PAGE EIGHT Coniinu zd Front Page 1 ELECT OFFICIALS eetlurcs used. He voweff it wcisld he helpful to ill con cerned PRESSURE BRINGING . I emt rights Taylor credited the natio feitemational p’v ure nov brought, to boar in behelf • r ru- j uority-group citizens with having | done more than « tirtu else to 1 get more “rights” for Americans | of a darker hue This pr :• ire I will soon force the .e .n. aci | The lawyet who earned the : lives of at least five men con demned to die to be e < d a to- j tel of several •, . w h j,» be ex hausted every lea..: - ■ V Sr their behslf. including 1 oeat d m■' ■ n u ■i ] the Negro th j Taylor s.i ;! pol i ••.•.<, i no i tnore wr o ic-.-r- *’ | rn vovtir. to . ! ' ; than for other ■ ■■■ •do so”, ; Vm sh ■ l ' iHt v )0. enO’<: ; , on home lp e economical r.p; vivc; «nd be: •- ty associated 1 ■ . n’:. v. :! bn on ha r d :o <•• i w ares. Tile dc tic'. - ;i - : arid the laiesl will be led by of the Carolina <■’< v .■•. : Company. Tins yc •. •• - feature ek-.ii ■ v■ t the many new i • ' 1 . fc< m ad The Royal BaUr.g Company j Will owe hand i::d v.:I1 t ni> b to tc-U you H- 4 -ri i pew discovery h. r> mu be glad to ld( r vitamins i- nnd :.n >• r. a. econohde vain hr- riv ' from v The r.-ny plianms and . a ■ strators who c: ; ■ > liter many davw th a • your broad w » The Car Co .rh C - *'!•■ pv | He.':,-. H • EBHTU6SY tr~- m v-• K»I ■ mil- ■ : i mHsf I; ' . - .j -- - - • C- ---'T. t • nil M & lit I tr '3 r ~- .+& n.m psijpo r^--. vr ■ ! \ i /XT _> j PASK&TILFORO KENTUCKY BRED STRAICHT XEMWeXY lOORBON ! ; j j j Wk / m A non 1 0 *™**" 0 * it j w~j jy PINT PARK & TILFORD DISTILLERS OF KENTUCKY. INC, LOUISVILLE. KS. know more about the comforts j tliut their luxury coaches offer- Tney want you to know how cheaply you ran travel from one point to mother. They will be on hand to ic.ll you everything you would like to know about coach travel. The Southern Furnilure Com pany will have an exquisite booth | that will show the latest, in fur- ! ! future and the many advantages | in buying to suit your home and | budgwt. Miriam's Dress Shop. the j House of Fashions, will display ; ihe I f -' in ladies styles and | will also be on hand to tell you ! ; the types and fashions that best j suit your figure. Miss Virginia Gray will feature a fashion show | with m any lovely models on ; Wednesday nitht- FepA Cola, the drink that re- j ; freshes without filling will have I samples of the delicious beverage I for you to taste and compare. ] Pine State Creamery will not on j ly te 1 j of the fine qualities | found in their milk and ice j cream, but will tell you of the 1 other products which they have I for the people of Raleigh and i j vicinity; j ' Foods of taste and value of j n. : i: s v'! be :vvn by the,; | A. &- P. Super .Market Company, i Ar,"' ior new feature be the . , demonstrations of the Nechi j . Sewing Machine, by Steve’s Sew. ; !>:■; Ct" The many extra at- ; . taetunents found on the new mo- j 1 chine will be demonstrated and | i cm can sec the beau’ - ?' >1 work 1 I widen the machine will do, ' T " Kovi-V- nt Company will • i di-i'i'.tv the latest, in awnings and I ; uo-'i'V do:;,.'’:, that will make • your iiwtie more attractive and i j more imposing. The Pet M ■ ■ k ; Comptiuy is scheduled to tie on j : baud to tell you why babies ran ; lh ;ve on the: r product b p ttc’' : than any other of its kind and i nature. The North Carolina Muhia! i ! L>ff Jr..-i''!ance Company will i ; i-'ll you what groat values they j uifer for sccurily for yourself I and family in their many poli- j cics The Baptist Biiok Stem will : ix/obit, .he latest books nr, bo' v r j iivi.ig and '‘-ill have the Holy I tv - to, it: all n$ forms on riis ! pluy. It I- expected that a minia : hire home, with all modern coo- j . ’. miciicss vv ill be ort dispiey. 1 .'-sc' Sr us a is expoci »-d to be •. ri o.whi.'ively and wtll. In all ■ o'./I'.ihii ty. ;>e sampled by per- I : ■ ■- V :t: ; Trie best aspect of the entire : : alfair is the fact that the CARO- ] > UNIAN is struunr, the show in : an effort to further its | : "va : to R.ilcigh. Tiii-' is ar?