EISENHO WER GIVES NOD TO FREEDOM FiGET . | r,v • Sf^flUfil&lgHgDMK* •4?LJ: j& L ■ss? L . . eIT $! wsAMwlSSil^^B \ UAL EVIDENCE Alfred Scott., rec ent victim in a beating by Apex's Chief of Police, tarn 1 Bastcell, is shown as he ex amined tin- clothes that he wav wearing at the time of the as. sault. This photo was made Wed- ‘Hexed’ Mother Goes On ! Child-King Rampage H2RNBERSOK *he\- i *tra’:.;e to y i which .• i- •.. • . . ■ . ■ k i! c In* - four r*'.*.*>*th old <:• i!d and >,c;• , having orsrd voice? outside of her , v/irujo-v which told hi i to kill n- ' ( entire t> t;ii its mothei He asked 'lie moto r w. ere the infant was and she told him tha< she threw it on to tlo<*r. during the night he- . c;.use it fi :;’d ton much. T)v fa N. C. Bus mess League Plans April Meeting 1 Ti.r .?< vonth Annual Meeting of the Non:, Carolina Noe™ Business League will br hold ,u the Blood worth SI; el YAK A, ii.V N. <•• April t. 5 and 6' :t ha:; been an nainced. 1 lust s lor lii- nit h r: arc !' ■ riti Bo: l hi, a i'V; i,;r;iiiv ■ and Better Wia i, Coriimiih'c"i arc! the IK High Bu use. Lear no.' The i'vsitsral levne r ■'Farin'.;! the In o l . in B i ih-ss and Industry” and the princi-1 !' - itiij ( ; will jjH’i .!:■ uii open iti ! Plli iic ■ 1 ,-aoii clinic-: and workshops on t 1 i■ - eouiai■ e n' ■ *. ’ Berne, lie- iminvii i notion of of-1 Li\ ALEXANDER BARNES j York League at it.- annual dinner. NEW YORK, N. Y. - Jonathan M ’’ Dao ’ s,!id ,hat thr sWth j Darnels, editor of North Carolina's "'ill BCC *' }t thf> decision with "good . ot' called abend News and Ob- j s-:a»e and good wili". He expressed server, told an overflow crowd of concern if the high court's dth't- Urban League dmci s (hat he was | sicn would, with one swell swoop,’ sure that Talrnadge end Byrne- do away with segregation. He warn would not defy the ruling of the ed of the dangers which lie, thought IJ. S. S'.prc’i e court, sh< rid it. lurked m -oi.w- of the rural areas' I n Ees». v • .(inn in F>c • hoots, jof the -ov->. but th-.iu-ht th-t a j but war, fc-or'ul o f a lc,v isolated: y&t'tr-i '.hat, cc u.'d and would b • cartes, T-rwdt y iti-.ht. i i •; d. The editor spoke to ii>o National j He la.-Jted out against the recent 1 i Urban League and the Greater Nc.v: blast of Georgia's Governor “Hum- i ! neday. ' J> (>ri.lv before Scott was to so on trial for drunken driving and resisting arrest at the Apex ; Recorder's Court. The dark glass es that In- wears conceal a black up that was received at the lime of his arrest. Photo by ( i!\s. It. TONE'S. Vanu’-strc'-en, called •■env.-s Coroner F. B High* and Or. ,t. H v.’h. • K'i- vi uccl the woman af ter sue hod been placed in j.nl and .-he told their*, according to Ineii version, that she had heard (-ominous voices out; ide ht-i win*: fit '.v I •'Hr-.- her to k 11 ail of iwr children. *.S;~.e H/ five other ciijl . dmn ranging' up to seven years o’cL The ofifrer wa,- pot -i/ • o :.!>( a ’/- tnc • owe . pi,‘; - ;•> the killer ■-u.other, or what roe had in mind for gciting no of Iho ‘•thrrr The body of iiie ini: nt w; - found or. toe floor of the bedroom n d was completely cold when hiiiiid. The tiros’ of death was; not. o.olfermined The woman told ex-. (Continued on Page !»■ Ivors and 5,., ,al f, atu/c \ incctinr r.t the V ('. I,nli-.c(.i . I.c.i ,nc ,i hi in held ,-.( the Y'.'.ICA, Sunday Apnl ! niii' it;i J. |jcMt.i/nr- Aack-.0.i, i>ui 11;1111. p-.aiding. I The anna I meet sp; nf (hr Hoard nl Dirve.ors will be belli linnl t at 4;80 p in. with .*. .1. tiemie; am, N. ( . Nli« 1 u*l l.ife I i-uran • Company, Dur ham, -Hiilli.-. The opening public session will ire held ;,|. the Fiartin Street Baptist Church. Sundry, April 4 al ! 7:.;0 p. -v (Continued on Page 8i o-n not i.i t i._i} j ,i- A not her lorn advnqsed .a. .».u , (in .-t-i iiion he nri'acin-d a| m : : •-’<<' rdt-.: noon The seniors balked al Hus jdia and a view of the fact ! bicy wci'i the (air s ;o which the - rnion v. as to be preached, they! tiionglii t.a’y .