JMf'.EK FNDIKG SATURDAY. DECEMBER 4, I-w :i C. ’* •■ - ; '^k.,#k^r ; N,■•...- •*•■■;■? 'M%-' V w Aipf w,.,'.#* - . .. i •;v> ~ jyy' t v • ; -'fr | a ■*■ * ■' * ,** ' r •*!«£s& * ! -r -.; I : . .v '■ •*■' ■ u ! ;: | ■>&,:■:■ !• ...AU; i.k;o\ n dents HF.i.r ■' l ► DY—! t; h class at the ,1 >■• t is.'ifi school hen- donated 14 ■ i •kr t of ••••.•i t i he given b a* vicinity on Thanks s;>-ing liar. 4hove Ilr. W. H. IVitlsrii, principal, is shown r, ~ i wring the Children to our Store Many Special Buys in QUALITY TOYS Tit Prices that Can't Be Beat One Lot of Lionel Equipment 11 40% Off O »*«*w Ckwsdfe - AppMantw < 'Deipendahfo For I.§ y«nr ! ; ' 6 a SaHsbtary Phone.Bß4B Stooped... | , iron) 2 leading makers! rain or shine I COATS .. 13 Reg. 16.95 -19.95 - 24.95 i~-mr«r»-irnnmni it , ■ 1 WRITE WITH MATCHING HAT MANY MILIUM LINED o^;. r 200 to choose from—in attractive ra) oo checks and novelty patterns. As p>rk*d light and dark colors. Hurry down and share in the wonderful savings! Sizes 8 to IS IN RALEIGH IT'S pHE L— — --—-J I N&URAN CE BUILDING 11 accepting- the baskets on be half of the school. 1 he basked* were later turned over to wel fare authorities. Others shown on platform are from lift. Rev. P H. Johsuon. and Geo rge Thomas, who presided. St ifffato By CUTS R JONES i. I ; *®*tMSISSi 11 I Mi m j m art f . b Uh_e 6 9 f *t ▼ jy *^p ■ DEBUTANTE QCEENS, RUN NERS-UP Memorial Audi torium was the «-em* last Fri day for the annual Debutante Bail sponsored by the local chapter ol Alpha Kapp.i Alpha Sorority. The two queens and jSTRAIGHTE^^S your l j hw ‘ h. IS .;• l« , v '", r I V/iu ' --P > IlOj minutes! Ma «Oweo».fMt ! h'" « TH£ OSIGHvAt. MAIR I STRAIGHTf f*£R A«0 STIU j ISftPlNfr AFTER 4!> TEARS j £ iuf> +o 4 ißchpi; &tk ra* Kofvgo- | | storft* dit any drug %ihotM. U?.« oo'V | •<*w ÜbeS dhttci’ W w drugrsr*f oeronof V-c** -^ •Kpph row o»d*f d'f*cf ,*n* ? aoweo CHEMICAt CO„ »WK. 3®4 !J4-» Si, Mrw Twit Nsit*W*BlW^^ MHiir— — „ ._-n-Tjrrmi - ~ M , r „,i~~| l j, l |||7, l |,, 7,'i ~ t 'wj<'iT7im'l'ii' & Gift, Jk d v - ---k:a ,/ \ n> IP'iyrf/ • . . for your home and family lothing can compare untn the enduring pleasure and far uty of the exquisite. Acrosonic by Baldwin. I He i jre you buy the piano you Ivc always wanted ' | , •'• ou owe b." to yourself to learn whv the Acrosonic 1 is today’s most wanted small piano. * ] I A..*tyle ; beauty, tone, value. [f vySwK ‘%|}j6 1 Our liberal budget term* I Mutt : make it easy to out, an U SSMj Acrosonic. :r per PIANO CP. -GO Fayctfeyjilc Street Tel. 2-4881 . —— r -i ,n, „ . nn-.j. ___ P j '* '**“ '‘’w-wwwiiiw »i u»" Babies Cremated In Rural Fire Tots Sleep As Flakes Raze Home MILAN T< . - (ANT> T ■ t :!.'•• chiki/f'n wert bur"rd to d< ath last v.-evk whet) fire de ii ;oyed a county home, five nek-’ north of At ■i-ed. Tenn Marion Phillips, Jr., 26 wu’vths, and James Phillips, His 15-month-olii brother, were asleep in the home their attendants are pictured here. From left to right are Misses Shirley Hood. Clayton, out-of-town queen; Barbara ( rockett, >hiriey Hasans. Ma mie Willis, Phillistine Cook Jean Evans, and Carmen V: ne, in-town-queen. I 1 COLOR COMB BRUSH l* e«n*oK«i ee**T*c e*tr roe *or»s . *■'* *■'» wo ** H M?»4tomiiy-~A VOIDS THAT SUDDEN LOOK »: j.«h *tl*«ht-d for .-♦movin*: **c«» eoUtnrt* ti***.- * *iY ! 'r.g. rubbing off. Com« In Cu«*. Car >-* #*rr'.tc? m pocket or pur**. Com«« m ait ahißOfti S!*rk to PJaUnum Bio* but# chad*. MO MONI Yi r#> on'y fl oo d«li\«ry. p-w mUn no?#b6oi_ot*>/ SOLD «£DAI HAIR PRODUCTS, Inc &*pt. 8, Brooklyn 3S, H. IL^ A DOCTOR’S PRESCRIPTION' FOR THE SCALP 1 KiMtoMiL ... Thf MW>Ot «MU o« fttuf «BRk> diuon of your hats does often depend b««viiy on the natural hea!th of your y*#« ago, Doctor Carnot -r.