PAGE SIX ' J. f * I ; MO>'-HhO Hi i. !• s—Arthur Mint (left), Jair>ai<;s‘s moti »<-!. i<r,v >il nnnifr. U «n uifh bin wife and brother at the gate* of V; ■■■ora wer> ! to the investiture held *>j Queen Mother s; «mt wt Honored with the Order of the British Ems- : '-* • \e... phono NOV ?M « i : ■; : O\ ; ' STf’J -LS BAsY * VRE The r h •:-.- „ . _ . i , ..... , , ~n COItCHIS vcj.;£ \Vtl. i it. iii ‘ u f .H‘ 0 31.1 fi d i Tt; y ; C :‘>th ! : " ' ' f -' ! ” ! f ♦\ o- ■ "'r ; ' • • ' v ■. 1 v. v\ . U CO * ■>* t*‘-iJC:. ; vs .\C;I ,v X«A , i; c! y- -• ;• ' • * your ' bathiiv V/i.icnever tne tai>| Special Purchase!! NYLON TRICOT R : ,OI JSES fit r-r.;t : r 3.98 and 7.95 T ,... T , , COLLAR STYLES ran ly sTYi rs. white pink, blue, beige. Sizes 32 to 38 IN RALEIGH IT’S J»p mot:: ncjssm; daughter e r'.-jno\s IMS USANCE BUILDING : "«■ t-rnempm- -*«••-' '-*•■•• -...-- |- T w —rvrv-riTiiii-nrntm»j.:jnwiriH'-fi nmn hhiii.iiilh.jkihiioiii. ii.mio»iwoMWiii i ! \CCy -- Ifc SOUR MASK #8 J - BOURBON S!RASfiHT BOURBON WHISK ( L PAfiX ( IIIFSRO CKIiIIfRS Os KENTUCKY. INI' " i ,-u*. nc-'i them ot let them i :j'and .ret right into them i.r:ain. Thej re always shirking up new! r. racs sos n-ornen who stav cP 1 iTomc and Rikg cave of the house, j A ’d that pinipk' ■phrase certainly j Uikes ’.it a lot o) act tv t tie- d he; .-.. l ■••uyPC'U.Nj names arc ‘’house—l ho id engineer" and “automatic! i pt rator/' Wh Slates Older Boys Conference April 23-25 The 2f’.h Annual N C YMCA nui,-r p.nv. Conference a >ll 1 e heel at the West Charlotte Hi-.h School,; Charlotte, Frida.'. Saturday. Sun day. April 23, IM. 25 >1 Ivi been announced by E. 1.. RaToici, Y M. C A executive, dire clot Arottn 1 liUO boy dttlesalo and art- j till ad visoi s representing YMCA's and schools throughout the state I Lent is Time for Self-Discipline By Thomas F. Stransky, PFS Staff Writer ON THE SPORT PAGES OC-j casionally appear the training; schedules of our nation's best, athletes. Some swimmers dallyi race ISO length.* of the pool For| months x foo»h<tH 'f-sm «perdsj .several hours a day on the field, j Basphall chxh* have weeks of I drill before they appear ;n thej stadiums of the country Long hours of practice, bai-i anced diets, and th*‘ careful' | pacing of the day are necessary; • • r i pm m §MmS» S ! to thG' body and give! | the mind mas-j fery over musclej and nerve Every; athle t e ha sj | drenched hi s: perfected skill in; ! his own sweat ST PAIL OB SERVED this' Ugid seif-dhsci-S pline in the ath- 1 1 - M - / ‘ O ». . * w y. r •v. and Greece "Every athle.? must; Keep ai! h s appehte.; under con-, t; oi; and he does .. to w;• a cro'-vn tnat fades.'' No wonder, i. en that Paul was determined 1 to discipline himself in order to: ain the imperishable and un-j , lading price—eternal happiness! v.-.h; Gcd. God holds out that'. prize to us. Lent is the time of year when Christians should concentrate on| he meaning and practice of|; Tif-discipUne. During the fortyi ; > brvere LV ter Chri.dians; : l;ave alway s t ried >. ;;>> special I • •-ffort to gel be .r c :ol oil; heirs selves. % How Well Do Ycu Know Coffee? i ,4fS -ns/ si I i ■) JZ_ .-7.4 ' ifYi: V , iw * i \ ’ If. ! i 1/ v . I C ' fs'O 1 r-,V.» I>C Ci vvldln j fL'V.C’i which iv f OiVUVV? V ;0 PSO' '■ \'U> s -*>J ? VTi'.'O O l IOCiV v far»n iiinil t lovvtf’fr' i-3 a . »ie j .. O s bvGOi.iiy. V V"" .TT CO CM <*■ i ■p] MS-A I \ ■ !A.\ .! I /ir? ti .v- I T . .lie I ±he fruit of tho cot tcc IliV is j called a chewy cmd t'esewiblc? OUr edible before the free matures Ifhvw bear* ciboyt 2oco chert ie* eac <. 1 of which must be hand-picked* L ...... FACES AC£ IN J7. T~" ~ Zoo* '"oaf. V//\ssS-i Ca*o%* Josv®!k ~— MuJa&JoTA, Awu-AM&ipfCA* SBiH* "' eet j *4Mt4**M ' «*W! —lO r?D6O Soui.MA<? '5- V - To 4 A7,y/.s//./...,>* &y.cj)A^» ;.