ngfh >' _ Interest Missing In Bi - Centennial i k FAYETTEVILLE CELEBRATION IT I PI t% ! &» yv 4 i-r 0-3 BY ALEXANDER BARF < FAYfcITTEVJLI E ■ ■ A> the F - trer Henry Evans floa.l. passed t ile "OLD MARKET HOUr-Iv hi -- Tuesday afu-rr- op. in was termed the greatest parade this ; Scotch Highland town has ever had, and many g.irvd upon the j iloat and upon the ancient old scene, there were quite a few j of the hu ;e crowd, \v ho apparent- i i y looked upon it with eyes of j ■ ■ andeu r but there were many . " h,-, had how. d heads and sad < ; y It 'is true that Father Evans planted a ray of hope ft tee town when he started Evans ; i ' ■wo is that his ray of hope has never . of the policy mar.-.ns people, of j the town, to tear down the OLD j MARKET HOUSE". Older race citizens are known | to have looked upon the parade j • as a kind of hypocritic move to j make the World feci tear Fayette- 1 viile is the symbol of peaces and harmony, and that all men arc brothers here. T •• ■were those who, according to their impres- | ; sions and sincere facts could have j been saying "LORD HAVE MER CY LORD HAVE MERCY". When * c ■u:c if organ,cation ! came around and it wa?. decided : that there would be such a dam- j onstratJon, curious persons. "an 1 asking, "what part’ will the Negro piay". There were rumors that the arrangement commuter wont ed to re-enact some of the ties of slave in vs. Th-.-re v. ■’ e thou Continued on Pose * PARENTS IN • CBNTRO'/ERSf OVER SERMON Lora! parents, in a belated erf- 1 fort succeeded v: havhig Dr. VV. H Watson i. »on H :;h School principal, conduct a new elite- j t.ion on wh :ther Roipigb will have ; s city wide annual ••chro! j sermon or net, «>s the re ;;h «.-t ■ a protest mas: met’in. h d at Tuttle Community Center, Toes- 1 day night The meeting was called r.v a ! group of parents wh-: w not j in. accord with the iw.v idea to • have children, who will graduate i /rom the school, listen to a ser- ; rnon, delivered by the pastor of | the church they have been a ! - ; tending throughout iyears. The parents did not like the j ’dca that there would no! be the j 4 usual serf.on to all .!h< chil dren, with the pomp and splendor i that accompanies such an affair. ! They argued that the children ■ should have the common fellow . ship in ' r t" *t v" * have had ! hr, m. bout *h<- r . •-•••.•M life and that should they eo their j individual ways to hear their he- ! spective pastors toll them of the j spiritual aspects that attend grad- [ nation, they would not have such j a fellowship. The parents related to Dr. Wat- [ son that the y did not like it be- | cause their children complained j to them. Dr. Watson told the par- j ents that the election hart been j held In a democratic way and j that, it was the vote of the rria jority of the seniors that it. would j be held in the manner so desig- i Continued on Page 8 Federal Judge. Against Self S WASHINGTON, D. C'. Fcuc. , r»l Judge William H. Hsstie pre dicted a rathep extensive inte gration of one s<-gmont of the i Negro population into community , life in an address at Howard University Mm id ay night (April 12t, but at the same time, the noted jurist, warned this group n- gainst any complacency which would car so it to iose concern for other Negi’oc l and Americans I generally. Judge Mastic, a member of the U. S. Court of Appeals tor the i Third Circuit, Philadelphia, Ha., j was the principal speaker at cere- I ’i'hffS StlU3.d?XU'a rt pr i (\q 7 ta p **" J “ l * nw " m ** n '~~ r ‘ r ~*** \ rSi " VOLUME THIRTEEN RALEIGH. N. C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. APRIL 24, 1354 _ NUMBER 18 Flim Flamers ... SI.OOO Richer, .. j mp (HI wf! iftl if - k -MLM fel 11 Ws WS US ftp m JfßnP& ta liffi V 4 | % 111 ws ®F sH w feS 'mk W.J ★ ★★★★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★ Elk Prexy Fight Gets Hotter gfh “JUST KMOJtK THF BATTLE