%emed « vnedlotted «*r formuJa called Carfconoei which n tnixtd wjtfc Sulphur. Resorcin and Baham of Peru. Car honoei js such i strong* powerful ant4»ef» dr-nfi'ort: thfnnthmn [ ' * *«< H(» ; utu *, MtKtstfn mm 4 Hobbtns. IHE CAROLINIAN i while their father was pick ing cotton and the mother ! was out of the house 15 min utes before the fire was dis i covered. . She was some 500 yards from ' *.n• house when neighbors dis . covered the flames Cause of the fire wa* probably , ,« »i<.fective flue where wood was burned in a *tovv in the .<•->•-i>. in which the children wore sleep. o4. accordir.:; *o Chief M N. Hilliard of ’he Milan fire department. The commercial s'aughtei of calves, sheep and lambs, and pugs :n N'rth Carolina during August tola tied 22 1-2 million pounds, liveweight basis. the highest record of any August since records began in 194? U. S. sweet potato production is estimated al 29,283 000 bu-helr, H per coni below 'he 1953 croi). GIVE A CAROLINIAN SUBSCRIPTION For I CHRISTMAS F 4 1 i r j WOMEN WANTED | Make extra money. Address. Mail | postcards spare time every week BICO. 34* Belmont, Belmont, Mass | i ■ I | I 1 ; I Only cor wstlf Huindarbird Sty Hug The agile beauty that. Ford stylists captured ir, the Thunderbird m now your*, in aE Ford modeia for 1956. This advanced F-’ni styling wfS stay in style to help make your Ford worth more when yoss SnailJy t.radte it he Only «or wtftl l \ ' : ll* on] y car w?tb Trigger-Torque Power ' ” Angl«-Poi*ed Ride Ford’* 3 new, mighty engine* ail ..... I ... F«d # Ball-Joint I r->- • bring you Trigger-Torque Perform- r 8 » further improvea tor a >■ ■. a anoe. There’s the new 162-h.p. L || M SamaJk engineered so front sprmgs ti Y-blook V-8 with 272 cu. in, die- k jL Jp |L_ ,# § %_.,# back ’ thlfi advance*! suspension placement and higher {7.6 to 1) W * « hocK ** nf - ** 'compression ratio ... a new 182- I I well as up-and-down Ffaw mlu h.p. Y-block Special V-8 offered m sxmoymg “road-jomt jar. hiding with Fordomatic Drive in Fairiano m. m. m rrmt. sJL** # «»d handling »mo emomner. and Station Wagon models ..and m JKi ft S Aw' I* ‘■ ake * '** l * >nv *> that® n»u>; the new 120-h.p. J-block Six. AD. UllOl 1 L f the bert way to see. deliver Ford ’e traditional economy. W m %*«r%*B * ♦ t«wii isiiwrr-irnnaniTraniniariirr ii nmna— nwiwioiimiwrwaiTniWMwraimis»''iimfia»rT i iixii r, ianirr"v- r^ ' . lir , - ~| | | * PRINCIPALS IN I-REEWILL BAB If Sl' MEET'—Shown above are the principals Mho took part in the 87tb annual session of the Cipr Fear Annual Conference, Lnited Free Will Baptist Church, which was held in Fu qo.v Springs recently From left to right: Revs. G. D. Mo- Neil. Jr,, J. D. Ray, W. F, Cox, the moderator. It L, Sanders, liott A. M. Minter ami George FI. RALEIGH'S NEWEST . . , New and Used.. ClotLlng Store I See our selection of Ladies’ New FALL SHOES ■ Values to $3 98 Special $1.98 » rr, f n*»* ■ Tnn i» riwreiriwWMiiwii Large Selection of j Children’s Dresses 69c Girls’ Coats $2.98 l LADIES’ : | Toppers $3.98 ■ j Ladies' Coats $4.98 . ft TTTTT7ifTk',T mg >fs sic up * Men's Whale Shirts 97c • Women’s Dresses §?e np • Men's Suits $4,98 up j The Capitol Bargain Store 132 E. Hargett St, Raleigh., N. C. Wliv r ' i * «J L owe the car '' ' j L m mA v l! ’ ;* «i talliint »»> ii.u-ccU-1. ... Iton’t wart* another prerdon* n*.' «... - 1»e feodefrovk |.arii>uve s> t.' counter for < ,oilffr^.-vk Larieuse Hair Coloring in the red box. Choose fre.rn 18 Battering colors. (ybaefan/s Larleuss oomt&t AM. CO. * SBC OUVI $!. * It. toyis *. 60 By now, yon'w* probably tem J; ; "■ parked ofa th# street. You've stoppec a its skak Thunderbird styling , . . r.s gleanunt: finish and luxurious new interior trim You fire not, alone In your admiration For, r:o, o .<>•• t greet initial excitement this car has o • i.-< i. we estimate that Ford will be 55’s t -'>r : ? o la? seiier, by far. On this page are a tew examples es the many advances which ' caused this enthusiastic public resp' 0.-v-. S--- your Ford Dealer to leant of the many more advances that are built into the’-o5 Fora. PAGE THREE KDKSJSJD