Jackie Cited By Wilmington Club es . ■ ' , ffll - f it, ? .jjll jfi'-k’ ■■ r >|i:» Pr; ymw m * Jk'i JK’Kii' ROBINSON HONORED f;V WILMINGTON ilt’B- Jackie Robinson, *!a»" of (he Brooklyn Dodgers baseball team was the. keynote speaker at the annua? meeting of the X. C- t:-.w i.it ion «»f student Councils held at Wilmington recently. While in the Pert City, Robinson was Hied by the Cvtninuiiit'- Boys’ Club and presented a plaiiue Jackie was ruesl of the club and mingled .tntl.v with the boys, who were inspired b> hi* fellowship and in sp’r.itional talk to them. Shown in photo are rrom left to right It. ! , Bes». executive director. Robinson and Or. I). C. Roam' presi dent of the Board of Dirt-tors of the club. Davidson Prof. Says, Except For EECP ■>. -,.J i tgf Si |i| , ' *Wf «. ' V '®|§gf ::- - . ;\ ■ 9k^MrS.l ■ I® •' ' ■■' '<■%%,• ~V3I t& P&. fflk -: ■!#: §§&( .*•s ■'■ . •«> . ’•, ft ft s ~ ss*& 111; *3gj| g§S ,-s3| s*§»& jw 'jS&k jfywp iM ®§gß*S ffigt * ;v « *..** * *V§K ■' &V*? fro -vi |r§ -•* $6 «& .. .M ft- - *ill®lili»i' '*** «fV ri/ 1 "’ ''" • '■'s** sPp£ >w vft J ’*"\' ; ': ii; F’ 4; Wrijp* ''' r *s«££V ft',, *s£% ' ,* • . s ?Js* J^; "N C Loses Second 1 Minister To Va. Rocky Mount’* 'Rev, J. \\, Barnette Resigns Rost By J. B. HAP.BFA TZOCKY MOUNT < Special•’ • ’I . R,■•.•crenel James \V Barnet::?. f •• \! v '-uvr pa;- a: of the Mount -Hh "P;‘.■•sb: i; :: Church liot * resigning. his jKwtontto htae to ftC ■. y; work in the Southern Vis- . *ama Presbytery. M [TON AN! IdP-VU D Alt Up the resignation came as a surprise to some members of the congregation, it had been anUci pated by many. Or,i> the timing' of the announcement surpriseo those. The formal announcement ‘ was: contained in a letter address ed to Di. J. H, Hay wood. Suite Clerk of Cape Fear Presbytery, and was read by Rev. Mr. Burnette followin', a few complimentary re marks by the minister. He asked that his release become effective a of December 31. FOLLOWS BRYAN J O N OTTAWA* The letter stated that he fßariiet.tr*; was accepting a Cali to the h'ottawuy Larger Parish in the Barkeville- Ameiia. Court House area of Southern Virginia Presbytery. Tins parish consists of four churches and was presided over by the late Rev. Felix F, Bvrau until bis death about 18 months ago. (Bryan past <*red here ahead of Barnette. 1 Mr. Barnette a native of Pine viiie, near Charlotte, is « Johnson C. Smith graduate, of the Theo logical department, and has studi-1 ed at Union Presbyterian Semi nary ’ White) in Richmond. Va. He has lona been considered among the more ageressive young minis-' ters of the Cape Fear Presbytery, having spent most of his ministry here. He had served about three years previously in So. Virginia i at Lynchburg prior to accepting! {CON TIN CF. I* ON PAGE 131 Kearns" Resignation j To Be Considered I B> B. BARREN LUMBERTON Officials of the Cape Fear Presbytery. Pres byterian Church. USA. announced 1 last week that a special one-day ■.all meeting of the presbytery will be held m Raleigh at the Davie : reet Presbyterian Church, Sat urday. December 18th. the purpose of the meeting is to consider the r situation of the church's pastor, the Rev. C. Andre Kearns, who recently announced his acceptance c>i a pasture ;<■ in Southern Vir ■rnia Presbrtery. Kearns lias ask-; td ihat his resignation become es i State News In Brief nusoisr ORDERS l iE S TR AINING BELTS A dozen leather restrain ing belts for use at Woman’s Prison was ordered by the State Prisons Department Tuesday. * new set of regu lations, which were approved last month and timed to be come effective on December 15. provides that no other de vice, handcuff, strap or gag. may be used in restraining a female prisoner. The belts are to be supplied by a local surgical suppy company. Pris SAMMY DAVIS JR. SEEKS 15G ORA JO | j„OS ANGFI-ES (AVP’— j N«C>w- iu''• > the accident for ,; :!V 'uV in turn, ho has been sued fur a •4Helen > Bess. 71, ask ed SlSi-.Sfl# damages in a suit filed lust week. Sbe contend ed Davis was at fault when tiie i r avitnmobiles collided Nuvciv.lwr 19 on