WOT UrtPim SATURDAY, MARCH 20, !9Si . JOTTINGS f BY pr )■*? vm | I } Is -■ •'■'■' \ i-ji, .1 Lu 1 our > NEW YORK. (fii.On.M.. - S’ 1 '“'"■ * u ■ !•* 1!« 'enjowd •; V!s,t iro.o Loiior R.pves, one *-,f natioso;; viee-prcsidtMs of tile ' • i.r.i Leavty CulUnists Lumc I ii(* u.*;iuniZo • ion pLijte-j g .rnriiT*-* •i-o'.h Rum ilial ConJt.Teocn for tli* ' iwe>! Chapters C-*; roll F iv ok on,', o linking about his recent *•;•.•■• to Oakland. Califor nia. What charm ii"P.- o.uCi.pd hold "or this young man who has * traveled t oil; of i t uVi-i; ng 'll:; - r-uS, F I l'- d {>rd» .spent .i '.:■•.■■■ class ; *'■ U sis.'. t’ at Ch-S-, ly after h:£ fast voyage an he: high sc.e- Noel Jones 'a ;:f t.; ( . back eion •board the Indc peed-, art The Negro Actors Cubd -wne ye.’esed with its rev; executive siv rrotarv. no.« n •-.•ho 3i;v . tv: die kioujfv another uv. For these win.- want to »now wbat S imp re iho f ep-a ,e ■ > show foil; arc a . l! eh-, k-ter we, i.im'iv f.a in j'. ■rutai.. Tl'iC ,C eC -e, 1- e,. Ac muil Spj:- Dt- ■ ■•: r. ,f.. * tlie ’>''■■■- :e 2-i. York': lien:'! plains a embark on a n> -.hr.. The vdj appr-ai n : down SOili'ikir.ti wav sen Congr.ttuhui-.nt •••«- <•■■■■ ft. |Pl| Jtfait&fTi&M&i j ’ Freddy* S. Henderson THE IKIMI TOrtAUJ! ntf. C YSLAL fn 19-17, die- s si-.u-ts made ■ 7.1 ]p: ■ celit ei eii .nun's.;.;•!.» sea: ~cl yea. the j: uv was why -A percent. T! : A. pc : . That excerpt f A ■ • ee:u •ssrt- 1 of Business Week is- typical o' t ie j trend of American* to prcit i causal clothes. Throughout the years there ■ has be n a sp-mtual tcnik-n/ \ lot men anti women to dress, in keeping with the casual life led t y Arum karts. As On* so cial and economic conditions change i astmnes inadvertent iy follow the pattern. This has In eu « typical reaction throughout the ages. <> v > s. iiv 1 1 i. t iOl r t.»I Yv t ; man was to stay at home and to, a gracious iind charming hostess.- her ciotins \v- re accordingly tv--' decorative than functional. New Umt woman is generally regarded as a neces-arv contributing bn id v-inner hi." clothes must of ik- . .• hr t> 111'. .- i A result ciio;; skirts, the eliminatluo ! ••I bust!-. farthingales and other features which hampers activity. Now : too. <• iv b.-'.ojr.iiir. . ViOie of tie nice: .-.;i v com for i j and toer-5 is a married t. end to ward the casual, as reflected in: the com!;.: t of the sport shirt a v. ell the jw,y col.irs and f i:;>. ; years .tnortiy-'e effort tirivarn i-O --pulari2ii.it Bur mud a shorts for: Street Win AJt h ,: c 1« trr >o ! - oid not ceurh on lasi year thoi J ic t- videncc that men will u> i ■' ; “Thssa Are The Slacks, Ma’am” HOLLYWOOD, CAL IF. Tv.« new -models, both connected with the nation's more modei n and up to-date stores, arc enioinjr out of . the West, One of them .is st>rrinpr 4*?oife a fuss. The other, a new cash register xrorn the (Mary Multiplier Corp oration of nearby San Gabriel, is not controversial Its prevue brought praise from equipment buyers for large retail chains. But new model trousers de signed for cashiers already have mused argument among retailers > as to whether their feminine rierhs should be permitted to wear slacks to work. trr Aia.y M. BelllUiu Clicul No. b here m Kerr Vork u.r unde: -1 | takiny a testhiionial dinner for| ■ Mrs Bctirune at the Capiml Hofei.! to be given Anri) 23. Mrs. Leona! : r, receiving rearrvat,ions for the! ! $12.50 t' r-: Hue dinner, i! The id rii'-iers o‘i isrusic and Dra-: | 1 Brooklyn. N. Y It is expected t vliH'-i f.’ir iu-.f-VH- 4 Vv iif .; i.lv l*t.i . , : NtilfHp -\r-odaiiun of* Ny-'-.v I York'will hone. Dr. c!