|t o;,(.r.:'i'Cl to ultcnd. Regvtra ■ !i will be "U -*u 10-oii A IVT A 1 il ill ill lh ’ 0* w th'tirv T. Ain' :h’i' • YM'.'A -■ in alt acs ion to f-.'!«\v ' .hodul. d tot tile West Clou Sch(i>.'l The ci■ • I•. ::(<<.■> -v‘!l he oflieiaHv wolcomi ;l to ('harlot!-:' i■■ v tiro Hoti i cable Van Every May or and Dr. K. If. Garingor, -upeiinicndcot of | THE PURPOSE of this self j restraint is icve of God. We realize that the discipline of our 1 tnind and body only for the sake !of ourselves i> siiiy egotism We ! control our passions with our j reason. 3ut because we are ; children r>( God we submit nur I reason to His lew. our will to | His love j Only those who seel an excuse | tor their weaknesses and sin taugh a< Lent "Follow nature, ■ seize pleasure while it flies." they i say Their cry really means i “follow half your nature; follow the animal in you. forget- the ; human: obey the flesh but ignore ; the spirit" Obedience to this has been the ruin of every na : 1 IP;i Men become beasts SELF-DISCIPLINE, then, is not I giving up anything; giving up is a io.-s it is the exchange of something we do not need for something \>c do need, in dis* i cipiining ourselves we discover that we can get- along ' 'T well Without lie :•■ h' ran;':,■; at- hi.-rr-v • and at work, the alee.'-- , ni , the sensuahiy that, impedes only agony of seal. Bin we cannot got along witnout peaef' of .-■ ■' -1 in. union with God. We g'adiy exchange or.a for the oilier. Lent also reminds us of the Crucified Christ. Hs is our r ample. With our eye on Him m take the chisel of nur own will and cut o r s r ■ chuoks of SC j f:'. hrt os f \ ; c^]DIM ■'. d, nci ; ‘* c: until we finally t?.k( cn the im age of C'"'irr And the He won for as on JTw Crows so pgr. esssry for tic.-; rvn-rk, is always at ii &no To v usii \ the ]oyi \i 11 3 sk . T FAulat fcAiucf Sarvutc, 17. J 3, C, I 8;f 7 \' 7 ;~i ~ /jf/T ~:Ai cc ■ Xvlv »v y \ I- Ow - Z.,- v ' / SA’ / v . f • w if. /.■/ ./J c. / A , A. • ■ ,1 ? A- / // v „ ;_v. , / ' ’ •' *"*) / Jr- 5‘W >• - >v< , \ i -'.'CvV,: . ' Ktr’OiMOiiv'V C'CVVIhC! • I'K-;* - -> 8oKv»;*on o: * d<ki 7> .’v. s u x ftVfuoiy | c . ->* ii' utoi- \ * • • "v - •1 ~• i pi-.'n ; y w » o»u1 »v i. -ro K 'lni if* f Jm ! v .Ti .»v , ; ' \VO> O J - ?! ► , tc'oOk i, : Illy l:«W He •>V. 1 v'» atl.’ r'OC t *.■’ - YCCcy.-V- ..... I cYt' ;o u f. ~, 1 ! y V’' 4 " j | ilb makcj / jO *. ' 'w, ■ j,' ' C ■ . L!io ■> iii, - - Cr"l croj?ofbi tecot'ie> ■ f< eu 5-3-j to pi odi.vo a • 'j 1 -- CJ poun-.T of c i '-!< '■ Wit THE CAROLINIAN City School a and other leading i | | >. vsen.U itios. | The theme for the three day j confab is “Youth Participation in i An ever Changing Society’’ anclj j outstanding persons in various I j fields will discuss aspect* of the; j theme. ■ Principal program features will I I include bu iness sessions, group dx-j 1 ruvsions. motor tour' of trie city.| , public scs. ion with an outstana ,! u>g kin. - io:.c speaker; citainpionsi.ip, :. kei'o .'! ' K:w» Vs Wet',. ! '• ncji>o>. rfeiucc. Conference ser-I . nmii ,m I dcvntioii... The ('hnrloUe cntcrtamnir nt 1 1 fommittcc for the conference is; ■ headed bv Dewitt It Reid, genera) ! ' j New “Sit - Down'' CHICAGO—Now the homemaker ran prepare meals comfortably seal' dat the revolutionary now “ : -.;t-down” sink, made of stainless ; steel arui including: three bowls. Klkay iVhmua faeturlng Company here developed it in coop*ration j ' with House Beautiful rvair-i/ir.-’. Tlv' pen insula type sink !■ , ti tree bow!.’—the shallow one for preparation, the deep for russ>oir and 1 dishv.a-hii r. A swG i rv> mtod fauc- • and the spiay srrv.. -ahth ee howls. Whore the conventional counter ic- prof--’i-’rl, ti:.' 1 *'sit-dow;i” sink is available in a two oowl dcf'gn—o:.- ill » and ; i one <}o a . 'i ■ ItoaKTo-djev. * above p;-'p; : i’r- «hl imp :;f. the ♦ down’’ sink, her back supported by n- 'i-.uv do ■' : ;id hoi knees veil j mider the shaliow sink bo, :, ihus i- ■ ;:ing l-.