- } < Ter of its public fcauires that i ; t/,?s made it the largest news- i j pai-cr in the state There will be I : ronny v-ondevfui pri'/.r-s c■ . v iy winch wtil include a wash- ing machine, furniture, kitchen i ware and many other useful ar- 1 tides. There will be many door ' prizes and practically everyone I who attends will get something ; free. All persons who want to get the fine points on better houre i making anri ynQT& bounteous !iv- [ ing will do well to attend. Ad- ! mission is absolutely free The j doors ivi the afternoon sessions > will open at 1:00 P. M. and for I the evening sessions at 8 PM. In ; order to win one of the many I prizes to bo offered, get. you'r I copy of the CAROLINIAN and ! clip the coupon which will be j found therein- Instructions as to ; what to do with the coupon will be found in next week'.- paper. 1 Mark these dates on your calen dar, May 18. lil arid 20 MOTHER and have made outstanding contributions. Her two sons, Herman Benia- j min and Horace have both , taught. Herman got his Master's from New York University and j taught in the schools of New ] York and Cleveland- He is cur- I vently employed as a clerk in the post office at Cleveland, Ohio. Horace graduated from 'Western j I Reserve and received a degree in | Chemical Engineering He taught I in the School of fVctinobv;;.- mere j and is now a dental student at Howard University. One daughter. Mrs. Inez F- Easley, is a member of the fat uity of E. £■ Smith High School here. She a gradt ate of Liv ingstone College- She made qtsi'e a record as a Red Cross worker ; in World War II havir me ov erseas. She also aUanded the Uni- 1 versify of M • ".n tLmfH ; m versity and Norm Carolina Col lege-. The o'her daugnrer, Mrs. Vera ! Lx?Joyce Oden, is a graduate of Fisli and also attnhded the Uni versity of Minnesota. Shb taught j I in the high schools of Minnesota and was known to have been the first N< gvo woman to hold such ;> post She is now employed by ; the Hoiineywe-ll Ei’.tcrpriscs and is trakinv an enviable record with the company. Asia,, from having reared her lainiiv. Mrs. rngu-en has hern very active in the eivie Ihe of the ciiv. She is Vice Fresidetit of District number three N »PU comprising >..( . ti.i . and V i She is Vu e President of the United \\ ' Mothers She is rcpo'Prl lo Ik, tile first race woman to be appointed to the Board of the Soldier's Memorial Home, Ra leigh- Her interest in the work of the Parent-Teachers Vsso ciation caused her to be made chairman of the Founders Bay activities nf ihe congress of Parent Teachers. She sc: v: s as Matron of the Queen Esther Chapter of t :e F - - era Star and also serve* as Dis- i ’.ricf Deputy ;, i Hoke. Havucu ii'in ; Cumberland counties. She is i treasurer of Kindah Court, i Uaugllii-. of I'lS. She »■■ : first" of her rr-cc to serv.- on H-.r i United Service Fund. She prizes j I over ail of thir that she is me | grandmother of three prorci.-uns • ! children- She holds ci I jn beauty culture DENIED BOND ll'edep'cth, told the < 'RIT U IAN that this is the sc' -nd time this year that tragi dy has struck h»*r family. U was only .ibout three nionliis ago that sh< was notified that an other brother hud h* ' i'i s ; -- ported dead or missing, with the United Etaies Army, over seas. Mr;;. Robert con told. n yaphic ! story of how her brother lmd worked as s caddy since return ing from tim army and how he left a. few days ago to visit a s’ tet m Portsmouth, Va. She told of receiving a letter from Ver non, the early part of the week in which he requested the ad dress of a girl friend' Mrs. Rob erison d ; d in i know th ''f I?' brother was in or near 1! neigh unt. ! site was notified t 1 at he had been kiiled. Vernon .leaves, besides Mrs. Robertson, a lathe:, Alias, three brothers, J. V, Marshal' and Charles, all of Raleiglu There are three other surviving sfsteis, Mrs, Marie Keith, Mia Nellie Mac Footes, Portsmouth. Va. "d Mrs. Parnzie Oakley, Ri 5, Raleigh. SHAW LOACH : not field a football team be cause ’ of a lack of personnel and funds During his eight, years a? Shaw, Wilson has accumulated a wealth ui respect among both the aib icles md the student body a-s a whole, Several of the at I Shaw University are known to I have protested bis release. Joe Wilder, une of Shaw’s ton athletes