■fe-y:*. ■Arf#. *V-' flk, hJY,t <?M. -,mn , 'Wi lip * \ O* REN MOTHER IN HARLEM - f.ynite Edwards. «. of Harlem, performs » eliturmln* ♦** Qfin-n Mother i. izubeth. as Dr John H. on, pa*; of St Marlin’* Episcopal choreh, wotcHec Ms young parish The Qoren Mother »-<s"'ntly *ti sd- d Sunday service* at the famed church. Sit* expressed {articular interesAJa the church historic Intis. (Newsprvss, Photo) f pictorial] ' BRIEFS 1 , • § *v->x totfsih: ■■"■ f If ft I ' f-M ? - * ' $ ** *C"" | II * ifiSj • :\ - fjtßSmji, ♦ ;- ' // pi i mm * |()lM>f.li ' DAY M’EAKEU SuniJna Cum I.autU: it! Shaw University hi the -lay of 1935, wiii deliver the keynote address at Shaw Uext Friday morning in observance of Foun der's Da,'. Dr. Quarles': has heir! several positions in colleges and universities throughout the na tion, rrv• .- •/A.;- • •■ •;* <1 ~m& < ™ ■ : ■ *.. s \ ft /-** ► At*t" ADDS A DEGREE The Rev Fii*t>s Walter Underwood, tor ttway years pastor of the Mt. Zion Baptist Church here, has recently been notified that he Ives passed satisfactorily all re quirements necessary for his diploma in a course which en title* him to j doctorate in. the tir’d of psychology. Already a recipient of a doctorate from Shaw University Dr. Under u aod is now a Doctor of Phy rtoiogy (Ps. I>.) from the Col lege of Divine .Metaphysics at Indianapolis, lot) Mayor Os All-Negro Town Dies TARBORO North Carolina’s last remaining all-colored town— Pj inceville. just across Tar River here has lost, thru death, its Mayor tv ho had been undergoing A- treatmur in a Durham hospital i or several weeks. Dentil came Sia. unday to G’en vrnie Melvin Matthewson. Sr., ace 46 years, and mayor of his native town of teriwceviUe lor 25 years, during which he worked hard to bring many modern facilities to the colored incorporated town of approximately 700 residents A Postal Alliance Joins ! Fight For Postman ; WASHINGTON. D C. P esi ; dent Jprr.ef B. Cobb . f the Nat- A.-'vn.'e of Postal Bjiiploy- 1 , >j< s - thrown the v;right of tivs i NAPK ueftir.ii me fiarr, to pro- - tect Bokcoc- Cooper, 3 Negro Ict le” earner accused ol disorderly conduct by B-y Bowles, pve- I . siov.-r. ••? flic NAAWP. Br vie vs* ■ v'lr.i lasi week f.ir aPe-’k-rtg' C'c.u'rer "-hen ?h» s';,,hi 138 p-.-i! d postman kept Bevies’ man w-}«mate from the ether fiw.■! .he * :>iifueled at ttif? fet«>/td.r*g tv h’cH Jftou&ps* - * • *s' Nr*i- in■ *r* l A ncj?■»•.* ?]•<* Advancement . f White Peopk/’ j Founder's Day Group At | Show To Hear Alumnus ! President William R Strassner, ..nnounced ih.it Shaw fiylity-ninth Founder’? Day Sor-. vn.-s will be beki F)N v»-.n ber 3D. a* IPdO a. m. :n Uviaer • v Church. The add-'..-, w.ii be made by Dr, Ruth Brett Quarles of Baltimore, Maryland. Dr. Quarl [es- a native of \Vniton. N. C. is a Shaw University aduatc Sum rna Cum La.iKit- in the class of 1235. She received the M.A. degree [at Hanford StAnint-ry Found,;Lion, [Hartford, Connecticut, and the Doctor of Education at Columbia' University. At present, z homemaker and mother of an eight-months-old daughter, she has held positions as follows: Summer School In structor at Shaw University: As sistant to the Dean. Spellman Col lege; Dean of Women. Dillard t aiversitj’, Associate Personnel Director, Tusks-gee Institute. I)i --• rt. cor of the Student Center University of