A SLUMBERING GIANT AROUSES ,** Jr/ A: WM (Courtesy of the Wilmington JOURNAL! Dr. Grady Davis, Baptist Paster, Calls For X'-X M " ” - vm ggiß jS|sX*iiM|ilf I® ■S® i#'Sii I t # : .a ■ . la W! • • fi iXJgX. r « lif i • : X V x-' -w..-. #• il H £■:• I m. ?p *v# If x xx.,-. - . • xi'r v fr , %JP f- *# IIP' *;s # ■". rf| jx ,1. x ; x| , : x Ohpr"'i f!hi*rrh liyyi i»§i i#y|jLtd UilUf liil Dr. Gradj D. Davis, pastor of xi < Oho lit Baptist Chur, b.' last Sunday morning. im\> i .orated into h:s regular Sunday morr in'4 worship str\i•■:<• a pita for justice equably anti tuil tre-eiiom for all men. base. <,i< tie program of th<. National Assoviation to; tin Ao. vnctmttit of Colored Pt-oplt. sfL*. % - ■ Jase y ,Mm . V 'l’.. ’"’V**' I LR GKAUy DAVIS TELEPHONE CALLS TRAP BARNETTE In ora 1 - of the quickest turn of «vents for a white woman, threatened toy coniir.icus tele phone cabs and officers of the Sheriff s Dept.. Bennie Lee Bar ret t, 38. formerly of Garner end more recently of Chatham Coun ty. found himself charged with assault op a female and if. being held in the Wake County jail tc , await a magistrate’s hearing. The bizarre action- began Monday night when Mrs. Joe Buffalo?, Garner housewife, toid Deputy Sheriff IV P Pearce that she had received a threatening telephone call in which she was proposit ioned, and told that if she did not meet the caMer she ; would be kiDed. Sheriff Pearce went to ihe woman's home and there they decided that the only way to catch the caiier was for her to meet him. While the officer* and the wo* I mat? v.-Tt making the plans tc catch the caller, the telephone r.-' j V again a*- d Peecce in-tenon i'i T office ex got M’- Buffaipe (CONTJNT KD ON PAG.- 13, Panirht With Daro Mon l»..*•*«# *■>biiiilii ydilgiil fifils liubki iinCfi GOLDSBORO - ‘MIB> “l v i'.( have to ask my husband r. that", is v/hat a 33 year • d whit: woman said here last week when asked if she wanted tv appeal 'her case She had just, been convicted in Wayne County Court on charges of having illicit re>,uo;i;. with Nog it* men The case began last Monday when, police were summoned to Shelton Carr's tarn", to la vest j* a gate acme trousers and shoes mat t proved to be those; of .Tames Hen ®fy gloan, a Negro, H Investigating officers, Lt. H. tt J*. Davis and Constable Alton Wk Daly, veers- the first on the mg, wear, when the trousers and were found. It was no- Sfx aktng from ihe subject, *‘A Dynamic Church In \ ( hanging World." fir. Davis built hi;* theme around the dy namic words of Jesus Christ: “tvfieri the salt has lost its savor it is Lit lor net hint:." The speaker likened the Christian church that has not. awakened to the needs of mankind to salt that has lost its saltiness. The church, said Hr. Davis if it H to meet the challenge of this age, moat rc -examine Ms program and fdtne to a full realization tiiat d not only must save souls, it must also serve souls- be cause, continued the speaker, it is impossible, to save men's souls without saving their bodies and their minds. The church of Christ, he said must have contact with the world both externally and internaiis and its program most be one designed to execute the ideals These scieels uu-iuiie vu-mcc. free dom and full equality ft); all men. Christianity, like salt, is a pre , server. Like salt it brings out the | flavor and goodness in men. ex jpelinj? the grossness of prejudice, hatred and false illusory tradi tions and discrimination. But, concluded Dr, Daves mankind through a dynamic church- must have their lives I thoroughly impregnated with ! the saving salt of love, the *»U that will change things awl make al! men aware of the saving grace and protection that only Christ can give. | At- the conclusion of his sermon, Dr Davis introduced Prof. CeT Devane to the conregai ion. Mr, (CONTINUED ON CAGE 13 SstTtes Lewis w. Pulley ran at; assault : sentence into a murder charge Just week and Taimadge Brown | i found himself running straight ! ; into the arms of law authorities. | Lewis Puiley, 10, of Dur ham, who vtas sentenced from • Due'. >m County in Decern* | her, 1944 to it total of 15 year* for as,.