VsTL'd EKDiMG SATURDAY. JUNE 5. 1354 |f Id'' . »nwv - vvwwwwmwwsb: mi -gnmniwmi tt rm nnrr i ~Tmir» in m m-r • - '.jtiiWi-iMarOTf itwi». ugamr.'u*— wimrTOiiT’«Ltfi.-.u*ii.j»-iTico«rT M»wwt——mwiaao—w—■»• i r: ' , f M » | * l lecscrJ memories Li ~g\:r: t " ’ : ' : I "'ll #1 I* in* I i *y r i f?vi??n?mn'm l;-««Jis:s 8* WK «sj %*' «It%?I Ila Si vi : iIISf fi 6 *r $ W JJ *. awT.nc«nwrwn >wimmmb—a f y t ','V.orS !T!T / ~ » • ,_. fr.-v-*: 1 !?•; I •\ '.-,k 'tyafn-.t -w a *■}•: <*> j'«i ?t an f'-Titt-'T - 1 i'ji> :S. : ,,CCO CROSS IN '55 Hsiils Mutual .Excfi&n^c - , Inc,, j t xa-nplc of thrift and industry on j .« .. ,^w*m*vwmu^vmW&iMSXJlPria>vZ*xato<:z>a. , rm!9 ,v.v>mu.«» 'tOWn?r,£b.Mt4£_SiCWTJßtWiJ.'».lMnwnMMik'n#n<>*SiX. ttc.. . V-... ♦ Us r T f p ff» i # iI&iL il feu i*P # 4 1 -** -», gv? « p % r p *&w* ? r -" ? i * *>■ rr ' . .on Big Business...on :..< v. >: .r-r... on I. sc .s.n . or.. l\ -ce ?nd Color. "Bu;,">oumay «k,Vhat cio *. cu mean by a. "Catholic A 'vo :;• After all, what :. '; :. ft 1?^:Oft tO d.O With i ! sh,;; ji'i'ch. rrieno R.clinon Is rnpre tkan a s>iin*:ln> morning at* I y.ir —it 'fleets every moment of your daii" life, lute is made up of •uaon.'-, one right after the other Mgc u:,,>:is are ci:i v coo I oi : . J Kdigion gives us cite mop.! standards to judge whether the ,e actions ate right or wrong: x !■ ■ a quesuon of ri.;!:r i- w rorj; ” •- . uncerns religion ■■ if an eut pl.oyer deprives his labours of their just wages... if a selfish group ‘'corners' the market and works hardships on others,.. if a union r.vh a strike that wiii cripple the whole country s economy. Tins is where the Catholic Atti tude . omes in. The Catholic Church would be failing its duty if it did not apply the law of God to the many problems that beset today's world. Yc’hen Christ lived among men, they learned from Him the Chris tian attitude toward the social ques tions with which they were faced. He refused to meddle <n mere poli tics, bur He was careful to tell tulers nor to exceed their authority. He warned Pilate ‘hat he had no tight to commit injustice for the sake of expediency. He rebuked hypocrites who took advantage of SUPREME COUNCIL KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS j Religious Information Bureau 4422 LsWDELL ELVD ST LOUIS ■. .G. - ' ....... 1 n ' telhbury ff? llarfftt S:r.f '■ ' j kama^'iMKiKaiJiiMnnK'Aiktnr.«. .-wiMMNiiuroftUKeOTiiaKra clerk sncl Andrew Hard an Ls the < . IRI IE H' » ' (,: ,i»| ~ GENU > To- Mu*.».!al i:Ki.!i;inoe ■■ Torn ;•;.>• ceci in *ht* ?*>' -•■ i; ■';,.’ ; ,• ■•. K' ■■- u p •».*., j f. W. Druuu -. vie* .. p .r» V.Mfrhpr ■'* ] 4.0 y.? '-r t r Hope. c\ A. i,??>:• Walfcr, { a g£-r ap,*s (pr'i’ *’-' Hr*i) ioVl'd- ; fGVr.MEMI E-.KS ’n.-'. \V. J if. re!. V.-ntov n mMHMMMMWUX. tliWCi.. > • -■mo- -[.Su.. widows and orphans He pointed out the nchr use of money and the moral obligations of the wealthy. Os course Christ said not it ngaboh'S .oni'P'.Miisin, Trade ! mons. o ( ;p.