WEEK ENDING SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 25. vm l L rtiazlca Article, “lake The Terror Oat 01 The Streets", May Help Reduce : *r ; )- ,-s , T . M .. ir , ■ j. , r v , h .,_ ~c . a , v . . to Em,<<m ml ft* mu, d n at i'Ueifi, Tak*.' tin •Ktvw Out of me j j. <*«■■■* womwraaMw- ntam-mamm.-*amcrmmm % ' - '' •* -- —1 ! £3] a BftiNE ,; g" " jr i'4 cck - stccrss - hapfintss - hove; [ ; , ’ ’f. > A '.'OtiMMUP . MARKfAGI - GOOD JACK J I kXiv'"' mT : ? • : *"•".• IK D; aK LOVV ’ : !llc I I 'Ti ' : e'C ' r'OR yds? I | $9&41 I ■•■.■ill mm my EmEmfeGirm advm V; »;I I e I m ;/m- '•* m -mm 1 , -m*C,m. %-* * t p •'■ Td Gai ■ , <■; '"1....;, ni. • e.s. j y: ; ;| ft«*»'£« <> ii-.tr.' : 11 . juamls r.tl I jra§L* •; ■■ : ■•■•„:, ei.ri >:■■:■ o r.,ck of ,;i I I' 1 (Ai'l.J ■■ ■:•■ I v Lfi you 0'..: cf your s--Trow and j tie:.** and proi- ’f frtpre ■ no m ;r so v.d or Lome &o dreary I he your Lope fan. or umbilici:. I do ;,,a:E Amt-ee to tell it al* to I you ir fore you mo; ■■ word to me. aud oar I am finished if g yep ye- not ,< uP:.ad od P j do not Eathfiuiv fulfill every j v.ora .aid cGvjv. edoy. , Emm ypa pay not one penny. | i‘ , - .••■ TM. a « v y,.. d.iiJv and Sunday I !r rE . iv a.d {Gjrfiii mi.*! noditnis ier white and colored. ! OFFICE Pi E.MAKirNTLY HOCATfID ONE-iPpI-.’BTII MIL'S | BEYOND CITY Id TITS OF SANFOED, S- C ON U. S. I I mc.-:?Y:*Y N' onm: north ,vi: end of hawions ate, 1 ENmnsjoN look, foe ma riekps hand sign. j Pda' Pm to be ri m ; o v-.-.h ; p :mum, Not located in Pent or j S I;ruder No tnra ansv.c-it-j. Call i.:i pf-rr-on. You must be satisfied | | cr;» cbm - oiNFOIU), NORTH CAROI.INA | , v \\\\ \\ ! I j////// ■ * ' p. / Em i Wm /'A \ ; | i on * Jlj#* *f» a L- ; / t-E ’• ' ’ ' 4 tJ, *<****£■• Myjpr ’ O' YC'« GROCER’S /iW/ I irclina Cleaners j ; For Dependable I :.. : CLE. JiING - DYEING PRESSING Delivery Service | L>:.AL 8871 | VA'r K AM) C VRRY OFFICES CONVENIENTLY LO( ATE!) ... MMMmmw- ■>«*/;.cw~*cvt - ■"f-m-fi-irin - rmr-"i-m—rminnmintiinr nianruir.wrruii i . _ rr iiiji—i " - iirimum-i piMMHmnnimnimwirair wmiWMwnvmnn .■ ‘ Ever notrcr how many baseball players are I-;,/ stars di r.-.:mg tra ning, but arc never heard of apin'? The big leagues demand Quality performance day after day, week after week '/ear after year, and only players with :>oree'ram: “exira” make the grade. That’s the wav it is with a lot of other things, too. boli-j-v die Giampiom * Race & Coke-,., fir Quality You cm 7m&t SvTTiEO UNDS* AUTWOUtTY Os tut COCA-COW COMPANY #Y Wtlmlngfoit Coca-Cola Bottling Works, Site. JS o imtfmt** froik-svaHc. © »*H THS COCA-COIA COMPANY • Streets." in tire Octo* ,' Em uuue oi WOMAN'S DA tfe •Eu mmmmm. j Surlinj; xroro toe 1 Yec mmmbmhwow k Here’s a good example: feu more than four generations—ever since JBB6-people have enjoyed ice-cold Coca-Cola. Day after day, week after week, year after year. Coke has been a quality product. Best of all. Coca-Cola has always had the same magic sparkle—the same wonderful taste-it has today. . i f ujj't croji-m drivers: theyKi at j ways h'jx'ud. You can't elm -us i tlriisren; i'aey'U always p' -! Bf j you CAN change siri.aa ! : i author, Robert M Y-eG , dp t j. * |V Which U.!'il . VS* I i ,ir Pave )'vd: ,■. Jr i • it I metdid imitK-iiute * !