> r cs: 0. : I*'’forifb'y.t I ' Ciiiirier yi-Mch 19 at the P:»*‘k Ter- , .1 hi • Co.vi£ , .r*' : ’.-.u ; to U.V.Q Urb-au . vi Wasltintton, B C ' i-rtv’ir SfQ9.lT t.?T-C -iC' Vj. Ci.'? ()i ! ! 1.,e-i;d C. Carter. Jr., as :1s Exeeo- j : tivo Secretary. 'n CrjT'lor \vll! 1 j i'-lev. Yor k while out the ; of iony, fcot U - ouse*r.s o?* ot least j Whik* the d«M no? sound too flattering. c«;nstd( r ing the figures of sohjo men ii I* a healthy reactiou. I It i* a s?s!;\ ot that wen i Ido uoi wash to --iTr .n at® .-nan’,! j even in tho rn Cter of chrevs. OIM f Oi M?t. v i:ntio\ - ”vVt: ‘Je ’> • ii-M (.*? l' m.iriiv b; • j s)caity relates n> the bearing of j Irish ansi me sor'-'d of loss. The* I , . , ; | a co }.yan»ex nave v. ; j accepted the challenge that the; i most important iO'viee they can I render t > the * policy holders is | t : '«* prevention of sVkiom doe j me payment of a loss cornpvuxoi.r j i m full for lilt loss viiita ut*d. in! I gdc!:imr:. the proverUco of io.ss iv-i ; duces r.ccussory insurance prt-nii-y : unis ' V. ii Burhop pr.-f.idem, .Employer* ivltuuatf of Wausiio. ki riai. D i ns < One of tin ?•,.* "xps ! mutual msutxmee in the U S were! ! ffxfc bu. j:i iJuOr." - associations{ |of fi’icjfid.. neighbors, cc •or o:h*-‘ 2to’.’CS \vh*) banded to j i|etl;Cr s>Uio thrOii ;n etjua‘ c-antri-; ! button.-', .'issurc-Cl fellow mem be vs! 1 <axiCi fhen;se'lv<-'Y> of dignified ban-; ! ah These Hot» made this possibly: i i;> jar.se . un.nus oX persons who • euiid not he.\r .tihaden ii on an - in d i'v sd} a I |s j >:, a y Etn ptny cv s • [ Mutuals o* Waoxeu. I’A rgflM/l < MIOUM.VV AUV I.K I'fSKRS Rudi Ci’ornreitb, leading West. Coast fashion designer, has rec ommended that retail stores per mit their employes So make theii own choice. He maintains that the new tapered trousers have advantages of utility, neatness and economy and that store managers need not worry about a saleslady whose figure is unbecoming in long pants. Gcrnreieh says the lady herself knows whether she looks better in skirts and she isn’t going to switch even though the style does become acceptable to retail man agement. * ife m»j&4 \ r “r‘“ -*** • "i PH if. AD F! YMlimiafic i.Jns Ciothes Dryer, is equaity .. rilin' n. ;c abunl i d .•■ n *.'.- Sifio hag, a sri.:ui;incaiiy i— - a-! nv u-u '.... k - ■ ~. a v- k litis- traps ail 1 ?i■ s. from the air an it i“ t-xhan.-acd fr■ ■:: ii, ' <!, y;.. This exclusive feature of the dryer also cir.-- • ■ ;-*ti* t caelum, sen;: rated by the fia.csag; of warm an- tiiMia;<b Si fin-lias -,- ny!••.»> tn-a.-h, to capture iiut dust, wlii.-h tun i ■■ - ■ " !,. Dar' ori thread binding; and vulcanim-i .... i . .'" atr-a.-lh to Iha SifUi-iKlg, which way !>•' rt r-..vd : ’'a- ul ..'• iju'.kiy an.i easily U/r kaana. Tile lint .-c'.'t.a o .’:, •i. i. miy nn.u.'i at w:;i>! level above the loading door in t l : (ii Vi r's L.n;! 1 ji.ti;. !. !:» p i-, .to life Mr.-- A- j 1954 - M: K Kill .i.e.vn. Pa., bousewMc and wotb r of ! .••> •• . >;:<. As i p • hoir.ensak.-r. she quickly r~...-guD.d ih< • r ’- ; ’ •• ••■■' - saving features of the Calm ic Autowa* k ti.. • ih-lhcs Dr.. b.. (in: wakei i of a fanws line of avitoifci'.;* gas : Pineapple Sundae Cake—-Delicious! . v>Y -:•>> • r " 5# V,*£ *» ' * r-% | mg , % r . " Jt. I | ; -wr, «.