Gov. .--C 'z.:, Chief Davis Issue Holiday Safety Pleas VP S' -r—wmMMM ' J j ■ ' "" v ■ r" •■■-;■',/ . ?:• •• . ;^'Pi : | : ■' •> ; . ■. ...$,; - ;n " ' T z-PtsAW?' 4 ■v . / ' - ;w v i Oft P IP, PV. frjSP ;.-*.• *'•'<*«.. . jff-. ij. <s• f* T J V f $ - l"M.' ik: %■• ask, “I i#/ ’' : me,cm. r v f* . ■•- u ilife. » ■. - •! ' V ■■*',;■•:.,. -W '-dm f AUDI'vAT MX />> .' V-. •■■ At ail-: .:>} • >*<--’ . i..:- inNevi ; ur'rS W uhtorf Astoria. Hotel, Oirdina) »t«!hunr>, .wrhbi-hop of \' v Yon-:, *>•;• s l- .in o? iny Iro>» fa<>> of one of Hip iftOc j-uchts. Ii- ..t*, II ... tisht grip '■■ ‘ Sl- •' ! ‘ <.}■•' ■*'" "• ' «'■ a-J. - -(j ye:-' fcy fthf.ii: .*>*,• >r. ;. Uifj'i I'm- pally ..... ~.• . .. iU • 1n,.: h ( : ,!a of th- •wa.-vn for U»*s hotwlow vails- tNcu-spreo ** f! fpPP'S" jp PP?■ y - : f-T tt| traw itrirr kj*g>f»» r.r f« f ,tl. I 1 V |i > G 1 : I«: f I & «c- K%s ■* Is: util « ? 4s .. W 'taA' ts 2» >* *. r \ 1i I K b \ p I i‘S | f ff'« {. L*)> £ ; :. .-“ 5 ‘ ' ■t V.X OJAMf.'i S JO NT .4 FAYETTYVn.I K A fort rtuie v/as. rs-- vj *«■ • ■ u rp sf'a! Ir#*it?n■ r;i Jl ? »■ 6 ntl a y v> hc ate e & ptm rr nt \ y *<ti*d'* after fr/*5 gta}> v,‘«muci> ammd tis #j at ictini'a hc-art stopped but doctors at t-ie ?mi'liuoy rc'c vr*- tion ra r>:sa;/«'■£ U slr'-Pd vt beating 1-fj.d in. (* r P y F, fl-v.- fuan of Foil r;.o'-.v.‘ p<'- a ; biij.r, victim- Tkr- z&Met, fft <*nU *’?"•? &«■ FpP Eddfe Fr,r.:-: nr.lf ttf V • c I it th n : !. <’o’*: r Htio-R ration.'.s )-e bus be in %i ven \wo i b *:l t T;; •; ? fcf U .-•] 0U 5» ft vv;*s fd? R6l by f'L*- ■*ror> . gain's that kmisp v.■•• in Kpr: - ’' ■ "f-\s i.b.csf had eolla peed hi . i long' Tbcv **u*dc ar» ln<i >in right side. th-- <oa,k- a-, -u* : on '* iri h:‘ I'ld ill*' v •' A . t<-v hr; ; *•;» /vorted heart btai- of the j staling tnat it \v;.s fairly common in medical a r. P' I .' < ..* hfi'.di: >r .V A Sir.ilh of P.=ye«<:-,'lk on dm&na of *Ubbjr.g Spruiigk’. Spraoel:. 33. v.ho is reported ly a native of Dunn, wtc- found “•oiu’ev at about 4 p. m. ]vim> - (CONTi.NTEI) ON PAGE KiGH'i ! «^Swfe’ ! * , "s;.l«“' i 'iß'S' 5 - - '' 11 IF y : ■ W «1 * *'■■ - ! I i Is '" a if- ■ i'Hi SM" WmIM ' ifete im 11 ■# Mawl • ; I- - - : ■ mi* iis ' I if Hi’... M:, ■ . §§t ; i 1111 -w$ W--' WHERE 5 KIDS DISIK—-Woodrow Reid (left) a. *’ a ‘ l, H y* n U>c first floor of the building, look into cm <rf 1 iioapa liru cb i : i of the frame building where five efaiidreu were burn eti to death on I leveland’s eaut side recently. The building housed *“ P®*" B ®®*** A, \ escaped into sub -freezing temperatures except the five r.n.drcn. < ame m the lire was not immediately dcierminel As tlu result iif a rash of similar fata! fires in Harlem. New York Con gressman Adam C. rowfll has rallied official support in a drive u> jail landlords of firetrap tenement. (News-press Photo) wtWBKV.*.... « ■-•--• VI .. « - - va»'>»»<»».«W»<HlW«W’W f'l r, v -3 ) -J. a l K' ics i.isssaffe w s mtcM {; ■-. .-x O i S ii 1 ■I : vM% ? 5-|> % 1 : ■. = '>o r>^' £ : . i-• t ••S';'-: v“V f pWcM ■ v —. • " ..';. p.sPz .; f'" \ jtf . C ■ '■■ ce?c-«®>o ~••./< .-- :#is#Ce; w -x... : f ..., , a ... . I GO \ S -.i-t V.; <. 1101>GE > The CAR.OLINIAN i.« «n>:. ; '>us vi:al everyone. both driver I -"f kcU -iiy (:■;, ■•' '-u *i:; v:i;V -and . unt Christmas, i; 'f h-'- "'''•.’ -itvnucnt !•;. r r;-. Hodger. is oomtr:ended to ■" i e C-oJit Clau:t Observe (-very i.*oi of : jr >■ :.r • :•••• . to Mu et and oa t!i< highway. |A. :.r.a! <•, . T to for a lit tie Christmas joy. Join the c: i rj<- for • ;'• ;y this Christmas. Chief of Pol-ci Davis hod the following to say: in ■'"• '■' •'■ •' -' f <"’e ■ i' '/':■• mo-r Jon -urous period oi ft-e.:,-.. / ' . .•• mor*- nes-s. more traffic on highway* arid nos.- <•«. -ley ness. “/r ;• my - m re v., /> r/: ; . people of Fateigh will employ every caulk n wh -j dm -ng. in order to halt the :e.-r ot tratfa dt:v -• < or-Jed in Raleigh Le t y u tin. re v .-<• no tragic death* in Raleigh. L .'s’: ;■ - tnirnedi it A•• r>: or of death-free traffic* wa<vmw«pnianiwiniiiii;mit raiwurranaiwji- •rmr imnr if i muwi—n nl■■l<ln MiinuianiiMmifUMwm—W^JLUi Dr - te!. ' r 22. 195-1 T■ i:s ,s flit, time of the year when th-'U'tniv's of North v.xis travel long - .s'. ; to !'■ s -i for the :« :..' ' .: I! . r.v si th* sc.peo .)!; . i si mshti»ry pete-un ! i ;■■■ ! ■ • ri*This in ••i tr ; vfi. < specially on j : our ;.• •■ .:!> in '•os ■•> te , nr.<y.-v (J high v.-sy .nr-'■j..fits and highway f •;>.*( eyt ryone one to ob soc tr.ih o laws . atid - 1 : s. fely nnd sanely. is: v, makr this HAP PV d y a SAFE itoliday r " '"n; r. i THE CARO LT \ : IAN for its interest and support in highway safety, or. i wish for all its readers a vs "■ Ms try Christmas and a Happy New Year. r.- > .vjuneß.jwr ■ ..u—..-,., r -n iirnrffflWinilliil|fnr<HHJßMlll.'ai , Slats News —IN— Brief TRACTOR KILLS WAKE RESIDENT VARINA Sylvester j Davis. 21, o! Varina, Route 1, was killed instantly last Sat urday when he was run over by a tractor near here, ac rording to a report by Wake 1 County's Coroner Marshall W. Ii 'illicit, who said that Davis j wa < riding <m a tractor driv- j 'it by V. iifiam McDowell and fell frtm the tractor under | the machine's back wheel. ! The formal ruling was that Davis died actidental! > from Internal injuries. He was an employee of the Babcock Lumber Company. At 9 a. ui . the approximate time of the accident, he and were hauling lumber, t ■ ■’V CHARGED IN ROBBERY HIGH POINT Police say a ! 16-yt ir-old local youth, awaiting i (CONTINUED ON RAGE EIGHT) ' V/ealthy White Brothers Sentenced: Negro Brothers, Held Slave, Freed BIRMINGHAM (ANP>~-Two i prosperous white brothers who i held two men as slaves were sen- j fenced to 1 1-2 years on federal I peonage charges. The brothers, farmers in west central Alabama, were sentenced by TJ. S. District court Judge l ****** ***** ******* ***** VARINA MOTHER ! GIVES BIRTH IN AUTOMOBILE The story of the .sdeont of ; Jesus into the world and there | I being no room in the Xmi has been told and told throughout ti.< , years, but Patrolman Georg, A j (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) ; Hospital Report A C:'Sr : -t 'Mft k; r o. .. .Py-V E•• p ' k ** - • if p ;V. I ~ - -- CHRISTMAS i WORSHIP SET Those who •would really !.k< to get into the r*:at spirit <.f Christmas and celebrate the birth of the Prirtee Pea-e :;i •: j Christ-like manner, will find most 1 of the churcbe* ”1 the dy for worship or. Day. | S:-:ter Slab*"? <&itvy is invithur all who would like to «n.k y > real Christmas service, ■ • i tnenoratiny the birth of CV ■ - to come to C ■■;•,-■■ A.M E. 7 ; Church at 5 o'clock, in the morn , ing and hear he - >..ry. in n -p- I J rial service, wh<-n a 50-'. c.