< sou.e bending and reaching. Tin- sink, plr i-.giaphcU in lim k.o den of 1!. • tab doti. iba-l j Pace-ifeitec house designed and Inidt by AhKu-- : Ali'rt-d Parker, -• made fc’’ the .world’s oleic. .1 and iaievst tii.evjfa-, lure, of staiidtss steel sinks. i PsranTo M«p| Tr«m I ’Mnrlij i asyuia muai uadi ta":rauiu ;v) UOiiiii d vtuiiU Pv Rev, Janie* Reiter. Director, the (ihrcd-epher* IN EVERY HUMAN being God has Imp!.'*sled, personally and individually, a special power to ; influence mankind for good. • When parents realize this, they : will become Christ-bearers. And. when parents realize this same! power in their children, they wall! inspire them to become Christ bearers also. Then parents will be less con cerned that their sons and daughters choose profitable ca reers, and more | concerned that | they find for | themselves a | sphere of influ-1 ence for good. 1 In so far as par- 1 pnLc cpcs thi frn 3IS instruments God. they will | automatically a- 1 void that inch- ™ nation of so many parents to over-emphasize self-preservation. self-develop j ment, and self-enjoyment. OUR fI.'RPOSE IN' LIFE is not just to take care of ourselves and let the world “go to the devil” Our first earthly con cern. of course, is our own se ! rurity. But once that is achieved, 1 then the food, the housing, the j cloihmg, and the education of: others should be our concern. j This unselfish attitude toward; /;4Ws». > i S v&iS&ilp" • It Heins 4 4 S-t-r-e-t-c Ii Yoii r $ f fit m. 1 • ONE of the most helpful services your newspaper performs is enabling you to get MORE for every dollar you spend - MORE value, more service or more sat isfaction! Day after day, its advertis es columns present a host of timely bargains, special sales and store offer ings—which help you save a tidy sum each time you shop. And, it’s the small amount you pay your carrier-boy on collection day that makes possible these welcome savings —as well as all the news, pictures, com ics and features you enjoy each day. Who else brings you so much for so I'ttle, as does your dependable carrier. The CAROLINIAN j Your Newspaper chairman, C. L. Blake, currently, ;.;vmclcu;. ill the N. C. Teachers' Association and C. Good* 1 win, YMCA executive secretary. Public schools, Hi-Y, Gi'a-Y i clubs YMCA’s and other boys a | gcncjps, are invited io send dele- ; I gates. Putiler information may be se- ! | cured from K. L. Raiford, Director. | N C. YWCA Older Boys Confer- , cnee Raleigh. The latest trend in duster.- j | seems to be toward envy dolman i ! moulder:;, and sleeves that are cut: ! v ith wide cuffs laat lide about the i elbow or above—out of the way of , i jour house work Big pockets and i j button op. I tie-fronts • others parents should teach i ( heir chi- Iren before they reach i mannood and v. art mu iiooci Tar j cuts should teach them not to | retire into their own insulated j "hothouses,” leaving the run- ; i ning of the world to those who either hate Christ or who know Kici not.' I%'STEAD THE CHILDREN will become other-Chr.sts. eager to he'n feed a hungry world, eager to bring peace to a world divided against itself, eager to speak the truth to a world which has been too often listening only to lies. Good parents, you have a life ahead of you Over the years you have a thousand opportuni ties to train your children to be leaders, not followers; to choose a life’s work, riot for the salary alone, but for the influence which that we.k affords. You cannot and dare not delegate that responsibility to others. YOU PARENTS are far too important to preoccupy your selves about lithe things. You are too powerful a force for Christ to "fiddle while Rome burns ” With God’s help, you ean bring the Christ-!ike virtues of the happy Christian h'-tne bark into the blind, uriif. ov world. For all of you. this r- a j breath-taking opportunity, a tre ! mendous challenge. There is no ; time to lose. 4” -j<— Str .k—, Wafhinftcn j 7 , 0 r : x.