\- I A Rcfrt.sliing as springy this easy to make cake is t a ;v d v.... ~ luAciou* suffar-swrutened combination of crushcu piw-app! ' ; a juice and grated orange rind. The unusual feature of th-; •.; the cross cutting at the top which allows ihe juicy topping to pen.' irate the cake just enough to permit the dei : :ii="is uistribut: n ni fruity flavor. This Spry recipe i» one of the newest developed in trie : 'lest Kicehens. rineappie Sundae i ake 1 1 M cups sifted cake flour ) egg, unb*. aten '■ ;; sugar Pineapple Topping ii teaspoons dnubta acting baking powdut 1 cup mdianic.d ci-u.-i> : ,>•:-< l it f ea.-poon salt app’v ’ ft cup Uor'.ogrni '.od Spry 1 tabksfwor. Itmoe t •=• v \ri teaspoon grated It rwm nod 1. 4 tea.-ipimii grated u' .1,2 cup !c...a 1 tablespoon canned rind pineapple juice ! M cup suga: Sift first -l ingrodionU into mixing bow i . or.>p u- r'r»" - • • Add lemon rind and pineapple juice and beat IC>O .;ti or • s <i -1 - n ' on mixer at low speed). Add egu mol beat I '•> sfi>" rs before).... Bake in Sprycoatcd S ' round l.ii ei'pan 1•! 3 i-■ : modeiatciy hot oven (575 F ) 25-35 rr u . Let cake u par. 10 min., t'nirutnov* !<> wire rack, right side up With .sharp knife, cut across center of cake u; a d< nth of an;* - " j ’2": rrske 3 won- ■ uis screes, dividing cake m.-» f v.v ;» . ; ■ ' nuu: app'.e. lemon juice, orange rind, ami sugar in sum • pa: and bring to boil Spoon hot rniuure ever cake and ic: cook . . . L.uve in wedges. | Early Bird in “Miss Good Morning” Contest ' W 1 ,V r - teaj 'k. -MB fflif* Wm •K- "i ke," .n'' A.-.m Li'i.ik, u iilr : House in Mow York cit.v which is one of the first rnsfauvnut.! in mil i its waitresses in Kellogg’s “Miss Good Morning" contest. The oontv -t is being conducted in cooperation with the National Restaurant Asso ciation. The waitress selected as “Mis., Good Morning’’ will receive wore than $l,0i)0 », prizes plus; a television appearance on the Art- Link! t.ter TV show. The contest is open to all restaurants serving break fa t and em ploying at least two waitresses. A waitress will be judged tor hei salesmanship*, efficiency, courtesy and appearance. Forty-right stale winners and on< from Washington, I> C., will be selected and will m ce.ve General Electric dock radios and a $25 U.S. Saving.,. Bond. Four finalists will receive all-expense trips to Chicago in May to at tend the National Restaurant show. The operator of the restaurant m which a finalist works, will also receive a trip to the show from the Kellogg Company. “Miss flood Morning” iff 1954 will be selected at the show and ■; ! receive a complete wardrobe from one of t'hieagn’,. top -.ton s, a SSOO U.S. Savings Bond and a trip to Hollywood for her tci.-v! son ap pearance. Patronize Our Advertisers THE CAROLINIAN Top - Flight Play Nets Mary Potter 1- A Rating At Confab ROCKY MOUNT--The Dramatic, Club of Mary Potter School pre- j | rented a one acd tragedy entiliod! | "Afraid of the .Dark’’ in the Dia- j tree! Fe:-’ vu) held in Rock.v Mount,| 1 North Carolina. March S. iya-l. j I Mary Potter was given an A-ij ! rating along w ith three other j ! schools that participated from j ; Eastern North Carolina. 'Afraid! i of the Dark" will be entered in j j the Slate Fes'ivai to be held at j j Shaw University, Raleigh, Northi | Carolina the latter part of March. 