SENATORNIAL CANDIDATES DEPLORE RULING DFSFDS i..?' ’C 01 >’ A DB.Z KrX V ■' Tuefe ame men decided chat Ant erica had existed Kins r* XMtttfb bait' free and h&tf slave *«d ab?.«? tcnvn-d fm p a?jjo- the j-ph irM truer hi Parted in ISfvj. B• n U*ey rie 4 eA a ■s'.’*'. Slijf v» iw-- ‘ (.A ' ■ ■’';■■ 'C.l'.'s • V "' ' ••' .., /, a t > -iV- ■> C ;/*.«g'f.Ai ' ..- V -,*■-■*■■ i£>, ■-•'■■■ fyu&Q ■ •*: f ,# jp‘ f .! .7 V -< . ’' ''~’y 'Sy a • ■'J'* ~*, *;■ 'fb-'&.jQ. .... . ■ , ,sV : .—. ;, ” . * I-anv- T- ••/ >T. &#S|pp? -a'*-. . • .- . ■■«'■■■. -, > ?k2 fc %% •■ T- ---SteD.'-.- .. .or v: :’....>-i#?'>i'-*jiv-- : ;-. v-•.t&s?-..*^®-..ToflfcaF-■* AT —r. i*w. e* ..■" r e /r U - f £”*§ Jf f « T" y ££ "&* A.. wg.' .-- .js. k.,-, - /.., .ufc ii- *4e hijii \g tt r > ok.,* $ yiml&tt-Avrwn Second Class j Ki., •'ij&iXt iw>, oi irirtvoiv, ■. Mg., a r »ok w i-he 723fh AG& : W h.madiD. f-tai.v.ha temporarily ! have shot TWiss du-.ft Townsend m i The women is the daughter of l Mrs. Jean Ji".i.wn.-y e.r.i, v.i;o apevatts j i. ieevcio. o. ’.iig; «pa r ijr»v*.( vs up- ! t is c-.f: i-Ki.if pof bu«n«is. J'.ba vvftfw. reportedly used j ▼sag a 33 cabbre revolver, ” oi\ r•. He said .Mrs. Tov.uvcnd •- d ) ikii’.hti r had come j r» f-, on» V ! .i"i'i'H two or f ■(, ißculhs ago and opened the bumriess. I^VpIo'fKCT Ip iLttfi 1 iiCi I I IMRO K¥ Ufi lla fi t A .#! « iu isp iilll Sit J«!L Several TRakigia fqntjiie-. have ; t«n>! e '‘it;; fai-'iy well off stolen i food f'.'-m lVx Hospital, a police ; esse under invcrfigaltoi, over the W r-ekenc! re vy: ed- An err.pJoyc-c of Ihe bosniul I fur 17 . sc ..duvUr-H 1o Dett.f- ! tivo LI.- T; A Liles tr if he )iad ; stoien from tls.v for ten years. ■ ’Jii-: reest sri ;',rii ■-oit: r of ihe sloitn g<>!vds was sold io other : people. The admission came from thn , moms Oi C. fJot .Ms. 42, of : 610 Ch.-mbe-j-lain Sr, after offi- j core, h d oau'•>•, lum ‘-'red-band- , f t' at the. j-f .• iti.e; :, 'e u' his truth- ! |". Ja-L Saiuydqy ni.ffht | v. food t-.' ! s'd -f 3J19.87 loud- I ed ,n bis automobile l l ' -vas released tindhi- i S3OO fcond for trial on Wav 27 in j C : Co'itl on diargos of. larceny ; r \ : ' r-f flic stolen goods j f-.i 'id in '■■■•<' <-ar was report ■ 1 :■ • mounds o< coffee, eight !!(.-•of sausage, four i- ,s c * c : i„, .o. five pounds - '• fj s p. ,-n pounds '>■ . i-tt noauds of ham -1 ,r- of bacon. 20 * .: ■:>; »i red chickens, weigh ir.-; total of 4!) pounds, 15 (Cor.ikjued or pa&e 8) ! Li'»c .arintine Ganpam^f V -*- - - at-' ,-' a . -'. - ! ' J 4 -. ‘ tt ■ ■.'■v;.,-.--/-.' 1 :>ll T l ?rt t nnni ,w f-inifiir' CIUCC, ■' t if;-' 17; V- iu!i.:i be. ti > , rrrgrp disrrsriiptiiton. in the ; of this country vn %c- ’ cc ;:it «•£ rare. In. tut- t .vfd e,.-- tr f- left ! to right*. Felix i'rjfftfstvten j c- - r \ Bni’V'(?r.-'iwy ijivv profftsi6r t '! •. r \ i f thv*. UasCrd 'l/W.c.s UplTTElt* $ >**»?'»• tu'.ir Uvy Glenn is mrr-c.' Aid has a . vttfe and a citlid in JJahtosore- i H.- w. vv!-, h» had been dating Mis* j Tk>ws-eriiJ while Mr'oied here | With bisf outfit taking part its I CHieratmn Fiasb Burn'." H< tohl | e|ff ffn'K.-- sh.