W ikon TB Hos piial Shoi 91 frai d Nurses Hit-Run Driver Kills Passenger THE CAROLINIAN VOLUME THIRTEEN WEEK ENDING SATURDAY AUGUST 14, 5954 RALEIGH, N. C. NUMBER XXXIV •w» »< ni/j *.,/1 *? -3 fUfclAvt ix £j* Ot* ' *s* is r •» * ~~ m 5 *l®! B I1 L 1 ! I_._ _ Stats Head Tells Committee North Carolina Must Abide mBP I *. Governor William B. Umstead, according to reliable sources, has no intention of having his special conimitte attempt to work oot plans whereby the ruling of the United States Supreme Court i car - be dodged or evaded. The committee meeting in Raleigh ■ Wednesday was instructed by him to study all of the proposals v have been offered, with firm convictions that it is the law f , r the land, and to find out how North Carolina can comply with this law, 77;* •■■trnor sos ike told the CAROLINIAN that it was c-.h u matter of time and that no one knew ho- long it y ' •••• • t.- .- ti comm to work out the matter so as to f.:t it :r:to p r* r tn the state. The committee got it-. iristn.tc t /no-! «■*•? governor st 11 o’clock m the morning and ’ r ’ rrn etcLtffve sc s;on The governor held a press c.-r.?crence «f 12 :30. <tONTIMFI) Oh PAGE urCicn Father Freed ■■' i don’s Sabre Death V?, —a I to The CAROLINIAN ;::: >;roN <mib> A Lemur Cvuni.v father ras absolved of all ■'•lom;- here last \ieek in the death of hi« son. Cot oner Raymond Jarman said here Friday that no inquest would '■j ■ held in the death of James W. Karrman. who was fatally injured * Ins father Saturday night, July 31m. Harrison died in a local hos pital. Monday, August 2nd. Crumple Harrison. father of the a.—d man. was arret-ed Tuesday. August 3rd by Deputy Sheriff RMarvin Hill and £. B. I. Agent Bob Popr near Richland, and toiled on a charge of murder. However, at the Recorder’s Court hearing Thursday Harrison was freed by Judge Albert Cotrper, af ter the court, found "no probable cause" in the charge against him. Judge Ccvper said during the hearing it was disclosed the dead man's fathei struck his son with a slab in self-defence after his son began advancing upon him with a drawn knife during a heat- STONE CHUTE TAKES LIFE GREENVILLE A chute in which crushed stone was be.rig unloaded proved to be a death Map for 35-year-old Isiah Ed • 4 wards, construction company workers, who accidentally suffo cated Saturday after falling into the chute. Pitt County Coronor Griffin H jjfouse investigated the accident. * According l„ workers on the job ai trie time G.f the fatal fall, Ed wards was helping to unload a railroad freight car of crushed rock. The man was standing on the railroad car which had been Vouclit into the White Constrae v C unpuny's rail siding for un- Rj'tiling. a-d the chute doors releasing he vy rock were opened by *- • T cddler. company supervte c the shifting rock carried the ■ n d n into the chute com- V Jy burying him under the ir 'vy lead. Greenville Fire Depa rt f' s ”rsc--' ruad was summon - ,o t ? reen? at approximately .) o ,'ocx, minutes after the 'iu'n; took place. Rescue opera - - s°t underway immediately. Workers h:.d to push the rail road freight cur from over the chute in order that the area where the man had been covered could be reuihed. Local firemen aided by volun eser workers dug the man from pit partially and as soon as Wi head war free, the rescue scuad began to feed him oxogen *n an effort to revive him while clhei workers to dig hirn out from, the load of rock. L:. Herbert Healey.. summoned •o the scene by the oolice depart- CCONTINUED ON PAGE 16! 1 ed dispute at their home in Ne-ise Township. In addition, he said, a st. te rm. rn submitted by Dr. Payne Dail indicated the victim died from other causes then the saber wound. Dr. Dail. the attending physi cian said. "Harrison succumbed on the operating table Monday at the Lenoir Memorial Hospital un der the effects of prolonged anes thesia, necessitated by work on liis severely cut wrist.” Dr. Dail. said "The anesthesia apparently caused Harrison's heart to fail. Coroner Jarman raid in view of Dr. Dail's statement, and Judge Cov.