1 For Tiie Modern Woman | Custom-Designed Set for "Loretta'" ! T he permanent living room s«t. from which glamorous Loretta Young wi'i 'greet her television audience during the opening portion of her new week'y NBC tele-series “Letter to Loretta," *3 not just sn ord; \jry backdrop. It was designed as a suitable setting tor the gracious and lovely star by a lady who should know whereof she designs Loretta’s mother, Gladys Royal Belter. Mrs. Beizer, one of California’s top interior decorators, designed the interiors for her daughter s own home, and when « “Personalised” setting was required for the opening sequences of the television series, Loretta called upen her mother to create it. )+ «» a formal living-room w«th a Chinese-modern flavor, and in ii are a number of IVfiss Young 5 * Own priceless antiques and vbjets d art. The dignified, gracious room \vd{ become familiar to television viewers, who will see it each weex when they a*~e invited by Loretta t«> join her there and to go over week’s mail and ‘“listen** to an 01 :■:»«*»I drama,. The Family Roundtable ! NF;W YORK .GLOBAS.> - v :;.. Ry:[ My t'.rn;het IX 41. the old.-.-t ;r. ou. fulfil iy of four bo v s utiU tv.o 1 gii'lit. anti the oaiy one still ua-! ! :ru»rriccl. Wt. have tiievi It. talk to; : h:m about il. but it seems to it -' 1 ‘ate .ii. : and so, since vu all . u'lliov,. >'.ur column, we trit-ugat n.ay lie you could help him. Le tt ee I; Aiimy se I .vice', i. flt'.ii 1;■-t <j: nk n ich. but ratle-e eu-; ■ ~)ru t. ,; e frien.siii]." of many girl.-. New he drink;- continuously H , lu«s a very good jot*, but ti.qiieul !y ti’oo.' otf on drinking nr; ee; Toe. e 1 a girl, too. They met about five years ago. and he like.-. : him very much but feels tin y e,*n- : tun many because of tits uvj. iavv tv.-.nkmg There are other p- nth ul dgii.vi • t— He do-. - not want, children b94au.se he feels he is; : mo nfrt to Mar! raisin:; a family; . he does wan!, her to vcm-k. !“-• • : ta; feels tliat an apartment and' j mi chiWrun would not complou;!;* occupy her time since she has bev'ti ■ a car."-‘r giil; he doe's not '.van' 1 n own their own home but just ! ; l.eep an apartment, j This givi has encouraged .Tack to | j seek other girl; but he wants only j j her. She has told him if he would! stop drinking for a period of lime, j ;ho would marry him. but he car. never seem to keep hi- part ..f the bargain. Mr claims that he would: slop drinking after tn.-ir rruuYiage and ttiat it is her lault that hr. drinks now. Wt like Ui* girl vary much and; would like to see our broil:.•!• mar- - Joan F. Jones Wins Omega J Talent Hunt At Oxford WISE- Joan Faye dories, a sop-; Immure at The Warren Cntfpty > Training School, Wi-c, North < it nlitna, won first place in the fillh annual Talent Hunt sponsored by 1 the Zcta Alpha Chapter of the O-j mega i'si Phi Fraternity on March ’/til with her startling rendition 01 lit n. A May Morning". Tnc Talent Hunt was held at the Oran-1 Ke Street Graded School, Oxford. North Carolina. As a result of this, she will compete in the Sixth District fin-1 als on April in. at Winston-Salem Teacher - College. She wiv fra ined and accompa nied by Miss Gloria A .Jones, a member of the faculty at Warren | Ch.'unty it. unrig acnooi where Mr. G H. Washington is principal. Miss Junes was the winner of fKe second annual Talent