PAGE SIXTEEN I if Sisters, Set lit twins Freshmen At Bennett GREENSBORO Oaf hundred f :> ty fresh.-ncn were admitted to Bennett College during the ad rrde.sion period. Septet Ivr 16-18. affording to Dr. Will.* I? Blpy.t Vice Pm. '.a nt • i ( a..d Dhvc ,o: of A ■■:■■■ Tie pro fom Add a Den, Bedroom Or B, ■ ; We build New Homes. aijd Repair and Mnderniie Oid One's. Call Us For Any Job Large or Small Residential nr < oramen ;aS Property HCMEBEfI.TYCa 179 E. Hargrtt St.. Raleigh PHONE 2-0956 - - -• —m ' asm 1 : IfefeTi ; N. c. PRODUCTS PERSHING ROAD RELEINH PHONE 4.2557 OLIVE STREET KINSTON PHONE 2514 if mobkk. wmm smi wmmmmmmmmmmmKmtmmmsmamm COS, ‘lire*. ;0..J \ - * - « r «r 'ra ■ --■•■: -•-r’~-' r rl-,. ,11’H T rtfl it a i-timi» iHWlriinwTri n. uhirtiTfflu'fln »irtffE "r-rrr ’ -- ONLY 7 DAYS Loo! : 1 - ' rafPMi sh GARSPfAAMSB f J J‘b if. Model 662 TAPP AN gas range p heir* featured during the Old Stove Round t p 1 Crone SI > . n , in ir.d let us show you how you can own tins n * ? ' , beautiful range! jp* % -only $279.50 7 appan Mod. 662 c'us 59,50 Ten'co Circulator Value $339.00 CCTi! FOR.. A/ 7 ' iff FREE INSTALLATION FREE! Down iv k v , . W & @ HUS SALES TAX f V f>u 'll he given absolutely FREE » fe vm this v.. satilr 28,000 BTU Temro * « i raiia-ir v hen you purcha-< the 'jfe? W *% I! beautiful Tar.pan Ga.- Range dur- '/M I 1 If % # 4"\ ** g» mg the Oid Stove Round-Up* | | yjf J MONTHLY PAYMENTS ADDED TO YOUR GAS BILL NATURALLY |j IT'S GAS *. - ' £-•°f NORTH ROUNA^Jr 217 Hillsboro St. £>ial 2-3761 * ' i ; figure represents an increase of 1 : about, eight per cent over -1 I sroti? tor last year, j '.'he tfeagraphic spread, based 1 or. afjrriio'Cr.s figures completed : d.'de. fOv'c>-s 13 states and (he 1 ■ District of Columbia, extending as far w -.-1 .... California. Tire largi. t «ul-ril-state representa ; inns cm: i fur Smith Carolina, Vm ■-.. ia. <>;. ,i N w York, and i Georgia. Among the foreign enuntries rn i cscnti a by the newcomers • tin*. Bahama 1.-lands. Korea. N.f-crta, India. and Bermuda. Fight i, iers and one set of 'v iiii at e nmnihers of tliis year s in ginning class. The sisters include relationships ivith mu : rrlassmen at Ben nett. r. - As,, te-i of tile College, and sister m Is having no pre vious . i-fti’.v Uev it), l;•». • liUi-mas and arc sisters of an i - s ■■{-re-lassman. ;rshmcu began their ai*quain- | . v U.n th College jg;-..i i Friday tcorning. September 17. 1 in, v heard 'Dr David. • v -e-deni of the Colk-.-tc. the ‘ Bcnnen. I’niU r-., phv At tm ame sri-m Mrs. M.trite, DH-.-ctor r.f Campus Ser- | ' ■m- talked with th-c newcomers ! l*r H, Uhairman of < toe Htm-.initivs. outlini.-d tiie a ' --u-.ic proeram: and Mi.-.s f fpsajpgas <#****&• «-•• . W-ui- 1 «*» ♦ »:*i.. ■*** j : f- -X*. t S-: ; ■ •'; -.1 - ,’.7wV.>:. KNO VANKEK MONOPOM land |>rou th»* \nn riiaji \ w»i>r<*hs IMioto) For Third Straigh Domino2S Roc./: Detroit Fair; Re-Signed For 1953 Session DETROIT—BiIIy Ward and his Dominoes have done it aw-.- : F- ■ the t:urd straight ycat tirc-y rock ed ’he huge Coliseum at the Michigan State Fair to its tw • ant ion it 1 , it won the atimtratu n of a:: array of m-i’r•’ .vr..... .-r ~ % . • _■. ■ - t.' .-*'/*•■> ' *■ y.V • '- ■ 6w: ' ■ ’i Often lh< “hret-v lint '..••(Join flip -bride.'' the Indianv of Cli ve ibrttrv ass r f; -ti-iy en 'in|>r<. --.t.-i.iiifi deubteheader frotp Ihe Xevr VurSl mvtl in hii'-eh.ili i.-Mi-n Asiimts the men <*«t<> aided the Indi tn«t in their pennant wp'c: 'front row! At .Smith < left) and top row left, Urrj- Dohy. it Year mm iwwwwiWUMini a—' ; -he Eat-\ atCmuani Don l-ii «!yc .c . Fair next 1 r.-!: j AJtcr v. iti hin-i Du ur.c.-s jamming lu< CV.’t-'*i .n M-r-.