Munich, Germany. Race Relations Expert Buried At Chapel Hill i CHAPEL HILL—-The man who focused more attention on the Plight of North. Carolina than any other person in the state. Dr.' Howard W. Odum, was buried with graveside rites here Wednesday : morning. Dr. Odum died as the result of ! cancer, at the ago of 70 An a . local hospital here Monday night. He was considered the pioneer' in race relations clue to the job of research he did for books, he published, on the subject. He was an outstanding sociologist, and was the professor of same, at the | University of North Carolina- un-1 til a few months ago. His most classic production was 1 “Southern Regions of the United States’’, published in 1936. He : told of the handicaps of the south ■’ veteran of World War 11. “Glen nie”, as everyone called the pop ular mayor and merchant, built with the cooperation of his bro thers and sisters, the outstanding race business of either PrinceviUe or Taritoro. This enterprise found-| ed in 1928, consisted of a service station, grocery, taxi service and a cement block and lawn me morials manufacturing plant. A few years ago the Matthew -; sons erected a commodious two story building to house their buss-, Washington police charged Bov. leg with 3 ss&cu t. and Bowles, in tern, placed a charge of chs eraviy conduct against Cooper, a' AUiuri'C me niber, '-barging Cooper v;i*h inerfc profanitey m ; * *• e of Bowles’ wife. T r •• ’i's was postponed ■ ui-fji January 15 1955 Cooper was . vivi d 1 r t: .' last week, How- Picsir!e>,( Cobb of the NA- j i'E *:>-j D.strict Two President .sarg Coward and D C. Blanch , ih iiTi! Rnhei t White Instruc- \ ted Atioi'.ne.v Juhus W. Robert- I sun. NAPE branch counsel, to ! rov.de legal protection for I 1 Cooper in both cases. ftOMINUtD ON PAGE 13) Dean of Students. Usk Dniver- ■ • ity, Dean of Students, Bennett College. Her travels include visits to! Spain. Italy France England, I Scotland. Ireland. Hollana Bel- : am, Finland. Norway Sweden : Denmark, Western Geimany and; Bcriia. Mexico. Canada and most of the 48 states. She is active in [ numerous civic, religious and ed : a;fairs. She was elected Fellow of the National Council on Religion ;n Higher Education in .1954; and is the only Negro mem-: her of she. Commission on Educa- [ tion of Women. She is the wife ol 1 Dr Benjamin A Quarles, also a graduate of Shaw. Shaw students, faculty, alumni and friends v ill gather around the [ grave of Dr. Henry Martin Tup- 1 per. founder" and first presidenti and pay tribute to his memory, vh.s;- Mar caret £. Rascoe, a junior of Windsor, arid "Miss Shaw” of I(CONTINUED ON PAGE 13) and also pointed out what the south could do to take its right- i ful place in the world. His book focused attention on the treat- j rnent of the Negro and is believed ! to be the springboard by which •bet ter race relations have devel-j oped. He also brought North Carolina.' to its economic sense in that he. told of the many wasted resourc es and the one crop system that I had hamstrung this section of the country. His approach to the unequal school facilities of the south has ' been told and retold by propon j ents of better education for all i children for equal education. It j has been reviewed time and lime again in the desegregation pro -1 Mem that it; now facing the south. i