Hunt and Hit recipient of a SiiOO.OO chojar-1 ship Iroin the Om< a Fraternity, ■loan I aye, a coloratura sop- I rano, i, a. very brilliant and talented young lady. With her j beauty, both pulchritudinous i and vocal, she should ro places. TIP JO DRESSMAKIiKS Avoid excessive thread tension when sewing washable clothes be-1 cause tuo-1 ight seams will pucker j when wee Experts advise using] 11 to 14 stitches per inch, depend-! ; n . on the fabric That way seams I will remain fiat even afar repeat-' 1 -d .lldslugs. j This h'gn honor was received lor the excellent and dynamic] character portrayal of a scent: j that has as its setting Death Row; in a Stat- Penitentiary. The liver of three sum are at strike for ma jor crimes that, they have commit-! led. One is a gentlemen bin so- ] one mistake, one is a Mexican who clau'us ki be innocent, and. the third is a hardened criminal! >vho has killed many men. Each | tnaii throws off superficial) ties, j t; d to ner Wiiat can y.-u in Bill, Alaban.a Dear Bill: Your h: other does have a pro bier,l Perhiij.s he has had seuv e lHUtint'lal o'.s'oll bailee Unviieh his Army -v-v ice which tie dot-, not • want to lave, perhaps you can get ’ ■ some professional help in deter ; nine in .Jot’s uis. ‘We- tor pro hierry half Un bait!*, will luivi ] ■ reoti ivat. H,u'.\(vee we tie: ii m vo.ui bro ! thcr's story. some indication Shat; m Miiu-i' need.' U> glow tip ill-, drinking and loan shifung thej : ohnue on his sweetheart- his re jeclimi of thing, that suggest re ■ ponsibility- -cliildri'ji. anti honte ] ownev-hip a1 id nw 'Mtiu r petu-: ] umt ir.sis, vice lit at hi-, tvite n not ] to work, even though. i:e -erk; to. i whittle "ici times down to noth.-! ing, til! suggest that -luck is dodg-i nit: !!: ■ re.' l things ihai ma.ke for; ' happy, enriu st ißtiin.' manege] A man who cai.i'ut iu ei his pin-' I.use to sw.-ar off drinking, f<*. a. ■ given period dnesn 1 uisiaie ap.y ’ confidence. 1; is nice your family likes '.lack's eu.! friend, but she will j Slave, to live with him and he] must show more will power and. ! determinaiion in prove himself i fit for marriage. Tiie girl realizes. ! :hi.-, and showed it by pultun: him; to the a 1 The ve.-.i stem In be! ip to lack E P. I SEPIV One of these items is not lux ury. the excise or “luxury tax wliieh the government cdllccts on liquor, tobacco and entertainment i. also levied on the household dryer and ironcr. The yacht is tax free. When you buy a dryer or an ironer It) per cent oi the cost is “luxury tax." The government col- ( lecis this tax because these house hold necessities are classified as luxuries. There are still more than 40 million American homes without a dryer or ironer. The American Home Laundry Manufacturers’ As sociation is appealing to Congress to remove this tax. Do you think this is a fair tax? You can have it repealed. Send a letter, post card or telegram to your Congressman j in Washington today. Tell him j what you think of this tax. He would like to krow. and instinctively turns to God a;- the end approaches. I'h» 'students who portrayed the character roles, ere as to! ■ o ws: James Xatterwhite. Theodore Brooks, Marshals Redding (seniors), N erven Basket viHe. Chester Carr, ■fociepli Rank in and Philip ( rev. s The 'Jramatic committee >s corn ! posed of Mrs E. J McGhee. Mr.