-al isin ! !’C r r, ::■. . ■ -■’ ■■'Wig *7 * • WF% ■'! ,U ' . t&a&F'Yj piti a« a *£s%u not then gw but cert ? ! nly to us they are every bit as imnoi t ! ant as those on width He s Ac to the men of His day .And Hi.- voice is needed now to speak w uh the same authority fur the dv• i m of our difficulties Christ established His Chutch to teach all men to obsen c all that rfe j 'tad commandcd-to direct them in the religion of every-day life. 1‘ is for thh > reason we find the ' Apostles criticizing the intolerance j ot their fellow-countrymen and proclaiming the equality of the I Gentile converts. We see St. Paul | writing m great detail of the obii- ! gations of masters and servants, of j husbands and wives, from Sr. Peter j we learn about taxpaying and the obedience we owe to civil authori ties. she Catholic Church continues this tradition today by expressing its attitude on the basically moral problems of modern society. You will find it weil worth your while to investigate the Carhop: Altitude on matters that vitally concern us all. on Industry and I Labor.,. Race and Color.. Liber- j alism,Democracy and Communism, j Write today for a free pamphlet j explaining the Catholic Attitude 1 rm these and similar questions. Ask for Pamphlet Ho. 10 - KC. INBMWV.IK4. - rni—l wn» «I -1 T w** l ——l I upr." erf Protective Order . . Lika pL the World and invued ii' r ‘ti remn to Gastonia, in- i i ’n utia roilectivej/, in toe 1 UFA V* <. 1# i «1 f I Imnis* hf S?<*sold i'll A % 1 Ifino I« Ciii i id|Jfile ■ - '• C;R(.’ Mo r t'.r -i ;sfs 1 A’c.i-th Cai-olUa Fode'ation of the ■ *u > neief at A. and T. C’ - ’'.’! ■ a-■ i - ■•. ;• •- M. vodov t*- ,-.,i I Vhedo: -a y, Jo:'o 6, 7, 8 and 9. l;: . , oeaker for the l r a■ -1 I rav a ov; i. L V. Bali 'nano. Ra- ' | otthure. He will sed-'es-s the 'as- | ! t-io-t on fttesaa;,’. June 8 Bi- < too valua'ile youth I | leadership training which j.s a | pan ■ < the organisation's pro j ‘ ■ant, the federation meet wdi t ; feature state finals in a series of i contests t-ponsored by the cr.vv • | r.at'f.n. Local and district chant- I : pionj in ttourtet air.a;lla, iaieitt, j i public speaking, q.iia.a and live- | i stock vv'd; vie for top, honors as s.t ite chanspions. The meeting will gel underway j a. : i; i a • ■ ' ! vespers service o.n ' aa.av. Jane 6at 0. 00 p. m„ with : ‘he Rav. C;co M McCoy, director ] ■■ as a " i\. oj at A. ard. I T Ci aegp, as the principal | At '•:■■■ fomt.ei opening business I a on Montin;. monfiig, tit<> ! . eat: veil b: welcomed to the ■y .:-. ‘ .-. camp'. -by LV VC tto ~ ■ * in ot i A arc T. Lchooi ot Ai'.ncu' ■v' e. Patricia ; J : : ;•;■:■•; ddli t’i t r ' 0 DIiC.TC.V ;{>2h School C'h;.u!c- of the New j H-. -i:•■makers r.ud W C. Cooper. ! -H ( a .