-per’s ruling, he did not deem it necessary to hold a coroner's inquest. The decision not to hold an in quest is believed to have beer, in th» de. rriants' favor and play ed a large port in his acquittal. I-' could not. be ascertained as to what caused the ouajrrel in the home and what infuriated the boy to the extent that lie advanced on his father with such fury. ; The delay in taking the father : into custody caused much com ment and it was the concensus that he would go free His arrest or: Tuesday and his release on Thursday means that he was de nied his freedom for only about two days. The defense did no! have to use too much evidence to p. ?ve seif defense and relied, for the most part on the testi mony of the doctor. $600,000 Biology Bidg. Approved For NC College DURHAM—The State Budget Bureau has "reapproved’ plans to receive bids for North Carolina Colleges proposed new $600,000 Biology Building in the NCC Ad ministration Building at 2 p. m. Thursday, September 9. George Watts Carr of Durham is the architect. The Budget Bureau's action fol lowed an earlier "indefinite post ponement" which was attributed to state budgetary policy by D. S Coiurane, assistant director of the Budget. Bascom Baynes, acting chair man of NCC's trustees, said au thorisation for the bid letting came at the direction of Governor William B. Umstead. director oi the state budget. The 1953 N. C. Legislature ap propriated $1,800,000 to NCC for. three buildings for biology, com merce, ana education. The other two buildings ate under construe - Mon now at estimated costs of some $1,200,000. President Alfonso Elder is now tllr trims the fins! phase of a S(i million dollar perma nent improvement program DR. SEABROOK COUriTY CRASH CLAIMS ONE LIFE LILLINGTON One person was killed and three others were badly injured in an automobile accident Monday morn ins about 11:30. 12 xades west of Lillingion on McDou' aid Road. Killed was Edward Cole, 24. Olivia resident. The ir:,’tired men were identi fied as Jesse Leon Byrd, 48. of Baltimore. Md., Fred McLean. 38. and Cisnlies McLe.in Broadway, Route 1. They were admitted to Lee County Hospital located at Sanford Assistant Harnett County Coro nor Ed Black. Jr., of Dunn, who investigated, .said the men were riding in a 1850 Chrysler. It had not been established as just who was driving the vehicle■ Black reported that the car ap parently went out of control and turned over several times He also said the car was traveling at a high rale of speed. C 0... was reportedly killed in stantly. State Hi ’incay Patrolman Her man Ward who a:,mm a Black in the investigation, raid there were no witnesse--. Assistant Coroner Black impan eled a jury composed of George S. Souder. J. R. Baggett, J. R (CONTINUED ON PAGE 16) that has been in process since 1947 when Dr. Elder sue t'-eded the late Dr. James E. Shepard as president of NCC. “Indefinite postponement” of the Biology Building without clar ification aroused concern among trustees, officiate, and students at. NCC. On July 27. the trustees au thorized their legislative comma tee headed by C. A. Dandelake of Tarboro "to find out why bids for the building have been postponed arid to seek means by which re strictions may be removed in view of the urgent need for the build ing." Although no explanation was given for postponing receiving bids prior to last July 21. when bids were originally scheduled to be received, Coitrane told a re porter following NCC's hearing! . before the State Advisory Budget Commission on July 28: “We must esonomiae in every instance in order to keep from reducing .'Mbir:- t f leathers and other em ployer;. it. was necessary for us to revert all surpluses, cr un allocated balances, in all depart ments in order to have a balanced budget for the 1.954-55 year”. [ | " ' f. ' X '> -* . ONT MA** JOP, AGENCY ~lb warty manhood. Harold Wallace, SA, of Grand Kaptda, Mich., had twin ambition* for « medical swxf mus.cai career; both of which ware thwarted by a mytfterionr «**£! *"* paralyse. In UWT, doctors toid turn that fee wo«w never wuifc 2*V** *■? *® muscular dystrophy, feet Waft** vmim** drwrosyvd. today he finds *ob» far Nejpw* to afi trade* by canviMain* wnploy-r* ; over the phone, for which hr, accept* m few*. -‘By heaping oti.ors of my race, Ltf* holds meanhis for me~ sey* Vtaßaee stet «***. hit . Stw. Auguata ft. iNewepreae Photo/ > GUILFORD COUNTY KILLER RECEIVES LIFE SENTENCE WITH NO MEGRY Special to The CAROLINIAN GREENSBORO -William Bon - net, 55-year-old Negro handyman, r. escaped the state's gas chamber ? when a 12 man white jury return ed s. verdict of guilty of murder in - the first degree with a recommen- J dation for mercy, after a deiibera - tion of more chan 2 hours, late Thursday afternoon, in the Guil ford Superior Court. ! The jury convicted Bonner of [ slaying “. . , with premeditation, | deliberation and malice a fore i thought. . .” his former sweet j heart, Doily Dimple Mailer, age | 2S. cm May 14th ana added the Phrase that saved his life ... with the recommendation that he spend the rest of his life m pri j SOT;.’’ APPEALS TO SUPREME COURT Bonner, who denied ills guilt in the shotgun slaying told the court that he planned no appeal. How ever, after Judge Allen Gwyn ex N. 0, News In Brief ~ CHTIEF BAGWELL INVESTIGATES APEX An automobile acci dent which had a twist, oi irony in it was reported by the Apex Po lice department Monday. A 27- ycar-old white woman of Colum bia. S. C. was driving her sporty Cadillac along US 1 when she ploughed into e. car driven by Miss Louise Polly Lamer. When Apex’s Police Chief San. L Bag well arrived to investigate, he had to call on the sheriff’s depart ment for assistance. "She put up quite a light, "Bagwell said of the red head, “She kicked and scream ed. and had my gun nut ot its holster at one time.” Chief Bag well charged the woman with [drunk driving and lodged her in TRUCK DRIVER MS LIGHT; FATHER DIES Raleigh recorded its second traifie fatality in eighteen months last. Satorday afternoon when a stolen truck wa-> in ee’lWcn wfw aliU ii .UUiiL Isi.l ecU-. 'CO.stinted on Piaoilv 165 plained procedures, he said he wanted to enter an appeal to the State Supreme Court. Appeal bond war, set at $25,000, The state charged that Bonner shot Miss Matter 3 times in the kitchen of her home on May 14. Dr. Girardeau Alexander, who ex amined the woman at L. Richard son Memorial Hospital, desiribed 3 shotgun wounds in the body and bruises on the head. She died 5 days later in the hospital. KILLER DEMANDS “IT” Eye witnesses to the shoot ting told similar stories of the Matier woman setting in a chair with her back against the drawn shade of a kitchen i window when the shots were fired. After the shots a man identified as Bonner leaned through the window, snatch ed down the shade and lion an beating the fallen woman with (CONTINUED ON PAGE 1(i, I jail. The irony was introduced when it was learned that this woman was involved in another accident just two months ago, only one block away. On that cr-! casion she collided with an auto mobile being driven by Miss La nier's brother, Paul Walton La nier. Brothei Paul was found at fault in that one. however, DIES INSTANTLY ROXBORO George Thorn ten, 26-year-hid farmer of Route 1, Rnugement, war killed instant ly Saturday night when a car in v,’lrish he was riding went out of control unci wrecked in the Mount, Tirzah section of Person County. Four others who were in the car were injured Thev were Willie G. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 16J Happy Khmer New Year. FATAL ACCIDENT A IM7 uodel automobile in which a Person ( (rarity man was killed j Saturday nisrbt lie* on its side m a creek bottom. Inset at top Firemen Fight Fire As 2 Women Die i WHITE VILLE - Two women ' died in a burning house in the j southeast section of Whlteivile i yesterday. The women identified as Mary Parker, 39, of Sumpter, S. C.. and Ruby Melvin, 34. of Columbus | County were trapped in a house owned by Luther Meares and lo cated near the city disposal plant. The structure was a complete ; loss. In approximately three minutes ' after the alarm was set off. fire men were on the scene. Houses on ! each side of the crowded dwelling were found burning, but then