wees lx:"g ' cxt, yiay 3 1951 ■« VC*!VPrexy 1 b Be Mother’s Day Keynoter At A&T V „ rim Mason Slated > C .u'. I. %■ rnin" Services ‘ " ""• •'‘ > • ••Ynt • ■ IHm i ; ,f Mo?ro 1 v , , * ('<i'i x, r 1 • . X •; I G. V.. will sk: Uu i ' ct at A T on Si* 11- i e l'- 'X: nor': civic worker, j f 1 "tea to :o 1 -o'? cot p<>.; ,'-qU ! IS J. •;„> tu.’.t a vauoci ynd in- , r.f ;v sling cr.ificr. A provisional j Social v. o**r tor niori* to«iti 25 1 > n: : . M; . Mcisor scrvvd sec- | rotary to YWCA organ»-/«tions o E&ltiiOore Brooklyn and Nor- j It Ik. Siv. entered social service ' w o New York Citv and was j DON’T FOR GET TO REGISTER! id Big Specials for TODAY tsyy-v 3 ‘"+*=r Hivrra *<-!> : .,o>rl- i wth extras including Ft? •er steering. Only ... $2695 “5* Pontiac ”I*'’ Convertible. Fully equipped. Very low m lie age .. .. $2150 ’S3 Pont'-, c "8" 2-Dr. Sedan- Fully Equipped, Extra clean ... . $1435 •«t Mercury 1-Dr Sedan Loaded with extras in cluding Overdrive. Extra nice , $1195 •5J Ford Deluxe 2-Dr. Sedan Futlv equipped. Only OPEN TONIGHT TIL 3 F. M Carolina BUICK Company j Vi Fayeltevill® St Phone 3’4 S Lii ismssm&zsmmmm m RALEIGH IT'S mStTRAHCf ?UILDIN<3 ON THE LOWER LEVEL.. . the prettiest Cotton Dresses you have ever seen for the money! 5. 90 /~r 7 , IT/ to Wear. .. Lovely to Look at ... Washable, too! <* CY.mbra.v • Broadclo*^ $ t-.:.,:ers • Polished Cottons Sizes fe>r All 7 id I:> 10 to 20 i:;S to 2'! 1 -■ 46 to 52 tit— — —n-inrii-iimi miming iiiiwi-w m» ■itinpia ■■■ i minimal ii« ■■ i«i «■■■mi in ■naiii m mibwii mm iwi nawtrw«rm i.leva.od to the high post of !. ..I Ur D. ... ,»:l o'- *.l SeixrSce in New York in 194 V. i> position .-h-s held until Us-j. Re- Un’.vip.g to Norfolk, tdc -pe aket ci r.tinucd her active interest in civic and social service mate: ■She will speak at the morning worship services scheduled for !I.ot A. M., in the college; licn.-on Audit.-i mm which > i'll of finally set off a seres of acti vities honoring the mothers of A and T College sue > ""he plan of ’nviting the pas cots- to tne campus begun five years ago. has grown steadily Lost year more than 900 parfinls p&rticipnted in ’he event 'sl Buiek Special Riviera n - Dr Fully equipped Clean a : a pin $1295 50 Dackard -l-D- Sedan Ful ly equipped, including au tomatic transmission $795 50 Buick Special 4-Dr Sedan Fully equipped- Clean as a pin . $995 ‘SO Plymouth 4-Dr. Sedan. Full y equipped. Ei. ira nice car for this; price $705 j '49 Plymouth 4-Dr Sedan. Loaded with extras- Extra clean $7,30 1 7 W t m **% \ \ •-- •* MASONIC BROTHERS KN -lERTAINED The Worship til Master of Excelsior Lfid-'b number 21 er>jo > e d the pleasure of entertaining ;> ■;<-o«p oi Masonic brothers at i dinner part; at the Restftd Fines Cciintv Club Sunday af ternoon. Dinner u .is served at 5 p. m. Reading from left in right at the head of the table are Millard Peebles, To m tic \'es, Charles Hayes, Charles G. Irving, Sr Wallace Pretty, RALEIGH PERSONAL S WAP, 5101 i'IRS {JOED .STATE CONVENTION The N C Ch-aniei* e s f’-.,., . War .Mothei.- held 1 - State Convention i.Via- Ist at me Biooaworth Street YiviCA. Speas . era fur the oeca-ion were sirs Norn Lockh.-i! t, per mi .■ r.f i Ctoi oy-Garticld Schooj and Rev C A Keanu- . i. . | ,'jiroes Pro; b; to: :an L’l .re . Obiers imi the program were; a snin bv Mrs a. ... I arr,,-a bv .V, n j; ■ . 