-re tab. « A. and T i ( : ' U:r, j, ; >::< T R. McCi'h'in'h a V/aUet'fit!. Va far- ■ mer will df’a-.v 'he c”incn:>al ! ac’dreis. in lhe sev- I i-.- .i covft ‘s are minted for the | afityvoon . a.id Baals i n ! vc 1 'it, .o-.vl'l sing'p? and I tv lit spearing contests will be J:- ato ih* -nidress by . \\y Rail,.-,' , -... *hp Tilesdsv v;p<. I :•■>:• V.. i.i fov”i ■■ the fi: nls m j i me ri l si .:;•. and livestock judging | i r,';:. ... the awarding of Modern i l Farmer Degrees to tin? members ; 1 a,...;. nave coirole od outstanding ; i . ;■ , : arc i ■ jc ■: • during the; i year and a social later that even- : | The meeting concludes on \ ! Wednesday with the election of i j new ofLvois. then mvaUation, i | and tin. announcement of Fu’ure | : c •'»cii.er.- of America Foundation ! i Am, : a and the w inners of the j lO.i ht:! corn per acre contest j i Office''.-; of the tale association ; arc: president. Victor Durbar, ! Columbia, N. (.'.: vice-president, I John T. Sntith, Umrinburg; 2nd | v.cm-p' c adevt. Theodore Bran -1 dr.r. Henderson: 3rd vice-presi ■ dent, Horace Parker, Pinetops: | scrrctaiy. David Crudup. Na-'h i viilc; treasurer, Paul Bigelow, | Greensboro and reporter. N. A. McLean, Battleboro. ★ APPLIANCES S ★ TELEVISION W ■fc TIRES & TUBES ' | firtstm* I STORES 413-415 Fayetteville St. «ass3S3aan»»iis*aiM«*siair j Honorary Degrees, Grants Conferred At 89th Affair Dr. Albert Pmeus Seltzer, ptiy- ■ siciiii and m.c.iwi ot ph sadc-t- i pma, Pa., told :"?•? y.aouatir.g cias.s ' Os Sna»v 1:m ■■;■.■■;' .CO, .ay -1. . commenc-nnicT.t is the start vs j L-t w life for y -.t" Tne sneaker, andi'twig bh.wv 1 n.Vc !-.'v a I iu, Co i ,- o.tcri:..:i. be,an by tH.•.•>■: -.re . giaduatiiig ems that to :c. ve « diploma Loin Shaw G.uvc! ■ Ly cn he nor, esyr.ciaLy aupre'. latc.i by anyone who has a p- ot..>;md and abidmg faith m cdiicatior. ; End Dart.Cedar', y ir f •■•?•. .J-.-::' o religion, wlnioh is u.'dat the- key note- and foundry ion stone to s: c* . ms, in our American way <v : e. • "Soma of you v. ill H-.ke j sponsible positions in church-; | r»iissi'»ncH'ii?s. and soiav v. dl cr-»v tinue learning for other branches ' of study, and some rt-rhaps is the service of our country's armed | The training r - po'-ison, ■ J seven lamps of wisdom bv which : the house o* .be. w'l.vt! bubt may , be itiuini ’stct.i. They are c '-ur- j tc-sy, top’ ‘ * nee, 1 .-v.-Hiv. ■- : •t. courage, a rvr. . of hint . :’ r* iroaginati.-n. and above all, f ith. The Rr.J. Y, Tiilet ot Ebvs- | ton delivered the opening rr,,! and Dr O. S. BullocU. pa-:or of ; the local First Baptist Crnucn, • gave tnc closing |>raycr. The honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity was, ferred upon Mr. THtot, *•' the h-notar- degree of I>« - tor of Laws went * • John Htv'-v vyhe-b r. p'r'-ident o' Mechanics an rt V:> r m e r s Bank. Durham and Ka'.eicHi- Dr L F, McCauley. Raleigh. | teceived the disilngui■■■'■■■ eel j vice :ward for the prof ss'onal M.hools, and the Rev. Howard I- Mitchell of Gctesvillo. received this .17,ard from the colleges of : An and z'.dv.'cv-. , Several Goideii Ancnvei r.r.v A waids vi re btstovver; D.:grec-s were awarded the- fol- : lowing: Bachelor o| Divinif.v North Cu 'i.b" Cl Ivin C'ai*. Mo n roe X- . ! fbiy’ •• d. V ,-j • ,\■: V‘ V ; , .