MAY REACTIVATE 465TH QM COMPANY Ahovf art (hi ur Arms <i. • fleers who v* err associated w til) ' the 4(isth Quartermaster (Sen. Iff Company during its operation in ; Raleigh m 1949 and 1950. The re serve unit vi as the only one ; from Raleigh to hr called into Major L. L. Jackson Returns, Outfit To Reach Raleigh In December Wy ( II \Kli> It. JONES v . mor but nes.ytmn and pop,ia; resi dent of K.jiei ’ii retu lined m-or.t- V i'-'in :d f m Y xn •* - ler S•: ■ \ ice C; in p ; ■n v f or three yeti's. T’he 465* h w&s the c*r»3y re* '-ervr ■'l to ?r*t.ivri'ftv ti’MT: R duiatu U'y- Korean con flic i. it r . -t s T.. • ;v. duoer.. Major will be re;-.-.visaed to f- L: . Virgin to w‘ r-e he will a..c‘.:u :-;:t A.vsoc;aie Officers' Ad vv pee Coui v.c. .1 «>rt«c«* as an rn }! if<i man in January of 1941 At (he i l . -it he espcf tcd to do a \< >r and get out. Per rl Harbor chang ed that. Jackson applied for Of fp-ofs ( rimi dafe School, was am ■ -.<'•(! - aiari;;: 1 in Juiy <_• i® ■r%. : ~ A.i. W*" SBMig tdHjk, ■-M :A !»' A* * m A J Wk \ 4T $ ; . ■ : SM. ; : 4| S f -if * x m-mm KEV. AND MRS. FLOWERS LOCAL PASTOR DIES SUPPLY By ALEXANDER BARNES Church circle?, throughout the ! state were shocked Sunday after noon when it was announced that > Rev. James Cannon Flowers, who .has pastored Rush Memorial A. E, Zion C t four years, had succumbed to a heart . attack, at his home. 424 Watson Street, Kev. Flowers conducted the ttsuai mor -tig « '■vice at his * (CONTINUER ON PAGE 12» DFSƑA OMEGA CHAPTERS COM BINE TO CELfB K A T E *t ACHIEVEMENT WEEK lota lota, Bella Psi and Kappa Ep silon Chapters or Omega Pki Phi Jkraternit.i combined then Achievement Week Activities with an address by Or, Henry J McGuinn at the first Baptist wrwnv. —rtswsK. ... . . : 'Vi:. active duty and v. is under ■ • leader,-hip of Major 1 .e.orard E. Jackson, When the 4dsth re turns to this city w Decpint«cr it is believed that it v til be im mediately ffartlsuet*!. I'; - - ( from left to right re e M-l.urs w* Cl? with the eoinnih ;on of . 2nd Lieutenant in tb< 1 ie’d Ar „ tillery Dixisii o. F ( .jk-'V\ ;n>‘ . • i' i;? '1;, 11 ion r on*; r OCS —vC'd . tlSOtii F : e' i Ar- .ilt-r £,.’t; uoi. .. C;i:n:> UuU.-\ N F Jo ; - . , \ t • Jld \r--v -"M .■.-•'S Id t'-.p i •/-->, I p ...JU tXP. U .. a U L.Jt < a’ An zan a prior to -;oinr V overseas. He .served fan U - ' for ;i 14 motuiis and re:urnc-d b- this coll i.rv >.n November. 19.'-4 for separation. Major Jackion, who bed ap po n.(A taker a itk in a:o y ' Free Will Baptist Meet Opens At Fuquay FUQUA V SPRINGS The - t.'«pe Fear Annual Oirferercc of ! the United Freewill tlaptiFt Criurch wo ! ! bold its KT*h Amiucti Session in the "A lJivnim. No k vember 18-21 With me bar 1 Aug j, wsta p W. .B, Church. F r;;-uay •• Smu gs. N. c.. U ann.-me:d : : this week by the Rev G. ij Me- Nek. Jr., wise: sc: Vs s (:■:•! >-"pr:ce a secretary. The- Rev. W. F Cox. Durham. ;s the presiding modera tor. The- conic-vnee opens Thurs & day morning at eleven: o’clock I with the Kev. M J. McKay de li live;in-.: -he i;:roductory mepsogc. I Foi- . : 'ir ihls sermon, ire-w : I be a bnof period of off:'-' : re - I ing and official opening oi the I: bUSirutpf :e .r::-- | Thursday afternoon's s ---ion I Will feature a sermon by the Rev. I G. L. FJiioit and an address bv I! Prof. L. M. Burton on the pub ■ ject. "What cun the Church do to [; help eliminate juvenile de-Lin* j fluency?” Rev. S. 1). Brown. E'ay *| etteville, will deliver the annua! 