news. Associated with Matthewson j at various times have been his two brothers and two sisters: James A : and W. Ray Matthewson; Mrs.! Mary M. Davis and Mrs. Martha ! M, Baker. Also his wife, Mrs. Mary Ward Matthewson. Other sum-1 vors include his five children: Glennie, Jr. Janice, Fern, Mary! Sue and Amy Arnetee. Funeral riles were held at 2j P. M., Tuesday, at St. Paul Baptist! church with the Rev. W. H. Owens j , in charge. New Governor Takes 6k THE CAROLINIAN VOLUME THIRTEEN i ■" ' ‘ ' State Roundup Revert Is i - jjaMt Ti ■ • . aaaaßtt■ jjjfc -.-mba #*&&&&> MittßaMßraaiiaigih, ■ ■ m O .... -v : Jf |'e| Ac » Aiv |Sf ' ! , .? 4»* »f;v ’• iwar tMfy HsKji i '-d K>i& •iWtfc r t-. v.’i'fE ai* .# • ••/**• f® 1 sajp&aMHw. 1 ii;4* w . 'av v,., 1 ?J?'v v 'T’’;'-Tvv j I Vr- {jL-3 •■ aEw IP H U -MM)' Wwi Wv® 1M ,IHBi '. iB&L ; i■; } ,?A,v “.' t. ; ’■f;;- ‘ V : ' IMS' a Hr t lr - 1 ', . 'm * k + * * * * ★ kr ★ ★ -jSr ★ ★ k k NHA Deere : To AidNCHen n WOMAN, THREE MEN MURDERED OVER WEEKEND * Weekend murders srr - - pea ; North Carolina almost from ,M • 1 -• phy to Manteo and as a result, [one woman and three men wry ! reported killed. i At Ashe boro Roy Cheek- 25. v [being held In jail for the >••••.! I brutal murder” 1000 l offict-r.; i reported to have ever seen. C! [is said to have lured James c.r Goldstein from a dance on Satur day night, after they had i*u a; - : gument, to a lonely ,>ot wuf-re he middled his body with bullets from | a .22 caliber rifle. Check fc reported to have t> • stripped the bodj of »H clnthit’ and to have dragged it about A’:*, yards to a. pine thiekH where wae found. Cbeek admitted the brutal slaying and also told offi cers that he took $4.75 from <br pocket of the slain man. Art in Ttaotna# is said to ha ve at-cost- • panted Cheek and is being held an accessory before and r -i-r ’ lari. , Gainor Edwards is allered to [ have droven a case knife hv.o the j chest of William Ar'.Tur Ivt Nvv (Friday night, near Williarrston. at. [the home of Lonnie Roger:, j Edwards told arresting officers’ | (CONTINUED ON PAGE 13) j N. C. EDUCATOR DEDICATES DORM HT FISK UNIV. j | NASHVILLE. TENN Dr Ch . ; lot-te Hawkins Brown, foundy President Emerita of P-hae; M ! modal Institute (Sedaliv. N c.) delivered the principal add." ,: [a Fisk Unversity Dedication cv , remony of Scribner Hall, new and ultra-modern dormitory for so;;”- [ omore and semoi women la-si week. In her usual dynamic way. Dr. Brown said: "It is an unusual privilege that I should be invued to pay tribute to Mm Dora Anna i Scribner, a woman who trained ;so efficiently hundreds of study [over a period of years, not only : in the use of the English language [but developed their ability to :r~ ! terpret the grammar and the [rhetoric so necessary for its pro [ per use.” | "The Negro race,” >he continu [ed, “is. in a large measure, so in debted to these fine souls like Miss Scribner who helped to lay the foundation for scholarship ami character so often demonstrated in the lives of Negro alumni She i® remembered today because she. was intolerant of slotfefuiness self-excuses for indolence and low ! ambition. She aimed for goals that required hard work, intel lectual honesty and ». sense of high purpose in life. For thcs< things, she is honored by having [ this building bear her name." i Other participants m the pro ■' gram included Mrs. 