-, jB. G. Barksdale and Mrs, I S ; Brpmion. Tips on louring! •swatnuMim Sy Cart}/ tone —wm—l Women'* 7-cv»/ Authority Determined to reduce the na tion’* heavy toil of traffic fata.it ties and injuries, Press dt- n t Dwight. .0 Eisenhower has called h White House Conference on Highway Safety, to be held in Washington, O. C., on February 17, LR and 15. The purpose: to develop public support, at th>r community level, for' proven meth ods of improving street arid high way safety. The develop-. ! merit of effix - I .7. | live community Li ' , ! safety programs , djJ^L( . by women has «P#kV> long been a mat » ■*». • t l l of great ir gp**' ~i l, f i lcrest to me. it Sr ~ y wo.- to recognize ~A;> fi achievement hi [ (tTr— ~ this field that the Carol Lan* Traffic Safety Awards were set up in 1951. Winner: of these award'-, which an- .uimmistered by ‘He National Safety Council through & grant, from Shell Oil Company, have helped reduce th« tragic waste of life on our toon’s street:, and highways They have taken the lead in ail pha? s. of satety including planning, legis lation, tiiiguieci ug, public io.ior malkm and law enforrem-til. With tlus background of mU-i «st in -safety, I was pleased to he incited by the President to his Conference on Highway Safety t will attend the conference as it participant in tne women's group. In addition to other up icsentatives of business, agricul ture, labor, government and in numerable organizations, the President also has invited each state governor to designate a group of outstanding citizens as delegates from hit -state ! will report, my findings from the conference to von later. Yours new York • global* -j«i -tV Hodpt .ilk! ills ofcht.-l i,i NCvring heavily tliroughuiM iin ountry Jo.- Shvles" jus.i cun -'hKiod. t ... i. --l.li . , Gn.ily ii.it! -ncc a -.tun lias invaded it’!' Billy EcksiineT AiiliU !,- ; cord of ' Lost In Lovolm. . . . in : .r-'-'-t turce weeks, has tv.u-hed it. ; tlii.e quarter u -iu< i marl; Sor.i.i V.'Uliihsn if:.:.:... ;Ob O! Ul, svvi !'.•!, of lau i -ouis \r!i!...i • -.o': jnio IS'-' >;uj wav ■ Basin Strrci - Big dnho Get i’s new mm. I i is making noise .md Greer - ; l is making noise with his eon ; doing one-night, er?, in the sou. nuid Pianist George Shea nr. I is one of the greatest \v. • Bishop one of America's unvuioai ; ASCAP v;mipo.sei s From in.' new iVlGivl cinemascope "Re .Vlme are iiiese fine record,. :<a tions in a a album featuring Ann Hf'. lh. Hou-ard Keel. r\ ,-n.,n do L.onas, Bert Lahr aud Vm , juris- Alain The tunes a.r- "Tr-e Right Pl.a - I'm a Girl" "Flee To jße Free, Love ;md Kisses, ' 'ln i dian Love-Gall,’ Rose Marie." "I - i in A Mo:.-’ 1 - Who Nev.-r Gol Jin ! Man." I Have The Love" a .-id I "Mountit s ' ! Buddy Lucas and his ork sit 11 l clicking. Vein Stevens out on j tour lining up spots for Ins fine | stable nl talent .Dusty Fie; • elier hanging out with the be;, at die Hotel Theresa Ns.; K.ug Cole at the Rustic Cabin in Jei a y . . Liltle Verna Itr. is a ji.eltv talented nine-year-old from Brooklyn She can sin;, dance iuid she's sweet and pretty and her mother, a gracious, cultured vm iiuiit, has given her a fine back ground. One of these days at . predict she will be a heartbreaker in show biz So watch out for In r. Ginny Gioson is one ot tin uc i female singers around foi our j money . . The Dell-Tone- 'four gals) will make great strides this year, just wait and sec Ella Fitzgerald still a great favorite around the count :y. ..Andy Kirk a Tin Pan Alley-ite . The Harp tunes set to invade Harlem's Apol lo Theatre for a week':- stay as hi adliner.; Doe Bagby still one of the ;u cut est exponents of the Hmiunond Organ.. . Bob Santa Warm has a new platter out called T.