V. S. High wav *56 near San Bernardino. I all; Site said she suffered severe shock and injuries. Her passenger, Mrs. Bessie j Roth. <59. Akron, Ohio, fifed a federal court suit against j H u is. asking $75,000 damages. Arsonist Fails ! BA ALEXANDER BAR NFS j GOLDSBORO Whatever the S reason v ;i: : that caused John Jor- ! dan, proprietor of Jordan’s I Grocery, 1161 N -Tomes Street, to i set fire to his establishment, ac- I cording to arresting officers, will j be aired in the next term of Sis- I peri or Court, which is scheduled ; to begin here January 24 In the j meantime, unless he can make j bond for SI,OOO 00. he will Jan- j guish in jail her*-. It l>> us in November, ae eordsT!!; tv s»otu<* oi the people ICON ITNI FD ON PAGE 131 j ffective at the end of the year. Dr. Maßom 1). Williams of j Wilson &' Raleigh it ir ,r Expandßace Opportunities\ 2 S«*nf<>n<;(‘K Ordered in Assault Fry 'Bennie Lee 'Burnett found hi JSR ’V.sifVfl ISSfe ;■*-BMW, M. '&j| •TAP 11 FIX" BREAKFASTS AT WALDORF- .*• STORIA—This i- a photo o’ ?h- tVrV»" »;;eak fasi held at N-w York’s fashionable Waldorf-Astoria Hotel recenti> Ft )• ■■'■Z ;■ : he f u (I ••.••■ l oiti touring foreign countries under the sponsor-ltd) of . if •' ‘ i'n'aih fc'xehaM'e Program. Reading clockwise are James J. Bears. •-• ••! •,• V»»mg. I.ouithurg. N. < .. Maurice F. Johnson Idaho; Helen F. McHtfP- ur*' V, ih -tn * . ? ■.. South t -oi Lefty L.tithiion, Kansas; Edward 1 Kammerer, >■ - Jtl, Daroth ;•*<»' n < :■»••• • nttu. u, of;'.; h'.i of t i<* N ' mal 4-11 Foundation. i g| ggg, mm, . - & , ’w W’ f '' 4 m-, ,v * | ' Vi ‘ I $ i mßmWf i ! * w ATTEND 81-RACfAL SESSIONS HERE—These four persons were among the delegates attending the Fifth Annual Conference of College Student Unions, held at N. C. State College Thursday througts Saturday of last week. From left to right are Eddie 1‘ Jeffries, Virginia State College, Petershttrg. Va.. who was elected vice-chairman of the body: Miss Richie L. Coleman, Tusfcegee Institute. Alabama; MBs Charlotte Harris. Virginia State, and Alphonse McCain Virginia State Mr. McCain «> program supervisor of the Virginia State CuUegf. Student Dion. STAFFOTO BA CHARLES It. JONES. Ask Safeguard On “Decision” FIRST BIRACIAL I PREACHING SET 1 for m. e- ib I NORFOLK, VA. (ANP)—The | first non-segregated, interracial j PreaeLirir N?iseei■ ■ei will he held ’ r( tin Municipal Auditorium here . Jan. 9-16. it was announced last ! ; ww *- i The announcement marked a | triumph for a local group of lib- t i t-ral white ministers who engine- j i cit’d the project over a period . i of more than two years, ! Two of the 58 feature u j speakers on the program will j be .Negroc*-. They arc ftps. I Howard Thurman, dean ‘of i the Boston University chattel, and Gardner V. Tuylor, pno- t r r of Con< or d Bsntist Church of Christ in Brooklyn. A few Negroes attended former i preaching missions in Nprjtojk ! but they ■■yaw segregated a«d Ne i (CONTINUED ON PAGE 13} P rrr prtn’uyn MmSUNo bi i L I h 1,000 Hear Dr* Carnes i Carods- Chrand Master, fb'lrce Hail here ii .... week c. iie/nber ix)dpe of Mii.-ons of Nf-rtli C;.ru- i sip of the Qi'dei had almost liua. toid the more thra 1,000 who dco’-.rd harm? the attended the 84(h Orand Lu : .o. i-comrolled or ' gatiissatlon and was not asking for anythin;.- that the Negro had warned since the days ot Booker iCONTIN Ui.T) ON PAGE Li FAYETTEVILLE MAN ARRESTED FOP 111 NICER j FAYETTEVSLLE Agent of I th.- FBI, assisted by Scotland ;| County officer? arrested Elisha ;j Cousar, 43-year-old resident last ! | weekend on a federal warrant | which charged flight to avoid j prosecution for murder, j Hay Abbaticchio, an FBI agent ! of Charlotte said Cougar war, i charged with the slaying of Eliza t beth Justice in Cleveland, Ohio, j on April 24 1948, The agent further stated that Cousar came meekly when officers entered his mother’s home near tVagi'ani i anti found him in h : ft: ir t RAI ,FI r.H v AITYE N AMEI> TO NEW YORK BOARD icorare L. Jun.es, <» tiative of Raleigh artel now an undertaker in New York City, wa* recently elected to the tioaro of Direct 1R 51 f % **.