-. Mili. w ith a deadly wea pon. inflicting serious in jury and stealing a car, *»s- , raped from a Fender County Road Gan* last July II H-. is now be- rig held 3 r* N’t-i'- Vork on a charge of murder. Taimadgc Brown, 49. of Loland, ( ON TIN CUD ON PAGE 13) ted that the only tracks a round were those of slick fires. Lt. Davis recalled see ing a Portias- car in the Hick ory Nut Hill (A Negro settle ment) section on many oc casions and bad seen the rear tires were slick. After investi gating the possibility, it was found that all four tires, were slick. The car belonged to Mrs. Janie Bell Weeks, white woman, of 111 West College Street, who told the police a sordid atorj of her relation ship with the owner of the s clothes, Sloan. i The woman, mother of three I children, admitted having in- I tercourse with Negro soldiers. On 7°' -> \ % ijp trMy mm' mm j J§ W \ mm CEHfN PROt’.T US -lames A. Coleman, Uiint, Michigan auto wo.-krr, is sfM*wii as lie h-stified before 11 , r House Un-Aroexicah Activities cuminittcr. Coleman refused to reply to quest Urns about td'.'KM- < iiomunist ‘•-oici i/.iilion'' ai-tiiities in the anio iminstry 00 ground-- of possible sclf-incrimir.aUou. (New .spit: vt Photo) Mrs. Lucas Loses Life In Sunday Night Wreck Mrs. Martha Lucas, 42, was fa tally injured Sunday night when a can in which she was riding left the Rhamkatte Road near Ben nett’s Store and plunged into an embankment. Six other occupants of the car were injured in the crash, Mrs. Lucas, of I BP J&, Raleigh, Route 4. ; jftfo. was pronounced eaci on arr^ vilp at St- Agnes Hos j JRf» s ; : '■ ■■* pitaL according ■r~Pjm 1,0 investigating / .?”* officer L. ft, Kir . XA;| j. X;3 •ag bv. The accident tj&ffifcX a*** occurred at ap 'X'Xy i" M rosimately 8:30 1 ■ M*, •fi P tn. Sunday. t: || it is alleged that M ’ j there were no X - M eyeewitnesses to A- J| Use wreck, but - , X r ?Mlyl :W '*» unidentified '?»tern North Carolina Confluence. A E. Church, which opened V-, ~ j ton-Salem. Wedr>e < sda;-- riwm were -s-.-uidened Tu-.--.yda. m. •-•u • 'when word reached here « i 'm Rev Lawrence Heur;/ !f ra ■ inpway, presiding bishop 01 in-- Second Episcopal Dlstric -‘ had succumbed to an exu?nd--'d v., ..,-. in a Washington, D. C. at a A.M. He was known In June hi-, e sick for about six weeks, but h. death came as a surprise >< his parishoners and frier: - lie suffered a fal’ •>??.. f, Lonnie Hinton, 44, of 505 Bore garden Ac. nue, Ncg-i- w,i.« .o.th bed without provocation last Fri day night bv Bernard Mack. 27. 1 white, of 412 E. Martin Street. The incident- took place in Lee's Grocery Store at the intersection ■ of Martin and East Streets. Mack wm allegedly bring held under & SSOO hand charg ed with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill At his trial in City Court Monday, he was bound over to Wake Superior Court tor | trial. He wvi* arrested late Friday i night at bis residence in connec ! turn with the stabbing, | Local police srid Hirsfor. had I ten stitches taken at Sain’ Agrws j Hospital for a ches! wound. BEAUFORT BDV FATALLY SHOT WASHINGTON - A IS-year old boy, Roydean G ee n. was fatally wounded by an acidenui shotgun blast in Belhaven Fri ; day when he arid two other | youths we,-© playing with an old | model .12 gauge single-barrel [ shotgun. When the gun went off it was in the hands of 11-ycar old Murky Lee Griffin, 'the charge hit young Green in the stomach. He was rushed to the Turn'd District Hospital at Belhaven, where he died on the operating table, ac cording to Deputy sheriff Floyd Lupton, who investiga ted tlie fatality. r The shooting is alleged to have J occurred in the home of George I (CONTINUED ON PAGE lit) ~k k -A fV it: ■k "it k k k k k k k k k k k OfßPgsts Social Actic VOTING TOPE tpjnp V/*} '-HJNCTON 0 c. Tiiur- i «V»u U CUa-j- «», Social | Act hn toft- O-noi-cs ■ ■ Ptu JV.ait.