WRECK KILLS WOMAN, BROS. :tis?dFt NOT A CHANCE—The ,'t hr i f *rettc is the otic that claimed the life of Edward Jones. Dur ham laundry driver, w’io failed to hear an oncoming Southern train, at a crossing in {lie Food Show Offers Many Fine Prizes Women oi' Raleigh and stir- i rounding territory art making ' special plans to attend the sec- j ■md annua! FOOD SHOW AND j HOMEMAKERS EXPOSITION i v.liich is sponsored bv the CAR- ! OT,INI AN and will take p-lace in the Spaulding Gymur- ium, Shaw ! University. May 18, 19 and 20. j This year's show bids fair to be tfif best ever stored and is : expected to bring our. a record- j breaking crowd There will be f.vo ; shows daily. The first one will > begin at. 2 P.M and continue up- | t'i 4 P.M The second show will j r ml at 7 and lard until 9 in the j evening. Many valuable p-ires will he given to the person,, who ! attend. There will be scores of door prize given away. The CAROLINIAN is distri buting ItMNH) tickets through out the area and the persons j ! N*r | 1 | I: : W * I i j ■■pr top mm; in battle JOK BETTER INTEUC.IiOt I* FIXATIONS IN 'AM - Al though the American Nurses As sociation has mad' much prog ress since the recent dissolving of (lie National .-V- nidation oi minted Graduate Nurr*. much is -111! needed to be done. Miss (.race F. Marr is as>i 'ant <-\- Yriilive secretary the ANA In charge of Hi*' intergrolip rc 'aunns program. .V the ANA s r, rout in t'hirago .-he outlined thr vt program for Improving intergroup relations, emphasizing the desire for up grading Negro nurse ir»» hospi emlovment opportunities to Hlpm Sbr also cited the fact that rare).' are Negro nurses elected to office *u apointrrt to rerr rniHcec. In [he tv A. spite or district nurse, asor.siatian.v. (AND Association Votes Boycott; Challenges Saint Agnes Hospital Administration j Citizens Association which met at ] the Bloodworth Street YMCA Person' attending the Raleigh Tuesday uiit.!:t heard charges on top of charges hurled at the We; tinghoufo Electi ;c Company, • S'. Anses Hospital and the local i school board. 1 lie V " Ur.glnuiv' Electric Company was accused of tiis crhnsnaiirju in the hiring of j white collar v. arbors at its re cently const ft:- ted plant, which is slated (o soon begin I operation here. The personnel department of the eifciric j company is reported to eon- j venientiy bypass Negroes who apply for jobs in any capacity | meem—■ «vw«i|j M mi nnan ii mt in i ■iiii»iu—jj_wii iimiiiiij—HJMMimuL--LimiimjiUTi-miuiniJii ini>Mia»«niiriir inanimi am own nnr iiihuimimi— i i mummiiim iiiibi wm hi cmuni inim mrwismi m jumhhh imp jurirnwnn M~rmiMinwii ii immimi imimiiiiii m, , i ,mwr -m ■amir—hiiwm——rrrrmnMrr-rn —r i i —1 *?>a*: tnateaaiMr* w*»*rsrcriirKWWWWWiiMcaw* /S i iff i jiij if *% "oV j SPAULDING i I tlliJuifliJu *' rUUU MrIUW SHAW university may 18-19-20 f-'rieitdh City” Tuesday morn- ;- mg li cart readily tie seen that 1 in had no chance whatever to - in-vjvei he crash Brown's M) i i v its thrown 10? feet and the truck was knocked H)fi feet. holding these tickets and de positing them at the show will lie eligible for pnr.es, The , prizes v. ill range from a May tag washing machine to a bag of food. Tup demonstrators will be or. ; hand, to tell of tit,, new and nu o econmoicol way of preparing the • family meal anti also the ina?.J : 0.0: : IVI.-d 1:1 the prt'iKU'uiion : of ..itne. The Carolina Pov.-i and j l • l Company will have its ! crack ch monstrators on hanci j The Maytag Company will also i show the latest in Appliance j demonstrations Rr-pi'c.-cnting Carolina Power , and Light. Com pa .w at thr K*.oc! : Show will bo Mr s Rosier Arm- I strong, and Mir* Lane Siler. . both top Home Econono-: •. Them persons will give daily d-.-moru-.tra- j tions of the iatesi in etacir.c sp- ■ pliahces and the t ime- dTins \ r- ! lues of electricity Both Miss : Armstrong and Mis- Siler ■ re ; considered first-class authorities i in the field of Home Econornit .