1 sermon Thursday night. Friday’s session will be taker. | up with the roil cal! of churches f arid other special business mat ■ t.ers In the afternoon ('2dfO P. M Y ! the Rev. G. D. McNeil. Jr., confer ; ence secretary, will deliver a doc • tnnal sermon on the subject i "Does religion make ary differ { ence?' Receiving committee reports, j completion of unfinished business. ! election of officers, and placing i the next conference will occupy the Saturday morning session. At ■ one o'clock, the annual medera . tor s address will be heard. An . extra special feature of the Sat , urday morning session '-vill be an address by Dr, Wiiliam it. btrass ner. president of Shaw University. Raleigh. This will Lie the first ap Church, Raleigh, reently. l>r. McGuimi. director of the de partment of social sciences. \ irgitna In ton University, spoke on the theme “America's 1 Challenge; To Implement j HoliooJ Integration By Under- j S. :■ . - ■■■ - Fi-'irf; M« Kuy Major Jackson, i"' It. Ch-tr Jrvinjf, Jr., amt Warrant Officer Junior (i -dr K.tSiih I'amphell Jr. Jli- I.h a>mi ri-tumed to the city fr-mi if it; Trar.:»*. recently. med Cm n erve uni • .*T: > i'.ri ' i-i re. ;Jar meet -(.. ini' j an activi co-pa: tnc :• tin liayc -Jcmksoi Coni;- cl KMeiglt so: five ."i ’ ,i:r -if 1919. !.- ivittec ■’ie th :. I ; v -. . Company wb is has since become an inter ",'s I r . T- co:cd of 135 en . .. 't-ci men ar;! four officers at th« . ••utivution The uni i r. -■ in France and v ill returr iij : n:• December o' K ()N'l INi lii ON PAf !. 131 evs ■Me ot Dr boa-suer before the conference his -ugura tion as prefudent of. tinaw severai years ago, f -Y S Fayetteville Woman Held In Birth-Control Case . PAYETTE VILLE A local wo man is being held in the Cum berland County jail here on charg es of performing abortions upon at least two local young women, both of whom are unmarried. Mrs. Lucille Roper Ferly. 40, is being held, pending a hearing fat | standing and Treating Preju dice." Shown from left to right in photo arc W. 11. Hurdle, R. »• Moore. Or. McGuinn, Dr. O. t> Bullock, pastor of the church. S. S. Mitchell. C. E. i B« Vane, ami Or, N. H. Harris. Mask for the occasion was 1 furnished by the Shaw Culver- [ | sity Choir. Maiiiig ©J iieputies Ijc^aniei THE ; VOLUME THIRTEEN F AI : , -. ..." ! ENDING SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1954 NO. XXXXVtiJ j Man Killed In Holdup ’fry ★ ★ ★ ★ ilr k 4c •# ★ ★ k k k k k k k N. C. Files Brief ' ’ " y " : t - ''' ’ ' i i Nil , •'Av I DEAD; 2 HELD ' IN FUTILE PUT ROBBERY TRY it GREENVILLE One man - u. e , shot to death and two other: wer captured by police here early " Tuesday morning in an attmptei theft of brass and copper tvire. . According to Police Chief J. B , Jennings, the dead man wa " identified as William Sayles, 22 who was shot as he sought to fle- apprehenson by police. n The three men were afterrmUni ll to steal several bundles of coppe; and brass wire as they were sur pri .-.yd at the Duke Power Com jpany’s lot. fcayles ran, but the other tw» surrendered on the spot, patrol man Ft. L Nelson fired sever* warning shots, it is alleged md at dered Sayles to halt. As h« • tirued to run, the policem • n chase, stumbled and fell to tin g round, In the fall hr accident ally riis !charged a- shotgun Sr.ylo-, i, : to have fallen in from of unct;'- ? officer j who had circled the ft u > i (CONTINUED ON PAGE ISt “NOWS iS TIME” LAWYERS TEU HIGH TRIBUNAL l ! j WASHINGTON. D. C. D< - : : crees ordering immediate des.-: - \ ! gregatlon in pubiie school* <• ?. : j asked by the attorneys Tor NAACP legal Defense and Educn tional Fund in thier brief f : ; | j with the United States Suprerr..