-it t'.Vry hud s j “U'.v.ns quarrel'' riu> - in;i the day i •Srotday and after ibev had closed i if., - lit v;,. j, y. . ■ fltey v.. >ii upstair, tn the Town- i Woman Resents Petting; Gets Shot In Stomach Mss Willie N. Smith • of 7j2 Quarry Sire* t here and Johnnie Cox of 2 Iroadeii Tgorace, Chav.. Heights, were sweethearts, bul. j Wilke starter? aciaasr a iutlc ! v.c.ary iiei hoy Xueini's atten tions ab'nft non m Sunday ; morning. Siw jested to local police offi cers that she had -un'teci to leave ] Johnnie where they had been ; visiting at the resxienee of Willie Mawli-jh-. of i 1-t Beauty Street in Joe Louis Path. Johnnie, the n oman reportedly | Mil officers Samuel Clarkson and ■ Joseph Winters, "had been beat- ! ing me most of the day," Satur- j day. She figured it definitely ! should have enued by Sunday ■ morning. When the ivorr m decided that she had bad enough of the rough 1 treatments of her “cave man’’ Addtreses leachcrs Bv f, B. HABRENf SPRING HOPE ln an ad dress to the South Nash Coubty monthly meeting held last Sun- j day night. Durham attorney Stoyd i B. McKissick, chairmen of the 1 State Conference NAACP Fight* | ing Fund For Freedom (4-F) ! drive, toid an appreciative aurd- ; that the program of the N. * A A. C. P had it' found 1 -. lion in j the bible and should come next to one's church affiliations. A na tive of Asheville and one of the r.rijiinai “guinea pig" students to test the University of North Car- j '•lina's Law School entrance- by 1 court action, which action was \ finally successful, McKissiek drew j heavily on the bibical training of ! his two grandfathers who were preachers, to expound the scrip tures. Following his addres t, branch president, Williams spoke at length on the "Spring Hope Mess” as he called the recent fir ing of 18 teachers there. Williams urged the citizens to put, school officials 0 n the defensive. -•••-• . -vk-w-.;. , :i. ,■• i.'iack: < uief Justice r •: hack rw: Torn Clark. Ra ' ■ ~< U. Jackson: Harold Bur ar-d Sherman Xhttwi iX.:a Tele{tfaeto.i ■ - ca-thtd the brtnt of the hi: -..n In fuir.i?; cgtia? e li es' to the Negro children of America. -.l'd .ip',-, hiui,!. where he claims they rent.-, . < th; argument. Sub . : 'ti 1 ■.'-'•■• t. ■ ill; , to :...v\'i r rotn another room. (ilrttn 'i ;c- t'• *. 1 she fired on c at ;..■! an-’. r-f her at that tunc or a short time later, v ' i'oh i t , and c illcii up 'Continued on page ft. lover, she attempted to leave for home, however. Johnnie announc ed that he would shoot, her if she did, she reported to police. Mi;s Hawkins stated that as she siurtea out of me door. Johnnie ; whipped o’ii a pistol and forth right shot her in the stomat-h. She was carried to Saint Agnes , Hiv.pjla! lor treatment, and h. , condition was reoprted as ser | ious, Johtfbie reportedly left the j j Hawkins residence for parts nn known following the shooting. ! Police officers have been on the j lookout for him all week on a • tijarfc.e n f assault with n deadly ; weapon Shaw Senior (Special To CAROLINIAN) Muss. Julia Maxine Young, 21, Shaw University senior, was nam ed last wee tend to go to Eng* , land and Wales as part cf an ed ucational tour sponsored by the International Farm Youth Ex* ; change Project- She is the first Negro to be so honored, /.Acs Young, who U a native of Louisburg, will observe the prac , tiers lined on farms and other pnetiuen!. fuels concerning .Euro pean rural people. She was selected out of the -18.035 Negro 1-H. members "in North Carolina and will represent work in the United States. Under this program, 400 American youth have gone £• broad since 19)8 to live, work and share experiences with farm people in more than 40 countries for a four to Aix months period. Approximately the same number of rural youth from cooperating coun tries bare come here for sim ilar experiences. The purpose of the exchange ; (Continued on page 8) | ] Tire recent deciy;on bv Sv ! United States Snprc’i,e C-o'i't 'o I outJ»'v segregation in the f't'b!' ; schools of the country bv 1 ' sharp warns from betit ut * I leading candidat-'s for etec'on 1 ■ | the United State's Senate a t ; from other leading f ; cu.