and a senior, re lated to tnr < VHOWNIAN Wednesday that many ol Coach Wilson s colleagues, stu dents and athletes have had conferences with President Strassner and other top ad ministrative officials- U;uv of the veterans who attend y.haw and who participate in sports have expressed th'fcm selves as to what they believe is happening and have said that they would not partici pate in any varsity compe tition as ia T as Shaw Univer sity is concerned for the com ing year. The following statement was made to a CAROLINIAN v , er by members of the Varsity Club of Shaw University in re gard to Coach Wilson “ After eight years of faith ful service to Shaw Univer sity you have been asked to leave. Although the adminis tration has made certain re marks concerning you, we know to he untrue, we have tried in some stnnii nay to atone for the injustice that is being done. The Varsity Club, the Physical Educalli/h department and the students will miss your 265 3-4 pounds j and your bald-head on Shaw tl’s campus. We sincerely i towr, yen nil! be appreciated j tv the. students ns you have been here at Shaw- This is truly a sad commentary for such a great coach We are sure that vve speak for the entire .student body in saying good lock in ihe future. We realize that this is grossly in adequate, but this is our tri bute to a great coach ” THU VARSITY CLUB SHAW UNIVERSITY RALEIGH, N. C Coach Wilson attended Morgan j College, Baltimore, where he re j ccived his B.S. degree; Columbia I University, B.S- and a Profession i al diploma. He has held coach- I ing posts at the following schools: j Johnston County Training School. ! Smith!,eld, N. C . for seven years; 1 and AVmslon-Salem Teachers Col- I lege, Winston-Salem. President William K Strauynei ; could not be reached for coni i mont at press time. APEX CASE* 1 much confusion, adverse puPiir j 'ty, racial unrest and general bad ! rumor for a number of years. His | ac!ivitic-s ha\c become so grave i until it has become necessary for i liie F’Bl and the .SBI to couuuoi j investigations. The ivivcsugavions ! have brought, out many unplca i sai't reports that are r. ‘ld f' e uflaus with Kif*o ivometi- Uorrobu rst ted information has been tiven that hr is known to hove bragged oi his prowess with rare sxcuw n and it i> ronoired that he has on one 1 occasoin beat up a man whose xvii* coroplaim :i to hmi about her husband. The husband was i-at, tried for the alleged fam ily tr©tilde and Baghvell wa* ncvei <• died in question ab-mt I'citing Hie man, in his own ; home. A rioter incident that i - getting much attention »» the nwt.u>a •<) i which tne officer hsudh.-d a ease i whete the suspect xvas believed >.. ' ' ■ i ■ "g '■■ u money. The suspect i? known to ; have suffered many bruises on | an’ i-roupd 'he neck, j Tlie latest development in the i ScoU case is tost thor© are two 1 unnamed white men vho are | .endy and willing to take thr | sland and relate thal they saw | Bag veil shake S< oU inreti blows after he had been beaten into I unconsciousness ahd wreie the | :i\o arresting officers, ißogxveil i arid HoknesV. v.’cre ! round to take Seen to jail j Apex citizens of both races arc ! much erncernod over the reports j thi»t rave been received on the officer and there arc quite a few i who feel ih?r Apex will do well ; io get ikl of the controversial even before the cases are . heard. i There arc nanny citizens who | del that Bagwed.'s actions •• ib i have p,ii t>cal jinplic/'inns and it i [c f r.l, that any candidate who A known to have nis support will : , ? oi get the Negro vote it) the i forthcoming primary and '-‘'ill ; lose a large nuh-.ner of white | votes. Th/s is definitely true as . :1 --phi-s tr. law r nl < icme " ! tv-p,-r are the-e who fee! that | Bagwell's ram pages have been ; blessed by the ineptitude of ptir ' sons in the high biatckct of the I law enforcement program *ot | VVn k Cotmly ! The case of William Joyner, | Apex youth, who '(/ported that ! Bagwell gave him a se'"*re “going j o ver" while arresting him some i iim<‘ ago, was continued in Wake Superior Court Tuesday, by ie j mu at of counsel tor the defense | The AI fleet Scott case, winch , irallv broke the 'ii.acc in Bas ! vv ill's