- - - ,' choir will ring forth apip opiacc j : music. ; The Rev. Geor/-« A F ■:. ' h‘ 1 Ambrose Epi.-'.-o.oai Cr:ur-'h, • ] n oi:nec- that sc?.v'.ccs H fc-. ri : a* his church r.t M O Fr - g r ight when th< 'c 'v.ii ::r of carols. At 1; 45 th>v>. will ix - the Chora! Eucha-Gt ~r:d a--•:•• »r:titi The Holy C-c . ■: :! be served at 8, Christnras b irri ir.jf. with sye-. .)! m; v o at 11 a m. Christmas Day. • CONTINUED ON V ACE SIX! • COOPER NAMES 1-H WINNFP" * ■ > : GRfF . 4BC •' '• ' i Cooper. 4-E Club Sc ■ ■■ A ' and T. College, an; : Tuesday that then w . 2": wm ! ne.-s in 3.1 counties this year. Wir.r. er « o {) - US ;; , listed below wore n with fellow 4 hfh. ru f-,-. 55 counties who op; ted ■; 1- <.f 56.394 project ..m m 4. To j completed units inciuciod I work in fruits, soil and v oter ’ conservation and management, I forestry, wildlife and nature stu- | ' dy, entomology, fern-, menar:.- ; merit, beautificauDr. of home ; grounds, and others. Tto wn their project, ana their com v> are listed as fohows' Achievement- -Y cos me V. r.: ••* Brown of Caswell County a.J Gler.wood Cooper, Nam Cot*n'ty, bread • making >:ind.vWuaD Joyce Ann' Tuck, Person C ■ m'y, . and HennH lona I >■>. Yiek and j Velma Kearney, F: v'k'ur. Cot ::*.; canning—Carolyn. Geralds R--'-c- . son County; clothing—l. irira El len Williams, Wayr:. Dairy ac-hievemenr .Arthur ■ Felix Hooper, JR-jcEc g'r •-.; dairy foods demons'raxon Shi-’icy Majjiie Crawfc-ui. C :■ C di-ois revue F.. ' M ' 1 Biacjr-A-ei!, P.ucsti'tghum fa- -r> ■ c 1 hotne el's"’ ie- -k -.i Ih : •. t W-'.yrn ; field crop-—-V..';- r ( Armstrong, Edfrch-oml".' pc . paration, Ja«t< M. ■ c Haw’.l, Northampton: f•<••/< •. iovv Catherine Wallace. Robe. .>•• Garden —Selma Ernest nn> D. v • en s Edgecombe: heoitli—M- . .'in Hardy and Florunc* McLawhoi-n i : Pitt, home improvement VT ; ton: leadership Edith Boatri--e | , Joyner, Rockingham; meat aui ginia Olivia Downing, Northan-p- • ! mal — Arthur Council, Jr., Pi .; ' i poultry—. Joseph Hi!!. P ! ft; sos.-ti I —Nannie Hum Cousin, p. ■•.•. j and tractor maintenance —Claude J Draught) of Edgecombe Count-- The CAROLINIAN, the stai. s ' (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT i ! Mississippi In Rebellion 1 BY ALEXANDER BARNES | JACKSON Miss Mississippi voters took a step tuesday to ci."- cumveut the ruling of the United States Supreme Court by voting for a constitutional amend™-::' giving the .Legislature standby authority to abolish the public schools as a means of continuing segregation. Even though there was a mall ! turnout of the electorate, reports • from 884 principle, out of 1825, ■ showed that there were 58.291 for ! Lynn. They were convicted sn ; May. Judge Lynn ordered Oscar Edwin Dial, 3i, to begin j serving his prison term Chrismas eve. but allowed his brother, Fred, 25, to postpone, his Imprisonment until Aug- j THE CAROLINIAN L V ’ { ' i - UMi l ! 1 RALEIGH. N. C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, DECEMBER 25, 19 S 4 NUMBER 13 ftfriT ■ t"%WM f- ’ liOiFll ■ ;®J Wm 4i fe |.v so The k fJ '%f»« 41 -A . T, J i‘ .' y, .v Y... J ' VP4fi<- wu: v ' v * ''' I:’ .SATP.