PAGE FOURTEEN Happy Khmer New Year. - f >.■*■• ** '«••* | | - T r T •■ f^oe I. _ „ „ .... y S ' PINI , ft v.«w • jc jar 1 i ph,— rrffrTrr .- '. Y 'W* Itii m»n ?- ;rA .,vr:.. »- - . ... -.=- ??*. v.-v.-.?.. Sell Vci •; Tobacco \r f”? /"y F’V *”% %t, .& A;. The Oxford National Bank F':d<>; v:.. Deport In draw.* Corporation ■■MXn ■■■■! ii. ri»ait«tik9«M».C'>«R< • , ■ ■ - - ■ -nT-rninriiimninn Erin -7 Your TOBACCO —TO OWE': A WAREHOUSE | i ! I j I X OXFORD ★ ! Vv here The Highest Prices Are Paid j Opening Dav Aw a I Average $54 *»• B\ :- '..i ELRe lf. O. Lea, thf? nerrt . ‘4ifl«>TS In the ftnlfr of the back row, keyed hi* chars f-K «p at the Oxford Or ff caaajtc to s high pitch iast f tv.- *• - | rieula activities r.ti*«wS in b* the stnden«» at the RawHH k a l*o **r.e rs t” r I tfvittes of 'he bovs. , Army. Miss Sarah K : is a ;>:■ | cent sradpste o£ ih.- Buihaix, I &UsiJl€SS bChC >0 L I ft Pint* « ft *&jr 1 GA- G | Proo* tmf rmtATwr w th* »*■ ■* i ARE 4 f£ARS 08 MOK£ OH: •' S'fvvr «H£KJD. 4S& MfUTFA fSCJJte * mis imnk *m*. riLiunminorniiimiTin "i n i -it •"irm—~ *s—««*«■ i j . *"The Home Os Reiter V alum ' LEGGETT'S ' 1 DEPARTMENT STORE, Inc. t i OUR ONE - STOP SHOPPING CENTER! IN OXFORD r.r-v .>t trjf'. havft • ni-.cJe r :*.••'abl'? t^< i orfis through- j • «***:t, ftorih CsT’oftna arid, are? ‘ 1 P'r to l hr* school It I>-«»- r-nrrwrmwmiiiui iwin imhmurin mn'iwwiniiiniwinm t~ iinr~nun—t rr-rT-i ■* -■'— -• ’’•v-i»*c.>c*rw^»iiia»wii»'^^^“iiiw^.vesrswtecvKnw-frir -r Sell Your Tobacco With The Leaders —AT— Fleming Warehouses 1 & 2 OXFORD, N. C When yosi .sell with them you get extra Service and above what oHier ‘ housiC men give. They do not make any wild claims. They only give you ? : far s. Take your next load to them. They will prove it to you. They are now open a Ho] set of buyers ... GUARANTEED SALES EVERY L. 4 U ** FLEMING WAREHOUSE 1 & 2 DAN T. O TRRTN H G- TAYLnr BENNIE WATKINS eve* tc the jrrritutton. E v*»n though the scnool only gives them an elementary education. - it has a working agreement with Maty Potter, where they get theiv hifih school training and the WEEK ENDING FATNEDAV' r*~P7E MOEr? J • hool rtatf cantksues U;. «upn * vision mini they have conipicK-ti t!v-ir high school work. One of the outstanding features of the institution ii, a scholarship loan fund which -ns ■’■e avail* ‘ E —FOE POPULAR STYLE SHOES AT # . ; gast•»* Shop and Save at BEROEVS Shoe- and ; KEADY-TO-WRAR abb 1 - to t.-.Uvlci’bi -.■ '■>('-. shcx’y ceptionat ability. These ,st it ;n >• hi-'pn. Ivv iht school wltei: they btiijtr. work, the !S >‘tij ;id