Bit OTHERS White everybody appeared to be happy last win ter when the above photo, was taken following the mortgage burning ceremonies of (iolds boro's ' Pricie of ! ast Elk l odge it is evident from later (level- j cpment.H that at least the two men seated center, front row— ■ State President K. P, Battle, Rooky Mount, and A. Martel Scott, PVR of Pride of Mist — ; had but a single thought despite | the. -miles; the thought being GOLDSBORO ELKS BACK NATIVE SON I j GOLDSBORO A. M. Scott j supporters became enraged over | a story which appeared in the i CAROLINIAN last week and rose ' to his defense in his effort to un ! scat. Kemp P. Battle, incumbent j State President. I. B. P. O. E.-of ; W , when the annual convention j meets in Gastonia, May 16-20 I To offset any idea that the lo i cal lodge is not with Scott, the I following resolution was given ’ Wm. Hastie Satisfaction . monies honoring 16 new members of the Howard Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, national honorary scholastic society. Declaring that it is a "com i moil disease of the democratic spirit ’ to accept American so ciety as a self-winding mecha nism or a self-perpetuating scheme, Judge Hastie said, '•The high susceptibility ot per-ons relatively cornfortible | and secure in their family . lives association points up a very sjecir-t danger of -, r times which seems bouti** to Continued on .Page % to retain tile presidency on ( Battle v part and to obtain the j presidency on Srott s part. Just now both are in an aIT-out fight for the coveted position of leadership over 18,000 Tar Heel Bills and Daughter-Elks j with the story to be told 3t the j annual meeting in Gastonia May 16-20th. Photograph shows, ! second front left seated, Alonzo Hue, Exalted Ruler. Pride of | East; Grand Lecturing Knight | (tattle, State head for seven years: Scott, xvho is making his to a, CAROLINIAN representa tive-: TO: ALL BROTHERS IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA actively concerned in the progress Continued on Page 8 Masons, Sldners In Bitter Court Figlil / CHICAGO, Illinois Dr. T. Curtis Rogan and the Most Wor shipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge Free and Accepted. Masons of the State of Illinois replied to a suit for an injunction brought against them by Raymond E. Jackson and, Paul E. X Brown of the Shrine ir; an Answer filed with the TJ. S. District Court in Chicago to day. The answer was filed by the lawyers for Dr. Rogan of Decatur, Illinois, Grand Master of the Illi nois Prince Hall Masons, and the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Giand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of Illinois. The lawyers are Amos T. Hall of Tuisa, Okla homa, Thurgood Marshall of New ! and Benjamin Clanton of Continued on Page 8 1 m-Ji t pWtAii WmW M - s WJxJFJmSm- ■ ■ ft V /wBB AIrMI j. -kfivY v.. I % ! i -w . jdmZl. ...* . . ...... * . . I second attempt to gain asrni dary to the stile post; Roland Best, Pride of East treasurer j and an unidentified lodge offi- j dal. ! B, Barren Photo. N. C. News In Brief NAACP TO LAUNCH CAMPAIGN The Raleigh Chapter of the NAACP will meet Thursday, April 29, at S p. m. at the Blood worth Street YMCA to open its 1954 Membership Campaign. There wi] be a short program held and the president of the local group. Mr. Charles Jones will review the School Segregation Case now pending in the U. S. Supreme Court Hie public is invited and urged to attend, WHITEVILLE STICKUP PROBED WHITEVILLE Local officers Monday were looking for an un- V—-' MASONB DEDICATE TEM PLE The Rev. G. I). Carnes of Wilmington, Grand Master of Prince Hal! Masons of North con mr ! ARTISTS GET ! SI,OBO IN FLAM 1 BY n VV. HKADHV ; GOLDSTON —• Just last The ■• - j c’a;> Mrs. Johncie Mac Watson of East k , | SI,OOO 00 as the result of the old ! I "flhn-fiam" game. M:r.. Watson, the wife of Rote-rt Watson a local trucker and me 42-year old daughter of Mr and . Mrs. Bob Johnson of (’,■ ’ a - »: i tells the following story about ; her $1,000: She said a colored man and in-man she had never seen before stopped her as she left the }>e Chatham R -it n* Goldston and give to th< in. A Mr.