-liould decide wen I ,ul where they v.. in ted it. Dr o'at on and the advisors decided to j let them rr ;‘ke tlieir choice . o long | es it was one i.if p-opricty. They ; f-n i|ly fit on one that is called , i "big time '. The pmblem *v«* o-t solved ’here fi fciukii nly dawn d upon iiicm that since- the nivachc-rs had! '«'< prcii '!'• the ••« .n on th--y liad better be coiisietp.-!. The loterd*?- ; nominafion.il M.m.-ters Alliance; was brougitt into the picture. The . j clergymen decided to vote on the issue. There wore about 00 per- ! : cent of t.-e ministers m accord, j (Continued on Pago 8) j ENDORSES NAACP 3-F DRIVE; ADDRESSES 1500 WORKERS BY ,J. B. HARKEN WASHINGTON. D C.--(Secia! to The CAROLINIAN) In a brief ten-minute speech here March lOih So more than .1500 NAACP workers gathered in the Inter-Departmental auditorium of the huge Labor Building on Constitution Ave nue, President Dwight David Eisenhower "charmed his interracial audience when he told them, in substance, that j THE CAROLINIAN V™‘ C T —7 t 10c VOLUME THIRTEEN APEX VICTIMS HELD ★ ★★★★★ ★★★★*★★**★★★! “Fight Without Becoming Bitter”, Says Dr. Bundle n> J B. HARKEN tv.XMINGTON 0 C - -Dr. Ralph i. Buih'uo, United Nations official, i .ho gamed international fame I • be -I'cressf'jUy administered; to: di.-pii'e in Palestine several ; ear' ago. a- among the dio- - i.po-.-onages to address! : - NAACP r Freedom Fulfillment Fbdit -3-F> program here in thy, J...bor iitorium March 10th. j BvncMe re.-, ted several instances; .-I in - ..av.-i.-i been rejected be- i ,mi -x 'Li i «c< during early child hood; in -; nee- /hirh cause rrej-i i < to form during those ten-! dor ,u"i . D* .pile those urtfavor-i ; i. !e cxiy<-"ienecs. Bun/he said he I ...:•; leucncd to overcome the dead- 1 •.- ■ u-- -.it intolerance and jrpcial : I lured id he. "Negro Americans; fvrlk.p . .. e in a better position i ei . ppi tv; te the benefits of a de- i nioi-rai:, r-.tore than any people, because u • er group.- perliap.;. take i it i>r ,ri ;ud hi ..iius,; the- have 1 ..F-.v..Vi had it'’ He cited examples , i *’ peep'.-.- taking a stand for th® j hi as ;:i i'• - 1* -of a Southern ! i white cnhoge ' ..dent who, because j ; of tradi.'on did not want to play j ' !■: vketbaii with a Negro on the I ; tc.im; that is. not >mtil the coach . ivo him me choice o r "turning! ,-. his uniform” or playing with] tnc coiored boy. He chose to play : wdh t Negro stade.u on the j tram and the coach plared bur, -. ;n t.m Negro where he r-oon be , conic i i.!e friendly with him, {Continued on I'age 8) DURHAM WOMAN SEEKS damages; DURHAM Mrs. Susan Mitchell j ’.■-.-ought s it in the Durham Coun- J 1 ty Sitperior Court here this week ; foi injuries alleged to have beam ! attained vvi.cn she was thrown on ! , i btis owned ar. operated by the ; 1 Dt.i; ■ Put. er Company for the urn, ; of $5,000. The complaint avers that Mrs.! ; 'dll/Fell bearded the bus on Mam; ; Street a loading place near W: Mb jHHPv I Ijl % - ,W®l. li I # jfr ■B* flil 1 liM&i j ,"T. •; -v*’ , • - >»W£Li i3&mm&i---‘ ' ~w**■«!&•,«A^.- IPsHpp?''M* "'' tsHsl CONCURRING WITH LAW YER -- Raleigh Attorney. Her man i.. Taylor, extreme right, is * town a.s he discussed teed matters nilh Alfred Scott, \*‘io j|f tmtmam f / '|H| 1 ! f s '' j j ijjit . 3t m 1 | I |gggag£*ra»*& I | I f||| S' ' V%| fiKKK «HM| /I 't % % a jfestjf M 'l@f aßswißß IwpEttßl sictß ■jtfir Z ', J #WWU)ljgjflfßß3iWpK? ’& * -SJKsS *flj 5 ', oipjl MHBhtoig BRwHffi MMSfiff mmm -- § *ws &£*&& SsSS : wbm v - if |mw tom |? W » HBl ’ 1 mni s AWAITING THE VERDICT Shown is a portion of the large j crowd that assembled in front of Apex’s Recorders Court YVed j nesdav to await the judges' deci iFire Menaces Landmark; i Destroys Ham And Chicks i I DURHAM -■ Two recent fires menaced rhis tobacco town and Durham County to a considerable ' degree -'.hen a 3 1 2 hour fir e al ! most destroyed the Old Hoy at: Knights Building, located at Fay etteville and Fern Streets, and de stroyed i supply of meat and 350 N. C. Ifews In Brief i FA VETTKVILLK'S FIRST TRAFFIC DEATH FAYETTEVi L-LF. A 29 ar-ulcl 'Fay tic vole ; : i ll >' i • n-:- iity's ti>. i ti e f'c tiit; 'it;, of me year, Sunday aft'moo.i v. Irn '- err went out of control and ov r turned. Ei-win Farmer, wito war. I he endorsed the program of the Nationa 1 Association for the Advancement of Colored People as he welcomed them to the Nation's Capital and reminded them of "Where I Stand", (referring to campaign promises) an the matter of first-class citizenship for all Ameicans, regardless of race, creed or , color. | is aeeu.sp?