flames were soon quelled. At the time firemen were fight ing the fire they had no know ! ledge of bodies being in the house. However, when the fire was practically undo- control, a bystander informed them that two women might be inside. An investigation produced two bodies, one near the front en- TWO ESCAPEES BACK IK PRISON DUNN—7'wo young inmates of Woman's Prison, Raleigh, were : taken off of a bus here Sunday I night after it was learned that : they had escaped a few days ear , her. | Local officials returned them to the state workhouse Monday morning. The pan spent Sunday | night in jail here. The women were identified *s Miss Corine Williams. 30. of Baltimore. Mci., and Miss Mabte Wright, 19, of Norfolk, v a. They were sentenced to six months in the Raleigh prison for vagrancy in Fay etteville. I Officials said Monday that the women escaped from the prison ; a week ago after having served | only one week of the six month 1 term. “How did you manage to get out of jail” one of the women Wits asked. 7 climbed." she started to say. but was interrupted by the other who toid her to "Shut up.” *Oh go ahead and tell him." Miss Wright said, "We climbed over tne wall." When questioned about their occupation, one of the pair relat ed her parents took care of her (CONTINUED ON PAGE 16) Local Numbers Suspects Nabbed In Vice Raid The hour of four proved a ; jinx to six persons who are ai- i I leged to he members of a “Num ! bers Racket' which is bciieved to : isave been going at a moderate i i speed her when officers pulled ! I an unexpected raid on several ! suspected places and one white couple arid four others were caught Ttie raid did not net very much for the sleuths who claim to have j earned on six months of detec tive work to catch those who are , believed to tie the brains behind the cnce lucrative business that is considered by the law to be il- I j legal. The raid netted only SI,BOO in cash and a few odds and ends used in the Carrying on of the business. The two white people who were captured are said to be Wiliam Beil and his wife. They were reported to be the book keepers tor the business. Bel! was held under a $3,090 bond ■anile his wife was cited to rp oerr in court when the case is cut ted. Wiiliam Bryant, 908 Fayette ville Street, v,as held under SSOO bond. Bryant is reputed to have been connected with the dubious ! *s the body of the victim, j George Thornton, 26-ypar-oisl ■ resident of Et. 1, Kosigrmont, The accident occurred near Mi. i • Tixrah. The auto failed to make * ’ trance and one at the rear en trance to the residence, practical ly under the bed. 1 It appeared that the latter might have attempted to shield herself from flames or smoke. Coroner Dick Williamson of Evergreen said that his investiga tion is complete, but bis belief is that death came from burns and there seemed to be no evidence of foul play. He said that as far as could be determined, there were no injuries on the bodies that: were caused by anything other than the fire. Williamson reported that he will work with the local police depart ment and possibly the Bureau of Identification on possible clues to the cause of the lire. Tuberculosis Hospital Has Empty Race Wing 'WILSON' (MIB r -- Inability to secure sou: graduate nurses to i serve as supervisors has left ar entire wing of the new sanatorium idle since it was completed earlier tills year. Dr H. F Eason. Sanatorium Supervisor, says that if the wing could be put into operation it could accommodate all T B. cases not yet admitted and waiting list cases now being treated to homes throughout the state. 