■’■' y«. and beauty. I Av ouiutiom'- to th<. nsend- I (si;:' tivf'r <tf traffic toii» uur /Jter another formerly quiet street, the article de* Kcribea and diagrams another furmefir quiet street, tise ar ■ tide deewribes and diagrams * ' • ' ,1:0 U,;. ?|i,- •- | (ir is; iH plan 0 makint, ev ery bluett one -way; amd the I eonstrartlma «f limv eotntfiu* uitiet u» swjMirblocks, as seen in Grrnbdt. Maryland. Also praisetl are the isMdfsrn lay- I mjiti of Rail barn and the I ui«e ecmns unity «f Memtd.iU, V'-iv Jersey, and liremda te, Wisconsto. I jniice city vitmners are' mtnisi! liti etfectjffmst end the mhor ; plans <if:>si.' ited, the axlicie pyastd nut tliUt ", m- t: ,*i ; n I in a di i ;m : i! iuj r . ■■. IE mi: ■>u I than the taxpayers' ammuaient, 0 Rocky Mount Resident Gets Law Degree MV t R. BELKIN ORK.IVM. IN; PLAIN l.ifl itOGiv i ; i >XIN j - fRi-'cEy s, .. r i ■ frxi/nds of Jarru's I.i-oc.rixd I.m.■ - . ter. fui cm Excel re: icent wai ' sej'voci vm-ii while hem as a • teacher, .insurance ag*mt arm < s i pioyui.' r.t i E re :. "■ ■ ! it was toattoed that he to:: >:■: j cesstuEy 'nurclLtd the iast m'-rm ; r I and !.>■. nmnw v f.EE mri:: : :ci ,yi ■ Pintey f.Eiew ,”;p i!if A.. :.s. i i'vim: of idfi K C. RV: A'-in, : i bcetis.tEt; Emy or the or. I: A !.• PL AJXTIL F O': .. r,f tut imim eE j : tiiii:. es viho 1 ..rcmiEu: ye crarx- | • eti ihe race bar at the 'EEvm.my ; of North Cvuvuiiw several years ; ; apo. ••• net- Em now Gove, v; I , Eure B. l/rmkmd was oi.e of : : .■ ; atfelrnuys. ::i the eelenraied cmt. I Mr. L,:m r- r sE.iEed with Ere I : class for uiree years, later sv.-lu:h --| ing rn N. C College v.-ntre he ; . Imroh'd cm: E /:>;. iee-oUv was one of me five eoi-uv-d law Hutlturs ;o p;,m Em i bar out ol the artsGna! 15 who vn- . : teSfrti. Tl»<: perccdtag!.* Os mm i puto«ns . ; -s,’>i,. '•■as Em-atm : Uum whites, raportecliy Lii*siu:r ’£ married .to the ftsrns : bt Miss ’.Viima Lcvixtf-r. lora’i iia~ ; Eve. now vaachina at N. C. Co - m- *e. A sr.erda] fellow L.x: mm.-r ; ifiifiHK-ts to hang out bis jungle in , tne Wiisoi-Rocky Mouui area . - ■ gQOt? *’ "In —, p: W#: P, ‘ -t (w^ > ■ Vs - ■ •■'- 'SwHF/*' X./ \ m rffitViE ■*“ • • v E, ’....f i • . ~,, , ,i. ,--} p ,m t:i. rof the OomliilMiß RqnWn CUm. Mamel d« M'«,ya ft , r ., f) ,y , 1 grow}* of ?S teacfcer* repr*-s<-nt«»K tl»e South Hiwnpion, Va. <■ ,:«.vd ol | »hr-” V;,s m.;E> '<, ■m: .. .V, .mri., jo lev beautiful residt-nee »Md gardens o»> Wgmb T<-rr »•• -I ~-, (! (■ ;■■ . ■ ,1: ;. o ,v'. s»: ,-<p* <i>,yi.«4 to IVSru. AR, Efwelt, Mrs- Naootaii Mft-mt .■ i Mrv. SWto O. \V:••'•><' I‘Ei.to! FISK RECH VES 2 CANCER GRANTS S ,\ ERk';: ; . iT ■•.. > rt. -- f I iRVi "»;'?'••■•' ■ \y. /v.'kThY't; •a'-., i G ' ‘ V. *• ' *. tSuO m' ? He: :.. E • Km I* Ag • in ?■•: • ' ■ '* ' F Meeue Heed::; at U'\ D : > / - * - : ■ ffl'i ;T4;« --f tm'. * . , . EE ' .'m./ ';«Vi J I ... ; V •■'!' I.'' E : H i • ’ ty : s ; Dim : -T ; .'e; ■ n{ cl 1 ; R ) ffif. ■ ]\ *. *_ •.../, 1 r; : ;EE :' I.E " . . - ■; : ; i ■ • | P-.G.'-.S: ■ - • ’ ■ ' : ’J T * )■': •'* -' •* 1 V C'c" ‘’ ‘ } V’ 7 iN’ip!. l . , { f.