turbulmt adminatip’ir.n Js ! scheduled to come up in me ■ Wake court Tbuas' ay lue siup t i toi’s office informed the CARO ? LIN JAN that, it would ir? all pvo i liability he. heard. BOSiVLOLAD .slaying Mitchell, an Air F r >i'?e veteran and a student at high Point a Bryce r' -- c ■ roc r ail College on or about March JO. The young student had been -hoi font times by bullets from a tj calibre pistol. H:s badly de composed body was only partly dad! his trousers me body, and his shoes missing- Otfu epis theorized that two shots were fired after Mitchoil ‘-.a-, placed in the trunk, siruv Iwo | shells from the pistol entered the f 1 ooi of the trunk STATE In BR IEF ! been continued, to a later f<-nn i oi criminal court, Joyner is one i or t vo men who has changed that | Chief Bagwell assaulted hinn dur ing ins arrest and threatened his life. | CATE FEAR PRESHYTERY i meet principals I GOLDSBORO Among those I attending thf Spring meeting of ! the Cane Fear Presbytery heln in Gold,-boro recently were Revs- J. AV- Barnette, W. D. Burgess, Elder N E, Bailey, who served on the Resolution Committee and Eider J, B Harrcn, who served on the nominating committee j The • above named persons, were i the keynoters in this highly-at- I tended event. i HUNDREDS attend annual ! t-H DAY CAMP PITTSBORO-—Chatham County 4-11 club members held their Sec ond Annual DM Day Camp at the fairgrounds in Pittshoro on Sat- I uniay. May I After registration at 10:30 a.m„ 4-Her’s were shown two film strips in color, one of which concerned 4-11 clothing and x'/ts entitled “What Puts a 4-H Girl In". Also held in the morn ing was the craft period which featured basketmaking and other crafts using native materials. As a substitute for more orthodox cookery, a xveiner roast was held | Chocolate drinks made from dry i milk was served to all attending, I The afternoon was devoted to i learning -qius'e dancing, team demonstrations and a candlelight ceremony . Hundreds of persons from throiihgout Chatham Coun THE CAROLINIAN Picture CROWN \vn SUHPTER OF KK.ERS AND UUESX SPEAK ERS FOR l!8Tfl ANNUAL MEETING OE THE CROWN AND M r.J’TER CLUB \T s I AUGUSTINL ' COLLEGE (Left to Rigltic Trca/uier. Waggie fiav Williams of Hur lingtini; S, tvUi>, Peggy ( <>• siciil of Kinston: Leader of Scho 1. I U a •*>: _ \\. !!. "Watson. P.a icipal, .f. w* 11 .-*n High School, Raleigh: Leader of Home Wotkshop, Wil moth Carter of Shaw Universi ty; Principal speaker Dr. Har ry H, L*orsett ot Mreedlth Col lege, Raleigh; Executive Seerr j p :MWml7 fA N 0 i | Im? I» &ai esa w■■ fa .m | Chi You” 0;d Dincite or Dining Room Suite x R: garcl/ess of Kind or Condition Jg m ■■ .iJvjl . - 'T s ?';'-, A: •'• ’-fi? li I Pries Mew I si-.otts Suite $139.95 i Less Allowance lor Your Old Suite $40.00 ;.j FOE A LIMITED TIME • " ' YOU PAY ONLY _ | Ladi es .- , Put, new color and beauty in your dining nook or room with this beaut*- Y fu! dinette suite. Choice of red, green, yel low* blue or grey. Decorative chroma S pt strip around sides. I able has a removable, extension leaf for adjusting to srnaM room space. Come in early and make your selection, while stock is complete. !'■ -i | , a No Money Down -- Use Your Oki Suite As Down Payment jig THIS SPECIAL OFFER ALSO AVALIABLE ' I IN OUR STORE IN CLAYTON, N. C, 5 I : fjfl ..jiiimijurfi-i ■ .nmi ..m ■Jr-r ? 'I OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT ' : ® s i® vaotfi v., in "fair cunuitioi.' .. S-i '• Agnes Hoebita'* t ■ 'll- i?" : a sf.Ot wound iufli'''"n < ' Chavis of 16 Rosa Stw. ' ' ' day. According to p-. be.' ■ ■ btiilT entciOd Sm,'.:; : shoulder atir. chi'-! Jai.ii': Lewis. of F otie'.lllc .-aid that tu . ' a xvere sitting on the !r«n: i> i • the rc-'idence Sunday w-.C'i t saw Chavis corninv !> street wttn a shi-t un :n 1 na lewis said IF. Smiti “ through the door an ' x-m- • by Chuck CF. •i. a • ' eri to go tbroil', i the ! Other Witr-e-s y !'• !•-•'.>• ■' Smith. C avia, and a nnioaco I other toon h >?t been dr i 1 to gether earlier in the xv.hen ti’.e t 'ty <-•••' * Wed in - Fay end ' ti* Superior C> a a'.. ' ■■ cause was f.-.ii" ii/> ,-/ ■:> ; been set »t Si,ooo. C n This !u- ■ Qiijtp Is# I ‘l* 36 x4B x € ) and 4 Upholstered ' r . 'H i! lr“b