•■ •.’ ; ' i state !.q the extent thn: ~ '.:. | leaders, and liberal tt . b:. :■ i '' I werried as to what step will j token to rarrv oit ; 1 n...■ •'■'■' j o.:' the hi.-'V. ; t court of bo j, j The decision rt the h:.:n i,"-. THE CAROLINIAN \ VOLUME Tftr -. . . . ENDING SATURDAY MAY 22, I ! Mb #iwi iS QM M.y w * jf«* lv. -.. f ls7i Si VJ• v &* ?* Cr* • < v ■> w lILyOy til'.; . jRECCEv-;' i OSdMSiiL.. • Bv .!. B. H.U’RiU v ! SPRING HOPK-- ,• . ; , I Mis -n. <_ ic \: r ..,; i r-Ky "“*£ ;, 'ock-Hi . -.y by a ' : hirst t: t '. f i ; of the local sCuu.i I. • r j tug in t.-e an 1 r: r • -j i »ft\ vnlectt - yon ;'• •. ; learners and the r an p i•- • ! soph An.-iun*- of i High School, wSicli • -; S ’■ '■■•. presented three iltu? -o i e; y. Ot'. r.aton, V.' .h'. • ,■ • J. W Seabrook. ! a;.. ! Durham incur..nee h V. ' ! Kennedy— who c '-J . j -I Par tic i". ... -. Arorum "h- ~:vj l!'.-i-. . •Am IvOi. V to.* (;*) Vi!:;;' . • ■ ! When v«u talk i> ill i . yens —"tilt' li.ile ■•' John I' tVii'iar.: head terms iht-m ■ U\ < i that thej charge iHa 1 i ■ woes are ,r. cgr.i t > ..- stemmed from tiie »• * •Advisory" color il ;•• >1 board, which is on .: t> the school board v. h.. all-white. AptvarenUy, t . • are iho e among tin < • who understood "lay part: i pation in education'’ to nit n firing all the teachers, be cause there ar ■ onh a i v left, mainly those who were here when the Ancrum a : ; ministration took o'-ey t■ o years ago. Althonch Mr. crum is said to have 're-s ti ed under pressure", there has been no valid r ■ -n aivrn bv the school boards—l«c I in tOoitii —a.- to i,.' • against so many teachers, •“ coat ding to NA.iCi’ pr« .-• M’ilii.ans, who was very fold ful in his demand that the colored advisory hoard should resign since they had no pow - er to hire anyone, hut only as Williams put it ••snoop > ! round at night and watch the j colored teacher., ami tell the Williams called uvon the ■•.<;• white board where the;, tu j (Continued on pa sc hi To Europe | MISS JIJOA MAXINE VOl. Nfi \ is p!-'tc and there is no doubt. ; n | the >''i:Kls of ary of the opponents ; and the crcpoiients that it meant. . v-h-o ;i 'c The fact that it do- ' i '• 1 *o listen to further argu- j meat in the ease so as to know* ; v; ••• un the edict can take el- j ft . i in wiwt is called the strain ' a-is ons;ny a question. •senator hUc-:i Lennon is Known to !."•:■ thtnwti a- < . r j if ' ■ i' •: he }'.\ tetsnp when toe j i ■ ib t't have aecused the ; ovorn.w- of inciunc I • V* % f t : f) -' t,SSl'''t3 PN NP,V‘ JOHS John J. Hum, who was Mess Sergeant to Genera? Dwight. Kisen h. .- i;■ -.a;; vt .'ckl War U. met Rr'-'.ulenl 10is ish.nvi r and got a warm hand-,hake when he visited the v y ; ivt-i-mi- Hunt, like the iicnenil, has a new ,i.>t*. As a fifth grade teacher at Niobium* f ry school. slont.ei.iir, 5. •!.. he brought his class tn Wutaingttit ter a sightseeing tour. The pupils, too. met the President. (Newspreos f'ltoto), <■ s> JL V -4* J "Jj A. * ■■■*& '%kS*4, A %4f j. J. 4 Ww4 bAiil'iimo roi-n ssinw 9 "»d- sJ O siy s, i i-bm TM!?R? Iw )it i*> i 3 1 y Thi- second annul Carolinian's FOOD SiitVvV & i |QMEMAKiifiu I.XI ‘OSOH'TON got underway here Tuesday at 2 p.m , in the Spa ttid trig Gymnasium, Shaw Uni; voaiiy. when Miss Mildred F Helms. Home Economist. Maytag- Apphunea Company opened the demonstrations with the fine feat ure-. of the Maytag Laundromat. Mi.';; Helms .