-vni y - • e ' THE CAROLINIAN VOLUME TKfR I'EEJSf *****★kkk ★ k k 4 ¥ if * 4 High Court Acquits Scott HiPTiy fit jrdcv ,I K lx 4 s.L LOL I ?S P:v< g fW‘ yliX’,' Irxi' - c, , fi»ns%m IF ft .«?«■' Pi ■" • jes %«e \ilr ? vi K I*l if -c * !|#v* its. XL X. ■. » , by the Suite Supreme C«v.rt Last 1 '.YyA- 1 ‘-.o ‘n- i i'Tf f-.u-ot a i^“BK>vii , o j f o-t v.' Vo*r tl: j ■ t s s x ' iijh vt 1 it s f I •■.• . k I i x tile iri'E'f a)Oy'.ci Oj'i whu:P it#? i Indict imnl in %em* si that fcfe f'iiixxc took | in Apixx Tlm ch::i? tiit fset mi:h j purlieu &hn>'v-- « I • in the orinasal in- | dift-munt. forirw-i *♦». -xSi tvutJii ftif.'ij Oj. ID l# >v. .:■} •'. r The* %-:iP : <•;;,>«* t’ame ' xu-k,'! t> 5 * .(;*) |£L : ff X-; ,«nX:X. ‘ * • - py : ALFRED L. St LVT LOCAL GUN VICTIM T.W Nathaniel Hortori, 0 r> Jdent of 1516 Oakwood Avenue, > ; is reported in >'a,r conditibn at ! Saint Agnes Hospital* A warrant i has been sworn out agairngt Pete ’ Wiiliams, J: who Jut* no regular address or eraplc-yvncct. according , to jwjlice he;-''. Wititatnr * ex- ■ I pccted to bf charged with ;■ -sault ; with a deadly weapon with i«- . \ lent to kill. Invert)gating officers : said that the shooting' ocean rod ; | at the corner of Cross and Fisher 1 | Streets. No reason /-••» the attack : ■ O ’ Horton was given. A 22 celi j ber pistol wa:-. used. NO WINE RETURNED LEXINGTON Mrs. Mar j garet Owen, | this wcok. that his committee ha* i spent about eight n.Mrith* in re i .‘•••arch, in an- effort 10 map plans v.her- bv local chapters would b< ; ac'iv.i-atcMi to launch one of ih* J create it social aeliou drive* that • '.ms country has ever known She militant Washington lawyer s;ud tiiat tin oomrail F’e's p'ati had put registration and Kiting »t (hr tup of the list, lb- asM-rled that tiut: to .RALEIGH, N. C WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. DECEMBER 4 1914 JFKIKLAJ lorycsu HIGH >VAV TO Gi ,OOU As imiM-atcd in afooca-, several student-, v .• attend tiie Washington ! must AMLZ’s Blast Reds, Jim Crow SOUTHERN PINEB - The 75th iicm of the Centra* North Cay olin-a Confcren*:? A.M.E. Zion dlurch, in ns closing session here Sunday itEtc.-rnoon, lushed out n* •-uiins! :h>; re:; 1* don and commu nism. Tne m me was I.e.iu at tlm Truti-y AML Zion Church. Rev X. 1,. Parsons was host par-tor. The tirade against these two ! eis * came when Ke\ Geor.ce - Tharriiiylun. Henderson, re-id ihe report of (he committee on the stale oi the counry. The repori slated that persons who uiiuid deny any child the riirht to an education by segretta siim i,i !» not following the teaehinss of Christ and there fore were enemies of Christs- j unity and were serving as agent* of tiie devil. The report- further outlir.ed the; j poliev of the African Methodist; [ Episcopal Zion Church as it re -1 lutes to permitting persons of all creeds and colors to wo v -:Nip to gether It clearly stated that the denomination welcomed all races to its membership and would be glad to have any person to accept its faith and loin its ranks. Communism was branded as an enemy to the church and mem bers were admonished to use then •nfluf- u:p to combat, the evil in any way they possibly could. Thr Carnation Baby Awards To Ea Given At J. W. Ligon School Monday Night Carolinian, Ligon PTA To Have Joint Affair Mrs. LiJlian Freeman, president, Li goo Junior-Senior H gh School PTA. announced this week that . there would be a call meeting . o i the Parent Teachers Associa- 1 tioa, in the auditorium of the ! school, Monday night. 