'Edith Me- Fall Work, who gave “Reminis (CONTINUED ON PAGE 13) IF N. C. News in Brief j COULDN’T COLLECT THE RENT j Aubrey Evans, local landlord, decided that he would colteri his back rent from James Per nington by giving him a Sash ing. and according to Penning ton, he proceeded to do .uir-.t that. According to Pennington, Evans took him out on Pools Road, east of the city, last week and gave him a seven trouncing. Evans was not sat isfied at just beating Penning ton but stripped bun of his CHAPLAiN SPEAKS AT SHAW The Rev. Samuel l). Rudder, chaplain at St. Augustine's Col lege spoke this week to the students and faculty of Shav; University in observance of “Achievement Week”, sponsor- baikich, r; (.; wef 1 . 'i.nd.in'g- Saturday, November n. 1954 FkjF '■ , <~v . *,!.-■ -.■»*':**:*+ n f:.. 1 \ ' y.. i :> /. / j ■ ON GOODWILL TOWS—-Mm. EHa PhiUlps Stewart, of Toledo. Obt - past president of the National Association of Colored Women, waves os she boerds a Pan Am clipper in New Fork for London and on cr.teo'?ve study t-ouc of ; ■ mhldie ■ ■ ">f the orient. Mr*, NttWuri, v,,s sponsor, d by the - 'ii-'partment, will sjieiul s irtonth m tls« i-. »as « • dviegate to the fan Pacific Wom en’* conference, thewspres* Photo! Herlco Attempt To Save Sen Fatal To Mother. 24 WINSOK - S ALFM —A mo the r’s love for her child was domonMrat ed Monday when a 24-yc*ar-oid woman suffered injuries which were to cause her death the next day in art attempt to save her 7- I year-old son. who was eledj-ocut President Tubman’s Tour j Moves Into Final Week !! ENROUTE WITH PRESIDENT •. TUBMAN fANP,' Swinging back ; into the mid-west. President Wil liam V. S. Tubman moved into his ' final week of visiting in the Unit ed States ttiis week. During his firs! week fee visited most of the major Eastern and Northern cities and lasi week moved into the Smith where he received honorary degrees from many of the Negro schools. clothing and left, him caked. Pennington, embarrassed and weakened from the beating, found his way to a car parked in a nett -by yard. The occu pants of the house called the Sheriff's office and deputies took him to St. Agnes Hospi tal. where he was treated Evans was lodged in jail and bond was set at $500.00. Evans ad mitted administering the beat ing. ed by the Oiutja IVi Phi Fra- ’ tern lay. His n ddme was ba. ■ t'tl on th* - subject “Prejue Ice and What •• ;a!i W? D,i AG >st It?” The solution of thr i> ! ib- j MBomisbEi) on page; is> 7 ed Monday as he threw a w ire across a power line. Mrs. Oracle Elliott had been in critical condition at Kate Bitting Reynolds Hospital her* where 'dm was token following the ac .’CONTINUED ON PAGE 1.7} ’! This week he in due to visit Oklahoma City. Okla The gover nor of the state will meet Tubman [ and hold an official reception for him. The presdient of the only i Negro' Republic will then visit <CGNTINUF.iI ON PAGE 13) V‘ f * '■’ V AT (W— Wfllitun V. a MMA pmAil . ' lh. * * fit. in Ike Va'.lcd States, is show* t* he addressed a pJenary ttesaies of tins VhINI Kai '-'ns General As?fin* B>}y recently. Seated »* hac’i of Mr. Tnlmw. left to si£ht, cr?r t/H !i~c i-efery Gs/«err»l osf Hew r •?:: •.<*; E. W. V; r. KU'jKe.us, president of iia«s asaepiluiy., and A.. Corfier. assistant secrcUrj j; ”•■•.. ji fJtewspiresa i’Jiowo) no xxx xvi r HOOSINO El mwi% r rr : race mm The a fu.i r) ■ f !pv "'dir r ■ a".'