} of drunken driving j and resisting arrest by Chief ! ;-;mi Bagwell of Apex. This photo l vas made Wednesday morning in i I rent of the Apex Recorder’s | sion in the cases of Alfred Scott and William F. Joyner, both of ! whom have accused the chief of i beating them. At the hearing i Wednesday morning, both men j pedigreed chicks belonging to AJ-i t ree! Brandon, Bragtown area farm- J j cr i I ’it in n v-.i-.c Called i_u iuy Old; Royal Knights building about 3:301 .Sunday morning and fought until j f:3O to keep the blaze from de-| •droving the age old land mark. , apparently riding alone, was m-j j :-u • t!y killed when hi:; car rani onto in? shoulder of the Mu.tv'.ij -! mi Hi r.d. near Fayetteville State i J '• ■ College. The car then sv. crv.'ri across the highway and j loiiod over five or six times. Tne i (Continued on Page 8) NUMBER 13 Court, from left to right are | Miss Maggie Man gum, Raymond Scott, Scott, ami T'aylor. Photo ; by CHAS. If. JONES. were hound over to Wake. Su perior Court after probable cause wa« found. Photo by CHAS. | R. JONES. ! The fire is supposed to have start ! ed in a back room on the second ! floor, but got out of control when (Continued on P-ire (it i "~IZZ Race Sick Presen t Problem The indigent patients at St. Ag nes Hospital here who need hospi- j tal care and are unable to pay , for it are presenting a grave prob-, Jem to the officials of Wake Cotin ty. Who do they go to and who j pays for their hospitalization and j care? These arc some of the coun- ; iy’s problems. At the present time, indigent patients must turn to the com.: ; for ne.ioss u'y help, and James R. Sloo, Director of the Waite County Department of Negro Hospitaliza-j tion. is the man behind the great j I REITERATES PLEDGE Ushered onto the platform by a group of iop NAAG | officials and Secret Service men shortly after the strok of noon—immediately following the singing of four number by the famed Howard University Choir, directed by Warns Lawson—the- Resident wore, what one high NAACP officia culled, “his infectous smile” as he -lend by NAACP Board Chaiuuan C-’hanning H. Tobias and fang i"e “Nlar Spangled Banner” v, jtn the audience, an audience which /coin ed to sing this National Anthem with more genuine /Ming than SLAYS SON-tN-.AW LOUISBURG—Green Vance Privctle, U. o : the Pilot Community has been arrested and charged with the mur der of his son-in-law, Jcme Deck. 22 According to Sheriff C Wiliis Perry. Privette shot Deck through the heart w i*h a .22 calibre rifle at the Privette horn - lain Friday night following 'family troubles . Deck's wife and their lour children wore staying a, her father's home when Deck camo to the house and'attempted to assault ] us iather m-iaw with a knife. Sheriff Perry said that the shootina was witnessed by Privettes wife and daughter He was given a bearing before Recorder James E Malone Tues day. 10c w qil ? mt i,; ‘ ie town was all aglow \here Wednesday when Ihe Ira.!* of Alfred Scott, charged wdh driving under the influence of alcholic beveraoe. and resisting arrest, and William Franklin Joyner, who was irnrrrgpd with assault with a deadly weapon beinr >lc,i ” s of p »"“ <=*>•>• s-' »hU.tf,rng before ‘he time -et for thpj ; Inrongs nf people filled the courtroon and spilled over Imoi j the street ,j ; fmn* of the building.; : which local citizei** -all iho City! Hall. Thcrowd mixed with 75 i , p< r cent lace riti/env slowed no 1 sign of unrest, but nungly bent | on seeing justice done, and out of ! 