the reason why then' ■,> so few licensed plumbers sod <■ Icctriciana in the state, wt, dm to th efact that race applicant • were di,criminated against. Tliw charges were brought by F -nr Smith, chairman of the State I> w cratic Organization. Smith, who lives in Asheville. 1 made the blanket charge, a .p , t the Board, in a statement > I .it Ibis week. He chaired that iPM'- combe County Negroes in ri>- criminated against when m, , at tempted to get license n the t■ .. fields. Its answer to the clm; . (CONTINUED ON PAGE 8) N. C. Mews In Brief SENTENCED IN WIFE SLAYING GASTONIA Otto Ashinrcl. 33. year old Bessemer City dent.. was sentenced to 1.5 to 20 years in prison Tuesday after ho "lead ed guilty to tl'e second n< e murder of his vote U.,■;■■ ■ r ;.■• woman was shot in the head two months ago. KEYNOTER AT SHAW SOMWR The Rev. K. O. P. Goodwin, pas-1 tor of the Mourn Zm Baptist! Church. Winston-Salem now conducting Vce 'evening devotional | services m the West Campus (. inn . ,i j | during th.; school's obs : i vnnce ci J Religic-us Emphasis Week. I In his addiess last Monday night, J r;(U I .!■! n ~/.y <; i’i.H'.icd, Dis < ;-r: i.'.lc in ti e p u .’.o is .1 black • r-yr and several >■■■••. i» ma'ks tin ! Scutts throat Photo by CItAS. R. JONES, I m 'i CHICA6O MAN LAIS HIOH . LABOR POST V.'ASHING TON, D. c . The ; i.eond N< :i'ii in history to ’or ap pointed t< the official family oi 'no 1 an Bros,dent, was nam ed f t .veek by President Eisen hower ■I F>'! V’ilJ-oi;re- appointed a-- a i ■-1 labor secretary. i( CNTIMEJ) ON PACK 8; Ki v, Goodwin stresses the Cliris !l •1 n - obligation to carry too ban ner of O.irist high it» this confused ofid ‘-n that tiie world can under j send 'l !iaddress was followed by a .Seminar on ".Science and Reli ? on . by B. ’ j. Irons and Purdie \ndri -. ,olh affiliated with Show 1 inivcrM' y. Tuesday's Sotreoar top ii was "Hi onoittics and Religion”. • ''th Stanley Morris leading the discussion. fTEECU CONTEST KlNA''.*', SI. TIED The V.h.ke County finals f\ the \ r . C. Banker’s Association speak ing c..p; ;.-t in the county’s Negro (C'ONIINIJED ON PAGE 3) ! oiUMBER id SPEAKER KEY NOTES M :* ni*H not lo'-r nij- froc (iom as v pci, t» flrnat r* iO'ilc. S < o-,.:0n m. HV il.t n«» inherit lYcrd'u-i - « rarn * and hence mit't espcriciii c .! i ” r " ' all in-.. i<". declared R' >. Charles l\i. .lone* »( Chap i*l Hill, it (h - annual nioet'ng of the Rlooihvorlh street \ .'1 C. \ . Tee- li.t i uj aht I oov Jo.vs t i.s introduced itv the jH< v .1. \. K,. lie;-, i , . e j si. Amttox Eni-coral Chinch with ! Attorney J. j, C;ue,i;,ri:-giiliri|. ! Five members \v. o elected to the i float'd th -<v y: -lit.; ; ; X . |lo s; R li. Toole, Dr. W, M, tvit;- j ford. Rev. O. S Bis ho;-!; i! C. 1 High. Sr. and C. It. Fr.izei ( The nominations ebrpmittf-e eas i pose i of J. V, T Eaton, F. J. Car | n; ->- and Dr. N. i. Perry ; The annual •■"port ;>ven by K .L. RaitVird. tncral see. clary | ntowed ti'.at during the past year ; the BlOotiwortii Street YM(. A j showed a member ~f 1283 men land boys; supson d Id club groups j \;ith a membership ot 412; ? regu j larly sere-dulcd group activities and ; ] 12 special events v hii 4C so-iom. i fCOXTINI'En ON PAGE 8; Local Pastor Is Delegate To National Church Meeting "Where Cross