#”l iP 1 I - ! Vk 1*: * • •*• |/»V %*✓ JL J, C&l. :i y MURDERS BliOY FOllOr’" ?m CHARI OTTf. U n -•*» with uiurder in the siieUun sl«j)Jig of his "S’weak. P-u-'* drank ihk eoH-;:,»si .-n. a I* .T renSilerit has waive J pretm* fi;.,r beartog in F josi >r~ * Ct here. June* *U >d. thi ti '*iijii'i{ was allow ed nc, hand t» City Recorder J. t . Sedherry. The fata! sl Charlotte and v . r ry: . .UN, Patient Hunted i ! obLDSLOHO - Joe Remolds, 29. coo vie tea f.idnappi'i- not only '•stuped from the Cnminal Build •;ia of the Shave Hospital Sunday night, but is alleged to have hur ilamed two homes, took tv o wicket books and elutnje of cloth es. Reynolds was admit red to the Slate Hospital on October 29. after he had been transferred from the Central Prison. Raleigh, whore he was sentenced to serve a term of 25 to bt; years for kidnapping Chief of Poiice Sid C. Patron on Youth Caught At \ Giant Liquor Still S SMITHFIELD —Two 18-year • olds were arrested here Sunday i following a raid by Sheriff's deu l uiies on a giant distillery iri Wil- I dec's Townsijip. William i. a son and Mike O’Neal. Jr., of Route, Clavcon, are the men being ix-'id for trial. C. S, Coats, a federal officer, discovered a huge steam whiskey distillery which | which included two 1,000 gal lon boilers, 24,000 gallons of mash, containers and other pertinent equipment. No ar rests were made at the time of the discovery. The still, located four miles northeast of Clayton, was said j to be one of the largest ever cap through out-of-state bonds and long-term investments will find that these securities will be unmarketable through out the nation ’’Georgia has already experienc ed difficulty in that its school revenue certificates offered for sale in Ohio have been declared or# of the Carver Federal Sa*. irijt# and Loan Association, the only Negro-owned bank tit New Fork City. The board o«w c«n w*t* of two tLilrirh xi.Tivex; William (*, Raines, attorney, j and Jones. Spntfncfd To Oc*^ In 19a Halifax Man Freed Sam Jone* no? ov'y eons id 'Tia.'i! lucky bul ; proud > f ; S'-'i rr • he > ncv a free mt a. he vim; r-;ii« K-sefc-: y !\>r the a! a man m Halifax C?nar«|i , *"iß •i/H i : .-; ah h; h sn>.U■ \ - r-■ ■%o:Tt' f ‘ ' ■ hiv'i'.v j'h-.-:U ,•'(<* re T< aa. f ' in TJiMfjij c aimy. & .Jones wvs i - . d h' the Superior Court of JitiM? ►k t ;ui in Jum- !'.!•! 4 i *r the s’ayti “ of I. iida-.v Hire, Ar- Urr ‘ ■?: ee vs iaso fointri K.ou'a -n comtnut-4 i; ■ * sem •« v «>•! the ground . t Cicroccg was as guilty as a is Julies. 'ibe leave men nr? said to i: .* mi- th- v ay Jones mid Fleming : J Pa. I- over the heed and itocfe the money The CiUIOLIMTAN Inquired of i thi Parole Board as to aat Jj»ff iv:p>r»f tied to Bleifiim anu it was . found that he vui.s till in the snar prison. The iniurmavion fur ther rfvra’ d that Fierram had J. en «. tauia ed for parole m Oc tober. but 'he- Board decided a gainst freeing lam. Sept. 21. Keu-edds took advattl-itfe of dinner time at the instiiuthm and while the other inmates were eatingr. he brandished a home-made pick before an attendant and made good his escape. The pick is said to (CONTINUED ON PAGE lit; tured in the history of Johnston County, Found at the site were 25,800 gallons of mash, a I-500 gallon cooker, 12 horse pow era wight ; boilers, 243 cases of one-halt gal j ion fruit jars. 500 feet of 1 1-3 | inch plastic hose, four sinie-cycle motor;, and pumps, three large truck covers and two tens of coke. Deputy Sheriff J. T. Smith, who with Deputies Erse 1 sen Creech, E. O. Beasley, and Hue)- Lamm made the arrests, reported ■ three of the five operators of the | still fled without being identified. Both men have been released under a Si 500 bond each, past ed by their respective fa tutus. ineligible investments.” He said Mississippi schools "arc already in a weakened financed condition.’' Mr. Current not-d ; that, he referred to * amendin' in , to state constitutions adopted in Georgia, Louisiana and South Coy-- olina and the amendment to »e (CONTINUED ON PAGE KM