120 beds of it two-story wing of Eastern North Caro lina Tuberculosis Sanatorium here remained empty lasi week. In county home an nexes ir. six eastern Carolina counties, 90 race tuberculosis patients, are being offered no promise of when they might be admitted to (he state insti tuuori for treatment. The inability to find trained personnel is causing, quite a dilem ma in many count-let For instance in Wayne county because of the anticipation of closing the annex at the county home ana sending all 13 patients to the sanatorium in Wilson, no funds were appro priated for the coming year. The same situation prevails in Edge combe, Martin, Halifax, Johnston and Vance counties. Many patients, like those in Wayne, face a desperate situation.! Some counties where annexes were to have closed last month have appropriated supplemental business for a long time ar,d is i known to have been an inmate at a Federal institution for dealing in the business some years ago. j The North State Club, 12*5 E j Hargett Street, gave up the bulk 1 of the money, $1,131.00. Charles ( Heal, the manager, was taken and \ had to make bond of $300.00 Toe j owner of the club, James Taylor, ; was; aiao arrested and had to t make bond, Fred Bridges wa- the j last of the quartet to be taken ir,. Hi? was relieved of S7O and re quired to make bond lor his ap pearance. The cases are set for trial Au gust 19 The “Numbers" is known to have been a thriving business J here a few years ago. and throughout the state. The arrests came as a surprise to many in view of the fact that, it was be- \ iicved that the persons wno bad j carried on the business had eif.i- j er quit ci had sought other - dimes. The raids were made simui- t taneously on the places named a above. Those taking part were t Detectives W. U Maddrey, H. T. t Bailey R L. Ennis, R, A. Lues. G. A. Privette and J. H. Bowers £ (CONTINUED ON PAGE 16; t a sharp curve and plunged hi hi the creek botto« Foae other* in the car were tolw«i. See story this issue, ffljBwMWC y riMSlpjals < KDAIMD—Rev. Lawrence P Thornton. S. V. I>„ wa* tine of 18 Divine Word Missionaries recently ordained at Techny, 111., by Archbishop William It O’Brien. Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago. Father Thornton is funds to carry on through August. Dr Eason said recently that he could give no definite answer on when patients might be admitted until personnel car, be secured The wing which has not yet, been ac civatod includes two floors of an eight story building, each having accommodations for 60 patient*. In an effort to alleviate tnh situation the N. C. Tuberculosis Association is advertising through out the state for two graduate nurses as supervisors. Vance County is one of the counties that was scheduled to move its patients to the new wiiu;. , There were citizens of the county . who protested the removal and as a result Vance tuberculosis pa j tientE ai e still to the wing of the Jubilee Hospital that has been set i aside for that, purpose. There if much concern over what will happen to the Vrap ? County persons who need, hcspi* (CONTINUED ON PAGE 16) TRIAL SS SET IN MUSIC DEATH CLINTON The lone murder case to be tried in Sampson Su perior Court is slated for Monday, August 16. to. which a local wom an, Miss Margaret Almond, 27 of the Faison community and her employer. Charlie Smith, 40 «•••; be tried for the Shotgun shooting of Amos BelL Accordtog to local Saw off totals the shooting occurred on Easter Sunday, April IX, cf this year, at the "juke joint,” operated by Smith where the woman was em ployed as a clerk She ha# been at liberty undo Bond of $6,000 and Smith under a SI,OOO bond, since the time of the incident. Testimony at the preliminary hearing by Clinton magistrate Carlisle Jackson found that tlw woman had actually done the shooting after Bell had allegedly attempted to go behind the coun ter in the store following a warn ing to stay cut. Smith is alleged to have refused to allow any of the bystanders to remove the body or to call for help for some fifteen minutes, and be was charged with aiding and abetting and allowing a man to die without the benefit of help of any kind. Bell is said to have complained because the piccolo had faded to play three records which he had paid for and he had asked for th* return of his money. Witnesses are reported to haw* told officers that when the wom an refused to turn over the money to him he became angry and at tempted to retrieve it himself. Judge Clawson L. William* of Sanford if. expected to presid* at the trial.

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