*;.' l Maytag Appliances will have Miss j Mildred Helms, noted Home Ee- i onomist of the- famed Linda Mar- | shall staff, present to conduct ] three afternoon sessions this year, j The three demonstrations will be j concerned with the new May tag \ Gas <>- on flange, Laundry pro- j (Continued on pace 2) 5,000 View Edgecombe County’s ‘4-H Roundup By L RiM> It REN TARBORO Between four and i five Ln-c-aiio people factual | count • filled the s odium and j St -*u;uis of tiie local ball park Fri- i day to vitro.- annual May Day fii-un-i-up excrcisrs of a thousand i --H boy-- and girls gathered from I o'- <*r 'ho county, directed by col ! o.<F.i. r: and Home agents and . their rc ptclive teachers li .id. a cm-. 11M McNeil and ; Mrs Hazel Seal*. Parker were i lo.id in their oraiM* r.f •h*- par- ! ticipanb and c!izc-n< who cooper ated to make in, day a success m t.ru- T>lgccom!:.c Tab ion which : uioiins a day of parades, through ike heart of mvn to the tune j o' several high school bands, i floats end coirunerciiil i-xhPoils, j speaking and a ■ . T io the 4 (I ; groups deciarcd winners in their ! jo'ivertivc compel an*. Trad: Ponkliy, ihe day a hohdey (ill The bjg farms of the county and while landlords do not expect beyond that of custodian. ' There were persons present j who uere told that there were no openings. The practice is suppose to .stem i from the local hiring policy. The • i officials 0/ the company are re- i ported to have told jnquiresr that i Negroes would be placed in the i si me spots in the plant as they J j were in plants and businesses al- j i ready established in the com- | j munity. This is believed to be in • ! direct counter to policies follow- j | ed by other southern towns and j j cities, where they have plants io- j j rated. Negroes are reported to be ; working in key positions both in j 1 Greensboro end Birmingham, Ala- j TRAIN KILLS TRUCK DRIVER DURHAM—Edward Brown 28- year-otri laundry worker, was dead, his truck strewn along the Southern Railroad track and trairit raffic halted for thirty min utes. here Tuesday morning when .on east bound passenger train p'owedt h rough a truck he was j driving, at a street crossing. The Diesel engine of the train, traveling from Greensboro ■ ■ c •■iclsboro is reported to have i j ;i. y«d into the truck about 7'iiO . A.M. as the engineer, J J. Ball, j vas unable to stop the train in . time to avoid the nurltap. The engineer is reported tn have realized that Brown vas in danger of being hit by the train and that hr began ‘-to - inc his « hi*Hc v> ith unusual eoutiosan ", An fw'i''' ot (Continued on page ?j Battle-Scott Figh f/o Top Elk Convention Agenda By J. B. HARKEN Public Relations Chairman N. C. Asi Sri LCi AT ION HT'OEW hundred “Bill" and ••Daughters’' • ROCKY MOUNT— Some five I from sixty lodges and temples ov- : ci* the state are expected to reg- b much work. Assistant «gents P. E Bazemore and Mrs. Haze! Wor ley were kept busy during the I spring fupeivisiing the 4-H work ! preparatory to the big event sum to Library Following words of welcome from Mayor Nicholson of Tar boro, Colored State Agent ft. K Jones, d- pt. extension service, j A&T College, gave the address : lo too group. Edward King, State ; president, 4-H Council (now a Hampton Institute student) gave: greetings on behalf of the state body. Mrs. Gene 4 a Jones of the : Edgocomb Home Demonstration Clubs presented, on behalf o f the county club-women, a check *v SIOO io S. V. Brown, presidet.l, • East Tarboro Library (colored ; branch of Tarboro library which j operate." a bookmobile. Bands taking part were Dillard i High. Goldsboro; Carter High, Conet on High Phi Rips ii ;:h an". 