WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, JUNE \l, ! G 54 Zourt Edict f sites Contributions To NAACP i|J|p =* f|“ " '■ : v' ;.m. .4® J&NP* r. o * O!' E K \Ti,V F MER CK '■. '•■■'m JVO: OA"T O N I A S ryi.l-.~-<; m stoma, N. C. fiU‘>.'-- the service*. of jiii up-to-date, iiioiji' rn, air-conditioned co ,'rell1Ive r y, market and \ ,rt*«•••»<» i.-xt iMishmrnt wbu h THEATRICALLY YOURS b 5 u». o,„ ; i, v-r-v YORK. 'GLOBAL' •j •• '•. iv's MOV olatler of i •,y.-■.■, c V.ri -So Mu,: 1 ! «-ci -V ain't the JutiC: i IS e bee of heavy sd- \ v{ JoxnerS nr-v- pist«>"*r of ‘‘ln i 11' l| | j|’ |* »| j|||»||l f| )l e . 1 >. ' l j j ff» : ' *’"l ' j J -W’* '“ . . W*,s’ .rww«pp«ii ,-:■ -• :; 4 . ! V Y MCa.-CLY, ■ . bc y .-.;■• •-.-...' . . • ! i ' ' . :.vj 1 i Street Next to City Hall 285 Fayetteville Street j | i | I Jeffries’ Jewelry, Inc. Martin's, Inc. j: IS’/ S« Salisbury Street I) I West Hargett Street C Goodman’s Ladies !| [! Shop 11 I 28 E, Hargett Street • !| i , I I [ , l I dirt over $63,000 gross business last year. Starting in t’l.V! wit'". !!5 shareholders at $5 each, there are over 200 now. and the store operates on a rash basis Charles Halt was founder and it hears his name. Shown a> V ••■.. At J • . -■■■• ! curding of "Joey" climbing •’ rvoi- j the nation’s top fifty hrt« : Betty's picture was on the coy* j of last week's Cash Box /ru.-. i the bibb- of :no record trade I ATOM Recm-ds now has three i i-oaußful ve.;r»2 thnisii-s oi• t-:i' 1 ’•.’ far top honor 4 -. Joni James. Be ; tv .in and ;> rU. v be,;::’. ; :; '-1 Mason Miss .James is c tcnnii •’•;•( to hc!d her top :ti : r.< ,r. cr- of MGM. Miss A' si i is giving h«*r a fast run for the llef t to rinhi > Ji., ,ii n. btitth'-r. as iit- she.vs .< ciliio user 1 rill o; *r,t it. Leslie Wal ker. ij-.i" . U’r. Air. AJiu v Bur sts. vc-ey-ltsus: and Vi- Alar. £ a ret JSopi . < jerk .f 0 tl u. t rrn V'!m Ti t : :W yet , <•.«?» «c* V »■;» on/ 1 will gsy I , Charles intcuds to h>s own , t’OllmO Ril/jiF - UTlf! * *)y> ? inDTli ' Freedom Fight $2700 Richer As Responses ; , To Appeal Increase I NKW YOKK - In response to •i special appeal following the Su i reme Court ruling against pub lic school segregation. 36 contri butoi.- last week sent in a total >'f i'.iVIO to the NAACP Ftgh’ for Freedom Fund. An additional j $571 was received front an itidi- i vidua! contributor, a labor union. ! ; two persons who made intial pay- : ir.ents on life memberships, and ! < ;ght lnos l units of the NAACP- 1 Contributions of SSOO each were \ received from Dr. Rivers Fred erick of New Orleans and the North Carolina Mutual Life In- 1 surance Company of Durham; i S3OO. Central Life Insurance ; Company ,-.f Florida, fampa, $l5O. Dr. E V Eatidore. Cramercy. i j !yit'O each. Dr. James E Mar- j : tin, Philadelphia; Dr. James AT I . Pair. Baltimore: Southern Aid : t«fe Insurance Company, Rich- ! n-.ona, A a.; Ministerial Aoiam-e KnoxviLe, Term.; Dr- Joseph G I . Gathmgs. Washington; Harry Fn- : 1 iestein. Chicago; and the Supe- Large Audience Hears NY wyer In Garner Address William C. Raines, Wake Coun- , ", r.at’ve and practicing attor- ' M-y New York City. N. Y. ■: e-iivered a very informative and a most inspiring commence •on • address at the recent gradu iprg exercises of the Garnet ; Colored High School The speaker centered his dis ci. sion mainly on. The Place ’ the Negro in a Changing So- THE CAROLINIAN i tor l ife Insurance Company, Detroit Also SSO each from Frank , Schiffman, New York: Ira (Tersh- I win, Beverly Hills. Calif ; Mrs. 1 Gertrude Brown. Port Arthur, Tex.; Dr. Rob. rt M- Greene. Char lotte. N C.; Dr T M Smith. Chi -1 cago; Mrs Richard M Harris. Rochester, N Y and Harold J Drescher, New York $35, Robert Lee Brokenburr, Indiauapolis. $25 each. Dt O B Taylor Knox ville; Melvin D° Grrote, St. Lou is' Hugo Heydotn, Jamaica. L. 1 . I Augustus K. Oliver, Pittsburgh; i Dr T. L Lowrie, Miami; Mr. and Airs Arthur Mayer and Freder:- , k G Melcher, New York: SfO. Cap i *am Henry C. Everett. sls each. : A Per and Edwards, Jamaica, L. ! 1.: Eisner and Lubin Foundation. ! New York. $lO each C. A. Cowan. ■ Knoxville, S' Paul's Church and i Harry W Harris. Rochester; nr i ! J H. Garfunkei. New York; and | $5 each, Mrs O. B Taylor, and Dr. A ,J Racote. Know Co - tie tv.” He .dr’irr -hed the ruemhet < nr t’-.e graduating clos? to pivp.ir*- tin m-'elves for greater usefulness in hfe, and to meet the challenge cf the hour in facing the local national, and international prob lems of our ’s. The graduates were also ad vised by the speaker to "statid by, support, and a* lend Negro ; colleges. tfe ~ iVf an int'? 