%. HHHyL. kw. i Wlicfc'i * U( --- i wms IppjM % 1 Rer. fameft KeLl^r ffs l \V-v 'j tM "f! ■ IP WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. MARCH 20 1954 Marian Anderson in Concert At F. S. T. C. FAYETTEVILLE * Enthusia.-rn continues to mount for what every- j | one looks forward to as the musi i cal treat of the season for Fayelte : v ile and near-by towns when Mar- I tan Anderson, inteniationally-fam »Hi! co n( .- e rt artist, appeals in eou : cert in the spacious new auditor',- | urn at the Fayetteville State Tea chers ColiC-'e. Fayetteville, N (.’ | on Fridav evening. March 26 j Miss Anderson, now at Ihe he; ;h! i of her rareer is one of the !< ad in:; contraltos in our time She being booked by trie National Con cert and Artists Corpora*ion. in More than nine mi!lien people am employed by highway transpor tation industries. the reseat eh bu reau es Employers Mutuals of Wau sau reports. One out of every ,-:x businesses serve- the highway trim portatiert field which is a S3O h.llirm .-.-nnital The held includes films which supply or service buses. passenger cars, trucks, nnat roads, city streets, and truck highways. IWilliaml 0 Penn Retoil Price , YftlUam j 1 *2,10 I PefV# ft Pints 1 1*3,35 1 ' l-.'-r-.C-F® Fifths 86 Proof rvr ini * .cm whiskey* in Ti es i-Booert ■* Y*.VlSO# MO#6 010 .«< STR.V WHtiKtr, 6J> NEU7SAI SeiSltS. 0(5111110 OS AIM wnsfra** t wests ishtb, mnu, mm GARDEN ITEMS GARDEN ITEMS * GARDEN SEED • IRISH POTATOES © GARDEN PEAS # FLOWER SEED • FERTILIZER—6 -E- 6 100 Lb. Bag 5-10-5 59 Lb. Bag FERGUSON’S HARDWARE 2906 HILSBORO ST. Hardware Tools Paints —Household Supplies 2-3030 Phonos 2-4877 iREE DELIVERY * FREE PARKING T “ —— ~~ —— ~ —- When Trouble Comes and you are in need of a BOND USE MACK & MACK. Stale-Wide Bonding Service No Bond too l.arg» Our bond? are good any whom in N c.Our Federal bonds are good anywhere in the United States. Credit can be arranged tor you So when in need of a bond, call us or our agent, if we have one in your town. If you can't call, have one of your friends to call. Day Phone S-2024 Mights end Sundays 3792 Burlington, N, C. (Openings lor Agents in Your Town) Main Office: 5523 Maple Avenue, Burlington. N. C. (Owned and operated by Col.—We are members of the NAACPJ Mock B. Thompson, President (Miss) Cora Lee Thompson. See.-Trents. WhtfJ Do we recommend that you buy U. S. Savings Bonds when we would like to have this money on deposit in our bank? Here's Why! £ Our nations! debt is a responsibility of o'! An.eii<.a..». Every person should be a stockholder In the U. 5. A. $ A sound dollar prevents inflation and is one of our best weapons 19 the fight against communism. ® The more bondholders there are. the easier it is for the U. S. Treasury to manage this tremendous obliga tion in an orderly and businesslike way. As a public service, our bank issues Savings Bonds without cost to you or the United States, We recommend their purchase. FIRST-CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST COMPAN V M. w You-. City ai.ll will be suited unc*. r the- tvclu-u.v m;u agenicnt ■>! Hurc k Attraction: Inc, also n> New York City Tiuu t: .ii ,• no re. c. v* n .-* ;* 1 • Th floors w! upon ,i! 7:0 w.’vlo-jk an the program will get uuu r tut at 8:13. 5 Big Specials lor TODAY 5 ! Buick Roadmasier Rivi era 4-Dr Sedan. Fully equipped Beautiful izr $1395 ‘sl Pontiac Chieftain 4- Door Sedan, bonded with CpIOQC ext rqs fcj# luVv ’SO M-.-rcui v 2-Dr. Sedan. 5 SH St tide baker Champion Sfarlite Coupe. r - ,iiv «£*/ QR equipped W / %J*J 4 7 Dodq ° 4-Dr. 3edan $495 For a better buy in a Used i Car, See your Buick dealer , CAROLINA BUICK CO 431 Fayetteville bt Dial 3-4129 . w

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