‘?7' ! V V, —A r’tmf- f n ;; •p; * >. t ? j a n 1 3;> knov\ n South art a« I H> tine it (Pali ?■ nr aimirnib re* errata ii before an overflow i aw ••lienee wfeiek conic to see the j traditional ‘'living rvLuiomsa^’* Mats Admits Axe Murder; Womp Found In Sia bw Grav j rt.TVAi'-.f ;.H cry j !P 0-1 W >J, nf ; •. EU:<-..b-rh CUy. chur.twi v if) trtu mud NMtf ASSURES TC - m SLP : .hT • , :.J i NC\Y YOR'h The oreatii >, if ■ a lie-' -.;.--p.■ ■ ii.;; "i of NAAC'P 11 yd !.'■’.vtse- ar.d E.h.i-Mhmn; Fund to . i-t N •■■■;: t'#chm, ; pnrc.wjj. and sYrmt: 1 sud- -mt-od- ; ' fits ■ • islv ,1 :r: the l “am it I front '.-gregah-.1 to nr-n-n-grecat- : ! cd schools, wins aannwoof-fi hi'; -' - today by Ttiiirgo.'d Marshal!, di- : i roctor-counwl of Defense. Dr. .>• '-. W Or . intc, "aiior.- ally known e irc-ior -nd forracr 1 pro--jdci)i cf West Virgin'a Stole Coihge, will head lit'- acw de- the amendment and 31 728 ...ho I opnosed it. Voter interest sun? tight in the i balloting o;: an sme.ndivient de» j signed to keep .segregated schools ] ! denyite a TTB.itad Stales Supreme- j | Court d oulJhwin# school | ! segregation. I j The amendment, provides pub- | j lie subsidies lor private sellouts j : if the public system is abandoned. ! j It is similar to those approved j I already by G.-orgm arid South j | (CONTINUED ON' PAGE tiIGMT) ; ust, after tJte i r attorneys pleaded that Fred was i!l and that one oS the brnthrs was needed to work the family farm. Originally, four Dial brothers j and. two cousins were indicted on | (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) : ln A. >1 enter Pfielfer Chapel i <>« si!? <kortpus at Grreus-lwro .Sunday evening. One of th eight tableaux reprodaclng liuiniings by; African and Arne j rie*n Negro artists, **Tbe Na tivity” featured the foilovvin:: ; if h i wife Ecus, i.-oiit.'SNCn Mere ; dvy to having committed the ;n:.u W.-.od said in at he kiilod : wife with «uti axe at their homo on the niomiiig of June 14. ac cording to Eh label h City's Police Chief vV C Owens • hies Owens reported that V'-ixtd. who had previously lioiij- d the murder or ao v hnowledge of hi > wife's death admitted that ho buri-d her wfu-re her body was dm: up Thursday night In local law eider vmerU of lieers, back nl the Holly Grove ( huret) in Pasquotank County. Huva ver, Wood claimed ‘ at. ids wife had struck herself with , He. <ixc causing her own drain. On hi idg qiic-.-hioned earlier this week, Wood admittcJ (hat he hi; j ■ /• V • $ ## | CAPTA'N IVHJTAKE*?, JA PANESE BRIDE, SON. VISIT CITY Captain Coffins Ala Whitaker. son of Mr and Nlrs. C. f. Whitaker of 15 tV. Worth Street, is shown here with his wife. Kaoru. of Nagoya, Japan and son, David, who is three w TTtsaifci' -a ‘■myyso -, ;«■•«*' i students: f est f« right: Ruth Ucese, Darlington. ( : Ma; U Boisseau, ft i; l> mon d, Y.; If 'aui Salai.a. Nhuia: . t\ ■■st Africa; Alargaiet Haii. Atlanta, md Katherine .Limiter Jones, Greenville, S, C. i her .op the hbrid y,-kri ihc a\< He a-nd that his \tue threw tlic av a i turn first and When he threw it hack in her direc tion. ah- v\ slrucik on the head ami died , The man totci C!; : --£ Ow. i: th-it ! hi. threw the blood- hi : i the wu.ocii /.pie-,..: • R.i-, j b'iirc 111 w psiow Ar.-:-.- i Pc-Lec of:i-.a 1. a co oi..