-. Goldsboro. ■ - ■ csi’didstc-- the ,B A- decree • B.whelor of >rtr N'Uth Carotii a: Raleigh. F- “ tr-ce V. Ai fog. Lo l ’esce E-- il. Ann a C. Goode. I : D L--1 Gladys B Hunter. M■■ > M ! »onpr. .«. ■ - \s K •■;•<’■ Guvm V/ I o'- Ciwu ' lr . ’• f Bub' TV. M Itee:. .by ■■' Nor! 1 ton. .Tame ; F O’M-'al. bS. ■ Rd:': n . l»r/ f, V uci-. ■ trip', !■ ::- belle V'H.i-un Odc-'H i B A! !- ■ whu-g, ; Roscita A i f:TV''minnton: Chrip- i tine Rrxter, WuudHl: Dorothy 1 Purneito. V. c bane. C'< j Britt. Kinstog’i; T.'lb-rn V Crir ter. Bonn 1 '!!" W't on C"■■■■. ■•.ihrr•; | Greensboro- t.-otfe .M. Chapman. I Kinstoo; L : -/i‘ K Cba:-- H bo. good: M.o.reli C Chnvis. Oxford John Daw;. Pollot' .''Site: l *'•■ M. Daivis. I fi -■••■■■: Vetr. < 1 Delooteh, Prndl' (orr. Ellen D Members, of the advisory coun cil are: J A. Francis, Southport, president. Vi >c ational AgriCulturo Teachers Association: M S- San ders, Henderson, secretary-trear ■ surer. Vocational Agriculture , Teachers Association; S B. Sun- : mons, state adviser and W T Johnson, execu r i v c secretary, i both of A. and T. Coitege, j Greensboro. i St 9^K*V* fc& V. ‘7s*s CONGREGATION AJUSTS’ CHOICE— The f.rst Ncft.ro moderator ia the 168-year history of the Massachusetts Congregational Confer ence, .Julian ». fBG-elo (left), was ushered into voice last week «o Quincy, Stas 11 !. The prominent layman and West Newbury town mod erator is shown with Bev. Albert Ik Coe, Conference. Uesut {News* grees JPhoto) —" ; THE CAROLINIAN Du.k«.i >n. P ' K rujt P Dur.oa**, Wendell: V. . . ci Sti r ,:■. .-U R: ‘ . . ■ E. i toi-d. r>:!uf.(it Not mo L. G . 'Bs, Burl o.ct.j.i; Jean O(J:Mb.,, iic:,M.k j ..»r,'b od.-on, ■. ;■ 1 J oil; Clarence Gray, CBicoci; Jo'-iv..- B Haw kin.;. Hou.ivrson, -*'•* C 11:0. Xf'.v i-i .n, V.'ul am fiNew E. ■ n V‘- v: ,i*i Jei'nes, Grahrm; Warner il Juv (■•-’ Fayc.tv.’, lie. Lcaii E. Jruv . Oak Ci'>. Ma v 1.. K: treil. RittteU; Wilson W Hvt ' OiM. By I via E Lock.ia.i t, Rocky ... vi.. . .... r x Cbunx-nee McNei’l. Lumberton, Susm J Malone. Clacton: Ani'.io N. Matthews, Wagrar. , Milltcent B Mslier. N w Bern Annie L. Ail ms. Southport; Gloria I, Mcca-v. Laurinburg: Atiene Mur ehisiio. Sanford; Mattie M. Park er, Oxford; Archie 1,. 'Rich .end. Mi! to n, Clarence Richmond, v'har’u'tte. IL. ;- M. Seiicss, Vass. ?, i ard a Se v noiv, San mvd: iUmaotie T. Sr, w. Tutna h.. ,vk; V.