-fTf 4 ' * • ,T n I Mfipf yf F<; .; E • > rife WRiito ir b Vii o . A v ii ■ L feE dpfefe.;T"d ; ' i . v 4 fV- ’ r * ! ■ E: 1«*-* V-> ■ : ' fcil 11 iplr-m ; IiME E E., rn-E J Wm®% ts :■”- ■ .E* i Reaching 1472 feet into the clouds j above New York City, tbs ‘ ,r >2- story Empire State Rudiing ha* ! long been regarded at. one of the j wonders of the modern world. ; More than a million persona each : year visit the building obs,erv»* tories on the both and 102nd floors i to make it the No. 1 tourist al j traction in the USA, The vtw -f i glitter ing New Ytihc at: twilight j from tne tower has been de i scribed by Walter Wlnebei! a* "a i look as tne world's largest Christ mas tree,” Atop she build if {| is * 22-story-blgh, ec-ton tower from which a!! saves* of f/ew York's television ststlans telecast their programs to an area in which lives one ol every ten persons In the United States, THE CAROLINIAN iy/. ' ,Jj 2Ctt( C«»lury-Fo* pfe-Aenti DARRifI f 2ANyCK'S f F VICTOR MAPM ’ ' r-.«f HRcY h> to**;:!.:--,;-,? V .: : y ;>i \yi\'(; { I [ 1 :'i y ifUESMEg;^ SI ttK’TING WEDNESDAY 1 — | » mMJtieir - Jcarme Crain Dana Andrews • David Farrar | WBSMS&BIBi SW®ea®lK®SSa!SßSEsS3fc l er f.A j: «il Heme C - Actives D.j> » i Scliccl l X r'i ' ’i . . ■■■ \~ * _ \y c ■*" I XX. ',• %i .. . "X V 4’X ' yj/jf / If ■'" ( ' - i'+ \P\O 1 I tVS HCVE T€ WEAR Hlilli*> DiJNCARCCS °* $1.79 # 11 Ounce White Back Denim # Triple Stitched Seams # Bar Tacked at Strain Points I m Styled with Zipper Fly HUDJ'CIN-BELK BASEMEMT STORE i — ■—— - - - "■—- .... •''. .. . 'J&i. . . •.• ....: ...•-. ' ,'.. . ;.. }M !. "■■■„'■':■ ip: - ■ - *»'•**■■ S:;! Enrollment Record * ■: '. 1.,i J. J. J fij.A-lvl- ***’■“ ■.TIJ'JjSJ j .if;;<* x. ■ hii.au caroitenftßt had j | clrrtu d to ''close to 000” by Wed- j ■ ■'■•, preliminary ; j A t )t,ai of 512 stvd&nts were i : tin reoea tor the opening fresh- | ; man aos.-c-ijiy on Monday mom- i ] ii5R to remove a wt-ktotrw to the j i co •:(•.••'; from President Martin L> , . YOURS FOR 25 Beotitifw! M|o*cc4«Rr / ; MeM Wait® &«i*k«ts SMSTRONG’S ♦ BpH QUAKR RUGS i a ■ O M n •'■ fihvMhm 9hm Qv&km s»*s*. % 'O •'■V.ifO:- tr.vr -/>'-■'."do-;s«> &<"« Y&WK* ?**■ .y' .A "!■ ■ V*»> Mkd. s«•> lAw/ ■" .5^ "'• ’■• - •'•■-.■■'■ •-’» fit. «m«! col©**. ; , ”■ r $14.93 J&^;j - eWlir! *?*>< £xt«« y '* v r '- Mhfc.f OvdkMr ftw’jp. V •:• •f • €?€*«*■* £,«?*•* #W®' - 1 J I->ow| Delivers Any 9 x 12 & ui ‘ ' (linoleum Rug: i -r oe, ft;® lutmtM. Ami*#iCtS - ife«V« fCWmE-CT -r. . , . i 9 E Marlin Si. :: ore ;;>: , " " " Phone 2-4163 OPEN FRIDAY TIL 9 F. M- PAGE FIVE , students, who are expected to I nam he r approximately fifty. > nave not yet eruohtd tor this i I semester. | The i> crease Jo freshman en i rollment taxed to capacity all i dorm;lory accommodations at the ; a D-.n of Men .Lecnard C /,o ;..-rs.a■ reported that the men 1 # r -irk*!} were "both filled, 1 ■ah a sv;ui;!';g list of approx:- , r idy lb;).” The wmsifs three . ■■.■;, ant..:.(.... .report-si a rapacity j ."ti.;ii■ '.if 0 .tit a. , j ci .1 ti 1 . 1 t’.crvr-nty-Tt' e apr-iica;-ts on the student# not placed it. the dor ' j',:;.it;it.s w'-re being placed in !• a- -upeed hom<‘S to the city by - Ticv.c- officials. r: t- increase in fre-Ahman en ;; ;!■ ■'. vus r t expected to re f ert an tncrea-e in the overall c-iiTuUnoem of the college. oftJ i cia;f believed.

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