- Court Monday in answer to in*- [ ; Court s questions or, the impie j ! mentation of the May 17tb deci j \ sion. However if the Supreme Court 1 (CONTINUED ON PAGE 12) the County Recorder«■ Court Sheriff L. L. Guy said bonds in the amount of $3-000 in each case will probably be set Statements were obtained from the two alleged abortion victims by sheriff's deputies that they had lost their unborn bathes following operations at the residence of Mrs • Farley. | The sheriff said his officers are j investigating reports of ether sim ilar illegal activities in this vicin i ity in recent months. Armed with a search warrant the deputies went to the. Ferley (CONTINUED ON PAGE 12) State News — it: — Brief NARCOTICS RAISER SENTENCED NEW BERN A 17-year-old local youth accused of growing marijuana In the backyard of hi: home here will fierce a prison term for possessing and selling the narcotic weed. The youth, Lester Shepard, pleaded ms contest when tried in Superior Court here Mon day. Judge Malcolm A. Paul sen tenced him to two io three years in prison. CORRECTION In the last edition of the CAR OLINIAN It was incorrectly re-- : ported that A J. Turner, Achieve : merit Week speaker at Monroe. ! was chairman of the Board of ; Trustees of the First Congregate : nal Church here. Mr. Henry Evans i of Raleigh, holds this position. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 12) I ' ; §4, 1 % . • -© v- . jSBmSVI ■ w. - : ' fc t. “ v « r~ ik If ’ ~ t jk-'-i-: ; fMaM .■kfr-.-r " K t. ■■ ■■ «••.'«>? ■mp4aW.- TOE GIUM KKAT'KR Mute ; r t -v: i*v'J!dv*aces of stre I- sttawn in the above photo tbo ’ ?.K?/iK'a,- of of kiiieil iu r n-i v k - t ii'\ ■ ■ v l«- ~ F:, \ /reck Claims 7 iJv r ss At Lillin&rton LEXINGTON i-.- e-- i--.-...- were lied; ne«r he;x early *k ilay n ornirig when a .V’:'-, side of ur.t I -. persons ..n .ii.-ifmj himso*. The driver iv h.:t fcu :j ne ». : I ■■ If,, ' A Ap's INTERRUPTS TRIAL —Ac nrtidentified woman, who told police eh* wan from Brooklyn- upset the sensational Sheppard murder trial hn Cleveland last week. The woman screamed: “I mast see Judge Bfatto, glory to God" just as * friend of the murdered Marilyn Sheppard began to testify. She was escorted from the courtroom bv deputy ntuviS alike Ucello. (Newspro*# Photo) Parents And In Charlotte | CHARLOTTE - This city is hi! , j set to host the 19r>4 annual con vert ion of the N. C. Congress ol Colored Parents and T< achm, with delegates experted from the , i eleven districts and 100 counties j line North West Junior High j School will be headquarters tor ■ ! the 27th annua! session with Mr. [ ■ C. K. Moreland, principal, and Mrs. A. Z Zanders, president of i the Charlotte P T. A. City Coun- j j cil as local hosts. The Convention theme it j "New Responsibilities in a Changing Society," and will feature speakers, consultants and JPTA leaders .stressing topics and discussions cen tered ground this theme in the ! 2-day session November 17- ! 20 that will s<*( goals and chart the course lor children , i and youth in North Carolina > <m the ground. Sgt Eugene Hoirf- Fori Bragg ami Willie P >ii write, eoUitleti at Mm S'-p 1 ■ .! v.iil on Highway 210 with of I i’lington. Holder is fid <0 have been driving on v-e wrong side of the highway. Holder. of the 82nd LL-placm •’v-nt Ft. Brag,'.' chiving 3 late mode; or- ipc*. wno died instantly. in the other car. s pre-war model -.