-:l'ia:v: 1... Sherrill. Notv ion; Ciirinioe Spcnc*v Holly bonrex Lv:a M SdivcA A.Roberta Thomas. Garvs ho c Mildred Wagstaff. Burling ton; Eunice Walden, Conway. Ve'-mTI White. Vernice White, Seine a, Helese Wilder, Washing ton . Virginia Joann Cross, Ports mouth; Audrey Dickey Lynch jucs; Geraldine L. Dixon, Ports mouth. Mary L. Hill. Ports mouth Percy T Keeling, Roa noke: Edith A. Lloyd. Norfolk; Grace L Merritt, Petersburg: Mary L Yancey. Danville South fr ■ iina. James E A' - .. thnr, Dai;muter Virginia Moat gomery, Camden. Miscellaneous .states. Ivlarcelina M. Anillo, C del Sur., Cuba; Claudia H. Brown. Philadelphia, it . Norman M Chase. Potter yon. N. Jr Samuel L. Jones. Pleasanlvtlle. N. J , Kenneth San dit’ord, Plainfield. N. J., Lucius Walker. Roselle, N. J : Randolph Tiiomp* ' Nass.iti N P 8.W.1 . Stanley A V'.ven-: Columbus, O ; Leo-uuh S Washington. D C. Hit iiel ir of SScience North Carolina Raleigh Queen E Buddie Dorothy H Evans, Yvonne Jetfries. Alice F Joyner. Pt ter H- Williams. II!. .Alice T. F rn«“tt. Oak On;- . Wl’iie P De- Vane. Fayettev ie!ie: Harry L. Hug-ms. '-Vilmington; Lillian L- Joner. Garnet; Ebon W McNair, Kings Motr-tai.i; Theodi-e G Kix-c n. S:n:thfteki; Constance Wood. Wilmin -ton: ‘'mm K Walker. Newport. Julia M V-, - : t .j. i.'jrg Hazel Raynor Ml OL'« . Eds L Slade. Panlego. Mtcc-Unneous rt-*Jarr.es E N.7- p >rt ’%;■• •:■ Ya.: F.lhef Singleton. Nett, York. N Y.: Edna F'. *Sivi!'kmdi), Norfolk. Va,; va»e* du*tmian: Mi' : i? K Chase, saiutaioi Ktn: William H Sherrill. T/hf. ( yhdqhb£AA, ■ ft, has Pauuwxi ■--J .A I “1 want a Gnaranteed AtmaaJ Catch—and no monkey bamaeasF ! " ' : ' EDGEi’OMBE .MAY FESTI j VAL PARTICIPANTS Prin cipal participants in Use annual Edgecombe County 4-H May Festival at Tarboro recently are »h o« n. lelt to rtoht. as Come See! Come Save On These JUNE VALUES # HEARTY and VIGOROUS OUR OWN TEA PREM TREAT ™~®r SPAM Luncheon Meat 45 c A&P LIGHT FANCY MEAT TUNA FISH » 29c AMERICAN PROCESSED CHEESE FOOD | Mel-O-Bit Cheese 83 c | SULTANA WITH TOMATO SAUCE PORK & BEANS %t%fc 16*0.1. ■ ■ |Y CAN mW km PAGE SPAGHETTI | SAUCE 2 cans 25c JANE PARKER APPLE i—wiinifm nmiuiuiiiMi—wwmw—————«bm—> w | WINESAP APPLES - 17= j JUICY LEMONS 2 - 29= | FRESH SALAD MIX - 1 9= BONELESS STEW - 59= GREEN SHRIMP » 69= I iaidgk A4P Open A.l Oaf Eada. Wednesday Parking A*oa Both Store* 30 IF. Hargett 5t.—2712 Hillsboro SL Open Until 2.30 Friday NiyM i follows: Edward King. Hamp ton institute student, who i s State i-H Council President; Mayor H. G. Nicholson, Walter Armstrong, County 4-H head; j ■'* »■ • "b / •• v > | -W^^| R E. Jones, state f'ttfnMO't ! agent; C- L. Ruffin. Manage; j Edgecombe Membership Corp (REA), ana 11. M. McNeill, Edgecombe colored farm agent ] —J. B. Harren Photo JANE PARKER POTATO CHIPS P*J“A t-*-** MMy box iJil SANE PARKER, JELLY TOPPED BUNS - 25 ( SAPTE PARKER GOLDEN POfSM* CAKE 25 c PAGE NINE

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