-uzapi* mrn," packed with "Fme-vcU Farewell!” It's a go- d one We like Frank Potty's recording of "Hearts Win. You Lose" and, “Pino PantpljUu Little Rita j Fay is becoming one of the big recording -tars. WHITE COLLAR BOOST American industry is spending; considerably more money on office; staff,ng and equipment today than , in 1920, according to the Employ - j «rs Mutuals of Wausau. This is because oi a realization that good i coords and statistics, prompt com munications, and other office work i: a- important to production as machine v.-ork ir> the plant. PAGE ELEVEN if Srfte* ; L«J»j wwiihl^. iiK- ■■ i It’s not jmly humiliiuic ' m<ixldenir,!f* for four ev-aici i I a row Jeff had beatm tru unre-er- 1- r ' fully at u . 1 ! «f\iL ->i. vorito wt, > i Cv-LJA Ylff <ran»e of ;• N«pL hie. I dorrlcd i i * 'o'' have to 3u ! iufl-tVj.m;' that to Jeff ! who'd be raring to start in an ; dinner, W:'■ h a flash yu bm 1 - ■ : • j 1 determined to nog off on tie • ] grounds that I’d have to ta-’Me ■' I mountain oC -jocks to be dar’i. a, i j dashed to the luidroom to iL j Stage. i Twenty minutes later 1 f-,4 in* i spected ei’ery ias*. one oi - J i socks and. had come up v ■t h i grand total m !Uc. holes >n ).«•" . i so old they had eauicd hcn.'udiie ! ritn-emci:;.. TV;:,.- it M-.cunr-’ v me ! that 1 COUldiiT fecu.il Cher vi«stc. i I. nad touebed a dan.";”: c--"cl i .Surely mv htishnitu hti-ist'f cr.cu. - A I hi:- iiCithc:' V iU'w. ' L ! uur wedding, “He roes •h<*o»"h i The answer, l1 * ■■ -h... • | that mamifaci'irc. p v.’e tnado j tiuracujk'ih) u, s *. - , , gv; ] wearing no i! : i- L- ."n I clever ear ere;! i:c: ir ! co)r=p-< -• ■ ■ ■ * -< * | practical pun- u■, .■ v, cc-c j out! Ami k- i !mg over ‘he ay- p-v --• before me f .a ;W-4 I a!T * x ;' d a r j vane».y or l *s'< . -f i <>TK. aJoUvin i*, S - 1 . "V A,.* v. 5" i if;: st; r er« i. iaa 11 a- .: ■: . a , :. : ,-a j fin <5 lf‘ X to) • ■ A pp.'iit.Ti'J > ve.i y <;i; a. "... ■ < Pi* turn h;aj be<-ii y.> ■■■;:.■ on :o:: r : '■-.LO i need!<a j>r*>v‘t.!i-d '-a hiaii, . j for tht 10. UR o{ tin* hv-oy-L’. ir-a. , binfd ih»‘ tv-o \% Ii *• { f-'f-tinuinsr k'-w a l Thai flight O i p;, y-t He fc -:: .htM. : Ari*j. <*veti wit 'i r s . n-w d t . :.hh i f<»p spv». j•! h^vf? ull i /A' 4) M& l ' OWg CA.*ts w f e j f/k 7 : I ! fev'T-V, I'." HW.IH WtOBIK. f n »> Jaefcsaa J«t*« ■: Austin, iv-ciivlH u - l ; $5,201 i y ■’ > * W proof, n% Crom Keofrof' . .?.% 1 is Vs. i , I i Austniakichc i „ SCoiFwi Iwc |k WMKItK-ktV t!Wi tfR ’**« ww es» mm jwwp -> w <. ■:-£ i dWMi—iwi'ii'n ■iiiWiTiimrititdit mrrrr x&i ' y\!iHE,re I | S |if|tirr i ii li 11 M&iim i/ /1 1 f * V j i ■ | | K I \ bettvt /j for your hr.' 1 : \| # vjity (tit.h* ir* your ho»r in'»rorfly f * G«vft% a rir.h i , color to ihf hoJr Pf .y, j | Holpi.m|il/li ii ahrV L 0 *' : - f-• - v f . * Dinolv.c'i- tr» wois? - • Jn* t a ‘ft ij yecc nSm h.- o i I i y j cmd »/> >?■<■*** v v j «t ust>. !■«»,' iMrt Jti-ii r.«PvH»<? f /; - y i you. writs 'trfjL> ''' j J I KONGO CHEMICAL CO, j .| \ 204 W 1241 k Si. M< v t ort 27 ¥ / Nuumwotiumwii <B',r' -e

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