-dan • 1h eight white OC ■ ciipan* -. st'vet person? died. Holders ear, traveling south on ICON'FIN FED ON PAGE 12) Teachers | Confab for another year. Friday, November 19 Parent | Education Playlet by students of i trie drama group of West Char- I i lotte High with Mr. Leroy Wash- ! | ington as director, will open the ' session at 1:00 P. M, in the school auditorium. Symposium 'The Challenge ! of our Times.” will include such j j outstanding leaders as Dr. Inabel i I Burns Lindsay. Dean of School of j : Social Work, Howard University; | i Dr. George Douglass. President., j hi. C Family Life Council and Mr. | . John H Larkins. Consultant., N, C. I Denartrrient Public Welfare Film Forum will stress discip- ! j line and guidance for adolescents, j j and will be led by Mrs. Georgia ! Barbee. School Health Coordinnt- 1 ing Services, assisted by Mr. J. ; j A. Davis. Mr Karl Colston of the j (CONTINUED ON PAGE 13) I I Attorney General Seeks I GrsJjni Desegregation r; By ALEXANDER B4RM S Attorney Genet al Harry McMul- lan ,'i’t off i rat'e n- North C, ~ iitla this week, when f<< .-mbc ■■ i knowr, the style's pommor tin fie* , j segregation, that runs from grud ua! implementation to immediate |. acct ptanee of th>- edict, ceiled li Corn by the Guhest court of '-.he I land on May 17. ■ ! i'Of stti’e Official, -r ft r ",et I' filed with the U> u a ; prenu Court, on Monday, not only ! asked that North Carolina be g. v ; on time to make the change, but asked that :t be u-ft to the cits j erction of the judge.of the jo* : cal courts, as to when and how the edict would r,<? rarripd out. j His brief did not set out any j vehicle by which the state pian j red to approach the matter, but | merely asked that it be on j gradually. j The NAACP got a pimp “r. the i Attorney General and asked the 1 Board of Education of Catawba I County on November II to be* | gm at once The militant organ* I iwation was represented by Kel | ly M. Alexander, state presidem. and Attorney Charles. V Bell, j Neither Mr. Alexander, nor Attar- I ney Bell told the Board how it | should be none, but insisted that ■ it bs done now Mr Alexander i also told the Board that he ob jected to it being tviqd with the first grade:* and extended each rear, until it reached the full e** (CONTINUED ON PAG# 12 j ■LATE PASTOR HONORED BY CONGREGATION B>' J- «. HARKEN ROCKY MOUNT .... The St. James Baptist Church here has | just concluded observing the fiSth anniversary of the founding of the ! church during which, the con greatton, lead by its dynamic pas tor. the Reverend William Loc kett Mason—who has been here since 1938—also memorialised one of the former pastors and several pioneer deacons. HONOR REV JOHN H MARTIN SR.; OFFICERS i Starting on November 7th. spec ial services honored Deacons Pe ter Barden. Charlie Gray, Win Mitchell, Richard Cherry. John Hagans. Frank Martin and Prank (CONTINUED ON PAGE 12) The Fear of God and the Love of Mankind (AN EDITORIAL) The fear of God and the love of mankind is hereby off*-* d North Carolina as a path to tread in meeting the- high tribu nal s ruling on desegregation in the schools. To challenge the veracity of the Supreme Court to the ex tent of setting a dangerous precedent for future decisions is rs considerable importance. The Carolinian recognizes vividly the impact of the “de cision” upon the long and cherished pattern of the two-way living of the South and North. Nonetheless, in the end Dr I nrtocracy for all must triumph—and at the expense of no par - ,k group. Por scores ano scores of years Negroes have suffered oppression and lack of total opportunity to become . greater contributors to themselves and America—sacrificing,- cojoling. begging, stooping, ‘uncle tommmg’, and yes praying, that