-.pent approximate ly one hoar and \ hpjf showing v. ha; the new type v asher would do and the fine results that would : come from the use of the rnach- ' me. I,‘he machine is well equip- i pcd with aii the new devices and ; realty takes the drudgery out of washing. Quite a few of the stu dents. of Shaw University, toget- i Iter with many of the housewives j of the city were on hand. Tiie first session ended with ; the giving of prises, Many were i awardee 1 tc> tinr-i who wore pro- ! sent and had the number that was i drawn front the box A complc-e I list of the many prizes given will j be !u ted in next week's issue. The big feature of each session j i.- tile nierui.auiii tin’. job dour: by ; the Carolinian' for the co-sponsors j who joined the paper in bringing i the latest in cooking and home-' ! making to Raleigh. A large supply | of appliances, furnished by f’e i Brooi ai Company m ike” j np the equipment that is used in ; the show .These arc- located on a i stag< and give the school a unique xt qx-arance from the stage. Alexander Barnes. Carolinian promotion man. i,« directing the show and is ably assisted by J. D. Lewis, well known radio man. i The beautifully decoi ated Moths | are visited by either Mr. Barons ! cr Mi-. Lewis. The booth next to ; - that • : Soi 1 Furniture and carries a display i o: the most exqusite furniture to j (Continued on page 3) > the rttigens of North Carolina by denotiacmg s*-;rogation in the schools- The '"Man front !? < w - Rive,. ! ost. no time in teiMng the new.mcn that he never did advocate anything but separate but equal oppor tunities in the educational fie hi or' .North Carolina Governor WYillam 3. Umstcad exnrc:-.sed many termed his r!ready expressed that h* was disappointed in the decision. Tiy-e nt-i- ofuers v/ho cannot be B\ I. i; HAKREN LOCKV MOUNT Alexander !i. < Tuffy") Bryant last week ; -ramc the first colored man ten : ' 1 r as known) to be elected In •Ha e Democratic convention m h Comity. I 4 L 7 t % 9 ' f % ! J Life ATTORNEY BRYANT Bryant was chosen, alone with [ 27 otiiers, to rep.rc-ciH Rocuy - Mount’s Precinct Ho, 2 in the i Nash County Democratic copvon- , fieri and will go to the State | convention meeting in Raleigh on , May ITb and 201 h- W. S S.vain \ is chairman of precinct 2 and William Harrison, former pres!- i dent of the State Yount;: Demo- j era!:, j s the newly elected presi dent of the Nash County Demo err.lie convention. Bryant and Harrison were the only Democrats from this commu nity who attended .‘he ?100-a --plate Democratic rally dinner in Chicago last September. At the : t rue Mr. Bryant was an unoffic- j id! cb 'egatc on hi-; own. Long j interested jn polities and civic at- J lair?, both on a local and state j hash-. Bryant’* friends are hop- ; (Continued on page 8> hove the ronsorvative governor i could be surprLed when ■* takes a broad look a - , the turn of things ihroi.'.skout 'he v orici. *. v. eT! I'Riv-vn form.-r banking oifL-i».i oj : the state, told intern ted persons j | whose name is not rev-.-jicd at ; this time said that it v-a.