1 rs»i -; back ground of the recent Supreme- Court dcision j Valedictorian of ttoe gradu ating class wits Helen Marie j stevens; satuUtoHan was Geraldine Tomlinson These young ladies have maint inert the highest acadetnii aver aces throughout their h i h school careers. Common:.* from various prr ronaLfies attending tne affatr ■ confirmed that this was r.ne of the finest commencements n the history of the institution ; A record crowd of parents i teachers and friends of the in i st.ition were in attendance at the : occasion ; 'The biiccaulareate semior was , rtelivci'rd bv ‘ho R. \ '■ ■■ i: Me ‘ Kirdcy Avery a granulate cl th : Garner Colored Hwo School. J and Sl;aw University Set no! of j Religion He w an he.'.or stu dent voile at Snow Rue Avcy i is now pastor of i.he Hill Streol 1 Baptist Church. Asc. v".:ir. Method News BY MISS DOHA D STKOI J> METHOD - R-, v. Harvey Hay j wood held regular mormag ser- j ! vice at Christian Tabernacle i Church Sunday m.-rning ai li • j o’clock Rev. Nathaniel Gas lore was present and as.-ist.--u with I the service. ! Missionary circle for the chur- I ch was held a: the name of Mis I Beltie Mitchell at. 3’30 p m. Rev. Jones, pastor of ins Chiu ; ch of God m Clayton, rendered j service at Si. James A.'M E. Cum - : j cb Sunday up,ln. He brought a j wonder:,it message to in- .turn j eiH'e His wii- ami sister sang ■ beautifully for the servu->-. Rev. ;■ Gaylord was presen* and . " tnr { visitors a hearty welcome to his j church and pulpit. Mrs W Gay- ; ! nor and the ttoimv'- Choirs for- i t Dished lovfly music fort; • o«- ] j casion. The service was given | | for Mens Day to: Ann Harris j and Clement Harr - Oak City Bapiist Church pic I senis the Harmony Mah Cis. . i Variety Singers and ibe White : | Oak fiiale Chorus a! B O'Kclly .'!: ;h School :v Sunday afternoon, June 20 3:30 p. m. Tickets are now on sate. Your pretence will be high ly appreciated. Mrs. Ozie Williams is confined . to her home on account of ill ness. We pray lor her a speedy : recovery- He r many friends 1 : greatly miss her presence m church service and other com ; rnunity activities. Little Lorraine Dunston had In j be rusited to St. Agues hospital j i for an appendicitis operation last t j week. She is doing nicely now i I iiid will soon be back homo a- ! i gain. ; Miss Mary Marks has been on the sick list for a week, but we are glad to say that she is rn | i.uperating and we trust she will i j soon be out again Mrs. Minnie Hill remains about j the same- We are still praying i ior her recovery Mr. and Mrs. A W. Sherrill , ■ ;nd Miss E. M Ligon spent Sun- ( day in Statesville visiting Mr. • , Sherrill's sifter. Little Joan Elaine Alston and | Marion Ramona White "' 11 j j graduate from Tuttle Cento j j Nursery School this week. ( | Graduation exercises will be held t I at Martin Street Baptist, Church, j j Sunday, June 13 at. 7 p. m ! The average hourly wage i scale tor construction workers ai , ! the end of 1953 was $2.72, ac- j i cording to the 1954 Yearbook of ; ! the American Peoples Encyclopc- I uja. The sc'o ! e Varied from s’.B9 ! an hour for laborers to $330 sot ! bricklayers. I Wayman«Enfieid NAACP Set Regular Monthly Meet ENFIELD The Wayman-Eri ficld NAACP unit. Thomas Co- j field, president, has announced ! that, the monthly meeting of the ! chapter will be held, in Littleton i .it the Mclver School June 10th ' at 8 p.m- Participants on the pro- I gram include Enon Male Choir; j welcome by James Robinson, and j talks by r J. B Harren and Dr. J j A. Tmdsley. Enfield citizens observed Me- j mortal Day by decorating the t graves of veterans in the Cedar ; View cemetery Wreath were nb- , iain<*d from the government for I -«min rn in.■ .in— w i i ii ■nninninwwi— ■■ iiiwiwiwr'wnnnimnwwwwri iwwwiMwwiwwMiiiwwipiii'i'wiawww^MWiriii*• wkoi »—i iMwmiwr >«*•« m UALiEJCfi nrs (MOTHER®' Jfp?DAfGlTp; F\SH!ONS WSUISAHCE *U!LDIWo- j I gram. Fred Shields delivered the l address, being presented by Ty- ■ j ler Vaughrt. Others were Julian j Lyons, George Lewis and Mrs j Anna English | Among those visiting relatives j here ove- the holiday were, Bam j Harper, of Dee Cee; James Car ter. Norfolk. Richard Mason, Pet PAGE THREE ersburg, *ll of whom vHit • ■' t ! Horace Whitaker family Cofield's Funeral Home h erected a new brie 1 .: arid ro block addition to their yuuu ;>• modernized the front of t . structure- The Joseph En " ■ moved into their nee brio’,, hoi. on High wav U S. 301. Mrs. Walter Wiggi'u was a r cent visitor here. The Tillery iNAACP u it r ports more than fifty per* ms v< ed in the M.-y 23 primary V newly organized chapters-