the- crow ded Wavs of life, Where Sounds the (ties of Race and Clan i Across <he noise of Selfish Strife, VVe hear Thy voice 0 Son of Man. ’ i ! The ibo.c liner, taken from the ilr imt. ‘Where Cross The Crowded V.'amight well have been the t theme of a recent "Convocation On Urban Life In Am -nca". held .11 Columbus, Ohio the last wet Jc in j February. This great meeting, the first of i its kind ev.t' he’d in this country, v. as an out growth of a resolution [ advocated at, the last, general con . Terence < f the Methodist Church !in California, a resolution ple.lg ; iiig the Methodist Church to make 1 a detailed study oi urban conditions ! effecting problems of racial ten i sloti, discrimination, economic pres -1 ore and related subject . The gen- I ■ ral conference delegated to its i council of bishops the la, k of or j ganizing an interdenominational I study group to study the problems involved and to report it , findings to a national convention. T.ne ern re country was divided I into districts, each district to be teprsented at the National meeting 1 oy a pastor and a layman. The H,.v. Mi. Mdrm, 1.. Gidney, pastor! . of Wilson Temple Methodist Church ii.ve was chosen as the pas- “* Building Program Starts i FAYETTE VIL.LE Tie Build !mg and tenovation program at .the Fayetteville State Tcauhers j College. Fayetteville. N C. took a j spiral upward when recently con tracts were awarded for $172,801 worth of construction work. Al i reedy preliminary details have be : j gun. D. S. Collvaine, Assistant Dl | rector of the Budget, informed 1 President James W. Seabrook that [the North Carolina Budget Bureau, - 1,1 - .JjBmSI :£)hk. : 9mb ■. - rJ r ' *■ '-•• - ■ ii- ■ bs' 3 'l3k*£.v C*Sjdj£_ VIRGIN ISLANDS GOVERNOR lnstalled ay the Governor ot the Virgin Islands t*«i month by PrrsWent Eisenh-voy, 6K.irar.<,M engineer-contractor Archie A. Alexander of Den Moines. i. hard at norh getting u»-d to the people of th* picturesque territory. Gradu at'd » civil engineer in 1912, Mr, Alexander established hw own firm in 1814, and joined with classmate, M. A. Repass in !:«;>. The Alex ander a.nd Krpass company has performed engineering feats ah o'or the country (Newspress Thole.; HAAOP Political Action Meet Here March 20th 10c RY I M. HARKEN RsFCKt MOUft i N. C—State NAACP pgesident Kelly M, Alexander, Charlotte, announced that the Stale NAACP Con ference would sponsor a special one-day Political Action con iefence on March 20th (Saturday) at the Martin Street Baptist Church for the purpose oi arousing state-wide interest in , etting out the vote" for the com- | hi. congressional elections. The : r -insaries will be held in May and ; nod they are the deciding factors - iht M--,'em bet- elections n i I \JH Vi I MITCHFI 1 (IMIS Pl.f OR D , Ei.pr.’O'.j a; the Capita* rw-«g to ■• the 'mting record of al* enu-er.. i f congress :s Clarence M:i civil NAACP l.nccr -,o :vi;,ie i head of the \VMb ft ■ ;ton Bureau ■Of NAACP 100 Ma .-■•• '■■■"•. ‘ Avenue. N. \V Mr M ’ i'ell - • rents the picture of how all eon • , csi-men .-oied on ffiaUuo oi p v , i biiereiit to trtinorily and ! 1 h-hor v';.ii,p; All clli'••!•. civic ;u» • i ■ j ttltgious bodies are urged to stitfel! :<;prt-sentalives to the tPir. ill •, meeting Jearlj ou iviome he ■■ A ! . thousand people are . i , oni ] . i O WASHINGTON rONiTRIMT On c,i:;”eh iOlh sevc mis!