.. 1 ' ’ • - \i Cc}o ■ Wash rigtori D. C ; r; v , i>- : r the bii’.idin;' of ” fa r £.:■ N< - :groes and e'.hvr minor;;:!.« 'voted la jj; i-.’ ed :>a • i-j :jieople in N<-r.h (>■ ■. u.n The f.u ! that ■-<! m,' i:> N'-gim-' live in delapid.'fed In ■■ winch havr nenv of Die facilitr" ''.'"S go lor i.:i ml 4 1 <it \ surrotiiuiings, its this staU- bos long t)o>on one o! ri»*' major proi*- letns. The' ■(’ n<j! oi j> fire h aids. V*ut incsiy of t‘* >n Jiorder - ii sharks, most of v.;• u ran < !»' trrm-’-ci stums. ft could nut >tr v.<, of to how nag)' >:)' »»•,••• •••' • 1.20e.t*« would hr hujif. "... \<m>j UaroJina, hut it • •• ,v ,■ »>same that <he 10 > ■ « W*il here. »•, in other jj:>Hs «.*j tiie roitritr.'-. j It was poititod out that ri." 1 south would Lend more rhati ' minimum !0 for ” Negro ;v r . UlaUop, due t" tlv- ! thnt I':V '■ hw:nc cordn ; on. jm Ng - ’ ;■ more acute, than u, othi-:- .-.-r --: t-ioiir of the count ry. Some of t :'f .larger cities like Chutlof.u W■ =: • ICON TIM ED ON PAGE 13) CHAM PAPER INFERS LEGAL RACE LYNCHING According to Charles A. M, Lean, North Carolina Held E resentative, A A ( I*, in stery shrouds a killing ol an itinerant Negro- its Siler City. October 3D;t ; Mcdbean informed the C-VROLIN -lAN that very little had been done about the kijllng. He pointed out the fact that She Chatham News published ’ weekly, in Siler City, carried an [ editorial on the killing. Below i> a eo;<y of the editorial which is believed to be a reprint from the Chatlsam News • IN SF'I.F DEFENSE: Thursday morning near Boniv"- a atari was shot and killed by a Chatham County deputy sheriff. Within a few hours a coroner’s jury had been Impaneled and . taken to the scene of the shooting, • and had heard an account of the I incident, from the deputy He was S cleared, apparently on the spot |on the Rrouftds that he acted in : self defense. He had told the jury that the man threatened him with 'a rock and "said he'd kill me ’ The deputy, accompanied by two other officers, one an off-duty: highway patrolman, had found the man walking along a railroad track a few" hours alter receiving a complaint that- there \v;,s "a tramp” in the area. Apparently -he meant to arrest the man. .So far (CONTINUED ON PAGE 131 n'M : ■‘ f e '<% ■•; f «r --ill Dj Ibis. FROM II i.y, L Lift her H Hade*... »,«•.. . first L.ei ier irt; oyy, omi y. Ct’Ud t o t i r* * •; ; j ,-v,. . ..... . v . : . jin ;t (;{>)•( j rotv. vi*. • .. . . of Re? . •' • afternoon. Job 'by ask • nc< "! K;,v : - pvtjv for him ■-i ..t •lor hay.izsY tnn:/-x *;■■- . n hirgc n s f r- ~v ;, tbts rs- D:.?\ mV ;,VJ boy Ly the hk, l n y yi: I, y*. ,7. &«&,> "mV: ; I W* : v . * "y v* llllf • . -V '■.'•' ..... # Jyy-'•■ '> ■' If fv >: •; ■tew% y (;o > i:&n(>k. HOIK v rrorairt* ; ’ rnltilib, ii;,i: PH;;|St|£j ||r #*■ k lj V•- lv‘ $ <• i$ b. '4 4 j - - '"J. # * v? •>! •-: < .t : K.o lak<* il-.si '■• -n. Jr , from 1 - ii' 4 JT'l i S.oi v • i • 1 thC houSf j\l c VV?. S dOjj'i :-;d •; .• •n* i porvyiiity io go back lo ' y-n ls • r when hv rim ■■ f • Hf'xuPC. a n 11-1 '.’uciiii i :;■ .. •■, ■,;, (COST' IIKO ON j: t * - 'jSSS.' : f Ip I • . 'I <•’ *4 fcf \ #; iiLoriaite. rfMiei fiSl UOVEBNOK IJM-S I ’* f

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