1 (Continued on page 2i I bama Another member of the As- I roc rtioii placed the blame on the I fact that since the most of the j I employees were to be women, I - that Negro women were being j left out so that they might re- j I main in the. homes of the whites I I 01 t >e community, as servants. \ i The Association voted to call a j ; boycott on Westing house products j ! cud raid thru it would institute a ; j program that would carry | • throughout the country. This ! vas decided to he the most > plausible way to break the back j of the bias. The St. Agnes Hospital situa | tion claimed much attend ton. The f Continued on page 2) The Carolinian ioc iFEdFkFAArg ioc VOLUME THIRTEEN RALEIGH, N C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. MAY IS, 1954 NUMBER XXI SpauldingNamed To Board j j ★ ★ ★ ★ * ★ ★ ★ ★ * ★ * * ★ ★ * it + \ Goldsboro Property Owners NIX SCHOOL SITE ) ..- ... , „ ... ........... . J % w11L,.. , a's ’% i itftiiES A. T- SIVUtIHNG in Gas'onia N. C . M.iy 16- .ur the 24 th annual conven i l .hi of the North Carolina A:-.- , ciation, Imoroved Beur ve'ent 1 Worlrd (IBPOEW), during winch I Protective Order of E.ks of the : is lively contest if. expected to ! take place between A. Martel Scott, prominent Goldnboro "bar becue king", who is out to un seat Slate President Kemp P Batttle. Rockv Mount Baptist- nini ... .. _ - WINS INTERRACIAL I s | SAY CONTEST—WiIIiam In! Voung of 424 S Blood worth j St. has been named the winner vertising contests ponsored h y of firsip rizc of sls in an ari- Ihe Raleigh Advertising « tub which ended last Friday, Young who is a senior at IP iron High School was in competition with | students from 5 other sellouts, j His theme, "When I Think V i bout Advertising” is being con sidered for the ssott national a v ard. N. C. Nows in Brief | a—--—-—-------—---. MINISTER’S INSTITUTE CLOSES GOLDSBORO ■ N JIB > Tin: : : Fourth Annual Minister’s Jnsti- 1 ; lute of the United Holy Church , of America, Southern District, j was held here recently a' if".' Bible Training Institute. Three bishops were present at the wide ly Bttnded. institute which war I DURHAM MAN ! BELIEVED IST I M TV POST Durham, N. C. iSepcialt A • new note in Negro leadership for ' Southern television comes with Asa T. Spaulding appointment to ike progi ain advisor-.* committee fur . ion WTVD~“ Watch TV I Annocnccdment of the appoint nt» nt was made l day by presi d.'.nt Harmon Duncan, who heads : d> station which probably has : n*. o r * integrated Negro white si.n.c'oral base among sloe) hold ' •'ContinncrJ on pase 2) is <*r, who bag held the post for j | seven years, and shows no signs i j of being dissatisfied with it now. i FIVE CRAN'D OFFICERS COMING It has been announced that .it least live Grand Lodge of- < i eis will iff- tii attendance al the Gastonia sessions, I .smelt: Hon. Robert H. John- i ■in. Grand Exalted Ruler, IBPOLYV; .1 iidge Hopson If j Kryuolds. Grand Commission- | rr of < i\ il Liberties, both of Philadelphia; Grand Daueh- Ow Ruler of the Temple. Dt, Nettie farter Jackson, Stat- j rn Island, N. T.; Judge Wil liam C, Hueston, Washington J>. C. Grand Secretary, with more than fifty years in Elk dom: Hois. Herbert H. Jones of Dee fee, Grand Lodge Or~ ganirer. i 5,000 VISITORS EXPECTED i The host lodge—Moloch lodge j ; and Temple—under direction of j (Continued-on page 2> MOTHER KILLS -j ! SON AFTER j OREAD FUED Newton lt was not establish j ed who bought the bread but i ; Sheriff Austin E. Smith. Cataw- ! : ha Count.v. <■' ifirmed the fact i | that Mi- Fannie Colbert, 54 is I | definitely responsible for the 1 I death of her 19 year old son. ; | Samuel David, who died almost | instantly here, Tuesday, from a | shot fired from a. 22 rifle, report* I ed !o have been fired by the j j mother Sheriff Smith said that he was I i not able to gel al the details of i I the shooting, but intimated that ; Mrr Colbert stepped into an »r --<Continued on page 2) I presided over by Rev. R B. Dunn, ‘ president. Noted lecturers on the j : i ", mum ware Bishop H. H. Hair- ! ston of Columbus, Ohio, wbo 1* j j • ~-m of the United Holy j | Church He lectured to the group on the subject “Jesus Christ Is j The Son of God.’’ Mrs. Hairston j delivered a message of song. (Continued on page 2) rafgf PARTING OF THE OI D, [ COMING OF THE NEW- It | was the departure of the old ami (be arrival of the new re • j cc.ntly at the Hotel Savoy Plaza j in New York City as Hr. Chan- Ming* 11. Tobias (rif-ht) was hon- I ored as retiring director of trie j Phelps-istokes Fund, tn Hie a I ‘Family Os The Year’ Chosen By UF Croup Mr. and Mi's Frank Minion, Fo und their nine ‘children of 814 Cotton Place have been rHy-v i by the Family .Service Society United Fund Agency, as 'Family of the Year of 1994 Mrs. Sam Ragan, president of board of directors, of the i-or-eU. made the announcement which marked the Hinton family as the gaf FAMILY OF THE YEAR -- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hinton and their nine children of 8!4 Cot ton St. were named as Raleigh's ''Family of the War for 1 954 in ceremonies beat this week The Hinton family is shown here as they read the errfifi S hove sc*-ne at the dinner, in tended Jjv more I ban 1 , mirers, Ur. Tobias eta .p.s the ■ hands of his surcesor, Dr. Fred erick D. Patterson, former f?i ' • ident of i*u kt-i.i'i Intsituu* Speakers at the banquet in | e nded Dr. An-on Phclps-Mokc-. | lata I) Uo ketetter Mi an if l)r. Emory Ross. — iANI*i tamity aa< judged on the It. ■ of died faintly early 1 1 1i■ -cccl T-- participation congenially wii liin Mr. and Sirs. Hinton an the parents of nine ( hildn n, the oiliest us which, i rank Jr., 17. is a junior at 5 *gon j (Continued on page 2> ; tale of honor which was pre sented to them by Mrs. Ram j 1 Kagan, president of the hoard j | of directors of the family Ser ■ t j vice Society, the sponsoring i agency. Seated from left to | right are Barbara. S, Mrs. Rosa W OF STATE OARS COLLIDE IN NORLINA «' MRS. ELIZABETH M. BROWN WISH-—Death lurked on the *' •■*' hoto Friday night when t■ u brother- Amos and Ramon ’ ': Ella B. Hendrick i* t two-car col !;se-in, on Highway No. I, just s.* I-' village • ■ • i : iiing officer. R. A. C Not -a. was not able to th* i'-'U'-i: of the accident and view of tiie faei Lawrence V i■" "o', l-.-1.-r-ved !u be the (Cord nr.ed on page 2> TRAFFIC LOAD REASONED A? FAZARDCUS By HENRY V. MITCHELL CK.tLD.'BURO iiUllii- Tiie site o , He :ro Hiwii School, mvt.tlv Choa.uu fter long dctii>- .- . tin. .-a iiooul board i-.ttd : . rum adv-rory eqmnjmee, w pci. ii,ui rejectod, and then lat er. :i!no-:M demanded, hay brought, e • io; i'l l ihe ioueoesl cases • uekl* . y the G ddsboro School Hoaord :his • ••*.<:. after 75 while f 11 pc*'; - ■-. i>( * ifioaed a !he ji»t!linn iirnii c. flir •Ir : '..m -M 11' c -i- ■> I !• • .-.*( t.r front f - iic* .'*;<*;-rn High ‘ * hind on '•l'«*uni ,S!r«-cf V" O'TiiCY WOS ii.-'le o« the gru.mis ih,*d - :,ui nv.-fic wou?d :o rv. 'iie: nn Slociun St i crvi- c ttidTie from Wnr Hous ;:■■.*• A boro, W. co Drive in Tht.-o and Seymour John a ;■ 1 ready is fuidlielcd ill wed that Dcvcivtix « 1.-h.*’. streets be used . ;00l there -1 ,iu; .Hi i traffic huz . 1 ••> IMP*- pl-Ultet! OUt The school 1 nard is to give tin- pro' h ei .!n*t pmtest care ful consideration. Tn a letter to the local paper c, in school iv orb the Unitca c.i • ■ *i;-■ **: 1 *:p-i Committee nn Site .*' dkime v ith F H. Williams actin:- chairman, stated that :i- 1 c.p r.-en the main purports I>t' * I inri I't*'' m.j-*} i{ :. ,M •’ f-rfE ! in Im-ther fle.fiy the build of tin in* I i,;h --cliool for To ■ ill- .. iwithdale and errt *'.'• Pm citizens' of tie* count ; -cly for racial purposes up racial animosity 1 IT. put the School Board tn <Continued on pace 2) B, Hinton, mother; Frank, Sf\, father, and Katie 1. Standing arr Wilbert 1.1, Be Hie Lou 15, and Frederick 11. Not present were Wank Jr., FiiiHip, Roger and Doris Hinton- PHOTO 8? «'MAS. JONES.

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