>-<■cl j . 1 N.AACP csc-iegalf's from, if or 1 1 '* 1 ' uotioii will converge on W.'tshinti • | ton for -i special one-day inceliriu it. be . iitv.axcd with a brief ad-j : dress by President Dwight Ei-t-n hov.rr. In 194? fonric-. prer.ideni. i Harry Truman addressed the nat i iunal NAACP convem.on coin u i Lir,coin Memorial, alone v. itn . s.; Elt»anor Rooseveil. lor to represent the Greensboro district of the North Carolina Con | fr—enee. The Reverend Gidney was . i i.omp.iu -d to Columbus by his | wife and Mr Arthur Crump ot | O' eem-ooro, Mr Crump was the' , ley deleg front this disu’ict. j The 1286 delegates attending the ! I ! : Spwt'*, Mk i ’..f ml? ' ' .1 REV. GIDNEY I had approved the projects. / i ' On the agenda is the construction! I of a new infirmary at a cost oi 1 ti5i03.319.26; the enlargement of the ■ | Mechanical Arts Building for $34.- 1 ! 137.51; and repairs to the laundry ■: tiiat will fun to $33,344.21. Officials of the Budget Bureau ■jin accordance with an agreement • II reached with the institution' ' .j Building Committee declined to j ij renovate Vance Hall, a dormitory! ■JBwrswiMMrxM-, rir.tm- mi ii f I > -S> -%(► -f»> *>, *dcri obi i /i. ts ■ g,.* t m mvH.in : HIM-Is WILSON 4 i | ♦- so*- iqgi ” '■ 1 M miHiniinni —.- I |„ > ' T " -Mr Dames who resp-vh, him ■ if as ,( fun and as an America! - iyie the people at tho jjjjrty x'eco-- ' 1 ?v tint -iangers inhert-n: in con i uuiny second viacitizenship, n« • ruas at too Aji&V ' : "fto.n sstill ; |jjj| trying to piomote ivr 1 cm; >u: ;;u, who; tne Nation* ' ai hepu bl l can Cui:,mitt..<> railed .4?- •.. MW- iris! in as Research MM Aide and Assist ku-' 4H na> Director of ■iSlI Publicity. During " *' '* my second day DR WILSON* on the job, one 1 It UN TINTED ON PAGE 8) convocii’um pit Ity.-d themselves to '■lot out bj .1975, all tract's of 3is criminaiio;!. • <:• creation and all (CONTINUED ON PAGE 8) rare ill CUTS JIM CROI ROPE lit VS, ROANOKE. Va —a pi eminent Roanoke, Virginia white worrisn removed > cure separating white and Nr-gi > cpi'clator.s at a church benefii .li-ogratn held at a Roanoke H-gh Seiiooi last week, Police officewon at a lost as to ‘ hat. to do in observing Broth -1 i hood Week here The cops h’M i con ordered to keep the audience separated and to keep order. The program consisted of the _,,, )o Mikado" by Gilbert and .Sullivan I!. cons isted of an all colored together v dh a white niaiik-'t iti'i :t. 1 e dt rector and was being aviti I"" the benc-fit of the building fund for St Buke’s Episcopal ij sire! i. At Friday night's perform ance, no segregation was en forced and no incidents of merit were reported, Approximately 1.000 persons were mi hand Saturday, two thirds of »..i.: ...... j-.-. t t> - ...ie.v., KttTJlii \ « the begin ig of the program. Roa (CONTINUKD ON PAGE S) ' for men, hut decided instead to «• rect. a nodern fire-proof dormi tory for men that will house the same number of men as Vance Hall. Contract; are scon to be awarded fcr the improvement and lighting of the Avi.letic field and for the construction of walks and. roads about the campus. Improved camp us lighting is included in the plana, also.

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