1 curiosity, d-seusso" the rases -n ■ • groups. Most of t-'ie persons who; , came were farm people and reptc- j | sented tb-e workia?' man. They 1 | seemed not to care about any fan j : fare, but v,anted to see and hear} the facts in the en*e. After much waiting, while the 1 court disposed of minor offenses, i Judge Cunningham recessed the; court, those wide settled down to ( f hear what would be told and i j questioned about the most talked j | cnout cases in recent years. (Continued on page eigbfl Few Negro Candidates !n Sight As Politics Stir NC Atty. Herman L. Taylor of Raleigh And Alexander Barnes of Durham Mentioned » ; , The filing of the self-styled dts- ; eiplt! oi ‘he late Senator Willi.'. Smith, Alvin M. Wingfield, Jr. made the forthcoming race tor ihc seat a bit boiler. Those in the race represent manj walks of life. The Squire of Haw River, former W. Kerr Scott, ha.-, not only distinguished himself as builder of good roads in North i Carolina, but has long since been ; known as the gentlemen farntoi and more recently as the breedei of registered bulls. The pie-sent incumbent Alton Wingiield is best known as a typewriter salesman and more ie ctntly a radio announcer He hopes to garner the post by extolling the tenets of the Senator Smith H< Lennon, appointed by Covernpt Uinstead, is known to have made a record as a judge of City Court. Wilmington. It wa in this public position that he established a rep utation of knowing no person. The high ani low. the rich and the poor, ar< known to have been measured by the same yardstick— justice- made no bones about the fact that should Smith not have died, m would not have been a candidate He is believed to think that he is the only candidate who is willing, able and capable of carrying out the wish -s and mandates of the Lite senator. Wc also have an unemployed man who says that, he wants things changed arid feels assured that il he is elected to the high office he will do something about it There is also a plumber in tht race. From all indications there wilt have to he a run-of? after tht (Iknilnyri! en fwjje K) problem. Sloe's department si pc-on; handles two main classes of indi-l 1 Sent patients. They are service! cases and welfare cases. ■ The welfare cases nave been de- j | fined those who sre drawing! j direct welfare grants for aid to IJe-j ' pendent Children. Old Age As- • s* star re, Aid to the Perm&rcv-t and Totally Disabled. Genera! Relief and Ail to the B'.ina of V.'.div : County. The cost to Wake County for. I welfare eases, S'oo said, has n-l cvci belli// link* / van in Jum ttU7. when the ' l-'igluint Man Fron 1 I’ l 'nr- White Housf " r, d. S|"»kv in NAACP from th> 'Coininu-.d -in ;m cignt) ■TwnßTrTvffiwlfflr-'- '* WILLIAM F. JOYNER tJcribblings * $ BY DWIGHT HII.LIB WILSON A | ctse YOU’D KICK ICO The Nozzle, published by the j Retail Ga.- dim; Dealers Association, ! prints a story about the motorist j who was hurt in an accident, and < V "' S b ® i ” S n t ' i ‘ r F ) * n,' he ex plained; ■ j “The first thing 1 saw when l opened my eye was tin Shell sign, ■ and some guy was standing in front of tile “S". i .... ;• | FROM fill AIK Til YES According to the record. Chief ! Lcpodotetnnchoseiacnogiileokrnniole. | ipsanodrimupcirirntnatosiphioparao - mehtokauikecluinmenokichleipkos - supshophattopci isteialektruonoptek ' kcphalokigklopelsiolagousl raiocalet - j raganopteregon died in Wisconsin (Ctiiiliiiiicd on Page »> c•.•cased greatly in recent years. He said that rote.- from this hospi- I ud to Ivake County have increased from $4.99 per day to the present rate of 18.65. Mr, Sloo reports that the fact that so many unwed Neg .> :noth» cr:. are reporting to Smut Agnes hospS.ta) f r medical c dis turbed u::n . . . s ate associifcd with . ” ":! :' n'i 'in; rdiatibn e. an c’.i.-.tic..L. clinic at lue P .at v ‘i •< ; nuoi.s need (Continued on l-tge 8)