some day they would meet with full appraisal by their majority group the good feeling of total Americanism, unabused and respected according to the great American tradition en couched in the four freedoms This sub-standardazation should have been short-lived bv any American in the land of the free and the brave. Other generations should have righted the wrongs of yesteryear. There would be no apprehension and fears of race intolerance had our forefathers accepted their responsibility. There will be none for our children if we, wh :f e and Negro alike accept, our responsibility now. It is asking our children to be stronger than we are should we procrastinate now. It will burden them with our present obligations We should look back on past gen erations wondering why some gradualism had not been offered; why some initiative hadn’ been taken to erase from the minds of our children this blight on American culture that is so un duly troublesome. It is inconceivable to believe that we should want to continue embarrasing future generations both Negro and white with buck-passing a responsibility that involves inheritantly 15,000,000 Negro Americans’ constitutional rights. 'LAMANCE MAY IRE DEPUTIES BURLINGTON _ A mentor• yf the Alamance County Bt -srd of Commissioners said Tuesday tha* j Sheriff-elect Joe W. Cole' is '*ri | favor of beginning a proa: >m as soon as is deemed feasible, that ' would name one <:--i mote Ne;:- >e ito become special or permanent, j deputies. Cole however , is not ex pected to make an official an nouncement regarding his re. commendations for deputies um itl nanr 1 Yh : time he *s so be rwvonj (CONTINUED ON PAGE ij. tent of nr indary ,~cb, y The Raleigh News and OS •:< or, in an editorial, r> ...r : I McMullen'S approach ;ri cr ,t r • ' upon the entire n r , - it as a model. The Os? bw, ' 1 of the editorial !s repr-mt* 4 ; “Obviously nriy si * h a i; > ' : cot:id be Os, use at tb.s * i - dountedly there arc sou e v j would like so &:- • the bt' •' ; Southern state ■ eac \ i condemnation of -orb l even of the court w-vch r.a-- : Such an ( xpi v -r- i: b ! some Southern stearr- “ t«- - ‘ ; be persuasive to tu _■ u.igr' • 1 whether the So; H> i Re- : i \ hav. she power to tU :ia» ! of the land ana the ; ' its apple .-tsnn •"The North -Carolina (CONTINUED ON V\< ' PATROL ‘IN MISHAP NEW BERN A St.-: ■ way Patrolman and a Ne; ro t , . ager he had picked up on of speeding. were injured six m * : north of New Bern Sunday night I when the patrol car was wr • ; while chasing a second - ; who is alleged to have been ing. The patrolman reported si : : ; the second suspect was invoN; r, I in what :r beared to be an 85-mile an hour race on the highway leading into Kinston. Sylvester Whitfield, 16 of New Bern, the race passenger, was pitalixed with undetermined in juries. He was last reported in an unconscious condition at tin Good Shepherd Hospital. ; Suffering three factured rib;; ! and a head injury was Palrolm -n H. G. Woolard. His car came t . a dead end on a dirt road, cross--d Highway 55 and was demolished after going over an embanknv:;; and landing in a field. Woolard gave chase to Whit field’s auto and another ... bile when they passed s h speed clock side by sic;:. ; - Jy racing, in excess of 85 rr, hour. The officer got the lice: her of one of the car \< to pass a car that the in mg automobile managed ir, - by, and radioing the :. ■■. . to the patrol office in New overtook Whitfield and . Sum. Patrolman Woolard said (CONTINUED ON PAGT i

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