> the : greatest assistance that we could ; have given India and the best atomic bomb ve could have giv ■ tn Rus v ia. Di J. W Scabrot.k, P. - aieru, Fayctteviili* State Touchec? Col- 1 N. 0. DENTISTS TO MEET HERE • ||BMP Aft ftf) ill sir //"/a k' ,# * i iu&* w <,/ The Old North State Dental So ciety, composed of dentists from j throughout North Carolina, will open its Seventh Annual meeting ! ~n June 22 and will continue i through the 22. According to Dr. Maurice T.,. : Walts, local dentist, over 100 Hen tn'ts and i!;c;.r wives arc expect ed to .illend the two-day ses sions which will be held on Shay UmverJtys West Campus. Dentists attending the meet v ill hold clinics on the various ; trends in the profession and hear 1 lectures by noted authorities in the i'it-ld of Dentistry. Present officers of the so- , cicty are. Dr. {'. B. Jones, Elizabeth City, pi aitlent: Dr, Watson Fowler, Fayetteville Pre -dent-clcct; Dr. vlauriet I. Watts, secretary-trr; arer. Also meeting hi eonj'inctio/! with (ho denjistf. will be lltc Ladies Auxiliary of fho Ok! North (Cont' iued on page Si im.MMHiMii«i.'W»««mi«irui»>gwmjwgxiramiuimn»wMnw— t~— «-«»m.«w.MHM*sr t »mKiiHi ■ißßiMwaana | ii | i1liwwwnii ■ n »•<*-iunmg.>*.-«ts .v-4BiMnwMur»tMai«et iMi*i.4x.-r-.(HFNi' i * muymwiiCfrsar: • v-*i»«»srtfr-xa*sWf SANFORD MINISTER TO A& T MVra'r ” O TH.TM* KEYNOTE FINALS rNAMPfON’kUIP SILER CITY--The caiss of 3954 ! •c c 1 ~ North Carolina A&T Co.Ue. e, nf at the Chatham County Training | Greensboro, swept to its tmrd School. Siler City, will hear & ! straight CJAA Tennis Chun:p-on. ramtr:c'nceir,ent address by the ! ship here Sunday as former . 'a noted minister. Rev. J. E- Mellan, | champion Julius Martin v: xi I’’-- pastor of Bandoncan Presbyter- | singles title and learned -,v ,! h ian Church. Sanford. The cur- 1 John Lockett to or. i rent class is the )r.r«e®t ever to Institute's second-sot rl >' ■' graduate. The exercises wiil be , t in a t o-hou ; ! rtaged a v th* school auditorium, \ . n, Tns p-jt on lit • ■ J as well the baccalaureate sermon, : A&T set.-- som kind of i Ten student-: in the class will I CIA A circles a far it-i he d - graduate with highest honors. < (Continued or, page Si le ge, was th: iriost optimistic • -. r. sen. i''tsrvirv;cd hv ;h,. CARO -I.JNIAN Hfrit *k-.: the - i itcovared from the etnancipat n pcc'c-aniation and cause ottl a o, - ter i>out.' :>r.d ''r h ■' .■; . ’ - same con.sequinwould t from the cv. - or. ck :h ■ "*• Court in the recent school mat ter. He w: s c.Hutidt!.® ' :r, when he -.'.id the matt-to ’oe ap:v-oarhed - ' con sideration and care- Continued oi. Ease ft V A NCE'fiDMNT v fnliwl. V v;, i - ?. . ASAKFC hot;? If! Sri u uu\ if: jtmin ; the coiij-ue bv Gov-nn ■> 45, is io be iiyed Go van had a hunch, last Fiuduy r .i jhe .should r.oi go to the i . * i Mine t<> wouk and s-t iyt'd »i. : .• ? on Saturday he went io Oh ; and was k o'.led. ! h all happened when Gov.n, i oitc» up a iauaer Xi' ls -*-. me eoi* i d to be about; H lev! : o’-ui’\ - j he mounted the rounds oi ih n » ladder a .dying board hit him on I the arm and eau c ed h'im tn ». >.• . | his grip and he Cell j iy sfc» tool to his douth. Too v-. - • ?ioy suffered a broken «i .and Joan, 12 year old twins and .Samuel H, 10 l-'uneral .services were ticl.i l ■ »ut the Dickey Grove Bajiit-,t i. ' n -a on Tuesday vi itli the Rev T L i Brodie in charge, interment mas in the Dickey Grove centetcrj ! 7 YEAR Oil) Rim. Killed hi Aeeideol WILLIAMSBURG A • ■-1-- , year-old girl vva.-. killed. )-■ ’.‘c 1 - - Jy r;.;s morning on .•>•• ft.’ | a tniift north of Kingstrec. wit n i site was struck by an auunn '■:• driven by ft’. \V. Thomas. SI- - ; Pear less Lambert, rotated Thun.-s I was going north. . 1 a s,-i .-. u ; bus was coming south wit: t> t:.• | child darted out into th.- pith of j the oncoming ear. fl. a'-o . that too h;i: had '<>: • J I vhett the child v- - ■-!'■'('<. Too- I cihid. Sent tic- rjajti‘' v \v:: - (he fiai'ghfcr of Willie L>-- y r>t I t F)'!ton sc.-i.-i.-c: At; iij t S : into the ctor.t.h has not b.-.-cr.