1 ; War Wives Chapter I: c.; >• • t.t -rs fmm tc tr -' a- ; v V ■ Che.:, p ■ f > :; | Cimpurs p.e-rnt v .e>.. Clu.p | ter 1. Raleigh. Mrs. P i., : president; Chapter 11. IPr 'in, : Mrs. !■_'■•. c Carter Kn-ax (. . 111, Fayetteville, vp \i> | M Fer-yuson: T‘hap*ei IV. pn ; mole Mrs. JuLa C.'r-uv'.r p . i dent. Chapter XU) Hamlet Mo Ftoi'i M Jou .. vV; M ■ Chapter t M: P. ; F e -i s ; ident; Deieg;i;e C): ipter X bins . I,ola T inner, W: Mrs. L W Lt-g.-n. -we prc<i ! j dent, presided. HASIFTON CI.UB >!TI.TS On Wednfsday eve:.--..; SU. I I 21. member.', of ... kalci-vi Hampion Club met with Mr and Mrs Millard Feeble -o: South j Perron S'reel TP pr'.wi nt, , Mrs Dorothy S Bnkm- pres Med over the busimxs session wiuch included the final plans f -v put- j ting iha Baby Coil test in full j , swing. i Mrs Peebles gave her report on ! the N C. Hiifi.'too I! "ioip'l ! iUec-tins which was held recently i m Bricks, N. C. The entertainment committee which was made up <>f the fol lowing member.; Bryant. Bethea. Auleie Evans. Richard Wimberity and Millard R. and A M Peebles. ; served refreshments during the ! social hour. Members present we r Mes . dames Dorothy S. Baker, Lottie \ Dickerson, Alhe P« ehie.i Lula Myers, Alice Smith. Messrs, .fesse Dickerson, Auleie Evans, James j Johnson and Richard WimberU.-y | '' Jr * - I RETURNS FROM NEW YORK i Mi and Mr.- Morris Curtis*, Sr. have returned from Mount . crmin and New Yo ; k City. While there Mrs. Curtiss was giv en a surprise birthday party by - children, Mr. and Mrs Mor ris Curtiss. Jr and Mr. and Mrs. William Curu.-s VISIT 15tV. AND MRS. DI,’MART Mosdamcs Nellie Smith, Ida Al len. Ada White and Miss Ra Nol McCauicy were r< rem guests of .Mi-;-. T. P Duharl es Che Pel Hill. HOSPITAL PATIENT Mrs. Ronnie Wit:!' tie S.t 'ot is a i- i. ere , . Agne.; Huspilul. LIBRARY SPONSORS HU STMPOSILM The lb chard B- Hr. 'on Pub lic Library is sponsoring u film forum on Thursday. May 13. 1954 at ii:')o i 1 Koiloving tin slow ing of thr »iiin. ?• . uir«! G: oops. , a discussion will be led by Wi* I U rney Snmuet S. Mtlih i.-H. T! : film explains fully what pvesr.ne groups a;-: anti ..l ine of j the me;rub■ they employ j co nj ai: o - sni;e art exuntiß.e >d ; l a pressure group using undemo- i . era tic ire ' 'i.;u - i- C’Vfin- But t.;e | film i i.*. e-.i'- mat .).*j. us-'d tor • a’ ersr.ntnd caus''. t’:o'* are a net- j CS U" ; Ut l" 1- d : ••• e *1- 1 ! ' '•. :i •■;.'.!(• re ** Tiie rhli • is im dec! to a tie no • this rj e cu-sion. -id C. I t'is ington. Front t i right op 1m! r side of tx»> ,1- hn V, itiianis. M«tr’ ivis, *o b n Rand.so me I ■ i t hii'is, George f ilar urge Stcvem and Paul ( ’host an the right si the table are Rayim* l '•s. ( larence Cliavis, '\ mn. Paul IVi-dikcr; stand: 'i the right is Robert lodge. Eddie M. Sandei . member of the masonic g ' is manager of the club -t TO By CfEVs R. JONF SSI w i ! KIX i ORS mr.M) MEET Three science teachers ;>• Sr.-- University atlentieti the three ennufll sneeuna of the N.orionrtt . bate of Science and Beta K«p i'., Chi Scientific Society tnci-i - ,t 1.) University in Nee O;i-ceiFiy. Those attona nix wore Mr. if L irons, hean 1 the division r»f Nqurpi S't i'im’s a 1 Shaw; Mr. D T Hniru -. . =si. tai l profe-sor of biology a>.c m r.y raid Mr p Anders. .- -cunt prole -.SO! of h.