- I the M'tia ii; an r»ft. ft to Ivy the | death v,"'n)!in without. :<yv ; ; • Chief U • ' 'if •koa: I, vone j who may have T-axe to ; | not' fy him jnn.ouJir u-'-.v. Yf i. ( -.,, ] j ■ i ,'C( ,-, e n i pw'.l>mit:sry r- va -y ;r. V/i-m.-s- ' day's -a--ion i-i <t" o:;a-.-'s Cotut. • Craves Jr sp.-viefs for Mrs W,aid vein bold Yauu-d;>y after ■a- Bcna! w : dd m Oak City Ccrnetccy. months old. The Whitakers leached Ra’esgit ngwpUy f»|. lotving a tour of 38 months in | Kyttta, Japan. Whitaker, who entered the device as an en listed maw in February, 1945, received his present rank in i April at Japan. He has been re- : HEALTH REPORT SHOWS EIRE NEED I By AU X tVDKR BARNES An exhaustive report, leleased . by Jacjue B. Norman, of the health i facilities of Wake County, not only recommended the eh sine ol St- Agnes: Hospital but deplore? ! the conditions of all Use hospital facilities of Ralei&h and Wake County, The survey took Into c,on . sideratiou that the 1850 cen sus. showed that there were 136.250 people in the county hi 1850 and that the n-:,. this would .-hoe 173,300 with hospital facilities not able to meet the meeds new to say nothing of the situation that would be faced b.\ 1860. ; The report compared Wake : County with oihe; counties vit-h --in « 50 mile mdius and showed j that, it was far behind in ns hos pital One of the alarm - | mg points n; the- report was that Negroes repremua.ri 33 per cent ‘ of the population and that- out of ; 1,2!5 N; -,ro births during the J year only 47.8 per cent were hos i pitai cases, while 88.3 per cent of • the wnite births were at hospitals j tCONTI.NI.-Elt GN PAGE EIGHT, I SUGAR BOWL IK m-aiow me By ALEXANDER. BARNES NEW ORLEANS, La. Pro* rooters of the traditional Sugar Bowl game ran into new opposi t ion here this week when Clarence • MneheSi- director > f the Washing* •;> office of the NAACP, made mown the fact that he a hod the United States Navy to repudiate ‘ he condition print ■d on the tic kets, now being offered* for sale, [which restricted attendance to (Caucasians only. i Mitchell pointed out that not ionly was this a.n undemocratic S ruove, but was in direct contrast | to the integrated pa.,ream of the 1 Navy He termed it a condition which would cause toss violation the .Navy policy of racial in tegration. Officials, representing the Annapolis school, said that they did not plan to do any thing about the protest, due !*. the fact that they were playing the game, on New year’s. Bay. at the Invitation of the New Orleans Midwinter Sports Association and would be governed by the decision of its host. Further, ihe Navy sold, the re st .-id ion w:k- pm-!i -c! only on tickets sold fur that section of the Sugar Bov”. .‘ Pick is set- aside tor ( a.- ia:::. It is said a block of 700 tickets in a separate sec tion of the bowl will be sold to those of other races. The general mnt.atfer of the Hi .by, was f, by the Navy as suyiT.y that t-he policy of segregating Negroes et regular season e.-unes has been followed iCJONTIM t,l> ON PAGE EIGHT) assigned to Fori Campbell, Ken tucky, where hi v. «l! be cd at the r\piw : ion nt bis leave. Whitaker is a /sr.«,niah ; \J Wash biffin'* Mi ■';> Scheoi i here. HtitTFOTO S* CMAS 1 (4. JONES.

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