-nmi.d Ir* a O * its - -a . *H,v ,eK,,e»e> ' _.. . J A x 1 iA' .4 JL; *,i ai V,4t i NCC Cc n v 6n«,ion l DURHAM The Executive j *0 •iatiOT‘ ‘A N- ' H--jm •- ;i tr- Os j iAmerW rueDnthP H ue Ego- SiSTSiS T Z t S 3S : i 'vrek. Tiw;* NH.\ - th«:* :i ,3 W'T , ° " j v $/) e c-t»- for tiie j , I MtoS. tiii' Dp vis. Parliaments: i- i an, Ron sun County Training School, Maxtor.: iliss Barbaru I Wilson. Bovs Leader. Litk River High School. Bahainii. Miss M:.f- I t.v (U -. Stan- H um’ll- and Nat ional Vice President. Carver High Scnonl, Kiinnapcd;.' M. -j;. • Kovster. Historian, ’-’(.-.son Coi-v-tv Trainmp School. Roxboro; Miss 1 "rto W’- --- t ; Ti', - in}-. - Dunbar Sciv-01, East'' Spco . ccr; and AUss Kobcrsoh ; 6ecrcta:y Carver High School*. Mi**. Marie r Moffdt sod M Lucy F. Jumps. Home Economics : Area Sup-.-rviM, veil ovmaU adv i.sors to tho session. nylon sheets Mest of us grew ; p thinking tliaf clean sheets every day were a blessing only the very wealthy ! «>uld ever possibly afford But nylon is so sturdy and strong it, can take as many u ashings as | you care to give it. That means you non t have to have an exten- . sive inventory of sheets in order • ! to ha ve tresh ones when vou want them, just, the usual supply ] is quite sufficient. TtP TO TEENS Back-to-.-chool shopping time is ’ a good time to seii your teen-ager I on tiie ides of clothes that go into j the washing machine, and that 1 need no ironing 1 Such clothes are invariably eco- > i noitticftl—witOlhei* you look at it : : from the standpoint of time. 01 i rnci.ney, or both. And as your | daughter pets older and doer. T ! more of her own shopping, she ’ll I i be wise in the ways of' fabrics I I and easy washafaias iirstl j rv**n»iTS and othnr l«*tnous acts u : .ovvc!u;d words of on the da;.4|ru( soag' Do m . ••: •• i •; ectal detail of ;>«*]: •-n . n .-.-n v. u-.rd <.t the Don;• M yi rooiri to hold back 1 M j. vV »d Sx-?ii>roak A vesper If 'ill* V* .vuaMWMR' rm I nnumuMM'JSMM--.". :r»w>iiwi>mwwjtw *tw ~«f »an-ir»: mwHaniaw • cc-jswmk?- omur". u»v>*us» ~var- •-. -*-<■,■■.-...»— f «- : < « 9 uiaMak:...«.jiiapwn>.' .- «.;y J ■-«w' -* * -wrorsßU' -wsiW 1 0$ 1 92 $ Thousands of Satisfied Customers is his best advertisement <8 $33 74 6 1 ! imisair-roM d «* tiWSEk NORTH CAROLINA’S BUSIEST READER . | §| s she TaA of T he Stale 3ss' |J ! v MAN HORN WITH STR YNGE WISDOM THVT HELPS PEOPLE TO HEALTH and HAPPINESS I Ccme Tee Him 2 tCml I i SOHEETMN6 MEW LIFTED LIFE READER j AND ADVISOR | Bv his natural gift he suggests wisely 3 to you on ail subjects of life. Docs not | b?ik rust to please, gives you the truth 8 goo-1 fir bad, making this line of work » I specialty, and is known for honesty and # in'-r-grity. Nationally known and highly * recommended. All who come to my office | will be lucky, so if luck and success act I not coming to you then you should bt •"-Hi-ing to see MOJRISE. Does what others claim ■ to do. You he the judge of my work. I Am the DEAN of all gifted i Mystics & Occults. My work is | my religion. All readings are ! private and confidential. Professor Moris.:- Consult Cue WTic i\n©^vs2 The Man Who Knows— Truth or Nothing Often Imitated But Never Di; plicated HOURS: 9 AM. TO 9 P.M. NAMES - OATES -A if !L . S BRING THIS “AD” FOR SPECIAL READING ' wsrama * - warn I'jtrmMmeamii mewmmMmmmw*prmtr~9?»irxw*mmmr ~rmm mm t Studio Office Permanently Located: ! MILE NORTH CF ULUNGTON. N. C. -It S. HIGHWAY 15-A Next to Walsh Bros. Esso Service- Rear of J. B. Barnes" Store —Look for the Red Hand Sign and the name, PROFESSOR MORISE; Notice: Do not mistake address. 0$ 1 92 $ Thousands of Satisfied Customers is his best advertisement Ss3s 74 6 4 ' i —, — r . iTnn .,,, irr^llT -y TrltrfflrtnTr , rllTffl^Tll^,..r - n m r|ri . mT . 