-. Watson left, the hu-ld ! ir.g the middle-aged colored wo- j | man was standing on the steps ; (Continued on page six' ******** ...n, I identified man who is alleged to j have entered the office of Ellis j Meares Hardware Company here j Sunday morning al 10:30 a. m., 1 help up a bookkeeper and fled ! with more than $l6O in cash. : Gordon Carmichael, the firm's bookkeeper, had gone to the firm's offices, located in the rear of the Meares Furniture Outlet, to check on the Saturday receipts of the company. Shortly thereaf ter, he was threatened by a man i whom he identified as a N.-rro ; who demanded the money Car- ; michae! was counting. The man | reportedly escaped through an | (Continued on page six) Carolina, (shown at mike’ con- j ducts dedicatory services at the j $125.0(10 Masonic Temple in j Ilurbarn. The order has shown i M—“ , nasaa Sll \l§fc “ «» ml® 1 * * -‘ Wr'*'»>af*a@P P^gg I A YETI EVII.LE BICE NLE N - NIAL CELEBRATION -- Shown above, are scenes from the pa rade held Tuesday marking the lormr.l opening of ♦be celchr"* lion of Fayetteville's 200th birthday. The a-fafir. which at j traded over 100,000 spectators j had some seven or eisrht ran flea's participating, Shown on '® I h TOB BAM AND EGG RALSKKS / T ANNUAL SLOW ln the above photo arc undoubtedly j the four happiest persons in ! ail of Johnston County as the,; were the principals in the An nual Ham and Rag Show that sia.grd a threr-d-’ •, stand at SmUbfiChVs Forkin's Rivet trie Warehouse. April 11-16 Many veteran Ham and E-g Show patrons proclaimed this the most efficiently handled unf> best attended afieir ; er. From left to right are 1. It Johnson, Johnston County Negro Agent and originator of the.! occasion: Mrs. l.enora Barnes of Selma. Route 1. first place winner in the egg division; Mrs. Lucy O. Toole, Johnston Negro Home Agent; and Leonard Wiggs, Kcniy. Route 1. firs! place winner in the. ham divi sion. YViggs also won first piece at last year’s sh’ow. CAROLIN IAN STAFF PHOTO BY c HAS R. JONES. ■ | NAMED TO SOLICITOR'S OFFICE— Miss Rutll Wash i ington was appointed an at ) torney in the Solicitors office, United States Department of Labor, in Washington recently. ! Miss Washington is a graduate of Hunter College and New York University Law School. ! In tier new post, Miss Washing ton will be concerned with the ; legal work of the Solicitor's office, which involves intfrpre j ration and enforcement of vari ous labor statutes administered | by the department- phenomenal growth and pro gress under the present admin istration which Dr. Carnes heads. thc left is a float from the Fayetteville State Teachers Col lege, indicating the college's mutinous growth since 1877; center, a Kangaroo Patrol, which was manned by some race members. This patrol was a unit of the Kangaroo court '.inch “senter"ed” several per- flam, Bozen Es?s Bring $370.25 At H & E Show BY CHARI ES R. JONES ,Vi; £Y« IFI ELD - • J winston Cou.i • Vs Annual Ham ami jgee Show, held ‘-'yearly in Smithfield proved • ids year to be more of a success than a!! oft ! ” previous ones. It was held April 14-10 at Perkirfs Riverside Warehouse. Approxi mately 2.000 persons attended. The show, which was originated by L. R. Johnson, Negro County Agent, se-i ccs as a means of stim ulating fanner in wrest, in better sv inc and poultry. Mr.'n estimated that 500 to 700 persons visited the show and sale Thurs day, which was the first day of the affair. Twice winner in the ham divi sion, Leonard W as in K**ni.v, Route 2. presetted a haru cni ry Ih is year that weighed 12 1-2 pounds. His entry last year was present'd