- i f i * f't* loC‘* 1 CJKrpL Beta eLq.pa Ch- Lynchburg '. waits Ccuii I'.VNCHBURG, Va ■ IVb ... T’-r ,-)rn;'osed >1,500.000 .Dunbar IP .‘h School fur Necrnf’s in rii, - j hill city will not. he erected un- ' 1 handed down its ruling on seg.fp j cation, it was decided here last i i v.<vk by the city council j Plans for the constru'Ction of | the school. wToCh has been un- . i her development for >< verai i ears, ware halted last week ns school board members handed 'he proposal to the city Cutincl j with the advice that no action j be taken until the high court reri- j - dr*rs its decisiori on the con’ro- I | ver.sial segregation issue. QUESTION: f‘j n furcte crop diseases be controlled? j ANSWER: Yes. like other . plant diseases, they can be con- | trolled. The* selection and breed- j ; ing of forage legumes and grasses ' ; riccMiint to one or more diseases ' is the quest effective method of i control , ■ i ' «' .I” > >« I \ " ■ \ V h f 1 | . ■ JI \ . 'Li i*4*J - S? r I- »! CHECKS JET FIGHTER Marine CpJ. Jesse L. Carr t lueks a wing tip fuel tank on a jet fighter-bomber used by Fie Ist Marine Aircraft Wing here. A jet mechanic with the rine Aircraft Croup 53, he is 'hir Eagles Squadron of Mj <!'c son of Mrs. R-i j Carr es YY onriland Avenue. Rr.< k.v Mount. N. C. THE CAROLINIAN fp-g.Niy‘" W KvV A 1 met *. 9 i ii *5 ... D 4 fi j | ■ ii j m -mt M g . u MmmJ J S g §eftgra^ i IKINMB »' MM* 1 »' away ***«♦•« Sragraius -' 7 BLI ND i D WHISKEY T Froruf Gram Srtfprrm^fh .«? i .7f #■.< Cj firporMiwi, * 'hr-v%tpr Hu'ldms. Wtr York t |||| Jake beca.i--'"': - . |Z* *•••» 1 | • _ Sji comfort... in 22HL' 2li2:x 2. I l . /i ||i and in 2 I I # W |*i the price they want to pay. Its | II ms% gp; jmm gm Ino wonder that national new I n»tr£i ICQ S I ■ , ... I ® ® %4i i| car registration figures Uv M \\ r , v ii the latest seven-month period I % % V »% 8 ! || availa He show Ford out front \ i| I by More people are 1% - I Ford. Why don’t f II join the swing today? I - 1 U ' us *^i - . | r.o A.r. > mors when you buy it , . . worth more when you s ;il i; J ABC To Air UNCF Choirs NEW YORK < ANP> TT series o( college choir broadcaßs Fund for May. v. as opee.rx! Ir and the United Negs p Co.'- -:< under the direction « fthr ABC Hampton Inrt.tuie .or lust s. day. Othei ri’orai group? to be !■ ■ tured this month include rc-l-: University May 9. Tusiccg.-e h Stinne Mav 15 St 5 , College. May 23. art"! Wilev edi ie.it'. May 30 T e program wh’Ch Carry appe .'c. to Mippoi t i—iiiwimiimiiwt 'N « \ # *s* „ ' ! ! V ' FA&HJOir StfOP Cfnngpon Vihags, Rai~ jh Ui'fH-eii vo'’ !<fs i S.- • usivjs rasn:r*r> rv-> during the i FOOD SHOW AND HOME MAKERS EXPOSITK M MAY i S l*3 ! H ir. Span -jin':.; " nn^"• .n» Shorw Univ^rs. - > ? 0-r. un {tf A rtr-4 7 (10 inHl *? -1 V }* j th<» fund, will ,)ri'.:;'i,i Siat : «-n WAH( , > y. do CRAMPS! give you that monthly Im Why let tell-Uie ffiisery, “nums" '.lw: Docs your mirror a hw an „. : - worn-out, nervous face <j»;r • day .si”’ Why !<•? ,». •, . . suffering: from monthly era- . i Cardui each day j*s th a--. • ~r Lot ir help build otreiigth arid you have V-o; and Jv S»*n>.e go through p r • »nv discomforts r{. all. .-'.j.s,, . jittery nerves—sleep b» tier. 1 Canltii. (Say; ‘'r.-zwj , EGEEBIJ ss PAGE THREE

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