1 —M-r-iMniiiininr rr nvimfir<-r>»>nrrvTr«nn-i-<-r virrimi-wntrwTr i-niim mmi iinw «.nn— w im ffirwiiinrmr-tnii-nimri«»wi«m)r I ! ! Fritz Pollard s I i : SPORTS I ! CLOSE-UP ■ NEW YORK - (GLOBAL- I Everybody hay had a wor.l or I two to say on the subject of ! -Jh c u v■ R jdownfall. S-'-ru.: j ot the . '.’ports o' .Jackie i antics j cm the field ot. late -have had a definite t oproachiul ring to then-,. That is only natural, neraoot. -Jackie's personality is such that ho inapn « very dti'iniU- re* iftuo-v- You just don't u.ei lulu; warm about a jtiay like him I But wn.itii. they- ukv hi, > u j no-., tin...u who critirux.cj L s , ■ tor t b<*ii ij- i).-r ■» i-j p.. t along now, j snuutd try to inidorsi md tut” it | must ten to c a!k in .i- > j season iij.uosf complete)'/ without j ! lh > lo!l )[ the popper-pot s-iv.rt | I tnsoman-lhlKtl baseman-outfield- I ’• **r. lie has contributed precious . j i httle iii toe pennant drive and ! ! ' no knows it better than he" J j. hi** should iTioikt: -everybody stop I uDvi riM.i/.i' how hard it rhusi | bo foj‘ J arki». to roaji/.f that m j'.:nw of. one kaci or another, j ! pin*, advancing years, have ren dered b: praetur.llv uwb-s a Sony, hard susta.-nod campaign. • . mm!, or t\\ o. rma hr will always . be a grea.. corupclib. r. 100 spring, j toe 'ovk and the -f- : .7 ('(a '< '.'sV* W'i.c'i-.,/ i ; ykt; NT- I r V o»jr, if b-'.-w .-d to j 1 iifua;? ' rorirwal <*rcd w'h f is a co-:rsi.- *vh . h dea’s *• . the harp of iiearing speech defective, ( imutaily retarded, visually hae- j riu")>)ped. homeboutuJ. orthopcji- : rally handicapped, and su on. This is an undergraduate j yeikting 3 semester hours j of credit. Individuals desiring further information regarding ! this tours. should write Dr. Mar- * 1101-nmMVWII IMMI-Vk* SMMMIIMi*M nmvonr, lawMSiu ■■ *• -m V- % HH ¥ & f** w n J, JLj 4i KJ J, & Your Bream Come Truo A NEW DEVELOPMENT IS (UVuM.. To Raleigh Tor Colored Monte On ,;- Hundreds of Acres Are To Be Develop ed LxelosivCh for Colored Home Own ■ ! ers m a Mammoth iiuiiding Project. Th: i> Your opportunity to hove the /ic.-nt of > our dreams and choive of 70 do. ': of r:\rn. >ri an didiospherc of quost and secluded n.i/ living. 4 f7? J ,W". • - V,.;5 ■'s : j j. «ai «... V - .. FILL IN THN C UNH ; : S fi v !,!,( f ! J lC *' i!isur ”' I T, ;iji . 1 17, « a w t m "sst •**» " .:. ) i j « . n , , r -jW / i ~ ' ■ 1 , , ~ sl j 4l*' « < K l«U sww• *&wwt«isvi«»«s-»<*«»urws'4ir«*-ctt'*-r -a>■»wxi>tti»a><-4'iaii«<»uigia‘*foM’woap-tw■aaatown-n;» -wuuwcayi.' y l ! tmj/ f „A • / <. . sA V I* ■ iim'VuT A Lst.'fv WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 25, f : &i PALM CRYSTAL PSYCHIC STi DIO A n-an ~ :ni with strange wisdom 'V,‘ to h> •-(! '’ and happiness If you r u-' -m - - f tl. th vc is a cause. You are "i o' ri of »’'\nv. and help. so visit this ed st:n--- -Now. Ho touches on every - of .-j Love, Court r u:, y. Ha- vily Aff.airs, and So: nutations of ad ICnds. I .a Nature Restored. He w• i! fell you what to do, how to do it, and w ion to do it The happiness of your ' lit-~ v.ali d* r>f nd on the prooer ad by the MAN WHO KNOWS! If you have been dlsaonomled in others be sun and see Professor MORISE. No questions asia d. 1-I< will tell > ou v-hN you want, to know. Make no mistake, when others haw fr'ie-i SEE PROF. MOFISE A S’ r RC HIT* feme To- > 1 Tome* .-'v ? j : ' ■ Private nor? {''nrti i d*!Y,:pl P- ' at id Sunday. fr>,- both w/?,7e and 50!..0x i. i bprvad i coating of soap o- I the bottom of your glass c .»,? maker 'ir ifoubfc hob,' bet. I use. After--vurds. any soot • - i settles on the glass will 'toy. h ! cosily. ! C! -- H. BouHvare, p-obusm ■MMMNIMMM'W' *• ’ J- - - ■— - ■