8 o’clock, j at which time the CAROLINIAN and Carnation Milk Company , will have the final judging of the 'Tfeahky Baby Contest,.’ Mrs. Freoman is urgently re- i questing ail captains to be pre- , sent and to be ready to make a puiUal report on the tirivV- that the fart that first etas* riti* /c-oship <»u!d only hr obtain* nt thrpugh the use of the bai lot that hi* committee felt that his committee frit Shn( .1 drive should be begun, in early 1955. to place three million new Negro voters on the books. 1 The committee has. broken the ; country down info sections. The drive is aimed primarily at the cross at tile inters? etiou of SnuthfieM and Wlimiugton ■'frit.. This four-lane highway presents a dung emus hu/.ard to oung.stm, especially those who Ipii to iidliere to the warn* committee was mindful of the tac-t ' that communism could never be considered as too p> at a fax-tor in the life bf the American Negro, due to the fact that it was the di rect counter to democracy and that was the one aim and. desire of the Negro. NAA CP Stages Call Meet PHILADELPHIA Problems j arising out of desegregation of ■ public schools in six slates and j | the District of Columbia were analyzed and discussed by 130 i delegates attending a weekend ; ! emergency conference which j I closed here Saturday. Sessions of ‘ ; the conference called by the Nat* ! ; ional Association for the Ad • vancement of Colored People . were held in the Fellowship J Commission Bui'ding, 260 South Toth Street and were attended ! by deli gates It or:; Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, j New Jersey, .Pennsylvania and I the District of Columbia. After lieariug reports on resistance to ending of school segregation in White Sulphur Springs, West Va.. Milford, Del: Baltimore and Washing i is now being conducted by the ' Association, Both Mrs, Freeman ! and Dr. W. H. Watson, principal, i | graciously cooperated with the ! Carnation Milk Company’s "Heal- , thy Baby Contest” by agreeing to j have the final judging and a- i wards made at that time, when ; SSOOOO in cash awards will be ; i made. It is to be remembered that j i the regular monthly meeting Is held on the third Monday night , of the month. The shift enabled the Carnation Company and the i CAROLINIAN newspaper, pro moting the contest, to follow tin. . schedule set up three mouths I ago. Progress reports will be the j ! south. The breakdown .-alls - ; registration in southern slates , ■ ! follows: Virginia 130.000- N ••> v 1 •• Carolina 150,900: South Caroira. 200.000; Georgia aoc.ooo Floruit. 100000. Alabama 200,000, '.< v ■, 150.000; 350.000 M-.,. -ip,oi 20(1.000. Texas USO.OOO Cima 75,000. Mar.' Jana lOOO.i. Tennessee 150.000. Ken tuck*- j.OO - ( (tMINHiI) ON r.\C,f. V; ■ tags, of the putrelwumun »,> • above. This suite u t' jural «■. the largv groups of kid going to and from s, hool daily, —- KTAITOTO BY CHA to « •JONES. The conference began Wednes day with Bishop Raymond Luiiim Jones, the presiding prelate, in charge. He was assisted by the Rt Rev, W. C. Brown, Brooklyn. N. Y Persons in attendance acclaim - ed it tin- best conference in th (CONTINUED ON PAGE 13! ton. Dr. Kenneth ft f< • k. ■associate professor of psycho logy at the College of the. t ily of New York and NAA CP consultant, mads analysis of the cause, and rlrrannkm ee» of these situations. On the basis of tins analysis, 1 and on talks on ways and means of organizing the community to ; support public school integration ; and of working with local school boards, to this end, the conference ! proposed th* following reconi , raetsdations: .1. Tr.hat NAACP branches con timse the stimulation at discus sion by such responsible groups as churches, civic organizations : and trade unions In order to pre par*. th- comhiunity for accept,- •mre of desegregation by Septem