to the While House. W.aes was perhaps the proudest and most surprised man in the county when he was named Grand WRIGHT BROS, DIE IN ACCIDENT ELIZABETH CITY - Three brothers, Wright. Exum and Wil liam, whose last name is Brulb ors, were not as fortunate :h the I Wright Brothers of K; ty Havrir WAYNE MAN ! HELD FOB I SHOOTING WIFE BY HENRY C. MITCHELL GOLDSBORO (MIB) I didn't want to kill her, just wanted to sprinkle her with phots—is what a Wayne murderer is quoted as telling authorities when arrested i lor kilting his wile here last week. Raytha Ellis, 33 year-old Negro man of near Grady's Crossroads, is in Wayne County jail without privilege of bond as a result of the fata) shooting of his estranged wife Wednesday, April 14'h. Continued on Page 8 Pres. Urged To Consider Negroes For Federal Bench NEW YORK—President. Dw/.h? , D. Eisenhower has been urged to j give "careful and sympathetic i consideration” to qualified Ne- ! groes in making future appoint- j merits to the federal courts. Acting on instructions of the j Board of Directors of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Dr. Charming ! H, Tobias, chairman, and Walter ! White, executive secretary, wrote to the President on April 13 ex pressing the NAACP’s "keen re gret that none of several emi nently qualified Negro attorneys \ were included in the nominations I sons who were out of “tircqgf for the bicentennial. On tiSfe right Is seen l ather Henry E*» sns, pastor of Evan's Metropoli tan AMKZ Church, Fayetteville, riding in the front of the float. Other persons in the Evarrfi Host are members of his church. The “efc Ion; celebration wilt < ■(! on .Saturday. jCa :i a,on Ham Raiser for the I second consecutive year. S A record-breaking total of 221 | Hams and 107 dozen eggs were | entered by residents from i throughout Johnston County. Each : of the ham.' placed in the red j .and blue ribbon classes, Mrs. Lenora Barnes of Selma, | Route 1, won the first-place a i ward for her egg entries. Placing ! second was Mrs. Mary Sanders of | Smithfield Rome 1, and Mrs. | Lena Kin;: of Z-Lulon, Route 1, j was the winner ~f third pr.zc in j the egg division. Before the annual auction, Johnson pave a demonstration on how to keep skippers out pork. W. T Emm art, president of :he Chamber of Commerce, whoA donate.! premium awards, j.spoke briefly. (»t: T - :ay u: .ht, April 15, a . was held for exhibitors buy: i.i ; ■.dio and press Continued on I’age 8 fume and win ■, ti ■ ■ < • nedifiort war over, Wriglit eras dead. Ex- Ifri! Was ,tiii s i!j ■ }r],..[ p- .'an f,, -’cn. • i'll ai:u a broki a collar* l>''is■: , winie Wu carne out tv ;h ,i uru'.-cti eyelid and abrai ons about tlie- body, as the re uit of a wrt-i k which occurred oeie. Saturday morning about 11:50. The three Brothers who lived in Nevv York, are believed io have been on their way to vi.*t their mother, Mrs, Exum Broth ers. Route 5, when the ear they were driving, came suddenly upon a line of traffic, the brakes being applied, control lost, by the not yet determined driver, and land ed hi front, of a 1953 Packard, driven by David Cohen, white. Tile impact of the two cars is believed to "nve been so great that both cars were damaged be yond repair. Wright was throvTn ir.lo the side of the heavy c.* - and was believed to have died almost instantly. Exum was thrown out on Ihe highway and this is believed In account for Continued on Page 8 i , i i vacancies on th ■ federal l—i n." The letter, addressed joint ly to the President and Attnr j ney General Herbert Brownell, ; reiterated the NAACP policy against "asking for political or other appointments for in dividuals.” Nevertheless, the Association spokesmen told President Eisenhower and the Attorney General, the NAAC P has Consistently maintained that rare should not lie '“a deterrent to the nomination of qualified persons to ira- Caniinued on Page 8